// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
internal static class SemanticEquivalence
public static bool AreEquivalent(SemanticModel semanticModel, SyntaxNode node1, SyntaxNode node2)
=> AreEquivalent(semanticModel, semanticModel, node1, node2);
public static bool AreEquivalent(
SemanticModel semanticModel1,
SemanticModel semanticModel2,
SyntaxNode? node1,
SyntaxNode? node2,
Func<SyntaxNode, bool>? predicate = null)
// First check for syntactic equivalency. If two nodes aren't structurally equivalent,
// then they're not semantically equivalent.
if (node1 == null && node2 == null)
return true;
if (node1 == null || node2 == null)
return false;
if (!node1.IsEquivalentTo(node2, topLevel: false))
return false;
// From this point on we can assume the tree structure is the same. So no need to check
// kinds, child counts or token contents.
return AreSemanticallyEquivalentWorker(
semanticModel1, semanticModel2, node1, node2, predicate);
private static bool AreSemanticallyEquivalentWorker(
SemanticModel semanticModel1,
SemanticModel semanticModel2,
SyntaxNode node1,
SyntaxNode node2,
Func<SyntaxNode, bool>? predicate)
if (node1 == node2)
return true;
if (predicate == null || predicate(node1))
var info1 = semanticModel1.GetSymbolInfo(node1);
var info2 = semanticModel2.GetSymbolInfo(node2);
if (!AreEquals(semanticModel1, semanticModel2, info1, info2))
return false;
// Original expression and current node being semantically equivalent isn't enough when the original expression
// is a member access via instance reference (either implicit or explicit), the check only ensures that the expression
// and current node are both backed by the same member symbol. So in this case, in addition to SemanticEquivalence check,
// we also check if expression and current node are both instance member access.
// For example, even though the first `c` binds to a field and we are introducing a local for it,
// we don't want other references to that field to be replaced as well (i.e. the second `c` in the expression).
// class C
// {
// C c;
// void Test()
// {
// var x = [|c|].c;
// }
// }
var originalOperation = semanticModel1.GetOperation(node1);
if (originalOperation != null && IsInstanceMemberReference(originalOperation))
var currentOperation = semanticModel2.GetOperation(node2);
if (currentOperation is null || !IsInstanceMemberReference(currentOperation))
return false;
var e1 = node1.ChildNodesAndTokens().GetEnumerator();
var e2 = node2.ChildNodesAndTokens().GetEnumerator();
while (true)
var b1 = e1.MoveNext();
var b2 = e2.MoveNext();
Contract.ThrowIfTrue(b1 != b2);
if (b1 == false)
return true;
var c1 = e1.Current;
var c2 = e2.Current;
if (c1.AsNode(out var c1Node) && c2.AsNode(out var c2Node))
if (!AreSemanticallyEquivalentWorker(semanticModel1, semanticModel2, c1Node, c2Node, predicate))
return false;
private static bool IsInstanceMemberReference(IOperation operation)
=> operation is IMemberReferenceOperation { Instance.Kind: OperationKind.InstanceReference };
private static bool AreEquals(
SemanticModel semanticModel1,
SemanticModel semanticModel2,
SymbolInfo info1,
SymbolInfo info2)
return semanticModel1 == semanticModel2
? EqualityComparer<ISymbol?>.Default.Equals(info1.Symbol, info2.Symbol)
: SymbolEquivalenceComparer.Instance.Equals(info1.Symbol, info2.Symbol);