File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Compiler\Core\Extensions\ITypeSymbolExtensions.SubstituteTypesVisitor.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\Core\Analyzers\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle)
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
internal partial class ITypeSymbolExtensions
    private class SubstituteTypesVisitor<TType1, TType2> : SymbolVisitor<ITypeSymbol>
        where TType1 : ITypeSymbol
        where TType2 : ITypeSymbol
        // private readonly Compilation compilation;
        private readonly IDictionary<TType1, TType2> _map;
        private readonly ITypeGenerator _typeGenerator;
        internal SubstituteTypesVisitor(
            IDictionary<TType1, TType2> map,
            ITypeGenerator typeGenerator)
            _map = map;
            _typeGenerator = typeGenerator;
        public override ITypeSymbol DefaultVisit(ISymbol node)
            => throw new NotImplementedException();
        private ITypeSymbol VisitType(ITypeSymbol symbol)
            if (symbol is TType1 && _map.TryGetValue((TType1)symbol, out var converted))
                return converted;
            return symbol;
        public override ITypeSymbol VisitDynamicType(IDynamicTypeSymbol symbol)
            => VisitType(symbol);
        public override ITypeSymbol VisitTypeParameter(ITypeParameterSymbol symbol)
            => VisitType(symbol);
        public override ITypeSymbol VisitFunctionPointerType(IFunctionPointerTypeSymbol symbol)
            // TODO( also visit the underlying types of
            // the parameters and return value
            return VisitType(symbol);
        public override ITypeSymbol VisitNamedType(INamedTypeSymbol symbol)
            var mapped = VisitType(symbol);
            if (!Equals(mapped, symbol))
                return mapped;
            if (symbol.IsAnonymousType)
                return symbol;
            // If we don't even have any type arguments, then there's nothing to do.
            var allTypeArguments = symbol.GetAllTypeArguments().ToList();
            if (allTypeArguments.Count == 0)
                return symbol;
            // If we have a containing type, make sure its type arguments are updated as well.
            var updatedContainingType = symbol.ContainingType?.Accept(this);
            // If our containing type changed, then find us again in the new containing type.
            if (!Equals(updatedContainingType, symbol.ContainingType))
                symbol = updatedContainingType.GetTypeMembers(symbol.Name, symbol.Arity).First(m => m.TypeKind == symbol.TypeKind);
            var substitutedArguments = symbol.TypeArguments.Select(t => t.Accept(this));
            if (symbol.TypeArguments.SequenceEqual(substitutedArguments))
                return symbol;
            return _typeGenerator.Construct(symbol.OriginalDefinition, substitutedArguments.ToArray()).WithNullableAnnotation(symbol.NullableAnnotation);
        public override ITypeSymbol VisitArrayType(IArrayTypeSymbol symbol)
            var mapped = VisitType(symbol);
            if (!Equals(mapped, symbol))
                return mapped;
            var elementType = symbol.ElementType.Accept(this);
            if (elementType != null && elementType.Equals(symbol.ElementType))
                return symbol;
            return _typeGenerator.CreateArrayTypeSymbol(elementType, symbol.Rank);
        public override ITypeSymbol VisitPointerType(IPointerTypeSymbol symbol)
            var mapped = VisitType(symbol);
            if (!Equals(mapped, symbol))
                return mapped;
            var pointedAtType = symbol.PointedAtType.Accept(this);
            if (pointedAtType != null && pointedAtType.Equals(symbol.PointedAtType))
                return symbol;
            return _typeGenerator.CreatePointerTypeSymbol(pointedAtType);