File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Compiler\Core\EmbeddedLanguages\VirtualChars\AbstractVirtualCharService.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\Core\Analyzers\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars;
internal abstract partial class AbstractVirtualCharService : IVirtualCharService
    public abstract bool TryGetEscapeCharacter(VirtualChar ch, out char escapedChar);
    protected abstract ISyntaxFacts SyntaxFacts { get; }
    protected abstract VirtualCharSequence TryConvertToVirtualCharsWorker(SyntaxToken token);
    protected abstract bool IsMultiLineRawStringToken(SyntaxToken token);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns <see langword="true"/> if the next two characters at <c>tokenText[index]</c> are <c>{{</c> or
    /// <c>}}</c>.  If so, <paramref name="span"/> will contain the span of those two characters (based on <paramref
    /// name="tokenText"/> starting at <paramref name="offset"/>).
    /// </summary>
    protected static bool IsLegalBraceEscape(
        string tokenText, int index, int offset, out TextSpan span)
        if (index + 1 < tokenText.Length)
            var ch = tokenText[index];
            var next = tokenText[index + 1];
            if ((ch == '{' && next == '{') ||
                (ch == '}' && next == '}'))
                span = new TextSpan(offset + index, 2);
                return true;
        span = default;
        return false;
    public VirtualCharSequence TryConvertToVirtualChars(SyntaxToken token)
        // We don't process any strings that contain diagnostics in it.  That means that we can 
        // trust that all the string's contents (most importantly, the escape sequences) are well
        // formed.
        if (token.ContainsDiagnostics)
            return default;
        var result = TryConvertToVirtualCharsWorker(token);
        CheckInvariants(token, result);
        return result;
    private void CheckInvariants(SyntaxToken token, VirtualCharSequence result)
        // Do some invariant checking to make sure we processed the string token the same
        // way the C# and VB compilers did.
        if (!result.IsDefault)
            // Ensure that we properly broke up the token into a sequence of characters that
            // matches what the compiler did.
            var syntaxKinds = this.SyntaxFacts.SyntaxKinds;
            if (token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.StringLiteralToken ||
                token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.Utf8StringLiteralToken ||
                token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.CharacterLiteralToken)
                var expectedValueText = token.ValueText;
                var actualValueText = result.CreateString();
                Debug.Assert(expectedValueText == actualValueText);
            if (result.Length > 0)
                var currentVC = result[0];
                Debug.Assert(currentVC.Span.Start >= token.SpanStart, "First span has to start after the start of the string token");
                if (token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.StringLiteralToken ||
                    token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.CharacterLiteralToken)
                    Debug.Assert(currentVC.Span.Start == token.SpanStart + 1 ||
                                 currentVC.Span.Start == token.SpanStart + 2, "First span should start on the second or third char of the string.");
                if (IsMultiLineRawStringToken(token))
                    for (var i = 1; i < result.Length; i++)
                        var nextVC = result[i];
                        Debug.Assert(currentVC.Span.End <= nextVC.Span.Start, "Virtual character spans have to be ordered.");
                        currentVC = nextVC;
                    for (var i = 1; i < result.Length; i++)
                        var nextVC = result[i];
                        Debug.Assert(currentVC.Span.End == nextVC.Span.Start, "Virtual character spans have to be touching.");
                        currentVC = nextVC;
                var lastVC = result.Last();
                if (token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.StringLiteralToken ||
                    token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.CharacterLiteralToken)
                    Debug.Assert(lastVC.Span.End == token.Span.End - "\"".Length, "Last span has to end right before the end of the string token.");
                else if (token.RawKind == syntaxKinds.Utf8StringLiteralToken)
                    Debug.Assert(lastVC.Span.End == token.Span.End - "\"u8".Length, "Last span has to end right before the end of the string token.");
    /// <summary>
    /// Helper to convert simple string literals that escape quotes by doubling them.  This is 
    /// how normal VB literals and c# verbatim string literals work.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startDelimiter">The start characters string.  " in VB and @" in C#</param>
    protected static VirtualCharSequence TryConvertSimpleDoubleQuoteString(
        SyntaxToken token, string startDelimiter, string endDelimiter, bool escapeBraces)
        if (escapeBraces)
            Debug.Assert(startDelimiter == "");
            Debug.Assert(endDelimiter == "");
        var tokenText = token.Text;
        if (startDelimiter.Length > 0 && !tokenText.StartsWith(startDelimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal))
            Debug.Assert(false, "This should not be reachable as long as the compiler added no diagnostics.");
            return default;
        if (endDelimiter.Length > 0 && !tokenText.EndsWith(endDelimiter, StringComparison.Ordinal))
            Debug.Assert(false, "This should not be reachable as long as the compiler added no diagnostics.");
            return default;
        var startIndexInclusive = startDelimiter.Length;
        var endIndexExclusive = tokenText.Length - endDelimiter.Length;
        var result = ImmutableSegmentedList.CreateBuilder<VirtualChar>();
        var offset = token.SpanStart;
        for (var index = startIndexInclusive; index < endIndexExclusive;)
            if (tokenText[index] == '"' && tokenText[index + 1] == '"')
                result.Add(VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('"'), new TextSpan(offset + index, 2)));
                index += 2;
            else if (escapeBraces && IsOpenOrCloseBrace(tokenText[index]))
                if (!IsLegalBraceEscape(tokenText, index, offset, out var span))
                    return default;
                result.Add(VirtualChar.Create(new Rune(tokenText[index]), span));
                index += result[^1].Span.Length;
            index += ConvertTextAtIndexToRune(tokenText, index, result, offset);
        return CreateVirtualCharSequence(
            tokenText, offset, startIndexInclusive, endIndexExclusive, result);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the number of characters to jump forward (either 1 or 2);
    /// </summary>
    protected static int ConvertTextAtIndexToRune(string tokenText, int index, ImmutableSegmentedList<VirtualChar>.Builder result, int offset)
        => ConvertTextAtIndexToRune(tokenText, index, new StringTextInfo(), result, offset);
    protected static int ConvertTextAtIndexToRune(SourceText tokenText, int index, ImmutableSegmentedList<VirtualChar>.Builder result, int offset)
        => ConvertTextAtIndexToRune(tokenText, index, new SourceTextTextInfo(), result, offset);
    private static int ConvertTextAtIndexToRune<T, TTextInfo>(
        T tokenText, int index, TTextInfo info, ImmutableSegmentedList<VirtualChar>.Builder result, int offset)
        where TTextInfo : struct, ITextInfo<T>
        var ch = info.Get(tokenText, index);
        if (Rune.TryCreate(ch, out var rune))
            // First, see if this was a single char that can become a rune (the common case).
            result.Add(VirtualChar.Create(rune, new TextSpan(offset + index, 1)));
            return 1;
        else if (index + 1 < info.Length(tokenText) &&
                 Rune.TryCreate(ch, info.Get(tokenText, index + 1), out rune))
            // Otherwise, see if we have a surrogate pair (less common, but possible).
            result.Add(VirtualChar.Create(rune, new TextSpan(offset + index, 2)));
            return 2;
            // Something that couldn't be encoded as runes.
            result.Add(VirtualChar.Create(ch, new TextSpan(offset + index, 1)));
            return 1;
    protected static bool IsOpenOrCloseBrace(char ch)
        => ch is '{' or '}';
    protected static VirtualCharSequence CreateVirtualCharSequence(
        string tokenText, int offset,
        int startIndexInclusive, int endIndexExclusive,
        ImmutableSegmentedList<VirtualChar>.Builder result)
        // Check if we actually needed to create any special virtual chars.
        // if not, we can avoid the entire array allocation and just wrap
        // the text of the token and pass that back.
        var textLength = endIndexExclusive - startIndexInclusive;
        if (textLength == result.Count)
            var sequence = VirtualCharSequence.Create(offset, tokenText);
            return sequence.GetSubSequence(TextSpan.FromBounds(startIndexInclusive, endIndexExclusive));
        return VirtualCharSequence.Create(result.ToImmutable());