// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
/// <summary>
/// Witness interface that allows transparent access to information about a specific <see cref="IIntervalTree{T}"/>
/// implementation without needing to know the specifics of that implementation. This allows <see
/// cref="IntervalTreeHelpers{T, TIntervalTree, TNode, TIntervalTreeWitness}"/> to operate transparently over any
/// implementation. IntervalTreeHelpers constrains its TIntervalTreeWitness type to be a struct to ensure this can be
/// entirely reified and erased by the runtime.
/// </summary>
internal interface IIntervalTreeWitness<T, TIntervalTree, TNode>
where TIntervalTree : IIntervalTree<T>
public bool TryGetRoot(TIntervalTree tree, [NotNullWhen(true)] out TNode? root);
public bool TryGetLeftNode(TIntervalTree tree, TNode node, [NotNullWhen(true)] out TNode? leftNode);
public bool TryGetRightNode(TIntervalTree tree, TNode node, [NotNullWhen(true)] out TNode? rightNode);
public T GetValue(TIntervalTree tree, TNode node);
public TNode GetMaxEndNode(TIntervalTree tree, TNode node);
/// <summary>
/// Utility helpers used to allow code sharing for the different implementations of <see cref="IIntervalTree{T}"/>s.
/// </summary>
internal static partial class IntervalTreeHelpers<T, TIntervalTree, TNode, TIntervalTreeWitness>
where TIntervalTree : IIntervalTree<T>
where TIntervalTreeWitness : struct, IIntervalTreeWitness<T, TIntervalTree, TNode>
private static readonly ObjectPool<Stack<TNode>> s_nodeStackPool = new(() => new(), 128, trimOnFree: false);
public static Enumerator GetEnumerator(TIntervalTree tree)
=> new(tree);
public static int FillWithIntervalsThatMatch<TIntrospector, TIntervalTester>(
TIntervalTree tree, int start, int length,
ref TemporaryArray<T> builder,
in TIntrospector introspector,
in TIntervalTester intervalTester,
bool stopAfterFirst)
where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
where TIntervalTester : struct, IIntervalTester<T, TIntrospector>
var witness = default(TIntervalTreeWitness);
var matchCount = 0;
var end = start + length;
using var enumerator = new NodeEnumerator<TIntrospector>(tree, start, end, introspector);
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var currentNodeValue = witness.GetValue(tree, enumerator.Current);
if (intervalTester.Test(currentNodeValue, start, length, in introspector))
if (stopAfterFirst)
return 1;
return matchCount;
public static bool Any<TIntrospector, TIntervalTester>(
TIntervalTree tree, int start, int length, in TIntrospector introspector, in TIntervalTester intervalTester)
where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
where TIntervalTester : struct, IIntervalTester<T, TIntrospector>
// Inlined version of FillWithIntervalsThatMatch, optimized to do less work and stop once it finds a match.
var witness = default(TIntervalTreeWitness);
if (!witness.TryGetRoot(tree, out var root))
return false;
using var _ = s_nodeStackPool.GetPooledObject(out var candidates);
var end = start + length;
while (candidates.TryPop(out var currentNode))
// Check the nodes as we go down. That way we can stop immediately when we find something that matches,
// instead of having to do an entire in-order walk, which might end up hitting a lot of nodes we don't care
// about and placing a lot into the stack.
if (intervalTester.Test(witness.GetValue(tree, currentNode), start, length, in introspector))
return true;
if (ShouldExamineRight(tree, start, end, currentNode, in introspector, out var right))
if (ShouldExamineLeft(tree, start, currentNode, in introspector, out var left))
return false;
private static bool ShouldExamineRight<TIntrospector>(
TIntervalTree tree,
int start,
int end,
TNode currentNode,
in TIntrospector introspector,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out TNode? right) where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
var witness = default(TIntervalTreeWitness);
if (start == int.MinValue && end == int.MaxValue)
return witness.TryGetRightNode(tree, currentNode, out right);
// right children's starts will never be to the left of the parent's start so we should consider right
// subtree only if root's start overlaps with interval's End,
if (introspector.GetSpan(witness.GetValue(tree, currentNode)).Start <= end)
if (witness.TryGetRightNode(tree, currentNode, out var rightNode) &&
introspector.GetSpan(witness.GetValue(tree, witness.GetMaxEndNode(tree, rightNode))).End >= start)
right = rightNode;
return true;
right = default;
return false;
private static bool ShouldExamineLeft<TIntrospector>(
TIntervalTree tree,
int start,
TNode currentNode,
in TIntrospector introspector,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out TNode? left) where TIntrospector : struct, IIntervalIntrospector<T>
var witness = default(TIntervalTreeWitness);
if (start == int.MinValue)
return witness.TryGetLeftNode(tree, currentNode, out left);
// only if left's maxVal overlaps with interval's start, we should consider
// left subtree
if (witness.TryGetLeftNode(tree, currentNode, out left) &&
introspector.GetSpan(witness.GetValue(tree, witness.GetMaxEndNode(tree, left))).End >= start)
return true;
return false;