// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Roslyn.Utilities
internal static class TextChangeRangeExtensions
public static TextChangeRange? Accumulate(this TextChangeRange? accumulatedTextChangeSoFar, IReadOnlyList<TextChangeRange> changesInNextVersion)
if (changesInNextVersion.Count == 0)
return accumulatedTextChangeSoFar;
// get encompassing text change and accumulate it once.
// we could apply each one individually like we do in SyntaxDiff::ComputeSpansInNew by calculating delta
// between each change in changesInNextVersion which is already sorted in its textual position ascending order.
// but end result will be same as just applying it once with encompassed text change range.
var newChange = changesInNextVersion.Count == 1
? changesInNextVersion[0]
: TextChangeRange.Collapse(changesInNextVersion);
// no previous accumulated change, return the new value.
if (accumulatedTextChangeSoFar == null)
return newChange;
// set initial value from the old one.
var currentStart = accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.Span.Start;
var currentOldEnd = accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.Span.End;
var currentNewEnd = accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.Span.Start + accumulatedTextChangeSoFar.Value.NewLength;
// this is a port from
// csharp\rad\Text\SourceText.cpp - CSourceText::OnChangeLineText
// which accumulate text changes to one big text change that would encompass all changes
// Merge incoming edit data with old edit data here.
// 1) position values are always associated with a buffer version.
// 2) Comparison between position values is only allowed if their
// buffer version is the same.
// 3) newChange.Span.End and newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength (both stored and incoming)
// refer to the same position, but have different buffer versions.
// 4) The incoming end position is associated with buffer versions
// n-1 (old) and n(new).
// 5) The stored end position BEFORE THIS EDIT is associated with
// buffer versions 0 (old) and n-1 (new).
// 6) The stored end position AFTER THIS EDIT should be associated
// with buffer versions 0 (old) and n(new).
// 7) To transform a position P from buffer version of x to y, apply
// the delta between any position C(x) and C(y), ASSUMING that
// both positions P and C are affected by all edits between
// buffer versions x and y.
// 8) The start position is relative to all buffer versions, because
// it precedes all edits(by definition)
// First, the start position. This one is easy, because it is not
// complicated by buffer versioning -- it is always the "earliest"
// of all incoming values.
if (newChange.Span.Start < currentStart)
currentStart = newChange.Span.Start;
// Okay, now the end position. We must make a choice between the
// stored end position and the incoming end position. Per rule #2,
// we must use the stored NEW end and the incoming OLD end, both of
// which are relative to buffer version n-1.
if (currentNewEnd > newChange.Span.End)
// We have chosen to keep the stored end because it occurs past
// the incoming edit. So, we need currentOldEnd and
// currentNewEnd. Since currentOldEnd is already relative
// to buffer 0, it is unmodified. Since currentNewEnd is
// relative to buffer n-1 (and we need n), apply to it the delta
// between the incoming end position values, which are n-1 and n.
currentNewEnd = currentNewEnd + newChange.NewLength - newChange.Span.Length;
// We have chosen to use the incoming end because it occurs past
// the stored edit. So, we need newChange.Span.End and (newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength).
// Since (newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength) is already relative to buffer n, it is copied
// unmodified. Since newChange.Span.End is relative to buffer n-1 (and
// we need 0), apply to it the delta between the stored end
// position values, which are relative to 0 and n-1.
currentOldEnd = currentOldEnd + newChange.Span.End - currentNewEnd;
currentNewEnd = newChange.Span.Start + newChange.NewLength;
return new TextChangeRange(TextSpan.FromBounds(currentStart, currentOldEnd), currentNewEnd - currentStart);
public static TextChangeRange ToTextChangeRange(this TextChange textChange)
return new TextChangeRange(textChange.Span, textChange.NewText?.Length ?? 0);
/// <summary>
/// Merges the new change ranges into the old change ranges, adjusting the new ranges to be with respect to the original text
/// (with neither old or new changes applied) instead of with respect to the original text after "old changes" are applied.
/// This may require splitting, concatenation, etc. of individual change ranges.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Both `oldChanges` and `newChanges` must contain non-overlapping spans in ascending order.
/// </remarks>
public static ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> Merge(ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> oldChanges, ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange> newChanges)
// Earlier steps are expected to prevent us from ever reaching this point with empty change sets.
if (oldChanges.IsEmpty)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(oldChanges));
if (newChanges.IsEmpty)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(newChanges));
var builder = ArrayBuilder<TextChangeRange>.GetInstance();
var oldChange = oldChanges[0];
var newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(newChanges[0]);
var oldIndex = 0;
var newIndex = 0;
// The sum of characters inserted by old changes minus characters deleted by old changes.
// This value must be adjusted whenever characters from an old change are added to `builder`.
var oldDelta = 0;
// In this loop we "zip" together potentially overlapping old and new changes.
// It's important that when overlapping changes are found, we don't consume past the end of the overlapping section until the next iteration.
// so that we don't miss scenarios where the section after the overlap we found itself overlaps with another change
// e.g.:
// [-------oldChange1------]
// [--newChange1--] [--newChange2--]
while (true)
if (oldChange.Span.Length == 0 && oldChange.NewLength == 0)
// old change does not insert or delete any characters, so it can be dropped to no effect.
if (tryGetNextOldChange()) continue;
else break;
else if (newChange.SpanLength == 0 && newChange.NewLength == 0)
// new change does not insert or delete any characters, so it can be dropped to no effect.
if (tryGetNextNewChange()) continue;
else break;
else if (newChange.SpanEnd <= oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta)
// new change is entirely before old change, so just take the new change
// old[--------]
// new[--------]
adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, newChange);
if (tryGetNextNewChange()) continue;
else break;
else if (newChange.SpanStart >= oldChange.NewEnd() + oldDelta)
// new change is entirely after old change, so just take the old change
// old[--------]
// new[--------]
addAndAdjustOldDelta(builder, ref oldDelta, oldChange);
if (tryGetNextOldChange()) continue;
else break;
else if (newChange.SpanStart < oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta)
// new change starts before old change, but the new change deletion overlaps with the old change insertion
// note: 'd' represents a deleted character, 'a' represents a character inserted by an old change, and 'b' represents a character inserted by a new change.
// old|dddddd|
// |aaaaaa|
// ---------------
// new|dddddd|
// |bbbbbb|
// align the new change and old change start by consuming the part of the new deletion before the old change
// (this only deletes characters of the original text)
// old|dddddd|
// |aaaaaa|
// ---------------
// new|ddd|
// |bbbbbb|
var newChangeLeadingDeletion = oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta - newChange.SpanStart;
adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, new UnadjustedNewChange(newChange.SpanStart, newChangeLeadingDeletion, newLength: 0));
newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta, newChange.SpanLength - newChangeLeadingDeletion, newChange.NewLength);
else if (newChange.SpanStart > oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta)
// new change starts after old change, but overlaps
// old|dddddd|
// |aaaaaa|
// ---------------
// new|dddddd|
// |bbbbbb|
// align the old change to the new change by consuming the part of the old change which is before the new change.
// old|ddd|
// |aaa|
// ---------------
// new|dddddd|
// |bbbbbb|
var oldChangeLeadingInsertion = newChange.SpanStart - (oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta);
// we must make sure to delete at most as many characters as the entire oldChange deletes
var oldChangeLeadingDeletion = Math.Min(oldChange.Span.Length, oldChangeLeadingInsertion);
addAndAdjustOldDelta(builder, ref oldDelta, new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(oldChange.Span.Start, oldChangeLeadingDeletion), oldChangeLeadingInsertion));
oldChange = new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(newChange.SpanStart - oldDelta, oldChange.Span.Length - oldChangeLeadingDeletion), oldChange.NewLength - oldChangeLeadingInsertion);
// old and new change start at same adjusted position
Debug.Assert(newChange.SpanStart == oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta);
if (newChange.SpanLength <= oldChange.NewLength)
// new change deletes fewer characters than old change inserted
// old|dddddd|
// |aaaaaa|
// ---------------
// new|ddd|
// |bbbbbb|
// - apply the new change deletion to the old change insertion
// old|dddddd|
// |aaa|
// ---------------
// new||
// |bbbbbb|
// - move the new change insertion forward by the same amount as its consumed deletion to remain aligned with the old change.
// (because the old change and new change have the same adjusted start position, the new change insertion appears directly before the old change insertion in the final text)
// old|dddddd|
// |aaa|
// ---------------
// new||
// |bbbbbb|
oldChange = new TextChangeRange(oldChange.Span, oldChange.NewLength - newChange.SpanLength);
// the new change deletion is equal to the subset of the old change insertion that we are consuming this iteration
oldDelta = oldDelta + newChange.SpanLength;
// since the new change insertion occurs before the old change, consume it now
newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(newChange.SpanEnd, spanLength: 0, newChange.NewLength);
adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, newChange);
if (tryGetNextNewChange()) continue;
else break;
// new change deletes more characters than old change inserted
// old|d|
// |aa|
// ---------------
// new|ddd|
// |bbb|
// merge the old change into the new change:
// - new change deletion deletes all of the old change insertion. reduce the new change deletion accordingly
// old|d|
// ||
// ---------------
// new|d|
// |bbb|
// - old change deletion is simply added to the new change deletion.
// old||
// ||
// ---------------
// new|dd|
// |bbb|
// - new change is moved to put its adjusted position equal to the old change we just merged in
// old||
// ||
// ---------------
// new|dd|
// |bbb|
// adjust the oldDelta to reflect that the old change has been consumed
oldDelta = oldDelta - oldChange.Span.Length + oldChange.NewLength;
var newDeletion = newChange.SpanLength + oldChange.Span.Length - oldChange.NewLength;
newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(oldChange.Span.Start + oldDelta, newDeletion, newChange.NewLength);
if (tryGetNextOldChange()) continue;
else break;
// there may be remaining old changes or remaining new changes (not both, and not neither)
switch (oldIndex == oldChanges.Length, newIndex == newChanges.Length)
case (true, true):
case (false, false):
throw new InvalidOperationException();
while (oldIndex < oldChanges.Length)
addAndAdjustOldDelta(builder, ref oldDelta, oldChange);
while (newIndex < newChanges.Length)
adjustAndAddNewChange(builder, oldDelta, newChange);
return builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
bool tryGetNextOldChange()
if (oldIndex < oldChanges.Length)
oldChange = oldChanges[oldIndex];
return true;
oldChange = default;
return false;
bool tryGetNextNewChange()
if (newIndex < newChanges.Length)
newChange = new UnadjustedNewChange(newChanges[newIndex]);
return true;
newChange = default;
return false;
static void addAndAdjustOldDelta(ArrayBuilder<TextChangeRange> builder, ref int oldDelta, TextChangeRange oldChange)
// modify oldDelta to reflect characters deleted and inserted by an old change
oldDelta = oldDelta - oldChange.Span.Length + oldChange.NewLength;
add(builder, oldChange);
static void adjustAndAddNewChange(ArrayBuilder<TextChangeRange> builder, int oldDelta, UnadjustedNewChange newChange)
// unadjusted new change is relative to the original text with old changes applied. Subtract oldDelta to make it relative to the original text.
add(builder, new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(newChange.SpanStart - oldDelta, newChange.SpanLength), newChange.NewLength));
static void add(ArrayBuilder<TextChangeRange> builder, TextChangeRange change)
if (builder.Count > 0)
var last = builder[^1];
if (last.Span.End == change.Span.Start)
// merge changes together if they are adjacent
builder[^1] = new TextChangeRange(new TextSpan(last.Span.Start, last.Span.Length + change.Span.Length), last.NewLength + change.NewLength);
else if (last.Span.End > change.Span.Start)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(change));
/// <summary>
/// Represents a new change being processed by <see cref="Merge(ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange>, ImmutableArray<TextChangeRange>)"/>.
/// Such a new change must be adjusted before being added to the result list.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A value of this type may represent the intermediate state of merging of an old change into an unadjusted new change,
/// resulting in a temporary unadjusted new change whose <see cref="SpanStart"/> is negative (not valid) until it is adjusted.
/// This tends to happen when we need to merge an old change deletion into a new change near the beginning of the text. (see TextChangeTests.Fuzz_4)
/// </remarks>
private readonly struct UnadjustedNewChange
public readonly int SpanStart { get; }
public readonly int SpanLength { get; }
public readonly int NewLength { get; }
public int SpanEnd => SpanStart + SpanLength;
public UnadjustedNewChange(int spanStart, int spanLength, int newLength)
SpanStart = spanStart;
SpanLength = spanLength;
NewLength = newLength;
public UnadjustedNewChange(TextChangeRange range)
: this(range.Span.Start, range.Span.Length, range.NewLength)
private static int NewEnd(this TextChangeRange range) => range.Span.Start + range.NewLength;