// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
internal static class AddParameterEditor
public static void AddParameter(
ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts,
SyntaxEditor editor,
SyntaxNode declaration,
int insertionIndex,
SyntaxNode parameterDeclaration,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var sourceText = declaration.SyntaxTree.GetText(cancellationToken);
var generator = editor.Generator;
var existingParameters = generator.GetParameters(declaration);
var placeOnNewLine = ShouldPlaceParametersOnNewLine(existingParameters, cancellationToken);
if (!placeOnNewLine)
// Trivial case. Just let the stock editor impl handle this for us.
editor.InsertParameter(declaration, insertionIndex, parameterDeclaration);
if (insertionIndex >= existingParameters.Count)
// The parameter is being added after the last parameter and needs to be placed on a new line.
// Get the indentation of the original last parameter and give the new parameter the same indentation.
// Even if we're adding multiple parameters past the original last parameter, we can give them all the identation of the original 'last' parameter.
var leadingIndentation = GetDesiredLeadingIndentation(
syntaxFacts, existingParameters[existingParameters.Count - 1], includeLeadingNewLine: true);
parameterDeclaration = parameterDeclaration.WithPrependedLeadingTrivia(leadingIndentation)
editor.AddParameter(declaration, parameterDeclaration);
else if (insertionIndex == 0)
// Inserting into the start of the list. The existing first parameter might
// be on the same line as the parameter list, or it might be on the next line.
var firstParameter = existingParameters[0];
var previousToken = firstParameter.GetFirstToken().GetPreviousToken();
if (sourceText.AreOnSameLine(previousToken, firstParameter.GetFirstToken()))
// First parameter is on hte same line as the method.
// We want to insert the parameter at the front of the existing parameter
// list. That means we need to move the current first parameter to a new
// line. Give the current first parameter the indentation of the second
// parameter in the list.
editor.InsertParameter(declaration, insertionIndex, parameterDeclaration);
var nextParameter = existingParameters[insertionIndex];
var nextLeadingIndentation = GetDesiredLeadingIndentation(
syntaxFacts, existingParameters[insertionIndex + 1], includeLeadingNewLine: true);
// First parameter is on its own line. No need to adjust its indentation.
// Just copy its indentation over to the parameter we're inserting, and
// make sure the current first parameter gets a newline so it stays on
// its own line.
// We want to insert the parameter at the front of the existing parameter
// list. That means we need to move the current first parameter to a new
// line. Give the current first parameter the indentation of the second
// parameter in the list.
var firstLeadingIndentation = GetDesiredLeadingIndentation(
syntaxFacts, existingParameters[0], includeLeadingNewLine: false);
editor.InsertParameter(declaration, insertionIndex,
var nextParameter = existingParameters[insertionIndex];
// We're inserting somewhere after the start (but not at the end). Because
// we've set placeOnNewLine, we know that the current comma we'll be placed
// after already have a newline following it. So all we need for this new
// parameter is to get the indentation of the following parameter.
// Because we're going to 'steal' the existing comma from that parameter,
// ensure that the next parameter has a new-line added to it so that it will
// still stay on a new line.
var nextParameter = existingParameters[insertionIndex];
var leadingIndentation = GetDesiredLeadingIndentation(
syntaxFacts, existingParameters[insertionIndex], includeLeadingNewLine: false);
parameterDeclaration = parameterDeclaration.WithPrependedLeadingTrivia(leadingIndentation);
editor.InsertParameter(declaration, insertionIndex, parameterDeclaration);
private static ImmutableArray<SyntaxTrivia> GetDesiredLeadingIndentation(
ISyntaxFacts syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode node, bool includeLeadingNewLine)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<SyntaxTrivia>.GetInstance(out var triviaList);
if (includeLeadingNewLine)
var lastWhitespace = default(SyntaxTrivia);
foreach (var trivia in node.GetLeadingTrivia().Reverse())
if (syntaxFacts.IsWhitespaceTrivia(trivia))
lastWhitespace = trivia;
else if (syntaxFacts.IsEndOfLineTrivia(trivia))
if (lastWhitespace.RawKind != 0)
return triviaList.ToImmutableAndClear();
private static bool ShouldPlaceParametersOnNewLine(
IReadOnlyList<SyntaxNode> parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (parameters.Count <= 1)
return false;
var text = parameters[0].SyntaxTree.GetText(cancellationToken);
for (int i = 1, n = parameters.Count; i < n; i++)
var lastParameter = parameters[i - 1];
var thisParameter = parameters[i];
if (text.AreOnSameLine(lastParameter.GetLastToken(), thisParameter.GetFirstToken()))
return false;
// All parameters are on different lines. Place the new parameter on a new line as well.
return true;