File: src\Workspaces\SharedUtilitiesAndExtensions\Workspace\Core\CodeGeneration\CodeGenerationHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\CodeStyle\Core\CodeFixes\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.Fixes.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle.Fixes)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGeneration;
internal static class CodeGenerationHelpers
    public static SyntaxNode? GenerateThrowStatement(
        SyntaxGenerator factory,
        SemanticDocument document,
        string exceptionMetadataName)
        var compilation = document.SemanticModel.Compilation;
        var exceptionType = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(exceptionMetadataName);
        // If we can't find the Exception, we obviously can't generate anything.
        if (exceptionType == null)
            return null;
        var exceptionCreationExpression = factory.ObjectCreationExpression(exceptionType, arguments: []);
        return factory.ThrowStatement(exceptionCreationExpression);
    [return: NotNullIfNotNull(nameof(syntax))]
    public static TSyntaxNode? AddAnnotationsTo<TSyntaxNode>(ISymbol symbol, TSyntaxNode? syntax) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
        => symbol is CodeGenerationSymbol codeGenerationSymbol
            ? syntax?.WithAdditionalAnnotations(codeGenerationSymbol.GetAnnotations())
            : syntax;
    public static TSyntaxNode AddFormatterAndCodeGeneratorAnnotationsTo<TSyntaxNode>(TSyntaxNode node) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
        => node.WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation, CodeGenerator.Annotation);
    public static void GetNameAndInnermostNamespace(
        INamespaceSymbol @namespace,
        CodeGenerationContextInfo info,
        out string name,
        out INamespaceSymbol innermostNamespace)
        if (info.Context.GenerateMembers && info.Context.MergeNestedNamespaces && @namespace.Name != string.Empty)
            var names = new List<string>
            innermostNamespace = @namespace;
            while (true)
                var members = innermostNamespace.GetMembers().ToList();
                if (members is [INamespaceSymbol childNamespace] &&
                    CodeGenerationNamespaceInfo.GetImports(innermostNamespace).Count == 0)
                    innermostNamespace = childNamespace;
            name = string.Join(".", names);
            name = @namespace.Name;
            innermostNamespace = @namespace;
    public static bool IsSpecialType([NotNullWhen(true)] ITypeSymbol? type, SpecialType specialType)
        => type != null && type.SpecialType == specialType;
    public static int GetPreferredIndex(int index, IList<bool>? availableIndices, bool forward)
        if (availableIndices == null)
            return index;
        if (forward)
            for (var i = index; i < availableIndices.Count; i++)
                if (availableIndices[i])
                    return i;
            for (var i = index; i >= 0; i--)
                if (availableIndices[i])
                    return i;
        return -1;
    public static bool TryGetDocumentationComment(
        ISymbol symbol, string commentToken, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? comment, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var xml = symbol.GetDocumentationCommentXml(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
            comment = null;
            return false;
        var commentStarter = string.Concat(commentToken, " ");
        var newLineStarter = string.Concat("\n", commentStarter);
        // Start the comment with an empty line for visual clarity.
        comment = string.Concat(commentStarter, "\r\n", commentStarter, xml!.Replace("\n", newLineStarter));
        return true;
    public static bool TypesMatch(ITypeSymbol? type, object value)
        => type?.SpecialType switch
            SpecialType.System_SByte => value is sbyte,
            SpecialType.System_Byte => value is byte,
            SpecialType.System_Int16 => value is short,
            SpecialType.System_UInt16 => value is ushort,
            SpecialType.System_Int32 => value is int,
            SpecialType.System_UInt32 => value is uint,
            SpecialType.System_Int64 => value is long,
            SpecialType.System_UInt64 => value is ulong,
            SpecialType.System_Decimal => value is decimal,
            SpecialType.System_Single => value is float,
            SpecialType.System_Double => value is double,
            _ => false,
    public static IEnumerable<ISymbol> GetMembers(INamedTypeSymbol namedType)
        if (namedType.TypeKind != TypeKind.Enum)
            return namedType.GetMembers();
        return namedType.GetMembers()
                        .OrderBy((f1, f2) =>
                            if (f1.HasConstantValue != f2.HasConstantValue)
                                return f1.HasConstantValue ? 1 : -1;
                            return f1.HasConstantValue
                                ? Comparer<object>.Default.Compare(f1.ConstantValue, f2.ConstantValue!)
                                : f1.Name.CompareTo(f2.Name);
    public static T RemoveLeadingDirectiveTrivia<T>(T node) where T : SyntaxNode
        var leadingTrivia = node.GetLeadingTrivia().Where(trivia => !trivia.IsDirective);
        return node.WithLeadingTrivia(leadingTrivia);
    public static T? GetReuseableSyntaxNodeForAttribute<T>(AttributeData attribute, CodeGenerationContextInfo info)
        where T : SyntaxNode
        return info.Context.ReuseSyntax && attribute.ApplicationSyntaxReference != null
            ? attribute.ApplicationSyntaxReference.GetSyntax() as T
            : null;
    public static int GetInsertionIndex<TDeclaration>(
        SyntaxList<TDeclaration> declarationList,
        TDeclaration declaration,
        CodeGenerationContextInfo info,
        IList<bool>? availableIndices,
        IComparer<TDeclaration> comparerWithoutNameCheck,
        IComparer<TDeclaration> comparerWithNameCheck,
        Func<SyntaxList<TDeclaration>, TDeclaration?>? after = null,
        Func<SyntaxList<TDeclaration>, TDeclaration?>? before = null)
        where TDeclaration : SyntaxNode
        Contract.ThrowIfTrue(availableIndices != null && availableIndices.Count != declarationList.Count + 1);
        // Try to strictly obey the after option by inserting immediately after the member containing the location
        if (info.Context.AfterThisLocation?.SourceTree is { } afterSourceTree &&
            afterSourceTree.FilePath == declarationList.FirstOrDefault()?.SyntaxTree.FilePath)
            var afterMember = declarationList.LastOrDefault(m => m.SpanStart <= info.Context.AfterThisLocation.SourceSpan.Start);
            if (afterMember != null)
                var index = declarationList.IndexOf(afterMember);
                index = GetPreferredIndex(index + 1, availableIndices, forward: true);
                if (index != -1)
                    return index;
        // Try to strictly obey the before option by inserting immediately before the member containing the location
        if (info.Context.BeforeThisLocation?.SourceTree is { } beforeSourceTree &&
            beforeSourceTree.FilePath == declarationList.FirstOrDefault()?.SyntaxTree.FilePath)
            var beforeMember = declarationList.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Span.End >= info.Context.BeforeThisLocation.SourceSpan.End);
            if (beforeMember != null)
                var index = declarationList.IndexOf(beforeMember);
                index = GetPreferredIndex(index, availableIndices, forward: false);
                if (index != -1)
                    return index;
        if (info.Context.AutoInsertionLocation)
            if (declarationList.IsEmpty())
                return 0;
            var desiredIndex = TryGetDesiredIndexIfGrouped(
                declarationList, declaration, availableIndices,
                comparerWithoutNameCheck, comparerWithNameCheck);
            if (desiredIndex.HasValue)
                return desiredIndex.Value;
            if (after != null)
                var member = after(declarationList);
                if (member != null)
                    var index = declarationList.IndexOf(member);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        index = GetPreferredIndex(index + 1, availableIndices, forward: true);
                        if (index != -1)
                            return index;
            if (before != null)
                var member = before(declarationList);
                if (member != null)
                    var index = declarationList.IndexOf(member);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        index = GetPreferredIndex(index, availableIndices, forward: false);
                        if (index != -1)
                            return index;
        // Otherwise, add the declaration to the end.
            var index = GetPreferredIndex(declarationList.Count, availableIndices, forward: false);
            if (index != -1)
                return index;
        return declarationList.Count;
    public static int? TryGetDesiredIndexIfGrouped<TDeclarationSyntax>(
        SyntaxList<TDeclarationSyntax> declarationList,
        TDeclarationSyntax declaration,
        IList<bool>? availableIndices,
        IComparer<TDeclarationSyntax> comparerWithoutNameCheck,
        IComparer<TDeclarationSyntax> comparerWithNameCheck)
        where TDeclarationSyntax : SyntaxNode
        var result = TryGetDesiredIndexIfGroupedWorker(
            declarationList, declaration, availableIndices,
            comparerWithoutNameCheck, comparerWithNameCheck);
        if (result == null)
            return null;
        result = GetPreferredIndex(result.Value, availableIndices, forward: true);
        if (result == -1)
            return null;
        return result;
    private static int? TryGetDesiredIndexIfGroupedWorker<TDeclarationSyntax>(
        SyntaxList<TDeclarationSyntax> declarationList,
        TDeclarationSyntax declaration,
        IList<bool>? availableIndices,
        IComparer<TDeclarationSyntax> comparerWithoutNameCheck,
        IComparer<TDeclarationSyntax> comparerWithNameCheck)
        where TDeclarationSyntax : SyntaxNode
        if (!declarationList.IsSorted(comparerWithoutNameCheck))
            // Existing declarations weren't grouped.  Don't try to find a location
            // to this declaration into.
            return null;
        // The list was grouped (by type, staticness, accessibility).  Try to find a location
        // to put the new declaration into.
        var result = Array.BinarySearch([.. declarationList], declaration, comparerWithoutNameCheck);
        var desiredGroupIndex = result < 0 ? ~result : result;
        Debug.Assert(desiredGroupIndex >= 0);
        Debug.Assert(desiredGroupIndex <= declarationList.Count);
        // Now, walk forward until we hit the last member of this group.
        while (desiredGroupIndex < declarationList.Count)
            // Stop walking forward if we hit an unavailable index.
            if (availableIndices != null && !availableIndices[desiredGroupIndex])
            if (0 != comparerWithoutNameCheck.Compare(declaration, declarationList[desiredGroupIndex]))
                // Found the index of an item not of our group.
        // Now, walk backward until we find the last member with the same name
        // as us.  We want to keep overloads together, so we'll place ourselves
        // after that member.
        var currentIndex = desiredGroupIndex;
        while (currentIndex > 0)
            var previousIndex = currentIndex - 1;
            // Stop walking backward if we hit an unavailable index.
            if (availableIndices != null && !availableIndices[previousIndex])
            if (0 != comparerWithoutNameCheck.Compare(declaration, declarationList[previousIndex]))
                // Hit the previous group of items.
            // Still in the same group.  If we find something with the same name
            // then place ourselves after it.
            if (0 == comparerWithNameCheck.Compare(declaration, declarationList[previousIndex]))
                // Found something with the same name.  Generate after this item.
                return currentIndex;
        // Couldn't find anything with our name.  Just place us at the end of this group.
        return desiredGroupIndex;
    // from
    public static bool IsCompilerInternalAttribute(AttributeData attribute)
        => attribute.AttributeClass is
            Name: "NullableAttribute" or "NullableContextAttribute" or "NativeIntegerAttribute" or "DynamicAttribute",
                Name: nameof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices),
                    Name: nameof(System.Runtime),
                        Name: nameof(System),
                        ContainingNamespace.IsGlobalNamespace: true,