File: Syntax\SyntaxEquivalence.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax
    using Green = InternalSyntax;
    internal static class SyntaxEquivalence
        private static readonly ObjectPool<Stack<(GreenNode? before, GreenNode? after)>> s_equivalenceCheckStack =
            new ObjectPool<Stack<(GreenNode?, GreenNode?)>>(() => new Stack<(GreenNode?, GreenNode?)>());
        internal static bool AreEquivalent(SyntaxTree? before, SyntaxTree? after, Func<SyntaxKind, bool>? ignoreChildNode, bool topLevel)
            if (before == after)
                return true;
            if (before == null || after == null)
                return false;
            return AreEquivalent(before.GetRoot(), after.GetRoot(), ignoreChildNode, topLevel);
        public static bool AreEquivalent(SyntaxNode? before, SyntaxNode? after, Func<SyntaxKind, bool>? ignoreChildNode, bool topLevel)
            Debug.Assert(!topLevel || ignoreChildNode == null);
            if (before == null || after == null)
                return before == after;
            return AreEquivalentRecursive(before.Green, after.Green, ignoreChildNode, topLevel: topLevel);
        public static bool AreEquivalent(SyntaxTokenList before, SyntaxTokenList after)
            return AreEquivalentRecursive(before.Node, after.Node, ignoreChildNode: null, topLevel: false);
        public static bool AreEquivalent(SyntaxToken before, SyntaxToken after)
            return before.RawKind == after.RawKind && (before.Node == null || AreTokensEquivalent(before.Node, after.Node, ignoreChildNode: null));
        private static bool AreTokensEquivalent(GreenNode? before, GreenNode? after, Func<SyntaxKind, bool>? ignoreChildNode)
            if (before is null || after is null)
                return (before is null && after is null);
            // NOTE(cyrusn): Do we want to drill into trivia?  Can documentation ever affect the
            // global meaning of symbols?  This can happen in java with things like the "@obsolete"
            // clause in doc comment.  However, i don't know if anything like that exists in C#. 
            // NOTE(cyrusn): I don't believe we need to examine skipped text.  It isn't relevant from
            // the perspective of global symbolic information.
            Debug.Assert(before.RawKind == after.RawKind);
            if (before.IsMissing != after.IsMissing)
                return false;
            // These are the tokens that don't have fixed text.
            switch ((SyntaxKind)before.RawKind)
                case SyntaxKind.IdentifierToken:
                    if (((Green.SyntaxToken)before).ValueText != ((Green.SyntaxToken)after).ValueText)
                        return false;
                case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.CharacterLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.StringLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.Utf8StringLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.Utf8SingleLineRawStringLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.Utf8MultiLineRawStringLiteralToken:
                case SyntaxKind.InterpolatedStringTextToken:
                    if (((Green.SyntaxToken)before).Text != ((Green.SyntaxToken)after).Text)
                        return false;
            return AreNullableDirectivesEquivalent(before, after, ignoreChildNode);
        private static bool AreEquivalentRecursive(GreenNode? before, GreenNode? after, Func<SyntaxKind, bool>? ignoreChildNode, bool topLevel)
            // Use an explicit stack so we can walk down deep trees without blowing the real stack.
            var stack = s_equivalenceCheckStack.Allocate();
            stack.Push((before, after));
                while (stack.Count > 0)
                    var current = stack.Pop();
                    if (!areEquivalentSingleLevel(current.before, current.after))
                        return false;
                return true;
            bool areEquivalentSingleLevel(GreenNode? before, GreenNode? after)
                if (before == after)
                    return true;
                if (before == null || after == null)
                    return false;
                if (before.RawKind != after.RawKind)
                    return false;
                if (before.IsToken)
                    return AreTokensEquivalent(before, after, ignoreChildNode);
                if (topLevel)
                    // Once we get down to the body level we don't need to go any further and we can
                    // consider these trees equivalent.
                    switch ((SyntaxKind)before.RawKind)
                        case SyntaxKind.Block:
                        case SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause:
                            return AreNullableDirectivesEquivalent(before, after, ignoreChildNode);
                    // If we're only checking top level equivalence, then we don't have to go down into
                    // the initializer for a field. However, we can't put that optimization for all
                    // fields. For example, fields that are 'const' do need their initializers checked as
                    // changing them can affect binding results.
                    if ((SyntaxKind)before.RawKind == SyntaxKind.FieldDeclaration)
                        var fieldBefore = (Green.FieldDeclarationSyntax)before;
                        var fieldAfter = (Green.FieldDeclarationSyntax)after;
                        var isConstBefore = fieldBefore.Modifiers.Any((int)SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword);
                        var isConstAfter = fieldAfter.Modifiers.Any((int)SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword);
                        if (!isConstBefore && !isConstAfter)
                            ignoreChildNode = static childKind => childKind == SyntaxKind.EqualsValueClause;
                    // NOTE(cyrusn): Do we want to avoid going down into attribute expressions?  I don't
                    // think we can avoid it as there are likely places in the compiler that use these
                    // expressions.  For example, if the user changes [InternalsVisibleTo("goo")] to
                    // [InternalsVisibleTo("bar")] then that must count as a top level change as it
                    // affects symbol visibility.  Perhaps we could enumerate the places in the compiler
                    // that use the values inside source attributes and we can check if we're in an
                    // attribute with that name.  It wouldn't be 100% correct (because of annoying things
                    // like using aliases), but would likely be good enough for the incremental cases in
                    // the IDE.
                if (ignoreChildNode != null)
                    var e1 = before.ChildNodesAndTokens().GetEnumerator();
                    var e2 = after.ChildNodesAndTokens().GetEnumerator();
                    while (true)
                        GreenNode? child1 = null;
                        GreenNode? child2 = null;
                        // skip ignored children:
                        while (e1.MoveNext())
                            var c = e1.Current;
                            if (c != null && (c.IsToken || !ignoreChildNode((SyntaxKind)c.RawKind)))
                                child1 = c;
                        while (e2.MoveNext())
                            var c = e2.Current;
                            if (c != null && (c.IsToken || !ignoreChildNode((SyntaxKind)c.RawKind)))
                                child2 = c;
                        if (child1 == null || child2 == null)
                            // false if some children remained
                            return child1 == child2;
                        stack.Push((child1, child2));
                    // simple comparison - not ignoring children
                    int slotCount = before.SlotCount;
                    if (slotCount != after.SlotCount)
                        return false;
                    // Walk the children backwards so that we can push them onto the stack and continue walking in DFS order.
                    for (var i = slotCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var child1 = before.GetSlot(i);
                        var child2 = after.GetSlot(i);
                        stack.Push((child1, child2));
                // So far these are equivalent.  Continue checking the children.
                return true;
        private static bool AreNullableDirectivesEquivalent(GreenNode before, GreenNode after, Func<SyntaxKind, bool>? ignoreChildNode)
            // Fast path for when the caller does not care about nullable directives. This can happen in some IDE refactorings.
            if (ignoreChildNode is object && ignoreChildNode(SyntaxKind.NullableDirectiveTrivia))
                return true;
            using var beforeDirectivesEnumerator = ((Green.CSharpSyntaxNode)before).GetDirectives().GetEnumerator();
            using var afterDirectivesEnumerator = ((Green.CSharpSyntaxNode)after).GetDirectives().GetEnumerator();
            while (true)
                Green.DirectiveTriviaSyntax? beforeAnnotation = getNextNullableDirective(beforeDirectivesEnumerator);
                Green.DirectiveTriviaSyntax? afterAnnotation = getNextNullableDirective(afterDirectivesEnumerator);
                if (beforeAnnotation == null || afterAnnotation == null)
                    return beforeAnnotation == afterAnnotation;
                if (!AreEquivalentRecursive(beforeAnnotation, afterAnnotation, ignoreChildNode, topLevel: false))
                    return false;
                static Green.DirectiveTriviaSyntax? getNextNullableDirective(IEnumerator<Green.DirectiveTriviaSyntax> enumerator)
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        var current = enumerator.Current;
                        if (current.Kind == SyntaxKind.NullableDirectiveTrivia)
                            return current;
                    return null;