// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols
internal sealed class SynthesizedRecordCopyCtor : SynthesizedInstanceConstructor
private readonly int _memberOffset;
public SynthesizedRecordCopyCtor(
SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol containingType,
int memberOffset)
: base(containingType)
_memberOffset = memberOffset;
Parameters = ImmutableArray.Create(SynthesizedParameterSymbol.Create(
isNullableEnabled: true,
ordinal: 0,
public override ImmutableArray<ParameterSymbol> Parameters { get; }
public override Accessibility DeclaredAccessibility => ContainingType.IsSealed ? Accessibility.Private : Accessibility.Protected;
internal override LexicalSortKey GetLexicalSortKey() => LexicalSortKey.GetSynthesizedMemberKey(_memberOffset);
internal override void GenerateMethodBodyStatements(SyntheticBoundNodeFactory F, ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement> statements, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
// Write assignments to fields
// .ctor(DerivedRecordType original) : base((BaseRecordType)original)
// {
// this.field1 = parameter.field1
// ...
// this.fieldN = parameter.fieldN
// }
var param = F.Parameter(Parameters[0]);
foreach (var field in ContainingType.GetFieldsToEmit())
if (!field.IsStatic)
statements.Add(F.Assignment(F.Field(F.This(), field), F.Field(param, field)));
// Add a sequence point at the end of the copy-constructor, so that a breakpoint placed on the record constructor
// can be hit whenever a new instance of the record is created (either via a primary constructor or via a copy constructor).
// If the record doesn't have base initializer the span overlaps the span of the sequence point generated for primary
// constructor implicit base initializer:
// record [|C<T>(int P, int Q)|] // implicit base constructor initializer span
// record C<T>(int P, int Q) : [|B(...)|] // explicit base constructor initializer span
// record [|C<T>|](int P, int Q) // copy-constructor span
// The copy-constructor span does not include the parameter list since the parameters are not in scope.
var recordDeclaration = (RecordDeclarationSyntax)F.Syntax;
statements.Add(new BoundSequencePointWithSpan(recordDeclaration, statementOpt: null,
(recordDeclaration.TypeParameterList == null) ? recordDeclaration.Identifier.Span :
TextSpan.FromBounds(recordDeclaration.Identifier.Span.Start, recordDeclaration.TypeParameterList.Span.End)));
internal override void AddSynthesizedAttributes(PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, ref ArrayBuilder<CSharpAttributeData> attributes)
base.AddSynthesizedAttributes(moduleBuilder, ref attributes);
var compilation = this.DeclaringCompilation;
AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, compilation.TrySynthesizeAttribute(WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_CompilerGeneratedAttribute__ctor));
if (HasSetsRequiredMembersImpl)
AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, compilation.TrySynthesizeAttribute(WellKnownMember.System_Diagnostics_CodeAnalysis_SetsRequiredMembersAttribute__ctor));
internal static MethodSymbol? FindCopyConstructor(NamedTypeSymbol containingType, NamedTypeSymbol within, ref CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo)
MethodSymbol? bestCandidate = null;
int bestModifierCountSoFar = -1; // stays as -1 unless we hit an ambiguity
foreach (var member in containingType.InstanceConstructors)
if (HasCopyConstructorSignature(member) &&
!member.HasUnsupportedMetadata &&
AccessCheck.IsSymbolAccessible(member, within, ref useSiteInfo))
// If one has fewer custom modifiers, that is better
// (see OverloadResolution.BetterFunctionMember)
if (bestCandidate is null && bestModifierCountSoFar < 0)
bestCandidate = member;
if (bestModifierCountSoFar < 0)
bestModifierCountSoFar = bestCandidate.CustomModifierCount();
var memberModCount = member.CustomModifierCount();
if (memberModCount > bestModifierCountSoFar)
if (memberModCount == bestModifierCountSoFar)
bestCandidate = null;
bestCandidate = member;
bestModifierCountSoFar = memberModCount;
return bestCandidate;
internal static bool IsCopyConstructor(Symbol member)
if (member is MethodSymbol { ContainingType.IsRecord: true, MethodKind: MethodKind.Constructor } method)
return HasCopyConstructorSignature(method);
return false;
internal static bool HasCopyConstructorSignature(MethodSymbol member)
NamedTypeSymbol containingType = member.ContainingType;
return member is MethodSymbol { IsStatic: false, ParameterCount: 1, Arity: 0 } method &&
method.Parameters[0].Type.Equals(containingType, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions) &&
method.Parameters[0].RefKind == RefKind.None;
protected sealed override bool HasSetsRequiredMembersImpl
// If the record type has a required members error, then it does have required members of some kind, we emit the SetsRequiredMembers attribute.
=> ContainingType.HasAnyRequiredMembers || ContainingType.HasRequiredMembersError;