File: Symbols\Source\ConstantEvaluationHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols
    internal static class ConstantEvaluationHelpers
        [DebuggerDisplay("{GetDebuggerDisplay(), nq}")]
        internal readonly struct FieldInfo
            public readonly SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference Field;
            public readonly bool StartsCycle;
            public FieldInfo(SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference field, bool startsCycle)
                this.Field = field;
                this.StartsCycle = startsCycle;
            private string GetDebuggerDisplay()
                var value = this.Field.ToString();
                if (this.StartsCycle)
                    value += " [cycle]";
                return value;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a list containing the given field and all dependencies
        /// of that field that require evaluation. The list is ordered by
        /// dependencies, with fields with no dependencies first. Cycles are
        /// broken at the first field lexically in the cycle. If multiple threads
        /// call this method with the same field, the order of the fields
        /// returned should be the same, although some fields may be missing
        /// from the lists in some threads as other threads evaluate fields.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void OrderAllDependencies(
            this SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference field,
            ArrayBuilder<FieldInfo> order,
            bool earlyDecodingWellKnownAttributes)
            Debug.Assert(order.Count == 0);
            var graph = PooledDictionary<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference, Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>>.GetInstance();
            CreateGraph(graph, field, earlyDecodingWellKnownAttributes);
            Debug.Assert(graph.Count >= 1);
            var fields = ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
            OrderGraph(graph, order);
            // Verify all entries in the graph are in the ordered list.
            var map = new HashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>(order.Select(o => o.Field).Distinct());
            Debug.Assert(fields.All(f => map.Contains(f)));
        private struct Node<T> where T : class
            /// <summary>
            /// The set of fields on which the field depends.
            /// </summary>
            public ImmutableHashSet<T> Dependencies;
            /// <summary>
            /// The set of fields that depend on the field.
            /// </summary>
            public ImmutableHashSet<T> DependedOnBy;
        /// <summary>
        /// Build a dependency graph (a map from
        /// field to dependencies).
        /// </summary>
        private static void CreateGraph(
            Dictionary<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference, Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>> graph,
            SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference field,
            bool earlyDecodingWellKnownAttributes)
            var pending = ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
            while (pending.Count > 0)
                field = pending.Pop();
                Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> node;
                if (graph.TryGetValue(field, out node))
                    if (node.Dependencies != null)
                        // Already visited node.
                    node = new Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>();
                    node.DependedOnBy = ImmutableHashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.Empty;
                var dependencies = field.GetConstantValueDependencies(earlyDecodingWellKnownAttributes);
                // GetConstantValueDependencies will return an empty set if
                // the constant value has already been calculated. That avoids
                // calculating the full graph repeatedly. For instance with
                // "enum E { M0 = 0, M1 = M0 + 1, ..., Mn = Mn-1 + 1 }", we'll calculate
                // the graph M0, ..., Mi for the first field we evaluate, Mi. But for
                // the next field, Mj, we should only calculate the graph Mi, ..., Mj.
                node.Dependencies = dependencies;
                graph[field] = node;
                foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                    if (!graph.TryGetValue(dependency, out node))
                        node = new Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>();
                        node.DependedOnBy = ImmutableHashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.Empty;
                    node.DependedOnBy = node.DependedOnBy.Add(field);
                    graph[dependency] = node;
        private static void OrderGraph(
            Dictionary<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference, Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>> graph,
            ArrayBuilder<FieldInfo> order)
            Debug.Assert(graph.Count > 0);
            PooledHashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> lastUpdated = null;
            ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> fieldsInvolvedInCycles = null;
            while (graph.Count > 0)
                // Get the set of fields in the graph that have no dependencies.
                var search = ((IEnumerable<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>)lastUpdated) ?? graph.Keys;
                var set = ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
                foreach (var field in search)
                    Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> node;
                    if (graph.TryGetValue(field, out node))
                        if (node.Dependencies.Count == 0)
                lastUpdated = null;
                if (set.Count > 0)
                    var updated = PooledHashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
                    // Remove fields with no dependencies from the graph.
                    foreach (var field in set)
                        var node = graph[field];
                        // Remove the field from the Dependencies
                        // of each field that depends on it.
                        foreach (var dependedOnBy in node.DependedOnBy)
                            var n = graph[dependedOnBy];
                            n.Dependencies = n.Dependencies.Remove(field);
                            graph[dependedOnBy] = n;
                    // Add the set to the ordered list.
                    foreach (var item in set)
                        order.Add(new FieldInfo(item, startsCycle: false));
                    lastUpdated = updated;
                    // All fields have dependencies which means all fields are involved
                    // in cycles. Break the first cycle found. (Note some fields may have
                    // dependencies but are not strictly part of any cycle. For instance,
                    // B and C in: "enum E { A = A | B, B = C, C = D, D = D }").
                    var field = GetStartOfFirstCycle(graph, ref fieldsInvolvedInCycles);
                    // Break the dependencies.
                    var node = graph[field];
                    // Remove the field from the DependedOnBy
                    // of each field it has as a dependency.
                    foreach (var dependency in node.Dependencies)
                        var n = graph[dependency];
                        n.DependedOnBy = n.DependedOnBy.Remove(field);
                        graph[dependency] = n;
                    node = graph[field];
                    var updated = PooledHashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
                    // Remove the field from the Dependencies
                    // of each field that depends on it.
                    foreach (var dependedOnBy in node.DependedOnBy)
                        var n = graph[dependedOnBy];
                        n.Dependencies = n.Dependencies.Remove(field);
                        graph[dependedOnBy] = n;
                    // Add the start of the cycle to the ordered list.
                    order.Add(new FieldInfo(field, startsCycle: true));
                    lastUpdated = updated;
        private static SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference GetStartOfFirstCycle(
            Dictionary<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference, Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>> graph,
            ref ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> fieldsInvolvedInCycles)
            Debug.Assert(graph.Count > 0);
            if (fieldsInvolvedInCycles is null)
                fieldsInvolvedInCycles = ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance(graph.Count);
                // We sort fields that belong to the same compilation by location to process cycles in deterministic order.
                // Relative order between compilations is not important, cycles do not cross compilation boundaries. 
                fieldsInvolvedInCycles.AddRange(graph.Keys.GroupBy(static f => f.DeclaringCompilation).
                    SelectMany(static g => g.OrderByDescending((f1, f2) => g.Key.CompareSourceLocations(f1.ErrorLocation, f2.ErrorLocation))));
            while (true)
                SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference field = fieldsInvolvedInCycles.Pop();
                if (graph.ContainsKey(field) && IsPartOfCycle(graph, field))
                    return field;
        private static bool IsPartOfCycle(
            Dictionary<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference, Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>> graph,
            SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference field)
            var set = PooledHashSet<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
            var stack = ArrayBuilder<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>.GetInstance();
            SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference stopAt = field;
            bool result = false;
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                field = stack.Pop();
                var node = graph[field];
                if (node.Dependencies.Contains(stopAt))
                    result = true;
                foreach (var dependency in node.Dependencies)
                    if (set.Add(dependency))
            return result;
        private static void CheckGraph(Dictionary<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference, Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference>> graph)
            // Avoid O(n^2) behavior by checking
            // a maximum number of entries.
            int i = 10;
            foreach (var pair in graph)
                var field = pair.Key;
                var node = pair.Value;
                Debug.Assert(node.Dependencies != null);
                Debug.Assert(node.DependedOnBy != null);
                foreach (var dependency in node.Dependencies)
                    Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> n;
                    var ok = graph.TryGetValue(dependency, out n);
                foreach (var dependedOnBy in node.DependedOnBy)
                    Node<SourceFieldSymbolWithSyntaxReference> n;
                    var ok = graph.TryGetValue(dependedOnBy, out n);
                if (i == 0)
            Debug.Assert(graph.Values.Sum(n => n.DependedOnBy.Count) == graph.Values.Sum(n => n.Dependencies.Count));