1 write to _uncommonFields
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (1)
Symbols\Metadata\PE\PEPropertySymbol.cs (1)
350return retVal ?? InterlockedOperations.Initialize(ref _uncommonFields, createUncommonFields());
10 references to _uncommonFields
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (10)
Symbols\Metadata\PE\PEPropertySymbol.cs (10)
162/// <item><see cref="_uncommonFields"/> is itself null. In this case, no race has occurred, and the consuming code can safely handle the lack of 163/// <see cref="_uncommonFields"/> however it chooses.</item> 164/// <item><see cref="_uncommonFields"/> is not null, and the backing field has been initialized to some empty value, such as 166/// <item><see cref="_uncommonFields"/> is not null, and the backing field is uninitialized, either being <see langword="default" />, or is some 349var retVal = _uncommonFields; 752var uncommonFields = _uncommonFields; 955var uncommonFields = _uncommonFields; 1018var uncommonFields = _uncommonFields; 1060Debug.Assert(_uncommonFields is null or { _lazyOverloadResolutionPriority: 0 }); 1067return _uncommonFields?._lazyOverloadResolutionPriority ?? 0;