1 instantiation of SavedPending
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (1)
FlowAnalysis\AbstractFlowPass.cs (1)
828var result = new SavedPending(PendingBranches, _labelsSeen);
19 references to SavedPending
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (19)
FlowAnalysis\AbstractFlowPass.cs (7)
423var oldPending = SavePending(); 825protected SavedPending SavePending() 828var result = new SavedPending(PendingBranches, _labelsSeen); 843protected void RestorePending(SavedPending oldPending) 1818var oldPending = SavePending(); // we do not allow branches into a try statement 1822var pendingBeforeTry = SavePending(); 1854var tryAndCatchPending = SavePending();
FlowAnalysis\AbstractFlowPass_LocalFunctions.cs (2)
76var oldPending = SavePending(); // we do not support branches into a lambda 100var oldPending2 = SavePending();
FlowAnalysis\AbstractRegionControlFlowPass.cs (2)
33var oldPending = SavePending(); // We do not support branches *into* a lambda. 36var oldPending2 = SavePending();
FlowAnalysis\ControlFlowPass.cs (4)
282var oldPending = SavePending(); // we do not support branches into a try block 289var oldPending = SavePending(); // we do not support branches into a catch block 296var oldPending1 = SavePending(); // we do not support branches into a finally block 297var oldPending2 = SavePending(); // track only the branches out of the finally block
FlowAnalysis\DefiniteAssignment.cs (2)
2430var oldPending = SavePending(); // we do not support branches into a lambda 2438var oldPending2 = SavePending();
FlowAnalysis\NullableWalker.cs (2)
3327var oldPending = SavePending(); 3339var oldPending2 = SavePending();