1 write to _flags
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (1)
Symbols\Metadata\PE\PENamedTypeSymbol.cs (1)
306_flags = moduleSymbol.Module.GetTypeDefFlagsOrThrow(handle);
20 references to _flags
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (20)
Symbols\Metadata\PE\PENamedTypeSymbol.cs (20)
563if (!_flags.IsInterface()) 661switch (_flags & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask) 693throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(_flags & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask); 1653return (_flags & TypeAttributes.SpecialName) != 0; 1678(_flags & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0 && 1679(_flags & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0; 1688(_flags & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0 && 1689(_flags & TypeAttributes.Sealed) == 0; 1697return (_flags & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0; 1706(_flags & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0 && 1707(_flags & TypeAttributes.Abstract) == 0; 1715return (_flags & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0; 1723return _flags; 1784if (_flags.IsInterface()) 1833return _flags.IsInterface(); 2245return (_flags & TypeAttributes.Import) != 0; 2258return (_flags & TypeAttributes.WindowsRuntime) != 0; 2279CharSet result = _flags.ToCharSet(); 2294get { return (_flags & TypeAttributes.Serializable) != 0; } 2356get { return (_flags & TypeAttributes.HasSecurity) != 0; }