1 write to _hasTrue
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (1)
Utilities\ValueSetFactory.BoolValueSet.cs (1)
22private BoolValueSet(bool hasFalse, bool hasTrue) => (_hasFalse, _hasTrue) = (hasFalse, hasTrue);
10 references to _hasTrue
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (10)
Utilities\ValueSetFactory.BoolValueSet.cs (10)
39bool IValueSet.IsEmpty => !_hasFalse && !_hasTrue; 41ConstantValue IValueSet.Sample => ConstantValue.Create(_hasTrue ? true : _hasFalse ? false : throw new ArgumentException()); 48return _hasTrue; 65return !_hasTrue; 73public IValueSet<bool> Complement() => Create(!_hasFalse, !_hasTrue); 82return Create(hasFalse: this._hasFalse & o._hasFalse, hasTrue: this._hasTrue & o._hasTrue); 92return Create(hasFalse: this._hasFalse | o._hasFalse, hasTrue: this._hasTrue | o._hasTrue); 102public override string ToString() => (_hasFalse, _hasTrue) switch