1 instantiation of DagState
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (1)
Binder\DecisionDagBuilder.cs (1)
1844private static readonly ObjectPool<DagState> s_dagStatePool = new ObjectPool<DagState>(static () => new DagState());
48 references to DagState
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (48)
Binder\DecisionDagBuilder.cs (48)
42/// the initial state in a <see cref="DagState"/>, and then for each such state description we decide what the test 44/// represented by a <see cref="DagState"/> is a collection of partially matched cases represented by <see 45/// cref="StateForCase"/>. When we have computed <see cref="DagState"/> descriptions for all of the states, we 55private static readonly ObjectPool<PooledDictionary<DagState, DagState>> s_uniqueStatePool = 56PooledDictionary<DagState, DagState>.CreatePool(DagStateEquivalence.Instance); 740PooledDictionary<DagState, DagState> uniqueState = s_uniqueStatePool.Allocate(); 815Dictionary<DagState, DagState> uniqueState) 820using var workList = TemporaryArray<DagState>.Empty; 828DagState uniquifyState(FrozenArrayBuilder<StateForCase> cases, ImmutableDictionary<BoundDagTemp, IValueSet> remainingValues) 830var state = DagState.GetInstance(cases, remainingValues); 831if (uniqueState.TryGetValue(state, out DagState? existingState)) 885var initialState = uniquifyState(new 893DagState state = workList.RemoveLast(); 971/// Compute the <see cref="BoundDecisionDag"/> corresponding to each <see cref="DagState"/> of the given <see cref="DecisionDag"/> 972/// and store it in <see cref="DagState.Dag"/>. 980bool wasAcyclic = decisionDag.TryGetTopologicallySortedReachableStates(out ImmutableArray<DagState> sortedStates); 1004var state = sortedStates[i]; 1070DagState state, 1085DagState state, 1411DagState state, 1618public readonly DagState RootNode; 1619public DecisionDag(DagState rootNode) 1627private static void AddSuccessor(ref TemporaryArray<DagState> builder, DagState state) 1636/// <param name="result">Topologically sorted <see cref="DagState"/> nodes.</param> 1638public bool TryGetTopologicallySortedReachableStates(out ImmutableArray<DagState> result) 1655var stateIdentifierMap = PooledDictionary<DagState, int>.GetInstance(); 1678foreach (DagState state in allStates) 1844private static readonly ObjectPool<DagState> s_dagStatePool = new ObjectPool<DagState>(static () => new DagState()); 1869public DagState? TrueBranch, FalseBranch; 1879/// Created an instance of <see cref="DagState"/>. Will take ownership of <paramref name="cases"/>. That 1883public static DagState GetInstance(FrozenArrayBuilder<StateForCase> cases, ImmutableDictionary<BoundDagTemp, IValueSet> remainingValues) 1941private sealed class DagStateEquivalence : IEqualityComparer<DagState> 1947public bool Equals(DagState? x, DagState? y) 1966public int GetHashCode(DagState x) 2070DagState state, 2094DagState state, 2115DagState state, 2139DagState state, 2306DagState state, 2333DagState state,