2 writes to BuilderType
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (2)
BoundTree\InterpolatedStringHandlerData.cs (2)
42BuilderType = builderType; 52BuilderType = null;
8 references to BuilderType
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp (8)
BoundTree\BoundNodeExtensions.cs (1)
253BoundInterpolatedString { InterpolationData: { BuilderType: not null } d } => d,
FlowAnalysis\AbstractFlowPass.cs (1)
1177null or { BuilderType: null } => (null, false, false),
Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_Conversion.cs (1)
29BoundInterpolatedString { InterpolationData: { BuilderType: not null } d, Parts: { } p } => (d, p),
Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_StringInterpolation.cs (3)
31Debug.Assert(data.BuilderType is not null); 34var builderTempSymbol = _factory.InterpolatedStringHandlerLocal(data.BuilderType, syntax); 147if (node.InterpolationData is InterpolatedStringHandlerData { BuilderType: not null } data)
Operations\CSharpOperationFactory.cs (2)
2256Debug.Assert(positionInfo == null || boundInterpolatedString.InterpolationData is null or { BuilderType: null }); 2258if (positionInfo is null && boundInterpolatedString.InterpolationData is { BuilderType: not null, PositionInfo: var info })