// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
internal partial class LocalRewriter
public override BoundNode VisitSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node)
return SwitchStatementLocalRewriter.Rewrite(this, node);
private sealed class SwitchStatementLocalRewriter : BaseSwitchLocalRewriter
/// <summary>
/// A map from section syntax to the first label in that section.
/// </summary>
private readonly Dictionary<SyntaxNode, LabelSymbol> _sectionLabels = PooledDictionary<SyntaxNode, LabelSymbol>.GetInstance();
public static BoundStatement Rewrite(LocalRewriter localRewriter, BoundSwitchStatement node)
var rewriter = new SwitchStatementLocalRewriter(node, localRewriter);
BoundStatement result = rewriter.LowerSwitchStatement(node);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// We revise the returned label for a leaf so that all leaves in the same switch section are given the same label.
/// This enables the switch emitter to produce better code.
/// </summary>
protected override LabelSymbol GetDagNodeLabel(BoundDecisionDagNode dag)
var result = base.GetDagNodeLabel(dag);
if (dag is BoundLeafDecisionDagNode d)
SyntaxNode? section = d.Syntax.Parent;
// It is possible that the leaf represents a compiler-generated default for a switch statement in the EE.
// In that case d.Syntax is the whole switch statement, and its parent is null. We are only interested
// in leaves that result from explicit switch case labels in a switch section.
if (section?.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SwitchSection)
if (_sectionLabels.TryGetValue(section, out LabelSymbol? replacementLabel))
return replacementLabel;
_sectionLabels.Add(section, result);
return result;
private SwitchStatementLocalRewriter(BoundSwitchStatement node, LocalRewriter localRewriter)
: base(node.Syntax, localRewriter, node.SwitchSections.SelectAsArray(section => section.Syntax),
// Only add instrumentation (such as sequence points) if the node is not compiler-generated.
generateInstrumentation: localRewriter.Instrument && !node.WasCompilerGenerated)
private BoundStatement LowerSwitchStatement(BoundSwitchStatement node)
_factory.Syntax = node.Syntax;
var result = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();
var outerVariables = ArrayBuilder<LocalSymbol>.GetInstance();
var loweredSwitchGoverningExpression = _localRewriter.VisitExpression(node.Expression);
if (!node.WasCompilerGenerated && _localRewriter.Instrument)
// EnC: We need to insert a hidden sequence point to handle function remapping in case
// the containing method is edited while methods invoked in the expression are being executed.
var instrumentedExpression = _localRewriter.Instrumenter.InstrumentSwitchStatementExpression(node, loweredSwitchGoverningExpression, _factory);
if (loweredSwitchGoverningExpression.ConstantValueOpt == null)
loweredSwitchGoverningExpression = instrumentedExpression;
// If the expression is a constant, we leave it alone (the decision dag lowering code needs
// to see that constant). But we add an additional leading statement with the instrumented expression.
// The set of variables attached to the outer block
// Evaluate the input and set up sharing for dag temps with user variables
BoundDecisionDag decisionDag = ShareTempsIfPossibleAndEvaluateInput(
loweredSwitchGoverningExpression, result, out _);
// In a switch statement, there is a hidden sequence point after evaluating the input at the start of
// the code to handle the decision dag. This is necessary so that jumps back from a `when` clause into
// the decision dag do not appear to jump back up to the enclosing construct.
if (GenerateInstrumentation)
// Since there may have been no code to evaluate the input, add a no-op for any previous sequence point to bind to.
if (result.Count == 0)
// lower the decision dag.
(ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> loweredDag, ImmutableDictionary<SyntaxNode, ImmutableArray<BoundStatement>> switchSections) =
if (_whenNodeIdentifierLocal is not null)
// then add the rest of the lowered dag that references that input
// A branch to the default label when no switch case matches is included in the
// decision dag, so the code in `result` is unreachable at this point.
// Lower each switch section.
foreach (BoundSwitchSection section in node.SwitchSections)
_factory.Syntax = section.Syntax;
var sectionBuilder = ArrayBuilder<BoundStatement>.GetInstance();
foreach (BoundSwitchLabel switchLabel in section.SwitchLabels)
// Add the translated body of the switch section
// By the semantics of the switch statement, the end of each section is required to be unreachable.
// So we can just seal the block and there is no need to follow it by anything.
ImmutableArray<BoundStatement> statements = sectionBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
if (section.Locals.IsEmpty)
// Lifetime of these locals is expanded to the entire switch body, as it is possible to capture
// them in a different section by using a local function as an intermediary.
// Note the language scope of the locals, even though they are included for the purposes of
// lifetime analysis in the enclosing scope.
result.Add(new BoundScope(section.Syntax, section.Locals, statements));
// Dispatch temps are in scope throughout the switch statement, as they are used
// both in the dispatch section to hold temporary values from the translation of
// the decision dag, and in the branches where the temp values are assigned to the
// pattern variables of matched patterns.
_factory.Syntax = node.Syntax;
if (GenerateInstrumentation)
BoundStatement translatedSwitch = _factory.Block(outerVariables.ToImmutableAndFree(), node.InnerLocalFunctions, result.ToImmutableAndFree());
if (GenerateInstrumentation)
translatedSwitch = _localRewriter.Instrumenter.InstrumentSwitchStatement(node, translatedSwitch);
return translatedSwitch;