File: Lowering\LocalRewriter\LocalRewriter_BinaryOperator.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal sealed partial class LocalRewriter
        public override BoundNode VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node)
            return VisitBinaryOperator(node, null);
        public override BoundNode VisitUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator(BoundUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator node)
            // Yes, we could have a lifted, logical, user-defined operator:
            // struct C { 
            //   public static C operator &(C x, C y) {...}
            //   public static bool operator true(C? c) { ... }
            //   public static bool operator false(C? c) { ... }
            // }
            // If we have C? q, r and we say q && r then this gets bound as 
            // C? tempQ = q ;
            // C.false(tempQ) ? 
            //     tempQ : 
            //     ( 
            //         C? tempR = r ; 
            //         tempQ.HasValue & tempR.HasValue ? 
            //           new C?(C.&(tempQ.GetValueOrDefault(), tempR.GetValueOrDefault())) :
            //           default C?()
            //     )
            // Note that the native compiler does not allow q && r. However, the native compiler
            // *does* allow q && r if C is defined as:
            // struct C { 
            //   public static C? operator &(C? x, C? y) {...}
            //   public static bool operator true(C? c) { ... }
            //   public static bool operator false(C? c) { ... }
            // }
            // It seems unusual and wrong that an & operator should be allowed to become
            // a && operator if there is a "manually lifted" operator in source, but not
            // if there is a "synthesized" lifted operator.  Roslyn fixes this bug.
            // Anyway, in this case we must lower this to its non-logical form, and then
            // lower the interior of that to its non-lifted form.
            // See comments in method IsValidUserDefinedConditionalLogicalOperator for information
            // on some subtle aspects of this lowering.
            // We generate one of:
            // x || y --> temp = x; T.true(temp)  ? temp : T.|(temp, y);
            // x && y --> temp = x; T.false(temp) ? temp : T.&(temp, y);
            // For the ease of naming locals, we'll assume we're doing an &&.
            // TODO: We generate every one of these as "temp = x; T.false(temp) ? temp : T.&(temp, y)" even
            // TODO: when x has no side effects. We can optimize away the temporary if there are no side effects.
            var syntax = node.Syntax;
            var operatorKind = node.OperatorKind;
            var type = node.Type;
            BoundExpression loweredLeft = VisitExpression(node.Left);
            BoundExpression loweredRight = VisitExpression(node.Right);
            if (_inExpressionLambda)
                return node.Update(operatorKind, node.LogicalOperator, node.TrueOperator, node.FalseOperator, node.ConstrainedToTypeOpt, node.ResultKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment;
            var boundTemp = _factory.StoreToTemp(loweredLeft, out tempAssignment);
            // T.false(temp)
            var falseOperatorCall = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, receiverOpt: node.ConstrainedToTypeOpt is null ? null : new BoundTypeExpression(syntax, aliasOpt: null, node.ConstrainedToTypeOpt),
                                                          initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown,
                                                          operatorKind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.And ? node.FalseOperator : node.TrueOperator, boundTemp);
            // T.&(temp, y)
            var andOperatorCall = LowerUserDefinedBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind & ~BinaryOperatorKind.Logical, boundTemp, loweredRight, type, node.LogicalOperator, node.ConstrainedToTypeOpt);
            // T.false(temp) ? temp : T.&(temp, y)
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: falseOperatorCall,
                rewrittenConsequence: boundTemp,
                rewrittenAlternative: andOperatorCall,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: type,
                isRef: false);
            // temp = x; T.false(temp) ? temp : T.&(temp, y)
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create(boundTemp.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignment),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: type);
        public BoundExpression VisitBinaryOperator(BoundBinaryOperator node, BoundUnaryOperator? applyParentUnaryOperator)
            if (node.InterpolatedStringHandlerData is InterpolatedStringHandlerData data)
                Debug.Assert(node.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String, "Non-string binary addition should have been handled by VisitConversion or VisitArguments");
                ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> parts = CollectBinaryOperatorInterpolatedStringParts(node);
                return LowerPartsToString(data, parts, node.Syntax, node.Type);
            if (node.OperatorKind is BinaryOperatorKind.Utf8Addition)
                Debug.Assert(applyParentUnaryOperator is null);
                return VisitUtf8Addition(node);
            if (IsBinaryStringConcatenation(node))
                Debug.Assert(applyParentUnaryOperator is null);
                return VisitStringConcatenation(node);
            // In machine-generated code we frequently end up with binary operator trees that are deep on the left,
            // such as a + b + c + d ...
            // To avoid blowing the call stack, we make an explicit stack of the binary operators to the left, 
            // and then lower by traversing the explicit stack.
            var stack = ArrayBuilder<BoundBinaryOperator>.GetInstance();
            for (BoundBinaryOperator? current = node; current != null && current.ConstantValueOpt == null; current = current.Left as BoundBinaryOperator)
                // The regular visit mechanism will handle this.
                if (current.InterpolatedStringHandlerData is not null || current.OperatorKind is BinaryOperatorKind.Utf8Addition || IsBinaryStringConcatenation(current))
                    Debug.Assert(stack.Count >= 1);
            BoundExpression loweredLeft = VisitExpression(stack.Peek().Left);
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                BoundBinaryOperator original = stack.Pop();
                BoundExpression loweredRight = VisitExpression(original.Right);
                loweredLeft = MakeBinaryOperator(original, original.Syntax, original.OperatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, original.Type, original.Method, original.ConstrainedToType,
                    applyParentUnaryOperator: (stack.Count == 0) ? applyParentUnaryOperator : null);
            return loweredLeft;
        private static ImmutableArray<BoundExpression> CollectBinaryOperatorInterpolatedStringParts(BoundBinaryOperator node)
            Debug.Assert(node.OperatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.StringConcatenation);
            Debug.Assert(node.InterpolatedStringHandlerData is not null);
            var partsBuilder = ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression>.GetInstance();
                static (BoundInterpolatedString interpolatedString, ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression> partsBuilder) =>
                    return true;
            return partsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
        private BoundExpression MakeBinaryOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt,
            bool isPointerElementAccess = false,
            bool isCompoundAssignment = false,
            BoundUnaryOperator? applyParentUnaryOperator = null)
            return MakeBinaryOperator(null, syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt, isPointerElementAccess, isCompoundAssignment, applyParentUnaryOperator);
        private BoundExpression MakeBinaryOperator(
            BoundBinaryOperator? oldNode,
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt,
            bool isPointerElementAccess = false,
            bool isCompoundAssignment = false,
            BoundUnaryOperator? applyParentUnaryOperator = null)
            Debug.Assert(oldNode == null || (oldNode.Syntax == syntax));
            if (_inExpressionLambda)
                switch (operatorKind.Operator() | operatorKind.OperandTypes())
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectAndStringConcatenation:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.StringAndObjectConcatenation:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.StringConcatenation:
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(operatorKind);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateCombination:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Combine);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateRemoval:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Remove);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateEqual:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__op_Equality);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateNotEqual:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__op_Inequality);
            // try to lower the expression.
                if (operatorKind.IsDynamic())
                    if (operatorKind.IsLogical())
                        return MakeDynamicLogicalBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, method, constrainedToTypeOpt, type, isCompoundAssignment, applyParentUnaryOperator);
                        Debug.Assert(method is null);
                        return _dynamicFactory.MakeDynamicBinaryOperator(operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, isCompoundAssignment, type).ToExpression();
                if (operatorKind.IsLifted())
                    return RewriteLiftedBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
                if (operatorKind.IsUserDefined())
                    return LowerUserDefinedBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
                switch (operatorKind.OperatorWithLogical() | operatorKind.OperandTypes())
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullEqual:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullNotEqual:
                        return _factory.RewriteNullableNullEquality(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ObjectAndStringConcatenation:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.StringAndObjectConcatenation:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.StringConcatenation:
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(operatorKind);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.StringEqual:
                        return RewriteStringEquality(oldNode, syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_String__op_Equality);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.StringNotEqual:
                        return RewriteStringEquality(oldNode, syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_String__op_Inequality);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateCombination:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Combine);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateRemoval:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__Remove);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateEqual:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__op_Equality);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateNotEqual:
                        return RewriteDelegateOperation(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, SpecialMember.System_Delegate__op_Inequality);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LogicalBoolAnd:
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredLeft;
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredLeft;
                        if (loweredRight.Kind == BoundKind.Local || loweredRight.Kind == BoundKind.Parameter)
                            operatorKind &= ~BinaryOperatorKind.Logical;
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LogicalBoolOr:
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredLeft;
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredLeft;
                        if (loweredRight.Kind == BoundKind.Local || loweredRight.Kind == BoundKind.Parameter)
                            operatorKind &= ~BinaryOperatorKind.Logical;
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.BoolAnd:
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredLeft;
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredRight;
                        // Note that we are using IsDefaultValue instead of False.
                        // That is just to catch cases like default(bool) or others resulting in 
                        // a default bool value, that we know to be "false"
                        // bool? generally should not reach here, since it is handled by RewriteLiftedBinaryOperator.
                        // Regardless, the following code should handle default(bool?) correctly since
                        // default(bool?) & <expr> == default(bool?)  with sideeffects of <expr>
                        if (loweredLeft.IsDefaultValue())
                            return _factory.MakeSequence(loweredRight, loweredLeft);
                        if (loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            return _factory.MakeSequence(loweredLeft, loweredRight);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.BoolOr:
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredLeft;
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredRight;
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.BoolEqual:
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True) return loweredLeft;
                        Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { });
                        Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { });
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False)
                            return MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, loweredRight, loweredRight.Type);
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False)
                            return MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, loweredLeft, loweredLeft.Type);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.BoolNotEqual:
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredLeft;
                        Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { });
                        Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { });
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True)
                            return MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, loweredRight, loweredRight.Type);
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True)
                            return MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, loweredLeft, loweredLeft.Type);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.BoolXor:
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.False) return loweredLeft;
                        Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { });
                        Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { });
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True)
                            return MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, loweredRight, loweredRight.Type);
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.True)
                            return MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, loweredLeft, loweredLeft.Type);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntLeftShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntLeftShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntUnsignedRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntUnsignedRightShift:
                        return RewriteBuiltInShiftOperation(oldNode, syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, 0x1F);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongLeftShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongLeftShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongUnsignedRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongUnsignedRightShift:
                        return RewriteBuiltInShiftOperation(oldNode, syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, 0x3F);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NIntRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NUIntRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NIntUnsignedRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NUIntUnsignedRightShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NIntLeftShift:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NUIntLeftShift:
                        return RewriteBuiltInNativeShiftOperation(oldNode, syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalMultiplication:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalDivision:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalRemainder:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalEqual:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalNotEqual:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalLessThan:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalLessThanOrEqual:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalGreaterThan:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalGreaterThanOrEqual:
                        return RewriteDecimalBinaryOperation(syntax, loweredLeft, loweredRight, operatorKind);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndIntAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndUIntAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndLongAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndULongAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndIntSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndUIntSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndLongSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerAndULongSubtraction:
                        if (loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            return loweredLeft;
                        return RewritePointerNumericOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, isPointerElementAccess, isLeftPointer: true);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntAndPointerAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntAndPointerAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongAndPointerAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongAndPointerAddition:
                        if (loweredLeft.IsDefaultValue())
                            return loweredRight;
                        return RewritePointerNumericOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, isPointerElementAccess, isLeftPointer: false);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.PointerSubtraction:
                        return RewritePointerSubtraction(operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongAddition:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongAddition:
                        if (loweredLeft.IsDefaultValue())
                            return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            return loweredLeft;
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntSubtraction:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongSubtraction:
                        if (loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            return loweredLeft;
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntMultiplication:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.LongMultiplication:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.UIntMultiplication:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.ULongMultiplication:
                        if (loweredLeft.IsDefaultValue())
                            return _factory.MakeSequence(loweredRight, loweredLeft);
                        if (loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            return _factory.MakeSequence(loweredLeft, loweredRight);
                        if (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt?.UInt64Value == 1)
                            return loweredRight;
                        if (loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt?.UInt64Value == 1)
                            return loweredLeft;
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntGreaterThan:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThanOrEqual:
                        if (loweredLeft.Kind == BoundKind.ArrayLength && loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            //array length is never negative
                            var newOp = operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.IntGreaterThan ?
                                                        BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual :
                            operatorKind &= ~BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask;
                            operatorKind |= newOp;
                            loweredLeft = UnconvertArrayLength((BoundArrayLength)loweredLeft);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThan:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntGreaterThanOrEqual:
                        if (loweredRight.Kind == BoundKind.ArrayLength && loweredLeft.IsDefaultValue())
                            //array length is never negative
                            var newOp = operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.IntLessThan ?
                                                        BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual :
                            operatorKind &= ~BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask;
                            operatorKind |= newOp;
                            loweredRight = UnconvertArrayLength((BoundArrayLength)loweredRight);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntEqual:
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.IntNotEqual:
                        if (loweredLeft.Kind == BoundKind.ArrayLength && loweredRight.IsDefaultValue())
                            loweredLeft = UnconvertArrayLength((BoundArrayLength)loweredLeft);
                        else if (loweredRight.Kind == BoundKind.ArrayLength && loweredLeft.IsDefaultValue())
                            loweredRight = UnconvertArrayLength((BoundArrayLength)loweredRight);
                        goto default;
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.Utf8Addition:
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(operatorKind);
            return (oldNode != null) ?
                oldNode.Update(operatorKind, oldNode.ConstantValueOpt, oldNode.Method, oldNode.ConstrainedToType, oldNode.ResultKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type) :
                new BoundBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, constantValueOpt: null, methodOpt: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, LookupResultKind.Viable, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
        private BoundExpression RewriteLiftedBinaryOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression loweredLeft, BoundExpression loweredRight, TypeSymbol type, MethodSymbol? method, TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            var conditionalLeft = loweredLeft as BoundLoweredConditionalAccess;
            // NOTE: we could in theory handle side-effecting loweredRight here too
            //       by including it as a part of whenNull, but there is a concern 
            //       that it can lead to code duplication
            var optimize = conditionalLeft != null &&
                operatorKind != BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolOr && operatorKind != BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd &&
                !ReadIsSideeffecting(loweredRight) &&
                (conditionalLeft.WhenNullOpt == null || conditionalLeft.WhenNullOpt.IsDefaultValue());
            if (optimize)
                loweredLeft = conditionalLeft!.WhenNotNull;
            var result = operatorKind.IsComparison() ?
                            operatorKind.IsUserDefined() ?
                                LowerLiftedUserDefinedComparisonOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, method, constrainedToTypeOpt) :
                                LowerLiftedBuiltInComparisonOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight) :
                            LowerLiftedBinaryArithmeticOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            if (optimize)
                BoundExpression? whenNullOpt = null;
                // for all operators null-in means null-out
                // except for the Equal/NotEqual since null == null ==> true
                if (operatorKind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual ||
                    operatorKind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal)
                    Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { });
                    whenNullOpt = RewriteLiftedBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, _factory.Default(loweredLeft.Type), loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
                result = conditionalLeft!.Update(
                    whenNotNull: result,
                    whenNullOpt: whenNullOpt,
                    id: conditionalLeft.Id,
                    forceCopyOfNullableValueType: conditionalLeft.ForceCopyOfNullableValueType,
                    type: result.Type!
            return result;
        //array length produces native uint, so the node typically implies a conversion to int32/int64.  
        //Sometimes the conversion is not necessary - i.e. when we just check for 0
        //This helper removes unnecessary implied conversion from ArrayLength node.
        private BoundExpression UnconvertArrayLength(BoundArrayLength arrLength)
            return arrLength.Update(arrLength.Expression, _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_UIntPtr));
        private BoundExpression MakeDynamicLogicalBinaryOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            MethodSymbol? leftTruthOperator,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt,
            TypeSymbol type,
            bool isCompoundAssignment,
            BoundUnaryOperator? applyParentUnaryOperator)
            Debug.Assert(operatorKind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.And || operatorKind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.Or);
            // Dynamic logical && and || operators are lowered as follows:
            //   left && right  ->  IsFalse(left) ? left : And(left, right)
            //   left || right  ->  IsTrue(left) ? left : Or(left, right)
            // Optimization: If the binary AND/OR is directly contained in IsFalse/IsTrue operator (parentUnaryOperator != null)
            // we can avoid calling IsFalse/IsTrue twice on the same object.
            //   IsFalse(left && right)  ->  IsFalse(left) || IsFalse(And(left, right))
            //   IsTrue(left || right)   ->  IsTrue(left) || IsTrue(Or(left, right))
            bool isAnd = operatorKind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.And;
            // Operator to be used to test the left operand:
            var testOperator = isAnd ? UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicFalse : UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicTrue;
            // VisitUnaryOperator ensures we are never called with parentUnaryOperator != null when we can't perform the optimization.
            Debug.Assert(applyParentUnaryOperator == null || applyParentUnaryOperator.OperatorKind == testOperator);
            ConstantValue? constantLeft = loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt ?? UnboxConstant(loweredLeft);
            if (testOperator == UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicFalse && constantLeft == ConstantValue.False ||
                testOperator == UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicTrue && constantLeft == ConstantValue.True)
                Debug.Assert(leftTruthOperator == null);
                if (applyParentUnaryOperator != null)
                    // IsFalse(false && right) -> true
                    // IsTrue(true || right)   -> true
                    return _factory.Literal(true);
                    // false && right  ->  box(false)
                    // true || right   ->  box(true)
                    return MakeConversionNode(loweredLeft, type, @checked: false);
            BoundExpression result;
            var boolean = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            // Store left to local if needed. If constant or already local we don't need a temp 
            // since the value of left can't change until right is evaluated.
            BoundAssignmentOperator? tempAssignment;
            BoundLocal? temp;
            if (constantLeft == null && loweredLeft.Kind != BoundKind.Local && loweredLeft.Kind != BoundKind.Parameter)
                BoundAssignmentOperator assignment;
                var local = _factory.StoreToTemp(loweredLeft, out assignment);
                loweredLeft = local;
                tempAssignment = assignment;
                temp = local;
                tempAssignment = null;
                temp = null;
            var op = _dynamicFactory.MakeDynamicBinaryOperator(operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, isCompoundAssignment, type).ToExpression();
            // IsFalse(true) or IsTrue(false) are always false:
            bool leftTestIsConstantFalse = testOperator == UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicFalse && constantLeft == ConstantValue.True ||
                                           testOperator == UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicTrue && constantLeft == ConstantValue.False;
            if (applyParentUnaryOperator != null)
                // IsFalse(left && right)  ->  IsFalse(left) || IsFalse(And(left, right))
                // IsTrue(left || right)   ->  IsTrue(left) || IsTrue(Or(left, right))
                result = _dynamicFactory.MakeDynamicUnaryOperator(testOperator, op, boolean).ToExpression();
                if (!leftTestIsConstantFalse)
                    BoundExpression leftTest = MakeTruthTestForDynamicLogicalOperator(syntax, loweredLeft, boolean, leftTruthOperator, constrainedToTypeOpt, negative: isAnd);
                    result = _factory.Binary(BinaryOperatorKind.LogicalOr, boolean, leftTest, result);
                // left && right  ->  IsFalse(left) ? left : And(left, right)
                // left || right  ->  IsTrue(left) ? left : Or(left, right)
                if (leftTestIsConstantFalse)
                    result = op;
                    // We might need to box.
                    BoundExpression leftTest = MakeTruthTestForDynamicLogicalOperator(syntax, loweredLeft, boolean, leftTruthOperator, constrainedToTypeOpt, negative: isAnd);
                    var convertedLeft = MakeConversionNode(loweredLeft, type, @checked: false);
                    result = _factory.Conditional(leftTest, convertedLeft, op, type);
            if (tempAssignment != null)
                Debug.Assert(temp is { });
                return _factory.Sequence(ImmutableArray.Create(temp.LocalSymbol), ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignment), result);
            return result;
        private static ConstantValue? UnboxConstant(BoundExpression expression)
            if (expression.Kind == BoundKind.Conversion)
                var conversion = (BoundConversion)expression;
                if (conversion.ConversionKind == ConversionKind.Boxing)
                    return conversion.Operand.ConstantValueOpt;
            return null;
        private BoundExpression MakeTruthTestForDynamicLogicalOperator(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression loweredLeft, TypeSymbol boolean, MethodSymbol? leftTruthOperator, TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt, bool negative)
            if (loweredLeft.HasDynamicType())
                Debug.Assert(leftTruthOperator == null);
                return _dynamicFactory.MakeDynamicUnaryOperator(negative ? UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicFalse : UnaryOperatorKind.DynamicTrue, loweredLeft, boolean).ToExpression();
            // Although the spec doesn't capture it we do the same that Dev11 does:
            // Use implicit conversion to Boolean if it is defined on the static type of the left operand.
            // If not the type has to implement IsTrue/IsFalse operator - we checked it during binding.
            CompoundUseSiteInfo<AssemblySymbol> useSiteInfo = GetNewCompoundUseSiteInfo();
            var conversion = _compilation.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(loweredLeft, boolean, isChecked: false, ref useSiteInfo);
            _diagnostics.Add(loweredLeft.Syntax, useSiteInfo);
            if (conversion.IsImplicit)
                Debug.Assert(leftTruthOperator == null);
                var converted = MakeConversionNode(loweredLeft, boolean, @checked: false, markAsChecked: true); // The conversion was checked in binding
                if (negative)
                    return new BoundUnaryOperator(syntax, UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, converted, ConstantValue.NotAvailable, MethodSymbol.None, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, LookupResultKind.Viable, boolean)
                        WasCompilerGenerated = true
                    return converted;
            Debug.Assert(leftTruthOperator != null);
            return BoundCall.Synthesized(
                receiverOpt: constrainedToTypeOpt is null ? null : new BoundTypeExpression(syntax, aliasOpt: null, constrainedToTypeOpt),
                initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown,
        private BoundExpression LowerUserDefinedBinaryOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            if (operatorKind.IsLifted())
                return RewriteLiftedBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            // Otherwise, nothing special here.
            Debug.Assert(method is { });
            Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(method.ReturnType, type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
            return BoundCall.Synthesized(
                receiverOpt: constrainedToTypeOpt is null ? null : new BoundTypeExpression(syntax, aliasOpt: null, constrainedToTypeOpt),
                initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown,
        private BoundExpression? TrivialLiftedComparisonOperatorOptimizations(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            Debug.Assert(left != null);
            Debug.Assert(right != null);
            // Optimization #1: if both sides are null then the result 
            // is either true (for equality) or false (for everything else.)
            bool leftAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(left);
            bool rightAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(right);
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            if (leftAlwaysNull && rightAlwaysNull)
                return MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(kind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal), boolType);
            // Optimization #2: If both sides are non-null then we can again eliminate the lifting entirely.
            BoundExpression? leftNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(left);
            BoundExpression? rightNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(right);
            if (leftNonNull != null && rightNonNull != null)
                return MakeBinaryOperator(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    operatorKind: kind.Unlifted(),
                    loweredLeft: leftNonNull,
                    loweredRight: rightNonNull,
                    type: boolType,
                    method: method,
                    constrainedToTypeOpt: constrainedToTypeOpt);
            // Optimization #3: If one side is null and the other is definitely not, then we generate the side effects
            // of the non-null side and result in true (for not-equals) or false (for everything else.)
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind = kind.Operator();
            if (leftAlwaysNull && rightNonNull != null || rightAlwaysNull && leftNonNull != null)
                BoundExpression result = MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual), boolType);
                BoundExpression? nonNull = leftAlwaysNull ? rightNonNull : leftNonNull;
                Debug.Assert(nonNull is { });
                if (ReadIsSideeffecting(nonNull))
                    result = new BoundSequence(
                                    syntax: syntax,
                                    locals: ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty,
                                    sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(nonNull),
                                    value: result,
                                    type: boolType);
                return result;
            // Optimization #4: If one side is null and the other is unknown, then we have three cases:
            // #4a: If we have x == null then that becomes !x.HasValue.
            // #4b: If we have x != null then that becomes x.HasValue.
            // #4c: If we have x OP null then that becomes side effects of x, result in false.
            if (leftAlwaysNull || rightAlwaysNull)
                BoundExpression maybeNull = leftAlwaysNull ? right : left;
                if (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal || operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual)
                    BoundExpression callHasValue = _factory.MakeNullableHasValue(syntax, maybeNull);
                    BoundExpression result = operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal ?
                        MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, callHasValue, boolType) :
                    return result;
                    BoundExpression falseExpr = MakeBooleanConstant(syntax, operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual);
                    return _factory.MakeSequence(maybeNull, falseExpr);
            return null;
        private BoundExpression MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression)
            Debug.Assert(expression.Type is { });
            // If the expression is of nullable type then call GetValueOrDefault. If not,
            // then just use its value.
            if (expression.Type.IsNullableType())
                return BoundCall.Synthesized(
                    initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown,
                    UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, expression.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault));
            return expression;
        private BoundExpression MakeBooleanConstant(SyntaxNode syntax, bool value)
            return MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(value), _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean));
        private BoundExpression MakeOptimizedHasValue(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression)
            Debug.Assert(expression.Type is { });
            // If the expression is of nullable type then call HasValue. If not, then it has a value,
            // so return constant true.
            if (expression.Type.IsNullableType())
                return _factory.MakeNullableHasValue(syntax, expression);
            return MakeBooleanConstant(syntax, true);
        private BoundExpression MakeNullableHasValue(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression expression)
            Debug.Assert(expression.Type is { });
            return BoundCall.Synthesized(
                initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown,
                UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, expression.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_get_HasValue));
        private BoundExpression LowerLiftedBuiltInComparisonOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight)
            // SPEC: For the equality operators == != :
            // SPEC: The lifted operator considers two null values equal and a null value unequal to
            // SPEC: any non-null value. If both operands are non-null the lifted operator unwraps
            // SPEC: the operands and applies the underlying operator to produce the bool result.
            // SPEC:
            // SPEC: For the relational operators < > <= >= :
            // SPEC: The lifted operator produces the value false if one or both operands
            // SPEC: are null. Otherwise the lifted operator unwraps the operands and
            // SPEC: applies the underlying operator to produce the bool result.
            // Note that this means that x == y is true but x <= y is false if both are null.
            // x <= y is not the same as (x < y) || (x == y).
            // Start with some simple optimizations for cases like one side being null.
            BoundExpression? optimized = TrivialLiftedComparisonOperatorOptimizations(syntax, kind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            // We rewrite x == y as 
            // tempx = x; 
            // tempy = y;
            // result = (tempx.GetValueOrDefault() == tempy.GetValueOrDefault()) &
            //          (tempx.HasValue == tempy.HasValue);
            // and x != y as
            // tempx = x; 
            // tempy = y;
            // result = !((tempx.GetValueOrDefault() == tempy.GetValueOrDefault()) &
            //            (tempx.HasValue == tempy.HasValue));
            // Otherwise, we rewrite x OP y as
            // tempx = x;
            // tempy = y;
            // result = (tempx.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempy.GetValueOrDefault()) &
            //          (tempx.HasValue & tempy.HasValue);
            // Note that there is no reason to generate "&&" over "&"; the cost of
            // the added code for the conditional branch would be about the same as simply doing 
            // the bitwise & in the first place.
            // We have not yet optimized the case where we have a known-not-null value on one side, 
            // and an unknown value on the other. In those cases we will still generate a temp, but
            // we will not generate the call to the unnecessary nullable ctor or to GetValueOrDefault.
            // Rather, we will generate the value's temp instead of a call to GetValueOrDefault, and generate
            // literal true for HasValue. The tree construction methods we call will use those constants
            // to eliminate unnecessary branches.
            BoundExpression? xNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(loweredLeft);
            BoundExpression? yNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(loweredRight);
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            // Optimization: If one side is non-default constant, checking HasValue is not needed.
            if (kind.Operator() is BinaryOperatorKind.Equal or BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual)
                if (canNotBeEqualToDefaultValue(xNonNull?.ConstantValueOpt))
                    Debug.Assert(yNonNull is null, "Handled by trivial optimization above; otherwise we should use yNonNull here.");
                    return MakeBinaryOperator(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        operatorKind: kind.Unlifted(),
                        loweredLeft: xNonNull,
                        loweredRight: MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, loweredRight),
                        type: boolType,
                        method: null,
                        constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
                if (canNotBeEqualToDefaultValue(yNonNull?.ConstantValueOpt))
                    Debug.Assert(xNonNull is null, "Handled by trivial optimization above; otherwise we should use xNonNull here.");
                    return MakeBinaryOperator(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        operatorKind: kind.Unlifted(),
                        loweredLeft: MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, loweredLeft),
                        loweredRight: yNonNull,
                        type: boolType,
                        method: null,
                        constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            BoundLocal boundTempX = _factory.StoreToTemp(xNonNull ?? loweredLeft, out BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentX);
            BoundLocal boundTempY = _factory.StoreToTemp(yNonNull ?? loweredRight, out BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentY);
            BoundExpression callX_GetValueOrDefault = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTempX);
            BoundExpression callY_GetValueOrDefault = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTempY);
            BoundExpression callX_HasValue = MakeOptimizedHasValue(syntax, boundTempX);
            BoundExpression callY_HasValue = MakeOptimizedHasValue(syntax, boundTempY);
            BinaryOperatorKind leftOperator;
            BinaryOperatorKind rightOperator;
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind = kind.Operator();
            switch (operatorKind)
                case BinaryOperatorKind.Equal:
                case BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual:
                    leftOperator = BinaryOperatorKind.Equal;
                    rightOperator = BinaryOperatorKind.BoolEqual;
                    leftOperator = operatorKind;
                    rightOperator = BinaryOperatorKind.BoolAnd;
            // (tempx.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempy.GetValueOrDefault())
            BoundExpression leftExpression = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: leftOperator.WithType(kind.OperandTypes()),
                loweredLeft: callX_GetValueOrDefault,
                loweredRight: callY_GetValueOrDefault,
                type: boolType,
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            // (tempx.HasValue OP tempy.HasValue)
            BoundExpression rightExpression = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: rightOperator,
                loweredLeft: callX_HasValue,
                loweredRight: callY_HasValue,
                type: boolType,
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            // result = (tempx.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempy.GetValueOrDefault()) &
            //          (tempx.HasValue OP tempy.HasValue)
            BoundExpression binaryExpression = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.BoolAnd,
                loweredLeft: leftExpression,
                loweredRight: rightExpression,
                type: boolType,
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            // result = !((tempx.GetValueOrDefault() == tempy.GetValueOrDefault()) &
            //            (tempx.HasValue == tempy.HasValue));
            if (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual)
                binaryExpression = _factory.Not(binaryExpression);
            // tempx = x; 
            // tempy = y;
            // result = (tempx.GetValueOrDefault() == tempy.GetValueOrDefault()) &
            //          (tempx.HasValue == tempy.HasValue);
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create<LocalSymbol>(boundTempX.LocalSymbol, boundTempY.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignmentX, tempAssignmentY),
                value: binaryExpression,
                type: boolType);
            static bool canNotBeEqualToDefaultValue(
                [NotNullWhen(returnValue: true)] ConstantValue? constantValue)
                // This is an explicit list so new constant values are not accidentally supported without consideration.
                // Decimal is not in the list because it is possible to have a non-default decimal constant
                // which is equal to the default decimal (0.0m == default(decimal)).
                return constantValue is
                    IsDefaultValue: false,
                    Discriminator: ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Boolean
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Double
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int64
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.NInt
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.NUInt
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Single
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt32
                        or ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.UInt64
        private BoundExpression LowerLiftedUserDefinedComparisonOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            // If both sides are null, or neither side is null, then we can do some simple optimizations.
            BoundExpression? optimized = TrivialLiftedComparisonOperatorOptimizations(syntax, kind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            // Otherwise, the expression
            // x == y 
            // becomes
            // tempX = x;
            // tempY = y;
            // result = tempX.HasValue == tempY.HasValue ? 
            //            (tempX.HasValue ? 
            //              tempX.GetValueOrDefault() == tempY.GetValueOrDefault() : 
            //              true) : 
            //          false;
            // the expression
            // x != y 
            // becomes
            // tempX = x;
            // tempY = y;
            // result = tempX.HasValue == tempY.HasValue ? 
            //            (tempX.HasValue ? 
            //              tempX.GetValueOrDefault() != tempY.GetValueOrDefault() : 
            //              false) : 
            //            true;
            // For the other comparison operators <, <=, >, >=,
            // x OP y 
            // becomes
            // tempX = x;
            // tempY = y;
            // result = tempX.HasValue & tempY.HasValue ? 
            //              tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault() : 
            //              false;
            // We have not yet optimized the case where we have a known-not-null value on one side, 
            // and an unknown value on the other. In those cases we will still generate a temp, but
            // we will not generate the call to the unnecessary nullable ctor or to GetValueOrDefault.
            // Rather, we will generate the value's temp instead of a call to GetValueOrDefault, and generate
            // literal true for HasValue. The tree construction methods we call will use those constants
            // to eliminate unnecessary branches.
            BoundExpression? xNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(loweredLeft);
            BoundExpression? yNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(loweredRight);
            // TODO: (This TODO applies throughout this file, not just to this method.)
            // TODO: We might be storing a constant to this temporary that we could simply inline.
            // TODO: (There are other expressions that can be safely moved around other than constants
            // TODO: as well -- for example a boxing conversion of a constant int to object.)
            // TODO: Build a better temporary-storage management system that decides whether or not
            // TODO: to store a temporary.
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentX;
            BoundLocal boundTempX = _factory.StoreToTemp(xNonNull ?? loweredLeft, out tempAssignmentX);
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentY;
            BoundLocal boundTempY = _factory.StoreToTemp(yNonNull ?? loweredRight, out tempAssignmentY);
            BoundExpression callX_GetValueOrDefault = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTempX);
            BoundExpression callY_GetValueOrDefault = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTempY);
            BoundExpression callX_HasValue = MakeOptimizedHasValue(syntax, boundTempX);
            BoundExpression callY_HasValue = MakeOptimizedHasValue(syntax, boundTempY);
            // tempx.HasValue == tempy.HasValue
            BinaryOperatorKind conditionOperator;
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind = kind.Operator();
            switch (operatorKind)
                case BinaryOperatorKind.Equal:
                case BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual:
                    conditionOperator = BinaryOperatorKind.BoolEqual;
                    conditionOperator = BinaryOperatorKind.BoolAnd;
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            BoundExpression condition = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: conditionOperator,
                loweredLeft: callX_HasValue,
                loweredRight: callY_HasValue,
                type: boolType,
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            // tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault()
            BoundExpression unliftedOp = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: kind.Unlifted(),
                loweredLeft: callX_GetValueOrDefault,
                loweredRight: callY_GetValueOrDefault,
                type: boolType,
                method: method,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: constrainedToTypeOpt);
            BoundExpression consequence;
            if (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal || operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual)
                // If one operand is known to be non-null, we would get `x.HasValue ? (x.HasValue ? x.GVOD() OP y.GVOD() : true) : false`.
                // Hence, we don't need the nested conditional, only its consequence.
                if (xNonNull != null || yNonNull != null)
                    consequence = unliftedOp;
                    // tempx.HasValue ? tempX.GetValueOrDefault() == tempY.GetValueOrDefault() : true
                    consequence = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                        syntax: syntax,
                        rewrittenCondition: callX_HasValue,
                        rewrittenConsequence: unliftedOp,
                        rewrittenAlternative: MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal), boolType),
                        constantValueOpt: null,
                        rewrittenType: boolType,
                        isRef: false);
                // tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault()
                consequence = unliftedOp;
            // false
            BoundExpression alternative = MakeBooleanConstant(syntax, operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual);
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: condition,
                rewrittenConsequence: consequence,
                rewrittenAlternative: alternative,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: boolType,
                isRef: false);
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create<LocalSymbol>(boundTempX.LocalSymbol, boundTempY.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignmentX, tempAssignmentY),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: boolType);
        private BoundExpression? TrivialLiftedBinaryArithmeticOptimizations(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            // We begin with a trivial optimization: if both operands are null then the 
            // result is known to be null.
            Debug.Assert(left != null);
            Debug.Assert(right != null);
            // Optimization #1: if both sides are null then the result 
            // is either true (for equality) or false (for everything else.)
            bool leftAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(left);
            bool rightAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(right);
            if (leftAlwaysNull && rightAlwaysNull)
                // default(R?)
                return new BoundDefaultExpression(syntax, type);
            // Optimization #2: If both sides are non-null then we can again eliminate the lifting entirely.
            BoundExpression? leftNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(left);
            BoundExpression? rightNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(right);
            if (leftNonNull != null && rightNonNull != null)
                return MakeLiftedBinaryOperatorConsequence(syntax, kind, leftNonNull, rightNonNull, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            return null;
        private BoundExpression MakeLiftedBinaryOperatorConsequence(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            // tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault()
            BoundExpression unliftedOp = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: kind.Unlifted(),
                loweredLeft: left,
                loweredRight: right,
                type: type.GetNullableUnderlyingType(),
                method: method,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: constrainedToTypeOpt);
            // new R?(tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault)
            return new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),
        private static BoundExpression? OptimizeLiftedArithmeticOperatorOneNull(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right,
            TypeSymbol type)
            // Here we optimize the cases where one side is known to be null. If we have
            // null + M() or null + new int?(M()) then we simply generate M() as a side 
            // effect and produce null. Note that we can optimize away the unnecessary
            // constructor.
            bool leftAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(left);
            bool rightAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(right);
            Debug.Assert(!(leftAlwaysNull && rightAlwaysNull)); // We've already optimized this case.
            if (!(leftAlwaysNull || rightAlwaysNull))
                return null;
            BoundExpression notAlwaysNull = leftAlwaysNull ? right : left;
            BoundExpression? neverNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(notAlwaysNull);
            BoundExpression sideEffect = neverNull ?? notAlwaysNull;
            // If the "side effect" is a constant then we simply elide it entirely.
            // TODO: There are expressions other than constants that have no side effects
            // TODO: or elidable side effects.
            if (sideEffect.ConstantValueOpt != null)
                return new BoundDefaultExpression(syntax, type);
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty,
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(sideEffect),
                value: new BoundDefaultExpression(syntax, type),
                type: type);
        private BoundExpression LowerLiftedBinaryArithmeticOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            // We have a lifted * / % + - << >> ^ & | binary operator. We begin with trivial
            // optimizations; if both sides are null or neither side is null then we can
            // eliminate the lifting altogether.
            BoundExpression? optimized = OptimizeLiftedBinaryArithmetic(syntax, kind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            // We now know that neither side is null. However, we might have an operand that is known
            // to be non-null. If neither side is known to be non-null then we generate:
            // S? tempX = left;
            // S? tempY = right;
            // R? r = tempX.HasValue & tempY.HasValue ? 
            //        new R?(tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault())  :
            //        default(R?);
            // If one of the operands, say the right, is non-null, then we generate:
            // S? tempX = left;
            // S tempY = right; // not null
            // R? r = tempX.HasValue  ? 
            //        new R?(tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY)  :
            //        default(R?);
            var sideeffects = ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression>.GetInstance();
            var locals = ArrayBuilder<LocalSymbol>.GetInstance();
            BoundExpression? leftNeverNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(loweredLeft);
            BoundExpression? rightNeverNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(loweredRight);
            BoundExpression boundTempX = leftNeverNull ?? loweredLeft;
            boundTempX = CaptureExpressionInTempIfNeeded(boundTempX, sideeffects, locals);
            BoundExpression boundTempY = rightNeverNull ?? loweredRight;
            boundTempY = CaptureExpressionInTempIfNeeded(boundTempY, sideeffects, locals);
            BoundExpression callX_GetValueOrDefault = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTempX);
            BoundExpression callY_GetValueOrDefault = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTempY);
            BoundExpression callX_HasValue = MakeOptimizedHasValue(syntax, boundTempX);
            BoundExpression callY_HasValue = MakeOptimizedHasValue(syntax, boundTempY);
            // tempX.HasValue & tempY.HasValue
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            BoundExpression condition = MakeBinaryOperator(syntax, BinaryOperatorKind.BoolAnd, callX_HasValue, callY_HasValue, boolType, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            // new R?(tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault)
            BoundExpression consequence = MakeLiftedBinaryOperatorConsequence(syntax, kind, callX_GetValueOrDefault, callY_GetValueOrDefault, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            // default(R?)
            BoundExpression alternative = new BoundDefaultExpression(syntax, type);
            // tempX.HasValue & tempY.HasValue ? 
            //          new R?(tempX.GetValueOrDefault() OP tempY.GetValueOrDefault()) : 
            //          default(R?);
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: condition,
                rewrittenConsequence: consequence,
                rewrittenAlternative: alternative,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: type,
                isRef: false);
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: locals.ToImmutableAndFree(),
                sideEffects: sideeffects.ToImmutableAndFree(),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: type);
        private BoundExpression CaptureExpressionInTempIfNeeded(
            BoundExpression operand,
            ArrayBuilder<BoundExpression> sideeffects,
            ArrayBuilder<LocalSymbol> locals,
            SynthesizedLocalKind kind = SynthesizedLocalKind.LoweringTemp)
            if (CanChangeValueBetweenReads(operand))
                BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment;
                var tempAccess = _factory.StoreToTemp(operand, out tempAssignment, kind: kind);
                operand = tempAccess;
            return operand;
        private BoundExpression? OptimizeLiftedBinaryArithmetic(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right,
            TypeSymbol type,
            MethodSymbol? method,
            TypeSymbol? constrainedToTypeOpt)
            BoundExpression? optimized = TrivialLiftedBinaryArithmeticOptimizations(syntax, kind, left, right, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            // Boolean & and | operators have completely different codegen in non-trivial cases.
            if (kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd || kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolOr)
                return LowerLiftedBooleanOperator(syntax, kind, left, right);
            // If one side is null then we can lower this to a side effect and a null value.
            optimized = OptimizeLiftedArithmeticOperatorOneNull(syntax, left, right, type);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            // This is a bit of a complicated optimization; it is a more complex version of the 
            // "distributed" optimizations for lifted conversions and lifted unary operators.
            // Suppose we have a lifted binary operation where the left side might be null or not,
            // and the right side is definitely not, and moreover, it is a constant.  We are particularly
            // concerned about this because expressions like "i++" and "i += 1" are lowered to "i = i + 1";
            // it is quite common for there to be a constant on the left hand side of a lifted binop.
            // Here N() returns int?:
            // return N() + 1;
            // In LowerLiftedBinaryOperator, above, we would optimize this as:
            // int? n = N();
            // int v = 1;
            // return n.HasValue ? new int?(n.Value + v) : new int?()
            // This is unfortunate in that we generate an unnecessary temporary, but that's
            // not what we're going to optimize away here. This codegen is pretty good. 
            // Now let's suppose that instead of N(), we have a lifted operation on the left side:
            // return (N1() * N2()) + 1;
            // We could realize the left hand term as a lifted multiplication, produce a nullable int,
            // assign it to a temporary, and do the lifted addition:
            // int? n1 = N1();
            // int? n2 = N2();
            // int? r = n1.HasValue & n2.HasValue ? new int?(n1.Value * n2.Value) : new int?();
            // int v = 1;
            // return r.HasValue ? new int?(r.Value + v) : new int?();
            // But what is the point of the temporary r in this expansion?  We can eliminate it, and 
            // thereby eliminate two int? constructors in the process.  We can realize this as:
            // int? n1 = N1();
            // int? n2 = N2();
            // return n1.HasValue & n2.HasValue ? new int?(n1.Value * n2.Value + 1) : new int?();
            // We eliminate both the temporaries r and v.
            // Now, a reasonable question at this point would be "well, suppose the expression on
            // the right side is not a constant, but is known to be non-null; can we do the same
            // optimization?"  No, and here's why. Suppose we have:
            // return (N1() * N2()) + V();
            // We cannot realize this as:
            // int? n1 = N1();
            // int? n2 = N2();
            // int v = V();
            // return n1.HasValue & n2.HasValue ? new int?(n1.Value * n2.Value + v) : new int?();
            // because this changes the order in which the operations happen. Before we had N1(),
            // N2(), the multiplication -- which might be a user-defined operator with a side effect,
            // or might be in a checked context and overflow -- and then V().  Now we have V() before
            // the multiplication, changing the order in which side effects occur.
            // We could solve this problem by generating:
            // int? n1 = N1();
            // int? n2 = N2();
            // return n1.HasValue & n2.HasValue ? new int?(n1.Value * n2.Value + V()) : (V(), new int?());
            // so that the side effects of V() happen after the multiplication or before the value is 
            // produced, but now we have generated IL for V() twice. That could be a complex expression
            // and the whole point of this optimization is to make less IL. 
            // We could, however, optimize it if the non-null V() was on the left hand side. At this
            // time we will not pursue that optimization. We're really just hoping to get the N1() * N2() + 1
            // operation smaller; the rest is gravy.
            BoundExpression? nonNullRight = NullableAlwaysHasValue(right);
            if (nonNullRight != null && nonNullRight.ConstantValueOpt != null && left.Kind == BoundKind.Sequence)
                BoundSequence seq = (BoundSequence)left;
                if (seq.Value.Kind == BoundKind.ConditionalOperator)
                    BoundConditionalOperator conditional = (BoundConditionalOperator)seq.Value;
                    Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(seq.Type, conditional.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
                    Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(conditional.Type, conditional.Consequence.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
                    Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(conditional.Type, conditional.Alternative.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2));
                    if (NullableAlwaysHasValue(conditional.Consequence) != null && NullableNeverHasValue(conditional.Alternative))
                        return new BoundSequence(
                                MakeBinaryOperator(syntax, kind, conditional.Consequence, right, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt),
                                MakeBinaryOperator(syntax, kind, conditional.Alternative, right, type, method, constrainedToTypeOpt),
                                isRef: false),
            return null;
        private BoundExpression MakeNewNullableBoolean(SyntaxNode syntax, bool? value)
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            NamedTypeSymbol nullableBoolType = _compilation.GetOrCreateNullableType(boolType);
            if (value == null)
                return new BoundDefaultExpression(syntax, nullableBoolType);
            return new BoundObjectCreationExpression(
                UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, nullableBoolType, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor),
                MakeBooleanConstant(syntax, value.GetValueOrDefault()));
        private BoundExpression? OptimizeLiftedBooleanOperatorOneNull(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right)
            // Here we optimize the cases where one side is known to be null.
            bool leftAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(left);
            bool rightAlwaysNull = NullableNeverHasValue(right);
            Debug.Assert(!(leftAlwaysNull && rightAlwaysNull)); // We've already optimized this case.
            if (!(leftAlwaysNull || rightAlwaysNull))
                return null;
            // First, if one operand is null and the other is definitely non null, then we can eliminate
            // all the temporaries:
            // new bool?() & new bool?(B())
            // new bool?() | new bool?(B())
            // can be generated as
            // B() ? new bool?() : new bool?(false)
            // B() ? new bool?(true) : new bool?()
            // respectively.
            BoundExpression alwaysNull = leftAlwaysNull ? left : right;
            BoundExpression notAlwaysNull = leftAlwaysNull ? right : left;
            BoundExpression? neverNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(notAlwaysNull);
            Debug.Assert(alwaysNull.Type is { });
            BoundExpression nullBool = new BoundDefaultExpression(syntax, alwaysNull.Type);
            if (neverNull != null)
                BoundExpression newNullBool = MakeNewNullableBoolean(syntax, kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolOr);
                return RewriteConditionalOperator(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    rewrittenCondition: neverNull,
                    rewrittenConsequence: kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd ? nullBool : newNullBool,
                    rewrittenAlternative: kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd ? newNullBool : nullBool,
                    constantValueOpt: null,
                    rewrittenType: alwaysNull.Type,
                    isRef: false);
            // Now we optimize the case where one operand is null and the other is not. We generate
            // new bool?() & M() 
            // new bool?() | M()
            // as 
            // bool? t = M(), t.GetValueOrDefault() ? new bool?() : t
            // bool? t = M(), t.GetValueOrDefault() ? t : new bool?()
            // respectively.
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignment;
            BoundLocal boundTemp = _factory.StoreToTemp(notAlwaysNull, out tempAssignment);
            BoundExpression condition = MakeOptimizedGetValueOrDefault(syntax, boundTemp);
            BoundExpression consequence = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd ? nullBool : boundTemp;
            BoundExpression alternative = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd ? boundTemp : nullBool;
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: condition,
                rewrittenConsequence: consequence,
                rewrittenAlternative: alternative,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: alwaysNull.Type,
                isRef: false);
            Debug.Assert(conditionalExpression.Type is { });
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create<LocalSymbol>(boundTemp.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignment),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: conditionalExpression.Type);
        private BoundExpression? OptimizeLiftedBooleanOperatorOneNonNull(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression left,
            BoundExpression right)
            // Here we optimize the cases where one side is known to be non-null.  We generate:
            // new bool?(B()) & N()
            // N() & new bool?(B())
            // new bool?(B()) | N()
            // N() | new bool?(B())
            // as
            // bool b = B(), bool? n = N(), b ? n : new bool?(false)
            // bool? n = N(), bool b = B(), b ? n : new bool?(false)
            // bool b = B(), bool? n = N(), b ? new bool?(true) : n
            // bool? n = N(), bool b = B(), b ? new bool?(true) : n
            // respectively.
            BoundExpression? leftNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(left);
            BoundExpression? rightNonNull = NullableAlwaysHasValue(right);
            Debug.Assert(leftNonNull == null || rightNonNull == null); // We've already optimized the case where they are both non-null.
            Debug.Assert(!NullableNeverHasValue(left) && !NullableNeverHasValue(right)); // We've already optimized the case where one is null.
            if (leftNonNull == null && rightNonNull == null)
                return null;
            // One is definitely not null and the other might be null.
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentX;
            BoundLocal boundTempX = _factory.StoreToTemp(leftNonNull ?? left, out tempAssignmentX);
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentY;
            BoundLocal boundTempY = _factory.StoreToTemp(rightNonNull ?? right, out tempAssignmentY);
            BoundExpression nonNullTemp = leftNonNull == null ? boundTempY : boundTempX;
            BoundExpression maybeNullTemp = leftNonNull == null ? boundTempX : boundTempY;
            BoundExpression condition = nonNullTemp;
            BoundExpression newNullBool = MakeNewNullableBoolean(syntax, kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolOr);
            BoundExpression consequence = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolOr ? newNullBool : maybeNullTemp;
            BoundExpression alternative = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolOr ? maybeNullTemp : newNullBool;
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: condition,
                rewrittenConsequence: consequence,
                rewrittenAlternative: alternative,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: newNullBool.Type!,
                isRef: false);
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create<LocalSymbol>(boundTempX.LocalSymbol, boundTempY.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignmentX, tempAssignmentY),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: conditionalExpression.Type!);
        private BoundExpression LowerLiftedBooleanOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight)
            // x & y and x | y have special codegen if x and y are nullable Booleans.
            // We have already optimized cases where both operands are null or both are non-null.
            // Now optimize cases where one side is known to be null or one side is known to be non-null.
            BoundExpression? optimized = OptimizeLiftedBooleanOperatorOneNull(syntax, kind, loweredLeft, loweredRight);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            optimized = OptimizeLiftedBooleanOperatorOneNonNull(syntax, kind, loweredLeft, loweredRight);
            if (optimized != null)
                return optimized;
            // x & y is realized as (x.GetValueOrDefault() || !(y.GetValueOrDefault() || x.HasValue)) ? y : x
            // x | y is realized as (x.GetValueOrDefault() || !(y.GetValueOrDefault() || x.HasValue)) ? x : y
            // CONSIDER: Consider realizing these using | instead of ||. 
            // CONSIDER: The operations are extremely low cost and the added bulk to the code might not be worthwhile.
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentX;
            BoundLocal boundTempX = _factory.StoreToTemp(loweredLeft, out tempAssignmentX);
            BoundAssignmentOperator tempAssignmentY;
            BoundLocal boundTempY = _factory.StoreToTemp(loweredRight, out tempAssignmentY);
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            MethodSymbol getValueOrDefaultX = UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, boundTempX.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault);
            MethodSymbol getValueOrDefaultY = UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, boundTempY.Type, SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T_GetValueOrDefault);
            // tempx.GetValueOrDefault()
            BoundExpression callX_GetValueOrDefault = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, boundTempX, initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown, getValueOrDefaultX);
            // tempy.GetValueOrDefault()
            BoundExpression callY_GetValueOrDefault = BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, boundTempY, initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown, getValueOrDefaultY);
            // tempx.HasValue
            BoundExpression callX_HasValue = _factory.MakeNullableHasValue(syntax, boundTempX);
            // (tempy.GetValueOrDefault || tempx.HasValue)
            BoundExpression innerOr = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.LogicalBoolOr,
                loweredLeft: callY_GetValueOrDefault,
                loweredRight: callX_HasValue,
                type: boolType,
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            // !(tempy.GetValueOrDefault || tempx.HasValue)
            BoundExpression invert = MakeUnaryOperator(UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, syntax, method: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, innerOr, boolType);
            // (x.GetValueOrDefault() || !(y.GetValueOrDefault() || x.HasValue))
            BoundExpression condition = MakeBinaryOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                operatorKind: BinaryOperatorKind.LogicalBoolOr,
                loweredLeft: callX_GetValueOrDefault,
                loweredRight: invert,
                type: boolType,
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
            BoundExpression consequence = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd ? boundTempY : boundTempX;
            BoundExpression alternative = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.LiftedBoolAnd ? boundTempX : boundTempY;
            BoundExpression conditionalExpression = RewriteConditionalOperator(
                syntax: syntax,
                rewrittenCondition: condition,
                rewrittenConsequence: consequence,
                rewrittenAlternative: alternative,
                constantValueOpt: null,
                rewrittenType: alternative.Type!,
                isRef: false);
            return new BoundSequence(
                syntax: syntax,
                locals: ImmutableArray.Create<LocalSymbol>(boundTempX.LocalSymbol, boundTempY.LocalSymbol),
                sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(tempAssignmentX, tempAssignmentY),
                value: conditionalExpression,
                type: conditionalExpression.Type!);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function provides a false sense of security, it is likely going to surprise you when the requested member is missing.
        /// Recommendation: Do not use, use <see cref="TryGetNullableMethod"/> instead! 
        /// If used, a unit-test with a missing member is absolutely a must have.
        /// </summary>
        private MethodSymbol UnsafeGetNullableMethod(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol nullableType, SpecialMember member)
            return UnsafeGetNullableMethod(syntax, nullableType, member, _compilation, _diagnostics);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function provides a false sense of security, it is likely going to surprise you when the requested member is missing.
        /// Recommendation: Do not use, use <see cref="TryGetNullableMethod"/> instead! 
        /// If used, a unit-test with a missing member is absolutely a must have.
        /// </summary>
        internal static MethodSymbol UnsafeGetNullableMethod(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol nullableType, SpecialMember member, CSharpCompilation compilation, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            var nullableType2 = nullableType as NamedTypeSymbol;
            Debug.Assert(nullableType2 is { });
            return UnsafeGetSpecialTypeMethod(syntax, member, compilation, diagnostics).AsMember(nullableType2);
        private bool TryGetNullableMethod(SyntaxNode syntax, TypeSymbol nullableType, SpecialMember member, out MethodSymbol result, bool isOptional = false)
            var nullableType2 = (NamedTypeSymbol)nullableType;
            if (TryGetSpecialTypeMethod(syntax, member, out result, isOptional))
                result = result.AsMember(nullableType2);
                return true;
            return false;
        private BoundExpression RewriteNullableNullEquality(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol returnType)
            // This handles the case where we have a nullable user-defined struct type compared against null, eg:
            // struct S {} ... S? s = whatever; if (s != null)
            // If S does not define an overloaded != operator then this is lowered to s.HasValue.
            // If the type already has a user-defined or built-in operator then comparing to null is
            // treated as a lifted equality operator.
            Debug.Assert(loweredLeft != null);
            Debug.Assert(loweredRight != null);
            Debug.Assert((object)returnType != null);
            Debug.Assert(returnType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.IsLiteralNull() != loweredRight.IsLiteralNull());
            BoundExpression nullable = loweredRight.IsLiteralNull() ? loweredLeft : loweredRight;
            // If the other side is known to always be null then we can simply generate true or false, as appropriate.
            if (NullableNeverHasValue(nullable))
                return MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(kind == BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullEqual), returnType);
            BoundExpression? nonNullValue = NullableAlwaysHasValue(nullable);
            if (nonNullValue != null)
                // We have something like "if (new int?(M()) != null)". We can optimize this to
                // evaluate M() for its side effects and then result in true or false, as appropriate.
                // TODO: If the expression has no side effects then it can be optimized away here as well.
                return new BoundSequence(
                    syntax: syntax,
                    locals: ImmutableArray<LocalSymbol>.Empty,
                    sideEffects: ImmutableArray.Create<BoundExpression>(nonNullValue),
                    value: MakeBooleanConstant(syntax, kind == BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullNotEqual),
                    type: returnType);
            // arr?.Length == null
            var conditionalAccess = nullable as BoundLoweredConditionalAccess;
            if (conditionalAccess != null &&
                (conditionalAccess.WhenNullOpt == null || conditionalAccess.WhenNullOpt.IsDefaultValue()))
                BoundExpression whenNotNull = RewriteNullableNullEquality(
                    loweredLeft.IsLiteralNull() ? loweredLeft : loweredRight,
                var whenNull = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullEqual ? MakeBooleanConstant(syntax, true) : null;
                return conditionalAccess.Update(conditionalAccess.Receiver, conditionalAccess.HasValueMethodOpt, whenNotNull, whenNull, conditionalAccess.Id, conditionalAccess.ForceCopyOfNullableValueType, whenNotNull.Type!);
            BoundExpression call = MakeNullableHasValue(syntax, nullable);
            BoundExpression result = kind == BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullNotEqual ?
                call :
                new BoundUnaryOperator(syntax, UnaryOperatorKind.BoolLogicalNegation, call, ConstantValue.NotAvailable, null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, LookupResultKind.Viable, returnType);
            return result;
        private BoundExpression RewriteStringEquality(BoundBinaryOperator? oldNode, SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression loweredLeft, BoundExpression loweredRight, TypeSymbol type, SpecialMember member)
            if (oldNode != null && (loweredLeft.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.Null || loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.Null))
                return oldNode.Update(operatorKind, oldNode.ConstantValueOpt, oldNode.Method, oldNode.ConstrainedToType, oldNode.ResultKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
            var method = UnsafeGetSpecialTypeMethod(syntax, member);
            Debug.Assert((object)method != null);
            return BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, receiverOpt: null, initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown, method, loweredLeft, loweredRight);
        private BoundExpression RewriteDelegateOperation(SyntaxNode syntax, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, BoundExpression loweredLeft, BoundExpression loweredRight, TypeSymbol type, SpecialMember member)
            MethodSymbol method;
            if (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateEqual || operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.DelegateNotEqual)
                method = (MethodSymbol)_compilation.Assembly.GetSpecialTypeMember(member);
                if (loweredRight.IsLiteralNull() ||
                    loweredLeft.IsLiteralNull() ||
                    (object)(method = (MethodSymbol)_compilation.Assembly.GetSpecialTypeMember(member)) == null)
                    // use reference equality in the absence of overloaded operators for System.Delegate.
                    operatorKind = (operatorKind & (~BinaryOperatorKind.Delegate)) | BinaryOperatorKind.Object;
                    return new BoundBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, constantValueOpt: null, methodOpt: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, LookupResultKind.Empty, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
                method = UnsafeGetSpecialTypeMethod(syntax, member);
            Debug.Assert((object)method != null);
            BoundExpression call = _inExpressionLambda
                ? new BoundBinaryOperator(syntax, operatorKind, null, method, constrainedToTypeOpt: null, default(LookupResultKind), loweredLeft, loweredRight, method.ReturnType)
                : (BoundExpression)BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, receiverOpt: null, initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown, method, loweredLeft, loweredRight);
            BoundExpression result = method.ReturnType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Delegate ?
                MakeConversionNode(syntax, call, Conversion.ExplicitReference, type, @checked: false) :
            return result;
        private BoundExpression RewriteDecimalBinaryOperation(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression loweredLeft, BoundExpression loweredRight, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind)
            Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Decimal });
            Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Decimal });
            SpecialMember member;
            switch (operatorKind)
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalAddition: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Addition; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalSubtraction: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Subtraction; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalMultiplication: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Multiply; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalDivision: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Division; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalRemainder: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Modulus; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalEqual: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Equality; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalNotEqual: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_Inequality; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalLessThan: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_LessThan; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalLessThanOrEqual: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_LessThanOrEqual; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalGreaterThan: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_GreaterThan; break;
                case BinaryOperatorKind.DecimalGreaterThanOrEqual: member = SpecialMember.System_Decimal__op_GreaterThanOrEqual; break;
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(operatorKind);
            // call Operator (left, right)
            var method = UnsafeGetSpecialTypeMethod(syntax, member);
            Debug.Assert((object)method != null);
            return BoundCall.Synthesized(syntax, receiverOpt: null, initialBindingReceiverIsSubjectToCloning: ThreeState.Unknown, method, loweredLeft, loweredRight);
        private BoundExpression MakeNullCheck(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression rewrittenExpr, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind)
            Debug.Assert((operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.Equal) || (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual) ||
                (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullEqual) || (operatorKind == BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNullNotEqual));
            TypeSymbol? exprType = rewrittenExpr.Type;
            // Don't even call this method if the expression cannot be nullable.
                exprType is null ||
                exprType.IsNullableTypeOrTypeParameter() ||
                !exprType.IsValueType ||
            TypeSymbol boolType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean);
            // Fold compile-time comparisons.
            if (rewrittenExpr.ConstantValueOpt != null)
                switch (operatorKind)
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.Equal:
                        return MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(rewrittenExpr.ConstantValueOpt.IsNull, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Boolean), boolType);
                    case BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual:
                        return MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Create(!rewrittenExpr.ConstantValueOpt.IsNull, ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Boolean), boolType);
            TypeSymbol objectType = _compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object);
            if (exprType is { })
                if (exprType.Kind == SymbolKind.TypeParameter)
                    // Box type parameters.
                    rewrittenExpr = MakeConversionNode(syntax, rewrittenExpr, Conversion.Boxing, objectType, @checked: false);
                else if (exprType.IsNullableType())
                    operatorKind |= BinaryOperatorKind.NullableNull;
            return MakeBinaryOperator(
                MakeLiteral(syntax, ConstantValue.Null, objectType),
                method: null,
                constrainedToTypeOpt: null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Spec section 7.9: if the left operand is int or uint, mask the right operand with 0x1F;
        /// if the left operand is long or ulong, mask the right operand with 0x3F.
        /// </summary>
        private BoundExpression RewriteBuiltInShiftOperation(
            BoundBinaryOperator? oldNode,
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol type,
            int rightMask)
            SyntaxNode rightSyntax = loweredRight.Syntax;
            ConstantValue? rightConstantValue = loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt;
            Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { });
            TypeSymbol rightType = loweredRight.Type;
            Debug.Assert(rightType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32);
            if (rightConstantValue != null && rightConstantValue.IsIntegral)
                int shiftAmount = rightConstantValue.Int32Value & rightMask;
                if (shiftAmount == 0)
                    return loweredLeft;
                loweredRight = MakeLiteral(rightSyntax, ConstantValue.Create(shiftAmount), rightType);
                BinaryOperatorKind andOperatorKind = (operatorKind & ~BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask) | BinaryOperatorKind.And;
                loweredRight = new BoundBinaryOperator(
                    methodOpt: null,
                    constrainedToTypeOpt: null,
                    MakeLiteral(rightSyntax, ConstantValue.Create(rightMask), rightType),
            return oldNode == null
                ? new BoundBinaryOperator(
                    methodOpt: null,
                    constrainedToTypeOpt: null,
                : oldNode.Update(
                    methodOpt: null,
                    constrainedToTypeOpt: null,
        private BoundExpression RewriteBuiltInNativeShiftOperation(
            BoundBinaryOperator? oldNode,
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol type)
            // For the predefined operators, the number of bits to shift in `x << count`, `x >> count` or `x >>> count` is computed as follows:
            // [...]
            // - When the type of `x` is `nint` or `nuint`, the shift count is given by
            //   the low-order five bits of `count` on a 32 bit platform, or
            //   the lower-order six bits of `count` on a 64 bit platform.
            //   The shift count is computed as `count & (sizeof(nint) * 8 - 1)` or `count & (sizeof(nuint) * 8 - 1)`,
            //   which is `count & 0x1F` on a 32 bit platform and `count & 0x3F` on a 64 bit platform.
            Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { });
            TypeSymbol leftType = loweredLeft.Type;
            Debug.Assert(leftType.SpecialType is SpecialType.System_IntPtr or SpecialType.System_UIntPtr);
            ConstantValue? rightConstantValue = loweredRight.ConstantValueOpt;
            Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { });
            TypeSymbol rightType = loweredRight.Type;
            Debug.Assert(rightType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32);
            var oldSyntax = _factory.Syntax;
            _factory.Syntax = loweredRight.Syntax;
            if (rightConstantValue != null
                && rightConstantValue.Discriminator == ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.Int32
                && rightConstantValue.Int32Value is >= 0 and <= 0x1F)
                // For cases where count is small enough, we don't need any masking.
                int shiftAmount = rightConstantValue.Int32Value;
                if (shiftAmount == 0)
                    return loweredLeft;
                loweredRight = _factory.Literal(shiftAmount);
                BinaryOperatorKind andOperatorKind = (operatorKind & ~BinaryOperatorKind.OpMask) | BinaryOperatorKind.And;
                // count & (sizeof(nint) * 8 - 1)
                loweredRight = _factory.Binary(andOperatorKind, rightType,
                    _factory.IntSubtract(_factory.IntMultiply(_factory.Sizeof(leftType), _factory.Literal(8)), _factory.Literal(1)));
            _factory.Syntax = syntax;
            var result = oldNode == null
                ? _factory.Binary(operatorKind, type, loweredLeft, loweredRight)
                : oldNode.Update(operatorKind, null, methodOpt: null, constrainedToTypeOpt: null,
                    oldNode.ResultKind, loweredLeft, loweredRight, type);
            _factory.Syntax = oldSyntax;
            return result;
        private BoundExpression RewritePointerNumericOperator(
            SyntaxNode syntax,
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol returnType,
            bool isPointerElementAccess,
            bool isLeftPointer)
            if (isLeftPointer)
                Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { TypeKind: TypeKind.Pointer });
                loweredRight = MakeSizeOfMultiplication(loweredRight, (PointerTypeSymbol)loweredLeft.Type, kind.IsChecked());
                Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { TypeKind: TypeKind.Pointer });
                loweredLeft = MakeSizeOfMultiplication(loweredLeft, (PointerTypeSymbol)loweredRight.Type, kind.IsChecked());
            if (isPointerElementAccess)
                Debug.Assert(kind.Operator() == BinaryOperatorKind.Addition);
                // NOTE: This is here to persist a bug in Dev10.  checked(p[n]) should be equivalent to checked(*(p + n)),
                // but Dev10 omits the check on the addition (though it retains the check on the multiplication of n by
                // the size).
                kind = kind & ~BinaryOperatorKind.Checked;
            return new BoundBinaryOperator(
                            methodOpt: null,
                            constrainedToTypeOpt: null,
        /// <summary>
        /// This rather confusing method tries to reproduce the functionality of ExpressionBinder::bindPtrAddMul and
        /// ExpressionBinder::bindPtrMul.  The basic idea is that we have a numeric expression, x, and a pointer type, 
        /// T*, and we want to multiply x by sizeof(T).  Unfortunately, we need to stick in some conversions to make
        /// everything work.
        ///   1) If x is an int, then convert it to an IntPtr (i.e. a native int).  Dev10 offers no explanation (ExpressionBinder::bindPtrMul).
        ///   2) Do overload resolution based on the (possibly converted) type of X and int (the type of sizeof(T)).
        ///   3) If the result type of the chosen multiplication operator is signed, convert the product to IntPtr;
        ///      otherwise, convert the product to UIntPtr.
        /// </summary>
        private BoundExpression MakeSizeOfMultiplication(BoundExpression numericOperand, PointerTypeSymbol pointerType, bool isChecked)
            var sizeOfExpression = _factory.Sizeof(pointerType.PointedAtType);
            Debug.Assert(sizeOfExpression.Type is { SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Int32 });
            // Common case: adding or subtracting one  (e.g. for ++)
            if (numericOperand.ConstantValueOpt?.UInt64Value == 1)
                // We could convert this to a native int (as the unoptimized multiplication would be),
                // but that would be a no-op (int to native int), so don't bother.
                return sizeOfExpression;
            Debug.Assert(numericOperand.Type is { });
            var numericSpecialType = numericOperand.Type.SpecialType;
            // Optimization: the size is exactly one byte, then multiplication is unnecessary.
            if (sizeOfExpression.ConstantValueOpt?.Int32Value == 1)
                // As in ExpressionBinder::bindPtrAddMul, we apply the following conversions:
                //   int -> int (add allows int32 operands and will extend to native int if necessary)
                //   uint -> native uint (add will sign-extend 32bit operand on 64bit, we do not want that happening)
                //   long -> native int
                //   ulong -> native uint
                // Note that these are not the types we would see if we let the multiplication happen.
                // ACASEY: These rules are inferred from the native compiler.
                SpecialType destinationType = numericSpecialType;
                switch (numericSpecialType)
                    case SpecialType.System_Int32:
                        // add operator can take int32 and extend to 64bit if necessary
                        // however in a case of checked operation, the operation is treated as unsigned with overflow ( add.ovf.un , sub.ovf.un )
                        // the IL spec is a bit vague whether JIT should sign or zero extend the shorter operand in such case
                        // and there could be inconsistencies in implementation or bugs.
                        // As a result, in checked contexts, we will force sign-extending cast to be sure
                        if (isChecked)
                            var constVal = numericOperand.ConstantValueOpt;
                            if (constVal == null || constVal.Int32Value < 0)
                                destinationType = SpecialType.System_IntPtr;
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
                            // add operator treats operands as signed and will sign-extend on x64
                            // to prevent sign-extending, convert the operand to unsigned native int.
                            var constVal = numericOperand.ConstantValueOpt;
                            if (constVal == null || constVal.UInt32Value > int.MaxValue)
                                destinationType = SpecialType.System_UIntPtr;
                    case SpecialType.System_Int64:
                        destinationType = SpecialType.System_IntPtr;
                    case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
                        destinationType = SpecialType.System_UIntPtr;
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(numericSpecialType);
                return destinationType == numericSpecialType
                    ? numericOperand
                    : _factory.Convert(_factory.SpecialType(destinationType), numericOperand, Conversion.IntegerToPointer);
            BinaryOperatorKind multiplicationKind = BinaryOperatorKind.Multiplication;
            TypeSymbol multiplicationResultType;
            TypeSymbol convertedMultiplicationResultType;
            switch (numericSpecialType)
                case SpecialType.System_Int32:
                        TypeSymbol nativeIntType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_IntPtr);
                        // From ExpressionBinder::bindPtrMul:
                        // this multiplication needs to be done as natural ints, but since a (int * natint) ==> natint,
                        // we only need to promote one side
                        numericOperand = _factory.Convert(nativeIntType, numericOperand, Conversion.IntegerToPointer, isChecked);
                        multiplicationKind |= BinaryOperatorKind.Int; //i.e. signed
                        multiplicationResultType = nativeIntType;
                        convertedMultiplicationResultType = nativeIntType;
                case SpecialType.System_UInt32:
                        TypeSymbol longType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int64);
                        TypeSymbol nativeIntType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_IntPtr);
                        // We're multiplying a uint by an int, so promote both to long (same as normal operator overload resolution).
                        numericOperand = _factory.Convert(longType, numericOperand, Conversion.ExplicitNumeric, isChecked);
                        sizeOfExpression = _factory.Convert(longType, sizeOfExpression, Conversion.ExplicitNumeric, isChecked);
                        multiplicationKind |= BinaryOperatorKind.Long;
                        multiplicationResultType = longType;
                        convertedMultiplicationResultType = nativeIntType;
                case SpecialType.System_Int64:
                        TypeSymbol longType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int64);
                        TypeSymbol nativeIntType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_IntPtr);
                        // We're multiplying a long by an int, so promote the int to long (same as normal operator overload resolution).
                        sizeOfExpression = _factory.Convert(longType, sizeOfExpression, Conversion.ExplicitNumeric, isChecked);
                        multiplicationKind |= BinaryOperatorKind.Long;
                        multiplicationResultType = longType;
                        convertedMultiplicationResultType = nativeIntType;
                case SpecialType.System_UInt64:
                        TypeSymbol ulongType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_UInt64);
                        TypeSymbol nativeUIntType = _factory.SpecialType(SpecialType.System_UIntPtr);
                        // We're multiplying a ulong by an int, so promote the int to ulong (same as normal operator overload resolution).
                        sizeOfExpression = _factory.Convert(ulongType, sizeOfExpression, Conversion.ExplicitNumeric, isChecked);
                        multiplicationKind |= BinaryOperatorKind.ULong;
                        multiplicationResultType = ulongType;
                        convertedMultiplicationResultType = nativeUIntType; //unsigned since multiplicationResultType is unsigned
                        throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(numericSpecialType);
            if (isChecked)
                multiplicationKind |= BinaryOperatorKind.Checked;
            var multiplication = _factory.Binary(multiplicationKind, multiplicationResultType, numericOperand, sizeOfExpression);
            return TypeSymbol.Equals(convertedMultiplicationResultType, multiplicationResultType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2)
                ? multiplication
                : _factory.Convert(convertedMultiplicationResultType, multiplication, Conversion.IntegerToPointer); // NOTE: for some reason, dev10 doesn't check this conversion.
        private BoundExpression RewritePointerSubtraction(
            BinaryOperatorKind kind,
            BoundExpression loweredLeft,
            BoundExpression loweredRight,
            TypeSymbol returnType)
            Debug.Assert(loweredLeft.Type is { TypeKind: TypeKind.Pointer });
            Debug.Assert(loweredRight.Type is { TypeKind: TypeKind.Pointer });
            Debug.Assert(returnType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int64);
            PointerTypeSymbol pointerType = (PointerTypeSymbol)loweredLeft.Type;
            var sizeOfExpression = _factory.Sizeof(pointerType.PointedAtType);
            // NOTE: to match dev10, the result of the subtraction is treated as an IntPtr
            // and then the result of the division is converted to long.
            // NOTE: dev10 doesn't optimize away division by 1.
            return _factory.Convert(
                        kind & ~BinaryOperatorKind.Checked, // For some reason, dev10 never checks for subtraction overflow.