File: Lowering\IteratorRewriter\IteratorMethodToStateMachineRewriter.IteratorFinallyFrame.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal partial class IteratorMethodToStateMachineRewriter
        // storage of various information about a given try/finally frame
        private sealed class IteratorFinallyFrame
            // finalize state of this frame. This is the state we should be in when we are "between real states"
            public readonly StateMachineState finalizeState;
            // Enclosing frame. Root frame does not have parent.
            public readonly IteratorFinallyFrame parent;
            // Finally handler function. We must run this when logically leaving the frame. Root does not have a handler.
            public readonly IteratorFinallyMethodSymbol handler;
            // All states encountered in nested frames mapped to corresponding finally frames.
            // This is enough information to restore Try/Finally tree structure in Dispose and dispatch any valid state
            // into a corresponding try.
            // NOTE: union of all values in this map gives all nested frames.
            public Dictionary<StateMachineState, IteratorFinallyFrame> knownStates;
            // labels within this frame (branching to these labels does not go through finally).
            public readonly HashSet<LabelSymbol> labels;
            // proxy labels for branches leaving the frame. 
            // we build this on demand once we encounter leaving branches.
            // subsequent leaves to an already proxied label redirected to the proxy.
            // At the proxy label we will execute finally and forward the control flow 
            // to the actual destination. (which could be proxied again in the parent)
            public Dictionary<LabelSymbol, LabelSymbol> proxyLabels;
            public IteratorFinallyFrame(
                IteratorFinallyFrame parent,
                StateMachineState finalizeState,
                IteratorFinallyMethodSymbol handler,
                HashSet<LabelSymbol> labels)
                Debug.Assert(parent != null, "non root frame must have a parent");
                Debug.Assert((object)handler != null, "non root frame must have a handler");
                this.parent = parent;
                this.finalizeState = finalizeState;
                this.handler = handler;
                this.labels = labels;
            public IteratorFinallyFrame()
                this.finalizeState = StateMachineState.NotStartedOrRunningState;
            public bool IsRoot()
                return this.parent == null;
            public void AddState(StateMachineState state)
                if (parent != null)
                    parent.AddState(state, this);
            // Notifies all parents about the state recursively. 
            // All parents need to know states they recursively contain and what 
            // immediate child can handle every particular state.
            private void AddState(StateMachineState state, IteratorFinallyFrame innerHandler)
                var knownStates = this.knownStates;
                if (knownStates == null)
                    this.knownStates = knownStates = new Dictionary<StateMachineState, IteratorFinallyFrame>();
                knownStates.Add(state, innerHandler);
                if (parent != null)
                    // Present ourselves to the parent as responsible for a handling a state.
                    parent.AddState(state, this);
            // returns a proxy for a label if branch must be hijacked to run finally
            // otherwise returns same label back
            public LabelSymbol ProxyLabelIfNeeded(LabelSymbol label)
                // no need to proxy a label in the current frame or when we are at the root
                if (this.IsRoot() || (labels != null && labels.Contains(label)))
                    return label;
                var proxyLabels = this.proxyLabels;
                if (proxyLabels == null)
                    this.proxyLabels = proxyLabels = new Dictionary<LabelSymbol, LabelSymbol>();
                LabelSymbol proxy;
                if (!proxyLabels.TryGetValue(label, out proxy))
                    proxy = new GeneratedLabelSymbol("proxy" + label.Name);
                    proxyLabels.Add(label, proxy);
                return proxy;