File: FlowAnalysis\DataFlowsInWalker.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    /// <summary>
    /// A region analysis walker that computes the set of variables whose values flow into (are used
    /// in) the region. A variable assigned outside is used inside if an analysis that leaves the
    /// variable unassigned on entry to the region would cause the generation of "unassigned" errors
    /// within the region.
    /// </summary>
    internal class DataFlowsInWalker : AbstractRegionDataFlowPass
        // TODO: normalize the result by removing variables that are unassigned in an unmodified
        // flow analysis.
        private readonly HashSet<Symbol> _dataFlowsIn = new HashSet<Symbol>();
        private DataFlowsInWalker(CSharpCompilation compilation, Symbol member, BoundNode node, BoundNode firstInRegion, BoundNode lastInRegion,
            HashSet<Symbol> unassignedVariables, HashSet<PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax> unassignedVariableAddressOfSyntaxes)
            : base(compilation, member, node, firstInRegion, lastInRegion, unassignedVariables, unassignedVariableAddressOfSyntaxes)
        internal static HashSet<Symbol> Analyze(CSharpCompilation compilation, Symbol member, BoundNode node, BoundNode firstInRegion, BoundNode lastInRegion,
            HashSet<Symbol> unassignedVariables, HashSet<PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax> unassignedVariableAddressOfSyntaxes, out bool? succeeded)
            var walker = new DataFlowsInWalker(compilation, member, node, firstInRegion, lastInRegion, unassignedVariables, unassignedVariableAddressOfSyntaxes);
                bool badRegion = false;
                var result = walker.Analyze(ref badRegion);
                succeeded = !badRegion;
                return badRegion ? new HashSet<Symbol>() : result;
        private HashSet<Symbol> Analyze(ref bool badRegion)
            base.Analyze(ref badRegion, null);
            return _dataFlowsIn;
        protected override LocalState TopState()
            return new LocalState(BitVector.Empty);
        private LocalState ResetState(LocalState state)
            bool unreachable = !state.Reachable;
            state = TopState();
            if (unreachable)
            return state;
        protected override void EnterRegion()
            this.State = ResetState(this.State);
        protected override void NoteBranch(
            PendingBranch pending,
            BoundNode gotoStmt,
            BoundStatement targetStmt)
            if (!gotoStmt.WasCompilerGenerated && !targetStmt.WasCompilerGenerated && !RegionContains(gotoStmt.Syntax.Span) && RegionContains(targetStmt.Syntax.Span))
                pending.State = ResetState(pending.State);
            base.NoteBranch(pending, gotoStmt, targetStmt);
        public override BoundNode VisitRangeVariable(BoundRangeVariable node)
            if (IsInside && !RegionContains(node.RangeVariableSymbol.GetFirstLocation().SourceSpan))
            return null;
        protected override void ReportUnassigned(Symbol symbol, SyntaxNode node, int slot, bool skipIfUseBeforeDeclaration)
            // TODO: how to handle fields of structs?
            if (RegionContains(node.Span))
                // if the field access is reported as unassigned it should mean the original local
                // or parameter flows in, so we should get the symbol associated with the expression
                _dataFlowsIn.Add(symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Field ? GetNonMemberSymbol(slot) : symbol);
            base.ReportUnassigned(symbol, node, slot, skipIfUseBeforeDeclaration);
        protected override void ReportUnassignedOutParameter(
            ParameterSymbol parameter,
            SyntaxNode node,
            Location location)
            if (node != null && node is ReturnStatementSyntax && RegionContains(node.Span))
            base.ReportUnassignedOutParameter(parameter, node, location);