// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
internal abstract partial class
: Cci.IReference
Cci.IDefinition Cci.IReference.AsDefinition(EmitContext context)
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
CodeAnalysis.Symbols.ISymbolInternal Cci.IReference.GetInternalSymbol() => AdaptedSymbol;
void Cci.IReference.Dispatch(Cci.MetadataVisitor visitor)
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
IEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute> Cci.IReference.GetAttributes(EmitContext context)
return AdaptedSymbol.GetCustomAttributesToEmit((PEModuleBuilder)context.Module);
internal partial class Symbol
internal SymbolAdapter GetCciAdapter() => GetCciAdapterImpl();
protected virtual SymbolAdapter GetCciAdapterImpl() => throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
internal Symbol AdaptedSymbol => this;
internal Symbol GetCciAdapter() => this;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if this symbol is a definition and its containing module is a SourceModuleSymbol.
/// </summary>
protected internal void CheckDefinitionInvariant()
// can't be generic instantiation
// must be declared in the module we are building
Debug.Assert(this.ContainingModule is SourceModuleSymbol ||
(this.Kind == SymbolKind.Assembly && this is SourceAssemblySymbol) ||
(this.Kind == SymbolKind.NetModule && this is SourceModuleSymbol));
Cci.IReference CodeAnalysis.Symbols.ISymbolInternal.GetCciAdapter() => GetCciAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// Return whether the symbol is either the original definition
/// or distinct from the original. Intended for use in Debug.Assert
/// only since it may include a deep comparison.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsDefinitionOrDistinct()
return this.IsDefinition || !this.Equals(this.OriginalDefinition, SymbolEqualityComparer.ConsiderEverything.CompareKind);
internal virtual IEnumerable<CSharpAttributeData> GetCustomAttributesToEmit(PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder)
Debug.Assert(this.Kind != SymbolKind.Assembly);
return GetCustomAttributesToEmit(moduleBuilder, emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule: false);
internal IEnumerable<CSharpAttributeData> GetCustomAttributesToEmit(PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, bool emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule)
Debug.Assert(this.Kind != SymbolKind.Assembly);
ImmutableArray<CSharpAttributeData> userDefined;
ArrayBuilder<CSharpAttributeData> synthesized = null;
userDefined = this.GetAttributes();
this.AddSynthesizedAttributes(moduleBuilder, ref synthesized);
// Note that callers of this method (CCI and ReflectionEmitter) have to enumerate
// all items of the returned iterator, otherwise the synthesized ArrayBuilder may leak.
return GetCustomAttributesToEmit(userDefined, synthesized, isReturnType: false, emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule: emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a list of attributes to emit to CustomAttribute table.
/// The <paramref name="synthesized"/> builder is freed after all its items are enumerated.
/// </summary>
internal IEnumerable<CSharpAttributeData> GetCustomAttributesToEmit(
ImmutableArray<CSharpAttributeData> userDefined,
ArrayBuilder<CSharpAttributeData> synthesized,
bool isReturnType,
bool emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule)
//PERF: Avoid creating an iterator for the common case of no attributes.
if (userDefined.IsEmpty && synthesized == null)
return SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<CSharpAttributeData>();
return GetCustomAttributesToEmitIterator(userDefined, synthesized, isReturnType, emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule);
private IEnumerable<CSharpAttributeData> GetCustomAttributesToEmitIterator(
ImmutableArray<CSharpAttributeData> userDefined,
ArrayBuilder<CSharpAttributeData> synthesized,
bool isReturnType,
bool emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule)
if (synthesized != null)
foreach (var attribute in synthesized)
// only synthesize attributes that are emitted:
Debug.Assert(attribute.ShouldEmitAttribute(this, isReturnType, emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule));
yield return attribute;
for (int i = 0; i < userDefined.Length; i++)
CSharpAttributeData attribute = userDefined[i];
if (this.Kind == SymbolKind.Assembly)
// We need to filter out duplicate assembly attributes (i.e. attributes that
// bind to the same constructor and have identical arguments) and invalid
// InternalsVisibleTo attributes.
if (((SourceAssemblySymbol)this).IsIndexOfOmittedAssemblyAttribute(i))
if (attribute.ShouldEmitAttribute(this, isReturnType, emittingAssemblyAttributesInNetModule))
yield return attribute;
internal partial class SymbolAdapter
internal abstract Symbol AdaptedSymbol { get; }
public sealed override string ToString()
return AdaptedSymbol.ToString();
public sealed override bool Equals(object obj)
// It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
public sealed override int GetHashCode()
// It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
protected internal void CheckDefinitionInvariant() => AdaptedSymbol.CheckDefinitionInvariant();
internal bool IsDefinitionOrDistinct()
return AdaptedSymbol.IsDefinitionOrDistinct();