File: BoundTree\BoundDecisionDag.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp)
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// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
    internal partial class BoundDecisionDag
        private ImmutableHashSet<LabelSymbol> _reachableLabels;
        private ImmutableArray<BoundDecisionDagNode> _topologicallySortedNodes;
        internal static void AddSuccessors(ref TemporaryArray<BoundDecisionDagNode> builder, BoundDecisionDagNode node)
            switch (node)
                case BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode p:
                case BoundTestDecisionDagNode p:
                case BoundLeafDecisionDagNode d:
                case BoundWhenDecisionDagNode w:
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node.Kind);
        public ImmutableHashSet<LabelSymbol> ReachableLabels
                if (_reachableLabels == null)
                    var result = ImmutableHashSet.CreateBuilder<LabelSymbol>(Symbols.SymbolEqualityComparer.ConsiderEverything);
                    foreach (var node in this.TopologicallySortedNodes)
                        if (node is BoundLeafDecisionDagNode leaf)
                    _reachableLabels = result.ToImmutableHashSet();
                return _reachableLabels;
        /// <summary>
        /// A list of all the nodes reachable from the root node, in a topologically sorted order.
        /// </summary>
        public ImmutableArray<BoundDecisionDagNode> TopologicallySortedNodes
                if (_topologicallySortedNodes.IsDefault)
                    // We use an iterative topological sort to avoid overflowing the compiler's runtime stack for a large switch statement.
                    bool wasAcyclic = TopologicalSort.TryIterativeSort(this.RootNode, AddSuccessors, out _topologicallySortedNodes);
                    // Since these nodes were constructed by an isomorphic mapping from a known acyclic graph, it cannot be cyclic
                return _topologicallySortedNodes;
        /// <summary>
        /// Rewrite a decision dag, using a mapping function that rewrites one node at a time. That function
        /// takes as its input the node to be rewritten and a function that returns the previously computed
        /// rewritten node for successor nodes.
        /// </summary>
        public BoundDecisionDag Rewrite(Func<BoundDecisionDagNode, IReadOnlyDictionary<BoundDecisionDagNode, BoundDecisionDagNode>, BoundDecisionDagNode> makeReplacement)
            // First, we topologically sort the nodes of the dag so that we can translate the nodes bottom-up.
            // This will avoid overflowing the compiler's runtime stack which would occur for a large switch
            // statement if we were using a recursive strategy.
            ImmutableArray<BoundDecisionDagNode> sortedNodes = this.TopologicallySortedNodes;
            // Cache simplified/translated replacement for each translated dag node. Since we always visit
            // a node's successors before the node, the replacement should always be in the cache when we need it.
            var replacement = PooledDictionary<BoundDecisionDagNode, BoundDecisionDagNode>.GetInstance();
            // Loop backwards through the topologically sorted nodes to translate them, so that we always visit a node after its successors
            for (int i = sortedNodes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                BoundDecisionDagNode node = sortedNodes[i];
                BoundDecisionDagNode newNode = makeReplacement(node, replacement);
                replacement.Add(node, newNode);
            // Return the computed replacement root node
            var newRoot = replacement[this.RootNode];
            return this.Update(newRoot);
        /// <summary>
        /// A trivial node replacement function for use with <see cref="Rewrite(Func{BoundDecisionDagNode, IReadOnlyDictionary{BoundDecisionDagNode, BoundDecisionDagNode}, BoundDecisionDagNode})"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public static BoundDecisionDagNode TrivialReplacement(BoundDecisionDagNode dag, IReadOnlyDictionary<BoundDecisionDagNode, BoundDecisionDagNode> replacement)
            switch (dag)
                case BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode p:
                    return p.Update(p.Evaluation, replacement[p.Next]);
                case BoundTestDecisionDagNode p:
                    return p.Update(p.Test, replacement[p.WhenTrue], replacement[p.WhenFalse]);
                case BoundWhenDecisionDagNode p:
                    return p.Update(p.Bindings, p.WhenExpression, replacement[p.WhenTrue], (p.WhenFalse != null) ? replacement[p.WhenFalse] : null);
                case BoundLeafDecisionDagNode p:
                    return p;
                    throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(dag);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a decision dag and a constant-valued input, produce a simplified decision dag that has removed all the
        /// tests that are unnecessary due to that constant value. This simplification affects flow analysis (reachability
        /// and definite assignment) and permits us to simplify the generated code.
        /// </summary>
        public BoundDecisionDag SimplifyDecisionDagIfConstantInput(BoundExpression input)
            if (input.ConstantValueOpt == null)
                return this;
                ConstantValue inputConstant = input.ConstantValueOpt;
                return Rewrite(makeReplacement);
                // Make a replacement for a given node, using the precomputed replacements for its successors.
                BoundDecisionDagNode makeReplacement(BoundDecisionDagNode dag, IReadOnlyDictionary<BoundDecisionDagNode, BoundDecisionDagNode> replacement)
                    if (dag is BoundTestDecisionDagNode p)
                        // This is the key to the optimization. The result of a top-level test might be known if the input is constant.
                        switch (knownResult(p.Test))
                            case true:
                                return replacement[p.WhenTrue];
                            case false:
                                return replacement[p.WhenFalse];
                    return TrivialReplacement(dag, replacement);
                // Is the decision's result known because the input is a constant?
                bool? knownResult(BoundDagTest choice)
                    if (!choice.Input.IsOriginalInput)
                        // This is a test of something other than the main input; result unknown
                        return null;
                    switch (choice)
                        case BoundDagExplicitNullTest d:
                            return inputConstant.IsNull;
                        case BoundDagNonNullTest d:
                            return !inputConstant.IsNull;
                        case BoundDagValueTest d:
                            return d.Value == inputConstant;
                        case BoundDagTypeTest d:
                            return inputConstant.IsNull ? (bool?)false : null;
                        case BoundDagRelationalTest d:
                            var f = ValueSetFactory.ForType(input.Type);
                            if (f is null) return null;
                            return f.Related(d.Relation.Operator(), inputConstant, d.Value);
                            throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(choice);
        public bool ContainsAnySynthesizedNodes()
            return this.TopologicallySortedNodes.Any(static node => node is BoundEvaluationDecisionDagNode e && e.Evaluation.Kind == BoundKind.DagAssignmentEvaluation);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starting with `this` state, produce a human-readable description of the state tables.
        /// This is very useful for debugging and optimizing the dag state construction.
        /// </summary>
        internal new string Dump()
            var allStates = this.TopologicallySortedNodes;
            var resultBuilder = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
            var result = resultBuilder.Builder;
            foreach (var state in allStates)
            return resultBuilder.ToStringAndFree();