// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests
public partial class UserDefinedConversionTests : CompilingTestBase
#region "Source"
private readonly string _userDefinedConversionTestTemplate = @"
class C1 { }
class C2 { }
class D
public static XXX operator C1(D d) { return null; }
public static XXX operator C2(D d) { return null; }
public static XXX operator D(C1 c1) { return null; }
public static XXX operator D(C2 c2) { return null; }
struct E1 { }
struct E2 { }
struct F
public static XXX operator E1(F f) { return default(E1); }
public static XXX operator E2(F f) { return default(E2); }
public static XXX operator F(E1 e1) { return default(F); }
public static XXX operator F(E2 e2) { return default(F); }
struct G {}
struct H
public static XXX operator G(H h) { return default(G); }
struct I
public static XXX operator G(I? i) { return default(G); }
struct J
public static XXX operator G?(J j) { return default(G?); }
struct K
public static XXX operator G?(K? k) { return default(G?); }
struct L
public static XXX operator G(L l) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G(L? l) { return default(G); }
struct M
public static XXX operator G(M m) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(M? m) { return default(G?); }
struct N
public static XXX operator G(N? n) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(N n) { return default(G?); }
struct O
public static XXX operator G(O? o) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(O? o) { return default(G?); }
struct P
public static XXX operator G(P p) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G(P? p) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(P p) { return default(G?); }
struct Q
public static XXX operator G(Q q) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G(Q? q) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(Q? q) { return default(G?); }
struct R
public static XXX operator G(R r) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(R r) { return default(G?); }
public static XXX operator G?(R? r) { return default(G?); }
struct S
public static XXX operator G(S? s) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(S s) { return default(G?); }
public static XXX operator G?(S? s) { return default(G?); }
struct T
public static XXX operator G(T t) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G(T? t) { return default(G); }
public static XXX operator G?(T t) { return default(G?); }
public static XXX operator G?(T? t) { return default(G?); }
public void TestUserDefinedImplicitConversionOverloadResolution()
string source1 = _userDefinedConversionTestTemplate.Replace("XXX", "implicit");
string source2 = @"
class Z
static void MC1(C1 c1) { }
static void MC2(C2 c2) { }
static void MD(D d) { }
static void ME1(E1 e1) { }
static void MNE1(E1? e1) { }
static void ME2(E2 e2) { }
static void MNE2(E2? e2) { }
static void MF(F f) { }
static void MNF(F? f) { }
static void MG(G g) { }
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
// MG(default(H?)); Not implicit
//MG(default(J)); Not implicit
//MG(default(J?)); Not implicit
MNG(default(J?)); // Invalid according to specification. Native compiler and Roslyn allow it
// by improperly 'half lifting' the conversion.
//MG(default(K)); Not implicit
//MG(default(K?)); Not implicit
MNG(default(L)); // Ambiguous according to specification; Roslyn and native compiler allow it
//MG(default(M?)); Not implicit
MNG(default(M)); // Ambiguous according to specification; Roslyn and native compiler allow it.
// MNG(default(N?)); // Valid according to specification. Native compiler and Roslyn claim this is ambiguous
// even though the conversion from N-->G? is not applicable because it cannot be lifted.
// Native compiler and Roslyn choose improperly 'half lift' the operator to N?-->G?.
//MNG(default(P?)); // Similarly valid according to specification, but ambiguous according to native compiler and Roslyn.
MNG(default(Q)); // Ambiguous according to specification; Roslyn and native compiler allow it.
//MG(default(R?)); Not implicit
string source3 = @"
class Z
static void MC1(C1 c1) { }
static void MC2(C2 c2) { }
static void MD(D d) { }
static void ME1(E1 e1) { }
static void MNE1(E1? e1) { }
static void ME2(E2 e2) { }
static void MNE2(E2? e2) { }
static void MF(F f) { }
static void MNF(F? f) { }
static void MG(G g) { }
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
// None of these are implicit conversions.
var comp = CreateCompilation(source1 + source2);
comp = CreateCompilation(source1 + source3);
// (115,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'H?' to 'G'
// MG(default(H?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(H?)").WithArguments("1", "H?", "G"),
// (116,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'J' to 'G'
// MG(default(J));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(J)").WithArguments("1", "J", "G"),
// (117,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'J?' to 'G'
// MG(default(J?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(J?)").WithArguments("1", "J?", "G"),
// (119,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'K' to 'G'
// MG(default(K));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(K)").WithArguments("1", "K", "G"),
// (120,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'K?' to 'G'
// MG(default(K?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(K?)").WithArguments("1", "K?", "G"),
// (121,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'M?' to 'G'
// MG(default(M?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(M?)").WithArguments("1", "M?", "G"),
// (122,8): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'R?' to 'G'
// MG(default(R?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "default(R?)").WithArguments("1", "R?", "G"));
[Fact, WorkItem(543716, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543716")]
public void TestUserDefinedConversionOverloadResolution_SpecViolations()
// These are all cases where the specification says the conversion should either not exist
// or be ambiguous, but the native compiler allows the conversion. Roslyn emulates the
// native compiler's behavior to avoid the breaking change.
string implicitConversions = _userDefinedConversionTestTemplate.Replace("XXX", "implicit");
string implicitConversionBadSuccess = @"
class Z
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void MG(G g) { }
static void Main()
// Implicit conversions
// Explicit conversions
var comp = CreateCompilation(implicitConversions + implicitConversionBadSuccess);
// More cases where the specification says that the conversion should be bad, but
// the native compiler and Roslyn allow it.
string explicitConversions = _userDefinedConversionTestTemplate.Replace("XXX", "explicit");
string explicitConversionsBadSuccess = @"
class Z
static void MG(G g) { }
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
comp = CreateCompilation(explicitConversions + explicitConversionsBadSuccess);
// These are cases where the specification indicates that a conversion should be legal,
// but the native compiler disallows it. Roslyn follows the native compiler in these cases.
string implicitConversionsBadFailures = @"
class Z
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
comp = CreateCompilation(implicitConversions + implicitConversionsBadFailures);
// (103,9): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'N.implicit operator G(N?)' and 'N.implicit operator G?(N)' when converting from 'N?' to 'G?'
// MNG(default(N?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "default(N?)").WithArguments("N.implicit operator G(N?)", "N.implicit operator G?(N)", "N?", "G?"),
// (104,9): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'P.implicit operator G(P)' and 'P.implicit operator G(P?)' when converting from 'P?' to 'G?'
// MNG(default(P?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "default(P?)").WithArguments("P.implicit operator G(P)", "P.implicit operator G(P?)", "P?", "G?")
// More cases where the specification indicates that a conversion should be legal,
// but the native compiler disallows it. Roslyn follows the native compiler in these cases.
string explicitConversionsBadFailures = @"
class Z
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
comp = CreateCompilation(explicitConversions + explicitConversionsBadFailures);
// (103,9): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'N.explicit operator G(N?)' and 'N.explicit operator G?(N)' when converting from 'N?' to 'G?'
// MNG((G?)default(N?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(G?)default(N?)").WithArguments("N.explicit operator G(N?)", "N.explicit operator G?(N)", "N?", "G?"),
// (104,9): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'P.explicit operator G(P)' and 'P.explicit operator G(P?)' when converting from 'P?' to 'G?'
// MNG((G?)default(P?));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(G?)default(P?)").WithArguments("P.explicit operator G(P)", "P.explicit operator G(P?)", "P?", "G?")
public void TestUserDefinedConversionOverloadResolution_BreakingChanges()
// Roslyn emulates most of the native compiler's spec violations for user-defined conversions.
// It is possible for a user-defined implicit conversion to be ambiguous when processed
// as an explicit conversion but unambiguous when processed as an implicit conversion.
// In that circumstance, the native compiler reports the ambiguity, oddly enough.
// One might expect that if "B b = 1;" succeeds then "B b = (B)1;" ought to as well.
// Roslyn matches the native compiler.
// This is bug 11202.
string source1 = @"
class A
public static implicit operator A(int d) { return null; }
class B : A
public static implicit operator B(long d) { return null; }
class C
static void Main()
B b = 1;
// Only the operator in B is applicable because we must
// convert implicitly from the return type to B.
b = (B)1;
// Both the operators are applicable because we must
// convert from the return type to B via an explicit conversion,
// and A to B is therefore legal. Therefore, were we to treat
// this solely as an explicit conversion, we'd have an ambiguity
// because the return type exactly matches on the operator in B,
// and the parameter type exactly matches on the operator in A.
// The native compiler produces an error here. Roslyn reasons
// that if the implicit conversion succeeds then the explicit conversion
// ought to also succeed.
var comp = CreateCompilation(source1);
// (18,13): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'B.implicit operator B(long)' and 'A.implicit operator A(int)' when converting from 'int' to 'B'
// b = (B)1;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(B)1").WithArguments("B.implicit operator B(long)", "A.implicit operator A(int)", "int", "B"));
// The native compiler incorrectly treats the explicit user-defined
// conversion operator as inapplicable here. Roslyn allows this.
// Contrast this with the genuinely incorrect code in the method
// TestUserDefinedConversionsTypeParameterEdgeCase below.
string source2 = @"
class Animal {}
class Mammal : Animal {}
class X<T> where T : Mammal
public static explicit operator X<T>(Animal a) { return null; }
public static void M(T t)
X<T> xt = (X<T>)t;
comp = CreateCompilation(source2);
public void TestUserDefinedConversionsTypeParameterEdgeCase()
// In contrast with the code above, this code should genuinely produce
// an error. The cast operator means that a standard explicit conversion can
// be inserted on both sides of the implicit conversion. Though there is an
// explicit conversion from T to Giraffe, this is not a *standard* implicit
// conversion because there is no implicit conversion from Giraffe to T.
string source = @"
class Animal {}
class Mammal : Animal {}
class Giraffe : Mammal {}
class X<T> where T : Mammal
public static implicit operator X<T>(Giraffe g) { return null; }
public static void M(T t)
X<T> xt = (X<T>)t;
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (10,15): error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'T' to 'X<T>'
// X<T> xt = (X<T>)t;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, "(X<T>)t").WithArguments("T", "X<T>"));
[Fact, WorkItem(605100, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/605100")]
public void TestUserDefinedConversions_DynamicIdentityBetweenBaseTypes()
string source = @"
public class A<U>
public static explicit operator T(A<U> a) { return null; }
public class S : A<dynamic>
public class T : A<object>
public class X
static T F(S s)
return (T)s;
// Dev11 doesn't use identity conversion and reports an error, which is wrong:
// error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'A<dynamic>.explicit operator T(A<dynamic>)' and 'A<object>.explicit operator T(A<object>)' when converting from 'S' to 'T'
[Fact, WorkItem(605326, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/605326")]
public void TestUserDefinedConversions_DynamicIdentityBetweenBaseTypeAndTargetType()
string source = @"
public class A<T>
public class B : A<dynamic>
public static explicit operator A<object>(B x)
return null;
// TODO (tomat): This should report ERR_ConversionWithBase
public void TestUserDefinedExplicitConversionOverloadResolution()
// Explicit conversions should use implicit conversions.
string source1 = _userDefinedConversionTestTemplate.Replace("XXX", "implicit");
string source2 = _userDefinedConversionTestTemplate.Replace("XXX", "explicit");
string source3 = @"
class Z
static void MC1(C1 c1) { }
static void MC2(C2 c2) { }
static void MD(D d) { }
static void ME1(E1 e1) { }
static void MNE1(E1? e1) { }
static void ME2(E2 e2) { }
static void MNE2(E2? e2) { }
static void MF(F f) { }
static void MNF(F? f) { }
static void MG(G g) { }
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
MNG((G?)default(L)); // Spec says this should be ambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn allow it.
MG((G)default(M?)); // Spec says this should be ambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn allow it.
MNG((G?)default(M)); // Spec says this should be ambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn allow it.
// MG((G)default(N)); This is an interesting one. The conversion is ambiguous when declared as explicit, unambiguous when implicit. See below.
// MNG((G?)default(N?)); // Spec says this should be unambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn make it ambiguous.
// MNG((G?)default(P?)); // Spec says this should be unambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn make it ambiguous.
MNG((G?)default(Q)); // Spec says this should be ambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn allow it.
MG((G)default(R?)); // Spec says this should be ambiguous; native compiler and Roslyn allow it.
// MG((G)default(S)); Another one that is ambiguous when declared as explicit, unambiguous when implicit. See below.
string source4 = @"
class Z
static void MG(G g) { }
static void MNG(G? g) { }
static void Main()
var comp = CreateCompilation(source1 + source3);
comp = CreateCompilation(source2 + source3);
// The native compiler produces errors for all of these because
// it does not consider whether or not an *implicit* conversion
// would have succeeded; it only considers whether an *explicit*
// conversion is unambiguous.
// Roslyn originally had a breaking change here, but now matches dev11.
comp = CreateCompilation(source1 + source4);
// (105,8): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'N.implicit operator G(N?)' and 'N.implicit operator G?(N)' when converting from 'N' to 'G'
// MG((G)default(N));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(G)default(N)").WithArguments("N.implicit operator G(N?)", "N.implicit operator G?(N)", "N", "G"),
// (106,8): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'S.implicit operator G(S?)' and 'S.implicit operator G?(S)' when converting from 'S' to 'G'
// MG((G)default(S));
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(G)default(S)").WithArguments("S.implicit operator G(S?)", "S.implicit operator G?(S)", "S", "G"));
// When restricted to only use explicit conversions, the conversions
// truly are ambiguous; the native and Roslyn compilers agree on these cases:
comp = CreateCompilation(source2 + source4);
// (105,8): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'N.explicit operator G(N?)' and 'N.explicit operator G?(N)' when converting from 'N' to 'G'
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(G)default(N)").WithArguments("N.explicit operator G(N?)", "N.explicit operator G?(N)", "N", "G"),
// (106,9): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'N.explicit operator G(N?)' and 'N.explicit operator G?(N)' when converting from 'N?' to 'G?'
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "(G)default(S)").WithArguments("S.explicit operator G(S?)", "S.explicit operator G?(S)", "S", "G"));
public void TestUserDefinedConversions()
string source = @"
using System;
class C
public static void Main()
S sx = new S('x');
D dy = new D('y');
E ez = new F('z');
T tx = sx;
F fg = (F)dy;
B dz = (D)ez;
struct S
public string str;
public S(string str) { this.str = str; }
public S(char chr) { this.str = chr.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { return 'S' + this.str; }
public static implicit operator T(S s) { return new T(s.str); }
struct T
public string str;
public T(string str) { this.str = str; }
public T(char chr) { this.str = chr.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { return 'T' + this.str; }
class B
public string str;
public B(string str) { this.str = str; }
public B(char chr) { this.str = chr.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { return 'B' + this.str; }
public static explicit operator E(B b) { return new F(b.str); }
class D : B
public D(char chr) : base(chr) {}
public D(string str) : base(str) {}
public static explicit operator D(F f) { return new D(f.str); }
public override string ToString() { return 'D' + this.str; }
class E
public string str;
public E(string str) { this.str = str; }
public E(char chr) { this.str = chr.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { return 'E' + this.str; }
class F : E
public F(char chr) : base(chr) {}
public F(string str) : base(str) {}
public override string ToString() { return 'F' + this.str; }
string output = "TxFyDz";
CompileAndVerify(source: source, expectedOutput: output);
[Fact(Skip = "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39959")]
[WorkItem(39959, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39959")]
public void TestIntPtrUserDefinedConversions()
// IntPtr and UIntPtr violate the rules of user-defined conversions for
// backwards-compatibility reasons. All of these should compile without error.
string source1 = @"
using System;
unsafe class P
public static void Main()
byte uint8 = 0;
sbyte int8 = 0;
short int16 = 0;
ushort uint16 = 0;
int int32 = 0;
long int64 = 0;
uint uint32 = 0;
ulong uint64 = 0;
double real64 = 0;
float real32 = 0;
char chr = '\0';
DayOfWeek e = default(DayOfWeek);
IntPtr intPtr = default(IntPtr);
UIntPtr uintPtr = default(UIntPtr);
byte? nuint8 = 0;
sbyte? nint8 = 0;
short? nint16 = 0;
ushort? nuint16 = 0;
int? nint32 = 0;
long? nint64 = 0;
uint? nuint32 = 0;
ulong? nuint64 = 0;
double? nreal64 = 0;
float? nreal32 = 0;
char? nchr = '\0';
DayOfWeek? ne = default(DayOfWeek);
IntPtr? nintPtr = default(IntPtr);
UIntPtr? nuintPtr = default(UIntPtr);
string source2 = @"
decimal dec = 0;
decimal? ndec = 0;
void* pvoid = default(void*);
int* pint = default(int*);
string source3 = @"
// The spec requires that there be either an implicit conversion
// from the argument type to the parameter type, or from the
// parameter type to the argument type. It does *not* require
// that there be an *explicit* conversion from the argument type
// to the parameter type.
// This means that if the argument type is short and the parameter
// type is uint, the conversion is not a candidate. There is an
// implicit conversion from short to uint, but there is no implicit
// conversion from short to uint or from uint to short.
// The spec also requires that the operator chosen be unambiguous.
// A conversion from byte --> IntPtr?, for example, is ambiguous because
// it could be:
// byte --> int --> IntPtr --> IntPtr?, or
// byte --> int? --> IntPtr? (using the lifted conversion), or
// byte --> long --> IntPtr --> IntPtr? or
// byte --> long? --> IntPtr? (using the lifted conversion)
// And that set is ambiguous; there is no best operator.
// The native compiler, and hence Roslyn, implements none of these rules.
// It allows conversions from IntPtr to any numeric type and vice versa.
// All the cases below should compile without error.
// numeric to IntPtr
intPtr = (IntPtr) uint8; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) int8; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) uint16; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) int16; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) chr; // i32 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) uint32; // i64 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) int32; // i32 id
intPtr = (IntPtr) uint64; // i64 exp *
intPtr = (IntPtr) int64; // i64 id
intPtr = (IntPtr) real32; // i64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) real64; // i64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) e;
// numeric to UIntPtr
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) uint8; // u32 imp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) int8; // u64 exp (ulong is bigger type than uint) *
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) uint16; // u32 imp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) int16; // u64 exp (ulong bigger) *
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) chr; // u32 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) uint32; // u32 id
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) int32; // u64 exp (ulong bigger) *
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) uint64; // u64 id
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) int64; // u64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) real32; // u64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) real64; // u64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) e;
// IntPtr to numeric
uint8 = (byte) intPtr; // i32
uint16 = (ushort) intPtr; // i32
chr = (char) intPtr; // i32
uint32 = (uint) intPtr; // i32
uint64 = (ulong) intPtr; // i64
int8 = (sbyte) intPtr; // i32
int16 = (short) intPtr; // i32
int32 = (int) intPtr; // i32
int64 = (long) intPtr; // i64
real32 = (float) intPtr; // i64
real64 = (double) intPtr; // i64
e = (DayOfWeek) intPtr;
// UIntPtr to numeric
uint8 = (byte) uintPtr; // u32
uint16 = (ushort) uintPtr; // u32
chr = (char) uintPtr; // u32
uint32 = (uint) uintPtr; // u32
uint64 = (ulong) uintPtr; // u64
int8 = (sbyte) uintPtr; // u32
int16 = (short) uintPtr; // u32
int32 = (int) uintPtr; // u32
int64 = (long) uintPtr; // u64
real32 = (float) uintPtr; // u64
real64 = (double) uintPtr; // u64
e = (DayOfWeek) uintPtr;
// numeric to IntPtr?
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) uint8; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) int8; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) uint16; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) int16; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) chr; // i32 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) uint32; // i64 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) int32; // i32 id
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) uint64; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) int64; // i64 id
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) real32; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) real64; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) e;
// numeric to UIntPtr?
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) uint8; // u32 imp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) int8; // u64 exp (ulong is bigger type than uint)
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) uint16; // u32 imp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) int16; // u64 exp (ulong bigger)
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) chr; // u32 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) uint32; // u32 id
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) int32; // u64 exp (ulong bigger)
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) uint64; // u64 id
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) int64; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) real32; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) real64; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) e;
// From nullable numeric to IntPtr
intPtr = (IntPtr) nuint8; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nint8; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nuint16; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nint16; // i32 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nchr; // i32 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nuint32; // i64 imp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nint32; // i32 id
intPtr = (IntPtr) nuint64; // i64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nint64; // i64 id
intPtr = (IntPtr) nreal32; // i64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) nreal64; // i64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) ne;
// From nullable numeric to UIntPtr
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nuint8; // u32 imp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nint8; // u64 exp (ulong is bigger type than uint)
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nuint16; // u32 imp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nint16; // u64 exp (ulong bigger)
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nchr; // u32 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nuint32; // u32 id
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nint32; // u64 exp (ulong bigger)
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nuint64; // u64 id
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nint64; // u64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nreal32; // u64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) nreal64; // u64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) ne;
// From IntPtr? to numeric
uint8 = (byte) nintPtr; // i32
uint16 = (ushort) nintPtr; // i32
chr = (char) nintPtr; // i32
uint32 = (uint) nintPtr; // i32
uint64 = (ulong) nintPtr; // i64
int8 = (sbyte) nintPtr; // i32
int16 = (short) nintPtr; // i32
int32 = (int) nintPtr; // i32
int64 = (long) nintPtr; // i64
real32 = (float) nintPtr; // i64
real64 = (double) nintPtr; // i64
e = (DayOfWeek) nintPtr;
// From UIntPtr? to numeric
uint8 = (byte) nuintPtr; // u32
uint16 = (ushort) nuintPtr; // u32
chr = (char) nuintPtr; // u32
uint32 = (uint) nuintPtr; // u32
uint64 = (ulong) nuintPtr; // u64
int8 = (sbyte) nuintPtr; // u32
int16 = (short) nuintPtr; // u32
int32 = (int) nuintPtr; // u32
int64 = (long) nuintPtr; // u64
real32 = (float) nuintPtr; // u64
real64 = (double) nuintPtr; // u64
e = (DayOfWeek) nuintPtr;
// From IntPtr to nullable numeric
nuint8 = (byte?) intPtr;
nuint16 = (ushort?) intPtr;
nchr = (char?) intPtr;
nuint32 = (uint?) intPtr;
nuint64 = (ulong?) intPtr;
nint8 = (sbyte?) intPtr;
nint16 = (short?) intPtr;
nint32 = (int?) intPtr;
nint64 = (long?) intPtr;
nreal32 = (float?) intPtr;
nreal64 = (double?) intPtr;
ne = (DayOfWeek?) intPtr;
// From UIntPtr to nullable numeric
nuint8 = (byte?) uintPtr;
nuint16 = (ushort?) uintPtr;
nchr = (char?) uintPtr;
nuint32 = (uint?) uintPtr;
nuint64 = (ulong?) uintPtr;
nint8 = (sbyte?) uintPtr;
nint16 = (short?) uintPtr;
nint32 = (int?) uintPtr;
nint64 = (long?) uintPtr;
nreal32 = (float?) uintPtr;
nreal64 = (double?) uintPtr;
ne = (DayOfWeek?) uintPtr;
string source4 = @"
// Decimal conversion lowering is not yet implemented:
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) dec; // u64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) dec; // i64 exp
dec = (decimal) intPtr; // i64
dec = (decimal) uintPtr; // u64
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) dec; // i64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) dec; // u64 exp
intPtr = (IntPtr) ndec; // i64 exp
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) ndec; // u64 exp
dec = (decimal) nintPtr; // i64
dec = (decimal) nuintPtr; // u64
ndec = (decimal?) intPtr;
ndec = (decimal?) uintPtr;
ndec = (decimal?) nintPtr;
ndec = (decimal?) nuintPtr;
// Lifted numeric To IntPtr
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nuint8; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nint8; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nuint16; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nint16; // i32 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nchr; // i32 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nuint32; // i64 imp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nint32; // i32 id
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nuint64; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nint64; // i64 id
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) ndec; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nreal32; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) nreal64; // i64 exp
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) ne;
// Lifted numeric to UIntPtr
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nuint8; // u32 imp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nint8; // u64 exp (ulong is bigger type than uint)
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nuint16; // u32 imp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nint16; // u64 exp (ulong bigger)
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nchr; // u32 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nuint32; // u32 imp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nint32; // u64 exp (ulong bigger)
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nuint64; // u64 id
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nint64; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) ndec; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nreal32; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) nreal64; // u64 exp
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) ne;
// Lifted IntPtr to numeric:
nuint8 = (byte?) nintPtr;
nuint16 = (ushort?) nintPtr;
nchr = (char?) nintPtr;
nuint32 = (uint?) nintPtr;
nuint64 = (ulong?) nintPtr;
nuint32 = (uint?) nuintPtr;
nint8 = (sbyte?) nintPtr;
nint16 = (short?) nintPtr;
nint32 = (int?) nintPtr;
nint64 = (long?) nintPtr;
nreal32 = (float?) nintPtr;
nreal64 = (double?) nintPtr;
ne = (DayOfWeek?) nintPtr;
// Lifted UIntPtr to numeric:
nuint8 = (byte?) nuintPtr;
nuint16 = (ushort?) nuintPtr;
nchr = (char?) nuintPtr;
nuint64 = (ulong?) nuintPtr;
nint8 = (sbyte?) nuintPtr;
nint16 = (short?) nuintPtr;
nint32 = (int?) nuintPtr;
nint64 = (long?) nuintPtr;
nreal32 = (float?) nuintPtr;
nreal64 = (double?) nuintPtr;
ne = (DayOfWeek?) nuintPtr;
// From pointer
intPtr = (IntPtr) pvoid; // pv id
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) pvoid; // pv id
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) pvoid; // pv id
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) pvoid; // pv id
intPtr = (IntPtr) pint; // pv ptr
uintPtr = (UIntPtr) pint; // pv ptr
nintPtr = (IntPtr?) pint; // pv ptr
nuintPtr = (UIntPtr?) pint; // pv ptr
// To pointer
pvoid = (void*) intPtr; // pv
pvoid = (void*) uintPtr; // pv
pvoid = (void*) nintPtr; // pv
pvoid = (void*) nuintPtr; // pv
pint = (int*) intPtr; // pv
pint = (int*) uintPtr; // pv
pint = (int*) nintPtr; // pv
pint = (int*) nuintPtr; // pv
string source5 = "}}";
// All of the cases above should pass semantic analysis:
var comp = CreateCompilation(source1 + source2 + source3 + source4 + source5, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll);
// However, we have not yet implemented lowering and code generation for decimal,
// lifted operators, nullable conversions and unsafe code so only generate code for
// the straightforward intptr/number conversions:
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source: source1 + source3 + source5, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseExe, expectedOutput: "");
[Fact, WorkItem(543427, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543427")]
public void Bug11203()
string source = @"
class Program
static void Main()
A x = 1;
class A
public static implicit operator A(ulong x)
return null;
public static implicit operator A(long x)
return null;
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (6,15): error CS0457: Ambiguous user defined conversions 'A.implicit operator A(ulong)' and 'A.implicit operator A(long)' when converting from 'int' to 'A'
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, "1").WithArguments("A.implicit operator A(ulong)", "A.implicit operator A(long)", "int", "A"));
[Fact, WorkItem(543430, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543430")]
public void Bug11205()
string source1 = @"
using System;
class A
public A(short i) : this(i.ToString()) {}
public A(string str) { this.str = str; }
public readonly string str;
public static implicit operator short(A x)
return (short)int.Parse(x.str);
public static implicit operator A(short x)
return new A(x.ToString());
public override string ToString() { return 'A' + str; }
static void Main()
var a = new A(5);
string source2 = @"
class A
public static implicit operator int(A x)
return 1;
static void Main()
A a = new A();
CompileAndVerify(source1, expectedOutput: "A5A5A6A7A7A7A6A5A5");
var comp = CreateCompilation(source2);
// (13,9): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'A'
// a++;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv, "a++").WithArguments("int", "A")
[Fact, WorkItem(543435, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543435")]
public void TestBug11210()
// If we have both a user-defined implicit conversion and a built-in explicit conversion
// then the built-in explicit conversion "wins" when cast, and the user-defined implicit
// conversion "wins" when there is no cast.
string source = @"
using System;
class B
static void Main()
C<int> x = new D<int>();
D<int> y = (D<int>)x;
Console.Write(y == null ? 1 : 2);
y = x;
Console.Write(y == null ? 3 : 4);
class C<T> { }
class D<T> : C<T>
public static implicit operator D<T>(C<int> x)
return null;
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "23");
[Fact, WorkItem(543436, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543436")]
public void TestBug11211()
string source = @"
using System;
class C
string str;
public static explicit operator C(Func<string> x)
C c = new C();
c.str = x();
return c;
static void Main()
string x = 'A'.ToString();
var c = (C)(() => x.ToLower());
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "a");
[Fact, WorkItem(543439, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543439")]
public void TestBug11214()
// The specification describes analysis of user-defined conversions only in
// terms of the types of the source and destination; it strongly implies that
// analysis should only consider the type of the source expression and not the
// source expression itself. The dev10 compiler certainly does not do this;
// it allows user-defined conversions from null literals, lambdas, method groups,
// and so on.
// We should update the specification to say that the algorithm takes the
// expression being converted into account, not just its type.
string source = @"
struct C
string str;
public static implicit operator C?(string x)
C c = new C();
c.str = x.ToLower();
return c;
static void Main()
C c = (C)'B'.ToString();
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "b");
[Fact, WorkItem(543440, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543440")]
public void TestBug11215()
string source = @"
using System;
static class A
static void Main()
C x = 1;
class C
public string str;
public static implicit operator C(byte s)
C c = new C();
c.str = s.ToString();
return c;
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "1");
[Fact, WorkItem(543441, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543441")]
public void TestBug11216()
// An ambiguous user-defined conversion should be considered a valid conversion
// for the purposes of overload resolution; that is, this program should say that
// Goo(B) and Goo(C) are both applicable candidates, and that neither is better,
// even though the conversion from A to B is ambiguous.
string source = @"
class Program
static void Main()
A x = null;
static void Goo(B x) { }
static void Goo(C x) { }
class A
public static implicit operator B(A x) { return null; }
class B
public static implicit operator B(A x) { return null; }
class C
public static implicit operator C(A x) { return null; }
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
comp.VerifyDiagnostics(// (7,17): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'Program.Goo(B)' and 'Program.Goo(C)'
// Goo(x);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigCall, "Goo").WithArguments("Program.Goo(B)", "Program.Goo(C)"));
[Fact, WorkItem(543446, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543446")]
public void TestBug11223()
string source = @"
using System;
class C
string str;
public static explicit operator C(Func<string, string> x)
C c = new C();
c.str = x('A'.ToString());
return c;
static string M(string s) { return s.ToLower(); }
static void Main()
var c = (C)M;
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "a");
[Fact, WorkItem(543595, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543595")]
public void CompoundAssignment()
string source1 = @"
class A
public static implicit operator A(int a)
return new A();
public static int operator +(A a, int b)
return 1;
class Program
static void Main()
A a = new A();
a += 5;
var comp = CreateCompilation(source1);
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source: source1, expectedOutput: "");
[Fact, WorkItem(543598, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543598")]
public void ConvertByteLiteralToUserDefinedType()
var source = @"
public class Conv
static public implicit operator byte(Conv test) { return 1; }
static public implicit operator Conv(byte val) { return null; }
class Test
public static void Main()
Conv cl = new Conv();
cl = 1;
[Fact, WorkItem(543789, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543789")]
public void UseImplicitConversionInBase()
string source = @"
using System;
class Program
static void Main()
if (-(new A()))
class B
public static implicit operator bool(B p)
return true;
class A : B
public static A operator -(A p)
return null;
CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "Hello");
[Fact, WorkItem(682456, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/682456")]
public void GenericUDConversionVersusPredefinedConversion()
string source = @"
class InArgument<T>
public static implicit operator InArgument<T>(T t) { return default(InArgument<T>); }
public struct @start
static public void Main()
object bar = null;
InArgument<object> outArgument2 = bar as InArgument<object>;
[Fact, WorkItem(1063555, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1063555")]
public void UserDefinedImplicitConversionsOnBuiltinTypes()
string source = @"
namespace System
public class Object { }
public class ValueType { }
public struct Void { }
public struct Byte { public static implicit operator MyClass(Byte v) { return null; } }
public struct Int16 { public static implicit operator MyClass(Int16 v) { return null; } }
public struct Int32 { public static implicit operator MyClass(Int32 v) { return null; } }
public struct Int64 { public static implicit operator MyClass(Int64 v) { return null; } }
public struct Single { public static implicit operator MyClass(Single v) { return null; } }
public struct Double { public static implicit operator MyClass(Double v) { return null; } }
public struct Char { public static implicit operator MyClass(Char v) { return null; } }
public struct Boolean { public static implicit operator MyClass(Boolean v) { return null; } }
public struct SByte { public static implicit operator MyClass(SByte v) { return null; } }
public struct UInt16 { public static implicit operator MyClass(UInt16 v) { return null; } }
public struct UInt32 { public static implicit operator MyClass(UInt32 v) { return null; } }
public struct UInt64 { public static implicit operator MyClass(UInt64 v) { return null; } }
public struct IntPtr { public static implicit operator MyClass(IntPtr v) { return null; } }
public struct UIntPtr { public static implicit operator MyClass(UIntPtr v) { return null; } }
public struct Decimal { public static implicit operator MyClass(Decimal v) { return null; } }
public class String { public static implicit operator MyClass(String v) { return null; } }
public class MyClass
static void Test(MyClass v) { }
static void Main()
Test(new Byte());
Test(new Int16());
Test(new Int32());
Test(new Int64());
Test(new Single());
Test(new Double());
Test(new Char());
Test(new Boolean());
Test(new SByte());
Test(new UInt16());
Test(new UInt32());
Test(new UInt64());
Test(new IntPtr());
Test(new String());
[Fact, WorkItem(34876, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/34876")]
public void GenericOperatorVoidConversion()
var source = @"
class C<T>
public static implicit operator C<T>(T t) => new C<T>();
private static void M1() { }
private static C<object> M2()
return M1();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (9,16): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'void' to 'C<object>'
// return M1();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv, "M1()").WithArguments("void", "C<object>").WithLocation(9, 16));
[Fact, WorkItem(34876, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/pull/34876")]
public void GenericOperatorVoidConversion_Cast()
var source = @"
class C<T>
public static explicit operator C<T>(T t) => new C<T>();
private static void M1() { }
private static C<object> M2()
return (C<object>) M1();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (9,16): error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'void' to 'C<object>'
// return (C<object>) M1();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, "(C<object>) M1()").WithArguments("void", "C<object>").WithLocation(9, 16));
[Fact, WorkItem(56646, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56646")]
public void LiftedConversion_InvalidTypeArgument01()
var code = @"
int? i = null;
C c = i;
class C
public static implicit operator C(long l) => throw null;
namespace System
public class Object {}
public class String {}
public class Exception {}
public class ValueType : Object {}
public struct Void {}
public struct Int32 {}
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct {}
public ref struct Int64 {}
var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(code);
// (3,7): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int?' to 'C'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
// C c = i;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "i").WithArguments("int?", "C").WithLocation(3, 7)
[Fact, WorkItem(56646, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56646")]
public void LiftedConversion_InvalidTypeArgument02()
var code = @"
C c = null;
void M(long? i) => throw null;
class C
public static implicit operator int(C c) => throw null;
namespace System
public class Object {}
public class String {}
public class Exception {}
public class ValueType : Object {}
public struct Void {}
public ref struct Int32 {}
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct { public Nullable(T value) {} }
public struct Int64 {}
public struct Boolean { }
public class Attribute { }
public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute
public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets t) { }
public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; }
public bool Inherited { get; set; }
public struct Enum { }
public enum AttributeTargets { }
var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(code);
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped);
// Note that no int? is being created.
verifier.VerifyIL("<top-level-statements-entry-point>", @"
// Code size 18 (0x12)
.maxstack 1
IL_0000: ldnull
IL_0001: call ""int C.op_Implicit(C)""
IL_0006: conv.i8
IL_0007: newobj ""long?..ctor(long)""
IL_000c: call ""void Program.<<Main>$>g__M|0_0(long?)""
IL_0011: ret
[Fact, WorkItem(56646, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56646")]
public void LiftedConversion_InvalidTypeArgument03()
var code = @"
int? i = null;
C c = (C)i;
class C
public static explicit operator C(long l) => throw null;
namespace System
public class Object {}
public class String {}
public class Exception {}
public class ValueType : Object {}
public struct Void {}
public struct Int32 {}
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct { public T Value { get => throw null; } }
public ref struct Int64 {}
public struct Boolean { }
public class Attribute { }
public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute
public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets t) { }
public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; }
public bool Inherited { get; set; }
public struct Enum { }
public enum AttributeTargets { }
var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(code);
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped);
verifier.VerifyIL("<top-level-statements-entry-point>", @"
// Code size 23 (0x17)
.maxstack 1
.locals init (int? V_0) //i
IL_0000: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0002: initobj ""int?""
IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0
IL_000a: call ""int int?.Value.get""
IL_000f: conv.i8
IL_0010: call ""C C.op_Explicit(long)""
IL_0015: pop
IL_0016: ret
[Fact, WorkItem(56646, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56646")]
public void LiftedConversion_InvalidTypeArgument04()
var code = @"
C c = null;
void M(long? i) => throw null;
class C
public static explicit operator int(C c) => throw null;
namespace System
public class Object {}
public class String {}
public class Exception {}
public class ValueType : Object {}
public struct Void {}
public ref struct Int32 {}
public struct Nullable<T> where T : struct { public Nullable(T value) {} }
public struct Int64 {}
public struct Boolean { }
public class Attribute { }
public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute
public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets t) { }
public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; }
public bool Inherited { get; set; }
public struct Enum { }
public enum AttributeTargets { }
var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(code);
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped);
// Note that no int? is being created.
verifier.VerifyIL("<top-level-statements-entry-point>", @"
// Code size 18 (0x12)
.maxstack 1
IL_0000: ldnull
IL_0001: call ""int C.op_Explicit(C)""
IL_0006: conv.i8
IL_0007: newobj ""long?..ctor(long)""
IL_000c: call ""void Program.<<Main>$>g__M|0_0(long?)""
IL_0011: ret
[Fact, WorkItem(56646, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56646")]
public void LiftedConversion_InvalidTypeArgument05()
var code = @"
S? s = null;
void* f = s;
public struct S
public static unsafe implicit operator void*(S v) => throw null;
var comp = CreateCompilation(code, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseExe);
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: "0", verify: Verification.Skipped);
verifier.VerifyIL("<top-level-statements-entry-point>", @"
// Code size 42 (0x2a)
.maxstack 1
.locals init (S? V_0)
IL_0000: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0002: initobj ""S?""
IL_0008: ldloc.0
IL_0009: stloc.0
IL_000a: ldloca.s V_0
IL_000c: call ""bool S?.HasValue.get""
IL_0011: brtrue.s IL_0017
IL_0013: ldc.i4.0
IL_0014: conv.u
IL_0015: br.s IL_0023
IL_0017: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0019: call ""S S?.GetValueOrDefault()""
IL_001e: call ""void* S.op_Implicit(S)""
IL_0023: conv.i4
IL_0024: call ""void System.Console.WriteLine(int)""
IL_0029: ret
[Fact, WorkItem(56646, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/56646")]
public void LiftedConversion_InvalidTypeArgument06()
var code = @"
S? s = null;
void* f = (void*)s;
public struct S
public static unsafe explicit operator void*(S v) => throw null;
var comp = CreateCompilation(code, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseExe);
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: "0", verify: Verification.Skipped);
verifier.VerifyIL("<top-level-statements-entry-point>", @"
// Code size 42 (0x2a)
.maxstack 1
.locals init (S? V_0)
IL_0000: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0002: initobj ""S?""
IL_0008: ldloc.0
IL_0009: stloc.0
IL_000a: ldloca.s V_0
IL_000c: call ""bool S?.HasValue.get""
IL_0011: brtrue.s IL_0017
IL_0013: ldc.i4.0
IL_0014: conv.u
IL_0015: br.s IL_0023
IL_0017: ldloca.s V_0
IL_0019: call ""S S?.GetValueOrDefault()""
IL_001e: call ""void* S.op_Explicit(S)""
IL_0023: conv.i4
IL_0024: call ""void System.Console.WriteLine(int)""
IL_0029: ret
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_ImplicitObjectCreation_Ambiguous()
var source = """
C c = ("a", new());
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", new());
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", new())").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_ImplicitObjectCreation_NotAmbiguous()
var source = """
using System;
C c = ("a", new());
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair)
return new C();
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "int");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_DefaultLiteral_Ambiguous()
var source = """
C c = ("a", default);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", default);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", default)").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_NullLiteral_NotAmbiguous()
var source = """
using System;
C c = ("a", null);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair)
return new C();
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "string");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_NullLiteral_NoConversion()
var source = """
C c = ("a", null);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", null);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", null)").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_SwitchExpression_Ambiguous()
var source = """
C c = ("a", "b" switch { _ => default });
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", "b" switch { _ => default });
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", ""b"" switch { _ => default })").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_SwitchExpression_NotAmbiguous()
var source = """
using System;
C c = ("a", "b" switch { _ => null });
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair)
return new C();
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "string");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_SwitchExpression_NoConversion()
var source = """
C c = ("a", "b" switch { _ => null });
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", "b" switch { _ => null });
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", ""b"" switch { _ => null })").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_CollectionExpression_Ambiguous()
var source = """
C c = ("a", [default]);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int[]) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string[]) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", [default]);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", [default])").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_CollectionExpression_NotAmbiguous()
var source = """
using System;
C c = ("a", [null]);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int[]) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string[]) pair)
return new C();
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "string[]");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_CollectionExpression_NoConversion()
var source = """
C c = ("a", [null]);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int[]) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (1,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", [null]);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", [null])").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(1, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_ConditionalExpression_Ambiguous()
var source = """
bool b = true;
C c = ("a", b ? default : throw null!);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (2,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", b ? default : throw null!);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", b ? default : throw null!)").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(2, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_ConditionalExpression_NotAmbiguous()
var source = """
using System;
bool b = true;
C c = ("a", b ? null : throw null!);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
public static implicit operator C((string, string) pair)
return new C();
var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "string");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Tuple_UserDefinedConversion_ConditionalExpression_NoConversion()
var source = """
bool b = true;
C c = ("a", b ? null : throw null!);
class C
public static implicit operator C((string, int) pair) => new C();
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (2,7): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'C'.
// C c = ("a", b ? null : throw null!);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""a"", b ? null : throw null!)").WithArguments("2", "C").WithLocation(2, 7));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://devdiv.visualstudio.com/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/2088611")]
public void Repro_VsFeedback_2088611()
var source = """
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public struct SpecialStruct
public readonly string Value;
public readonly bool Flag;
public readonly Dictionary<string, string> Map;
public SpecialStruct(string value)
this.Value = value;
public SpecialStruct(string value, bool flag)
this.Value = value;
this.Flag = flag;
public SpecialStruct(string value, Dictionary<string, string> map)
Value = value;
Map = map;
public static implicit operator SpecialStruct(string s) => new(s);
public static implicit operator SpecialStruct((string, Dictionary<string, string>) tuple) => new(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);
public static implicit operator SpecialStruct((string, bool) tuple) => new(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);
public class Class1
Dictionary<string, SpecialStruct> specialMap = new()
{ "key1", "value1" },
{ "key2", ("value2", true) },
{ "key3", ("value3", new /*specific type is omitted*/ (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "subkey", "subvalue" },
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (35,23): error CS8135: Tuple with 2 elements cannot be converted to type 'SpecialStruct'.
// { "key3", ("value3", new /*specific type is omitted*/ (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, @"(""value3"", new /*specific type is omitted*/ (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ ""subkey"", ""subvalue"" },
})").WithArguments("2", "SpecialStruct").WithLocation(35, 23),
// (35,34): error CS8754: There is no target type for 'new(System.StringComparer)'
// { "key3", ("value3", new /*specific type is omitted*/ (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ImplicitObjectCreationNoTargetType, @"new /*specific type is omitted*/ (StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ ""subkey"", ""subvalue"" },
}").WithArguments("new(System.StringComparer)").WithLocation(35, 34));