// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Microsoft.Cci;
using System;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests
public class NameLengthTests : CSharpTestBase
// Longest legal symbol name.
private static readonly string s_longSymbolName = new string('A', MetadataWriter.NameLengthLimit);
// Longest legal path name.
private static readonly string s_longPathName = new string('A', MetadataWriter.PathLengthLimit);
// Longest legal local name.
private static readonly string s_longLocalName = new string('A', MetadataWriter.PdbLengthLimit);
public void UnmangledMemberNames()
var sourceTemplate = @"
using System;
class Fields
int {0}; // Fine
int {0}1; // Too long
class FieldLikeEvents
event Action {0}; // Fine (except accessors)
event Action {0}1; // Too long
class CustomEvents
event Action {0} {{ add {{ }} remove {{ }} }} // Fine (except accessors)
event Action {0}1 {{ add {{ }} remove {{ }} }} // Too long
class AutoProperties
int {0} {{ get; set; }} // Fine (except accessors and backing field)
int {0}1 {{ get; set; }} // Too long
class CustomProperties
int {0} {{ get {{ return 0; }} set {{ }} }} // Fine (except accessors)
int {0}1 {{ get {{ return 0; }} set {{ }} }} // Too long
class Methods
void {0}() {{ }} // Fine
void {0}1() {{ }} // Too long
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// Uninteresting
// (6,9): warning CS0169: The field 'Fields.LongSymbolName' is never used
// int LongSymbolName; // Fine
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedField, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("Fields." + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(6, 9),
// (7,9): warning CS0169: The field 'Fields.LongSymbolName + 1' is never used
// int LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedField, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("Fields." + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(7, 9),
// (12,18): warning CS0067: The event 'FieldLikeEvents.LongSymbolName' is never used
// event Action LongSymbolName; // Fine
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedEvent, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("FieldLikeEvents." + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(12, 18),
// (13,18): warning CS0067: The event 'FieldLikeEvents.LongSymbolName + 1' is never used
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedEvent, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("FieldLikeEvents." + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(13, 18));
// (7,9): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(7, 9),
// (12,18): error CS7013: Name 'add_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName; // Fine (except accessors)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("add_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(12, 18),
// (12,18): error CS7013: Name 'remove_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName; // Fine (except accessors)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("remove_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(12, 18),
// (13,18): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(13, 18),
// (13,18): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(13, 18), // Would be nice not to report on the backing field.
// (13,18): error CS7013: Name 'add_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("add_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(13, 18),
// (13,18): error CS7013: Name 'remove_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("remove_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(13, 18),
// (18,1044): error CS7013: Name 'add_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName { add { } remove { } } // Fine (except accessors)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "add").WithArguments("add_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(18, 1044),
// (18,1052): error CS7013: Name 'remove_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName { add { } remove { } } // Fine (except accessors)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "remove").WithArguments("remove_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(18, 1052),
// (19,18): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1 { add { } remove { } } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(19, 18),
// (19,1045): error CS7013: Name 'add_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1 { add { } remove { } } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "add").WithArguments("add_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(19, 1045),
// (19,1053): error CS7013: Name 'remove_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1 { add { } remove { } } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "remove").WithArguments("remove_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(19, 1053),
// (24,9): error CS7013: Name '<LongSymbolName>k__BackingField' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName { get; set; } // Fine (except accessors and backing field)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("<" + s_longSymbolName + ">k__BackingField").WithLocation(24, 9),
// (24,1035): error CS7013: Name 'get_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName { get; set; } // Fine (except accessors and backing field)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "get").WithArguments("get_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(24, 1035),
// (24,1040): error CS7013: Name 'set_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName { get; set; } // Fine (except accessors and backing field)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "set").WithArguments("set_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(24, 1040),
// (25,9): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get; set; } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(25, 9),
// (25,9): error CS7013: Name '<LongSymbolName + 1>k__BackingField' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get; set; } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("<" + s_longSymbolName + "1>k__BackingField").WithLocation(25, 9),
// (25,1036): error CS7013: Name 'get_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get; set; } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "get").WithArguments("get_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(25, 1036),
// (25,1041): error CS7013: Name 'set_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get; set; } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "set").WithArguments("set_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(25, 1041),
// (30,1035): error CS7013: Name 'get_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName { get { return 0; } set { } } // Fine (except accessors)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "get").WithArguments("get_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(30, 1035),
// (30,1053): error CS7013: Name 'set_LongSymbolName' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName { get { return 0; } set { } } // Fine (except accessors)
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "set").WithArguments("set_" + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(30, 1053),
// (31,9): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get { return 0; } set { } } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(31, 9),
// (31,1036): error CS7013: Name 'get_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get { return 0; } set { } } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "get").WithArguments("get_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(31, 1036),
// (31,1054): error CS7013: Name 'set_LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 { get { return 0; } set { } } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "set").WithArguments("set_" + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(31, 1054),
// (37,10): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// void LongSymbolName + 1() { } // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(37, 10),
// Uninteresting
// (6,9): warning CS0169: The field 'Fields.LongSymbolName' is never used
// int LongSymbolName; // Fine
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedField, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("Fields." + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(6, 9),
// (7,9): warning CS0169: The field 'Fields.LongSymbolName + 1' is never used
// int LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedField, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("Fields." + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(7, 9),
// (12,18): warning CS0067: The event 'FieldLikeEvents.LongSymbolName' is never used
// event Action LongSymbolName; // Fine
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedEvent, s_longSymbolName).WithArguments("FieldLikeEvents." + s_longSymbolName).WithLocation(12, 18),
// (13,18): warning CS0067: The event 'FieldLikeEvents.LongSymbolName + 1' is never used
// event Action LongSymbolName + 1; // Too long
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedEvent, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments("FieldLikeEvents." + s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(13, 18));
public void EmptyNamespaces()
var sourceTemplate = @"
namespace {0} {{ }} // Fine.
namespace {0}1 {{ }} // Too long, but not checked.
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
public void NonGeneratedTypeNames()
// {n} == LongSymbolName.Substring(n)
var sourceTemplate = @"
class {0} {{ }} // Fine
class {0}1 {{ }} // Too long
namespace N
struct {2} {{ }} // Fine
struct {2}1 {{ }} // Too long after prepending 'N.'
class Outer
enum {0} {{ }} // Fine, since outer class is not prepended
enum {0}1 {{ }} // Too long
interface {2}<T> {{ }} // Fine
interface {2}1<T> {{ }} // Too long after appending '`1'
var substring0 = s_longSymbolName;
var substring1 = s_longSymbolName.Substring(1);
var substring2 = s_longSymbolName.Substring(2);
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, substring0, substring1, substring2);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (3,7):
// class
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, substring0 + 1).WithArguments(substring0 + 1).WithLocation(3, 7),
// (8,12):
// struct
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, substring2 + 1).WithArguments("N." + substring2 + 1).WithLocation(8, 12),
// (14,10):
// enum
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, substring0 + 1).WithArguments(substring0 + 1).WithLocation(14, 10),
// (18,11):
// interface
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, substring2 + 1).WithArguments(substring2 + "1`1").WithLocation(18, 11));
public void ExplicitInterfaceImplementation()
var sourceTemplate = @"
interface I
void {0}();
void {0}1();
namespace N
interface J<T>
void {1}();
void {1}1();
class C : I, N.J<C>
void I.{0}() {{ }}
void I.{0}1() {{ }}
void N.J<C>.{1}() {{ }}
void N.J<C>.{1}1() {{ }}
var name0 = s_longSymbolName.Substring(2); // Space for "I."
var name1 = s_longSymbolName.Substring(7); // Space for "N.J<C>."
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, name0, name1);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (20,12):
// void I.{0}1() { }
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, name0 + 1).WithArguments("I." + name0 + 1).WithLocation(20, 12),
// (23,17):
// void N.J<C>.{1}1() { }
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, name1 + 1).WithArguments("N.J<C>." + name1 + 1).WithLocation(23, 17));
public void DllImport()
var sourceTemplate = @"
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
class C1
[DllImport(""goo.dll"", EntryPoint = ""Short1"")]
static extern void {0}(); // Name is fine, entrypoint is fine.
[DllImport(""goo.dll"", EntryPoint = ""Short2"")]
static extern void {0}1(); // Name is too long, entrypoint is fine.
class C2
[DllImport(""goo.dll"", EntryPoint = ""{0}"")]
static extern void Short1(); // Name is fine, entrypoint is fine.
[DllImport(""goo.dll"", EntryPoint = ""{0}1"")]
static extern void Short2(); // Name is fine, entrypoint is too long.
class C3
static extern void {0}(); // Name is fine, entrypoint is unspecified.
static extern void {0}1(); // Name is too long, entrypoint is unspecified.
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (9,24):
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(9, 24),
// (17,24):
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "Short2").WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(17, 24),
// (25,24):
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(25, 24));
public void Parameters()
var sourceTemplate = @"
class C
void M(bool {0}) {{ }}
void M(long {0}1) {{ }}
int this[bool {0}] {{ get {{ return 0; }} }}
int this[long {0}1] {{ get {{ return 0; }} }}
delegate void D1(bool {0});
delegate void D2(long {0}1);
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (5,17): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// void M(long LongSymbolName + 1) { }
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(5, 17),
// (7,19): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// int this[long LongSymbolName + 1] { get { return 0; } }
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(7, 19),
// (9,27): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// delegate void D2(long LongSymbolName + 1);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(9, 27),
// (9,27): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// delegate void D2(long LongSymbolName + 1);
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(9, 27)); // Second report is for Invoke method. Not ideal, but not urgent.
public void TypeParameters()
var sourceTemplate = @"
class C<{0}, {0}1>
delegate void D<{0}, {0}1>();
class E
void M<{0}, {0}1>() {{ }}
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longSymbolName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (2,1034): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// class C<LongSymbolName, LongSymbolName + 1>
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(2, 1034),
// (6,1042): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// delegate void D<LongSymbolName, LongSymbolName + 1>();
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(6, 1042),
// (10,1037): error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName + 1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// void M<LongSymbolName, LongSymbolName + 1>() { }
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, s_longSymbolName + 1).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(10, 1037));
[ConditionalFact(typeof(WindowsOnly), Reason = ConditionalSkipReason.NativePdbRequiresDesktop)]
public void Locals()
var sourceTemplate = @"
class C
int M()
int {0} = 1;
int {0}1 = 1;
return {0} + {0}1;
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longLocalName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.DebugDll);
options: TestOptions.NativePdbEmit,
// (7,13): warning CS8029: Local name 'LongLocalName + 1' is too long for PDB. Consider shortening or compiling without /debug.
// int LongSymbolName + 1 = 1;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_PdbLocalNameTooLong, s_longLocalName + 1).WithArguments(s_longLocalName + 1).WithLocation(7, 13));
[ConditionalFact(typeof(WindowsOnly), Reason = ConditionalSkipReason.NativePdbRequiresDesktop)]
public void ConstantLocals()
var sourceTemplate = @"
class C
int M()
const int {0} = 1;
const int {0}1 = 1;
return {0} + {0}1;
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, s_longLocalName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.DebugDll);
options: TestOptions.NativePdbEmit,
// (7,19): warning CS8029: Local name 'LongSymbolName + 1' is too long for PDB. Consider shortening or compiling without /debug.
// const int LongSymbolName + 1 = 1;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_PdbLocalNameTooLong, s_longLocalName + 1).WithArguments(s_longLocalName + 1).WithLocation(7, 19));
public void TestLambdaMethods()
var sourceTemplate = @"
using System;
class C
Func<int> {0}(int p)
return () => p - 1;
Func<int> {0}1(int p)
return () => p + 1;
int padding = GeneratedNames.MakeLambdaMethodName("A", -1, 0, 0, 0).Length - 1;
string longName = s_longSymbolName.Substring(padding);
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, longName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// (13,16): error CS7013: Name '<longName + 1>b__3' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
// return () => p + 1;
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong, "() => p + 1").WithArguments("<" + longName + "1>b__0").WithLocation(13, 16));
public void TestAnonymousTypeProperties()
var sourceTemplate = @"
class C
object M()
return new {{ {0} = 1, {0}1 = 'a' }};
int padding = GeneratedNames.MakeAnonymousTypeBackingFieldName("A").Length - 1;
string longName = s_longSymbolName.Substring(padding);
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, longName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
// CONSIDER: Double reporting (once for field def, once for member ref) is not ideal.
// CONSIDER: No location since the synthesized field symbol doesn't have one (would light up automatically).
// error CS7013: Name '<longName1>i__Field' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments("<" + longName + 1 + ">i__Field").WithLocation(1, 1),
// error CS7013: Name '<longName1>i__Field' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments("<" + longName + 1 + ">i__Field").WithLocation(1, 1));
public void TestStateMachineMethods()
var sourceTemplate = @"
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Iterators
IEnumerable<int> {0}()
yield return 1;
IEnumerable<int> {0}1()
yield return 1;
class Async
async Task {0}()
await {0}();
async Task {0}1()
await {0}1();
int padding = GeneratedNames.MakeStateMachineTypeName("A", 0, 0).Length - 1;
string longName = s_longSymbolName.Substring(padding);
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, longName);
var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib461(source);
// CONSIDER: Location would light up if synthesized methods had them.
// error CS7013: Name '<longName1>d__1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments("<" + longName + 1 + ">d__1").WithLocation(1, 1),
// error CS7013: Name '<longName1>d__1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments("<" + longName + 1 + ">d__1").WithLocation(1, 1));
[WorkItem(531484, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/531484")]
public void TestFixedSizeBuffers()
var sourceTemplate = @"
unsafe struct S
fixed int {0}[1];
fixed int {0}1[1];
int padding = GeneratedNames.MakeFixedFieldImplementationName("A").Length - 1;
string longName = s_longSymbolName.Substring(padding);
var source = string.Format(sourceTemplate, longName);
var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll);
// CONSIDER: Location would light up if synthesized methods had them.
// error CS7013: Name '<longName1>e__FixedBuffer' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments("<" + longName + 1 + ">e__FixedBuffer").WithLocation(1, 1));
public void TestResources()
var source = "class C { }";
var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
Func<Stream> dataProvider = () => new System.IO.MemoryStream();
var resources = new[]
new ResourceDescription("name1", "path1", dataProvider, false), //fine
new ResourceDescription(s_longSymbolName, "path2", dataProvider, false), //fine
new ResourceDescription("name2", s_longPathName, dataProvider, false), //fine
new ResourceDescription(s_longSymbolName + 1, "path3", dataProvider, false), //name error
new ResourceDescription("name3", s_longPathName + 2, dataProvider, false), //path error
new ResourceDescription(s_longSymbolName + 3, s_longPathName + 4, dataProvider, false), //name and path errors
// error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName1' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 1).WithLocation(1, 1),
// error CS7013: Name 'LongPathName2' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments(s_longPathName + 2).WithLocation(1, 1),
// error CS7013: Name 'LongSymbolName3' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments(s_longSymbolName + 3).WithLocation(1, 1),
// error CS7013: Name 'LongPathName4' exceeds the maximum length allowed in metadata.
Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MetadataNameTooLong).WithArguments(s_longPathName + 4).WithLocation(1, 1));