// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseSystemThreadingLock;
using static SegmentedCollectionsMarshal;
/// <summary>
/// Looks for code of the form:
/// private ... object _gate = new object();
/// ...
/// lock (_gate)
/// {
/// }
/// and converts it to:
/// private ... Lock _gate = new Lock();
/// </summary>
internal sealed class CSharpUseSystemThreadingLockDiagnosticAnalyzer()
: AbstractBuiltInCodeStyleDiagnosticAnalyzer(
new LocalizableResourceString(
nameof(CSharpAnalyzersResources.Use_System_Threading_Lock), CSharpAnalyzersResources.ResourceManager, typeof(CSharpAnalyzersResources)))
/// <summary>
/// A method body edit anywhere in a type will force us to reanalyze the whole type.
/// </summary>
public override DiagnosticAnalyzerCategory GetAnalyzerCategory()
=> DiagnosticAnalyzerCategory.SemanticDocumentAnalysis;
protected override void InitializeWorker(AnalysisContext context)
context.RegisterCompilationStartAction(compilationContext =>
var compilation = compilationContext.Compilation;
// The new 'Lock' feature is only supported in C# 13 and above, and only if we actually have a definition of
// System.Threading.Lock available.
if (!compilation.LanguageVersion().IsCSharp13OrAbove())
var lockType = compilation.GetBestTypeByMetadataName("System.Threading.Lock");
if (lockType is not { DeclaredAccessibility: Accessibility.Public })
if (lockType.GetTypeMembers("Scope").FirstOrDefault() is not { TypeKind: TypeKind.Struct, IsRefLikeType: true, DeclaredAccessibility: Accessibility.Public })
context.RegisterSymbolStartAction(AnalyzeNamedType, SymbolKind.NamedType);
private void AnalyzeNamedType(SymbolStartAnalysisContext context)
var cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken;
var namedType = (INamedTypeSymbol)context.Symbol;
if (namedType is not { TypeKind: TypeKind.Class or TypeKind.Struct })
SyntaxTree? currentSyntaxTree = null;
CodeStyleOption2<bool>? currentOption = null;
// Needs to have a private field that is exactly typed as 'object'. This way we can analyze all usages of it to
// be sure it's completely safe to move to the new lock type.
using var fieldsArray = TemporaryArray<(IFieldSymbol field, VariableDeclaratorSyntax declarator, CodeStyleOption2<bool> option)>.Empty;
foreach (var member in namedType.GetMembers())
if (member is not IFieldSymbol
Type.SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Object,
DeclaredAccessibility: Accessibility.Private,
DeclaringSyntaxReferences: [var fieldSyntaxReference],
} field)
var fieldSyntaxTree = fieldSyntaxReference.SyntaxTree;
if (fieldSyntaxTree != currentSyntaxTree)
currentSyntaxTree = fieldSyntaxTree;
currentOption = context.GetCSharpAnalyzerOptions(currentSyntaxTree).PreferSystemThreadingLock;
// Ignore this field if it is is in a file that should be skipped.
if (!currentOption.Value || ShouldSkipAnalysis(currentSyntaxTree, context.Options, context.Compilation.Options, currentOption.Notification, cancellationToken))
if (fieldSyntaxReference.GetSyntax(cancellationToken) is not VariableDeclaratorSyntax variableDeclarator)
// For simplicity, only offer this for fields with a single declarator.
if (variableDeclarator.Parent is not VariableDeclarationSyntax { Parent: FieldDeclarationSyntax, Variables.Count: 1 })
// Looks like something that could be converted to a System.Threading.Lock if we see that this field is used
// in a compatible fashion.
fieldsArray.Add((field, variableDeclarator, currentOption!));
if (fieldsArray.Count == 0)
// The set of fields we think could be converted to `System.Threading.Lock` from `object`.
// 'wasLocked' tracks whether or not we saw this field used in a `lock (obj)` statement. If not, we do not want
// to convert this as the user wasn't using this as a lock. Note: we can consider expanding the set of patterns
// we detect (like Monitor.Enter + Monitor.Exit) if we think it's worthwhile.
// Note: both this dictionary is written to concurrently in the analysis pass below. This is safe as we never
// are actually mutating the dictionary itself (we're not adding/removing items). We're just getting a
// reference to its tuple value and overwriting a bool in place within that tuple with the new value. And we
// only move hte value in one direction. For example 'canUse' only moved from 'true' to 'false' and 'wasLocked'
// only moves the value from 'false' to 'true'.
var potentialLockFields = new SegmentedDictionary<
(VariableDeclaratorSyntax declarator, CodeStyleOption2<bool> option, bool canUse, bool wasLocked)>(capacity: fieldsArray.Count);
foreach (var (field, declarator, option) in fieldsArray)
potentialLockFields[field] = (declarator, option, canUse: true, wasLocked: false);
// Register a callback to ensure the field's initializer is either missing, or is only instantiating the field
// with a new object.
context.RegisterOperationAction(context =>
var cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken;
if (context.ContainingSymbol is not IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol)
ref var valueRef = ref GetValueRefOrNullRef(potentialLockFields, fieldSymbol);
if (Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref valueRef))
var fieldInitializer = (IFieldInitializerOperation)context.Operation;
if (fieldInitializer.Value is null)
if (!IsObjectCreationOperation(fieldInitializer.Value))
valueRef.canUse = false;
}, OperationKind.FieldInitializer);
// Now go see how the code within this named type actually uses any fields within.
context.RegisterOperationAction(context =>
var cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken;
var fieldReferenceOperation = (IFieldReferenceOperation)context.Operation;
var fieldReference = fieldReferenceOperation.Field.OriginalDefinition;
// We only care about examining field references to the fields we're considering converting to System.Threading.Lock.
ref var valueRef = ref GetValueRefOrNullRef(potentialLockFields, fieldReference);
if (Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref valueRef))
// If some other analysis already determined we can't convert this field, then no point continuing.
if (!valueRef.canUse)
if (fieldReferenceOperation.Parent is ILockOperation lockOperation)
// Locking on the the new lock type disallows yielding inside the lock. So if we see that, immediately
// consider this not applicable.
if (lockOperation.Syntax.ContainsYield())
valueRef.canUse = false;
// We did lock on this field, mark as such as its now something we'd def like to convert to a
// System.Threading.Lock if possible.
valueRef.wasLocked = true;
// It's ok to assign to the field, as long as we're assigning a new lock object to it. e.g. `_gate = new
// object()` is fine to continue converting over to System.Threading.Lock. But an assignment of something
// else is not.
if (fieldReferenceOperation.Parent is IAssignmentOperation assignment &&
assignment.Target == fieldReferenceOperation &&
// Fine to use `nameof(someLock)` as that's not actually using the lock.
if (fieldReferenceOperation.Parent is INameOfOperation)
// Note: More patterns can be added here as needed.
// This wasn't a supported case. Immediately disallow conversion of this field.
valueRef.canUse = false;
}, OperationKind.FieldReference);
// Finally, once we're done analyzing the symbol body, report diagnostics for any fields that we determined are
// locks and can be safely converted.
context.RegisterSymbolEndAction(context =>
var cancellationToken = context.CancellationToken;
foreach (var (lockField, (declarator, option, canUse, wasLocked)) in potentialLockFields)
// If we blocked this field in our analysis pass, can immediately skip.
if (!canUse)
// Has to at least see this field locked on to offer to convert it to a Lock.
if (!wasLocked)
additionalLocations: null,
properties: null));
private static bool IsObjectCreationOperation(IOperation value)
// unwrap the implicit conversion around `new()` if necessary.
=> value.UnwrapImplicitConversion() is IObjectCreationOperation { Type.SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Object };