File: Structure\CSharpStructureHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Structure;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Structure;
internal static class CSharpStructureHelpers
    public const string Ellipsis = "...";
    public const string MultiLineCommentSuffix = "*/";
    public const int MaxXmlDocCommentBannerLength = 120;
    private static readonly char[] s_newLineCharacters = ['\r', '\n'];
    private static int GetCollapsibleStart(SyntaxToken firstToken)
        // Check *this* token to see if it has any trailing comments and use the last one; otherwise, we use the end
        // of this token.
        var lastTrailingCommentOrWhitespaceTrivia = firstToken.TrailingTrivia.GetLastCommentOrWhitespace();
        return lastTrailingCommentOrWhitespaceTrivia?.Span.End ?? firstToken.Span.End;
    private static (int spanEnd, int hintEnd) GetCollapsibleEnd(SyntaxToken lastToken, bool compressEmptyLines)
        // If the token has any trailing comments, we use the end of the token;
        // otherwise, the behavior depends on 'compressEmptyLines':
        //   false: skip to the start of the first new line trivia
        //   true: skip to the start of the last new line trivia preceding a non-whitespace line
        // The hint span never includes the compressed empty lines.
        var trailingTrivia = lastToken.TrailingTrivia;
        var nextLeadingTrivia = compressEmptyLines ? lastToken.GetNextToken(includeZeroWidth: true, includeSkipped: true).LeadingTrivia : default;
        var end = lastToken.Span.End;
        int? hintEnd = null;
        foreach (var trivia in trailingTrivia)
            if (!ProcessTrivia(trivia, compressEmptyLines, ref end, ref hintEnd))
                return (end, hintEnd ?? end);
        foreach (var trivia in nextLeadingTrivia)
            if (!ProcessTrivia(trivia, compressEmptyLines, ref end, ref hintEnd))
                return (end, hintEnd ?? end);
        return (end, hintEnd ?? end);
        // Return true to keep processing trivia; otherwise, false to return the current 'end'
        static bool ProcessTrivia(SyntaxTrivia trivia, bool compressEmptyLines, ref int end, ref int? hintEnd)
            if (trivia.IsKind(SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia))
                end = trivia.SpanStart;
                hintEnd ??= end;
                if (!compressEmptyLines)
                    return false;
            else if (!trivia.IsKind(SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia))
                // We want this trivia to be visible even when the element is collapsed
                return false;
            return true;
    public static SyntaxToken GetLastInlineMethodBlockToken(SyntaxNode node)
        var lastToken = node.GetLastToken(includeZeroWidth: true);
        if (lastToken.Kind() == SyntaxKind.None)
            return default;
        // If the next token is a semicolon, and we aren't in the initializer of a for-loop, use that token as the end.
        var nextToken = lastToken.GetNextToken(includeSkipped: true);
        if (nextToken.Kind() is not SyntaxKind.None and SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken)
            var forStatement = nextToken.GetAncestor<ForStatementSyntax>();
            if (forStatement != null && forStatement.FirstSemicolonToken == nextToken)
                return default;
            lastToken = nextToken;
        return lastToken;
    private static string CreateCommentBannerTextWithPrefix(string text, string prefix)
        var prefixLength = prefix.Length;
        return prefix + " " + text[prefixLength..].Trim() + " " + Ellipsis;
    public static string GetCommentBannerText(SyntaxTrivia comment)
        Contract.ThrowIfFalse(comment.IsSingleLineComment() || comment.IsMultiLineComment());
        if (comment.IsSingleLineComment())
            return CreateCommentBannerTextWithPrefix(comment.ToString(), "//");
        else if (comment.IsMultiLineComment())
            var lineBreakStart = comment.ToString().IndexOfAny(s_newLineCharacters);
            var text = comment.ToString();
            if (lineBreakStart >= 0)
                text = text[..lineBreakStart];
                text = text.Length >= "/**/".Length && text.EndsWith(MultiLineCommentSuffix)
                    ? text[..^MultiLineCommentSuffix.Length]
                    : text;
            return CreateCommentBannerTextWithPrefix(text, "/*");
            return string.Empty;
    private static BlockSpan CreateCommentBlockSpan(
        SyntaxTrivia startComment, SyntaxTrivia endComment)
        var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(startComment.SpanStart, endComment.Span.End);
        return new BlockSpan(
            isCollapsible: true,
            textSpan: span,
            hintSpan: span,
            type: BlockTypes.Comment,
            bannerText: GetCommentBannerText(startComment),
            autoCollapse: true);
    public static void CollectCommentBlockSpans(
        SyntaxTriviaList triviaList, ArrayBuilder<BlockSpan> spans)
        if (triviaList.Count > 0)
            SyntaxTrivia? startComment = null;
            SyntaxTrivia? endComment = null;
            // Iterate through trivia and collect the following:
            //    1. Groups of contiguous single-line comments that are only separated by whitespace
            //    2. Multi-line comments
            foreach (var trivia in triviaList)
                if (trivia.IsSingleLineComment())
                    startComment ??= trivia;
                    endComment = trivia;
                else if (trivia.IsMultiLineComment())
                    // Multiline comments are handled by the MultilineCommentBlockStructureProvider.
                else if (trivia is not SyntaxTrivia(
                    SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia or SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia or SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken))
            void CompleteSingleLineCommentGroup(ArrayBuilder<BlockSpan> spans)
                if (startComment != null)
                    var singleLineCommentGroupRegion = CreateCommentBlockSpan(startComment.Value, endComment!.Value);
                    startComment = null;
                    endComment = null;
    public static void CollectCommentBlockSpans(
        SyntaxNode node,
        ArrayBuilder<BlockSpan> spans,
        in BlockStructureOptions options)
        if (node == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
        if (options.IsMetadataAsSource && TryGetLeadingCollapsibleSpan(node, out var span))
            var triviaList = node.GetLeadingTrivia();
            CollectCommentBlockSpans(triviaList, spans);
        // Local functions
        static bool TryGetLeadingCollapsibleSpan(SyntaxNode node, out BlockSpan span)
            var startToken = node.GetFirstToken();
            var endToken = GetEndToken(node);
            if (startToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.None) || endToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.None))
                // if valid tokens can't be found then a meaningful span can't be generated
                span = default;
                return false;
            var firstComment = startToken.LeadingTrivia.FirstOrNull(t => t.Kind() is SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia or SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia);
            var startPosition = firstComment.HasValue ? firstComment.Value.FullSpan.Start : startToken.SpanStart;
            var endPosition = endToken.SpanStart;
            // TODO (tomescht): Mark the regions to be collapsed by default.
            if (startPosition != endPosition)
                var hintTextEndToken = GetHintTextEndToken(node);
                span = new BlockSpan(
                    isCollapsible: true,
                    type: BlockTypes.Comment,
                    textSpan: TextSpan.FromBounds(startPosition, endPosition),
                    hintSpan: TextSpan.FromBounds(startPosition, hintTextEndToken.Span.End),
                    bannerText: Ellipsis,
                    autoCollapse: true);
                return true;
            span = default;
            return false;
        static SyntaxToken GetEndToken(SyntaxNode node)
            => node switch
                ConstructorDeclarationSyntax constructorDeclaration => constructorDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? constructorDeclaration.Identifier,
                ConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax conversionOperatorDeclaration => conversionOperatorDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? conversionOperatorDeclaration.ImplicitOrExplicitKeyword,
                DelegateDeclarationSyntax delegateDeclaration => delegateDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? delegateDeclaration.DelegateKeyword,
                DestructorDeclarationSyntax destructorDeclaration => destructorDeclaration.TildeToken,
                EnumDeclarationSyntax enumDeclaration => enumDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? enumDeclaration.EnumKeyword,
                EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax enumMemberDeclaration => enumMemberDeclaration.Identifier,
                EventDeclarationSyntax eventDeclaration => eventDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? eventDeclaration.EventKeyword,
                EventFieldDeclarationSyntax eventFieldDeclaration => eventFieldDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? eventFieldDeclaration.EventKeyword,
                FieldDeclarationSyntax fieldDeclaration => fieldDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? fieldDeclaration.Declaration.GetFirstToken(),
                IndexerDeclarationSyntax indexerDeclaration => indexerDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? indexerDeclaration.Type.GetFirstToken(),
                MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration => methodDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? methodDeclaration.ReturnType.GetFirstToken(),
                OperatorDeclarationSyntax operatorDeclaration => operatorDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? operatorDeclaration.ReturnType.GetFirstToken(),
                PropertyDeclarationSyntax propertyDeclaration => propertyDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? propertyDeclaration.Type.GetFirstToken(),
                TypeDeclarationSyntax typeDeclaration => typeDeclaration.Modifiers.FirstOrNull() ?? typeDeclaration.Keyword,
                _ => default
        static SyntaxToken GetHintTextEndToken(SyntaxNode node)
            => node switch
                EnumDeclarationSyntax enumDeclaration => enumDeclaration.OpenBraceToken.GetPreviousToken(),
                TypeDeclarationSyntax typeDeclaration => typeDeclaration.OpenBraceToken.GetPreviousToken(),
                _ => node.GetLastToken()
    private static BlockSpan CreateBlockSpan(
        TextSpan textSpan, string bannerText, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible)
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            textSpan, textSpan, bannerText, autoCollapse, type, isCollapsible, isDefaultCollapsed: false);
    private static BlockSpan CreateBlockSpan(
        TextSpan textSpan, TextSpan hintSpan,
        string bannerText, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible, bool isDefaultCollapsed)
        return new BlockSpan(
            textSpan: textSpan,
            hintSpan: hintSpan,
            bannerText: bannerText,
            autoCollapse: autoCollapse,
            type: type,
            isCollapsible: isCollapsible,
            isDefaultCollapsed: isDefaultCollapsed);
    public static BlockSpan CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, string bannerText, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible)
        return CreateBlockSpan(
    public static BlockSpan? CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, SyntaxToken syntaxToken, bool compressEmptyLines,
        string bannerText, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible)
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            node, syntaxToken, node.GetLastToken(), compressEmptyLines,
            bannerText, autoCollapse, type, isCollapsible);
    public static BlockSpan? CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, SyntaxToken startToken,
        int spanEndPos, int hintEndPos, string bannerText, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible)
        // If the SyntaxToken is actually missing, don't attempt to create an outlining region.
        if (startToken.IsMissing)
            return null;
        // Since we creating a span for everything after syntaxToken to ensure
        // that it collapses properly. However, the hint span begins at the start
        // of the next token so indentation in the tooltip is accurate.
        var span = TextSpan.FromBounds(GetCollapsibleStart(startToken), spanEndPos);
        var hintSpan = GetHintSpan(node, hintEndPos);
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            isDefaultCollapsed: false);
    private static TextSpan GetHintSpan(SyntaxNode node, int endPos)
        // Don't include attributes in the BlockSpan for a node.  When the user
        // hovers over the indent-guide we don't want to show them the line with
        // the attributes, we want to show them the line with the start of the
        // actual structure.
        foreach (var child in node.ChildNodesAndTokens())
            if (child.Kind() != SyntaxKind.AttributeList)
                return TextSpan.FromBounds(child.SpanStart, endPos);
        return TextSpan.FromBounds(node.SpanStart, endPos);
    public static BlockSpan? CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, SyntaxToken startToken,
        SyntaxToken endToken, bool compressEmptyLines, string bannerText, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible)
        var (spanEnd, hintEnd) = GetCollapsibleEnd(endToken, compressEmptyLines);
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            node, startToken, spanEnd, hintEnd,
            bannerText, autoCollapse, type, isCollapsible);
    public static BlockSpan CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, bool autoCollapse, string type, bool isCollapsible)
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            bannerText: Ellipsis,
            autoCollapse: autoCollapse,
            type: type,
            isCollapsible: isCollapsible);
    // Adds everything after 'syntaxToken' up to and including the end 
    // of node as a region.  The snippet to display is just "..."
    public static BlockSpan? CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, SyntaxToken syntaxToken, bool compressEmptyLines,
        bool autoCollapse, string type, bool isCollapsible)
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            node, syntaxToken, compressEmptyLines,
            bannerText: Ellipsis,
            autoCollapse: autoCollapse,
            type: type,
            isCollapsible: isCollapsible);
    // Adds everything after 'syntaxToken' up to and including the end 
    // of node as a region.  The snippet to display is just "..."
    public static BlockSpan? CreateBlockSpan(
        SyntaxNode node, SyntaxToken startToken, SyntaxToken endToken, bool compressEmptyLines,
        bool autoCollapse, string type, bool isCollapsible)
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            node, startToken, endToken, compressEmptyLines,
            bannerText: Ellipsis,
            autoCollapse: autoCollapse,
            type: type,
            isCollapsible: isCollapsible);
    // Adds the span surrounding the syntax list as a region.  The
    // snippet shown is the text from the first line of the first 
    // node in the list.
    public static BlockSpan? CreateBlockSpan(
        IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> syntaxList, bool compressEmptyLines, bool autoCollapse,
        string type, bool isCollapsible, bool isDefaultCollapsed)
        if (syntaxList.IsEmpty())
            return null;
        var (end, hintEnd) = GetCollapsibleEnd(syntaxList.Last().GetLastToken(), compressEmptyLines);
        var spanStart = syntaxList.First().GetFirstToken().FullSpan.End;
        var spanEnd = end >= spanStart
            ? end
            : spanStart;
        var hintSpanStart = syntaxList.First().SpanStart;
        var hintSpanEnd = hintEnd >= hintSpanStart
            ? hintEnd
            : hintSpanStart;
        return CreateBlockSpan(
            textSpan: TextSpan.FromBounds(spanStart, spanEnd),
            hintSpan: TextSpan.FromBounds(hintSpanStart, hintSpanEnd),
            bannerText: Ellipsis,
            autoCollapse: autoCollapse,
            type: type,
            isCollapsible: isCollapsible,
            isDefaultCollapsed: isDefaultCollapsed);