// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.IntroduceVariable;
using static CSharpSyntaxTokens;
using static SyntaxFactory;
internal sealed partial class CSharpIntroduceVariableService
protected override async Task<Document> IntroduceLocalAsync(
SemanticDocument document,
ExpressionSyntax expression,
bool allOccurrences,
bool isConstant,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var containerToGenerateInto = expression.Ancestors().FirstOrDefault(s =>
s is BlockSyntax or ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax or LambdaExpressionSyntax);
var newLocalNameToken = GenerateUniqueLocalName(
document, expression, isConstant, containerToGenerateInto, cancellationToken);
var newLocalName = IdentifierName(newLocalNameToken);
var modifiers = isConstant
? TokenList(ConstKeyword)
: default;
var declarationStatement = LocalDeclarationStatement(
GetTypeSyntax(document, expression, cancellationToken),
// If we're inserting into a multi-line parent, then add a newline after the local-var
// we're adding. That way we don't end up having it and the starting statement be on
// the same line (which will cause indentation to be computed incorrectly).
var text = await document.Document.GetValueTextAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!text.AreOnSameLine(containerToGenerateInto.GetFirstToken(), containerToGenerateInto.GetLastToken()))
declarationStatement = declarationStatement.WithAppendedTrailingTrivia(ElasticCarriageReturnLineFeed);
switch (containerToGenerateInto)
case BlockSyntax block:
return await IntroduceLocalDeclarationIntoBlockAsync(
document, block, expression, newLocalName, declarationStatement, allOccurrences, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
case ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax arrowExpression:
// this will be null for expression-bodied properties & indexer (not for individual getters & setters, those do have a symbol),
// both of which are a shorthand for the getter and always return a value
var method = document.SemanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(arrowExpression.Parent, cancellationToken) as IMethodSymbol;
var createReturnStatement = true;
if (method is not null)
createReturnStatement = !method.ReturnsVoid && !method.IsAsyncReturningVoidTask(document.SemanticModel.Compilation);
return RewriteExpressionBodiedMemberAndIntroduceLocalDeclaration(
document, arrowExpression, expression, newLocalName,
declarationStatement, allOccurrences, createReturnStatement, cancellationToken);
case LambdaExpressionSyntax lambda:
return IntroduceLocalDeclarationIntoLambda(
document, lambda, expression, newLocalName, declarationStatement,
allOccurrences, cancellationToken);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
private Document IntroduceLocalDeclarationIntoLambda(
SemanticDocument document,
LambdaExpressionSyntax oldLambda,
ExpressionSyntax expression,
IdentifierNameSyntax newLocalName,
LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax declarationStatement,
bool allOccurrences,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var oldBody = (ExpressionSyntax)oldLambda.Body;
var isEntireLambdaBodySelected = oldBody.Equals(expression.WalkUpParentheses());
var rewrittenBody = Rewrite(
document, expression, newLocalName, document, oldBody, allOccurrences, cancellationToken);
var shouldIncludeReturnStatement = ShouldIncludeReturnStatement(document, oldLambda, cancellationToken);
var newBody = GetNewBlockBodyForLambda(
declarationStatement, isEntireLambdaBodySelected, rewrittenBody, shouldIncludeReturnStatement);
// Add an elastic newline so that the formatter will place this new lambda body across multiple lines.
newBody = newBody.WithOpenBraceToken(newBody.OpenBraceToken.WithAppendedTrailingTrivia(ElasticCarriageReturnLineFeed))
var newLambda = oldLambda.WithBody(newBody);
var newRoot = document.Root.ReplaceNode(oldLambda, newLambda);
return document.Document.WithSyntaxRoot(newRoot);
private static bool ShouldIncludeReturnStatement(
SemanticDocument document,
LambdaExpressionSyntax oldLambda,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (document.SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(oldLambda, cancellationToken).ConvertedType is INamedTypeSymbol delegateType &&
delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod != null)
if (delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod.ReturnsVoid)
return false;
// Async lambdas with a Task or ValueTask return type don't need a return statement.
// e.g.:
// Func<int, Task> f = async x => await M2();
// After refactoring:
// Func<int, Task> f = async x =>
// {
// Task task = M2();
// await task;
// };
var compilation = document.SemanticModel.Compilation;
var delegateReturnType = delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod.ReturnType;
if (oldLambda.AsyncKeyword != default && delegateReturnType != null)
if ((compilation.TaskType() != null && delegateReturnType.Equals(compilation.TaskType())) ||
(compilation.ValueTaskType() != null && delegateReturnType.Equals(compilation.ValueTaskType())))
return false;
return true;
private static BlockSyntax GetNewBlockBodyForLambda(
LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax declarationStatement,
bool isEntireLambdaBodySelected,
ExpressionSyntax rewrittenBody,
bool includeReturnStatement)
if (includeReturnStatement)
// Case 1: The lambda has a non-void return type.
// e.g.:
// Func<int, int> f = x => [|x + 1|];
// After refactoring:
// Func<int, int> f = x =>
// {
// var v = x + 1;
// return v;
// };
return Block(declarationStatement, ReturnStatement(rewrittenBody));
// For lambdas with void return types, we don't need to include the rewritten body if the entire lambda body
// was originally selected for refactoring, as the rewritten body should already be encompassed within the
// declaration statement.
if (isEntireLambdaBodySelected)
// Case 2a: The lambda has a void return type, and the user selects the entire lambda body.
// e.g.:
// Action<int> goo = x => [|x.ToString()|];
// After refactoring:
// Action<int> goo = x =>
// {
// string v = x.ToString();
// };
return Block(declarationStatement);
// Case 2b: The lambda has a void return type, and the user didn't select the entire lambda body.
// e.g.:
// Task.Run(() => File.Copy("src", [|Path.Combine("dir", "file")|]));
// After refactoring:
// Task.Run(() =>
// {
// string destFileName = Path.Combine("dir", "file");
// File.Copy("src", destFileName);
// });
return Block(
ExpressionStatement(rewrittenBody, SemicolonToken));
private static TypeSyntax GetTypeSyntax(SemanticDocument document, ExpressionSyntax expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var typeSymbol = GetTypeSymbol(document, expression, cancellationToken);
return typeSymbol.GenerateTypeSyntax();
private Document RewriteExpressionBodiedMemberAndIntroduceLocalDeclaration(
SemanticDocument document,
ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax arrowExpression,
ExpressionSyntax expression,
NameSyntax newLocalName,
LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax declarationStatement,
bool allOccurrences,
bool createReturnStatement,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var oldBody = arrowExpression;
var oldParentingNode = oldBody.Parent;
var leadingTrivia = oldBody.GetLeadingTrivia()
var newExpression = Rewrite(document, expression, newLocalName, document, oldBody.Expression, allOccurrences, cancellationToken);
var convertedStatement = createReturnStatement
? ReturnStatement(newExpression)
: (StatementSyntax)ExpressionStatement(newExpression);
var newBody = Block(declarationStatement, convertedStatement)
// Add an elastic newline so that the formatter will place this new block across multiple lines.
newBody = newBody.WithOpenBraceToken(newBody.OpenBraceToken.WithAppendedTrailingTrivia(ElasticCarriageReturnLineFeed))
var newRoot = document.Root.ReplaceNode(oldParentingNode, WithBlockBody(oldParentingNode, newBody));
return document.Document.WithSyntaxRoot(newRoot);
private static SyntaxNode WithBlockBody(SyntaxNode node, BlockSyntax body)
switch (node)
case BasePropertyDeclarationSyntax baseProperty:
var accessorList = AccessorList(
[AccessorDeclaration(SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration, body)]);
return baseProperty
case AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessor:
return accessor
case BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax baseMethod:
return baseMethod
case LocalFunctionStatementSyntax localFunction:
return localFunction
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node);
private async Task<Document> IntroduceLocalDeclarationIntoBlockAsync(
SemanticDocument document,
BlockSyntax block,
ExpressionSyntax expression,
NameSyntax newLocalName,
LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax declarationStatement,
bool allOccurrences,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
declarationStatement = declarationStatement.WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation);
SyntaxNode scope = block;
// If we're within a non-static local function, our scope for the new local declaration is expanded to include the enclosing member.
var localFunction = block.GetAncestor<LocalFunctionStatementSyntax>();
if (localFunction != null && !localFunction.Modifiers.Any(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword))
scope = block.GetAncestor<MemberDeclarationSyntax>();
var matches = FindMatches(document, expression, document, scope, allOccurrences, cancellationToken);
(document, matches) = await ComplexifyParentingStatementsAsync(document, matches, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Our original expression should have been one of the matches, which were tracked as part
// of complexification, so we can retrieve the latest version of the expression here.
expression = document.Root.GetCurrentNode(expression);
var root = document.Root;
ISet<StatementSyntax> allAffectedStatements = new HashSet<StatementSyntax>(matches.SelectMany(expr => GetApplicableStatementAncestors(expr)));
SyntaxNode innermostCommonBlock;
var innermostStatements = new HashSet<StatementSyntax>(matches.Select(expr => GetApplicableStatementAncestors(expr).First()));
if (innermostStatements.Count == 1)
// if there was only one match, or all the matches came from the same statement
var statement = innermostStatements.Single();
// and the statement is an embedded statement without a block, we want to generate one
// around this statement rather than continue going up to find an actual block
if (!IsBlockLike(statement.Parent))
root = root.TrackNodes(allAffectedStatements.Concat(new SyntaxNode[] { expression, statement }));
root = root.ReplaceNode(root.GetCurrentNode(statement),
expression = root.GetCurrentNode(expression);
allAffectedStatements = allAffectedStatements.Select(root.GetCurrentNode).ToSet();
statement = root.GetCurrentNode(statement);
innermostCommonBlock = statement.Parent;
innermostCommonBlock = innermostStatements.FindInnermostCommonNode(IsBlockLike);
var firstStatementAffectedIndex = GetFirstStatementAffectedIndex(innermostCommonBlock, matches, GetStatements(innermostCommonBlock).IndexOf(allAffectedStatements.Contains));
var newInnerMostBlock = Rewrite(
document, expression, newLocalName, document, innermostCommonBlock, allOccurrences, cancellationToken);
var statements = InsertWithinTriviaOfNext(GetStatements(newInnerMostBlock), declarationStatement, firstStatementAffectedIndex);
var finalInnerMostBlock = WithStatements(newInnerMostBlock, statements);
var newRoot = root.ReplaceNode(innermostCommonBlock, finalInnerMostBlock);
return document.Document.WithSyntaxRoot(newRoot);
private static IEnumerable<StatementSyntax> GetApplicableStatementAncestors(ExpressionSyntax expr)
foreach (var statement in expr.GetAncestorsOrThis<StatementSyntax>())
// When determining where to put a local, we don't want to put it between the `else`
// and `if` of a compound if-statement.
if (statement.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IfStatement &&
yield return statement;
private static int GetFirstStatementAffectedIndex(SyntaxNode innermostCommonBlock, ISet<ExpressionSyntax> matches, int firstStatementAffectedIndex)
// If a local function is involved, we have to make sure the new declaration is placed:
// 1. Before all calls to local functions that use the variable.
// 2. Before the local function(s) themselves.
// 3. Before all matches, i.e. places in the code where the new declaration will replace existing code.
// Cases (2) and (3) are already covered by the 'firstStatementAffectedIndex' parameter. Thus, all we have to do is ensure we consider (1) when
// determining where to place our new declaration.
// Find all the local functions within the scope that will use the new declaration.
var localFunctions = innermostCommonBlock.DescendantNodes().Where(node => node.IsKind(SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement) && matches.Any(match => match.Span.OverlapsWith(node.Span)));
if (localFunctions.IsEmpty())
return firstStatementAffectedIndex;
var localFunctionIdentifiers = localFunctions.Select(node => ((LocalFunctionStatementSyntax)node).Identifier.ValueText);
// Find all calls to the applicable local functions within the scope.
var localFunctionCalls = innermostCommonBlock.DescendantNodes().Where(node => node is InvocationExpressionSyntax invocationExpression &&
invocationExpression.Expression.GetRightmostName() != null &&
!invocationExpression.Expression.IsKind(SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression) &&
if (localFunctionCalls.IsEmpty())
return firstStatementAffectedIndex;
// Find which call is the earliest.
var earliestLocalFunctionCall = localFunctionCalls.Min(node => node.SpanStart);
var statementsInBlock = GetStatements(innermostCommonBlock);
// Check if our earliest call is before all local function declarations and all matches, and if so, place our new declaration there.
var earliestLocalFunctionCallIndex = statementsInBlock.IndexOf(s => s.Span.Contains(earliestLocalFunctionCall));
return Math.Min(earliestLocalFunctionCallIndex, firstStatementAffectedIndex);
private static SyntaxList<StatementSyntax> InsertWithinTriviaOfNext(
SyntaxList<StatementSyntax> oldStatements,
StatementSyntax newStatement,
int statementIndex)
var nextStatement = oldStatements.ElementAtOrDefault(statementIndex);
if (nextStatement == null)
return oldStatements.Insert(statementIndex, newStatement);
// Grab all the trivia before the line the next statement is on and move it to the new node.
var nextStatementLeading = nextStatement.GetLeadingTrivia();
var precedingEndOfLine = nextStatementLeading.LastOrDefault(t => t.Kind() == SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia);
if (precedingEndOfLine == default)
return oldStatements.ReplaceRange(
nextStatement, [newStatement, nextStatement]);
var endOfLineIndex = nextStatementLeading.IndexOf(precedingEndOfLine) + 1;
return oldStatements.ReplaceRange(
private static bool IsBlockLike(SyntaxNode node) => node is BlockSyntax or SwitchSectionSyntax;
private static SyntaxList<StatementSyntax> GetStatements(SyntaxNode blockLike)
=> blockLike switch
BlockSyntax block => block.Statements,
SwitchSectionSyntax switchSection => switchSection.Statements,
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(blockLike),
private static SyntaxNode WithStatements(SyntaxNode blockLike, SyntaxList<StatementSyntax> statements)
=> blockLike switch
BlockSyntax block => block.WithStatements(statements),
SwitchSectionSyntax switchSection => switchSection.WithStatements(statements),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(blockLike),