// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExtractMethod;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.ExtractMethod;
internal sealed partial class CSharpExtractMethodService
internal sealed partial class CSharpMethodExtractor
private sealed class CSharpAnalyzer(SelectionResult selectionResult, bool localFunction, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
: Analyzer(selectionResult, localFunction, cancellationToken)
protected override bool TreatOutAsRef
=> false;
protected override bool IsInPrimaryConstructorBaseType()
=> this.SelectionResult.GetContainingScopeOf<PrimaryConstructorBaseTypeSyntax>() != null;
protected override ITypeSymbol? GetRangeVariableType(IRangeVariableSymbol symbol)
var info = this.SemanticModel.GetSpeculativeTypeInfo(SelectionResult.FinalSpan.Start, SyntaxFactory.ParseName(symbol.Name), SpeculativeBindingOption.BindAsExpression);
if (info.Type is IErrorTypeSymbol)
return null;
return info.Type == null || info.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object
? info.Type
: info.ConvertedType;
protected override ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation GetStatementFlowControlInformation(
ControlFlowAnalysis controlFlowAnalysis)
return ExtractMethodFlowControlInformation.Create(
supportsComplexFlowControl: true,
breakStatementCount: controlFlowAnalysis.ExitPoints.Count(n => n is BreakStatementSyntax),
continueStatementCount: controlFlowAnalysis.ExitPoints.Count(n => n is ContinueStatementSyntax),
returnStatementCount: controlFlowAnalysis.ExitPoints.Count(n => n is ReturnStatementSyntax),
endPointIsReachable: controlFlowAnalysis.EndPointIsReachable);
protected override bool ReadOnlyFieldAllowed()
var scope = SelectionResult.GetContainingScopeOf<ConstructorDeclarationSyntax>();
return scope == null;
protected override bool IsReadOutside(ISymbol symbol, HashSet<ISymbol> readOutsideMap)
if (!base.IsReadOutside(symbol, readOutsideMap))
return false;
// Special case `using var v = ...` where the selection grabs the last statement that follows the local
// declaration. The compiler here considers the local variable 'read outside' since it makes it to the
// implicit 'dispose' call that comes after the last statement. However, as that implicit dispose would
// move if we move the `using var v` entirely into the new method, then it's still safe to move as there's
// no actual "explicit user read" that happens in the outer caller at all.
if (!this.SelectionResult.IsExtractMethodOnExpression &&
symbol is ILocalSymbol { IsUsing: true, DeclaringSyntaxReferences: [var reference] } &&
reference.GetSyntax(this.CancellationToken) is VariableDeclaratorSyntax
Parent: VariableDeclarationSyntax
Parent: LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax
Parent: BlockSyntax { Statements: [.., var lastBlockStatement] },
var lastStatement = this.SelectionResult.GetLastStatement();
if (lastStatement == lastBlockStatement)
return false;
return true;