// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Differencing;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditAndContinue;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a syntax comparer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="oldRoot">The root node to start comparisons from</param>
/// <param name="newRoot">The new root node to compare against</param>
/// <param name="oldRootChildren">Child nodes that should always be compared</param>
/// <param name="newRootChildren">New child nodes to compare against</param>
/// <param name="compareStatementSyntax">Whether this comparer is in "statement mode"</param>
internal sealed class SyntaxComparer(
SyntaxNode? oldRoot,
SyntaxNode? newRoot,
IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>? oldRootChildren,
IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>? newRootChildren,
bool compareStatementSyntax) : AbstractSyntaxComparer(oldRoot, newRoot, oldRootChildren, newRootChildren, compareStatementSyntax)
internal static readonly SyntaxComparer TopLevel = new(null, null, null, null, compareStatementSyntax: false);
internal static readonly SyntaxComparer Statement = new(null, null, null, null, compareStatementSyntax: true);
protected override bool IsLambdaBodyStatementOrExpression(SyntaxNode node)
=> LambdaUtilities.IsLambdaBodyStatementOrExpression(node);
#region Labels
/// <summary>
/// Assumptions:
/// - Each listed label corresponds to one or more syntax kinds.
/// - Nodes with same labels might produce Update edits, nodes with different labels don't.
/// - If <see cref="TiedToAncestor(Label)"/> is true for a label then all its possible parent labels must precede the label.
/// (i.e. both MethodDeclaration and TypeDeclaration must precede TypeParameter label).
/// - All descendants of a node whose kind is listed here will be ignored regardless of their labels
/// </summary>
internal enum Label
// Top level syntax kinds
ExternAliasDirective, // tied to parent
UsingDirective, // tied to parent
BaseList, // tied to parent
PrimaryConstructorBase, // tied to parent
FieldDeclaration, // tied to parent
FieldVariableDeclaration, // tied to parent
FieldVariableDeclarator, // tied to parent
MethodDeclaration, // tied to parent
OperatorDeclaration, // tied to parent
ConversionOperatorDeclaration, // tied to parent
ConstructorDeclaration, // tied to parent
DestructorDeclaration, // tied to parent
PropertyDeclaration, // tied to parent
IndexerDeclaration, // tied to parent
EventDeclaration, // tied to parent
EnumMemberDeclaration, // tied to parent
ArrowExpressionClause, // tied to parent
AccessorList, // tied to parent
AccessorDeclaration, // tied to parent
// Statement syntax kinds
CatchClause, // tied to parent
CatchDeclaration, // tied to parent
CatchFilterClause, // tied to parent
FinallyClause, // tied to parent
ForStatementPart, // tied to parent
ElseClause, // tied to parent
CasePatternSwitchLabel, // tied to parent
SwitchExpressionArm, // tied to parent
WhenClause, // tied to parent
YieldReturnStatement, // tied to parent
YieldBreakStatement, // tied to parent
// TODO:
// Ideally we could declare LocalVariableDeclarator tied to the first enclosing node that defines local scope (block, foreach, etc.)
// Also consider handling LocalDeclarationStatement as just a bag of variable declarators,
// so that variable declarators contained in one can be matched with variable declarators contained in the other.
LocalDeclarationStatement, // tied to parent
LocalVariableDeclaration, // tied to parent
LocalVariableDeclarator, // tied to parent
FromClauseLambda, // tied to parent
LetClauseLambda, // tied to parent
WhereClauseLambda, // tied to parent
OrderByClause, // tied to parent
OrderingLambda, // tied to parent
SelectClauseLambda, // tied to parent
JoinClauseLambda, // tied to parent
JoinIntoClause, // tied to parent
GroupClauseLambda, // tied to parent
QueryContinuation, // tied to parent
// Syntax kinds that are common to both statement and top level
TypeParameterList, // tied to parent
TypeParameterConstraintClause, // tied to parent
TypeParameter, // tied to parent
ParameterList, // tied to parent
BracketedParameterList, // tied to parent
Parameter, // tied to parent
AttributeList, // tied to parent
Attribute, // tied to parent
// helpers:
Ignored = IgnoredNode
/// <summary>
/// Return 1 if it is desirable to report two edits (delete and insert) rather than a move edit
/// when the node changes its parent.
/// </summary>
private static int TiedToAncestor(Label label)
switch (label)
// Top level syntax
case Label.ExternAliasDirective:
case Label.UsingDirective:
case Label.FieldDeclaration:
case Label.FieldVariableDeclaration:
case Label.FieldVariableDeclarator:
case Label.MethodDeclaration:
case Label.OperatorDeclaration:
case Label.ConversionOperatorDeclaration:
case Label.ConstructorDeclaration:
case Label.DestructorDeclaration:
case Label.PropertyDeclaration:
case Label.ArrowExpressionClause:
case Label.IndexerDeclaration:
case Label.EventDeclaration:
case Label.EnumMemberDeclaration:
case Label.BaseList:
case Label.AccessorDeclaration:
case Label.AccessorList:
case Label.TypeParameterList:
case Label.TypeParameter:
case Label.TypeParameterConstraintClause:
case Label.ParameterList:
case Label.BracketedParameterList:
case Label.Parameter:
case Label.AttributeList:
case Label.Attribute:
return 1;
// Statement syntax
case Label.LocalDeclarationStatement:
case Label.LocalVariableDeclaration:
case Label.LocalVariableDeclarator:
case Label.GotoCaseStatement:
case Label.BreakContinueStatement:
case Label.ElseClause:
case Label.CatchClause:
case Label.CatchDeclaration:
case Label.CatchFilterClause:
case Label.FinallyClause:
case Label.ForStatementPart:
case Label.YieldReturnStatement:
case Label.YieldBreakStatement:
case Label.FromClauseLambda:
case Label.LetClauseLambda:
case Label.WhereClauseLambda:
case Label.OrderByClause:
case Label.OrderingLambda:
case Label.SelectClauseLambda:
case Label.JoinClauseLambda:
case Label.JoinIntoClause:
case Label.GroupClauseLambda:
case Label.QueryContinuation:
case Label.CasePatternSwitchLabel:
case Label.WhenClause:
case Label.SwitchExpressionArm:
return 1;
return 0;
internal override int Classify(int kind, SyntaxNode? node, out bool isLeaf)
=> (int)Classify((SyntaxKind)kind, node, out isLeaf);
internal Label Classify(SyntaxKind kind, SyntaxNode? node, out bool isLeaf)
isLeaf = false;
// If the node is a for loop Initializer, Condition, or Incrementor expression we label it as "ForStatementPart".
// We need to capture it in the match since these expressions can be "active statements" and as such we need to map them.
// The parent is not available only when comparing nodes for value equality.
if (node != null && node.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ForStatement) && node is ExpressionSyntax)
return Label.ForStatementPart;
// ************************************
// Top and statement syntax
// ************************************
// These nodes can appear during top level and statement processing, so we put them in this first
// switch for simplicity. Statement specific, and top level specific cases are handled below.
switch (kind)
case SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit:
return Label.CompilationUnit;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameterList:
return Label.TypeParameterList;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameterConstraintClause:
return Label.TypeParameterConstraintClause;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter:
// not a leaf because an attribute may be applied
return Label.TypeParameter;
case SyntaxKind.BracketedParameterList:
return Label.BracketedParameterList;
case SyntaxKind.ParameterList:
return Label.ParameterList;
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
return Label.Parameter;
case SyntaxKind.ConstructorDeclaration:
// Root when matching constructor bodies.
return Label.ConstructorDeclaration;
if (_compareStatementSyntax)
return ClassifyStatementSyntax(kind, node, out isLeaf);
return ClassifyTopSyntax(kind, node, out isLeaf);
private static Label ClassifyStatementSyntax(SyntaxKind kind, SyntaxNode? node, out bool isLeaf)
isLeaf = false;
// ************************************
// Statement syntax
// ************************************
// These nodes could potentially be seen as top level syntax, but we only want them labelled
// during statement syntax so they have to be kept separate.
// For example when top level sees something like this:
// private int X => new Func(() => { return 1 })();
// It needs to go through the entire lambda to know if that property def has changed
// but if we start labelling things, like ReturnStatement in the above example, then
// it will stop. Given that a block bodied lambda can have any statements a user likes
// the whole set has to be dealt with separately.
switch (kind)
// Notes:
// A descendant of a leaf node may be a labeled node that we don't want to visit if
// we are comparing its parent node (used for lambda bodies).
// Expressions are ignored but they may contain nodes that should be matched by tree comparer.
// (e.g. lambdas, declaration expressions). Descending to these nodes is handled in EnumerateChildren.
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RecordDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RecordStructDeclaration:
// These declarations can come after global statements so we want to stop statement matching
// because no global statements can come after them
isLeaf = true;
return Label.Ignored;
case SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement:
return Label.LocalDeclarationStatement;
case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation:
return Label.SingleVariableDesignation;
case SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement:
return Label.LabeledStatement;
case SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.ExpressionStatement;
case SyntaxKind.GotoStatement:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.GotoStatement;
case SyntaxKind.GotoCaseStatement:
case SyntaxKind.GotoDefaultStatement:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.GotoCaseStatement;
case SyntaxKind.BreakStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.BreakContinueStatement;
case SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement:
return Label.ReturnThrowStatement;
case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement:
return Label.ExpressionStatement;
case SyntaxKind.YieldBreakStatement:
// yield break is distinct from yield return as it does not suspend the state machine in a resumable state
return Label.YieldBreakStatement;
case SyntaxKind.YieldReturnStatement:
return Label.YieldReturnStatement;
case SyntaxKind.DoStatement:
return Label.DoStatement;
case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement:
return Label.WhileStatement;
case SyntaxKind.ForStatement:
return Label.ForStatement;
case SyntaxKind.ForEachVariableStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ForEachStatement:
return Label.ForEachStatement;
case SyntaxKind.UsingStatement:
// We need to distinguish using statements with expression or single variable declaration from ones with multiple variable declarations.
// The former generate a single try-finally block, the latter one for each variable. The finally blocks need to match since they
// affect state machine state matching. For simplicity we do not match single-declaration to expression, we just treat usings
// with declarations entirely separately from usings with expressions.
// The parent is not available only when comparing nodes for value equality.
// In that case it doesn't matter what label the node has as long as it has some.
return node is UsingStatementSyntax { Declaration: not null } ? Label.UsingStatementWithDeclarations : Label.UsingStatementWithExpression;
case SyntaxKind.FixedStatement:
return Label.FixedStatement;
case SyntaxKind.CheckedStatement:
case SyntaxKind.UncheckedStatement:
return Label.CheckedStatement;
case SyntaxKind.UnsafeStatement:
return Label.UnsafeStatement;
case SyntaxKind.LockStatement:
return Label.LockStatement;
case SyntaxKind.IfStatement:
return Label.IfStatement;
case SyntaxKind.ElseClause:
return Label.ElseClause;
case SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement:
return Label.SwitchStatement;
case SyntaxKind.SwitchSection:
return Label.SwitchSection;
case SyntaxKind.CaseSwitchLabel:
case SyntaxKind.DefaultSwitchLabel:
// Switch labels are included in the "value" of the containing switch section.
// We don't need to analyze case expressions.
isLeaf = true;
return Label.Ignored;
case SyntaxKind.WhenClause:
return Label.WhenClause;
case SyntaxKind.CasePatternSwitchLabel:
return Label.CasePatternSwitchLabel;
case SyntaxKind.SwitchExpression:
return Label.SwitchExpression;
case SyntaxKind.SwitchExpressionArm:
return Label.SwitchExpressionArm;
case SyntaxKind.TryStatement:
return Label.TryStatement;
case SyntaxKind.CatchClause:
return Label.CatchClause;
case SyntaxKind.CatchDeclaration:
// the declarator of the exception variable
return Label.CatchDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.CatchFilterClause:
return Label.CatchFilterClause;
case SyntaxKind.FinallyClause:
return Label.FinallyClause;
case SyntaxKind.FromClause:
// The first from clause of a query is not a lambda.
// We have to assign it a label different from "FromClauseLambda"
// so that we won't match lambda-from to non-lambda-from.
// Since FromClause declares range variables we need to include it in the map,
// so that we are able to map range variable declarations.
// Therefore we assign it a dedicated label.
// The parent is not available only when comparing nodes for value equality.
// In that case it doesn't matter what label the node has as long as it has some.
if (node == null || node.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.QueryExpression))
return Label.FromClause;
return Label.FromClauseLambda;
case SyntaxKind.QueryBody:
return Label.QueryBody;
case SyntaxKind.QueryContinuation:
return Label.QueryContinuation;
case SyntaxKind.LetClause:
return Label.LetClauseLambda;
case SyntaxKind.WhereClause:
return Label.WhereClauseLambda;
case SyntaxKind.OrderByClause:
return Label.OrderByClause;
case SyntaxKind.AscendingOrdering:
case SyntaxKind.DescendingOrdering:
return Label.OrderingLambda;
case SyntaxKind.SelectClause:
return Label.SelectClauseLambda;
case SyntaxKind.JoinClause:
return Label.JoinClauseLambda;
case SyntaxKind.JoinIntoClause:
return Label.JoinIntoClause;
case SyntaxKind.GroupClause:
return Label.GroupClauseLambda;
case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName:
case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName:
case SyntaxKind.GenericName:
case SyntaxKind.TypeArgumentList:
case SyntaxKind.AliasQualifiedName:
case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType:
case SyntaxKind.PointerType:
case SyntaxKind.NullableType:
case SyntaxKind.TupleType:
case SyntaxKind.RefType:
case SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument:
case SyntaxKind.NameColon:
case SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ThisExpression:
case SyntaxKind.BaseExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ArgListExpression:
case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression:
case SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression:
case SyntaxKind.CharacterLiteralExpression:
case SyntaxKind.TrueLiteralExpression:
case SyntaxKind.FalseLiteralExpression:
case SyntaxKind.NullLiteralExpression:
case SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression:
case SyntaxKind.SizeOfExpression:
case SyntaxKind.DefaultExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ConstantPattern:
case SyntaxKind.DiscardDesignation:
// can't contain a lambda/await/anonymous type:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.Ignored;
case SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression:
return Label.AwaitExpression;
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression:
case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression:
case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression:
case SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement:
return Label.NestedFunction;
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
return Label.LocalVariableDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator:
return Label.LocalVariableDeclarator;
case SyntaxKind.Block:
return Label.Block;
// If we got this far, its an unlabelled node. Since just about any node can
// contain a lambda, isLeaf must be false for statement syntax.
return Label.Ignored;
private static Label ClassifyTopSyntax(SyntaxKind kind, SyntaxNode? node, out bool isLeaf)
isLeaf = false;
// ************************************
// Top syntax
// ************************************
// More the most part these nodes will only appear in top syntax but its easier to
// keep them separate so we can more easily discern was is shared, above.
switch (kind)
case SyntaxKind.GlobalStatement:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.GlobalStatement;
case SyntaxKind.ExternAliasDirective:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.ExternAliasDirective;
case SyntaxKind.UsingDirective:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.UsingDirective;
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.FileScopedNamespaceDeclaration:
return Label.NamespaceDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RecordDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RecordStructDeclaration:
return Label.TypeDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.BaseList:
return Label.BaseList;
case SyntaxKind.PrimaryConstructorBaseType:
// For top syntax, primary constructor base initializer is a leaf node
isLeaf = true;
return Label.PrimaryConstructorBase;
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
return Label.MethodDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
return Label.EnumDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.DelegateDeclaration:
return Label.DelegateDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.FieldDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.EventFieldDeclaration:
return Label.FieldDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.ConversionOperatorDeclaration:
return Label.ConversionOperatorDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.OperatorDeclaration:
return Label.OperatorDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.DestructorDeclaration:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.DestructorDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
return Label.PropertyDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.IndexerDeclaration:
return Label.IndexerDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause:
if (node?.Parent is (kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration or SyntaxKind.IndexerDeclaration))
return Label.ArrowExpressionClause;
case SyntaxKind.EventDeclaration:
return Label.EventDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.EnumMemberDeclaration:
// not a leaf because an attribute may be applied
return Label.EnumMemberDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.AccessorList:
return Label.AccessorList;
case SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InitAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.AddAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RemoveAccessorDeclaration:
isLeaf = true;
return Label.AccessorDeclaration;
// Note: These last two do actually appear as statement syntax, but mean something
// different and hence have a different label
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
return Label.FieldVariableDeclaration;
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator:
// For top syntax, a variable declarator is a leaf node
isLeaf = true;
return Label.FieldVariableDeclarator;
case SyntaxKind.AttributeList:
// Only module/assembly attributes are labelled
if (node is not null && node.IsParentKind(SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit))
return Label.AttributeList;
case SyntaxKind.Attribute:
// Only module/assembly attributes are labelled
if (node is { Parent: { } parent } && parent.IsParentKind(SyntaxKind.CompilationUnit))
isLeaf = true;
return Label.Attribute;
// If we got this far, its an unlabelled node. For top
// syntax, we don't need to descend into any ignored nodes
isLeaf = true;
return Label.Ignored;
// internal for testing
internal bool HasLabel(SyntaxKind kind)
=> Classify(kind, node: null, out _) != Label.Ignored;
protected internal override int LabelCount
=> (int)Label.Count;
protected internal override int TiedToAncestor(int label)
=> TiedToAncestor((Label)label);
#region Comparisons
public override bool ValuesEqual(SyntaxNode left, SyntaxNode right)
Func<SyntaxKind, bool>? ignoreChildFunction;
switch (left.Kind())
// all syntax kinds with a method body child:
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ConversionOperatorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.OperatorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ConstructorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.DestructorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InitAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.AddAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RemoveAccessorDeclaration:
// When comparing method bodies we need to NOT ignore VariableDeclaration and VariableDeclarator children,
// but when comparing field definitions we should ignore VariableDeclarations children.
var leftBody = GetBody(left);
var rightBody = GetBody(right);
if (!SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(leftBody, rightBody, null))
return false;
ignoreChildFunction = childKind => childKind == SyntaxKind.Block || childKind == SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause || HasLabel(childKind);
case SyntaxKind.SwitchSection:
return Equal((SwitchSectionSyntax)left, (SwitchSectionSyntax)right);
case SyntaxKind.ForStatement:
// The only children of ForStatement are labeled nodes and punctuation.
return true;
if (HasChildren(left))
ignoreChildFunction = childKind => HasLabel(childKind);
ignoreChildFunction = null;
return SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(left, right, ignoreChildFunction);
private bool Equal(SwitchSectionSyntax left, SwitchSectionSyntax right)
return SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(left.Labels, right.Labels, null)
&& SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(left.Statements, right.Statements, ignoreChildNode: HasLabel);
private static SyntaxNode? GetBody(SyntaxNode node)
switch (node)
case BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax baseMethodDeclarationSyntax: return baseMethodDeclarationSyntax.Body ?? (SyntaxNode?)baseMethodDeclarationSyntax.ExpressionBody?.Expression;
case AccessorDeclarationSyntax accessorDeclarationSyntax: return accessorDeclarationSyntax.Body ?? (SyntaxNode?)accessorDeclarationSyntax.ExpressionBody?.Expression;
default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node);
protected override bool TryComputeWeightedDistance(SyntaxNode leftNode, SyntaxNode rightNode, out double distance)
switch (leftNode.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator:
distance = ComputeDistance(
return true;
case SyntaxKind.ForStatement:
var leftFor = (ForStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightFor = (ForStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftFor, rightFor);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.ForEachStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ForEachVariableStatement:
var leftForEach = (CommonForEachStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightForEach = (CommonForEachStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftForEach, rightForEach);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.UsingStatement:
var leftUsing = (UsingStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightUsing = (UsingStatementSyntax)rightNode;
if (leftUsing.Declaration != null && rightUsing.Declaration != null)
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(
(SyntaxNode?)leftUsing.Expression ?? leftUsing.Declaration!,
(SyntaxNode?)rightUsing.Expression ?? rightUsing.Declaration!,
return true;
case SyntaxKind.UsingDirective:
var leftUsing = (UsingDirectiveSyntax)leftNode;
var rightUsing = (UsingDirectiveSyntax)rightNode;
// For now, just compute the distances of both the alias and name and combine their weights
// 50/50. We could consider weighting the alias more heavily. i.e. if you have `using X = ...`
// and `using X = ...` it's more likely that this is the same alias, and just the name portion
// changed versus thinking that some other using became this alias.
distance =
ComputeDistance(leftUsing.Alias, rightUsing.Alias) +
ComputeDistance(leftUsing.NamespaceOrType, rightUsing.NamespaceOrType);
// Consider two usings that only differ by presence/absence of 'global' to be a near match.
if (leftUsing.GlobalKeyword.IsKind(SyntaxKind.None) != rightUsing.GlobalKeyword.IsKind(SyntaxKind.None))
distance += EpsilonDist;
// Consider two usings that only differ by presence/absence of 'unsafe' to be a near match.
if (leftUsing.UnsafeKeyword.IsKind(SyntaxKind.None) != rightUsing.UnsafeKeyword.IsKind(SyntaxKind.None))
distance += EpsilonDist;
return true;
case SyntaxKind.LockStatement:
var leftLock = (LockStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightLock = (LockStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftLock.Expression, leftLock.Statement, rightLock.Expression, rightLock.Statement);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.FixedStatement:
var leftFixed = (FixedStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightFixed = (FixedStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftFixed.Declaration, leftFixed.Statement, rightFixed.Declaration, rightFixed.Statement);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement:
var leftWhile = (WhileStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightWhile = (WhileStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftWhile.Condition, leftWhile.Statement, rightWhile.Condition, rightWhile.Statement);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.DoStatement:
var leftDo = (DoStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightDo = (DoStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftDo.Condition, leftDo.Statement, rightDo.Condition, rightDo.Statement);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.IfStatement:
var leftIf = (IfStatementSyntax)leftNode;
var rightIf = (IfStatementSyntax)rightNode;
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance(leftIf.Condition, leftIf.Statement, rightIf.Condition, rightIf.Statement);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.Block:
var leftBlock = (BlockSyntax)leftNode;
var rightBlock = (BlockSyntax)rightNode;
return TryComputeWeightedDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock, out distance);
case SyntaxKind.CatchClause:
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance((CatchClauseSyntax)leftNode, (CatchClauseSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression:
case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression:
case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression:
case SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement:
distance = ComputeWeightedDistanceOfNestedFunctions(leftNode, rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation:
distance = ComputeWeightedDistance((SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)leftNode, (SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameterConstraintClause:
distance = ComputeDistance((TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax)leftNode, (TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter:
distance = ComputeDistance((TypeParameterSyntax)leftNode, (TypeParameterSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
distance = ComputeDistance((ParameterSyntax)leftNode, (ParameterSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.AttributeList:
distance = ComputeDistance((AttributeListSyntax)leftNode, (AttributeListSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.Attribute:
distance = ComputeDistance((AttributeSyntax)leftNode, (AttributeSyntax)rightNode);
return true;
var leftName = TryGetName(leftNode);
var rightName = TryGetName(rightNode);
Contract.ThrowIfFalse(rightName.HasValue == leftName.HasValue);
if (leftName.HasValue)
distance = ComputeDistance(leftName.Value, rightName!.Value);
return true;
distance = 0;
return false;
private static double ComputeWeightedDistanceOfNestedFunctions(SyntaxNode leftNode, SyntaxNode rightNode)
GetNestedFunctionsParts(leftNode, out var leftParameters, out var leftAsync, out var leftBody, out var leftModifiers, out var leftReturnType, out var leftIdentifier, out var leftTypeParameters);
GetNestedFunctionsParts(rightNode, out var rightParameters, out var rightAsync, out var rightBody, out var rightModifiers, out var rightReturnType, out var rightIdentifier, out var rightTypeParameters);
if ((leftAsync.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword) != (rightAsync.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword))
return 1.0;
var modifierDistance = ComputeDistance(leftModifiers, rightModifiers);
var returnTypeDistance = ComputeDistance(leftReturnType, rightReturnType);
var identifierDistance = ComputeDistance(leftIdentifier, rightIdentifier);
var typeParameterDistance = ComputeDistance(leftTypeParameters, rightTypeParameters);
var parameterDistance = ComputeDistance(leftParameters, rightParameters);
var bodyDistance = ComputeDistance(leftBody, rightBody);
modifierDistance * 0.1 +
returnTypeDistance * 0.1 +
identifierDistance * 0.2 +
typeParameterDistance * 0.2 +
parameterDistance * 0.2 +
bodyDistance * 0.2;
private static void GetNestedFunctionsParts(
SyntaxNode nestedFunction,
out IEnumerable<SyntaxToken> parameters,
out SyntaxToken asyncKeyword,
out SyntaxNode body,
out SyntaxTokenList modifiers,
out TypeSyntax? returnType,
out SyntaxToken identifier,
out TypeParameterListSyntax? typeParameters)
switch (nestedFunction.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression:
var simple = (SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax)nestedFunction;
parameters = simple.Parameter.DescendantTokens();
asyncKeyword = simple.AsyncKeyword;
body = simple.Body;
modifiers = default;
returnType = null;
identifier = default;
typeParameters = null;
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression:
var parenthesized = (ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax)nestedFunction;
parameters = GetDescendantTokensIgnoringSeparators(parenthesized.ParameterList.Parameters);
asyncKeyword = parenthesized.AsyncKeyword;
body = parenthesized.Body;
modifiers = default;
returnType = null;
identifier = default;
typeParameters = null;
case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression:
var anonymous = (AnonymousMethodExpressionSyntax)nestedFunction;
if (anonymous.ParameterList != null)
parameters = GetDescendantTokensIgnoringSeparators(anonymous.ParameterList.Parameters);
parameters = [];
asyncKeyword = anonymous.AsyncKeyword;
body = anonymous.Block;
modifiers = default;
returnType = null;
identifier = default;
typeParameters = null;
case SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement:
var localFunction = (LocalFunctionStatementSyntax)nestedFunction;
parameters = GetDescendantTokensIgnoringSeparators(localFunction.ParameterList.Parameters);
asyncKeyword = default;
body = (SyntaxNode?)localFunction.Body ?? localFunction.ExpressionBody!;
modifiers = localFunction.Modifiers;
returnType = localFunction.ReturnType;
identifier = localFunction.Identifier;
typeParameters = localFunction.TypeParameterList;
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(nestedFunction.Kind());
private bool TryComputeWeightedDistance(BlockSyntax leftBlock, BlockSyntax rightBlock, out double distance)
// No block can be matched with the root block.
// Note that in constructors the root is the constructor declaration, since we need to include
// the constructor initializer in the match.
if (leftBlock.Parent == null ||
rightBlock.Parent == null ||
leftBlock.Parent.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ConstructorDeclaration) ||
distance = 0.0;
return true;
if (GetLabel(leftBlock.Parent) != GetLabel(rightBlock.Parent))
distance = 0.2 + 0.8 * ComputeWeightedBlockDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock);
return true;
switch (leftBlock.Parent.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.IfStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ForEachStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ForEachVariableStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ForStatement:
case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement:
case SyntaxKind.DoStatement:
case SyntaxKind.FixedStatement:
case SyntaxKind.LockStatement:
case SyntaxKind.UsingStatement:
case SyntaxKind.SwitchSection:
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression:
case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression:
case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression:
case SyntaxKind.LocalFunctionStatement:
// value distance of the block body is included:
distance = GetDistance(leftBlock.Parent, rightBlock.Parent);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.CatchClause:
var leftCatch = (CatchClauseSyntax)leftBlock.Parent;
var rightCatch = (CatchClauseSyntax)rightBlock.Parent;
if (leftCatch.Declaration == null && leftCatch.Filter == null &&
rightCatch.Declaration == null && rightCatch.Filter == null)
var leftTry = (TryStatementSyntax)leftCatch.Parent!;
var rightTry = (TryStatementSyntax)rightCatch.Parent!;
distance = 0.5 * ComputeValueDistance(leftTry.Block, rightTry.Block) +
0.5 * ComputeValueDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock);
// value distance of the block body is included:
distance = GetDistance(leftBlock.Parent, rightBlock.Parent);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.Block:
case SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement:
case SyntaxKind.GlobalStatement:
distance = ComputeWeightedBlockDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock);
return true;
case SyntaxKind.UnsafeStatement:
case SyntaxKind.CheckedStatement:
case SyntaxKind.UncheckedStatement:
case SyntaxKind.ElseClause:
case SyntaxKind.FinallyClause:
case SyntaxKind.TryStatement:
distance = 0.2 * ComputeValueDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock);
return true;
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(leftBlock.Parent.Kind());
private double ComputeWeightedDistance(SingleVariableDesignationSyntax leftNode, SingleVariableDesignationSyntax rightNode)
var distance = ComputeDistance(leftNode, rightNode);
double parentDistance;
if (leftNode.Parent != null &&
rightNode.Parent != null &&
GetLabel(leftNode.Parent) == GetLabel(rightNode.Parent))
parentDistance = ComputeDistance(leftNode.Parent, rightNode.Parent);
parentDistance = 1;
return 0.5 * parentDistance + 0.5 * distance;
private static double ComputeWeightedBlockDistance(BlockSyntax leftBlock, BlockSyntax rightBlock)
if (TryComputeLocalsDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock, out var distance))
return distance;
return ComputeValueDistance(leftBlock, rightBlock);
private static double ComputeWeightedDistance(CatchClauseSyntax left, CatchClauseSyntax right)
var blockDistance = ComputeDistance(left.Block, right.Block);
var distance = CombineOptional(blockDistance, left.Declaration, right.Declaration, left.Filter, right.Filter);
return AdjustForLocalsInBlock(distance, left.Block, right.Block, localsWeight: 0.3);
private static double ComputeWeightedDistance(
CommonForEachStatementSyntax leftCommonForEach,
CommonForEachStatementSyntax rightCommonForEach)
var statementDistance = ComputeDistance(leftCommonForEach.Statement, rightCommonForEach.Statement);
var expressionDistance = ComputeDistance(leftCommonForEach.Expression, rightCommonForEach.Expression);
List<SyntaxToken>? leftLocals = null;
List<SyntaxToken>? rightLocals = null;
GetLocalNames(leftCommonForEach, ref leftLocals);
GetLocalNames(rightCommonForEach, ref rightLocals);
var localNamesDistance = ComputeDistance(leftLocals, rightLocals);
var distance = localNamesDistance * 0.6 + expressionDistance * 0.2 + statementDistance * 0.2;
return AdjustForLocalsInBlock(distance, leftCommonForEach.Statement, rightCommonForEach.Statement, localsWeight: 0.6);
private static double ComputeWeightedDistance(ForStatementSyntax left, ForStatementSyntax right)
var statementDistance = ComputeDistance(left.Statement, right.Statement);
var conditionDistance = ComputeDistance(left.Condition, right.Condition);
var incDistance = ComputeDistance(
GetDescendantTokensIgnoringSeparators(left.Incrementors), GetDescendantTokensIgnoringSeparators(right.Incrementors));
var distance = conditionDistance * 0.3 + incDistance * 0.3 + statementDistance * 0.4;
if (TryComputeLocalsDistance(left.Declaration, right.Declaration, out var localsDistance))
distance = distance * 0.4 + localsDistance * 0.6;
return distance;
private static double ComputeWeightedDistance(
VariableDeclarationSyntax leftVariables,
StatementSyntax leftStatement,
VariableDeclarationSyntax rightVariables,
StatementSyntax rightStatement)
var distance = ComputeDistance(leftStatement, rightStatement);
// Put maximum weight behind the variables declared in the header of the statement.
if (TryComputeLocalsDistance(leftVariables, rightVariables, out var localsDistance))
distance = distance * 0.4 + localsDistance * 0.6;
// If the statement is a block that declares local variables,
// weight them more than the rest of the statement.
return AdjustForLocalsInBlock(distance, leftStatement, rightStatement, localsWeight: 0.2);
private static double ComputeWeightedDistance(
SyntaxNode? leftHeader,
StatementSyntax leftStatement,
SyntaxNode? rightHeader,
StatementSyntax rightStatement)
var headerDistance = ComputeDistance(leftHeader, rightHeader);
var statementDistance = ComputeDistance(leftStatement, rightStatement);
var distance = headerDistance * 0.6 + statementDistance * 0.4;
return AdjustForLocalsInBlock(distance, leftStatement, rightStatement, localsWeight: 0.5);
private static double AdjustForLocalsInBlock(
double distance,
StatementSyntax leftStatement,
StatementSyntax rightStatement,
double localsWeight)
// If the statement is a block that declares local variables,
// weight them more than the rest of the statement.
if (leftStatement.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Block && rightStatement.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Block)
if (TryComputeLocalsDistance((BlockSyntax)leftStatement, (BlockSyntax)rightStatement, out var localsDistance))
return localsDistance * localsWeight + distance * (1 - localsWeight);
return distance;
private static bool TryComputeLocalsDistance(VariableDeclarationSyntax? left, VariableDeclarationSyntax? right, out double distance)
List<SyntaxToken>? leftLocals = null;
List<SyntaxToken>? rightLocals = null;
if (left != null)
GetLocalNames(left, ref leftLocals);
if (right != null)
GetLocalNames(right, ref rightLocals);
if (leftLocals == null || rightLocals == null)
distance = 0;
return false;
distance = ComputeDistance(leftLocals, rightLocals);
return true;
private static bool TryComputeLocalsDistance(BlockSyntax left, BlockSyntax right, out double distance)
List<SyntaxToken>? leftLocals = null;
List<SyntaxToken>? rightLocals = null;
GetLocalNames(left, ref leftLocals);
GetLocalNames(right, ref rightLocals);
if (leftLocals == null || rightLocals == null)
distance = 0;
return false;
distance = ComputeDistance(leftLocals, rightLocals);
return true;
// Doesn't include variables declared in declaration expressions
// Consider including them (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/37460).
private static void GetLocalNames(BlockSyntax block, ref List<SyntaxToken>? result)
foreach (var child in block.ChildNodes())
if (child is LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax localDecl)
GetLocalNames(localDecl.Declaration, ref result);
// Doesn't include variables declared in declaration expressions
// Consider including them (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/37460).
private static void GetLocalNames(VariableDeclarationSyntax localDeclaration, ref List<SyntaxToken>? result)
foreach (var local in localDeclaration.Variables)
GetLocalNames(local.Identifier, ref result);
internal static void GetLocalNames(CommonForEachStatementSyntax commonForEach, ref List<SyntaxToken>? result)
switch (commonForEach.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.ForEachStatement:
GetLocalNames(((ForEachStatementSyntax)commonForEach).Identifier, ref result);
case SyntaxKind.ForEachVariableStatement:
var forEachVariable = (ForEachVariableStatementSyntax)commonForEach;
GetLocalNames(forEachVariable.Variable, ref result);
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(commonForEach.Kind());
private static void GetLocalNames(ExpressionSyntax expression, ref List<SyntaxToken>? result)
switch (expression.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.DeclarationExpression:
var declarationExpression = (DeclarationExpressionSyntax)expression;
var localDeclaration = declarationExpression.Designation;
GetLocalNames(localDeclaration, ref result);
case SyntaxKind.TupleExpression:
var tupleExpression = (TupleExpressionSyntax)expression;
foreach (var argument in tupleExpression.Arguments)
GetLocalNames(argument.Expression, ref result);
// Do nothing for node that cannot have variable declarations inside.
private static void GetLocalNames(VariableDesignationSyntax designation, ref List<SyntaxToken>? result)
switch (designation.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation:
GetLocalNames(((SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)designation).Identifier, ref result);
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedVariableDesignation:
var parenthesizedVariableDesignation = (ParenthesizedVariableDesignationSyntax)designation;
foreach (var variableDesignation in parenthesizedVariableDesignation.Variables)
GetLocalNames(variableDesignation, ref result);
case SyntaxKind.DiscardDesignation:
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(designation.Kind());
private static void GetLocalNames(SyntaxToken syntaxToken, [NotNull] ref List<SyntaxToken>? result)
result ??= [];
private static double CombineOptional(
double distance0,
SyntaxNode? left1,
SyntaxNode? right1,
SyntaxNode? left2,
SyntaxNode? right2,
double weight0 = 0.8,
double weight1 = 0.5)
var one = left1 != null || right1 != null;
var two = left2 != null || right2 != null;
if (!one && !two)
return distance0;
var distance1 = ComputeDistance(left1, right1);
var distance2 = ComputeDistance(left2, right2);
double d;
if (one && two)
d = distance1 * weight1 + distance2 * (1 - weight1);
else if (one)
d = distance1;
d = distance2;
return distance0 * weight0 + d * (1 - weight0);
private static SyntaxNodeOrToken? TryGetName(SyntaxNode node)
switch (node.Kind())
case SyntaxKind.ExternAliasDirective:
return ((ExternAliasDirectiveSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.UsingDirective:
return ((UsingDirectiveSyntax)node).NamespaceOrType;
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.FileScopedNamespaceDeclaration:
return ((BaseNamespaceDeclarationSyntax)node).Name;
case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RecordDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.RecordStructDeclaration:
return ((TypeDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration:
return ((EnumDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.DelegateDeclaration:
return ((DelegateDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.FieldDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.EventFieldDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
return null;
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator:
return ((VariableDeclaratorSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
return ((MethodDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.ConversionOperatorDeclaration:
return ((ConversionOperatorDeclarationSyntax)node).Type;
case SyntaxKind.OperatorDeclaration:
return ((OperatorDeclarationSyntax)node).OperatorToken;
case SyntaxKind.ConstructorDeclaration:
return ((ConstructorDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.DestructorDeclaration:
return ((DestructorDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
return ((PropertyDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.IndexerDeclaration:
return null;
case SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause:
return null;
case SyntaxKind.EventDeclaration:
return ((EventDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.EnumMemberDeclaration:
return ((EnumMemberDeclarationSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.GetAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.SetAccessorDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.InitAccessorDeclaration:
return null;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameterConstraintClause:
return ((TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax)node).Name.Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter:
return ((TypeParameterSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameterList:
case SyntaxKind.ParameterList:
case SyntaxKind.BracketedParameterList:
return null;
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
return ((ParameterSyntax)node).Identifier;
case SyntaxKind.AttributeList:
return ((AttributeListSyntax)node).Target;
case SyntaxKind.Attribute:
return ((AttributeSyntax)node).Name;
return null;
public sealed override double GetDistance(SyntaxNode oldNode, SyntaxNode newNode)
Debug.Assert(GetLabel(oldNode) == GetLabel(newNode) && GetLabel(oldNode) != IgnoredNode);
if (oldNode == newNode)
return ExactMatchDist;
if (TryComputeWeightedDistance(oldNode, newNode, out var weightedDistance))
if (weightedDistance == ExactMatchDist && !SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(oldNode, newNode))
weightedDistance = EpsilonDist;
return weightedDistance;
return ComputeValueDistance(oldNode, newNode);
internal static double ComputeValueDistance(SyntaxNode? oldNode, SyntaxNode? newNode)
if (SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(oldNode, newNode))
return ExactMatchDist;
var distance = ComputeDistance(oldNode, newNode);
// We don't want to return an exact match, because there
// must be something different, since we got here
return (distance == ExactMatchDist) ? EpsilonDist : distance;
internal static double ComputeDistance(SyntaxNodeOrToken oldNodeOrToken, SyntaxNodeOrToken newNodeOrToken)
Debug.Assert(newNodeOrToken.IsToken == oldNodeOrToken.IsToken);
double distance;
if (oldNodeOrToken.IsToken)
var leftToken = oldNodeOrToken.AsToken();
var rightToken = newNodeOrToken.AsToken();
distance = ComputeDistance(leftToken, rightToken);
Debug.Assert(!SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(leftToken, rightToken) || distance == ExactMatchDist);
var leftNode = oldNodeOrToken.AsNode();
var rightNode = newNodeOrToken.AsNode();
distance = ComputeDistance(leftNode, rightNode);
Debug.Assert(!SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(leftNode, rightNode) || distance == ExactMatchDist);
return distance;
/// <summary>
/// Enumerates tokens of all nodes in the list. Doesn't include separators.
/// </summary>
internal static IEnumerable<SyntaxToken> GetDescendantTokensIgnoringSeparators<TSyntaxNode>(SeparatedSyntaxList<TSyntaxNode> list)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
foreach (var node in list)
foreach (var token in node.DescendantTokens())
yield return token;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the distance between two syntax nodes, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Distance is a number within [0, 1], the smaller the more similar the nodes are.
/// </remarks>
public static double ComputeDistance(SyntaxNode? oldNode, SyntaxNode? newNode)
if (oldNode == null || newNode == null)
return (oldNode == newNode) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
return ComputeDistance(oldNode.DescendantTokens(), newNode.DescendantTokens());
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the distance between two syntax tokens, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Distance is a number within [0, 1], the smaller the more similar the tokens are.
/// </remarks>
public static double ComputeDistance(SyntaxToken oldToken, SyntaxToken newToken)
=> LongestCommonSubstring.ComputePrefixDistance(
oldToken.Text, Math.Min(oldToken.Text.Length, LongestCommonSubsequence.MaxSequenceLengthForDistanceCalculation),
newToken.Text, Math.Min(newToken.Text.Length, LongestCommonSubsequence.MaxSequenceLengthForDistanceCalculation));
private static ImmutableArray<T> CreateArrayForDistanceCalculation<T>(IEnumerable<T>? enumerable)
=> enumerable is null ? [] : [.. enumerable.Take(LongestCommonSubsequence.MaxSequenceLengthForDistanceCalculation)];
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the distance between two sequences of syntax tokens, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Distance is a number within [0, 1], the smaller the more similar the sequences are.
/// </remarks>
public static double ComputeDistance(IEnumerable<SyntaxToken>? oldTokens, IEnumerable<SyntaxToken>? newTokens)
=> LcsTokens.Instance.ComputeDistance(CreateArrayForDistanceCalculation(oldTokens), CreateArrayForDistanceCalculation(newTokens));
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the distance between two sequences of syntax nodes, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Distance is a number within [0, 1], the smaller the more similar the sequences are.
/// </remarks>
public static double ComputeDistance(IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>? oldNodes, IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>? newNodes)
=> LcsNodes.Instance.ComputeDistance(CreateArrayForDistanceCalculation(oldNodes), CreateArrayForDistanceCalculation(newNodes));
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the edits that transform one sequence of syntax nodes to another, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<SequenceEdit> GetSequenceEdits(IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>? oldNodes, IEnumerable<SyntaxNode>? newNodes)
=> LcsNodes.Instance.GetEdits(oldNodes.AsImmutableOrEmpty(), newNodes.AsImmutableOrEmpty());
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the edits that transform one sequence of syntax nodes to another, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<SequenceEdit> GetSequenceEdits(ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> oldNodes, ImmutableArray<SyntaxNode> newNodes)
=> LcsNodes.Instance.GetEdits(oldNodes.NullToEmpty(), newNodes.NullToEmpty());
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the edits that transform one sequence of syntax tokens to another, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<SequenceEdit> GetSequenceEdits(IEnumerable<SyntaxToken>? oldTokens, IEnumerable<SyntaxToken>? newTokens)
=> LcsTokens.Instance.GetEdits(oldTokens.AsImmutableOrEmpty(), newTokens.AsImmutableOrEmpty());
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the edits that transform one sequence of syntax tokens to another, disregarding trivia.
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<SequenceEdit> GetSequenceEdits(ImmutableArray<SyntaxToken> oldTokens, ImmutableArray<SyntaxToken> newTokens)
=> LcsTokens.Instance.GetEdits(oldTokens.NullToEmpty(), newTokens.NullToEmpty());
private sealed class LcsTokens : LongestCommonImmutableArraySubsequence<SyntaxToken>
internal static readonly LcsTokens Instance = new LcsTokens();
protected override bool Equals(SyntaxToken oldElement, SyntaxToken newElement)
=> SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(oldElement, newElement);
private sealed class LcsNodes : LongestCommonImmutableArraySubsequence<SyntaxNode>
internal static readonly LcsNodes Instance = new LcsNodes();
protected override bool Equals(SyntaxNode oldElement, SyntaxNode newElement)
=> SyntaxFactory.AreEquivalent(oldElement, newElement);