File: Completion\CompletionProviders\CompletionUtilities.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharp\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Completion;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions.ContextQuery;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Completion.Providers;
internal static class CompletionUtilities
    internal static TextSpan GetCompletionItemSpan(SourceText text, int position)
        => CommonCompletionUtilities.GetWordSpan(text, position, IsCompletionItemStartCharacter, IsWordCharacter);
    public static bool IsWordStartCharacter(char ch)
        => SyntaxFacts.IsIdentifierStartCharacter(ch);
    public static bool IsWordCharacter(char ch)
        => SyntaxFacts.IsIdentifierStartCharacter(ch) || SyntaxFacts.IsIdentifierPartCharacter(ch);
    public static bool IsCompletionItemStartCharacter(char ch)
        => ch == '@' || IsWordCharacter(ch);
    public static bool TreatAsDot(SyntaxToken token, int characterPosition)
        if (token.Kind() == SyntaxKind.DotToken)
            return true;
        // if we're right after the first dot in .. then that's considered completion on dot.
        if (token.Kind() == SyntaxKind.DotDotToken && token.SpanStart == characterPosition)
            return true;
        return false;
    public static SyntaxToken? GetDotTokenLeftOfPosition(SyntaxTree syntaxTree, int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var tokenOnLeft = syntaxTree.FindTokenOnLeftOfPosition(position, cancellationToken, includeSkipped: true);
        var dotToken = tokenOnLeft.GetPreviousTokenIfTouchingWord(position);
        // Has to be a . or a .. token
        if (!TreatAsDot(dotToken, position - 1))
            return null;
        // don't want to trigger after a number. All other cases after dot are ok.
        if (dotToken.GetPreviousToken().Kind() == SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralToken)
            return null;
        return dotToken;
    internal static bool IsTriggerCharacter(SourceText text, int characterPosition, in CompletionOptions options)
        var ch = text[characterPosition];
        // Trigger off of a normal `.`, but not off of `..`
        if (ch == '.' && !(characterPosition >= 1 && text[characterPosition - 1] == '.'))
            return true;
        // Trigger for directive
        if (ch == '#')
            return true;
        // Trigger on pointer member access
        if (ch == '>' && characterPosition >= 1 && text[characterPosition - 1] == '-')
            return true;
        // Trigger on alias name
        if (ch == ':' && characterPosition >= 1 && text[characterPosition - 1] == ':')
            return true;
        if (options.TriggerOnTypingLetters && IsStartingNewWord(text, characterPosition))
            return true;
        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Tells if we are in positions like this: <c>#nullable $$</c> or <c>#pragma warning $$</c>
    /// </summary>
    internal static bool IsCompilerDirectiveTriggerCharacter(SourceText text, int characterPosition)
        while (text[characterPosition] == ' ' ||
            if (characterPosition < 0)
                return false;
        return text[characterPosition] == '#';
    internal static ImmutableHashSet<char> CommonTriggerCharacters { get; } = ['.', '#', '>', ':'];
    internal static ImmutableHashSet<char> CommonTriggerCharactersWithArgumentList { get; } = ['.', '#', '>', ':', '(', '[', ' '];
    internal static bool IsTriggerCharacterOrArgumentListCharacter(SourceText text, int characterPosition, in CompletionOptions options)
        => IsTriggerCharacter(text, characterPosition, options) || IsArgumentListCharacter(text, characterPosition);
    private static bool IsArgumentListCharacter(SourceText text, int characterPosition)
        => IsArgumentListCharacter(text[characterPosition]);
    internal static bool IsArgumentListCharacter(char ch)
        => ch is '(' or '[' or ' ';
    internal static bool IsTriggerAfterSpaceOrStartOfWordCharacter(SourceText text, int characterPosition, in CompletionOptions options)
        // Bring up on space or at the start of a word.
        var ch = text[characterPosition];
        return SpaceTypedNotBeforeWord(ch, text, characterPosition) ||
            (IsStartingNewWord(text, characterPosition) && options.TriggerOnTypingLetters);
    internal static ImmutableHashSet<char> SpaceTriggerCharacter => [' '];
    private static bool SpaceTypedNotBeforeWord(char ch, SourceText text, int characterPosition)
        => ch == ' ' && (characterPosition == text.Length - 1 || !IsWordStartCharacter(text[characterPosition + 1]));
    public static bool IsStartingNewWord(SourceText text, int characterPosition)
        return CommonCompletionUtilities.IsStartingNewWord(
            text, characterPosition, IsWordStartCharacter, IsWordCharacter);
    public static (string displayText, string suffix, string insertionText) GetDisplayAndSuffixAndInsertionText(
        ISymbol symbol, SyntaxContext context)
        var insertionText = GetInsertionText(symbol, context);
        var suffix = symbol.GetArity() == 0 ? "" : "<>";
        return (insertionText, suffix, insertionText);
    public static string GetInsertionText(ISymbol symbol, SyntaxContext context)
        if (CommonCompletionUtilities.TryRemoveAttributeSuffix(symbol, context, out var name))
            // Cannot escape Attribute name with the suffix removed. Only use the name with
            // the suffix removed if it does not need to be escaped.
            if (name.Equals(name.EscapeIdentifier()))
                return name;
        if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Label &&
            symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences[0].GetSyntax().Kind() == SyntaxKind.DefaultSwitchLabel)
            return symbol.Name;
        return symbol.Name.EscapeIdentifier(isQueryContext: context.IsInQuery);
    public static SyntaxNode GetTargetCaretPositionForMethod(BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration)
        if (methodDeclaration.Body is null)
            return methodDeclaration;
            // move to the end of the last statement in the method
            var lastStatement = methodDeclaration.Body.Statements.Last();
            return lastStatement;
    public static TextSpan GetTargetSelectionSpanForMethod(BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration)
        if (methodDeclaration.ExpressionBody is not null)
            // select the expression span
            return methodDeclaration.ExpressionBody.Expression.Span;
        else if (methodDeclaration.Body is not null)
            // select the last statement in the method
            return methodDeclaration.Body.Statements.Last().Span;
            return methodDeclaration.Span;
    public static TextSpan GetTargetSelectionSpanForInsertedMember(SyntaxNode caretTarget)
        switch (caretTarget)
            case EventFieldDeclarationSyntax:
                // Inserted Event declarations are a single line, so move caret to the end of the line.
                return new TextSpan(caretTarget.Span.End, 0);
            case BaseMethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclaration:
                return GetTargetSelectionSpanForMethod(methodDeclaration);
            case BasePropertyDeclarationSyntax propertyDeclaration:
                    if (propertyDeclaration.AccessorList is { Accessors: [var firstAccessor, ..] })
                        // select the last statement of the first accessor
                        var firstAccessorStatement = (SyntaxNode)firstAccessor.Body?.Statements.LastOrDefault() ??
                        return firstAccessorStatement.Span;
                    else if (propertyDeclaration is PropertyDeclarationSyntax propertyDeclarationSyntax && propertyDeclarationSyntax.ExpressionBody.Expression is ExpressionSyntax expression)
                        // expression-bodied property: select the expression
                        return expression.Span;
                        // property: no accessors; move caret to the end of the declaration
                        return new TextSpan(propertyDeclaration.Span.End, 0);
                throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();