// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Composition;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeGeneration;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Simplification;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeRefactorings.UseRecursivePatterns;
using static SyntaxFactory;
using static SyntaxKind;
[ExportCodeRefactoringProvider(LanguageNames.CSharp, Name = PredefinedCodeRefactoringProviderNames.UseRecursivePatterns), Shared]
internal sealed class UseRecursivePatternsCodeRefactoringProvider : SyntaxEditorBasedCodeRefactoringProvider
private static readonly PatternSyntax s_trueConstantPattern = ConstantPattern(LiteralExpression(TrueLiteralExpression));
private static readonly PatternSyntax s_falseConstantPattern = ConstantPattern(LiteralExpression(FalseLiteralExpression));
[SuppressMessage("RoslynDiagnosticsReliability", "RS0033:Importing constructor should be [Obsolete]", Justification = "Used in test code: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42814")]
public UseRecursivePatternsCodeRefactoringProvider()
protected override ImmutableArray<FixAllScope> SupportedFixAllScopes => AllFixAllScopes;
public override async Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(CodeRefactoringContext context)
var (document, textSpan, cancellationToken) = context;
if (document.Project.Solution.WorkspaceKind == WorkspaceKind.MiscellaneousFiles)
if (textSpan.Length > 0)
var root = await document.GetRequiredSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (root.SyntaxTree.Options.LanguageVersion() < LanguageVersion.CSharp9)
var model = await document.GetRequiredSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var node = root.FindToken(textSpan.Start).Parent;
var replacementFunc = GetReplacementFunc(node, model);
if (replacementFunc is null)
_ => Task.FromResult(document.WithSyntaxRoot(replacementFunc(root))),
private static Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>? GetReplacementFunc(SyntaxNode? node, SemanticModel model)
=> node switch
BinaryExpressionSyntax(LogicalAndExpression) logicalAnd => CombineLogicalAndOperands(logicalAnd, model),
CasePatternSwitchLabelSyntax { WhenClause: { } whenClause } switchLabel => CombineWhenClauseCondition(switchLabel.Pattern, whenClause.Condition, model),
SwitchExpressionArmSyntax { WhenClause: { } whenClause } switchArm => CombineWhenClauseCondition(switchArm.Pattern, whenClause.Condition, model),
WhenClauseSyntax { Parent: CasePatternSwitchLabelSyntax switchLabel } whenClause => CombineWhenClauseCondition(switchLabel.Pattern, whenClause.Condition, model),
WhenClauseSyntax { Parent: SwitchExpressionArmSyntax switchArm } whenClause => CombineWhenClauseCondition(switchArm.Pattern, whenClause.Condition, model),
_ => null
private static bool IsFixableNode(SyntaxNode node)
=> node switch
BinaryExpressionSyntax(LogicalAndExpression) => true,
CasePatternSwitchLabelSyntax { WhenClause: { } } => true,
SwitchExpressionArmSyntax { WhenClause: { } } => true,
WhenClauseSyntax { Parent: CasePatternSwitchLabelSyntax } => true,
WhenClauseSyntax { Parent: SwitchExpressionArmSyntax } => true,
_ => false
private static Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>? CombineLogicalAndOperands(BinaryExpressionSyntax logicalAnd, SemanticModel model)
if (TryDetermineReceiver(logicalAnd.Left, model) is not var (leftReceiver, leftTarget, leftFlipped) ||
TryDetermineReceiver(logicalAnd.Right, model) is not var (rightReceiver, rightTarget, rightFlipped))
return null;
// If we have an is-expression on the left, first we check if there is a variable designation that's been used on the right-hand-side,
// in which case, we'll convert and move the check inside the existing pattern, if possible.
// For instance, `e is C c && c.p == 0` is converted to `e is C { p: 0 } c`
if (leftTarget.Parent is IsPatternExpressionSyntax isPatternExpression &&
TryFindVariableDesignation(isPatternExpression.Pattern, rightReceiver, model) is var (containingPattern, rightNamesOpt))
Debug.Assert(leftTarget == isPatternExpression.Pattern);
Debug.Assert(leftReceiver == isPatternExpression.Expression);
return root =>
var rightPattern = CreatePattern(rightReceiver, rightTarget, rightFlipped);
var rewrittenPattern = RewriteContainingPattern(containingPattern, rightPattern, rightNamesOpt);
var replacement = isPatternExpression.ReplaceNode(containingPattern, rewrittenPattern);
return root.ReplaceNode(logicalAnd, AdjustBinaryExpressionOperands(logicalAnd, replacement));
if (TryGetCommonReceiver(leftReceiver, rightReceiver, leftTarget, rightTarget, model) is var (commonReceiver, leftNames, rightNames))
return root =>
// It's possible we decided to discard a pattern due to it being redundant (such as a null check
// combined with a property check belonging to the same field we confirmed not being null).
// For instance 'cf != null && cf.C != 0', the left null check doesn't add more information than the
// right expression because the is pattern `cf is { C: not 0 }` already checks for null implicitly
if (leftNames.Length == 0)
var rightSubpattern = CreateSubpattern(rightNames, CreatePattern(rightReceiver, rightTarget, rightFlipped));
var replacement = IsPatternExpression(commonReceiver, RecursivePattern(rightSubpattern));
return root.ReplaceNode(logicalAnd, AdjustBinaryExpressionOperands(logicalAnd, replacement));
else if (rightNames.Length == 0)
var leftSubpattern = CreateSubpattern(leftNames, CreatePattern(leftReceiver, leftTarget, leftFlipped));
var replacement = IsPatternExpression(commonReceiver, RecursivePattern(leftSubpattern));
return root.ReplaceNode(logicalAnd, AdjustBinaryExpressionOperands(logicalAnd, replacement));
var leftSubpattern = CreateSubpattern(leftNames, CreatePattern(leftReceiver, leftTarget, leftFlipped));
var rightSubpattern = CreateSubpattern(rightNames, CreatePattern(rightReceiver, rightTarget, rightFlipped));
var replacement = IsPatternExpression(commonReceiver, RecursivePattern(leftSubpattern, rightSubpattern));
return root.ReplaceNode(logicalAnd, AdjustBinaryExpressionOperands(logicalAnd, replacement));
return null;
static SyntaxNode AdjustBinaryExpressionOperands(BinaryExpressionSyntax logicalAnd, ExpressionSyntax replacement)
// If there's a `&&` on the left, we have picked the right-hand-side for the combination.
// In which case, we should replace that instead of the whole `&&` operator in a chain.
// For instance, `expr && a.b == 1 && a.c == 2` is converted to `expr && a is { b: 1, c: 2 }`
if (logicalAnd.Left is BinaryExpressionSyntax(LogicalAndExpression) leftExpression)
replacement = leftExpression.WithRight(replacement);
return replacement.ConvertToSingleLine().WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation);
private static Func<SyntaxNode, SyntaxNode>? CombineWhenClauseCondition(PatternSyntax switchPattern, ExpressionSyntax condition, SemanticModel model)
if (TryDetermineReceiver(condition, model, inWhenClause: true) is not var (receiver, target, flipped) ||
TryFindVariableDesignation(switchPattern, receiver, model) is not var (containingPattern, namesOpt))
return null;
return root =>
var editor = new SyntaxEditor(root, CSharpSyntaxGenerator.Instance);
switch (receiver.GetRequiredParent().Parent)
// This is the leftmost `&&` operand in a when-clause. Remove the left-hand-side which we've just morphed in the switch pattern.
// For instance, `case { p: var v } when v.q == 1 && expr:` would be converted to `case { p: { q: 1 } } v when expr:`
case BinaryExpressionSyntax(LogicalAndExpression) logicalAnd:
editor.ReplaceNode(logicalAnd, logicalAnd.Right);
// If we reach here, there's no other expression left in the when-clause. Remove.
// For instance, `case { p: var v } when v.q == 1:` would be converted to `case { p: { q: 1 } v }:`
case WhenClauseSyntax whenClause:
editor.RemoveNode(whenClause, SyntaxRemoveOptions.AddElasticMarker);
case var v:
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(v);
var generatedPattern = CreatePattern(receiver, target, flipped);
var rewrittenPattern = RewriteContainingPattern(containingPattern, generatedPattern, namesOpt);
editor.ReplaceNode(containingPattern, rewrittenPattern);
return editor.GetChangedRoot();
private static PatternSyntax RewriteContainingPattern(
PatternSyntax containingPattern,
PatternSyntax generatedPattern,
ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax> namesOpt)
// This is a variable designation match. We'll try to combine the generated
// pattern from the right-hand-side into the containing pattern of this designation.
var rewrittenPattern = namesOpt.IsDefault
// If there's no name, we will combine the pattern itself.
? Combine(containingPattern, generatedPattern)
// Otherwise, we generate a subpattern per each name and rewrite as a recursive pattern.
: AddSubpattern(containingPattern, CreateSubpattern(namesOpt, generatedPattern));
return rewrittenPattern.ConvertToSingleLine().WithAdditionalAnnotations(Formatter.Annotation, Simplifier.Annotation);
static PatternSyntax Combine(PatternSyntax containingPattern, PatternSyntax generatedPattern)
// We know we have a var-pattern, declaration-pattern or a recursive-pattern on the left as the containing node of the variable designation.
// Depending on the generated pattern off of the expression on the right, we can give a better result by morphing it into the existing match.
return (containingPattern, generatedPattern) switch
// e.g. `e is var x && x is { p: 1 }` => `e is { p: 1 } x`
(VarPatternSyntax var, RecursivePatternSyntax { Designation: null } recursive)
=> recursive.WithDesignation(var.Designation),
// e.g. `e is C x && x is { p: 1 }` => `is C { p: 1 } x`
(DeclarationPatternSyntax decl, RecursivePatternSyntax { Type: null, Designation: null } recursive)
=> recursive.WithType(decl.Type).WithDesignation(decl.Designation),
// e.g. `e is { p: 1 } x && x is C` => `is C { p: 1 } x`
(RecursivePatternSyntax { Type: null } recursive, TypePatternSyntax type)
=> recursive.WithType(type.Type),
// e.g. `e is { p: 1 } x && x is { q: 2 }` => `e is { p: 1, q: 2 } x`
(RecursivePatternSyntax recursive, RecursivePatternSyntax { Type: null, Designation: null } other)
when recursive.PositionalPatternClause is null || other.PositionalPatternClause is null
=> recursive
.WithPositionalPatternClause(recursive.PositionalPatternClause ?? other.PositionalPatternClause)
.WithPropertyPatternClause(Concat(recursive.PropertyPatternClause, other.PropertyPatternClause)),
// In any other case, we fallback to an `and` pattern.
// UNDONE: This may result in a few unused variables which should be removed in a later pass.
_ => BinaryPattern(AndPattern, containingPattern.Parenthesize(), generatedPattern.Parenthesize()),
static PatternSyntax AddSubpattern(PatternSyntax containingPattern, SubpatternSyntax subpattern)
return containingPattern switch
// e.g. `case var x when x.p is 1` => `case { p: 1 } x`
VarPatternSyntax p => RecursivePattern(type: null, subpattern, p.Designation),
// e.g. `case Type x when x.p is 1` => `case Type { p: 1 } x`
DeclarationPatternSyntax p => RecursivePattern(p.Type, subpattern, p.Designation),
// e.g. `case { p: 1 } x when x.q is 2` => `case { p: 1, q: 2 } x`
RecursivePatternSyntax p => p.AddPropertyPatternClauseSubpatterns(subpattern),
// We've already checked that the designation is contained in any of the above pattern forms.
var p => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(p)
static PropertyPatternClauseSyntax? Concat(PropertyPatternClauseSyntax? left, PropertyPatternClauseSyntax? right)
if (left is null || right is null)
return left ?? right;
return left.WithSubpatterns(left.Subpatterns.AddRange(right.Subpatterns));
private static PatternSyntax CreatePattern(ExpressionSyntax originalReceiver, ExpressionOrPatternSyntax target, bool flipped)
return target switch
// A pattern come from an `is` expression on either side of `&&`
PatternSyntax pattern => pattern,
TypeSyntax type when originalReceiver.IsParentKind(IsExpression) => TypePattern(type),
// Otherwise, this is a constant. Depending on the original receiver, we create an appropriate pattern.
ExpressionSyntax constant => originalReceiver.Parent switch
BinaryExpressionSyntax(EqualsExpression) => ConstantPattern(constant),
BinaryExpressionSyntax(NotEqualsExpression) => UnaryPattern(ConstantPattern(constant)),
BinaryExpressionSyntax(GreaterThanExpression or
GreaterThanOrEqualExpression or
LessThanOrEqualExpression or
LessThanExpression) e
=> RelationalPattern(flipped ? Flip(e.OperatorToken) : e.OperatorToken, constant),
var v => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(v),
var v => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(v),
static SyntaxToken Flip(SyntaxToken token)
return Token(token.Kind() switch
LessThanToken => GreaterThanToken,
LessThanEqualsToken => GreaterThanEqualsToken,
GreaterThanEqualsToken => LessThanEqualsToken,
GreaterThanToken => LessThanToken,
var v => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(v)
private static (PatternSyntax ContainingPattern, ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax> NamesOpt)? TryFindVariableDesignation(
PatternSyntax leftPattern,
ExpressionSyntax rightReceiver,
SemanticModel model)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax>.GetInstance(out var names);
if (GetInnermostReceiver(rightReceiver, names, model) is not IdentifierNameSyntax identifierName)
return null;
var designation = leftPattern.DescendantNodes()
.Where(d => d.Identifier.ValueText == identifierName.Identifier.ValueText)
// Excluding list patterns because those cannot be combined with a recursive pattern.
if (designation is not { Parent: PatternSyntax(not SyntaxKind.ListPattern) containingPattern })
return null;
// Only the following patterns can directly contain a variable designation.
// Note: While a parenthesized designation can also contain other variables,
// it is not a pattern, so it would not get past the PatternSyntax test above.
Debug.Assert(containingPattern.Kind() is SyntaxKind.VarPattern or SyntaxKind.DeclarationPattern or SyntaxKind.RecursivePattern);
return (containingPattern, names.ToImmutableOrNull());
private static (ExpressionSyntax Receiver, ExpressionOrPatternSyntax Target, bool Flipped)? TryDetermineReceiver(
ExpressionSyntax node,
SemanticModel model,
bool inWhenClause = false)
return node switch
// For comparison operators, after we have determined the
// constant operand, we rewrite it as a constant or relational pattern.
BinaryExpressionSyntax(EqualsExpression or
NotEqualsExpression or
GreaterThanExpression or
GreaterThanOrEqualExpression or
LessThanOrEqualExpression or
LessThanExpression) expr
=> TryDetermineConstant(expr, model),
// If we found a `&&` here, there's two possibilities:
// 1) If we're in a when-clause, we look for the leftmost expression
// which we will try to combine with the switch arm/label pattern.
// For instance, we return `a` if we have `case <pat> when a && b && c`.
// 2) Otherwise, we will return the operand that *appears* to be on the left in the source.
// For instance, we return `a` if we have `x && a && b` with the cursor on the second operator.
// Since `&&` is left-associative, it's guaranteed to be the expression that we want.
// For simplicity, we won't descend into any parenthesized expression here.
BinaryExpressionSyntax(LogicalAndExpression) expr => TryDetermineReceiver(inWhenClause ? expr.Left : expr.Right, model, inWhenClause),
// If we have an `is` operator, we'll try to combine the existing pattern/type with the other operand.
BinaryExpressionSyntax(IsExpression) { Right: NullableTypeSyntax type } expr => (expr.Left, type.ElementType, Flipped: false),
BinaryExpressionSyntax(IsExpression) { Right: TypeSyntax type } expr => (expr.Left, type, Flipped: false),
IsPatternExpressionSyntax expr => (expr.Expression, expr.Pattern, Flipped: false),
// We treat any other expression as if they were compared to true/false.
// For instance, `a.b && !a.c` will be converted to `a is { b: true, c: false }`
PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax(LogicalNotExpression) expr => (expr.Operand, s_falseConstantPattern, Flipped: false),
var expr => (expr, s_trueConstantPattern, Flipped: false),
static (ExpressionSyntax Expression, ExpressionSyntax Constant, bool Flipped)? TryDetermineConstant(BinaryExpressionSyntax node, SemanticModel model)
return (node.Left, node.Right) switch
var (left, right) when model.GetConstantValue(left).HasValue => (right, left, Flipped: true),
var (left, right) when model.GetConstantValue(right).HasValue => (left, right, Flipped: false),
_ => null
private static SubpatternSyntax CreateSubpattern(ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax> names, PatternSyntax pattern)
if (names.Length > 1 && names[0].SyntaxTree.Options.LanguageVersion() >= LanguageVersion.CSharp10)
ExpressionSyntax expression = names[^1];
for (var i = names.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
expression = MemberAccessExpression(SimpleMemberAccessExpression, expression, names[i]);
return SyntaxFactory.Subpattern(ExpressionColon(expression, Token(ColonToken)), pattern);
var subpattern = Subpattern(names[0], pattern);
for (var i = 1; i < names.Length; i++)
subpattern = Subpattern(names[i], RecursivePattern(subpattern));
return subpattern;
private static SubpatternSyntax Subpattern(IdentifierNameSyntax name, PatternSyntax pattern)
=> SyntaxFactory.Subpattern(NameColon(name), pattern);
private static RecursivePatternSyntax RecursivePattern(params SubpatternSyntax[] subpatterns)
=> SyntaxFactory.RecursivePattern(type: null, positionalPatternClause: null, PropertyPatternClause([.. subpatterns]), designation: null);
private static RecursivePatternSyntax RecursivePattern(TypeSyntax? type, SubpatternSyntax subpattern, VariableDesignationSyntax? designation)
=> SyntaxFactory.RecursivePattern(type, positionalPatternClause: null, PropertyPatternClause([subpattern]), designation);
private static RecursivePatternSyntax RecursivePattern(SubpatternSyntax subpattern)
=> RecursivePattern(type: null, subpattern, designation: null);
/// <summary>
/// Obtain the outermost common receiver between two expressions. This can succeed with a null 'CommonReceiver'
/// in the case that the common receiver is the 'implicit this'.
/// </summary>
private static (ExpressionSyntax CommonReceiver, ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax> LeftNames, ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax> RightNames)? TryGetCommonReceiver(
ExpressionSyntax left,
ExpressionSyntax right,
ExpressionOrPatternSyntax leftTarget,
ExpressionOrPatternSyntax rightTarget,
SemanticModel model)
using var _1 = ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax>.GetInstance(out var leftNames);
using var _2 = ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax>.GetInstance(out var rightNames);
if (!TryGetInnermostReceiver(left, leftNames, out var leftReceiver, model) ||
!TryGetInnermostReceiver(right, rightNames, out var rightReceiver, model) ||
!AreEquivalent(leftReceiver, rightReceiver)) // We must have a common starting point to proceed.
return null;
var commonReceiver = leftReceiver;
// To reduce noise on superfluous subpatterns and avoid duplicates, skip any common name in the path.
var lastName = SkipCommonNames(leftNames, rightNames);
if (lastName is not null)
// If there were some common names in the path, we rewrite the receiver to include those.
// For instance, in `a.b.c && a.b.d`, we have `b` as the last common name in the path,
// So we want `a.b` as the receiver so that we convert it to `a.b is { c: true, d: true }`.
commonReceiver = GetInnermostReceiver(left, lastName, static (identifierName, lastName) => identifierName != lastName);
// If the common receiver is null, there might still be one in cases like these:
// `MyClassField != null && MyClassField.prop != 0`. In this case, the left expression doesn't say
// anything new to the second one so it should be discarded, but MyClassField should still act as the
// receiver instead of the implicit this so we get
// `MyClassField is { prop: not 0 }` instead of `this is { MyClassField: not null, MyClassField.prop: not 0 }`
// We need to cover this case for either side of the expression by detecting a null check on either side
if (AreEquivalent(leftNames[^1], rightNames[^1]))
var leftIsNullCheck = IsNullCheck(leftTarget.Parent);
var rightIsNullCheck = IsNullCheck(rightTarget.Parent);
if (leftIsNullCheck)
lastName = rightNames[^1];
commonReceiver = GetInnermostReceiver(right, lastName, static (identifierName, lastName) => identifierName != lastName);
rightNames.Clip(rightNames.Count - 1);
return (commonReceiver ?? ThisExpression(), ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax>.Empty, rightNames.ToImmutable());
if (rightIsNullCheck)
lastName = leftNames[^1];
commonReceiver = GetInnermostReceiver(left, lastName, static (identifierName, lastName) => identifierName != lastName);
leftNames.Clip(leftNames.Count - 1);
return (commonReceiver ?? ThisExpression(), leftNames.ToImmutable(), ImmutableArray<IdentifierNameSyntax>.Empty);
// If the common receiver is null and we can't find a redundant pattern in the case above,
// it's an implicit `this` reference in source.
// For instance, `prop == 1 && field == 2` would be converted to `this is { prop: 1, field: 2 }`
return (commonReceiver ?? ThisExpression(), leftNames.ToImmutable(), rightNames.ToImmutable());
static bool TryGetInnermostReceiver(ExpressionSyntax node, ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax> builder, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ExpressionSyntax? receiver, SemanticModel model)
receiver = GetInnermostReceiver(node, builder, model);
return builder.Any();
static IdentifierNameSyntax? SkipCommonNames(ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax> leftNames, ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax> rightNames)
IdentifierNameSyntax? lastName = null;
int leftIndex, rightIndex;
// Note: we don't want to skip the first name to still be able to convert to a subpattern, hence checking `> 0` below.
for (leftIndex = leftNames.Count - 1, rightIndex = rightNames.Count - 1; leftIndex > 0 && rightIndex > 0; leftIndex--, rightIndex--)
var leftName = leftNames[leftIndex];
var rightName = rightNames[rightIndex];
if (!AreEquivalent(leftName, rightName))
lastName = leftName;
leftNames.Clip(leftIndex + 1);
rightNames.Clip(rightIndex + 1);
return lastName;
static bool IsNullCheck(SyntaxNode? exp)
if (exp is BinaryExpressionSyntax(NotEqualsExpression) binaryExpression)
if (binaryExpression.Left.Kind() == NullLiteralExpression || binaryExpression.Right.Kind() == NullLiteralExpression)
return true;
return false;
private static ExpressionSyntax? GetInnermostReceiver(ExpressionSyntax node, ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax> builder, SemanticModel model)
return GetInnermostReceiver(node, model, CanConvertToSubpattern, builder);
static bool CanConvertToSubpattern(IdentifierNameSyntax name, SemanticModel model)
return model.GetSymbolInfo(name).Symbol is
IsStatic: false,
Kind: SymbolKind.Property or SymbolKind.Field,
ContainingType: not { SpecialType: SpecialType.System_Nullable_T }
private static ExpressionSyntax? GetInnermostReceiver<TArg>(
ExpressionSyntax node, TArg arg,
Func<IdentifierNameSyntax, TArg, bool> canConvertToSubpattern,
ArrayBuilder<IdentifierNameSyntax>? builder = null)
return GetInnermostReceiver(node);
ExpressionSyntax? GetInnermostReceiver(ExpressionSyntax node)
switch (node)
case IdentifierNameSyntax name
when canConvertToSubpattern(name, arg):
// This is a member reference with an implicit `this` receiver.
// We know this is true because we already checked canConvertToSubpattern.
// Any other name outside the receiver position is captured in the cases below.
return null;
case MemberBindingExpressionSyntax { Name: IdentifierNameSyntax name }
when canConvertToSubpattern(name, arg):
// We only reach here from a parent conditional-access.
// Returning null here means that all the names on the right were convertible to a property pattern.
return null;
case MemberAccessExpressionSyntax(SimpleMemberAccessExpression) { Name: IdentifierNameSyntax name } memberAccess
when canConvertToSubpattern(name, arg) && !memberAccess.Expression.IsKind(SyntaxKind.BaseExpression):
// For a simple member access we simply record the name and descend into the expression on the left-hand-side.
return GetInnermostReceiver(memberAccess.Expression);
case ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax conditionalAccess:
// For a conditional access, first we need to verify the right-hand-side is convertible to a property pattern.
var right = GetInnermostReceiver(conditionalAccess.WhenNotNull);
if (right is not null)
// If it has it's own receiver other than a member-binding expression, we return this node as the receiver.
// For instance, if we had `a?.M().b`, the name `b` is already captured, so we need to return `a?.M()` as the innermost receiver.
// If there was no name, this call returns itself, e.g. in `a?.M()` the receiver is the entire existing conditional access.
return conditionalAccess.WithWhenNotNull(right);
// Otherwise, descend into the the expression on the left-hand-side.
return GetInnermostReceiver(conditionalAccess.Expression);
return node;
protected override async Task FixAllAsync(
Document document,
ImmutableArray<TextSpan> fixAllSpans,
SyntaxEditor editor,
string? equivalenceKey,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Get all the descendant nodes to refactor.
// NOTE: We need to realize the nodes with 'ToArray' call here
// to ensure we strongly hold onto the nodes so that 'TrackNodes'
// invoked below, which does tracking based off a ConditionalWeakTable,
// tracks the nodes for the entire duration of this method.
var nodes = editor.OriginalRoot.DescendantNodes().Where(IsFixableNode).ToArray();
// We're going to be continually editing this tree. Track all the nodes we
// care about so we can find them across each edit.
document = document.WithSyntaxRoot(editor.OriginalRoot.TrackNodes(nodes));
// Process all nodes to refactor in reverse to ensure nested nodes
// are processed before the outer nodes to refactor.
foreach (var originalNode in nodes.Reverse())
// Only process nodes fully within a fixAllSpan
if (!fixAllSpans.Any(fixAllSpan => fixAllSpan.Contains(originalNode.Span)))
// Get current root, current node to refactor and semantic model.
var root = await document.GetRequiredSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var currentNode = root.GetCurrentNodes(originalNode).SingleOrDefault();
var semanticModel = await document.GetRequiredSemanticModelAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var replacementFunc = GetReplacementFunc(currentNode, semanticModel);
if (replacementFunc == null)
document = document.WithSyntaxRoot(replacementFunc(root));
var updatedRoot = await document.GetRequiredSyntaxRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
editor.ReplaceNode(editor.OriginalRoot, updatedRoot);