File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\UseInferredMemberName\UseInferredMemberNameTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseInferredMemberName;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.InferredMemberName;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseInferredMemberName)]
public class UseInferredMemberNameTests : AbstractCSharpDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor
    public UseInferredMemberNameTests(ITestOutputHelper logger)
      : base(logger)
    internal override (DiagnosticAnalyzer, CodeFixProvider) CreateDiagnosticProviderAndFixer(Workspace workspace)
        => (new CSharpUseInferredMemberNameDiagnosticAnalyzer(), new CSharpUseInferredMemberNameCodeFixProvider());
    private static readonly CSharpParseOptions s_parseOptions =
    public async Task TestInferredTupleName()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    var t = ([||]a: a, 2);
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    var t = (a, 2);
            """, parseOptions: s_parseOptions);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInferredTupleName_WithAmbiguity()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int alice = 1;
                    (int, int, string) t = ([||]alice: alice, alice, null);
            """, parameters: new TestParameters(parseOptions: s_parseOptions));
    public async Task TestInferredTupleNameAfterCommaWithCSharp6()
        await TestActionCountAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 2;
                    var t = (1, [||]a: a);
            """, count: 0, parameters: new TestParameters(CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp6)));
    public async Task TestInferredTupleNameAfterCommaWithCSharp7()
        await TestActionCountAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 2;
                    var t = (1, [||]a: a);
            """, count: 0, parameters: new TestParameters(CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp7)));
    public async Task TestFixAllInferredTupleNameWithTrivia()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    int b = 2;
                    var t = ( /*before*/ {|FixAllInDocument:a:|} /*middle*/ a /*after*/, /*before*/ b: /*middle*/ b /*after*/);
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    int b = 2;
                    var t = ( /*before*/  /*middle*/ a /*after*/, /*before*/  /*middle*/ b /*after*/);
            """, parseOptions: s_parseOptions);
    public async Task TestInferredAnonymousTypeMemberName()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    var t = new { [||]a= a, 2 };
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    var t = new { a, 2 };
            """, parseOptions: s_parseOptions);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInferredAnonymousTypeMemberName_WithAmbiguity()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int alice = 1;
                    var t = new { [||]alice=alice, alice };
            """, parameters: new TestParameters(parseOptions: s_parseOptions));
    public async Task TestFixAllInferredAnonymousTypeMemberNameWithTrivia()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    int b = 2;
                    var t = new { /*before*/ {|FixAllInDocument:a =|} /*middle*/ a /*after*/, /*before*/ b = /*middle*/ b /*after*/ };
            class C
                void M()
                    int a = 1;
                    int b = 2;
                    var t = new { /*before*/  /*middle*/ a /*after*/, /*before*/  /*middle*/ b /*after*/ };
            """, parseOptions: s_parseOptions);