File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\UseIndexOrRangeOperator\UseIndexOperatorTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseIndexOrRangeOperator;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.UseIndexOrRangeOperator;
using VerifyCS = CSharpCodeFixVerifier<
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseIndexOperator)]
public class UseIndexOperatorTests
    public async Task TestNotInCSharp7()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[s.Length - 1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp7,
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsUseRangeOperator)]
    public async Task TestWithMissingReference()
        var source =
            class {|#0:C|}
                {|#1:void|} Goo({|#2:string|} s)
                    var v = s[s.Length - {|#3:1|}];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = new ReferenceAssemblies("custom"),
            TestCode = source,
            ExpectedDiagnostics =
                // /0/Test0.cs(1,7): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.Object' is not defined or imported
                // /0/Test0.cs(1,7): error CS1729: 'object' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments
                DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS1729").WithLocation(0).WithArguments("object", "0"),
                // /0/Test0.cs(3,5): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.Void' is not defined or imported
                // /0/Test0.cs(3,14): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.String' is not defined or imported
                // /0/Test0.cs(5,30): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.Int32' is not defined or imported
            FixedCode = source,
    public async Task TestSimple()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Length - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[^1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestMultipleDefinitions()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Length - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[^1];
        // Adding a dependency with internal definitions of Index and Range should not break the feature
        var source1 = "namespace System { internal struct Index { } internal struct Range { } }";
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestState =
                Sources = { source },
                AdditionalProjects =
                    ["DependencyProject"] =
                        ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetStandard.NetStandard20,
                        Sources = { source1 },
                AdditionalProjectReferences = { "DependencyProject" },
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestComplexSubtaction()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Length - (1 + 1)|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[^(1 + 1)];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestComplexInstance()
        var source =
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void Goo(string[] ss)
                    var v = ss.Last()[[|ss.Last().Length - 3|]];
        var fixedSource =
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void Goo(string[] ss)
                    var v = ss.Last()[^3];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestNotWithoutSubtraction1()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[s.Length];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    public async Task TestNotWithoutSubtraction2()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v = s[s.Length + 1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    public async Task TestNotWithMultipleArgs()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } public int this[int i, int j] { get => 0; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[s.Length - 1, 2];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    public async Task TestUserDefinedTypeWithLength()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Length - 2|]];
        var fixedSource =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[^2];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestUserDefinedTypeWithCount()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Count { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Count - 2|]];
        var fixedSource =
            struct S { public int Count { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[^2];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestUserDefinedTypeWithNoLengthOrCount()
        var source =
            struct S { public int this[int i] { get => 0; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[s.{|CS1061:Count|} - 2];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    public async Task TestUserDefinedTypeWithNoInt32Indexer()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int this[System.Index i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[s.Length - 2];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    public async Task TestUserDefinedTypeWithNoIndexIndexer()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Count { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Count - 2|]];
        var fixedSource =
            struct S { public int Count { get; } public int this[int i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s[^2];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestMethodToMethod()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int Get(int i) => 0; public int Get(System.Index i) => 0; }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s.Get([|s.Length - 1|]);
        var fixedSource =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int Get(int i) => 0; public int Get(System.Index i) => 0; }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s.Get(^1);
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestMethodToMethodMissingIndexIndexer()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int Get(int i) => 0; }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s.Get(s.Length - 1);
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    public async Task TestMethodToMethodWithIntIndexer()
        var source =
            struct S { public int Length { get; } public int Get(int i) => 0; public int this[int i] { get => 0; } }
            class C
                void Goo(S s)
                    var v = s.Get(s.Length - 1);
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMissingWithNoSystemIndex()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v = s[s.Length - 1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp20,
            TestCode = source,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp8,
    public async Task TestMissingWithInaccessibleSystemIndex()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v = s[s.Length - 1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp20,
            TestState =
                Sources = { source },
                AdditionalProjects =
                    ["AdditionalProject"] =
                        Sources =
                            "namespace System { internal struct Index { } }"
                AdditionalProjectReferences = { "AdditionalProject" },
            FixedCode = source,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp8,
    public async Task TestArray()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Length - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v = s[^1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestFixAll1()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v1 = s[[|s.Length - 1|]];
                    var v2 = s[[|s.Length - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string s)
                    var v1 = s[^1];
                    var v2 = s[^1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestNestedFixAll1()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v1 = s[[|s.Length - 2|]][[|s[[|s.Length - 2|]].Length - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v1 = s[^2][^1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestNestedFixAll2()
        var source =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v1 = s[[|s.Length - 2|]][[|s[[|s.Length - 2|]].Length - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            class C
                void Goo(string[] s)
                    var v1 = s[^2][^1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestSimple_NoIndexIndexer_SupportsIntIndexer()
        var source =
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void Goo(List<int> s)
                    var v = s[[|s.Count - 1|]];
        var fixedSource =
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void Goo(List<int> s)
                    var v = s[^1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task TestSimple_NoIndexIndexer_SupportsIntIndexer_Set()
        var source =
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void Goo(List<int> s)
                    s[[|s.Count - 1|]] = 1;
        var fixedSource =
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void Goo(List<int> s)
                    s[^1] = 1;
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
            FixedCode = fixedSource,
    public async Task NotOnConstructedIndexer()
        var source =
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void Goo(Dictionary<int, string> s)
                    var v = s[s.Count - 1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNotInExpressionTree()
        var source =
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            class C
                void Goo(List<int> s)
                    Expression<Func<int>> f = () => s[s.Count - 1];
        await new VerifyCS.Test
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.NetCore.NetCoreApp31,
            TestCode = source,