File: src\Analyzers\CSharp\Tests\RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues\RemoveUnusedParametersTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using static Roslyn.Test.Utilities.TestHelpers;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.RemoveUnusedParametersAndValues;
using VerifyCS = CSharpCodeFixVerifier<
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsRemoveUnusedParameters)]
public class RemoveUnusedParametersTests : AbstractCSharpDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor
    public RemoveUnusedParametersTests(ITestOutputHelper logger)
      : base(logger)
    internal override (DiagnosticAnalyzer, CodeFixProvider) CreateDiagnosticProviderAndFixer(Workspace workspace)
        => (new CSharpRemoveUnusedParametersAndValuesDiagnosticAnalyzer(), new CSharpRemoveUnusedValuesCodeFixProvider());
    private OptionsCollection NonPublicMethodsOnly
        => Option(CodeStyleOptions2.UnusedParameters,
            new CodeStyleOption2<UnusedParametersPreference>(UnusedParametersPreference.NonPublicMethods, NotificationOption2.Suggestion));
    // Ensure that we explicitly test missing UnusedParameterDiagnosticId, which has no corresponding code fix (non-fixable diagnostic).
    private static Task TestDiagnosticMissingAsync([StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string initialMarkup)
        => TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(initialMarkup, options: null);
    private static Task TestDiagnosticsAsync([StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string initialMarkup)
        => TestDiagnosticsAsync(initialMarkup, options: null);
    private static async Task TestDiagnosticMissingAsync([StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string initialMarkup, OptionsCollection? options)
        var test = new VerifyCS.Test
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.Preview,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net90,
            TestCode = initialMarkup,
            DisabledDiagnostics =
        if (options is not null)
        await test.RunAsync();
    private static async Task TestDiagnosticsAsync([StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string initialMarkup, OptionsCollection? options)
        var test = new VerifyCS.Test
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.Preview,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net90,
            TestCode = initialMarkup,
            DisabledDiagnostics =
        if (options is not null)
        await test.RunAsync();
    public async Task Parameter_Used()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int p)
                    var x = p;
    public async Task Parameter_Unused()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:p|})
    [InlineData("public", "public")]
    [InlineData("public", "protected")]
    public async Task Parameter_Unused_NonPrivate_NotApplicable(string typeAccessibility, string methodAccessibility)
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            {{typeAccessibility}} class C
                {{methodAccessibility}} void M(int p)
            """, NonPublicMethodsOnly);
    [InlineData("public", "private")]
    [InlineData("public", "internal")]
    [InlineData("internal", "private")]
    [InlineData("internal", "public")]
    [InlineData("internal", "internal")]
    [InlineData("internal", "protected")]
    public async Task Parameter_Unused_NonPublicMethod(string typeAccessibility, string methodAccessibility)
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            {{typeAccessibility}} class C
                {{methodAccessibility}} void M(int {|IDE0060:p|})
            """, NonPublicMethodsOnly);
    public async Task Parameter_Unused_UnusedExpressionAssignment_PreferNone()
        var unusedValueAssignmentOptionSuppressed = Option(CSharpCodeStyleOptions.UnusedValueAssignment,
            new CodeStyleOption2<UnusedValuePreference>(UnusedValuePreference.DiscardVariable, NotificationOption2.None));
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int p)
                    var x = p;
            """, options: unusedValueAssignmentOptionSuppressed);
    public async Task Parameter_WrittenOnly()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:p|})
                    p = 1;
    public async Task Parameter_WrittenThenRead()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:p|})
                    p = 1;
                    var x = p;
    public async Task Parameter_WrittenOnAllControlPaths_BeforeRead()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:p|}, bool flag)
                    if (flag)
                        p = 0;
                        p = 1;
                    var x = p;
    public async Task Parameter_WrittenOnSomeControlPaths_BeforeRead()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int p, bool flag, bool flag2)
                    if (flag)
                        if (flag2)
                            p = 0;
                        p = 1;
                    var x = p;
    public async Task OptionalParameter_Unused()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:p|} = 0)
    public async Task Parameter_UsedInConstructorInitializerOnly()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class B
                protected B(int _) { }
            class C: B
                C(int p)
                : base(p)
    public async Task Parameter_NotUsedInConstructorInitializer_UsedInConstructorBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class B
                protected B(int _) { }
            class C: B
                C(int p)
                : base(0)
                    var x = p;
    public async Task Parameter_UsedInConstructorInitializerAndConstructorBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class B
                protected B(int _) { }
            class C: B
                C(int p)
                : base(p)
                    var x = p;
    public async Task UnusedLocalFunctionParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    void LocalFunction(int {|IDE0060:p|})
    public async Task UnusedLocalFunctionParameter_02()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    void LocalFunction(int {|IDE0060:p|})
    public async Task UnusedLocalFunctionParameter_Discard()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    void LocalFunction(int _)
    public async Task UnusedLocalFunctionParameter_PassedAsDelegateArgument()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M()
                    void LocalFunction(int p)
                void M2(Action<int> a) => a(0);
    public async Task UsedInLambda_ReturnsDelegate()
        // Currently we bail out from analysis for method returning delegate types.
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static Action<int> M(object p, Action<object> myDelegate)
                    return d => { myDelegate(p); };
    public async Task UnusedInLambda_ReturnsDelegate()
        // We bail out from unused value analysis for method returning delegate types.
        // We should still report unused parameters.
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static Action M(object {|IDE0060:p|})
                    return () => { };
    public async Task UnusedInLambda_LambdaPassedAsArgument()
        // We bail out from unused value analysis when lambda is passed as argument.
        // We should still report unused parameters.
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static void M(object {|IDE0060:p|})
                    M2(() => { });
                private static void M2(Action _) { }
    public async Task ReadInLambda_LambdaPassedAsArgument()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static void M(object p)
                    M2(() => { M3(p); });
                private static void M2(Action _) { }
                private static void M3(object _) { }
    public async Task OnlyWrittenInLambda_LambdaPassedAsArgument()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static void M(object p)
                    M2(() => { M3(out p); });
                private static void M2(Action _) { }
                private static void M3(out object o) { o = null; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task UnusedInExpressionTree_PassedAsArgument()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            class C
                public static void M1(object {|IDE0060:p|})
                    M2(x => x.M3());
                private static C M2(Expression<Func<C, int>> _) { return null; }
                private int M3() { return 0; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ReadInExpressionTree_PassedAsArgument()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            class C
                public static void M1(object p)
                    M2(x => x.M3(p));
                private static C M2(Expression<Func<C, int>> _) { return null; }
                private int M3(object _) { return 0; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task OnlyWrittenInExpressionTree_PassedAsArgument()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            class C
                public static void M1(object p)
                    M2(x => x.M3(out p));
                private static C M2(Expression<Func<C, int>> _) { return null; }
                private int M3(out object o) { o = null; return 0; }
    public async Task UsedInLambda_AssignedToField()
        // Currently we bail out from analysis if we have a delegate creation that is not assigned
        // too a local/parameter.
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static Action _field;
                private static void M(object p)
                    _field = () => { Console.WriteLine(p); };
    public async Task MethodWithLockAndControlFlow()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private static readonly object s_gate = new object();
                public static C M(object p, int flag, C c1, C c2)
                    C c;
                    lock (s_gate)
                        c = flag > 0 ? c1 : c2;
                    return c;
                private void M2(object _) { }
    public async Task UnusedLambdaParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    Action<int> myLambda = p =>
    public async Task UnusedLambdaParameter_Discard()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    Action<int> myLambda = _ =>
    public async Task UnusedLambdaParameter_DiscardTwo()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    Action<int, int> myLambda = (_, _) =>
                    myLambda(y, y);
    public async Task UnusedLocalFunctionParameter_DiscardTwo()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    void local(int _1, int _2)
                    local(y, y);
    public async Task UnusedMethodParameter_DiscardTwo()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M(int _1, int _2)
                void M2(int y)
                    M(y, y);
    public async Task UsedLocalFunctionParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    void LocalFunction(int p)
                        var x = p;
    public async Task UsedLambdaParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M(int y)
                    Action<int> myLambda = p =>
                        var x = p;
    public async Task OptionalParameter_Used()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int p = 0)
                    var x = p;
    public async Task InParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(in int {|IDE0060:p|})
    public async Task RefParameter_Unused()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(ref int {|IDE0060:p|})
    public async Task RefParameter_WrittenOnly()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(ref int p)
                    p = 0;
    public async Task RefParameter_ReadOnly()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(ref int p)
                    var x = p;
    public async Task RefParameter_ReadThenWritten()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(ref int p)
                    var x = p;
                    p = 1;
    public async Task RefParameter_WrittenAndThenRead()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(ref int p)
                    p = 1;
                    var x = p;
    public async Task RefParameter_WrittenTwiceNotRead()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(ref int p)
                    p = 0;
                    p = 1;
    public async Task OutParameter_Unused()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void {|CS0177:M|}(out int {|IDE0060:p|})
    public async Task OutParameter_WrittenOnly()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(out int p)
                    p = 0;
    public async Task OutParameter_WrittenAndThenRead()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(out int p)
                    p = 0;
                    var x = p;
    public async Task OutParameter_WrittenTwiceNotRead()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(out int p)
                    p = 0;
                    p = 1;
    public async Task Parameter_ExternMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                static extern void M(int p);
    public async Task Parameter_AbstractMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            abstract class C
                protected abstract void M(int p);
    public async Task Parameter_VirtualMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                protected virtual void M(int p)
    public async Task Parameter_OverriddenMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                protected virtual void M(int p)
                    var x = p;
            class D : C
                protected override void M(int p)
    public async Task Parameter_ImplicitInterfaceImplementationMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            interface I
                void M(int p);
            class C: I
                public void M(int p)
    public async Task Parameter_ExplicitInterfaceImplementationMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            interface I
                void M(int p);
            class C: I
                void I.M(int p)
    public async Task Parameter_IndexerMethod()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                int this[int p]
                    get { return 0; }
    public async Task Parameter_ConditionalDirective()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int p)
            #if DEBUG
    public async Task Parameter_EventHandler_FirstParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                public void MyHandler(object obj, System.EventArgs args)
    public async Task Parameter_EventHandler_SecondParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                public void MyHandler(object obj, System.EventArgs args)
    public async Task Parameter_MethodUsedAsEventHandler()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            public delegate void MyDelegate(int x);
            class C
                private event MyDelegate myDel;
                void M(C c)
                    c.myDel += Handler;
                void Handler(int x)
    public async Task Parameter_CustomEventArgs()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                public class CustomEventArgs : System.EventArgs
                public void MyHandler(object obj, CustomEventArgs args)
    public async Task Parameter_MethodsWithSpecialAttributes(string attribute)
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int p)
    [InlineData("System.Composition", "ImportingConstructorAttribute")]
    [InlineData("System.ComponentModel.Composition", "ImportingConstructorAttribute")]
    public async Task Parameter_ConstructorsWithSpecialAttributes(string attributeNamespace, string attributeName)
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            namespace {{attributeNamespace}}
                public class {{attributeName}} : System.Attribute { }
            class C
                public C(int p)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Parameter_SerializationConstructor()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Runtime.Serialization;
            internal sealed class NonSerializable
                public NonSerializable(string value) => Value = value;
                public string Value { get; set; }
            internal sealed class CustomSerializingType : ISerializable
                private readonly NonSerializable _nonSerializable;
                public CustomSerializingType(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
                    _nonSerializable = new NonSerializable(info.GetString("KEY"));
                public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
                    info.AddValue("KEY", _nonSerializable.Value);
    public async Task Parameter_DiagnosticMessages()
        var source =
            public class C
                // p1 is unused.
                // p2 is written before read.
                [|int M(int p1, int p2)
                    p2 = 0;
                    return p2;
                // p3 is unused parameter of a public API.
                // p4 is written before read parameter of a public API.
                public int M2(int p3, int p4)
                    p4 = 0;
                    return p4;
                void M3(int p5)
                    _ = nameof(p5);
        var testParameters = new TestParameters(retainNonFixableDiagnostics: true);
        using var workspace = CreateWorkspaceFromOptions(source, testParameters);
        var diagnostics = await GetDiagnosticsAsync(workspace, testParameters).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Diagnostic(IDEDiagnosticIds.UnusedParameterDiagnosticId, "p1").WithLocation(5, 15),
            Diagnostic(IDEDiagnosticIds.UnusedParameterDiagnosticId, "p2").WithLocation(5, 23),
            Diagnostic(IDEDiagnosticIds.UnusedParameterDiagnosticId, "p3").WithLocation(13, 23),
            Diagnostic(IDEDiagnosticIds.UnusedParameterDiagnosticId, "p4").WithLocation(13, 31),
            Diagnostic(IDEDiagnosticIds.UnusedParameterDiagnosticId, "p5").WithLocation(19, 17));
        var sortedDiagnostics = diagnostics.OrderBy(d => d.Location.SourceSpan.Start).ToArray();
        Assert.Equal("Remove unused parameter 'p1'", sortedDiagnostics[0].GetMessage());
        Assert.Equal("Parameter 'p2' can be removed; its initial value is never used", sortedDiagnostics[1].GetMessage());
        Assert.Equal("Remove unused parameter 'p3' if it is not part of a shipped public API", sortedDiagnostics[2].GetMessage());
        Assert.Equal("Parameter 'p4' can be removed if it is not part of a shipped public API; its initial value is never used", sortedDiagnostics[3].GetMessage());
        Assert.Equal("Parameter 'p5' can be removed; its initial value is never used", sortedDiagnostics[4].GetMessage());
    public async Task Parameter_ArrayLikeUsedForReading(string arrayLikeType)
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M({{arrayLikeType}} p)
                    var x = p[0];
    public async Task Parameter_ArrayLikeUsedForWriting(string arrayLikeType)
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M({{arrayLikeType}} p)
                    p[0] = new();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Parameter_DeclarationPatternWithNullDeclaredSymbol()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(object o)
                    if (o is int _)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Parameter_Unused_SpecialNames()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int _, char _1, C _3)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Parameter_Used_SemanticError()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                void M(int x)
                    // CS1662: Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type.
                    Invoke<string>(() => x);
                    T Invoke<T>({|CS0246:Func<T>|} a) { return a(); }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Parameter_Unused_SemanticError()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:x|})
                    // CS1662: Cannot convert lambda expression to intended delegate type because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type.
                    Invoke<string>(() => 0);
                    T Invoke<T>({|CS0246:Func<T>|} a) { return a(); }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task OutParameter_LocalFunction()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                public static bool M(out int x)
                    return LocalFunction(out x);
                    bool LocalFunction(out int y)
                        y = 0;
                        return true;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task RefParameter_Unused_LocalFunction()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                public static bool M(ref int x)
                    return LocalFunction(ref x);
                    bool LocalFunction(ref int {|IDE0060:y|})
                        return true;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task RefParameter_Used_LocalFunction()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                public static bool M(ref int x)
                    return LocalFunction(ref x);
                    bool LocalFunction(ref int y)
                        y = 0;
                        return true;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NullCoalesceAssignment()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            class C
                public static void M(C x)
                    x ??= new C();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task GenericLocalFunction()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    void LocalFunc<T>(T {|IDE0060:value|})
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task GenericLocalFunction_02()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void M(object {|IDE0060:value|})
                        value = LocalFunc(0);
                        value = LocalFunc(0);
                    IEnumerable<T> LocalFunc<T>(T value)
                        yield return value;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task GenericLocalFunction_03()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void M(object value)
                    Func<object, IEnumerable<object>> myDel = LocalFunc;
                        value = myDel(value);
                        value = myDel(value);
                    IEnumerable<T> LocalFunc<T>(T value)
                        yield return value;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task RegressionTest_ShouldReportUnusedParameter()
        var options = Option(CodeStyleOptions2.UnusedParameters,
            new CodeStyleOption2<UnusedParametersPreference>(default, NotificationOption2.Suggestion));
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            public interface I { event Action MyAction; }
            public sealed class C : IDisposable
                private readonly Task<I> task;
                public C(Task<I> task)
                    this.task = task;
                    Task.Run(async () => (await task).MyAction += myAction);
                private void myAction() { }
                public void Dispose() => task.Result.MyAction -= myAction;
            """, options);
#if !CODE_STYLE // Below test is not applicable for CodeStyle layer as attempting to fetch an editorconfig string representation for this invalid option fails.
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task RegressionTest_ShouldReportUnusedParameter_02()
        var options = Option(CodeStyleOptions2.UnusedParameters,
            new CodeStyleOption2<UnusedParametersPreference>((UnusedParametersPreference)2, NotificationOption2.Suggestion));
        var parameters = new TestParameters(globalOptions: options, retainNonFixableDiagnostics: true);
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            public interface I { event Action MyAction; }
            public sealed class C : IDisposable
                private readonly Task<I> task;
                public C(Task<I> [|task|])
                    this.task = task;
                    Task.Run(async () => (await task).MyAction += myAction);
                private void myAction() { }
                public void Dispose() => task.Result.MyAction -= myAction;
            """, parameters);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task MethodUsedAsDelegateInGeneratedCode_NoDiagnostic()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            public partial class C
                private void M(int x)
            public partial class C
                [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("", "")]
                public void M2(out Action<int> a)
                    a = M;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task UnusedParameterInGeneratedCode_NoDiagnostic()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public partial class C
                [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("", "")]
                private void M(int x)
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsRemoveUnusedParameters)]
    public async Task UnusedParameterInPartialMethodImplementation_NoDiagnostic()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public partial class C
                public partial void M(int x);
            public partial class C
                public partial void M(int x)
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsRemoveUnusedParameters)]
    public async Task ParameterInPartialMethodDefinition_NoDiagnostic()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public partial class C
                partial void M(int x);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ParameterWithoutName_NoDiagnostic()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public class C
                public void M(int {|CS1001:)|}
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_NoDiagnostic1()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private void Goo(int i)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_NoDiagnostic2()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private void Goo(int i)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_NoDiagnostic3()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                public C(int i)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_NoDiagnostic4()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private int Goo(int i)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_NoDiagnostic5()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private int Goo(int i)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_MultipleStatements1()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private void Goo(int {|IDE0060:i|})
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NotImplementedException_MultipleStatements2()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                private void Goo(int {|IDE0060:i|})
                    if (true)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Record_PrimaryConstructorParameter()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            @"record A(int [|X|]);");
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Record_NonPrimaryConstructorParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
            record A
                public A(int {|IDE0060:X|})
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task Record_DelegatingPrimaryConstructorParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            record A(int X);
            record B(int X, int Y) : A(X);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task RecordPrimaryConstructorParameter_PublicRecord()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public record Base(int I) { }
            public record Derived(string S) : Base(42) { }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task RequiredGetInstanceMethodByICustomMarshaler()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync("""
            using System;
            using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
            public class C : ICustomMarshaler
                public void CleanUpManagedData(object ManagedObj)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
                public void CleanUpNativeData(IntPtr pNativeData)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
                public int GetNativeDataSize()
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
                public IntPtr MarshalManagedToNative(object ManagedObj)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
                public object MarshalNativeToManaged(IntPtr pNativeData)
                    => throw new NotImplementedException();
                public static ICustomMarshaler GetInstance(string s)
                    => null;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodWithUnusedParameterThrowsExpressionBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public class Class
                public void Method(int x) => throw new System.Exception();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodWithUnusedParameterThrowsMethodBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public class Class
                public void Method(int x)
                    throw new System.Exception();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodWithUnusedParameterThrowsConstructorBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public class Class
                public Class(int x)
                    throw new System.Exception();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodWithUnusedParameterThrowsConstructorExpressionBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public class Class
                public Class(int x) => throw new System.Exception();
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodWithUnusedParameterThrowsLocalFunctionExpressionBody()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            public class Class
                public void Method()
                    void LocalMethod(int x) => throw new System.Exception();
    [Fact, WorkItem(67013, "")]
    public async Task Test_PrimaryConstructor1()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C(int a100)
    [Fact, WorkItem(67013, "")]
    public async Task Test_PrimaryConstructor2()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System;
            class C(int a100) : Object()
                int M1() => a100;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodWithNameOf()
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync("""
            class C
                void M(int {|IDE0060:x|})
                    const string y = nameof(C);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringHandler_TwoIntParameters_FirstParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync("""
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            public struct MyInterpolatedStringHandler
                public MyInterpolatedStringHandler(int literalLength, int formattedCount)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringHandler_TwoIntParameters_SecondParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync("""
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            public struct MyInterpolatedStringHandler
                public MyInterpolatedStringHandler(int literalLength, int formattedCount)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringHandler_TwoParameters_FirstNonIntParameter(string nonIntType)
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync($$"""
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            public struct MyInterpolatedStringHandler
                public MyInterpolatedStringHandler({{nonIntType}} {|IDE0060:literalLength|}, int formattedCount)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringHandler_TwoParameters_SecondNonIntParameter(string nonIntType)
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync($$"""
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            public struct MyInterpolatedStringHandler
                public MyInterpolatedStringHandler(int literalLength, {{nonIntType}} {|IDE0060:formattedCount|})
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringHandler_OneIntParameter()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync("""
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            public struct MyInterpolatedStringHandler
                public MyInterpolatedStringHandler(int literalLength)
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringHandler_OneNonIntParameter(string nonIntType)
        await TestDiagnosticsAsync($$"""
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            public struct MyInterpolatedStringHandler
                public MyInterpolatedStringHandler({{nonIntType}} {|IDE0060:p|})
    public static IEnumerable<object[]> NonIntTypes()
        yield return ["byte"];
        yield return ["long"];
        yield return ["object"];
        yield return ["string"];