// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.RemoveUnnecessaryParentheses;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsRemoveUnnecessaryParentheses)]
public sealed class RemoveUnnecessaryExpressionParenthesesTests(ITestOutputHelper logger)
: AbstractCSharpDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor(logger)
internal override (DiagnosticAnalyzer, CodeFixProvider) CreateDiagnosticProviderAndFixer(Workspace workspace)
=> (new CSharpRemoveUnnecessaryExpressionParenthesesDiagnosticAnalyzer(), new CSharpRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesCodeFixProvider());
private async Task TestAsync(
[StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string initial,
[StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string expected,
bool offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled, int index = 0)
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(initial, expected, options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses, index: index);
if (offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled)
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(initial, expected, options: RequireAllParenthesesForClarity, index: index);
await TestMissingAsync(initial, parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireAllParenthesesForClarity));
internal override bool ShouldSkipMessageDescriptionVerification(DiagnosticDescriptor descriptor)
=> descriptor.ImmutableCustomTags().Contains(WellKnownDiagnosticTags.Unnecessary) && descriptor.DefaultSeverity == DiagnosticSeverity.Hidden;
private static DiagnosticDescription GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic(string text, int line, int column)
=> TestHelpers.Diagnostic(IDEDiagnosticIds.RemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnosticId, text, startLocation: new LinePosition(line, column));
public async Task TestVariableInitializer_TestWithAllOptionsSetToIgnore()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1);
""", new TestParameters(options: IgnoreAllParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29736")]
public async Task TestVariableInitializer_TestMissingParenthesis()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1;
public async Task TestArithmeticRequiredForClarity1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = 1 + $$(2 * 3);
""", new TestParameters(options: RequireArithmeticBinaryParenthesesForClarity));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44629")]
public async Task TestStackAlloc()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var span = $$(stackalloc byte[8]);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47365")]
public async Task TestDynamic()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
dynamic i = 1;
dynamic s = "s";
Console.WriteLine(s + $$(1 + i));
public async Task TestArithmeticRequiredForClarity2()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M()
int x = a || $$(b && c);
class C
void M()
int x = a || b && c;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireArithmeticBinaryParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestLogicalRequiredForClarity1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = a || $$(b && c);
""", new TestParameters(options: RequireOtherBinaryParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestLogicalRequiredForClarity2()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M()
int x = a + $$(b * c);
class C
void M()
int x = a + b * c;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireOtherBinaryParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestArithmeticNotRequiredForClarityWhenPrecedenceStaysTheSame_Integral1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = 1 + $$(2 + 3);
class C
void M()
int x = 1 + 2 + 3;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArithmeticNotRequiredForClarityWhenPrecedenceStaysTheSame_Integral2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1 + 2) + 3;
class C
void M()
int x = 1 + 2 + 3;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArithmeticRequiredForCorrectnessWhenPrecedenceStaysTheSameIfFloatingPoint()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = 1.0 + $$(2.0 + 3.0);
public async Task TestArithmeticNotRequiredForClarityWhenPrecedenceStaysTheSame_Floating2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1.0 + 2.0) + 3.0;
class C
void M()
int x = 1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestLogicalNotRequiredForClarityWhenPrecedenceStaysTheSame1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = a || $$(b || c);
class C
void M()
int x = a || b || c;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestLogicalNotRequiredForClarityWhenPrecedenceStaysTheSame2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(a || b) || c;
class C
void M()
int x = a || b || c;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestVariableInitializer_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1);
class C
void M()
int x = 1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestReturnStatement_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
return $$(1 + 2);
class C
void M()
return 1 + 2;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestExpressionBody_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
int M() => $$(1 + 2);
class C
int M() => 1 + 2;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCheckedExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int i = checked($$(1 + 2));
class C
void M()
int i = checked(1 + 2);
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestAssignment_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestNotAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
i = $$(1 + 2);
class C
void M()
i = 1 + 2;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCompoundAssignment_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestNotAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
i *= $$(1 + 2);
class C
void M()
i *= 1 + 2;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPimaryAssignment_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
i = $$(s.Length);
class C
void M()
i = s.Length;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNestedParenthesizedExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int i = ( $$(1 + 2) );
class C
void M()
int i = ( 1 + 2 );
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true, index: 1);
public async Task TestIncrementExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int i = $$(x++);
class C
void M()
int i = x++;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestLambdaBody_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
Func<int> i = () => $$(1);
class C
void M()
Func<int> i = () => 1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArrayElement_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int[] i = new int[] { $$(1) };
class C
void M()
int[] i = new int[] { 1 };
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestWhereClause_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = from c in customer
where $$(c.Age > 21)
select c;
class C
void M()
var q = from c in customer
where c.Age > 21
select c;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCastExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int i = (int)$$(1);
class C
void M()
int i = (int)1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestMissingForConditionalAccess1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
var v = $$(s?.Length).ToString();
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/37046")]
public async Task TestMissingForConditionalAccess2()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
var v = $$(s?.Length)?.ToString();
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestForConditionalAccessNotInExpression()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
var v = $$(s?.Length);
class C
void M(string s)
var v = s?.Length;
""", options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses);
public async Task TestMissingForConditionalIndex()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
var v = $$(s?[0]).ToString();
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestBinaryInCastExpression()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int i = (int)$$(1 + 2);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestAroundCastExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int i = $$((int)1);
class C
void M()
int i = (int)1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestConditionalInInterpolation()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var s = $"{ $$(a ? b : c) }";
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestConditionalInInterpolation_FixAll_1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var s1 = $"{ {|FixAllInDocument:(|}(a ? b : c)) }";
var s2 = $"{ ((a ? b : c)) }";
class C
void M()
var s1 = $"{ (a ? b : c) }";
var s2 = $"{ (a ? b : c) }";
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestConditionalInInterpolation_FixAll_2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var s1 = $"{ ({|FixAllInDocument:(|}a ? b : c)) }";
var s2 = $"{ ((a ? b : c)) }";
class C
void M()
var s1 = $"{ (a ? b : c) }";
var s2 = $"{ (a ? b : c) }";
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNonConditionalInInterpolation_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var s = $"{ $$(true) }";
class C
void M()
var s = $"{ true }";
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestBinaryExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_NotAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity_1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = $$(a * b) + c;
class C
void M()
var q = a * b + c;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: false);
public async Task TestBinaryExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_NotAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity_2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = c + $$(a * b);
class C
void M()
var q = c + a * b;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: false);
public async Task TestConditionalExpression_TestNotAvailableForComplexChildren1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = $$(a * b) ? (1 + 2) : (3 + 4);
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestConditionalExpression_TestNotAvailableForComplexChildren2()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = (a * b) ? $$(1 + 2) : (3 + 4);
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestConditionalExpression_TestNotAvailableForComplexChildren3()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = (a * b) ? (1 + 2) : $$(3 + 4);
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestConditionalExpression_TestAvailableForPrimaryChildren1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = $$(a.X()) ? (1 + 2) : (3 + 4);
class C
void M()
var q = a.X() ? (1 + 2) : (3 + 4);
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestConditionalExpression_TestAvailableForPrimaryChildren2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = (a.X()) ? $$(x.Length) : (3 + 4);
class C
void M()
var q = (a.X()) ? x.Length : (3 + 4);
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestConditionalExpression_TestAvailableForPrimaryChildren3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = (a.X()) ? (1 + 2) : $$(a[0]);
class C
void M()
var q = (a.X()) ? (1 + 2) : a[0];
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestIsPattern_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_NotAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity_1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
if ( $$(a[0]) is string s) { }
class C
void M()
if ( a[0] is string s) { }
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestIsPattern_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_NotAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity_2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
if ( $$(a * b) is int i) { }
class C
void M()
if ( a * b is int i) { }
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: false);
public async Task TestForOverloadedOperatorOnLeft()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(C c1, C c2, C c3)
var x = $$(c1 + c2) + c3;
public static C operator +(C c1, C c2) => null;
class C
void M(C c1, C c2, C c3)
var x = c1 + c2 + c3;
public static C operator +(C c1, C c2) => null;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireAllParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestMissingForOverloadedOperatorOnRight()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(C c1, C c2, C c3)
var x = c1 + $$(c2 + c3);
public static C operator +(C c1, C c2) => null;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireAllParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestShiftRequiredForClarity1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1 + 2) << 3;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireArithmeticBinaryParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestShiftRequiredForClarity2()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1 + 2) << 3;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RequireAllParenthesesForClarity));
public async Task TestDoNotRemoveShiftAcrossPrecedence()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1 + 2) << 3;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestRemoveShiftIfNotNecessary2()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1 << 2) << 3;
class C
void M()
int x = 1 << 2 << 3;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestDoNotRemoveShiftAcrossSamePrecedenceIfValueWouldChange()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = 1 << $$(2 << 3);
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestDoNotRemoveShiftIfShiftKindDiffers()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(1 >> 2) << 3;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestRemoveCoalesceIfNotNecessary1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = $$(a ?? b) ?? c;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestRemoveCoalesceIfNotNecessary2()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M()
int x = a ?? $$(b ?? c);
class C
void M()
int x = a ?? b ?? c;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestBitwiseExpression_TestMissingWithDifferencePrecedence1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = $$(a + b) & c;
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestBitwiseExpression_TestMissingWithDifferencePrecedence2()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = $$(a | b) & c;
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestBitwiseExpression_TestAvailableWithSamePrecedenceMissingWithDifferencePrecedence2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
var q = $$(a & b) & c;
class C
void M()
var q = a & b & c;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25554")]
public async Task TestSwitchCase_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
switch (true)
case $$(default(bool)):
class C
void M()
switch (true)
case default(bool):
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25554")]
public async Task TestSwitchCase_WithWhenClause_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
switch (true)
case $$(default(bool)) when true:
class C
void M()
switch (true)
case default(bool) when true:
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25554")]
public async Task TestWhenClause_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
switch (true)
case true when $$(default(bool)):
class C
void M()
switch (true)
case true when default(bool):
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25554")]
public async Task TestConstantPatternExpression_TestAvailableWithAlwaysRemove_And_TestAvailableWhenRequiredForClarity()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
if (true is $$(default(bool)))
class C
void M()
if (true is default(bool))
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/25554")]
public async Task TestConstantPatternExpression_RequiredForPrecedence()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
if (true is $$(true == true))
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestCastAmbiguity1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(-1);
public async Task TestCastAmbiguity2()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(+1);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestCastAmbiguity3()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(&1);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestCastAmbiguity4()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(*1);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestPrimitiveCastNoAmbiguity1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (int)$$(-1);
class C
void M()
int x = (int)-1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPrimitiveCastNoAmbiguity2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (int)$$(+1);
class C
void M()
int x = (int)+1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPrimitiveCastNoAmbiguity3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (int)$$(&x);
class C
void M()
int x = (int)&x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPrimitiveCastNoAmbiguity4()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (int)$$(*x);
class C
void M()
int x = (int)*x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArrayCastNoAmbiguity1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])$$(-1);
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])-1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArrayCastNoAmbiguity2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])$$(+1);
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])+1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArrayCastNoAmbiguity3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])$$(&x);
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])&x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestArrayCastNoAmbiguity4()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])$$(*x);
class C
void M()
int x = (T[])*x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPointerCastNoAmbiguity1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)$$(-1);
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)-1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPointerCastNoAmbiguity2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)$$(+1);
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)+1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPointerCastNoAmbiguity3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)$$(&x);
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)&x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestPointerCastNoAmbiguity4()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)$$(*x);
class C
void M()
int x = (T*)*x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNullableCastNoAmbiguity1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)$$(-1);
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)-1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNullableCastNoAmbiguity2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)$$(+1);
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)+1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNullableCastNoAmbiguity3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)$$(&x);
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)&x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNullableCastNoAmbiguity4()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)$$(*x);
class C
void M()
int x = (T?)*x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestAliasCastNoAmbiguity1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)$$(-1);
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)-1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestAliasCastNoAmbiguity2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)$$(+1);
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)+1;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestAliasCastNoAmbiguity3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)$$(&x);
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)&x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestAliasCastNoAmbiguity4()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)$$(*x);
class C
void M()
int x = (e::N.T)*x;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCastOfPrimary()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(a);
class C
void M()
int x = (X)a;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCastOfMemberAccess()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(a.b);
class C
void M()
int x = (X)a.b;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCastOfNonAmbiguousUnary()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$(!a);
class C
void M()
int x = (X)!a;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestCastOfCast()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = (X)$$((Y)a);
class C
void M()
int x = (X)(Y)a;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestIsPatternAndLogical_TestWithAllOptionsSetToIgnore()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(object expression)
if ($$(expression is bool b) && b) { }
class C
void M(object expression)
if (expression is bool b && b) { }
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: false);
public async Task TestGuardPatternMissing()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(object expression)
if (!$$(expression is bool b)) { }
public async Task TestParensAroundLValueMemberAccess()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
$$(this.Property) = Property;
class C
void M()
this.Property = Property;
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundMultiplicationInAddEquals()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
x += $$(y * z)
class C
void M()
x += y * z
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundAddInMultipleEquals()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
x *= $$(y + z)
class C
void M()
x *= y + z
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNecessaryCast()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
public async Task TestParensAroundChecked()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = 3 * $$(checked(5));
class C
void M()
int x = 3 * checked(5);
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundUnchecked()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = 3 * $$(unchecked(5));
class C
void M()
int x = 3 * unchecked(5);
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundNameof()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
string property = "My " + $$(nameof(property));
class C
void M()
string property = "My " + nameof(property);
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensIsCheck()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
bool x = $$("" is string);
class C
void M()
bool x = "" is string;
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestNecessaryParensAroundIs()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
string x = $$("" is string).ToString();
public async Task TestParensAroundAssignmentInInitialization()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
string y;
string x = $$(y = "text");
class C
void M()
string y;
string x = y = "text";
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundLambda1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
Func<string, string> y2 = $$(v => v);
class C
void M()
Func<string, string> y2 = v => v;
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundLambda2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
Func<string, string> y2 = $$((v) => v);
class C
void M()
Func<string, string> y2 = (v) => v;
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundCastedLambda1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
string y = ((Func<string, string>)$$((v) => v))("text");
public async Task TestParensAroundCastedLambda2()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
string y = ($$(Func<string, string>)((v) => v))("text");
public async Task TestParensAroundCastedLambda3()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M()
string y = $$((Func<string, string>)((v) => v))("text");
public async Task TestParensAroundReturnValue1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
class C
void M()
return value;
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundReturnValue2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
return $$(value);
class C
void M()
return value;
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundPPDirective1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
#if$$(A || B)
class C
void M()
#if A || B
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestParensAroundPPDirective2()
// Currently producing broken code.
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
#if( $$(A || B) || C)
class C
void M()
#if( A || B || C)
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true, index: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/57768")]
public async Task TestParensAroundPPDirective3()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
#if C
#elif$$(A || B)
class C
void M()
#if C
#elif A || B
offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestMissingForPreIncrement()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = (byte)$$(++x);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestMissingForPreDecrement()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = (byte)$$(--x);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestForPostIncrement()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = (byte)$$(x++);
class C
void M(int x)
var v = (byte)x++;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestForPostDecrement()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = (byte)$$(x--);
class C
void M(int x)
var v = (byte)x--;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestForPreIncrementInLocalDeclaration()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = $$(++x);
class C
void M(int x)
var v = ++x;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestForPreIncrementInSimpleAssignment()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(int x, int v)
v = $$(++x);
class C
void M(int x, int v)
v = ++x;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestForPreIncrementInArgument()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(int x)
class C
void M(int x)
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestMissingForPreIncrementAfterAdd()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = x+$$(++x);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29454")]
public async Task TestMissingForUnaryPlusAfterAdd()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(int x)
var v = x+$$(+x);
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/31103")]
public async Task TestMissingForConditionalRefAsLeftHandSideValue()
await TestMissingAsync(
class Bar
void Foo(bool cond, double a, double b)
[||](cond ? ref a : ref b) = 6.67e-11;
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/31103")]
public async Task TestConditionalExpressionAsRightHandSideValue()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class Bar
void Foo(bool cond, double a, double b)
double c = $$(cond ? a : b);
class Bar
void Foo(bool cond, double a, double b)
double c = cond ? a : b;
parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/32085")]
public async Task TestMissingForNestedConditionalExpressionInLambda()
await TestMissingAsync(
class Bar
void Test(bool a)
Func<int, string> lambda =
number => number + $"{ ($$a ? "foo" : "bar") }";
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/27925")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesisDiagnosticSingleLineExpression()
var parentheticalExpressionDiagnostic = GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic("(1 + 2)", 4, 16);
await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = [|(1 + 2)|];
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses), parentheticalExpressionDiagnostic);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/27925")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesisDiagnosticInMultiLineExpression()
var firstLineParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic = GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic("(1 +", 4, 16);
await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = [|(1 +
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses), firstLineParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/27925")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesisDiagnosticInNestedExpression()
var outerParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic = GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic("(1 + (2 + 3) + 4)", 4, 16);
var innerParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic = GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic("(2 + 3)", 4, 21);
var expectedDiagnostics = new DiagnosticDescription[] { outerParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic, innerParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic };
await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = [|(1 + (2 + 3) + 4)|];
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses), expectedDiagnostics);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/27925")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesisDiagnosticInNestedMultiLineExpression()
var outerFirstLineParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic = GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic("(1 + 2 +", 4, 16);
var innerParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic = GetRemoveUnnecessaryParenthesesDiagnostic("(3 + 4)", 5, 12);
var expectedDiagnostics = new DiagnosticDescription[] { outerFirstLineParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic, innerParentheticalExpressionDiagnostic };
await TestDiagnosticsAsync(
class C
void M()
int x = [|(1 + 2 +
(3 + 4) +
5 + 6)|];
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses), expectedDiagnostics);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39529")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesisIncludesFadeLocations()
var input = """
class C
void M()
int x = [|{|expression:{|fade:(|}1 + 2{|fade:)|}|}|];
var parameters = new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses);
using var workspace = CreateWorkspaceFromOptions(input, parameters);
var expectedSpans = workspace.Documents.First().AnnotatedSpans;
var diagnostics = await GetDiagnosticsAsync(workspace, parameters).ConfigureAwait(false);
var diagnostic = diagnostics.Single();
Assert.Equal(3, diagnostic.AdditionalLocations.Count);
Assert.Equal(expectedSpans["expression"].Single(), diagnostic.AdditionalLocations[0].SourceSpan);
Assert.Equal(expectedSpans["fade"][0], diagnostic.AdditionalLocations[1].SourceSpan);
Assert.Equal(expectedSpans["fade"][1], diagnostic.AdditionalLocations[2].SourceSpan);
Assert.Equal("[1,2]", diagnostic.Properties[WellKnownDiagnosticTags.Unnecessary]);
[Fact, WorkItem(27925, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39363")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesesInSwitchExpression()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(int x)
var result = x switch
1 => $$(5),
2 => 10 + 5,
_ => 100,
class C
void M(int x)
var result = x switch
1 => 5,
2 => 10 + 5,
_ => 100,
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/26311")]
public async Task TestUnnecessaryParenthesesAroundDefaultLiteral()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
bool f = false;
string s2 = f ? "" : $$(default);
class C
void M()
bool f = false;
string s2 = f ? "" : default;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestRangeWithConstantExpression()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
_ = s[$$(1)..];
class C
void M(string s)
_ = s[1..];
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestRangeWithMemberAccessExpression()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
_ = s[$$(s.Length)..];
class C
void M(string s)
_ = s[s.Length..];
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestRangeWithElementAccessExpression()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(string s, int[] indices)
_ = s[$$(indices[0])..];
class C
void M(string s, int[] indices)
_ = s[indices[0]..];
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestRangeWithBinaryExpression()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(string s)
_ = s[$$(s.Length - 5)..];
""", new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
public async Task TestAlwaysUnnecessaryForPrimaryPattern1()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(object o)
bool x = o is 1 or $$(2);
class C
void M(object o)
bool x = o is 1 or 2;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestAlwaysUnnecessaryForPrimaryPattern2()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M(object o)
bool x = o is $$(1) or 2;
class C
void M(object o)
bool x = o is 1 or 2;
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/50025")]
public async Task TestDoNotRemoveWithConstantAndTypeAmbiguity()
await TestMissingAsync(
public class C
public const int Goo = 1;
public void M(Goo o)
if (o is $$(Goo)) M(1);
public class Goo { }
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/50025")]
public async Task TestDoRemoveWithNoConstantAndTypeAmbiguity()
await TestAsync(
public class C
public const int Goo = 1;
public void M(object o)
if (o is $$(Goo)) M(1);
public class C
public const int Goo = 1;
public void M(object o)
if (o is Goo) M(1);
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestElementAccessOfSuppressedExpression1()
await TestAsync(
public class C
public void M(string[] Strings)
var v = $$(Strings!)[Strings.Count - 1];
public class C
public void M(string[] Strings)
var v = Strings![Strings.Count - 1];
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
public async Task TestElementAccessOfSuppressedExpression2()
await TestAsync(
public class C
string[] Strings;
public void M()
var v = $$(this.Strings!)[Strings.Count - 1];
public class C
string[] Strings;
public void M()
var v = this.Strings![Strings.Count - 1];
""", offeredWhenRequireForClarityIsEnabled: true);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45100")]
public async Task TestArithmeticOverflow1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(int a)
return a + $$(int.MaxValue + -int.MaxValue);
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45100")]
public async Task TestArithmeticOverflow1_CompilationOption()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
void M(int a)
return a + $$(int.MaxValue + -int.MaxValue);
""", parameters: new TestParameters(
options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses,
compilationOptions: new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, checkOverflow: true)));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45100")]
public async Task TestArithmeticOverflow2()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
class C
void M(int a)
return a + $$(int.MaxValue + -int.MaxValue);
class C
void M(int a)
return a + int.MaxValue + -int.MaxValue;
""", parameters: new TestParameters(options: RemoveAllUnnecessaryParentheses));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestTupleArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = ($$(N < T), (U > (5 + 0)));
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = (N < T, (U > (5 + 0)));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestTupleArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = ((N < T), (U > (5 + 0)$$));
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = ((N < T), U > (5 + 0));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestTupleArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax3()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = ({|FixAllInDocument:$$(N < T), (U > (5 + 0))|});
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = (N < T, (U > (5 + 0)));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestTupleArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax4()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = ({|FixAllInDocument:(N < T), (U > (5 + 0)$$)|});
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = ((N < T), U > (5 + 0));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestMethodArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = Goo($$(N < T), (U > (5 + 0)));
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = Goo(N < T, (U > (5 + 0)));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestMethodArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = Goo((N < T), (U > (5 + 0)$$));
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = Goo((N < T), U > (5 + 0));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43934")]
public async Task TestMethodArgumentsBecomeGenericSyntax3()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = Goo({|FixAllInDocument:$$(N < T), (U > (5 + 0))|});
using System;
public class C {
public void M()
var T = 1;
var U = 8;
var N = 9;
var x = Goo(N < T, (U > (5 + 0)));
public async Task TestRemoveAroundCollectionExpression()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(bool b)
int[] a = b ? $$([1]) : [];
class C
void M(bool b)
int[] a = b ? [1] : [];
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75203")]
public async Task TestConditionalExpressionInWhenClauseAmbiguity1()
await TestMissingAsync(
class C
public void M(object o, object?[] c)
case { } when $$(c?[0] is { }):
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/75203")]
public async Task TestConditionalExpressionInWhenClauseAmbiguity2()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async("""
class C
public void M(object o, object?[] c)
case { } when $$(c ? [0] : [1]):
""", """
class C
public void M(object o, object?[] c)
case { } when c ? [0] : [1]:
public async Task TestCollectionExpressionSpread()
await TestInRegularAndScript1Async("""
class C
public void M()
var v = [.. $$(a ? b : c)];
""", """
class C
public void M()
var v = [.. a ? b : c];