// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.GenerateConstructor;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Diagnostics.NamingStyles;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.GenerateConstructor;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsGenerateConstructor)]
public sealed class GenerateConstructorTests(ITestOutputHelper logger)
: AbstractCSharpDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor(logger)
internal override (DiagnosticAnalyzer?, CodeFixProvider) CreateDiagnosticProviderAndFixer(Workspace workspace)
=> (null, new GenerateConstructorCodeFixProvider());
private readonly NamingStylesTestOptionSets options = new NamingStylesTestOptionSets(LanguageNames.CSharp);
public async Task TestWithSimpleArgument()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](1);
class C
private int v;
public C(int v)
this.v = v;
void M()
new C(1);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44537")]
public async Task TestWithSimpleArgument_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](1);
class C
public C(int v)
V = v;
public int V { get; }
void M()
new C(1);
""", index: 1);
public async Task TestWithSimpleArgument_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](1);
class C
public C(int v)
void M()
new C(1);
""", index: 2);
public async Task TestWithSimpleArgument_UseExpressionBody1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](1);
class C
private int v;
public C(int v) => this.v = v;
void M()
new C(1);
options: Option(CSharpCodeStyleOptions.PreferExpressionBodiedConstructors, CSharpCodeStyleOptions.WhenPossibleWithSilentEnforcement));
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/910589")]
public async Task TestWithNoArgs()
var input =
class C
public C(int v)
void M()
new [|C|]();
await TestActionCountAsync(input, 1);
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C()
public C(int v)
void M()
new C();
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/910589")]
public async Task TestWithNamedArg()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C(goo: 1)|];
class C
private int goo;
public C(int goo)
this.goo = goo;
void M()
new C(goo: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/910589")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField1()
const string input =
class C
void M()
new [|D(goo: 1)|];
class D
private int goo;
await TestActionCountAsync(input, 1);
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new D(goo: 1);
class D
private int goo;
public D(int goo)
this.goo = goo;
public async Task TestWithExistingField2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class D
private string v;
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class D
private string v;
private int v1;
public D(int v1)
this.v1 = v1;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44537")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField2_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class D
private string v;
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class D
private string v;
public D(int v1)
V = v1;
public int V { get; }
""", index: 1);
public async Task TestWithExistingField2_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class D
private string v;
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class D
private string v;
public D(int v1)
""", index: 2);
public async Task TestWithExistingField3()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class B
protected int v;
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class B
protected int v;
class D : B
public D(int v)
this.v = v;
public async Task TestWithExistingField4()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class B
private int v;
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class B
private int v;
class D : B
private int v;
public D(int v)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField5()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class D
int X;
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class D
int X;
public D(int x)
X = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField5WithQualification()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class D
int X;
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class D
int X;
public D(int x)
this.X = x;
options: Option(CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyFieldAccess, true, NotificationOption2.Error));
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField6()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
private int X;
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
private int X;
class D : B
private int x;
public D(int x)
this.x = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField7()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected int X;
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected int X;
class D : B
public D(int x)
X = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField7WithQualification()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected int X;
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected int X;
class D : B
public D(int x)
this.X = x;
options: Option(CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyFieldAccess, true, NotificationOption2.Error));
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField8()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected static int x;
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected static int x;
class D : B
private int x1;
public D(int x1)
this.x1 = x1;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingField9()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected int x;
class D : B
int X;
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected int x;
class D : B
int X;
public D(int x)
this.x = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class D
public int X { get; private set; }
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class D
public D(int x)
X = x;
public int X { get; private set; }
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty1WithQualification()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class D
public int X { get; private set; }
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class D
public D(int x)
this.X = x;
public int X { get; private set; }
options: Option(CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, true, NotificationOption2.Error));
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
public int X { get; private set; }
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
public int X { get; private set; }
class D : B
private int x;
public D(int x)
this.x = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty3()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
public int X { get; protected set; }
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
public int X { get; protected set; }
class D : B
public D(int x)
X = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty3WithQualification()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
public int X { get; protected set; }
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
public int X { get; protected set; }
class D : B
public D(int x)
this.X = x;
options: Option(CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, true, NotificationOption2.Error));
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty4()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected int X { get; set; }
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected int X { get; set; }
class D : B
public D(int x)
X = x;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty4WithQualification()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected int X { get; set; }
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected int X { get; set; }
class D : B
public D(int x)
this.X = x;
options: Option(CodeStyleOptions2.QualifyPropertyAccess, true, NotificationOption2.Error));
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539444")]
public async Task TestWithExistingProperty5()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int X)
new [|D|](X);
class B
protected int X { get; }
class D : B
class C
void M(int X)
new D(X);
class B
protected int X { get; }
class D : B
private int x;
public D(int x)
this.x = x;
public async Task TestWithOutParam()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(int i)
new [|D|](out i);
class D
class C
void M(int i)
new D(out i);
class D
public D(out int i)
i = 0;
public async Task TestWithBaseDelegatingConstructor1()
const string input =
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class B
protected B(int x)
class D : B
await TestActionCountAsync(input, 1);
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class B
protected B(int x)
class D : B
public D(int x) : base(x)
public async Task TestWithBaseDelegatingConstructor2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class B
private B(int x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class B
private B(int x)
class D : B
private int v;
public D(int v)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44537")]
public async Task TestWithBaseDelegatingConstructor2_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class B
private B(int x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class B
private B(int x)
class D : B
public D(int v)
V = v;
public int V { get; }
""", index: 1);
public async Task TestWithBaseDelegatingConstructor2_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|](1);
class B
private B(int x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D(1);
class B
private B(int x)
class D : B
public D(int v)
""", index: 2);
public async Task TestStructInLocalInitializerWithSystemType()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
struct S
void M()
S s = new [|S|](System.DateTime.Now);
using System;
struct S
private DateTime now;
public S(DateTime now)
this.now = now;
void M()
S s = new S(System.DateTime.Now);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539489")]
public async Task TestEscapedName()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|@C|](1);
class C
private int v;
public C(int v)
this.v = v;
void M()
new @C(1);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539489")]
public async Task TestEscapedKeyword()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class @int
void M()
new [|@int|](1);
class @int
private int v;
public @int(int v)
this.v = v;
void M()
new @int(1);
public async Task TestIsSymbolAccessibleWithInternalField()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Base
internal long field;
void Main()
int field = 5;
new [|Derived|](field);
class Derived : Base
class Base
internal long field;
void Main()
int field = 5;
new Derived(field);
class Derived : Base
public Derived(int field)
this.field = field;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539548")]
public async Task TestFormatting()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](1);
class C
private int v;
public C(int v)
this.v = v;
void M()
new C(1);
[Fact, WorkItem(5864, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
public async Task TestNotOnStructConstructor()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
struct Struct
void Main()
Struct s = new [|Struct|]();
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539787")]
public async Task TestGenerateIntoCorrectPart()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
partial class C
partial class C
void Method()
C c = new [|C|]("a");
partial class C
partial class C
private string v;
public C(string v)
this.v = v;
void Method()
C c = new C("a");
public async Task TestDelegateToSmallerConstructor1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new [|Delta|]("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new Delta("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
private bool v;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2, bool v) : this(v1, v2)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44537")]
public async Task TestDelegateToSmallerConstructor1_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new [|Delta|]("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new Delta("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2, bool v) : this(v1, v2)
V = v;
public bool V { get; }
""", index: 1);
public async Task TestDelegateToSmallerConstructor1_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new [|Delta|]("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new Delta("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2, bool v) : this(v1, v2)
""", index: 2);
public async Task TestDelegateToSmallerConstructor2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new [|Delta|]("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string a;
private int b;
public Delta(string a, int b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new Delta("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string a;
private int b;
private bool v;
public Delta(string a, int b)
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public Delta(string a, int b, bool v) : this(a, b)
this.v = v;
public async Task TestDelegateToSmallerConstructor3()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
void M()
var d1 = new Base("ss", 3);
var d2 = new [|Delta|]("ss", 5, true);
class Base
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Base(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class Delta : Base
class A
void M()
var d1 = new Base("ss", 3);
var d2 = new Delta("ss", 5, true);
class Base
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Base(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class Delta : Base
private bool v;
public Delta(string v1, int v2, bool v) : base(v1, v2)
this.v = v;
public async Task TestDelegateToSmallerConstructor4()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new [|Delta|]("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta("ss", 3);
Delta d2 = new Delta("ss", 5, true);
class Delta
private string v1;
private int v2;
private bool v;
public Delta(string v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
public Delta(string v1, int v2, bool v) : this(v1, v2)
this.v = v;
public async Task TestGenerateFromThisInitializer1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C() [|: this(4)|]
class C
private int v;
public C() : this(4)
public C(int v)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44537")]
public async Task TestGenerateFromThisInitializer1_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C() [|: this(4)|]
class C
public C() : this(4)
public C(int v)
V = v;
public int V { get; }
""", index: 1);
public async Task TestGenerateFromThisInitializer1_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C() [|: this(4)|]
class C
public C() : this(4)
public C(int v)
""", index: 2);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/910589")]
public async Task TestGenerateFromThisInitializer2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C(int i) [|: this()|]
class C
public C()
public C(int i) : this()
public async Task TestGenerateFromBaseInitializer1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C : B
public C(int i) [|: base(i)|]
class B
class C : B
public C(int i) : base(i)
class B
private int i;
public B(int i)
this.i = i;
public async Task TestGenerateFromBaseInitializer2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C : B
public C(int i) [|: base(i)|]
class B
int i;
class C : B
public C(int i) : base(i)
class B
int i;
public B(int i)
this.i = i;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539969")]
public async Task TestNotOnExistingConstructor()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
private class D
class A
void M()
C.D d = new C.[|D|]();
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539972")]
public async Task TestUnavailableTypeParameters()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C<T1, T2>
public void Goo(T1 t1, T2 t2)
A a = new [|A|](t1, t2);
internal class A
class C<T1, T2>
public void Goo(T1 t1, T2 t2)
A a = new A(t1, t2);
internal class A
private object t1;
private object t2;
public A(object t1, object t2)
this.t1 = t1;
this.t2 = t2;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539972")]
public async Task TestUnavailableTypeParameters_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C<T1, T2>
public void Goo(T1 t1, T2 t2)
A a = new [|A|](t1, t2);
internal class A
class C<T1, T2>
public void Goo(T1 t1, T2 t2)
A a = new A(t1, t2);
internal class A
public A(object t1, object t2)
T1 = t1;
T2 = t2;
public object T1 { get; }
public object T2 { get; }
""", index: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539972")]
public async Task TestUnavailableTypeParameters_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C<T1, T2>
public void Goo(T1 t1, T2 t2)
A a = new [|A|](t1, t2);
internal class A
class C<T1, T2>
public void Goo(T1 t1, T2 t2)
A a = new A(t1, t2);
internal class A
public A(object t1, object t2)
""", index: 2);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541020")]
public async Task TestGenerateCallToDefaultConstructorInStruct()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
void Main()
Apartment Metropolitan = new Apartment([|"Pine"|]);
struct Apartment
private int v1;
public Apartment(int v1)
this.v1 = v1;
class Program
void Main()
Apartment Metropolitan = new Apartment("Pine");
struct Apartment
private int v1;
private string v;
public Apartment(int v1)
this.v1 = v1;
public Apartment(string v) : this()
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541121")]
public async Task TestReadonlyFieldDelegation()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
private readonly int x;
void Test()
int x = 10;
C c = new [|C|](x);
class C
private readonly int x;
public C(int x)
this.x = x;
void Test()
int x = 10;
C c = new C(x);
public async Task TestNoGenerationIntoEntirelyHiddenType()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void Goo()
new [|D|](1, 2, 3);
#line hidden
class D
#line default
public async Task TestNestedConstructorCall()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void Goo()
var d = new D([|v|]: new D(u: 1));
class D
private int u;
public D(int u)
class C
void Goo()
var d = new D(v: new D(u: 1));
class D
private int u;
private D v;
public D(int u)
public D(D v)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithArgument()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private int v;
public MyAttribute(int v)
this.v = v;
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithArgument_WithProperties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
public MyAttribute(int v)
V = v;
public int V { get; }
class D
""", index: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithArgument_NoMembers()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
public MyAttribute(int v)
class D
""", index: 2);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithMultipleArguments()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
[[|MyAttribute(true, 1, "hello")|]]
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private bool v1;
private int v2;
private string v3;
public MyAttribute(bool v1, int v2, string v3)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.v3 = v3;
[MyAttribute(true, 1, "hello")]
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithNamedArguments()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
[[|MyAttribute(true, 1, topic = "hello")|]]
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private bool v1;
private int v2;
private string topic;
public MyAttribute(bool v1, int v2, string topic)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.topic = topic;
[MyAttribute(true, 1, topic = "hello")]
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithAdditionalConstructors()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private int v;
public MyAttribute(int v)
this.v = v;
[[|MyAttribute(true, 1)|]]
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private int v;
private bool v1;
private int v2;
public MyAttribute(int v)
this.v = v;
public MyAttribute(bool v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
[MyAttribute(true, 1)]
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithOverloading()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private int v;
public MyAttribute(int v)
this.v = v;
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private int v;
private bool v1;
public MyAttribute(int v)
this.v = v;
public MyAttribute(bool v1)
this.v1 = v1;
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithOverloadingMultipleParameters()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttrAttribute : Attribute
private bool v1;
private int v2;
public MyAttrAttribute(bool v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
[|[MyAttrAttribute(1, true)]|]
class D
using System;
class MyAttrAttribute : Attribute
private bool v1;
private int v2;
private int v;
private bool v3;
public MyAttrAttribute(bool v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
public MyAttrAttribute(int v, bool v3)
this.v = v;
this.v3 = v3;
[MyAttrAttribute(1, true)]
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithDelegation()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttrAttribute : Attribute
[|[MyAttrAttribute(() => {
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithLambda()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttrAttribute : Attribute
[|[MyAttrAttribute(() => 5)]|]
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/889349")]
public async Task TestConstructorGenerationForDifferentNamedParameter()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var ss = new [|Program(wde: 1)|];
Program(int s)
class Program
private int wde;
static void Main(string[] args)
var ss = new Program(wde: 1);
Program(int s)
public Program(int wde)
this.wde = wde;
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/528257")]
public async Task TestGenerateInInaccessibleType()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Goo
class Bar
class A
static void Main(string[] args)
var s = new [|Goo.Bar(5)|];
class Goo
class Bar
private int v;
public Bar(int v)
this.v = v;
class A
static void Main(string[] args)
var s = new Goo.Bar(5);
[Fact, WorkItem(1241, @"https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1241")]
public async Task TestGenerateConstructorInIncompleteLambda()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class C
Task.Run(() => {
new [|C|](0) });
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class C
private int v;
public C(int v)
this.v = v;
Task.Run(() => {
new C(0) });
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/5274")]
public async Task TestGenerateIntoDerivedClassWithAbstractBase()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Class1
private void Goo(string value)
var rewriter = new [|Derived|](value);
private class Derived : Base
public abstract partial class Base
private readonly bool _val;
public Base(bool val = false)
_val = val;
class Class1
private void Goo(string value)
var rewriter = new Derived(value);
private class Derived : Base
private string value;
public Derived(string value)
this.value = value;
public abstract partial class Base
private readonly bool _val;
public Base(bool val = false)
_val = val;
public async Task TestGenerateWithIncorrectConstructorArguments_Crash()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
abstract class Y
class X : Y
void M()
new X(new [|string|]());
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
abstract class Y
class X : Y
private string v;
public X(string v)
this.v = v;
void M()
new X(new string());
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9575")]
public async Task TestMissingOnMethodCall()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C(int arg)
public bool M(string s, int i, bool b)
return [|M|](i, b);
public async Task Tuple()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|]((1, "hello"), true);
class C
private (int, string) value;
private bool v;
public C((int, string) value, bool v)
this.value = value;
this.v = v;
void M()
new C((1, "hello"), true);
public async Task TupleWithNames()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|]((a: 1, b: "hello"));
class C
private (int a, string b) value;
public C((int a, string b) value)
this.value = value;
void M()
new C((a: 1, b: "hello"));
public async Task TupleWithOneName()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|]((a: 1, "hello"));
class C
private (int a, string) value;
public C((int a, string) value)
this.value = value;
void M()
new C((a: 1, "hello"));
public async Task TupleAndExistingField()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D(existing: (1, "hello"))|];
class D
private (int, string) existing;
class C
void M()
new D(existing: (1, "hello"));
class D
private (int, string) existing;
public D((int, string) existing)
this.existing = existing;
public async Task TupleWithNamesAndExistingField()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D(existing: (a: 1, b: "hello"))|];
class D
private (int a, string b) existing;
class C
void M()
new D(existing: (a: 1, b: "hello"));
class D
private (int a, string b) existing;
public D((int a, string b) existing)
this.existing = existing;
public async Task TupleWithDifferentNamesAndExistingField()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D(existing: (a: 1, b: "hello"))|];
class D
private (int c, string d) existing;
class C
void M()
new D(existing: (a: 1, b: "hello"));
class D
private (int c, string d) existing;
public D((int a, string b) existing)
this.existing = existing;
public async Task TupleAndDelegatingConstructor()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|]((1, "hello"));
class B
protected B((int, string) x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D((1, "hello"));
class B
protected B((int, string) x)
class D : B
public D((int, string) x) : base(x)
public async Task TupleWithNamesAndDelegatingConstructor()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|]((a: 1, b: "hello"));
class B
protected B((int a, string b) x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D((a: 1, b: "hello"));
class B
protected B((int a, string b) x)
class D : B
public D((int a, string b) x) : base(x)
public async Task TupleWithDifferentNamesAndDelegatingConstructor()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|D|]((a: 1, b: "hello"));
class B
protected B((int c, string d) x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
new D((a: 1, b: "hello"));
class B
protected B((int c, string d) x)
class D : B
public D((int c, string d) x) : base(x)
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/11563")]
public async Task StripUnderscoresFromParameterNames()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
int _i;
string _s;
void M()
new [|D|](_i, _s);
class D
class C
int _i;
string _s;
void M()
new D(_i, _s);
class D
private int i;
private string s;
public D(int i, string s)
this.i = i;
this.s = s;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/11563")]
public async Task DoNotStripSingleUnderscore()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
int _;
void M()
new [|D|](_);
class D
class C
int _;
void M()
new D(_);
class D
private int _;
public D(int _)
this._ = _;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12147")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ImplicitlyTyped()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](out var a);
class C
public C(out object a)
a = null;
void M()
new C(out var a);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12147")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ImplicitlyTyped_NamedArgument()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new C([|b|]: out var a);
class C
public C(out object b)
b = null;
void M()
new C(b: out var a);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12147")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ExplicitlyTyped()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](out int a);
class C
public C(out int a)
a = 0;
void M()
new C(out int a);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12147")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ExplicitlyTyped_NamedArgument()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
new C([|b|]: out int a);
class C
public C(out int b)
b = 0;
void M()
new C(b: out int a);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12182")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ImplicitlyTyped_CSharp6()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](out var a);
class C
public C(out object a)
a = null;
void M()
new C(out var a);
parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp6));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12182")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ImplicitlyTyped_NamedArgument_CSharp6()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
new C([|b|]: out var a);
class C
public C(out object b)
b = null;
void M()
new C(b: out var a);
parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp6));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12182")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ExplicitlyTyped_CSharp6()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
new [|C|](out int a);
class C
public C(out int a)
a = 0;
void M()
new C(out int a);
parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp6));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/12182")]
public async Task TestOutVariableDeclaration_ExplicitlyTyped_NamedArgument_CSharp6()
await TestAsync(
class C
void M()
new C([|b|]: out int a);
class C
public C(out int b)
b = 0;
void M()
new C(b: out int a);
parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(CodeAnalysis.CSharp.LanguageVersion.CSharp6));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/13749")]
public async Task Support_Readonly_Properties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C {
public int Prop { get ; }
class P {
static void M ( ) {
var prop = 42 ;
var c = new [|C|] ( prop ) ;
class C {
public C(int prop)
Prop = prop;
public int Prop { get ; }
class P {
static void M ( ) {
var prop = 42 ;
var c = new C ( prop ) ;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21692")]
public async Task TestDelegateConstructor1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
public A(int a) : [|this(a, 1)|]
class A
private int a;
private int v;
public A(int a) : this(a, 1)
public A(int a, int v)
this.a = a;
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21692")]
public async Task TestDelegateConstructor2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C(int x) { }
public C(int x, int y, int z) : [|this(x, y)|] { }
class C
private int y;
public C(int x) { }
public C(int x, int y) : this(x)
this.y = y;
public C(int x, int y, int z) : this(x, y) { }
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21692")]
public async Task TestDelegateConstructor3()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C(int x) : this(x, 0, 0) { }
public C(int x, int y, int z) : [|this(x, y)|] { }
class C
private int x;
private int y;
public C(int x) : this(x, 0, 0) { }
public C(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public C(int x, int y, int z) : this(x, y) { }
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21692")]
public async Task TestDelegateConstructor4()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C(int x) : this(x, 0) { }
public C(int x, int y) : [|this(x, y, 0)|] { }
class C
private int x;
private int y;
private int v;
public C(int x) : this(x, 0) { }
public C(int x, int y) : this(x, y, 0) { }
public C(int x, int y, int v)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21692")]
public async Task TestDelegateConstructor5()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
public C(int a) { }
public C(bool b, bool a) : this(0, 0) { }
public C(int i, int i1) : this(true, true) { }
public C(int x, int y, int z, int e) : [|this(x, y, z)|] { }
class C
private int y;
private int z;
public C(int a) { }
public C(bool b, bool a) : this(0, 0) { }
public C(int i, int i1) : this(true, true) { }
public C(int a, int y, int z) : this(a)
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
public C(int x, int y, int z, int e) : this(x, y, z) { }
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/22293")]
public async Task TestMethodGroupWithMissingSystemActionAndFunc(string returnType)
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
<Project Language=""C#"" CommonReferencesMinCorlib=""true"">
{returnType} Method()
internal class Class
class C
void M()
new Class(Method);
{returnType} Method()
internal class Class
private object method;
public Class(object method)
this.method = method;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14077")]
public async Task TestGenerateFieldNoNamingStyle()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = ";
new Prog[||]ram(s);
class Program
private string s;
public Program(string s)
this.s = s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = ";
new Program(s);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14077")]
public async Task TestGenerateFieldDefaultNamingStyle()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string S = ";
new Prog[||]ram(S);
class Program
private string s;
public Program(string s)
this.s = s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string S = ";
new Program(S);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14077")]
public async Task TestGenerateFieldWithNamingStyle()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = ";
new Prog[||]ram(s);
class Program
private string _s;
public Program(string s)
_s = s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = ";
new Program(s);
""", options: options.FieldNamesAreCamelCaseWithUnderscorePrefix);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14077")]
public async Task TestFieldWithNamingStyleAlreadyExists()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
private string _s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "";
new Prog[||]ram(s);
class Program
private string _s;
public Program(string s)
_s = s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "";
new Program(s);
""", options: options.FieldNamesAreCamelCaseWithUnderscorePrefix);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14077")]
public async Task TestFieldAndParameterNamingStyles()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "";
new Prog[||]ram(s);
class Program
private string _s;
public Program(string p_s)
_s = p_s;
static void Main(string[] args)
string s = "";
new Program(s);
""", options: options.MergeStyles(options.FieldNamesAreCamelCaseWithUnderscorePrefix, options.ParameterNamesAreCamelCaseWithPUnderscorePrefix));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/14077")]
public async Task TestAttributeArgumentWithNamingRules()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
class D
using System;
class MyAttribute : Attribute
private int _v;
public MyAttribute(int p_v)
_v = p_v;
class D
""", options: options.MergeStyles(options.FieldNamesAreCamelCaseWithUnderscorePrefix, options.ParameterNamesAreCamelCaseWithPUnderscorePrefix));
[Theory, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33673")]
[InlineData("_s", "s")]
[InlineData("_S", "s")]
[InlineData("m_s", "s")]
[InlineData("m_S", "s")]
[InlineData("s_s", "s")]
[InlineData("t_s", "s")]
public async Task GenerateConstructor_ArgumentHasCommonPrefix(string argumentName, string fieldName)
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string {argumentName} = "";
new Prog[||]ram({argumentName});
class Program
private string {fieldName};
public Program(string {fieldName})
this.{fieldName} = {fieldName};
static void Main(string[] args)
string {argumentName} = "";
new Program({argumentName});
public async Task TestWithTopLevelNullability()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
#nullable enable
class C
void M()
string? s = null;
new [|C|](s);
#nullable enable
class C
private string? s;
public C(string? s)
this.s = s;
void M()
string? s = null;
new C(s);
public async Task TestWithNestedNullability()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Generic;
class C
void M()
IEnumerable<string?> s;
new [|C|](s);
#nullable enable
using System.Collections.Generic;
class C
private IEnumerable<string?> s;
public C(IEnumerable<string?> s)
this.s = s;
void M()
IEnumerable<string?> s;
new C(s);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45808")]
public async Task TestWithUnsafe_Field()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
unsafe void M(int* x)
new [|C|](x);
class C
private unsafe int* x;
public unsafe C(int* x)
this.x = x;
unsafe void M(int* x)
new C(x);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45808")]
public async Task TestWithUnsafe_Property()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
unsafe void M(int* x)
new [|C|](x);
class C
public unsafe C(int* x)
X = x;
public unsafe int* X { get; }
unsafe void M(int* x)
new C(x);
""", index: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45808")]
public async Task TestWithUnsafeInUnsafeClass_Field()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
unsafe class C
void M(int* x)
new [|C|](x);
unsafe class C
private int* x;
public C(int* x)
this.x = x;
void M(int* x)
new C(x);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45808")]
public async Task TestWithUnsafeInUnsafeClass_Property()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
unsafe class C
void M(int* x)
new [|C|](x);
unsafe class C
public C(int* x)
X = x;
public int* X { get; }
void M(int* x)
new C(x);
""", index: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45808")]
public async Task TestUnsafeDelegateConstructor()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class A
public unsafe A(int* a) { }
public unsafe A(int* a, int b, int c) : [|this(a, b)|] { }
class A
private int b;
public unsafe A(int* a) { }
public unsafe A(int* a, int b) : this(a)
this.b = b;
public unsafe A(int* a, int b, int c) : this(a, b) { }
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45808")]
public async Task TestUnsafeDelegateConstructorInUnsafeClass()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
unsafe class A
public A(int* a) { }
public A(int* a, int b, int c) : [|this(a, b)|] { }
unsafe class A
private int b;
public A(int* a) { }
public A(int* a, int b) : this(a)
this.b = b;
public A(int* a, int b, int c) : this(a, b) { }
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44708")]
public async Task TestDoNotGenerateNameFromTypeArgumentIfNotEnumerable()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class Frog<T> { }
class C
C M()
return new [||]C(new Frog<int>());
class Frog<T> { }
class C
private Frog<int> frog;
public C(Frog<int> frog)
this.frog = frog;
C M()
return new C(new Frog<int>());
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44708")]
public async Task TestGenerateNameFromTypeArgumentForTupleType()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Frog { }
class C
C M() => new [||]C(new List<(int, string)>());
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Frog { }
class C
private List<(int, string)> list;
public C(List<(int, string)> list)
this.list = list;
C M() => new C(new List<(int, string)>());
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47928")]
public async Task TestGenerateConstructorFromImplicitObjectCreation()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync("""
namespace N
public class B
void M()
C c = [||]new(0);
public class C
""", """
namespace N
public class B
void M()
C c = new(0);
public class C
private int v;
public C(int v)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47928")]
public async Task TestGenerateConstructorFromImplicitObjectCreation_Properties()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync("""
namespace N
public class B
void M()
C c = [||]new(0);
public class C
""", """
namespace N
public class B
void M()
C c = new(0);
public class C
public C(int v)
V = v;
public int V { get; }
""", index: 1);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/47928")]
public async Task TestGenerateConstructorFromImplicitObjectCreation_NoField()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync("""
namespace N
public class B
void M()
C c = [||]new(0);
public class C
""", """
namespace N
public class B
void M()
C c = new(0);
public class C
public C(int v)
""", index: 2);
public async Task TestGenerateConstructorFromImplicitObjectCreation_Delegating()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M()
D d = [||]new(1);
class B
protected B(int x)
class D : B
class C
void M()
D d = new(1);
class B
protected B(int x)
class D : B
public D(int x) : base(x)
public async Task TestGenerateConstructorFromImplicitObjectCreation_DelegatingFromParameter()
const string input =
class C
void M(D d)
class B
protected B(int x)
class D : B
await TestActionCountAsync(input, 1);
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
class C
void M(D d)
class B
protected B(int x)
class D : B
public D(int x) : base(x)
public async Task TestDelegateWithLambda1()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new [|Delta|](x => x.Length, 3);
class Delta
public Delta(Func<string, int> f)
using System;
class A
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta(x => x.Length, 3);
class Delta
private int v;
public Delta(Func<string, int> f)
public Delta(Func<string, int> f, int v) : this(f)
this.v = v;
public async Task TestDelegateWithLambda2()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
class A
public A(Func<string, int> f) { }
void M()
Delta d1 = new [|Delta|](x => x.Length, 3);
class Delta : A
using System;
class A
public A(Func<string, int> f) { }
void M()
Delta d1 = new Delta(x => x.Length, 3);
class Delta : A
private int v;
public Delta(Func<string, int> f, int v) : base(f)
this.v = v;
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/50765")]
public async Task TestDelegateConstructorWithMissingType()
// CSharpProjectWithExtraType is added as a project reference to CSharpProjectGeneratingInto
// but not at the place we're actually invoking the fix.
await TestAsync("""
<Project Language="C#" Name="CSharpProjectWithExtraType" CommonReferences="true">
public class ExtraType { }
<Project Language="C#" Name="CSharpProjectGeneratingInto" CommonReferences="true">
public class C
public C(ExtraType t) { }
public C(string s, int i) { }
<Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
public class InvokingConstructor
public void M()
[|new C(42, 42)|];
public class C
private int v1;
private int v2;
public C(ExtraType t) { }
public C(string s, int i) { }
public C(int v1, int v2)
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
""", parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular);
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/38822")]
public async Task TestMissingInLambdaWithCallToExistingConstructor()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
public class InstanceType
public InstanceType(object? a = null) { }
public static class Example
public static void Test()
Action lambda = () =>
var _ = new [|InstanceType|]();
var _ = 0
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530003")]
public async Task TestAttributesWithAllValidParameters()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System;
enum A
class MyAttrAttribute : Attribute
[|[MyAttrAttribute(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, A.A1, true, (byte)1, 'a', (short)12, (int)1, (long)5L, 5D, 3.5F, "hello")]|]
class D
using System;
enum A
class MyAttrAttribute : Attribute
private int[] ints;
private A a1;
private bool v1;
private byte v2;
private char v3;
private short v4;
private int v5;
private long v6;
private double v7;
private float v8;
private string v9;
public MyAttrAttribute(int[] ints, A a1, bool v1, byte v2, char v3, short v4, int v5, long v6, double v7, float v8, string v9)
this.ints = ints;
this.a1 = a1;
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.v3 = v3;
this.v4 = v4;
this.v5 = v5;
this.v6 = v6;
this.v7 = v7;
this.v8 = v8;
this.v9 = v9;
[MyAttrAttribute(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, A.A1, true, (byte)1, 'a', (short)12, (int)1, (long)5L, 5D, 3.5F, "hello")]
class D
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44708")]
public async Task TestGenerateNameFromTypeArgument()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Frog { }
class C
C M() => new [||]C(new List<Frog>());
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Frog { }
class C
private List<Frog> frogs;
public C(List<Frog> frogs)
this.frogs = frogs;
C M() => new C(new List<Frog>());
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44708")]
public async Task TestGenerateNameFromTypeArgumentForErrorType()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Frog { }
class C
C M() => new [||]C(new List<>());
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Frog { }
class C
private List<T> ts;
public C(List<T> ts)
this.ts = ts;
C M() => new C(new List<>());
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44708")]
public async Task TestGenerateNameFromTypeArgumentInNamespace()
await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace N {
class Frog { }
class C
C M() => new [||]C(new List<Frog>());
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace N {
class Frog { }
class C
private List<Frog> frogs;
public C(List<Frog> frogs)
this.frogs = frogs;
C M() => new C(new List<Frog>());