// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Wrapping;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Wrapping;
public class SortingTests
public void FirstNotInMruSecondNotInMru()
var items = ImmutableArray.Create("Action1", "Action2");
var sorted = WrapItemsAction.SortByMostRecentlyUsed(
items, [], a => a);
// Shouldn't change order
Assert.Equal((IEnumerable<string>)items, sorted);
public void FirstInMruSecondNotInMru()
var items = ImmutableArray.Create("Action1", "Action2");
var sorted = WrapItemsAction.SortByMostRecentlyUsed(
items, ["Action1"], a => a);
// Shouldn't change order
Assert.Equal((IEnumerable<string>)items, sorted);
public void FirstNotInMruSecondInMru()
var items = ImmutableArray.Create("Action1", "Action2");
var sorted = WrapItemsAction.SortByMostRecentlyUsed(
items, ["Action2"], a => a);
// Should swap order.
Assert.Equal((IEnumerable<string>)["Action2", "Action1"], sorted);
public void FirstInMruSecondInMru1()
var items = ImmutableArray.Create("Action1", "Action2");
var sorted = WrapItemsAction.SortByMostRecentlyUsed(
items, ["Action1", "Action2"], a => a);
// Shouldn't change order
Assert.Equal((IEnumerable<string>)items, sorted);
public void FirstInMruSecondInMru2()
var items = ImmutableArray.Create("Action1", "Action2");
var sorted = WrapItemsAction.SortByMostRecentlyUsed(
items, ["Action2", "Action1"], a => a);
// Should swap order.
Assert.Equal((IEnumerable<string>)["Action2", "Action1"], sorted);