File: UsePatternMatching\CSharpIsAndCastCheckWithoutNameDiagnosticAnalyzerTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeFixes;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UsePatternMatching;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.UsePatternMatching;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.CodeActionsInlineTypeCheck)]
public partial class CSharpIsAndCastCheckWithoutNameDiagnosticAnalyzerTests : AbstractCSharpDiagnosticProviderBasedUserDiagnosticTest_NoEditor
    public CSharpIsAndCastCheckWithoutNameDiagnosticAnalyzerTests(ITestOutputHelper logger)
         : base(logger)
    internal override (DiagnosticAnalyzer, CodeFixProvider) CreateDiagnosticProviderAndFixer(Workspace workspace)
        => (new CSharpIsAndCastCheckWithoutNameDiagnosticAnalyzer(), new CSharpIsAndCastCheckWithoutNameCodeFixProvider());
    public async Task TestBinaryExpression()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && file.i > 0;
    public async Task TestNotInCSharp6()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0;
            """, parameters: new TestParameters(parseOptions: CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp6)));
    public async Task TestExpressionBody()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    => [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    => obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && file.i > 0;
    public async Task TestField()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                static object obj;
                bool M = [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                static object obj;
                bool M = obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && file.i > 0;
    public async Task TestLambdaBody()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            using System;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                void Goo(Func<bool> f) { }
                bool M(object obj)
                    => Goo(() => [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0, () => obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0);
            using System;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                void Goo(Func<bool> f) { }
                bool M(object obj)
                    => Goo(() => obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && file.i > 0, () => obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0);
    public async Task TestDefiniteAssignment1()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if (obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|})
    public async Task TestDefiniteAssignment2()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if (!([||]obj is TestFile))
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if (!(obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|}))
    public async Task TestNotOnAnalyzerMatch()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            class TestFile
                bool M(object obj)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
                        var file = (TestFile)obj;
    public async Task TestNotOnNullable()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            struct TestFile
                bool M(object obj)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile?)
                        var i = ((TestFile?)obj).Value;
    public async Task TestComplexMatch()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return [||]M(null) is TestFile && ((TestFile)M(null)).i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return M(null) is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && file.i > 0;
    public async Task TestTrivia()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return [||]obj is TestFile && /*before*/ ((TestFile)obj) /*after*/.i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && /*before*/ file /*after*/.i > 0;
    public async Task TestFixOnlyAfterIsCheck()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return ((TestFile)obj).i > 0 && [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return ((TestFile)obj).i > 0 && obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|} && file.i > 0;
    public async Task TestArrayNaming()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return [||]obj is int[] && ((int[])obj) > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    return obj is int[] {|Rename:v|} && v > 0;
    public async Task TestNamingConflict1()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    TestFile file = null;
                    return [||]obj is TestFile && ((TestFile)obj).i > 0;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    TestFile file = null;
                    return obj is TestFile {|Rename:file1|} && file1.i > 0;
    public async Task TestNamingConflict2()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
                        TestFile file = null;
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if (obj is TestFile {|Rename:file1|})
                        TestFile file = null;
    public async Task TestNamingNoConflict1()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
                        var v = new { file = 0 };
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if (obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|})
                        var v = new { file = 0 };
    public async Task TestNamingNoConflict2()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
                        var v = (file: 0, x: 1);
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj)
                    if (obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|})
                        var v = (file: 0, x: 1);
    public async Task TestNamingNoConflict3()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class X { public int file; }
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj, X x)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
                        var v = new { x.file };
            class X { public int file; }
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj, X x)
                    if (obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|})
                        var v = new { x.file };
    public async Task TestNamingNoConflict4()
        await TestInRegularAndScript1Async(
            class X { public int file; }
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj, X x)
                    if ([||]obj is TestFile)
                        var v = (x.file, 0);
            class X { public int file; }
            class TestFile
                int i;
                bool M(object obj, X x)
                    if (obj is TestFile {|Rename:file|})
                        var v = (x.file, 0);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNoDiagnosticWhenCS0103Happens()
        await TestDiagnosticMissingAsync(
            using System.Linq;
            class Bar
                private void Foo()
                    var objects = new SpecificThingType[100];
                    var d = from obj in objects
                            let aGenericThing = obj.Prop
                            where aGenericTh[||]ing is SpecificThingType
                            let specificThing = (SpecificThingType)aGenericThing
                            select (obj, specificThing);
            class SpecificThingType
                public SpecificThingType Prop { get; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInExpressionTree1()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            object? o = null;
            Expression<Func<bool>> test = () => [||]o is int && (int)o > 5;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInExpressionTree2()
        await TestMissingAsync(
            using System.Linq.Expressions;
            class C
                void M()
                    object? o = null;
                    Expression<Func<bool>> test = () => [||]o is int && (int)o > 5;