// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Snippets;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Snippets)]
public sealed class CSharpUsingSnippetProviderTests : AbstractCSharpSnippetProviderTests
protected override string SnippetIdentifier => "using";
public async Task InsertUsingSnippetInMethodTest()
await VerifySnippetAsync("""
class Program
public void Method()
""", """
class Program
public void Method()
using ({|0:resource|})
public async Task InsertUsingSnippetInGlobalContextTest()
await VerifySnippetAsync("""
""", """
using ({|0:resource|})
public async Task NoUsingSnippetInBusingNamespaceTest()
await VerifySnippetIsAbsentAsync("""
namespace Namespace
public async Task NoUsingSnippetInFileScopedNamespaceTest()
await VerifySnippetIsAbsentAsync("""
namespace Namespace;
public async Task InsertUsingSnippetInConstructorTest()
await VerifySnippetAsync("""
class Program
public Program()
""", """
class Program
public Program()
using ({|0:resource|})
public async Task NoUsingSnippetInTypeBodyTest()
await VerifySnippetIsAbsentAsync("""
class Program
public async Task InsertUsingSnippetInLocalFunctionTest()
await VerifySnippetAsync("""
class Program
public void Method()
void LocalFunction()
""", """
class Program
public void Method()
void LocalFunction()
using ({|0:resource|})
public async Task InsertUsingSnippetInAnonymousFunctionTest()
await VerifySnippetAsync("""
class Program
public void Method()
var action = delegate()
""", """
class Program
public void Method()
var action = delegate()
using ({|0:resource|})
public async Task InsertUsingSnippetInParenthesizedLambdaExpressionTest()
await VerifySnippetAsync("""
class Program
public void Method()
var action = () =>
""", """
class Program
public void Method()
var action = () =>
using ({|0:resource|})