File: ExtractClass\ExtractClassTests.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Features\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.AddImport;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeRefactorings.ExtractClass;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeStyle;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ExtractClass;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PullMemberUp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Testing;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.ExtractClass;
public class ExtractClassTests
    private class Test : CSharpCodeRefactoringVerifier<CSharpExtractClassCodeRefactoringProvider>.Test
        public IEnumerable<(string name, bool makeAbstract)>? DialogSelection { get; set; }
        public bool SameFile { get; set; }
        public bool IsClassDeclarationSelection { get; set; }
        public string FileName { get; set; } = "/0/Test1.cs";
        public string WorkspaceKind { get; set; } = CodeAnalysis.WorkspaceKind.Host;
        protected override IEnumerable<CodeRefactoringProvider> GetCodeRefactoringProviders()
            var service = new TestExtractClassOptionsService(DialogSelection, WorkspaceKind != CodeAnalysis.WorkspaceKind.MiscellaneousFiles ? SameFile : true, IsClassDeclarationSelection)
                FileName = FileName
            return [new CSharpExtractClassCodeRefactoringProvider(service)];
        protected override Task<Workspace> CreateWorkspaceImplAsync()
            var unusedCompilationOptions = new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.NetModule);
            var unusedParseOptions = new CSharpParseOptions(LanguageVersion.CSharp1);
            return Task.FromResult<Workspace>(TestWorkspace.Create(WorkspaceKind, LanguageNames.CSharp, unusedCompilationOptions, unusedParseOptions));
    public async Task TestSingleMethod()
        var input = """
            class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestErrorBaseMethod()
        var input = """
            class ErrorBase
            class Test : ErrorBase
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
    public async Task TestMiscellaneousFiles()
        var input = """
            class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
            class Test : MyBase
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            WorkspaceKind = WorkspaceKind.MiscellaneousFiles
    public async Task TestPartialClass()
        var input1 = """
            partial class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var input2 = """
            partial class Test
                int Method2()
                    return 5;
        var expected1 = """
            partial class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            partial class Test
        var expected3 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
                int Method2()
                    return 5;
        await new Test
            TestState =
                Sources =
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test2.cs",
            DialogSelection = MakeSelection("Method", "Method2")
    public async Task TestRecord_Method()
        var input = """
            record R(string S)
                void $$M()
        var expected1 = """
            record R(string S) : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal record MyBase
                void M()
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClass_Method()
        var input = """
            class R(string S)
                void $$M()
        var expected1 = """
            class R(string S) : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                void M()
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestRecord_Property()
        var input = """
            record R
                public string $$S { get; set; }
        var expected1 = """
            record R : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal record MyBase
                public string S { get; set; }
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task TestRecord_PropertyAndImplicitField()
        var input = """
            record R(string S)
                public string $$S { get; set; } = S;
        var expected1 = """
            record R(string S) : MyBase(S)
        var expected2 = """
            record MyBase(string S)
                public string S { get; set; } = S;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
    [Fact(Skip = "")]
    public async Task TestClass_PropertyAndImplicitField()
        var input = """
            class R(string S)
                public string $$S { get; set; } = S;
        var expected1 = """
            class R(string S) : MyBase(S)
        var expected2 = """
            class MyBase(string S)
                public string S { get; set; } = S;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
    public async Task TestRecordParam()
        // to make this scenario work
        var input = """
            record R(string $$S)
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestClassParam1()
        var input = """
            class R(string $$S)
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestClassParam2()
        var input = """
            class R(string $$S);
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestStructParam1()
        var input = """
            struct R(string $$S)
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestStructParam2()
        var input = """
            struct R(string $$S);
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestRecordStruct()
        var input = """
            record struct R(string S)
                void $$M()
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestStruct()
        var input = """
            struct R(string S)
                void $$M()
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp12,
            ReferenceAssemblies = ReferenceAssemblies.Net.Net50,
    public async Task TestInNamespace()
        var input = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test
                    int [||]Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                internal class MyBase
                    int Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestInNamespace_FileScopedNamespace1()
        var input = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test
                    int [||]Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            namespace MyNamespace;
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.NamespaceDeclarations, NamespaceDeclarationPreference.FileScoped, NotificationOption2.Silent }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestInNamespace_FileScopedNamespace2()
        var input = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test
                    int [||]Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                internal class MyBase
                    int Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp9,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.NamespaceDeclarations, NamespaceDeclarationPreference.FileScoped, NotificationOption2.Silent }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestInNamespace_FileScopedNamespace3()
        var input = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test
                    int [||]Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            namespace MyNamespace
                internal class MyBase
                    int Method()
                        return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            Options =
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.NamespaceDeclarations, NamespaceDeclarationPreference.BlockScoped, NotificationOption2.Silent }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestAccessibility()
        var input = """
            public class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            public class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            public class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestEvent()
        var input = """
            using System;
            class Test
                private event EventHandler [||]Event1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            using System;
            internal class MyBase
                private event EventHandler Event1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestProperty()
        var input = """
            class Test
                int [||]MyProperty { get; set; }
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int MyProperty { get; set; }
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestField()
        var input = """
            class Test
                int [||]MyField;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int MyField;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFieldSelectInKeywords()
        var input = """
            class Test
                priva[||]te int MyField;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                private int MyField;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFieldSelectAfterSemicolon()
        var input = """
            class Test
                private int MyField;[||]
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                private int MyField;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFieldSelectEntireDeclaration()
        var input = """
            class Test
                [|private int MyField;|]
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                private int MyField;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFieldSelectMultipleVariables1()
        var input = """
            class Test
                [|private int MyField1, MyField2;|]
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                private int MyField1;
                private int MyField2;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFieldSelectMultipleVariables2()
        var input = """
            class Test
                private int MyField1, [|MyField2;|]
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
                private int MyField1;
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                private int MyField2;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFileHeader_FromExistingFile()
        var input = """
            // this is my document header
            // that should be copied over
            class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            // this is my document header
            // that should be copied over
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            // this is my document header
            // that should be copied over
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestFileHeader_FromOption()
        var input = """
            // this is my document header
            // that should be ignored
            class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            // this is my document header
            // that should be ignored
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            // this is my real document header
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            Options =
                { CodeStyleOptions2.FileHeaderTemplate, "this is my real document header" }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestUsingsInsideNamespace()
        var input = """
            // this is my document header
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace ConsoleApp185
                class Program
                    static void [|Main|](string[] args)
                        Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        var expected1 = """
            // this is my document header
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace ConsoleApp185
                class Program : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            // this is my real document header
            namespace ConsoleApp185;
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            internal class MyBase
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            Options = {
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.NamespaceDeclarations, NamespaceDeclarationPreference.FileScoped, NotificationOption2.Error },
                { CodeStyleOptions2.FileHeaderTemplate, "this is my real document header" },
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.PreferredUsingDirectivePlacement, AddImportPlacement.InsideNamespace }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestUsingsInsideNamespace_FileScopedNamespace()
        var input = """
            // this is my document header
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace ConsoleApp185
                class Program
                    static void [|Main|](string[] args)
                        Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        var expected1 = """
            // this is my document header
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace ConsoleApp185
                class Program : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            // this is my real document header
            namespace ConsoleApp185
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                internal class MyBase
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            Options = {
                { CodeStyleOptions2.FileHeaderTemplate, "this is my real document header" },
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.PreferredUsingDirectivePlacement, AddImportPlacement.InsideNamespace }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestUsingsInsideNamespace_NoNamespace()
        var input = """
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class Program
                static void [|Main|](string[] args)
                    Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class Program : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            internal class MyBase
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            Options = {
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.PreferredUsingDirectivePlacement, AddImportPlacement.InsideNamespace }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestUsingsInsideNamespace_MultipleNamespaces()
        var input = """
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace N1
                namespace N2
                    class Program
                        static void [|Main|](string[] args)
                            Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace N1
                namespace N2
                    class Program : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            namespace N1.N2
                using System;
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                internal class MyBase
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        Console.WriteLine(new List<int>());
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            Options = {
                { CSharpCodeStyleOptions.PreferredUsingDirectivePlacement, AddImportPlacement.InsideNamespace }
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestWithInterface()
        var input = """
            interface ITest
                int Method();
            class Test : ITest
                public int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            interface ITest
                int Method();
            class Test : MyBase, ITest
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                public int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [ConditionalFact(AlwaysSkip = "")]
    public async Task TestRegion()
        var input = """
            class Test
                #region MyRegion
                int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
                void OtherMethiod() { }
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
                #region MyRegion
                void OtherMethiod() { }
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                #region MyRegion
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            DialogSelection = MakeSelection("Method")
    public async Task TestMakeAbstract_SingleMethod()
        var input = """
            class Test
                public int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
                public override int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected2 = """
            internal abstract class MyBase
                public abstract int Method();
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            DialogSelection = MakeAbstractSelection("Method"),
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestMakeAbstract_MultipleMethods()
        var input = """
            class Test
                public int [||]Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
                public int Method2() => 2;
                public int Method3() => 3;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
                public override int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
                public override int Method2() => 2;
                public override int Method3() => 3;
        var expected2 = """
            internal abstract class MyBase
                public abstract int Method();
                public abstract int Method2();
                public abstract int Method3();
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            DialogSelection = MakeAbstractSelection("Method", "Method2", "Method3"),
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestMultipleMethods()
        var input = """
            class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return Method2() + 1;
                int Method2() => 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return Method2() + 1;
                int Method2() => 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            DialogSelection = MakeSelection("Method", "Method2"),
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestMultipleMethods_SomeSelected()
        var input = """
            class Test
                int [||]Method()
                    return Method2() + 1;
                int Method2() => 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
                int Method()
                    return {|CS0122:Method2|}() + 1;
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method2() => 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            DialogSelection = MakeSelection("Method2"),
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestSelection_CompleteMethodAndComments()
        var input = """
            class Test
                [|/// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestSelection_PartialMethodAndComments()
        var input = """
            class Test
                [|/// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestSelection_PartialMethodAndComments2()
        var input = """
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// [|this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestSelection_PartialMethodAndComments3()
        var input = """
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// [|this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()|]
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestAttributes()
        var input = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestAttributes2()
        var input = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class TestAttribute2 : Attribute { }
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class TestAttribute2 : Attribute { }
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [ConditionalFact(AlwaysSkip = "")]
    public async Task TestAttributes3()
        var input = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class TestAttribute2 : Attribute { }
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            using System;
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
    [ConditionalFact(AlwaysSkip = "")]
    public async Task TestAttributes4()
        var input = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class TestAttribute2 : Attribute { }
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            class TestAttribute : Attribute { }
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                /// <summary>
                /// this is a test method
                /// </summary>
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
    public async Task TestSameFile()
        var input = """
            class Test
                void Method[||]()
        var expected = """
            internal class MyBase
                void Method()
            class Test : MyBase
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedCode = expected,
            SameFile = true,
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration()
        var input = """
            class Test[||]
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration2()
        var input = """
            class [||]Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration3()
        var input = """
            [||]class Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration4()
        var input = """
            class[||] Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration_Comment()
        var input = """
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// [|This is a test class
            /// </summary>
            class Test|]
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a test class
            /// </summary>
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration_Comment2()
        var input = """
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a test class
            /// [|</summary>
            class Test|]
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a test class
            /// </summary>
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration_Comment3()
        var input = """
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a [|test class
            /// </summary>
            class|] Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// This is a test class
            /// </summary>
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration_Attribute()
        var input = """
            using System;
            public class MyAttribute : Attribute { }
            class Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            using System;
            public class MyAttribute : Attribute { }
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration_SelectWithMembers()
        var input = """
            [|class Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestClassDeclaration_SelectWithMembers2()
        var input = """
            [|class Test
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        var expected1 = """
            class Test : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                int Method()
                    return 1 + 1;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            IsClassDeclarationSelection = true,
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestGenericClass()
        var input = """
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            [|class C<T1, T2, T3>
                public List<T1> Field1;
                public T2 Field2;
                public T3 Method()
                    return default;
        var expected1 = """
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C<T1, T2, T3> : MyBase<T1, T3>
                public T2 Field2;
        var expected2 = """
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            internal class MyBase<T1, T3>
                public List<T1> Field1;
                public T3 Method()
                    return default;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            DialogSelection = MakeSelection("Field1", "Method"),
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    public async Task TestIncompleteFieldSelection_NoAction1()
        var input = """
            class C
                pub[||] {|CS1519:int|} Foo = 0;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input
    public async Task TestIncompleteMethodSelection_NoAction()
        var input = """
            class C
                pub[||] {|CS1519:int|} Foo()
                    return 5;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input
    public async Task TestTopLevelStatementSelection_NoAction()
        var input = """
            [||]_ = 42;
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            LanguageVersion = LanguageVersion.CSharp10,
            TestState =
                OutputKind = OutputKind.ConsoleApplication
    public async Task TestSealed()
        var input = """
            internal sealed class MyClass
                public void [||]M()
        var expected1 = """
            internal sealed class MyClass : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                public void M()
        await new Test
            TestCode = input,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs"
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMethodInsideNamespace_NoException()
        await new Test()
            TestCode = """
                namespace N
                    class C
                    public void $$N
            FixedState =
                Sources =
                    namespace N
                        class C : MyBase
                    namespace N
                        internal class MyBase
                        public void N
                ExpectedDiagnostics =
                    // /0/Test0.cs(5,6): error CS1513: } expected
                    DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS1513").WithSpan(5, 6, 5, 6),
                    // /0/Test1.cs(5,5): error CS1519: Invalid token '}' in class, record, struct, or interface member declaration
                    DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS1519").WithSpan("/0/Test1.cs", 5, 5, 5, 6).WithArguments("}"),
                    // /0/Test1.cs(7,17): error CS0547: 'MyBase.N': property or indexer cannot have void type
                    DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS0547").WithSpan("/0/Test1.cs", 7, 17, 7, 18).WithArguments("N.MyBase.N"),
                    // /0/Test1.cs(7,17): error CS0548: 'MyBase.N': property or indexer must have at least one accessor
                    DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS0548").WithSpan("/0/Test1.cs", 7, 17, 7, 18).WithArguments("N.MyBase.N"),
            ExpectedDiagnostics =
                // /0/Test0.cs(5,5): error CS1519: Invalid token '}' in class, record, struct, or interface member declaration
                DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS1519").WithSpan(5, 5, 5, 6).WithArguments("}"),
                // /0/Test0.cs(7,17): error CS0547: 'C.N': property or indexer cannot have void type
                DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS0547").WithSpan(7, 17, 7, 18).WithArguments("N.C.N"),
                // /0/Test0.cs(7,17): error CS0548: 'C.N': property or indexer must have at least one accessor
                DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS0548").WithSpan(7, 17, 7, 18).WithArguments("N.C.N"),
                // /0/Test0.cs(10,2): error CS1513: } expected
                DiagnosticResult.CompilerError("CS1513").WithSpan(10, 2, 10, 2),
            FileName = "Test1.cs"
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMultipleMethodsSelected_WithTypeContainingBaseClass()
        var code = """
            class Base
            class Derived : Base
                [|public void M() { }
                public void N() { }|]
        await new Test()
            TestCode = code
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestClassSelected_WithTypeContainingBaseClass()
        var code = """
            class Base
            class $$Derived : Base
                public void M() { }
                public void N() { }
        await new Test()
            TestCode = code
    public async Task TestMultipleMethodsSelected_HighlightedMembersAreSelected()
        var code = """
            class C
                [|public void M() { }
                public void N() { }|]
                public void O() { }
        var expected1 = """
            class C : MyBase
                public void O() { }
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                public void M() { }
                public void N() { }
        await new Test()
            TestCode = code,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs"
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestMemberKeyword()
        var code = """
            class C
                $$public void M() { }
        var expected1 = """
            class C : MyBase
        var expected2 = """
            internal class MyBase
                public void M() { }
        await new Test
            TestCode = code,
            FixedState =
                Sources =
            FileName = "Test1.cs",
    private static IEnumerable<(string name, bool makeAbstract)> MakeAbstractSelection(params string[] memberNames)
        => memberNames.Select(m => (m, true));
    private static IEnumerable<(string name, bool makeAbstract)> MakeSelection(params string[] memberNames)
       => memberNames.Select(m => (m, false));
    private sealed class TestExtractClassOptionsService : IExtractClassOptionsService
        private readonly IEnumerable<(string name, bool makeAbstract)>? _dialogSelection;
        private readonly bool _sameFile;
        private readonly bool _isClassDeclarationSelection;
        public TestExtractClassOptionsService(IEnumerable<(string name, bool makeAbstract)>? dialogSelection = null, bool sameFile = false, bool isClassDeclarationSelection = false)
            _dialogSelection = dialogSelection;
            _sameFile = sameFile;
            _isClassDeclarationSelection = isClassDeclarationSelection;
        public string FileName { get; set; } = "MyBase.cs";
        public string BaseName { get; set; } = "MyBase";
        public ExtractClassOptions? GetExtractClassOptions(
            Document document,
            INamedTypeSymbol originalSymbol,
            ImmutableArray<ISymbol> selectedMembers,
            SyntaxFormattingOptions formattingOptions,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var availableMembers = originalSymbol.GetMembers().Where(member => MemberAndDestinationValidator.IsMemberValid(member));
            IEnumerable<(ISymbol member, bool makeAbstract)> selections;
            if (_dialogSelection == null)
                if (selectedMembers.IsEmpty)
                    selections = availableMembers.Select(member => (member, makeAbstract: false));
                    selections = selectedMembers.Select(m => (m, makeAbstract: false));
                selections = _dialogSelection.Select(selection => (member: availableMembers.Single(symbol => symbol.Name ==, selection.makeAbstract));
            var memberAnalysis = selections.SelectAsArray(s =>
                new ExtractClassMemberAnalysisResult(
            return new ExtractClassOptions(FileName, BaseName, _sameFile, memberAnalysis);