File: ConvertAutoPropertyToFullProperty\ConvertAutoPropertyToFullPropertyTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Features.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.ConvertAutoPropertyToFullProperty;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.CodeRefactorings;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.ConvertAutoPropertyToFullProperty;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.ConvertAutoPropertyToFullProperty)]
public sealed partial class ConvertAutoPropertyToFullPropertyTests : AbstractCSharpCodeActionTest_NoEditor
    private static readonly CSharpParseOptions CSharp14 = CSharpParseOptions.Default.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersionExtensions.CSharpNext);
    protected override CodeRefactoringProvider CreateCodeRefactoringProvider(TestWorkspace workspace, TestParameters parameters)
        => new CSharpConvertAutoPropertyToFullPropertyCodeRefactoringProvider();
    [InlineData("set"), InlineData("init")]
    public async Task SimpleAutoPropertyTest(string setter)
        var text = $$"""
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; {{setter}}; }
        var expected = $$"""
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task ExtraLineAfterProperty()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithInitialValue()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; } = 2
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo = 2;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithCalculatedInitialValue()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                const int num = 345;
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; } = 2*num
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                const int num = 345;
                private int goo = 2 * num;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithPrivateSetter()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; private set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                    private set
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithFieldNameAlreadyUsed()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int G[||]oo { get; private set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                private int goo1;
                public int Goo
                        return goo1;
                    private set
                        goo1 = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithComments()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                // Comments before
                public int G[||]oo { get; private set; } //Comments during
                //Comments after
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                // Comments before
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                    private set
                        goo = value;
                } //Comments during
                //Comments after
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithExpressionBody()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo { get => goo; set => goo = value; }
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: PreferExpressionBodiedAccessorsWhenPossible);
    public async Task WithExpressionBodyWhenOnSingleLine()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo { get => goo; set => goo = value; }
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: PreferExpressionBodiedAccessorsWhenOnSingleLine);
    public async Task WithExpressionBodyWhenOnSingleLine2()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                    get => goo;
                    set => goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: PreferExpressionBodiedAccessorsWhenOnSingleLine);
    public async Task WithExpressionBodyWithTrivia()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get /* test */ ; set /* test2 */ ; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo { get /* test */ => goo; set /* test2 */ => goo = value; }
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: PreferExpressionBodiedAccessorsWhenPossible);
    public async Task WithPropertyOpenBraceOnSameLine()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo {
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessorsAndPropertyOpenBraceOnSameLine);
    public async Task WithAccessorOpenBraceOnSameLine()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                    get {
                        return goo;
                    set {
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessorsAndAccessorOpenBraceOnSameLine);
    public async Task StaticProperty()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public static int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private static int goo;
                public static int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task ProtectedProperty()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                protected int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                protected int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task InternalProperty()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                internal int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                internal int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task WithAttributes()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task CommentsInAccessors()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                /// <summary>
                /// test stuff here
                /// </summary>
                public int Testg[||]oo { /* test1 */ get /* test2 */; /* test3 */ set /* test4 */; /* test5 */ } /* test6 */
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int testgoo;
                /// <summary>
                /// test stuff here
                /// </summary>
                public int Testgoo
                { /* test1 */
                    get /* test2 */
                        return testgoo;
                    } /* test3 */
                    set /* test4 */
                        testgoo = value;
                    } /* test5 */
                } /* test6 */
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task OverrideProperty()
        var text = """
            class MyBaseClass
                public virtual string Name { get; set; }
            class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
                public override string N[||]ame {get; set;}
        var expected = """
            class MyBaseClass
                public virtual string Name { get; set; }
            class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
                private string name;
                public override string Name
                        return name;
                        name = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task SealedProperty()
        var text = """
            class MyClass
                public sealed string N[||]ame {get; set;}
        var expected = """
            class MyClass
                private string name;
                public sealed string Name
                        return name;
                        name = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task VirtualProperty()
        var text = """
            class MyBaseClass
                public virtual string N[||]ame { get; set; }
            class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
                public override string Name {get; set;}
        var expected = """
            class MyBaseClass
                private string name;
                public virtual string Name
                        return name;
                        name = value;
            class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
                public override string Name {get; set;}
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task PrivateProperty()
        var text = """
            class MyClass
                private string N[||]ame { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class MyClass
                private string name;
                private string Name
                        return name;
                        name = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task AbstractProperty()
        var text = """
            class MyBaseClass
                public abstract string N[||]ame { get; set; }
            class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass
                public override string Name {get; set;}
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task ExternProperty()
        var text = """
            class MyBaseClass
                extern string N[||]ame { get; set; }
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task GetterOnly()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get;}
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private readonly int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task GetterOnlyExpressionBodies()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get;}
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private readonly int goo;
                public int Goo => goo;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: PreferExpressionBodiesOnAccessorsAndMethods);
    public async Task GetterOnlyExpressionBodies_Field()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get;}
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                public int Goo => field;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            text, expected, options: PreferExpressionBodiesOnAccessorsAndMethods, index: 1, parseOptions: CSharp14);
    public async Task SetterOnly()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo
                    set {}
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task ExpressionBodiedAccessors()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
               private int testgoo;
               public int testg[||]oo {get => testgoo; set => testgoo = value; }
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task CursorAtBeginning()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                [||]public int Goo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task CursorAtEnd()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int Goo[||] { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task CursorOnAccessors()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int Goo { g[||]et; set; }
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task CursorInType()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public in[||]t Goo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task SelectionWhole()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                [|public int Goo { get; set; }|]
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task SelectionName()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int [|Goo|] { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    public async Task MoreThanOneGetter()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int Goo { g[||]et; get; }
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task MoreThanOneSetter()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int Goo { get; s[||]et; set; }
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task CustomFieldName()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int testingGoo;
                public int Goo
                        return testingGoo;
                        testingGoo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: UseCustomFieldName);
    [Fact, WorkItem(28013, "")]
    public async Task UnderscorePrefixedFieldName()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int _goo;
                public int Goo
                        return _goo;
                        _goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: UseUnderscorePrefixedFieldName);
    [Fact, WorkItem(28013, "")]
    public async Task PropertyNameEqualsToClassNameExceptFirstCharCasingWhichCausesFieldNameCollisionByDefault()
        var text = """
            class stranger
                public int S[||]tranger { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class stranger
                private int stranger1;
                public int Stranger { get => stranger1; set => stranger1 = value; }
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected);
    public async Task NonStaticPropertyWithCustomStaticFieldName()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private int goo;
                public int Goo
                        return goo;
                        goo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: UseCustomStaticFieldName);
    public async Task StaticPropertyWithCustomStaticFieldName()
        var text = """
            class TestClass
                public static int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            class TestClass
                private static int staticfieldtestGoo;
                public static int Goo
                        return staticfieldtestGoo;
                        staticfieldtestGoo = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: UseCustomStaticFieldName);
    public async Task InInterface()
        var text = """
            interface IGoo
                public int Goo { get; s[||]et; }
        await TestMissingAsync(text);
    public async Task InStruct()
        var text = """
            struct goo
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            struct goo
                private int goo1;
                public int Goo
                        return goo1;
                        goo1 = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task PartialClasses()
        var text = """
            partial class Program
                int P { get; set; }
            partial class Program
                int [||]Q { get; set; }
        var expected = """
            partial class Program
                int P { get; set; }
            partial class Program
                private int q;
                int Q { get => q; set => q = value; }
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task PartialClassInSeparateFiles1()
        var file1 = """
            partial class Program
                int [||]P { get; set; }
        var file2 = """
            partial class Program
                int Q { get; set; }
        var file1AfterRefactor = """
            partial class Program
                private int p;
                int P { get => p; set => p = value; }
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="{0}" CommonReferences="true">
                    <Document FilePath="file1">{1}</Document>
                    <Document FilePath="file2">{2}</Document>
            """, LanguageNames.CSharp, file1, file2);
        using var testWorkspace = TestWorkspace.Create(xmlString);
        // refactor file1 and check
        var (_, action) = await GetCodeActionsAsync(testWorkspace);
        await TestActionAsync(
            conflictSpans: [],
            renameSpans: [],
            warningSpans: [],
            navigationSpans: [],
            parameters: null);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task PartialClassInSeparateFiles2()
        var file1 = """
            partial class Program
                int P { get; set; }
        var file2 = """
            partial class Program
                int Q[||] { get; set; }
        var file2AfterRefactor = """
            partial class Program
                private int q;
                int Q { get => q; set => q = value; }
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="{0}" CommonReferences="true">
                    <Document FilePath="file1">{1}</Document>
                    <Document FilePath="file2">{2}</Document>
            """, LanguageNames.CSharp, file1, file2);
        using var testWorkspace = TestWorkspace.Create(xmlString);
        // refactor file2 and check
        var (_, action) = await GetCodeActionsAsync(testWorkspace);
        await TestActionAsync(
            conflictSpans: [],
            renameSpans: [],
            warningSpans: [],
            navigationSpans: [],
            parameters: null);
    public async Task InvalidLocation()
        await TestMissingAsync("""
            namespace NS
                public int G[||]oo { get; set; }
        await TestMissingAsync("public int G[||]oo { get; set; }");
    public async Task NullBackingField()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            #nullable enable
            class Program
                string? Name[||] { get; set; }
            #nullable enable
            class Program
                private string? name;
                string? Name { get => name; set => name = value; }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ConstructorInitializerIndentation()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            internal class EvaluationCommandLineHandler
                public EvaluationCommandLineHandler(UnconfiguredProject project)
                    : base(project)
                public Dictionary<string, IImmutableDictionary<string, string>> [||]Files
            internal class EvaluationCommandLineHandler
                private readonly Dictionary<string, IImmutableDictionary<string, string>> files;
                public EvaluationCommandLineHandler(UnconfiguredProject project)
                    : base(project)
                public Dictionary<string, IImmutableDictionary<string, string>> Files => files;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ConvertField1()
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(
            class Class
                int [||]P
                        field = value;
                void M(int i) { }
            class Class
                private int p;
                int [||]P
                    get => p;
                        p = value;
                void M(int i) { }
            parseOptions: CSharp14);
    [InlineData("set"), InlineData("init")]
    public async Task ProduceFieldBackedProperty(string setter)
        var text = $$"""
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; {{setter}}; }
        var expected = $$"""
            class TestClass
                public int Goo
                        return field;
                        field = value;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors, index: 1, parseOptions: CSharp14);
    [InlineData("set"), InlineData("init")]
    public async Task ProduceFieldBackedProperty2(string setter)
        var text = $$"""
            class TestClass
                public int G[||]oo { get; {{setter}}; } = 0;
        var expected = $$"""
            class TestClass
                public int Goo
                        return field;
                        field = value;
                } = 0;
        await TestInRegularAndScriptAsync(text, expected, options: DoNotPreferExpressionBodiedAccessors, index: 1, parseOptions: CSharp14);