File: FieldKeywordTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Test\Emit3\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit3.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit3.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests
    public class FieldKeywordTests : CSharpTestBase
        private static TargetFramework GetTargetFramework(bool useInit) => useInit ? TargetFramework.Net80 : TargetFramework.Standard;
        private static string IncludeExpectedOutput(string expectedOutput) => ExecutionConditionUtil.IsMonoOrCoreClr ? expectedOutput : null;
        private static string IncludeExpectedOutput(bool useInit, string expectedOutput) => !useInit ? expectedOutput : null;
        public void Field_01()
            string source = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class C
                    public object P => field = 1;
                    public static object Q { get => field = 2; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((new C().P, C.Q));
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", field.Name, field.IsInitOnly);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: """
                (1, 2)
                <P>k__BackingField: False
                <Q>k__BackingField: False
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.P.get", """
                  // Code size       16 (0x10)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (object V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0002:  box        "int"
                  IL_0007:  dup
                  IL_0008:  stloc.0
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "object C.<P>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldloc.0
                  IL_000f:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.Q.get", """
                  // Code size       13 (0xd)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0001:  box        "int"
                  IL_0006:  dup
                  IL_0007:  stsfld     "object C.<Q>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000c:  ret
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.P { get; }",
                "System.Object C.P.get",
                "System.Object C.<Q>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.Q { get; }",
                "System.Object C.Q.get",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void Field_02()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class C
                    public object P => Initialize(out field, 1);
                    public object Q { get => Initialize(out field, 2); }
                    static object Initialize(out object field, object value)
                        field = value;
                        return field;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P, c.Q));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "(1, 2)");
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.P.get", """
                  // Code size       18 (0x12)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldflda     "object C.<P>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0007:  box        "int"
                  IL_000c:  call       "object C.Initialize(out object, object)"
                  IL_0011:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.Q.get", """
                  // Code size       18 (0x12)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldflda     "object C.<Q>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0007:  box        "int"
                  IL_000c:  call       "object C.Initialize(out object, object)"
                  IL_0011:  ret
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.P { get; }",
                "System.Object C.P.get",
                "System.Object C.<Q>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.Q { get; }",
                "System.Object C.Q.get",
                "System.Object C.Initialize(out System.Object field, System.Object value)",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void Field_03()
            string source = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class C
                    public object P { get { return field; } init { field = 1; } }
                    public object Q { init { field = 2; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", field.Name, field.IsInitOnly);
            CompileAndVerify(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("""
                <P>k__BackingField: False
                <Q>k__BackingField: True
        public void MigratingToFieldKeyword_01()
            string source = """
                class C
                    object _field;
                    object P1
                        get { return _field; } // 1
                        set { field = value; }
                    object P2
                        get { return field; }
                        set { _field = value; } // 2
                    object P3
                        get { return _field; }
                        set { _field = value; }
                    object P4
                        get { return field; }
                        set { field = value; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return _field; } // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P1").WithLocation(6, 9),
                // (13,9): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         set { _field = value; } // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P2").WithLocation(13, 9));
        public void MigratingToFieldKeyword_02()
            string source = """
                class C
                    object _field;
                    object P1
                        get { return _field; } // 1
                    object P2
                        set { _field = value; } // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return _field; } // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P1").WithLocation(6, 9),
                // (13,9): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         set { _field = value; } // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P2").WithLocation(13, 9));
        public void MigratingToFieldKeyword_03()
            string source = """
                partial class C
                    object _field;
                    partial object P1 { get; set; }
                    partial object P1
                        get { return _field; } // 1
                    partial object P2 { get; set; }
                    partial object P2
                        set { _field = value; } // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (7,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return _field; } // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P1").WithLocation(7, 9),
                // (15,9): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         set { _field = value; } // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P2").WithLocation(15, 9));
        public void MigratingToFieldKeyword_04()
            string source = """
                partial class C
                    object _field;
                    partial object P1 { get; set; }
                    partial object P1
                        get { return _field; } // 1
                    } = "1";
                    partial object P2 { get; set; }
                    partial object P2
                        set { _field = value; } // ok: backing field is still being assigned
                    } = "2";
                    partial object P3 { get; set; } = "3";
                    partial object P3
                        get { return _field; } // 2
                    partial object P4 { get; set; } = "4";
                    partial object P4
                        set { _field = value; } // ok: backing field is still being assigned
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return _field; } // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P1").WithLocation(8, 9),
                // (22,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return _field; } // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P3").WithLocation(22, 9));
        public void MigratingToFieldKeyword_05()
            // Do not warn for a setter not using the 'field' when an initializer is present.
            string source = """
                interface I
                    public string Prop { get; set; }
                class ReadonlyC1 : I
                    public string Prop { get; set => throw null!; } // 1
                class ReadonlyC2 : I
                    public string Prop { get; set => throw null!; } = null!; // ok: field is being assigned
                class ReadonlyC3 : I
                    public string Prop { get => throw null!; set; } = null!; // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,31): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'ReadonlyC1.Prop' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public string Prop { get; set => throw null!; } // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "ReadonlyC1.Prop").WithLocation(8, 31),
                // (18,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'ReadonlyC3.Prop' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public string Prop { get => throw null!; set; } = null!; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "ReadonlyC3.Prop").WithLocation(18, 26));
        public void FieldReference_01()
            string source = """
                class C
                    static C _other = new();
                    object P
                        get { return _other.field; }
                        set { _ = field; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return _other.field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P").WithLocation(6, 9),
                // (6,29): error CS1061: 'C' does not contain a definition for 'field' and no accessible extension method 'field' accepting a first argument of type 'C' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
                //         get { return _other.field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "field").WithArguments("C", "field").WithLocation(6, 29));
        public void FieldReference_02()
            string source = """
                class C
                    C P
                        get { return null; }
                        set { field = value.field; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,9): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         get { return null; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P").WithLocation(5, 9),
                // (6,29): error CS1061: 'C' does not contain a definition for 'field' and no accessible extension method 'field' accepting a first argument of type 'C' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
                //         set { field = value.field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "field").WithArguments("C", "field").WithLocation(6, 29));
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                "C C.<P>k__BackingField",
                "C C.P { get; set; }",
                "C C.P.get",
                "void C.P.set",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void FieldReference_03()
            string source = """
                class C
                    int P
                        get { return field; }
                        set { _ = this is { field: 0 }; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,9): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //         set { _ = this is { field: 0 }; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P").WithLocation(6, 9),
                // (6,29): error CS0117: 'C' does not contain a definition for 'field'
                //         set { _ = this is { field: 0 }; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "field").WithArguments("C", "field").WithLocation(6, 29));
        public void FieldInInitializer_01()
            string source = """
                class C
                    object P { get; } = F(field);
                    static object F(object value) => value;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (3,27): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                //     object P { get; } = F(field);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 27));
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.P { get; }",
                "System.Object C.P.get",
                "System.Object C.F(System.Object value)",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void FieldInInitializer_02()
            string source = """
                class C
                    object P { get => field; } = field;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (3,34): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                //     object P { get => field; } = field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 34));
        public void FieldInInitializer_03()
            string source = """
                class C
                    object P { set { } } = field;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (3,12): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //     object P { set { } } = field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P").WithLocation(3, 12),
                // (3,28): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                //     object P { set { } } = field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 28));
        public void Lambda_01()
            string source = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class C
                    public object P1 => F(() => field);
                    public object P2 { set { F(() => field = value); } }
                    public static object P3 => F(static () => field);
                    static object F(Func<object> f) => f();
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((new C().P1, C.P3));
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", field.Name);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: """
                (, )
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.<get_P1>b__2_0()", """
                  // Code size        7 (0x7)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldfld      "object C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<set_P2>b__0()", """
                  // Code size       21 (0x15)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (object V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldfld      "C C.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<>4__this"
                  IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0007:  ldfld      "object C.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.value"
                  IL_000c:  dup
                  IL_000d:  stloc.0
                  IL_000e:  stfld      "object C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0013:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0014:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.<>c.<get_P3>b__8_0()", """
                  // Code size        6 (0x6)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldsfld     "object C.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0005:  ret
        public void Lambda_02()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class C
                    public object P => F(static () => field);
                    static object F(Func<object> f) => f();
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (4,39): error CS8821: A static anonymous function cannot contain a reference to 'this' or 'base'.
                //     public object P => F(static () => field);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticAnonymousFunctionCannotCaptureThis, "field").WithLocation(4, 39));
        public void LocalFunction_01()
            string source = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class C
                    public object P
                            object F() => field;
                            return F();
                    public static object Q
                            object F() => field;
                            return F();
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((new C().P, C.Q));
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", field.Name);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: """
                (, )
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.<get_P>g__F|2_0()", """
                  // Code size        7 (0x7)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldfld      "object C.<P>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.<get_Q>g__F|5_0()", """
                  // Code size        6 (0x6)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldsfld     "object C.<Q>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0005:  ret
        public void ImplicitAccessorBody_01(
            [CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "ref struct", "record", "record struct")] string typeKind,
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = $$"""
                {{typeKind}} A
                    public static object P1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    public static object P2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    public static object P3 { get { return null; } set; }
                    public object Q1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    public object Q2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    public object Q3 { get { return field; } init; }
                    public object Q4 { get; set { } }
                    public object Q5 { get; init { } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        _ = new A();
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,26): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static object P1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 26),
                    // (3,46): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public static object P1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 46),
                    // (4,26): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static object P2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 26),
                    // (4,44): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public static object P2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(4, 44),
                    // (5,26): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static object P3 { get { return null; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(5, 26),
                    // (6,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public object Q1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(6, 19),
                    // (6,39): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object Q1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(6, 39),
                    // (7,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public object Q2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(7, 19),
                    // (7,37): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object Q2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(7, 37),
                    // (8,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public object Q3 { get { return field; } init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(8, 19),
                    // (8,37): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object Q3 { get { return field; } init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(8, 37),
                    // (9,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public object Q4 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q4").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(9, 19),
                    // (10,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public object Q5 { get; init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q5").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(10, 19));
                var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(""));
                verifier.VerifyIL("A.P1.get", """
                  // Code size        6 (0x6)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldsfld     "object A.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0005:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("A.P2.set", """
                  // Code size        7 (0x7)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  stsfld     "object A.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("A.Q1.get", """
                  // Code size        7 (0x7)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldfld      "object A.<Q1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("A.Q2.set", """
                  // Code size        8 (0x8)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "object A.<Q2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("A.Q3.init", """
                  // Code size        8 (0x8)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "object A.<Q3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ret
            if (!typeKind.StartsWith("record"))
                var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("A").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
                string readonlyQualifier = typeKind.EndsWith("struct") ? "readonly " : "";
                var expectedMembers = new[]
                    "System.Object A.<P1>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.P1 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Object A.P1.get",
                    "void A.P1.set",
                    "System.Object A.<P2>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.P2 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Object A.P2.get",
                    "void A.P2.set",
                    "System.Object A.<P3>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.P3 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Object A.P3.get",
                    "void A.P3.set",
                    "System.Object A.<Q1>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.Q1 { get; set; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Object A.Q1.get",
                    "void A.Q1.set",
                    "System.Object A.<Q2>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.Q2 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Object A.Q2.get",
                    "void A.Q2.set",
                    "System.Object A.<Q3>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.Q3 { get; init; }",
                    "System.Object A.Q3.get",
                    "void modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit) A.Q3.init",
                    "System.Object A.<Q4>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.Q4 { get; set; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Object A.Q4.get",
                    "void A.Q4.set",
                    "System.Object A.<Q5>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Object A.Q5 { get; init; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Object A.Q5.get",
                    "void modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit) A.Q5.init",
                AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ImplicitAccessorBody_02(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = """
                interface I
                    static object P1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    static object P2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    static object P3 { get; set { } }
                    static object P4 { get { return null; } set; }
                    static object P5 { get; }
                    static object P6 { get; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     static object P1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 19),
                    // (3,39): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     static object P1 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 39),
                    // (4,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     static object P2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 19),
                    // (4,37): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     static object P2 { get { return field; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(4, 37),
                    // (5,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     static object P3 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(5, 19),
                    // (6,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     static object P4 { get { return null; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P4").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(6, 19));
                var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped);
                verifier.VerifyIL("I.P1.get", """
                      // Code size        6 (0x6)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldsfld     "object I.<P1>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0005:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("I.P2.set", """
                      // Code size        7 (0x7)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  stsfld     "object I.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0006:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("I.P5.get", """
                      // Code size        6 (0x6)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldsfld     "object I.<P5>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0005:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("I.P6.set", """
                      // Code size        7 (0x7)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  stsfld     "object I.<P6>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0006:  ret
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P6>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(6, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.Equal(languageVersion > LanguageVersion.CSharp13, ((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[0]).UsesFieldKeyword);
            Assert.Equal(languageVersion > LanguageVersion.CSharp13, ((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[1]).UsesFieldKeyword);
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void ImplicitAccessorBody_03(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion, bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set ";
            string source = $$"""
                interface I
                    object Q1 { get; {{setter}} { _ = field; } }
                    object Q2 { get { return field; } {{setter}}; }
                    object Q3 { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    object Q4 { get { return null; } {{setter}}; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,12): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     object Q1 { get; set  { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 12),
                    // (3,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q1 { get; set  { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q1").WithLocation(3, 12),
                    // (3,33): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     object Q1 { get; set  { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 33),
                    // (4,12): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     object Q2 { get { return field; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 12),
                    // (4,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q2 { get { return field; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q2").WithLocation(4, 12),
                    // (4,30): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     object Q2 { get { return field; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(4, 30),
                    // (5,12): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     object Q3 { get; set  { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(5, 12),
                    // (5,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q3 { get; set  { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q3").WithLocation(5, 12),
                    // (6,12): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     object Q4 { get { return null; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "Q4").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(6, 12),
                    // (6,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q4 { get { return null; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q4").WithLocation(6, 12));
                    // (3,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q1 { get; set  { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q1").WithLocation(3, 12),
                    // (4,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q2 { get { return field; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q2").WithLocation(4, 12),
                    // (5,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q3 { get; set  { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q3").WithLocation(5, 12),
                    // (5,22): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.Q3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     object Q3 { get; set  { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, useInit ? "init" : "set").WithArguments(useInit ? "init" : "set", "I.Q3").WithLocation(5, 22),
                    // (6,12): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     object Q4 { get { return null; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q4").WithLocation(6, 12),
                    // (6,17): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.Q4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     object Q4 { get { return null; } set ; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.Q4").WithLocation(6, 17));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<Q1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<Q2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<Q3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<Q4>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(4, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q1", IsAutoProperty: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q2", IsAutoProperty: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q4", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.Equal(languageVersion > LanguageVersion.CSharp13, ((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[0]).UsesFieldKeyword);
            Assert.Equal(languageVersion > LanguageVersion.CSharp13, ((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[1]).UsesFieldKeyword);
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void ImplicitAccessorBody_04(
            [CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "ref struct", "record", "record struct")] string typeKind,
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = $$"""
                {{typeKind}} A
                    public static int P1 { get; set { } }
                    public static int P2 { get { return -2; } set; }
                    public int P3 { get; set { } }
                    public int P4 { get { return -4; } set; }
                    public int P5 { get; init { } }
                    public int P6 { get { return -6; } init; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        A.P1 = 1;
                        A.P2 = 2;
                        var a = new A() { P3 = 3, P4 = 4, P5 = 5, P6 = 6 };
                        System.Console.WriteLine((A.P1, A.P2, a.P3, a.P4, a.P5, a.P6));
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,23): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static int P1 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 23),
                    // (4,23): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static int P2 { get { return -2; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 23),
                    // (5,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P3 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(5, 16),
                    // (6,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P4 { get { return -4; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P4").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(6, 16),
                    // (7,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P5 { get; init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P5").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(7, 16),
                    // (8,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P6 { get { return -6; } init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P6").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(8, 16));
                CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("(0, -2, 0, -4, 0, -6)"));
            if (!typeKind.StartsWith("record"))
                var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("A").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
                string readonlyQualifier = typeKind.EndsWith("struct") ? "readonly " : "";
                var expectedMembers = new[]
                    "System.Int32 A.<P1>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P1 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P1.get",
                    "void A.P1.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P2>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P2 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P2.get",
                    "void A.P2.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P3>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P3 { get; set; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Int32 A.P3.get",
                    "void A.P3.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P4>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P4 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P4.get",
                    "void A.P4.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P5>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P5 { get; init; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Int32 A.P5.get",
                    "void modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit) A.P5.init",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P6>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P6 { get; init; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P6.get",
                    "void modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit) A.P6.init",
                AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ImplicitAccessorBody_05(
            [CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "ref struct", "record", "record struct")] string typeKind,
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = $$"""
                {{typeKind}} A
                    public static int P1 { get; set { field = value * 2; } }
                    public static int P2 { get { return field * -1; } set; }
                    public int P3 { get; set { field = value * 2; } }
                    public int P4 { get { return field * -1; } set; }
                    public int P5 { get; init { field = value * 2; } }
                    public int P6 { get { return field * -1; } init; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        A.P1 = 1;
                        A.P2 = 2;
                        var a = new A() { P3 = 3, P4 = 4, P5 = 5, P6 = 6 };
                        System.Console.WriteLine((A.P1, A.P2, a.P3, a.P4, a.P5, a.P6));
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,23): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static int P1 { get; set { field = value * 2; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 23),
                    // (3,39): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public static int P1 { get; set { field = value * 2; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(3, 39),
                    // (4,23): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public static int P2 { get { return field * -1; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 23),
                    // (4,41): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public static int P2 { get { return field * -1; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(4, 41),
                    // (5,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P3 { get; set { field = value * 2; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(5, 16),
                    // (5,32): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public int P3 { get; set { field = value * 2; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(5, 32),
                    // (6,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P4 { get { return field * -1; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P4").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(6, 16),
                    // (6,34): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public int P4 { get { return field * -1; } set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(6, 34),
                    // (7,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P5 { get; init { field = value * 2; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P5").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(7, 16),
                    // (7,33): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public int P5 { get; init { field = value * 2; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(7, 33),
                    // (8,16): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public int P6 { get { return field * -1; } init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P6").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(8, 16),
                    // (8,34): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public int P6 { get { return field * -1; } init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(8, 34));
                CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("(2, -2, 6, -4, 10, -6)"));
            if (!typeKind.StartsWith("record"))
                var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("A").GetMembers().ToTestDisplayStrings();
                string readonlyQualifier = typeKind.EndsWith("struct") ? "readonly " : "";
                var expectedMembers = new[]
                    "System.Int32 A.<P1>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P1 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P1.get",
                    "void A.P1.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P2>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P2 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P2.get",
                    "void A.P2.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P3>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P3 { get; set; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Int32 A.P3.get",
                    "void A.P3.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P4>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P4 { get; set; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P4.get",
                    "void A.P4.set",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P5>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P5 { get; init; }",
                    readonlyQualifier + "System.Int32 A.P5.get",
                    "void modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit) A.P5.init",
                    "System.Int32 A.<P6>k__BackingField",
                    "System.Int32 A.P6 { get; init; }",
                    "System.Int32 A.P6.get",
                    "void modreq(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExternalInit) A.P6.init",
                AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void Attribute_01()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class A : Attribute
                    public A(object o) { }
                class B
                    [A(field)] object P1 { get { return null; } set { } }
                class C
                    const object field = null;
                    [A(field)] object P2 { get { return null; } set { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,8): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                //     [A(field)] object P1 { get { return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(8, 8));
            var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees.Single();
            var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree);
            var attributeArguments = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<AttributeArgumentSyntax>().Select(arg => arg.Expression).ToArray();
            var argument = attributeArguments[0];
            argument = attributeArguments[1];
            Assert.Equal("System.Object C.field", model.GetSymbolInfo(argument).Symbol.ToTestDisplayString());
        public void Attribute_02()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class A : Attribute
                    public A(object o) { }
                class B
                    object P1 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
                    object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] set { } }
                class C
                    const object field = null;
                    object P3 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,20): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //     object P1 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(8, 20),
                // (8,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P1 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "B.P1").WithLocation(8, 49),
                // (9,17): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'B.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "B.P2").WithLocation(9, 17),
                // (9,41): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //     object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(9, 41),
                // (14,20): warning CS9258: In language version preview, the 'field' keyword binds to a synthesized backing field for the property. To avoid generating a synthesized backing field, and to refer to the existing member, use 'this.field' or '@field' instead.
                //     object P3 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_FieldIsAmbiguous, "field").WithArguments("preview").WithLocation(14, 20),
                // (14,20): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //     object P3 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(14, 20),
                // (14,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P3 { [A(field)] get { return null; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P3").WithLocation(14, 49));
            var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees.Single();
            var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree);
            var attributeArguments = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<AttributeArgumentSyntax>().Select(arg => arg.Expression).ToArray();
            var argument = attributeArguments[0];
            Assert.Equal("System.Object B.<P1>k__BackingField", model.GetSymbolInfo(argument).Symbol.ToTestDisplayString());
            argument = attributeArguments[1];
            Assert.Equal("System.Object B.<P2>k__BackingField", model.GetSymbolInfo(argument).Symbol.ToTestDisplayString());
            argument = attributeArguments[2];
            Assert.Equal("System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField", model.GetSymbolInfo(argument).Symbol.ToTestDisplayString());
        public void Attribute_03()
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)]
                class A : Attribute
                    private readonly object _obj;
                    public A(object obj) { _obj = obj; }
                    public override string ToString() => $"A({_obj})";
                class B
                    [A(0)][field: A(1)] public object P1 { get; }
                    [field: A(2)][field: A(-2)] public static object P2 { get; set; }
                    [field: A(3)] public object P3 { get; init; }
                    public object P4 { [field: A(4)] get; }
                    public static object P5 { get; [field: A(5)] set; }
                    [A(0)][field: A(1)] public object Q1 => field;
                    [field: A(2)][field: A(-2)] public static object Q2 { get { return field; } set { } }
                    [field: A(3)] public object Q3 { get { return field; } init { } }
                    public object Q4 { [field: A(4)] get => field; }
                    public static object Q5 { get { return field; } [field: A(5)] set { } }
                    [field: A(6)] public static object Q6 { set { _ = field; } }
                    [field: A(7)] public object Q7 { init { _ = field; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var property in typeof(B).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                        foreach (var field in typeof(B).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                    static void ReportMember(MemberInfo member)
                        Console.Write("{0}.{1}:", member.DeclaringType.Name, member.Name);
                        foreach (var obj in member.GetCustomAttributes())
                            Console.Write(" {0},", obj.ToString());
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (17,25): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     public object P4 { [field: A(4)] get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, return").WithLocation(17, 25),
                // (18,37): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, param, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     public static object P5 { get; [field: A(5)] set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, param, return").WithLocation(18, 37),
                // (20,81): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B.Q2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [field: A(2)][field: A(-2)] public static object Q2 { get { return field; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "B.Q2").WithLocation(20, 81),
                // (21,60): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'B.Q3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [field: A(3)] public object Q3 { get { return field; } init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "B.Q3").WithLocation(21, 60),
                // (22,25): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     public object Q4 { [field: A(4)] get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, return").WithLocation(22, 25),
                // (23,54): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, param, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     public static object Q5 { get { return field; } [field: A(5)] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, param, return").WithLocation(23, 54),
                // (23,67): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B.Q5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static object Q5 { get { return field; } [field: A(5)] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "B.Q5").WithLocation(23, 67));
            CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("""
                B.P1: A(0),
                B.Q1: A(0),
                B.<P1>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(1),
                B.<P3>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(3),
                B.<P4>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                B.<Q1>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(1),
                B.<Q3>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(3),
                B.<Q4>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                B.<Q7>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(7),
                B.<P2>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(2), A(-2),
                B.<P5>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                B.<Q2>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(2), A(-2),
                B.<Q5>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                B.<Q6>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(6),
        public void FieldAttribute_NotAutoProperty(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion,
            bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class A : Attribute { }
                class C
                    [field: A] object P1 { get => null; }
                    [field: A] object P2 { {{setter}} { } }
                    [field: A] object P3 { get => null; {{setter}} { } }
                    object P4 { [field: A] get => null; }
                    object P5 { [field: A] {{setter}} { } }
                    object P6 { [field: A] get => null; {{setter}} { } }
                    object P7 { get => null; [field: A] {{setter}} { } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", field.Name);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, ""));
                // (8,6): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'property'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     [field: A] object P1 { get => null; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "property").WithLocation(8, 6),
                // (9,6): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'property'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     [field: A] object P2 { set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "property").WithLocation(9, 6),
                // (10,6): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'property'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     [field: A] object P3 { get => null; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "property").WithLocation(10, 6),
                // (11,18): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     object P4 { [field: A] get => null; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, return").WithLocation(11, 18),
                // (12,18): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, param, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     object P5 { [field: A] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, param, return").WithLocation(12, 18),
                // (13,18): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     object P6 { [field: A] get => null; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, return").WithLocation(13, 18),
                // (14,31): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'method, param, return'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     object P7 { get => null; [field: A] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "method, param, return").WithLocation(14, 31));
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            AssertEx.Equal([], actualFields);
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(7, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void ObsoleteAttribute()
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class C
                    [Obsolete]        public static object P1 { get => field; set { } }
                    [field: Obsolete] public static object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                    [Obsolete]        public object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                    [field: Obsolete] public object P4 { get => field; set { } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        _ = C.P1;
                        _ = C.P2;
                        C.P1 = 1;
                        C.P2 = 2;
                        var c = new C();
                        _ = c.P3;
                        _ = c.P4;
                        c.P3 = 3;
                        c.P4 = 4;
                        foreach (var property in typeof(C).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                    static void ReportMember(MemberInfo member)
                        Console.Write("{0}.{1}:", member.DeclaringType.Name, member.Name);
                        foreach (var obj in member.GetCustomAttributes())
                            Console.Write(" {0},", obj.ToString());
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: """
                C.P1: System.ObsoleteAttribute,
                C.P3: System.ObsoleteAttribute,
                C.<P3>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                C.<P4>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, System.ObsoleteAttribute,
                C.<P1>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                C.<P2>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, System.ObsoleteAttribute,
                // (5,63): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [Obsolete]        public static object P1 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P1").WithLocation(5, 63),
                // (6,63): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [field: Obsolete] public static object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P2").WithLocation(6, 63),
                // (7,56): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [Obsolete]        public object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P3").WithLocation(7, 56),
                // (8,56): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [field: Obsolete] public object P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P4").WithLocation(8, 56),
                // (15,13): warning CS0612: 'C.P1' is obsolete
                //         _ = C.P1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DeprecatedSymbol, "C.P1").WithArguments("C.P1").WithLocation(15, 13),
                // (17,9): warning CS0612: 'C.P1' is obsolete
                //         C.P1 = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DeprecatedSymbol, "C.P1").WithArguments("C.P1").WithLocation(17, 9),
                // (20,13): warning CS0612: 'C.P3' is obsolete
                //         _ = c.P3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DeprecatedSymbol, "c.P3").WithArguments("C.P3").WithLocation(20, 13),
                // (22,9): warning CS0612: 'C.P3' is obsolete
                //         c.P3 = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DeprecatedSymbol, "c.P3").WithArguments("C.P3").WithLocation(22, 9));
        public void Initializer_01A([CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "ref struct", "interface")] string typeKind)
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                {{typeKind}} C
                    public static int P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public static int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                    public static int P3 { get => field; set; } = 3;
                    public static int P4 { get => field; set { } } = 4;
                    public static int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                    public static int P6 { get; set; } = 6;
                    public static int P7 { get; set { } } = 7;
                    public static int P8 { set { field = value; } } = 8;
                    public static int P9 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 9;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((C.P1, C.P2, C.P3, C.P4, C.P5, C.P6, C.P7, C.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80,
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 9)"));
                // (8,28): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P5").WithLocation(8, 28));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C..cctor", """
                  // Code size       56 (0x38)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0001:  stsfld     "int C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0007:  stsfld     "int C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000c:  ldc.i4.3
                  IL_000d:  stsfld     "int C.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0012:  ldc.i4.4
                  IL_0013:  stsfld     "int C.<P4>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0018:  ldc.i4.5
                  IL_0019:  stsfld     "int C.<P5>k__BackingField"
                  IL_001e:  ldc.i4.6
                  IL_001f:  stsfld     "int C.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0024:  ldc.i4.7
                  IL_0025:  stsfld     "int C.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_002a:  ldc.i4.8
                  IL_002b:  stsfld     "int C.<P8>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0030:  ldc.i4.s   9
                  IL_0032:  stsfld     "int C.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0037:  ret
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Int32 C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P8>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P9>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(9, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P8", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P9", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void Initializer_01B()
            string source = """
                using System;
                interface C
                    public static int P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public static int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                    public static int P3 { get => field; set; } = 3;
                    public static int P4 { get => field; set { } } = 4;
                    public static int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                    public static int P6 { get; set; } = 6;
                    public static int P7 { get; set { } } = 7;
                    public static int P8 { set { field = value; } } = 8;
                    public static int P9 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 9;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((C.P1, C.P2, C.P3, C.P4, C.P5, C.P6, C.P7, C.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80,
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 9)"));
                // (8,28): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P5").WithLocation(8, 28));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C..cctor", """
                  // Code size       56 (0x38)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0001:  stsfld     "int C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0007:  stsfld     "int C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000c:  ldc.i4.3
                  IL_000d:  stsfld     "int C.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0012:  ldc.i4.4
                  IL_0013:  stsfld     "int C.<P4>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0018:  ldc.i4.5
                  IL_0019:  stsfld     "int C.<P5>k__BackingField"
                  IL_001e:  ldc.i4.6
                  IL_001f:  stsfld     "int C.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0024:  ldc.i4.7
                  IL_0025:  stsfld     "int C.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_002a:  ldc.i4.8
                  IL_002b:  stsfld     "int C.<P8>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0030:  ldc.i4.s   9
                  IL_0032:  stsfld     "int C.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0037:  ret
        public void Initializer_02A(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                class C
                    public int P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { } } = 4;
                    public int P5 { get => 0; {{setter}}; } = 5;
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; } = 6;
                    public int P7 { get; {{setter}} { } } = 7;
                    public int P8 { {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 8;
                    public int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 9;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P1, c.P2, c.P3, c.P4, c.P5, c.P6, c.P7, c.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 9)"));
                // (8,21): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P5").WithLocation(8, 21));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C..ctor", """
                  // Code size       71 (0x47)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldc.i4.3
                  IL_0010:  stfld      "int C.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldc.i4.4
                  IL_0017:  stfld      "int C.<P4>k__BackingField"
                  IL_001c:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001d:  ldc.i4.5
                  IL_001e:  stfld      "int C.<P5>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0023:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0024:  ldc.i4.6
                  IL_0025:  stfld      "int C.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_002a:  ldarg.0
                  IL_002b:  ldc.i4.7
                  IL_002c:  stfld      "int C.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0031:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0032:  ldc.i4.8
                  IL_0033:  stfld      "int C.<P8>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0038:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0039:  ldc.i4.s   9
                  IL_003b:  stfld      "int C.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0040:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0041:  call       "object..ctor()"
                  IL_0046:  ret
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Int32 C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P8>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P9>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(9, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P8", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P9", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void Initializer_02B(bool useRefStruct, bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string typeKind = useRefStruct ? "ref struct" : "struct";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                {{typeKind}} C
                    public int P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { } } = 4;
                    public int P5 { get => 0; {{setter}}; } = 5;
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; } = 6;
                    public int P7 { get; {{setter}} { } } = 7;
                    public int P8 { {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 8;
                    public int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 9;
                    public C() { }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P1, c.P2, c.P3, c.P4, c.P5, c.P6, c.P7, c.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 9)"));
                // (8,21): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P5").WithLocation(8, 21));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C..ctor", """
                  // Code size       65 (0x41)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldc.i4.3
                  IL_0010:  stfld      "int C.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldc.i4.4
                  IL_0017:  stfld      "int C.<P4>k__BackingField"
                  IL_001c:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001d:  ldc.i4.5
                  IL_001e:  stfld      "int C.<P5>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0023:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0024:  ldc.i4.6
                  IL_0025:  stfld      "int C.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_002a:  ldarg.0
                  IL_002b:  ldc.i4.7
                  IL_002c:  stfld      "int C.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0031:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0032:  ldc.i4.8
                  IL_0033:  stfld      "int C.<P8>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0038:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0039:  ldc.i4.s   9
                  IL_003b:  stfld      "int C.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0040:  ret
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Int32 C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P8>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 C.<P9>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(9, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P8", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P9", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void Initializer_02C(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                interface I
                    public int P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { } } = 4;
                    public int P5 { get => 0; {{setter}}; } = 5;
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; } = 6;
                    public int P7 { get; {{setter}} { } } = 7;
                    public int P8 { {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 8;
                    public int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 9;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (4,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P1 { get; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P1").WithLocation(4, 16),
                // (5,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P2").WithLocation(5, 16),
                // (6,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P3 { get => field; set; } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P3").WithLocation(6, 16),
                // (7,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P4 { get => field; set { } } = 4;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P4").WithLocation(7, 16),
                // (8,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P5").WithLocation(8, 16),
                // (8,21): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P5 { get => 0; set; } = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P5").WithLocation(8, 21),
                // (9,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P6 { get; set; } = 6;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P6").WithLocation(9, 16),
                // (10,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P7 { get; set { } } = 7;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P7").WithLocation(10, 16),
                // (11,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P8 { set { field = value; } } = 8;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P8").WithLocation(11, 16),
                // (12,16): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                //     public int P9 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 9;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P9").WithLocation(12, 16));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Int32 I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P8>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P9>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(9, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P8", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P9", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void Initializer_02D(bool useRefStruct, bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string typeKind = useRefStruct ? "ref struct" : "    struct";
            string source = $$"""
                {{typeKind}} S1
                    public int P1 { get; } = 1;
                {{typeKind}} S2
                    public int P2 { get => field; } = 2;
                {{typeKind}} S3
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                {{typeKind}} S6
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; } = 6;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (1,12): error CS8983: A 'struct' with field initializers must include an explicitly declared constructor.
                //     struct S1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StructHasInitializersAndNoDeclaredConstructor, "S1").WithLocation(1, 12),
                // (5,12): error CS8983: A 'struct' with field initializers must include an explicitly declared constructor.
                //     struct S2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StructHasInitializersAndNoDeclaredConstructor, "S2").WithLocation(5, 12),
                // (9,12): error CS8983: A 'struct' with field initializers must include an explicitly declared constructor.
                //     struct S3
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StructHasInitializersAndNoDeclaredConstructor, "S3").WithLocation(9, 12),
                // (13,12): error CS8983: A 'struct' with field initializers must include an explicitly declared constructor.
                //     struct S6
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StructHasInitializersAndNoDeclaredConstructor, "S6").WithLocation(13, 12));
        public void Interfaces_01(bool includeAccessibility)
            string accessibility = includeAccessibility ? "public" : "      ";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                interface I
                    {{accessibility}} static int P1 { get; }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P2 { get => field; }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P3 { get => field; set; }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P5 { get => 0; set; }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P6 { get; set; }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P7 { get; set { } }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P8 { set { field = value; } }
                    {{accessibility}} static int P9 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        I.P3 = 3;
                        I.P4 = 4;
                        I.P5 = 5;
                        I.P6 = 6;
                        I.P7 = 7;
                        I.P9 = 9;
                        Console.WriteLine((I.P1, I.P2, I.P3, I.P4, I.P5, I.P6, I.P7, I.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80,
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("(0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6, 0, 9)"));
                // (7,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            static int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "I.P4").WithLocation(7, 42),
                // (8,28): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            static int P5 { get => 0; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P5").WithLocation(8, 28),
                // (10,33): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            static int P7 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "I.P7").WithLocation(10, 33));
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Int32 I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P8>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P9>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(9, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P8", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P9", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void Interfaces_02(bool includeAccessibility, bool useInit)
            string accessibility = includeAccessibility ? "public" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                interface I
                    {{accessibility}} int P1 { get; }
                    {{accessibility}} int P2 { get => field; }
                    {{accessibility}} int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    {{accessibility}} int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{accessibility}} int P5 { get => 0; {{setter}}; }
                    {{accessibility}} int P6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    {{accessibility}} int P7 { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{accessibility}} int P8 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{accessibility}} int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (4,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P2 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P2").WithLocation(4, 16),
                // (5,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P3 { get => field; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P3").WithLocation(5, 16),
                // (6,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P4").WithLocation(6, 16),
                // (6,35): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "I.P4").WithLocation(6, 35),
                // (7,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P5 { get => 0; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P5").WithLocation(7, 16),
                // (7,21): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            int P5 { get => 0; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P5").WithLocation(7, 21),
                // (9,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P7 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P7").WithLocation(9, 16),
                // (9,26): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            int P7 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "I.P7").WithLocation(9, 26),
                // (10,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P8 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P8").WithLocation(10, 16),
                // (11,16): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //            int P9 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P9").WithLocation(11, 16));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Int32 I.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P8>k__BackingField",
                "System.Int32 I.<P9>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(9, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P8", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P9", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void Initializer_03()
            string source = """
                class C
                    public static int PA { get => 0; } = 10;
                    public static int PB { get => 0; set { } } = 11;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (3,23): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //     public static int PA { get => 0; } = 10;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "PA").WithLocation(3, 23),
                // (4,23): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //     public static int PB { get => 0; set { } } = 11;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "PB").WithLocation(4, 23));
        public void Initializer_04(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                class C
                    public int PA { get => 0; } = 10;
                    public int PB { get => 0; {{setter}} { } } = 11;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,16): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //     public int PA { get => 0; } = 10;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "PA").WithLocation(3, 16),
                // (4,16): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //     public int PB { get => 0; set { } } = 11;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "PB").WithLocation(4, 16));
        public void ConstructorAssignment_01([CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "ref struct", "interface")] string typeKind)
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                {{typeKind}} C
                    public static int P1 { get; }
                    public static int P2 { get => field; }
                    public static int P3 { get => field; set; }
                    public static int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                    public static int P5 { get => 0; set; }
                    public static int P6 { get; set; }
                    public static int P7 { get; set { } }
                    public static int P8 { set { field = value; } }
                    public static int P9 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }
                    static C()
                        P1 = 1;
                        P2 = 2;
                        P3 = 3;
                        P4 = 4;
                        P5 = 5;
                        P6 = 6;
                        P7 = 7;
                        P8 = 8;
                        P9 = 9;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((C.P1, C.P2, C.P3, C.P4, C.P5, C.P6, C.P7, C.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80,
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("(1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 6, 0, 9)"));
                // (7,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P4").WithLocation(7, 42),
                // (8,28): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P5 { get => 0; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P5").WithLocation(8, 28),
                // (10,33): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P7 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P7").WithLocation(10, 33));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C..cctor", """
                  // Code size       56 (0x38)
                  .maxstack  1
                  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0001:  stsfld     "int C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0006:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0007:  stsfld     "int C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000c:  ldc.i4.3
                  IL_000d:  call       "void C.P3.set"
                  IL_0012:  ldc.i4.4
                  IL_0013:  call       "void C.P4.set"
                  IL_0018:  ldc.i4.5
                  IL_0019:  call       "void C.P5.set"
                  IL_001e:  ldc.i4.6
                  IL_001f:  call       "void C.P6.set"
                  IL_0024:  ldc.i4.7
                  IL_0025:  call       "void C.P7.set"
                  IL_002a:  ldc.i4.8
                  IL_002b:  call       "void C.P8.set"
                  IL_0030:  ldc.i4.s   9
                  IL_0032:  call       "void C.P9.set"
                  IL_0037:  ret
        public void ConstructorAssignment_02A([CombinatorialValues("class", "struct", "ref struct")] string typeKind, bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                #pragma warning disable 649
                using System;
                {{typeKind}} C1
                    public int F1;
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public C1(int i) { P1 = i; }
                    public C1(int x, out int y) { y = P1; F1 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C2
                    public int F2;
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public C2(int i) { P2 = i; }
                    public C2(int x, out int y) { y = P2; F2 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C3
                    public int F3;
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public C3(int i) { P3 = i; }
                    public C3(int x, out int y) { y = P3; F3 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C4
                    public int F4;
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public C4(int i) { P4 = i; }
                    public C4(int x, out int y) { y = P4; F4 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C5
                    public int F5;
                    public int P5 { get => default; {{setter}}; }
                    public C5(int i) { P5 = i; }
                    public C5(int x, out int y) { y = P5; F5 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C6
                    public int F6;
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public C6(int i) { P6 = i; }
                    public C6(int x, out int y) { y = P6; F6 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C7
                    public int F7;
                    public int P7 { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    public C7(int i) { P7 = i; }
                    public C7(int x, out int y) { y = P7; F7 = x; }
                {{typeKind}} C8
                    public int F8;
                    public int P8 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C8(int i) { P8 = i; }
                {{typeKind}} C9
                    public int F9;
                    public int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C9(int i) { P9 = i; }
                    public C9(int x, out int y) { y = P9; F9 = x; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c1 = new C1(1);
                        var c2 = new C2(2);
                        var c3 = new C3(3);
                        var c4 = new C4(4);
                        var c5 = new C5(5);
                        var c6 = new C6(6);
                        var c7 = new C7(7);
                        var c8 = new C8(8);
                        var c9 = new C9(9);
                        Console.WriteLine((c1.P1, c2.P2, c3.P3, c4.P4, c5.P5, c6.P6, c7.P7, c9.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 6, 0, 9)"));
                // (27,35): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C4.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "C4.P4").WithLocation(27, 35),
                // (34,21): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C5.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P5 { get => default; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C5.P5").WithLocation(34, 21),
                // (48,26): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C7.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P7 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "C7.P7").WithLocation(48, 26));
            if (typeKind == "class")
                verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C3.P3.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C4..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C4.P4.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C5..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C5.P5.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C6.P6.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C7.P7.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C8..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C8.P8.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       14 (0xe)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0008:  call       "void C9.P9.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       15 (0xf)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C1.F1"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       15 (0xf)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       15 (0xf)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0009:  call       "void C3.P3.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000e:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C4..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C4.F4"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C4.<P4>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  call       "void C4.P4.{{setter}}"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C5..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       15 (0xf)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C5.F5"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0009:  call       "void C5.P5.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000e:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       15 (0xf)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0009:  call       "void C6.P6.{{setter}}"
                      IL_000e:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C7.<P7>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  call       "void C7.P7.{{setter}}"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C8..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C8.F8"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C8.<P8>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  call       "void C8.P8.{{setter}}"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C9.<P9>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  call       "void C9.P9.{{setter}}"
                      IL_0015:  ret
            if (typeKind == "class")
                verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C1.P1.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C1.F1"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C2.P2.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C3.P3.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C4..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C4.P4.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C4.F4"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C5..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C5.P5.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C5.F5"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C6.P6.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C7.P7.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       22 (0x16)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                      IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  call       "int C9.P9.get"
                      IL_000d:  stind.i4
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0010:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                      IL_0015:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       23 (0x17)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0009:  call       "readonly int C1.P1.get"
                      IL_000e:  stind.i4
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0011:  stfld      "int C1.F1"
                      IL_0016:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       30 (0x1e)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.2
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  call       "int C2.P2.get"
                      IL_0015:  stind.i4
                      IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0018:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                      IL_001d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       30 (0x1e)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C3.<P3>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.2
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  call       "int C3.P3.get"
                      IL_0015:  stind.i4
                      IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0018:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                      IL_001d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C4..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       30 (0x1e)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C4.F4"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C4.<P4>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.2
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  call       "int C4.P4.get"
                      IL_0015:  stind.i4
                      IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0018:  stfld      "int C4.F4"
                      IL_001d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C5..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       30 (0x1e)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C5.F5"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C5.<P5>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.2
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  call       "int C5.P5.get"
                      IL_0015:  stind.i4
                      IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0018:  stfld      "int C5.F5"
                      IL_001d:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       23 (0x17)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C6.<P6>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0009:  call       "readonly int C6.P6.get"
                      IL_000e:  stind.i4
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0011:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                      IL_0016:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       23 (0x17)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C7.<P7>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.2
                      IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0009:  call       "readonly int C7.P7.get"
                      IL_000e:  stind.i4
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0011:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                      IL_0016:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                      // Code size       30 (0x1e)
                      .maxstack  2
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0009:  stfld      "int C9.<P9>k__BackingField"
                      IL_000e:  ldarg.2
                      IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0010:  call       "int C9.P9.get"
                      IL_0015:  stind.i4
                      IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0018:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                      IL_001d:  ret
        public void ConstructorAssignment_02B(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                #pragma warning disable 649
                using System;
                class C3
                    public int F3;
                    public virtual int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public C3(int i) { P3 = i; }
                    public C3(int x, out int y) { y = P3; F3 = x; }
                class C6
                    public int F6;
                    public virtual int P6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public C6(int i) { P6 = i; }
                    public C6(int x, out int y) { y = P6; F6 = x; }
                class C9
                    public int F9;
                    public virtual int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C9(int i) { P9 = i; }
                    public C9(int x, out int y) { y = P9; F9 = x; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c3 = new C3(3);
                        var c6 = new C6(6);
                        var c9 = new C9(9);
                        Console.WriteLine((c3.P3, c6.P6, c9.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(3, 6, 9)"));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int)", $$"""
                    // Code size       14 (0xe)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                    IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0008:  callvirt   "void C3.P3.{{setter}}"
                    IL_000d:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int)", $$"""
                    // Code size       14 (0xe)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                    IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0008:  callvirt   "void C6.P6.{{setter}}"
                    IL_000d:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int)", $$"""
                    // Code size       14 (0xe)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                    IL_0006:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0008:  callvirt   "void C9.P9.{{setter}}"
                    IL_000d:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                    // Code size       22 (0x16)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                    IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  callvirt   "int C3.P3.get"
                    IL_000d:  stind.i4
                    IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0010:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                    IL_0015:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                    // Code size       22 (0x16)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                    IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  callvirt   "int C6.P6.get"
                    IL_000d:  stind.i4
                    IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0010:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                    IL_0015:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int, out int)", $$"""
                    // Code size       22 (0x16)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  call       "object..ctor()"
                    IL_0006:  ldarg.2
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  callvirt   "int C9.P9.get"
                    IL_000d:  stind.i4
                    IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0010:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                    IL_0015:  ret
        public void ConstructorAssignment_02C(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                #pragma warning disable 649
                using System;
                struct C1
                    public int F1;
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public C1(int i) { P1 += i; F1 = i; }
                struct C2
                    public int F2;
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public C2(int i) { P2 += i; F2 = i; }
                struct C3
                    public int F3;
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public C3(int i) { P3 += i; F3 = i; }
                struct C6
                    public int F6;
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public C6(int i) { P6 += i; F6 = i; }
                struct C7
                    public int F7;
                    public int P7 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C7(int i) { P7 += i; F7 = i; }
                struct C9
                    public int F9;
                    public int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C9(int i) { P9 += i; F9 = i; }
                struct Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c1 = new C1(1);
                        var c2 = new C2(2);
                        var c3 = new C3(3);
                        var c6 = new C6(6);
                        var c7 = new C7(7);
                        var c9 = new C9(9);
                        Console.WriteLine((c1.F1, c1.P1, c2.F2, c2.P2, c3.F3, c3.P3, c6.F6, c6.P6, c7.F7, c7.P7, c9.F9, c9.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9)"));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       29 (0x1d)
                  .maxstack  3
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0009:  call       "readonly int C1.P1.get"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.1
                  IL_000f:  add
                  IL_0010:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0017:  stfld      "int C1.F1"
                  IL_001c:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       29 (0x1d)
                  .maxstack  3
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0009:  call       "int C2.P2.get"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.1
                  IL_000f:  add
                  IL_0010:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0017:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                  IL_001c:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       29 (0x1d)
                  .maxstack  3
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C3.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0009:  call       "int C3.P3.get"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.1
                  IL_000f:  add
                  IL_0010:  call       "void C3.P3.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0017:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                  IL_001c:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       29 (0x1d)
                  .maxstack  3
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C6.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0009:  call       "readonly int C6.P6.get"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.1
                  IL_000f:  add
                  IL_0010:  call       "void C6.P6.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0017:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                  IL_001c:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       36 (0x24)
                  .maxstack  3
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int C7.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0010:  call       "readonly int C7.P7.get"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0016:  add
                  IL_0017:  call       "void C7.P7.{{setter}}"
                  IL_001c:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001d:  ldarg.1
                  IL_001e:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                  IL_0023:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       36 (0x24)
                  .maxstack  3
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int C9.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0010:  call       "int C9.P9.get"
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0016:  add
                  IL_0017:  call       "void C9.P9.{{setter}}"
                  IL_001c:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001d:  ldarg.1
                  IL_001e:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                  IL_0023:  ret
        public void ConstructorAssignment_02D(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                #pragma warning disable 649
                using System;
                struct C1
                    public int F1;
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public C1(int i) { P1++; F1 = i; }
                struct C2
                    public int F2;
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public C2(int i) { P2++; F2 = i; }
                struct C3
                    public int F3;
                    public int P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public C3(int i) { P3++; F3 = i; }
                struct C6
                    public int F6;
                    public int P6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public C6(int i) { P6++; F6 = i; }
                struct C7
                    public int F7;
                    public int P7 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C7(int i) { P7++; F7 = i; }
                struct C9
                    public int F9;
                    public int P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C9(int i) { P9++; F9 = i; }
                struct Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c1 = new C1(1);
                        var c2 = new C2(2);
                        var c3 = new C3(3);
                        var c6 = new C6(6);
                        var c7 = new C7(7);
                        var c9 = new C9(9);
                        Console.WriteLine((c1.F1, c1.P1, c2.F2, c2.P2, c3.F3, c3.P3, c6.F6, c6.P6, c7.F7, c7.P7, c9.F9, c9.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 6, 1, 7, 1, 9, 1)"));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       31 (0x1f)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (int V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "readonly int C1.P1.get"
                  IL_000d:  stloc.0
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0010:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0011:  add
                  IL_0012:  stfld      "int C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0017:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0018:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0019:  stfld      "int C1.F1"
                  IL_001e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       31 (0x1f)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (int V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "int C2.P2.get"
                  IL_000d:  stloc.0
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0010:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0011:  add
                  IL_0012:  stfld      "int C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0017:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0018:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0019:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                  IL_001e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       31 (0x1f)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (int V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C3.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "int C3.P3.get"
                  IL_000d:  stloc.0
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0010:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0011:  add
                  IL_0012:  call       "void C3.P3.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0017:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0018:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0019:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                  IL_001e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       31 (0x1f)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (int V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C6.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "readonly int C6.P6.get"
                  IL_000d:  stloc.0
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0010:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0011:  add
                  IL_0012:  call       "void C6.P6.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0017:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0018:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0019:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                  IL_001e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       38 (0x26)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (int V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int C7.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  call       "readonly int C7.P7.get"
                  IL_0014:  stloc.0
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0017:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0018:  add
                  IL_0019:  call       "void C7.P7.{{setter}}"
                  IL_001e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001f:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0020:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                  IL_0025:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor(int)", $$"""
                  // Code size       38 (0x26)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (int V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int C9.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  call       "int C9.P9.get"
                  IL_0014:  stloc.0
                  IL_0015:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0016:  ldloc.0
                  IL_0017:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0018:  add
                  IL_0019:  call       "void C9.P9.{{setter}}"
                  IL_001e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001f:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0020:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                  IL_0025:  ret
        public void ConstructorAssignment_02E(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                #pragma warning disable 649
                using System;
                struct C1
                    public int F1;
                    public object P1 { get; }
                    public C1(int value) { P1 ??= value; F1 = value; }
                struct C2
                    public int F2;
                    public object P2 { get => field; }
                    public C2(int value) { P2 ??= value; F2 = value; }
                struct C3
                    public int F3;
                    public object P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public C3(int value) { P3 ??= value; F3 = value; }
                struct C6
                    public int F6;
                    public object P6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public C6(int value) { P6 ??= value; F6 = value; }
                struct C7
                    public int F7;
                    public object P7 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C7(int value) { P7 ??= value; F7 = value; }
                struct C9
                    public int F9;
                    public object P9 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public C9(int value) { P9 ??= value; F9 = value; }
                struct Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c1 = new C1(1);
                        var c2 = new C2(2);
                        var c3 = new C3(3);
                        var c6 = new C6(6);
                        var c7 = new C7(7);
                        var c9 = new C9(9);
                        Console.WriteLine((c1.F1, c1.P1, c2.F2, c2.P2, c3.F3, c3.P3, c6.F6, c6.P6, c7.F7, c7.P7, c9.F9, c9.P9));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6, 6, 7, 7, 9, 9)"));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C1..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       35 (0x23)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldnull
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "object C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "readonly object C1.P1.get"
                  IL_000d:  brtrue.s   IL_001b
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0011:  box        "int"
                  IL_0016:  stfld      "object C1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_001b:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001c:  ldarg.1
                  IL_001d:  stfld      "int C1.F1"
                  IL_0022:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C2..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       35 (0x23)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldnull
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "object C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "object C2.P2.get"
                  IL_000d:  brtrue.s   IL_001b
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0011:  box        "int"
                  IL_0016:  stfld      "object C2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_001b:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001c:  ldarg.1
                  IL_001d:  stfld      "int C2.F2"
                  IL_0022:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C3..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       37 (0x25)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (object V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldnull
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "object C3.<P3>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "object C3.P3.get"
                  IL_000d:  brtrue.s   IL_001d
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0011:  box        "int"
                  IL_0016:  dup
                  IL_0017:  stloc.0
                  IL_0018:  call       "void C3.P3.{{setter}}"
                  IL_001d:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001e:  ldarg.1
                  IL_001f:  stfld      "int C3.F3"
                  IL_0024:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C6..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       37 (0x25)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (object V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldnull
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "object C6.<P6>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  call       "readonly object C6.P6.get"
                  IL_000d:  brtrue.s   IL_001d
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0010:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0011:  box        "int"
                  IL_0016:  dup
                  IL_0017:  stloc.0
                  IL_0018:  call       "void C6.P6.{{setter}}"
                  IL_001d:  ldarg.0
                  IL_001e:  ldarg.1
                  IL_001f:  stfld      "int C6.F6"
                  IL_0024:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C7..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       44 (0x2c)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (object V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldnull
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "object C7.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  call       "readonly object C7.P7.get"
                  IL_0014:  brtrue.s   IL_0024
                  IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0018:  box        "int"
                  IL_001d:  dup
                  IL_001e:  stloc.0
                  IL_001f:  call       "void C7.P7.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0024:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0025:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0026:  stfld      "int C7.F7"
                  IL_002b:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C9..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       44 (0x2c)
                  .maxstack  3
                  .locals init (object V_0)
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldnull
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "object C9.<P9>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  call       "object C9.P9.get"
                  IL_0014:  brtrue.s   IL_0024
                  IL_0016:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0017:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0018:  box        "int"
                  IL_001d:  dup
                  IL_001e:  stloc.0
                  IL_001f:  call       "void C9.P9.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0024:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0025:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0026:  stfld      "int C9.F9"
                  IL_002b:  ret
        public void ConstructorAssignment_03()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class C
                    static int P1 => field;
                    int P2 => field;
                    static C()
                        P1 = 1;
                        M(() => { P1 = 2; });
                    C(object o)
                        P2 = 3;
                        M(() => { P2 = 4; });
                    static void M(Action a)
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (9,19): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'C.P1' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         M(() => { P1 = 2; });
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "P1").WithArguments("C.P1").WithLocation(9, 19),
                // (14,19): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'C.P2' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         M(() => { P2 = 4; });
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "P2").WithArguments("C.P2").WithLocation(14, 19));
        public void ConstructorAssignment_04()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class A
                    public static int P1 { get; private set; }
                    public static int P3 { get => field; private set; }
                    public static int P5 { get => field; private set { } }
                    public static int P7 { get; private set { } }
                class B : A
                    static B()
                        P1 = 1;
                        P3 = 3;
                        P5 = 5;
                        P7 = 7;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,50): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'A.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P5 { get => field; private set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "A.P5").WithLocation(6, 50),
                // (7,41): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'A.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P7 { get; private set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "A.P7").WithLocation(7, 41),
                // (13,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P1' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P1 = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P1").WithArguments("A.P1").WithLocation(13, 9),
                // (14,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P3' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P3 = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P3").WithArguments("A.P3").WithLocation(14, 9),
                // (15,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P5' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P5 = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P5").WithArguments("A.P5").WithLocation(15, 9),
                // (16,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P7' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P7 = 7;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P7").WithArguments("A.P7").WithLocation(16, 9));
        public void ConstructorAssignment_05()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class A
                    public int P1 { get; private set; }
                    public int P2 { get; private init; }
                    public int P3 { get => field; private set; }
                    public int P4 { get => field; private init; }
                    public int P5 { get => field; private set { } }
                    public int P6 { get => field; private init { } }
                    public int P7 { get; private set { } }
                    public int P8 { get; private init { } }
                class B : A
                    public B()
                        P1 = 1;
                        P2 = 2;
                        P3 = 3;
                        P4 = 4;
                        P5 = 5;
                        P6 = 6;
                        P7 = 7;
                        P8 = 8;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (8,43): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'A.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P5 { get => field; private set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "A.P5").WithLocation(8, 43),
                // (9,43): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'A.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P6 { get => field; private init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "A.P6").WithLocation(9, 43),
                // (10,34): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'A.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P7 { get; private set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "A.P7").WithLocation(10, 34),
                // (11,34): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'A.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public int P8 { get; private init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "A.P8").WithLocation(11, 34),
                // (17,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P1' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P1 = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P1").WithArguments("A.P1").WithLocation(17, 9),
                // (18,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P2' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P2 = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P2").WithArguments("A.P2").WithLocation(18, 9),
                // (19,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P3' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P3 = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P3").WithArguments("A.P3").WithLocation(19, 9),
                // (20,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P4' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P4 = 4;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P4").WithArguments("A.P4").WithLocation(20, 9),
                // (21,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P5' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P5 = 5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P5").WithArguments("A.P5").WithLocation(21, 9),
                // (22,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P6' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P6 = 6;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P6").WithArguments("A.P6").WithLocation(22, 9),
                // (23,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P7' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P7 = 7;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P7").WithArguments("A.P7").WithLocation(23, 9),
                // (24,9): error CS0272: The property or indexer 'A.P8' cannot be used in this context because the set accessor is inaccessible
                //         P8 = 8;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter, "P8").WithArguments("A.P8").WithLocation(24, 9));
        public void ConstructorAssignment_06()
            string source = $$"""
                class A
                    public object P1 { get; }
                    public object P2 { get => field; }
                    public object P3 { get => field; init; }
                    public A()
                        this.P1 = 11;
                        this.P2 = 12;
                        this.P3 = 13;
                    A(A a)
                        a.P1 = 31;
                        a.P2 = 32;
                        a.P3 = 33;
                class B : A
                        base.P1 = 21;
                        base.P2 = 22;
                        base.P3 = 23;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (14,9): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'A.P1' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         a.P1 = 31;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "a.P1").WithArguments("A.P1").WithLocation(14, 9),
                // (15,9): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'A.P2' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         a.P2 = 32;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "a.P2").WithArguments("A.P2").WithLocation(15, 9),
                // (16,9): error CS8852: Init-only property or indexer 'A.P3' can only be assigned in an object initializer, or on 'this' or 'base' in an instance constructor or an 'init' accessor.
                //         a.P3 = 33;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssignmentInitOnly, "a.P3").WithArguments("A.P3").WithLocation(16, 9),
                // (23,9): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'A.P1' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         base.P1 = 21;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "base.P1").WithArguments("A.P1").WithLocation(23, 9),
                // (24,9): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'A.P2' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         base.P2 = 22;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "base.P2").WithArguments("A.P2").WithLocation(24, 9));
        public void ConstructorAssignment_07()
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                class C
                    public static int P1 { get; }
                    public static int P2 { get => field; }
                    public static int P3 { get => field; set; }
                    public static int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                    public static int P5 = F(
                        P1 = 1,
                        P2 = 2,
                        P3 = 3,
                        P4 = 4);
                    static int F(int x, int y, int z, int w) => x;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((C.P1, C.P2, C.P3, C.P4));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: "(1, 2, 3, 0)");
                // (7,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static int P4 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.P4").WithLocation(7, 42));
            verifier.VerifyIL("C..cctor", """
                  // Code size       39 (0x27)
                  .maxstack  5
                  IL_0000:  ldc.i4.1
                  IL_0001:  dup
                  IL_0002:  stsfld     "int C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldc.i4.2
                  IL_0008:  dup
                  IL_0009:  stsfld     "int C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldc.i4.3
                  IL_000f:  dup
                  IL_0010:  call       "void C.P3.set"
                  IL_0015:  ldc.i4.4
                  IL_0016:  dup
                  IL_0017:  call       "void C.P4.set"
                  IL_001c:  call       "int C.F(int, int, int, int)"
                  IL_0021:  stsfld     "int C.P5"
                  IL_0026:  ret
        public void DefaultInitialization_01A(bool useInit, bool includeStructInitializationWarnings)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                struct S1
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                struct S2
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public S2(int unused) { _ = P2; }
                struct S3
                    public int P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public S3(int unused) { _ = P3; }
                struct S4
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public S4(int unused) { _ = P4; }
                struct S5
                    public int P5 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public S5(int unused) { _ = P5; }
                struct S6
                    public int P6 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public S6(int unused) { _ = P6; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var s1 = new S1(1);
                        var s2 = new S2(2);
                        var s3 = new S3(3);
                        var s4 = new S4(4);
                        var s5 = new S5(5);
                        var s6 = new S6(6);
                        Console.WriteLine((s1.P1, s2.P2, s3.P3, s4.P4, s5.P5, s6.P6));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                options: includeStructInitializationWarnings ? TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithSpecificDiagnosticOptions(ReportStructInitializationWarnings) : TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)"));
            if (includeStructInitializationWarnings)
                    // (5,12): warning CS9021: Control is returned to caller before auto-implemented property 'S1.P1' is explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedThisAutoPropertySupportedVersion, "S1").WithArguments("S1.P1").WithLocation(5, 12),
                    // (5,33): warning CS9018: Auto-implemented property 'P1' is read before being explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationPropertySupportedVersion, "P1").WithArguments("P1").WithLocation(5, 33),
                    // (10,33): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S2(int unused) { _ = P2; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P2").WithLocation(10, 33),
                    // (15,12): warning CS9021: Control is returned to caller before auto-implemented property 'S3.P3' is explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S3(int unused) { _ = P3; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedThisAutoPropertySupportedVersion, "S3").WithArguments("S3.P3").WithLocation(15, 12),
                    // (15,33): warning CS9018: Auto-implemented property 'P3' is read before being explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S3(int unused) { _ = P3; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationPropertySupportedVersion, "P3").WithArguments("P3").WithLocation(15, 33),
                    // (20,33): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S4(int unused) { _ = P4; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P4").WithLocation(20, 33),
                    // (25,12): warning CS9021: Control is returned to caller before auto-implemented property 'S5.P5' is explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S5(int unused) { _ = P5; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedThisAutoPropertySupportedVersion, "S5").WithArguments("S5.P5").WithLocation(25, 12),
                    // (25,33): warning CS9018: Auto-implemented property 'P5' is read before being explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S5(int unused) { _ = P5; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationPropertySupportedVersion, "P5").WithArguments("P5").WithLocation(25, 33),
                    // (30,33): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S6(int unused) { _ = P6; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P6").WithLocation(30, 33));
            verifier.VerifyIL("S1..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  call       "readonly int S1.P1.get"
                    IL_000d:  pop
                    IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S2..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  call       "int S2.P2.get"
                    IL_000d:  pop
                    IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S3..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S3.<P3>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  call       "readonly int S3.P3.get"
                    IL_000d:  pop
                    IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S4..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S4.<P4>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  call       "int S4.P4.get"
                    IL_000d:  pop
                    IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S5..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S5.<P5>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  call       "readonly int S5.P5.get"
                    IL_000d:  pop
                    IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S6..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S6.<P6>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  call       "int S6.P6.get"
                    IL_000d:  pop
                    IL_000e:  ret
        public void DefaultInitialization_01B(bool useInit, bool includeStructInitializationWarnings)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                struct S1
                    public int F1;
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                struct S2
                    public int F2;
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public S2(int unused) { _ = P2; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var s1 = new S1(1);
                        var s2 = new S2(2);
                        Console.WriteLine((s1.F1, s1.P1));
                        Console.WriteLine((s2.F2, s2.P2));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                options: includeStructInitializationWarnings ? TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithSpecificDiagnosticOptions(ReportStructInitializationWarnings) : TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, """
                    (0, 0)
                    (0, 0)
            if (includeStructInitializationWarnings)
                    // (4,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S1.F1' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F1;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F1").WithArguments("S1.F1", "0").WithLocation(4, 16),
                    // (6,12): warning CS9021: Control is returned to caller before auto-implemented property 'S1.P1' is explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedThisAutoPropertySupportedVersion, "S1").WithArguments("S1.P1").WithLocation(6, 12),
                    // (6,12): warning CS9022: Control is returned to caller before field 'S1.F1' is explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedThisSupportedVersion, "S1").WithArguments("S1.F1").WithLocation(6, 12),
                    // (6,33): warning CS9018: Auto-implemented property 'P1' is read before being explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S1(int unused) { _ = P1; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationPropertySupportedVersion, "P1").WithArguments("P1").WithLocation(6, 33),
                    // (10,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S2.F2' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F2;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F2").WithArguments("S2.F2", "0").WithLocation(10, 16),
                    // (12,33): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S2(int unused) { _ = P2; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P2").WithLocation(12, 33));
                    // (4,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S1.F1' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F1;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F1").WithArguments("S1.F1", "0").WithLocation(4, 16),
                    // (10,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S2.F2' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F2;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F2").WithArguments("S2.F2", "0").WithLocation(10, 16));
            verifier.VerifyIL("S1..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       22 (0x16)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S1.F1"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0009:  stfld      "int S1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                    IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000f:  call       "readonly int S1.P1.get"
                    IL_0014:  pop
                    IL_0015:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S2..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       22 (0x16)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S2.F2"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0009:  stfld      "int S2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                    IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000f:  call       "int S2.P2.get"
                    IL_0014:  pop
                    IL_0015:  ret
        public void DefaultInitialization_02A(bool useInit, bool includeStructInitializationWarnings)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                struct S1
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public S1(int i) { P1 = i; }
                struct S2
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public S2(int i) { P2 = i; }
                struct S3
                    public int P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public S3(int i) { P3 = i; }
                struct S4
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public S4(int i) { P4 = i; }
                struct S5
                    public int P5 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public S5(int i) { P5 = i; }
                struct S6
                    public int P6 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public S6(int i) { P6 = i; }
                struct S7
                    public int P7 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public S7(int i) { P7 = i; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var s1 = new S1(1);
                        var s2 = new S2(2);
                        var s3 = new S3(3);
                        var s4 = new S4(4);
                        var s5 = new S5(5);
                        var s6 = new S6(6);
                        var s7 = new S7(7);
                        Console.WriteLine((s1.P1, s2.P2, s3.P3, s4.P4, s5.P5, s6.P6));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                options: includeStructInitializationWarnings ? TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithSpecificDiagnosticOptions(ReportStructInitializationWarnings) : TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, "(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)"));
            if (includeStructInitializationWarnings)
                    // (20,24): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S4(int i) { P4 = i; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P4").WithLocation(20, 24),
                    // (25,24): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S5(int i) { P5 = i; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P5").WithLocation(25, 24),
                    // (35,24): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S7(int i) { P7 = i; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P7").WithLocation(35, 24));
            verifier.VerifyIL("S1..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size        8 (0x8)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S1.<P1>k__BackingField"
                    IL_0007:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S2..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size        8 (0x8)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int S2.<P2>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S3..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size        8 (0x8)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0002:  call       "void S3.P3.{{setter}}"
                    IL_0007:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S4..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       15 (0xf)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int S4.<P4>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0009:  call       "void S4.P4.{{setter}}"
                  IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S5..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       15 (0xf)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int S5.<P5>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0009:  call       "void S5.P5.{{setter}}"
                  IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S6..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size        8 (0x8)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0002:  call       "void S6.P6.{{setter}}"
                    IL_0007:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S7..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       15 (0xf)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int S7.<P7>k__BackingField"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0009:  call       "void S7.P7.{{setter}}"
                  IL_000e:  ret
        public void DefaultInitialization_02B(bool useInit, bool includeStructInitializationWarnings)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                struct S3
                    public int F3;
                    public int P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public S3(int i) { P3 = i; }
                struct S4
                    public int F4;
                    public int P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public S4(int i) { P4 = i; }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var s3 = new S3(3);
                        var s4 = new S4(4);
                        Console.WriteLine((s3.F3, s3.P3));
                        Console.WriteLine((s4.F4, s4.P4));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                options: includeStructInitializationWarnings ? TestOptions.ReleaseExe.WithSpecificDiagnosticOptions(ReportStructInitializationWarnings) : TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, """
                    (0, 3)
                    (0, 4)
            if (includeStructInitializationWarnings)
                    // (4,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S3.F3' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F3;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F3").WithArguments("S3.F3", "0").WithLocation(4, 16),
                    // (6,12): warning CS9022: Control is returned to caller before field 'S3.F3' is explicitly assigned, causing a preceding implicit assignment of 'default'.
                    //     public S3(int i) { P3 = i; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedThisSupportedVersion, "S3").WithArguments("S3.F3").WithLocation(6, 12),
                    // (10,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S4.F4' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F4").WithArguments("S4.F4", "0").WithLocation(10, 16),
                    // (12,24): warning CS9020: The 'this' object is read before all of its fields have been assigned, causing preceding implicit assignments of 'default' to non-explicitly assigned fields.
                    //     public S4(int i) { P4 = i; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolationThisSupportedVersion, "P4").WithLocation(12, 24));
                    // (4,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S3.F3' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F3;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F3").WithArguments("S3.F3", "0").WithLocation(4, 16),
                    // (10,16): warning CS0649: Field 'S4.F4' is never assigned to, and will always have its default value 0
                    //     public int F4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnassignedInternalField, "F4").WithArguments("S4.F4", "0").WithLocation(10, 16));
            verifier.VerifyIL("S3..ctor", $$"""
                    // Code size       15 (0xf)
                    .maxstack  2
                    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0002:  stfld      "int S3.F3"
                    IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                    IL_0008:  ldarg.1
                    IL_0009:  call       "void S3.P3.{{setter}}"
                    IL_000e:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("S4..ctor", $$"""
                  // Code size       22 (0x16)
                  .maxstack  2
                  IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0002:  stfld      "int S4.F4"
                  IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                  IL_0008:  ldc.i4.0
                  IL_0009:  stfld      "int S4.<P4>k__BackingField"
                  IL_000e:  ldarg.0
                  IL_000f:  ldarg.1
                  IL_0010:  call       "void S4.P4.{{setter}}"
                  IL_0015:  ret
        public void ReadOnly_01(bool useReadOnlyType, bool useReadOnlyProperty, bool useInit)
            static string getReadOnlyModifier(bool useReadOnly) => useReadOnly ? "readonly" : "        ";
            string typeModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyType);
            string propertyModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyProperty);
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                {{typeModifier}} struct S
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P2 { get => field; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P4 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P5 { get => null; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P6 { get => null; {{setter}}; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P7 { get => null; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P8 { get => null; {{setter}} { _ = field; } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P9 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object PA { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object PB { {{setter}} { _ = field; } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object PC { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object PD { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
            if (useInit)
                    // (6,40): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P4 { get => field; init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "S.P4").WithLocation(6, 40),
                    // (8,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P6 { get => null; init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 26),
                    // (10,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P8 { get => null; init { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 26),
                    // (12,31): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object PA { get; init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "S.PA").WithLocation(12, 31));
            else if (useReadOnlyType)
                    // (5,21): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                    //              object P3 { get => field; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P3").WithLocation(5, 21),
                    // (6,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P4 { get => field; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(6, 40),
                    // (8,21): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                    //              object P6 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P6").WithLocation(8, 21),
                    // (8,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P6 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 26),
                    // (10,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P8 { get => null; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 26),
                    // (11,21): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                    //              object P9 { get; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P9").WithLocation(11, 21),
                    // (12,31): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object PA { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(12, 31),
                    // (14,37): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                    //              object PC { get; set { field = value; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(14, 37),
                    // (15,32): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                    //              object PD { set { field = value; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(15, 32));
            else if (useReadOnlyProperty)
                    // (5,21): error CS8659: Auto-implemented property 'S.P3' cannot be marked 'readonly' because it has a 'set' accessor.
                    //     readonly object P3 { get => field; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyWithSetterCantBeReadOnly, "P3").WithArguments("S.P3").WithLocation(5, 21),
                    // (6,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     readonly object P4 { get => field; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(6, 40),
                    // (8,21): error CS8659: Auto-implemented property 'S.P6' cannot be marked 'readonly' because it has a 'set' accessor.
                    //     readonly object P6 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyWithSetterCantBeReadOnly, "P6").WithArguments("S.P6").WithLocation(8, 21),
                    // (8,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     readonly object P6 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 26),
                    // (10,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     readonly object P8 { get => null; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 26),
                    // (11,21): error CS8659: Auto-implemented property 'S.P9' cannot be marked 'readonly' because it has a 'set' accessor.
                    //     readonly object P9 { get; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyWithSetterCantBeReadOnly, "P9").WithArguments("S.P9").WithLocation(11, 21),
                    // (12,31): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     readonly object PA { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(12, 31),
                    // (14,37): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                    //     readonly object PC { get; set { field = value; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(14, 37),
                    // (15,32): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                    //     readonly object PD { set { field = value; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(15, 32));
                    // (6,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P4 { get => field; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(6, 40),
                    // (8,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P6 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 26),
                    // (10,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object P8 { get => null; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 26),
                    // (12,31): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //              object PA { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(12, 31));
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object S.<P1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<P2>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty}",
                $"System.Object S.<P3>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty}",
                $"System.Object S.<P4>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty}",
                $"System.Object S.<P6>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty}",
                $"System.Object S.<P8>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty}",
                $"System.Object S.<P9>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty || useInit}",
                $"System.Object S.<PA>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty || useInit}",
                $"System.Object S.<PB>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty || useInit}",
                $"System.Object S.<PC>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty || useInit}",
                $"System.Object S.<PD>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyProperty || useInit}",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ReadOnly_02(bool useReadOnlyType, bool useReadOnlyOnGet)
            static string getReadOnlyModifier(bool useReadOnly) => useReadOnly ? "readonly" : "        ";
            string typeModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyType);
            string getModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyOnGet);
            string setModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(!useReadOnlyOnGet);
            string source = $$"""
                {{typeModifier}} struct S
                    object P3 { {{getModifier}} get => field; {{setModifier}} set; }
                    object P4 { {{getModifier}} get => field; {{setModifier}} set { } }
                    object P6 { {{getModifier}} get => null; {{setModifier}} set; }
                    object P7 { {{getModifier}} get => null; {{setModifier}} set { } }
                    object P8 { {{getModifier}} get => null; {{setModifier}} set { _ = field; } }
                    object P9 { {{getModifier}} get; {{setModifier}} set; }
                    object PA { {{getModifier}} get; {{setModifier}} set { } }
                    object PC { {{getModifier}} get; {{setModifier}} set { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            if (useReadOnlyType)
                if (useReadOnlyOnGet)
                        // (3,12): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                        //     object P3 { readonly get => field;          set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P3").WithLocation(3, 12),
                        // (4,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P4 { readonly get => field;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(4, 49),
                        // (5,12): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                        //     object P6 { readonly get => null;          set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P6").WithLocation(5, 12),
                        // (5,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P6 { readonly get => null;          set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(5, 26),
                        // (7,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P8 { readonly get => null;          set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(7, 26),
                        // (8,12): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                        //     object P9 { readonly get;          set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P9").WithLocation(8, 12),
                        // (9,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object PA { readonly get;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(9, 40),
                        // (10,46): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                        //     object PC { readonly get;          set { field = value; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(10, 46));
                        // (3,12): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                        //     object P3 {          get => field; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P3").WithLocation(3, 12),
                        // (3,49): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P3.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                        //     object P3 {          get => field; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P3.set").WithLocation(3, 49),
                        // (4,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P4 {          get => field; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(4, 49),
                        // (5,12): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                        //     object P6 {          get => null; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P6").WithLocation(5, 12),
                        // (5,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P6 {          get => null; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(5, 26),
                        // (5,48): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P6.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                        //     object P6 {          get => null; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P6.set").WithLocation(5, 48),
                        // (7,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P8 {          get => null; readonly set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(7, 26),
                        // (8,12): error CS8341: Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
                        //     object P9 {          get; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropsInRoStruct, "P9").WithLocation(8, 12),
                        // (8,40): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P9.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                        //     object P9 {          get; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P9.set").WithLocation(8, 40),
                        // (9,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object PA {          get; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(9, 40),
                        // (10,46): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                        //     object PC {          get; readonly set { field = value; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(10, 46));
                if (useReadOnlyOnGet)
                        // (4,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P4 { readonly get => field;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(4, 49),
                        // (5,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P6 { readonly get => null;          set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(5, 26),
                        // (7,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P8 { readonly get => null;          set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(7, 26),
                        // (9,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object PA { readonly get;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(9, 40));
                        // (3,49): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P3.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                        //     object P3 {          get => field; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P3.set").WithLocation(3, 49),
                        // (4,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P4 {          get => field; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P4").WithLocation(4, 49),
                        // (5,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P6 {          get => null; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P6").WithLocation(5, 26),
                        // (5,48): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P6.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                        //     object P6 {          get => null; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P6.set").WithLocation(5, 48),
                        // (7,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object P8 {          get => null; readonly set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(7, 26),
                        // (8,40): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P9.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                        //     object P9 {          get; readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P9.set").WithLocation(8, 40),
                        // (9,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PA' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     object PA {          get; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PA").WithLocation(9, 40),
                        // (10,46): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                        //     object PC {          get; readonly set { field = value; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(10, 46));
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object S.<P3>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType}",
                $"System.Object S.<P4>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType}",
                $"System.Object S.<P6>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType}",
                $"System.Object S.<P8>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType}",
                $"System.Object S.<P9>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || !useReadOnlyOnGet}",
                $"System.Object S.<PA>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || !useReadOnlyOnGet}",
                $"System.Object S.<PC>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || !useReadOnlyOnGet}",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ReadOnly_03(bool useRefStruct, bool useReadOnlyType, bool useReadOnlyMember)
            static string getReadOnlyModifier(bool useReadOnly) => useReadOnly ? "readonly" : "        ";
            string typeKind = useRefStruct ? "ref struct" : "    struct";
            string typeModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyType);
            string memberModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyMember);
            string sourceA = $$"""
                {{typeModifier}} {{typeKind}} S
                    {{memberModifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    {{memberModifier}} object P5 { get; init; }
                    object P7 { {{memberModifier}} get; init; }
                    {{memberModifier}} object Q1 { get => field; }
                    {{memberModifier}} object Q2 { set { _ = field; } }
                    {{memberModifier}} object Q3 { init { _ = field; } }
                    {{memberModifier}} object Q4 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    {{memberModifier}} object Q5 { get; init { _ = field; } }
                    object Q6 { {{memberModifier}} get; set { _ = field; } }
                    object Q7 { {{memberModifier}} get; init { _ = field; } }
                    object Q8 { get; {{memberModifier}} set { _ = field; } }
            string sourceB = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(S).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", field.Name, field.IsInitOnly);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80,
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput($$"""
                <P1>k__BackingField: True
                <P5>k__BackingField: True
                <P7>k__BackingField: True
                <Q1>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}}
                <Q2>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}}
                <Q3>k__BackingField: True
                <Q4>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}}
                <Q5>k__BackingField: True
                <Q6>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyType}}
                <Q7>k__BackingField: True
                <Q8>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}}
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object S.<P1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<P5>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<P7>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q1>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q2>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q3>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q4>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q5>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q6>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q7>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q8>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyType || useReadOnlyMember}",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ReadOnly_04(bool useRefStruct, bool useReadOnlyType, bool useReadOnlyMember)
            static string getReadOnlyModifier(bool useReadOnly) => useReadOnly ? "readonly" : "        ";
            string typeKind = useRefStruct ? "ref struct" : "    struct";
            string typeModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyType);
            string memberModifier = getReadOnlyModifier(useReadOnlyMember);
            string sourceA = $$"""
                {{typeModifier}} {{typeKind}} S
                    static {{memberModifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    static {{memberModifier}} object Q1 { get => field; }
                    static {{memberModifier}} object Q2 { set { _ = field; } }
                    static {{memberModifier}} object Q4 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    static object Q6 { {{memberModifier}} get; set { _ = field; } }
                    static object Q8 { get; {{memberModifier}} set { _ = field; } }
            string sourceB = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(S).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", field.Name, field.IsInitOnly);
            var comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB], options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe);
            if (useReadOnlyMember)
                    // (3,28): error CS8657: Static member 'S.P1' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     static readonly object P1 { get; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberCantBeReadOnly, "P1").WithArguments("S.P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                    // (4,28): error CS8657: Static member 'S.Q1' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     static readonly object Q1 { get => field; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberCantBeReadOnly, "Q1").WithArguments("S.Q1").WithLocation(4, 28),
                    // (5,28): error CS8657: Static member 'S.Q2' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     static readonly object Q2 { set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberCantBeReadOnly, "Q2").WithArguments("S.Q2").WithLocation(5, 28),
                    // (6,28): error CS8657: Static member 'S.Q4' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     static readonly object Q4 { get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberCantBeReadOnly, "Q4").WithArguments("S.Q4").WithLocation(6, 28),
                    // (7,33): error CS8657: Static member 'S.Q6.get' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     static object Q6 { readonly get; set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberCantBeReadOnly, "get").WithArguments("S.Q6.get").WithLocation(7, 33),
                    // (8,38): error CS8657: Static member 'S.Q8.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     static object Q8 { get; readonly set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.Q8.set").WithLocation(8, 38));
                var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: $$"""
                    <P1>k__BackingField: True
                    <Q1>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyMember}}
                    <Q2>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyMember}}
                    <Q4>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyMember}}
                    <Q6>k__BackingField: False
                    <Q8>k__BackingField: {{useReadOnlyMember}}
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object S.<P1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q1>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyMember}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q2>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyMember}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q4>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyMember}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q6>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object S.<Q8>k__BackingField: {useReadOnlyMember}",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ReadOnly_05(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                struct S
                    object P1 { readonly get; }
                    object P2 { readonly {{setter}}; }
                    object P3 { readonly get; {{setter}}; }
                    object P4 { get; readonly {{setter}}; }
                    object P5 { readonly get; readonly {{setter}}; }
                    object Q1 { readonly get => field; }
                    object Q2 { readonly {{setter}} { _ = field; } }
                    object Q3 { readonly get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    object Q4 { get; readonly {{setter}} { } }
                    object Q5 { readonly get => field; readonly {{setter}} { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
            if (useInit)
                    // (3,12): error CS8664: 'S.P1': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object P1 { readonly get; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P1").WithArguments("S.P1").WithLocation(3, 12),
                    // (4,12): error CS8664: 'S.P2': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object P2 { readonly init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P2").WithArguments("S.P2").WithLocation(4, 12),
                    // (4,26): error CS8903: 'init' accessors cannot be marked 'readonly'. Mark 'S.P2' readonly instead.
                    //     object P2 { readonly init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitCannotBeReadonly, "init").WithArguments("S.P2").WithLocation(4, 26),
                    // (4,26): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                    //     object P2 { readonly init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(4, 26),
                    // (6,31): error CS8903: 'init' accessors cannot be marked 'readonly'. Mark 'S.P4' readonly instead.
                    //     object P4 { get; readonly init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitCannotBeReadonly, "init").WithArguments("S.P4").WithLocation(6, 31),
                    // (7,12): error CS8661: Cannot specify 'readonly' modifiers on both accessors of property or indexer 'S.P5'. Instead, put a 'readonly' modifier on the property itself.
                    //     object P5 { readonly get; readonly init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicatePropertyReadOnlyMods, "P5").WithArguments("S.P5").WithLocation(7, 12),
                    // (7,40): error CS8903: 'init' accessors cannot be marked 'readonly'. Mark 'S.P5' readonly instead.
                    //     object P5 { readonly get; readonly init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitCannotBeReadonly, "init").WithArguments("S.P5").WithLocation(7, 40),
                    // (8,12): error CS8664: 'S.Q1': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object Q1 { readonly get => field; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "Q1").WithArguments("S.Q1").WithLocation(8, 12),
                    // (9,12): error CS8664: 'S.Q2': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object Q2 { readonly init { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "Q2").WithArguments("S.Q2").WithLocation(9, 12),
                    // (9,26): error CS8903: 'init' accessors cannot be marked 'readonly'. Mark 'S.Q2' readonly instead.
                    //     object Q2 { readonly init { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitCannotBeReadonly, "init").WithArguments("S.Q2").WithLocation(9, 26),
                    // (11,31): error CS8903: 'init' accessors cannot be marked 'readonly'. Mark 'S.Q4' readonly instead.
                    //     object Q4 { get; readonly init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitCannotBeReadonly, "init").WithArguments("S.Q4").WithLocation(11, 31),
                    // (11,31): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'S.Q4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     object Q4 { get; readonly init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "S.Q4").WithLocation(11, 31),
                    // (12,12): error CS8661: Cannot specify 'readonly' modifiers on both accessors of property or indexer 'S.Q5'. Instead, put a 'readonly' modifier on the property itself.
                    //     object Q5 { readonly get => field; readonly init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicatePropertyReadOnlyMods, "Q5").WithArguments("S.Q5").WithLocation(12, 12),
                    // (12,49): error CS8903: 'init' accessors cannot be marked 'readonly'. Mark 'S.Q5' readonly instead.
                    //     object Q5 { readonly get => field; readonly init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitCannotBeReadonly, "init").WithArguments("S.Q5").WithLocation(12, 49),
                    // (12,49): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'S.Q5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     object Q5 { readonly get => field; readonly init { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "S.Q5").WithLocation(12, 49));
                    // (3,12): error CS8664: 'S.P1': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object P1 { readonly get; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P1").WithArguments("S.P1").WithLocation(3, 12),
                    // (4,12): error CS8664: 'S.P2': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object P2 { readonly set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P2").WithArguments("S.P2").WithLocation(4, 12),
                    // (4,26): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P2.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     object P2 { readonly set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P2.set").WithLocation(4, 26),
                    // (4,26): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                    //     object P2 { readonly set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(4, 26),
                    // (6,31): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P4.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     object P4 { get; readonly set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P4.set").WithLocation(6, 31),
                    // (7,12): error CS8661: Cannot specify 'readonly' modifiers on both accessors of property or indexer 'S.P5'. Instead, put a 'readonly' modifier on the property itself.
                    //     object P5 { readonly get; readonly set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicatePropertyReadOnlyMods, "P5").WithArguments("S.P5").WithLocation(7, 12),
                    // (7,40): error CS8658: Auto-implemented 'set' accessor 'S.P5.set' cannot be marked 'readonly'.
                    //     object P5 { readonly get; readonly set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoSetterCantBeReadOnly, "set").WithArguments("S.P5.set").WithLocation(7, 40),
                    // (8,12): error CS8664: 'S.Q1': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object Q1 { readonly get => field; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "Q1").WithArguments("S.Q1").WithLocation(8, 12),
                    // (9,12): error CS8664: 'S.Q2': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                    //     object Q2 { readonly set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "Q2").WithArguments("S.Q2").WithLocation(9, 12),
                    // (11,31): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.Q4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     object Q4 { get; readonly set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.Q4").WithLocation(11, 31),
                    // (12,12): error CS8661: Cannot specify 'readonly' modifiers on both accessors of property or indexer 'S.Q5'. Instead, put a 'readonly' modifier on the property itself.
                    //     object Q5 { readonly get => field; readonly set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicatePropertyReadOnlyMods, "Q5").WithArguments("S.Q5").WithLocation(12, 12),
                    // (12,49): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.Q5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     object Q5 { readonly get => field; readonly set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.Q5").WithLocation(12, 49));
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object S.<P1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<P2>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<P3>k__BackingField: {useInit}",
                $"System.Object S.<P4>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<P5>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q2>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q3>k__BackingField: {useInit}",
                $"System.Object S.<Q4>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object S.<Q5>k__BackingField: True",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ReadOnly_06(bool useStatic)
            string propertyModifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string source = $$"""
                readonly class C1
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P2 { get; set; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P3 { get => field; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P4 { set { field = value; } }
                class C2
                    {{propertyModifier}} readonly object P1 { get; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} readonly object P2 { get; set; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} readonly object P3 { get => field; }
                    {{propertyModifier}} readonly object P4 { set { field = value; } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P5 { readonly get; set { field = value; } }
                    {{propertyModifier}} object P6 { get; readonly set { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (1,16): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                // readonly class C1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "C1").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(1, 16),
                // (10,28): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                //            readonly object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "P1").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(10, 28),
                // (11,28): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                //            readonly object P2 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "P2").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(11, 28),
                // (12,28): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                //            readonly object P3 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "P3").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(12, 28),
                // (13,28): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                //            readonly object P4 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "P4").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(13, 28),
                // (14,33): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                //            object P5 { readonly get; set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "get").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(14, 33),
                // (15,38): error CS0106: The modifier 'readonly' is not valid for this item
                //            object P6 { get; readonly set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadMemberFlag, "set").WithArguments("readonly").WithLocation(15, 38));
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C1").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object C1.<P1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object C1.<P2>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object C1.<P3>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object C1.<P4>k__BackingField: False",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
            actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C2").GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Select(f => $"{f.ToTestDisplayString()}: {f.IsReadOnly}");
            expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object C2.<P1>k__BackingField: True",
                $"System.Object C2.<P2>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object C2.<P3>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object C2.<P4>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object C2.<P5>k__BackingField: False",
                $"System.Object C2.<P6>k__BackingField: False",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void ReadOnly_07()
            string source = """
                struct S0
                    object P0 { get { field = null; return null; } }
                struct S1
                    object P1 { readonly get { field = null; return null; } }
                struct S2
                    readonly object P2 { get { field = null; return null; } }
                readonly struct S3
                    object P3 { get { field = null; return null; } }
                readonly struct S4
                    object P4 { readonly get { field = null; return null; } }
                readonly struct S5
                    readonly object P5 { get { field = null; return null; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (7,12): error CS8664: 'S1.P1': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                //     object P1 { readonly get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P1").WithArguments("S1.P1").WithLocation(7, 12),
                // (7,32): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                //     object P1 { readonly get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(7, 32),
                // (11,32): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                //     readonly object P2 { get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(11, 32),
                // (15,23): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                //     object P3 { get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(15, 23),
                // (19,12): error CS8664: 'S4.P4': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                //     object P4 { readonly get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P4").WithArguments("S4.P4").WithLocation(19, 12),
                // (19,32): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                //     object P4 { readonly get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(19, 32),
                // (23,32): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
                //     readonly object P5 { get { field = null; return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonly, "field").WithLocation(23, 32));
        public void RefReturning_01(bool useStruct, bool useRefReadOnly)
            string type = useStruct ? "struct" : "class";
            string refModifier = useRefReadOnly ? "ref readonly" : "ref         ";
            string source = $$"""
                {{type}} S
                    {{refModifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    {{refModifier}} object P2 { get => ref field; }
                    {{refModifier}} object P3 { get => ref field; set; }
                    {{refModifier}} object P4 { get => ref field; init; }
                    {{refModifier}} object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                    {{refModifier}} object P6 { get => ref field; init { } }
                    {{refModifier}} object P7 { get => throw null; }
                    {{refModifier}} object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                    {{refModifier}} object P9 { get => throw null; init; }
                    {{refModifier}} object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                    {{refModifier}} object PD { get => throw null; init { _ = field; } }
                    {{refModifier}} object PE { get; set; }
                    {{refModifier}} object PF { get; init; }
                    {{refModifier}} object PG { get; set { } }
                    {{refModifier}} object PH { get; init { } }
                    {{refModifier}} object PI { set { _ = field; } }
                    {{refModifier}} object PJ { init { _ = field; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (3,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P1").WithLocation(3, 25),
                // (4,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P2 { get => ref field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P2").WithLocation(4, 25),
                // (5,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P3 { get => ref field; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P3").WithLocation(5, 25),
                // (5,48): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object P3 { get => ref field; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(5, 48),
                // (6,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P4 { get => ref field; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P4").WithLocation(6, 25),
                // (6,48): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object P4 { get => ref field; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(6, 48),
                // (7,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P5").WithLocation(7, 25),
                // (7,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P5").WithLocation(7, 48),
                // (7,48): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(7, 48),
                // (8,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P6 { get => ref field; init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P6").WithLocation(8, 25),
                // (8,48): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object P6 { get => ref field; init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 48),
                // (8,48): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object P6 { get => ref field; init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(8, 48),
                // (10,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P8").WithLocation(10, 25),
                // (10,30): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 30),
                // (10,49): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(10, 49),
                // (11,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object P9 { get => throw null; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P9").WithLocation(11, 25),
                // (11,30): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P9' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object P9 { get => throw null; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P9").WithLocation(11, 30),
                // (11,49): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object P9 { get => throw null; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(11, 49),
                // (12,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PC").WithLocation(12, 25),
                // (12,30): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.PC' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.PC").WithLocation(12, 30),
                // (12,49): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(12, 49),
                // (13,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PD { get => throw null; init { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PD").WithLocation(13, 25),
                // (13,30): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.PD' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object PD { get => throw null; init { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.PD").WithLocation(13, 30),
                // (13,49): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object PD { get => throw null; init { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(13, 49),
                // (14,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PE { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PE").WithLocation(14, 25),
                // (14,35): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object PE { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(14, 35),
                // (15,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PF { get; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PF").WithLocation(15, 25),
                // (15,35): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object PF { get; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(15, 35),
                // (16,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PG { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PG").WithLocation(16, 25),
                // (16,35): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PG' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object PG { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PG").WithLocation(16, 35),
                // (16,35): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object PG { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(16, 35),
                // (17,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PH { get; init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PH").WithLocation(17, 25),
                // (17,35): warning CS9266: The 'init' accessor of property 'S.PH' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ref          object PH { get; init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "init").WithArguments("init", "S.PH").WithLocation(17, 35),
                // (17,35): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     ref          object PH { get; init { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "init").WithLocation(17, 35),
                // (18,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PI { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PI").WithLocation(18, 25),
                // (18,25): error CS8146: Properties which return by reference must have a get accessor
                //     ref          object PI { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, "PI").WithLocation(18, 25),
                // (19,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref          object PJ { init { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PJ").WithLocation(19, 25),
                // (19,25): error CS8146: Properties which return by reference must have a get accessor
                //     ref          object PJ { init { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, "PJ").WithLocation(19, 25));
        public void RefReturning_02(bool useStruct, bool useRefReadOnly)
            string type = useStruct ? "struct" : "class";
            string refModifier = useRefReadOnly ? "ref readonly" : "ref         ";
            string source = $$"""
                {{type}} S
                    static {{refModifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    static {{refModifier}} object P2 { get => ref field; }
                    static {{refModifier}} object P3 { get => ref field; set; }
                    static {{refModifier}} object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                    static {{refModifier}} object P7 { get => throw null; }
                    static {{refModifier}} object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                    static {{refModifier}} object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                    static {{refModifier}} object PE { get; set; }
                    static {{refModifier}} object PG { get; set { } }
                    static {{refModifier}} object PI { set { _ = field; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (3,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P1").WithLocation(3, 32),
                // (4,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object P2 { get => ref field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P2").WithLocation(4, 32),
                // (5,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object P3 { get => ref field; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P3").WithLocation(5, 32),
                // (5,55): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     static ref          object P3 { get => ref field; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(5, 55),
                // (6,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P5").WithLocation(6, 32),
                // (6,55): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     static ref          object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P5").WithLocation(6, 55),
                // (6,55): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     static ref          object P5 { get => ref field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(6, 55),
                // (8,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P8").WithLocation(8, 32),
                // (8,37): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     static ref          object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.P8").WithLocation(8, 37),
                // (8,56): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     static ref          object P8 { get => throw null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(8, 56),
                // (9,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PC").WithLocation(9, 32),
                // (9,37): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'S.PC' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     static ref          object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "S.PC").WithLocation(9, 37),
                // (9,56): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     static ref          object PC { get => throw null; set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(9, 56),
                // (10,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object PE { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PE").WithLocation(10, 32),
                // (10,42): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     static ref          object PE { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(10, 42),
                // (11,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object PG { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PG").WithLocation(11, 32),
                // (11,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.PG' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     static ref          object PG { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.PG").WithLocation(11, 42),
                // (11,42): error CS8147: Properties which return by reference cannot have set accessors
                //     static ref          object PG { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyCannotHaveSetAccessor, "set").WithLocation(11, 42),
                // (12,32): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     static ref          object PI { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "PI").WithLocation(12, 32),
                // (12,32): error CS8146: Properties which return by reference must have a get accessor
                //     static ref          object PI { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, "PI").WithLocation(12, 32));
        public void PassByReference_01()
            string source = $$"""
                struct S
                    object P1 => F(ref field);
                    readonly object P2 => F(ref field);
                    object P3 { readonly get { return F(ref field); } set { } }
                    readonly object P4 { init { F(ref field); } }
                    static object F(ref object o) => o;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (4,33): error CS0192: A readonly field cannot be used as a ref or out value (except in a constructor)
                //     readonly object P2 => F(ref field);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefReadonly, "field").WithLocation(4, 33),
                // (5,45): error CS1605: Cannot use 'field' as a ref or out value because it is read-only
                //     object P3 { readonly get { return F(ref field); } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefReadonlyLocal, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(5, 45),
                // (5,55): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P3 { readonly get { return F(ref field); } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P3").WithLocation(5, 55));
        public void PassByReference_02()
            string source = $$"""
                struct S
                    object P1 => F(in field);
                    readonly object P2 => F(in field);
                    object P3 { readonly get { return F(in field); } set { } }
                    readonly object P4 { init { F(in field); } }
                    static object F(in object o) => o;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (5,54): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P3 { readonly get { return F(in field); } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P3").WithLocation(5, 54));
        public void PassByReference_03()
            string source = $$"""
                struct S
                    object P1 => F(field);
                    readonly object P2 => F(field);
                    object P3 { readonly get { return F(field); } set { } }
                    readonly object P4 { init { F(field); } }
                    static object F(in object o) => o;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (5,51): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P3 { readonly get { return F(field); } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P3").WithLocation(5, 51));
        public void PassByReference_04()
            string source = $$"""
                struct S
                    object P1 => field;
                    readonly object P2 => field;
                    object P3 { readonly get => field; set { } }
                    readonly object P4 { init { field = value; } }
                    S(bool unused)
                        F(ref P1);
                        F(ref P2);
                        F(ref P3);
                        F(ref P4);
                    static object F(ref object o) => o;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (5,40): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     object P3 { readonly get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P3").WithLocation(5, 40),
                // (9,15): error CS0206: A non ref-returning property or indexer may not be used as an out or ref value
                //         F(ref P1);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefProperty, "P1").WithLocation(9, 15),
                // (10,15): error CS0206: A non ref-returning property or indexer may not be used as an out or ref value
                //         F(ref P2);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefProperty, "P2").WithLocation(10, 15),
                // (11,15): error CS0206: A non ref-returning property or indexer may not be used as an out or ref value
                //         F(ref P3);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefProperty, "P3").WithLocation(11, 15),
                // (12,15): error CS0206: A non ref-returning property or indexer may not be used as an out or ref value
                //         F(ref P4);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RefProperty, "P4").WithLocation(12, 15));
        public void PassByReference_05()
            string source = $$"""
                struct S1
                    ref object P1 => ref F1(ref field);
                    static ref object F1(ref object o) => ref o;
                readonly struct S2
                    ref readonly object P2 => ref F2(in field);
                    static ref readonly object F2(in object o) => ref o;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (3,16): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref object P1 => ref F1(ref field);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P1").WithLocation(3, 16),
                // (8,25): error CS8145: Auto-implemented properties cannot return by reference
                //     ref readonly object P2 => ref F2(in field);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyCannotBeRefReturning, "P2").WithLocation(8, 25));
        public void Nullability_01(bool useNullableAnnotation)
            string annotation = useNullableAnnotation ? "?" : " ";
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    object{{annotation}} P1 => field;
                    object{{annotation}} P2 { get => field; }
                    object{{annotation}} P3 { set { field = value; } }
                    object{{annotation}} P4 { get => field; set { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            if (useNullableAnnotation)
                    // (4,13): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P1' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                    //     object  P1 => field;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "P1").WithArguments("property", "P1").WithLocation(4, 13),
                    // (5,13): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P2' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                    //     object  P2 { get => field; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "P2").WithArguments("property", "P2").WithLocation(5, 13),
                    // (7,13): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P4' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                    //     object  P4 { get => field; set { field = value; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "P4").WithArguments("property", "P4").WithLocation(7, 13));
        public void Nullability_02()
            string source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    string? P1 => field.ToString(); // 1
                    string P2 => field.ToString(); // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (4,19): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //     string? P1 => field.ToString(); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "field").WithLocation(4, 19),
                // (5,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P2' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     string P2 => field.ToString();
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "P2").WithArguments("property", "P2").WithLocation(5, 12));
        public void Nullability_03()
            string source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    string P
                            if (field.Length == 0) return field;
                            if (field is null) return field; // 1
                            return field;
                    C() { P = ""; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (9,39): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //             if (field is null) return field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 39));
        public void Nullability_04()
            string source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    string? P
                            if (value is null)
                                field = value;
                                field.ToString(); // 1
                            field = value;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (11,17): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //                 field.ToString(); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "field").WithLocation(11, 17));
        // NullableWalker assumes the backing field is used exactly as in an auto-property,
        // (e.g. { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }), and therefore the inferred nullability
        // of the initializer value can be used directly for the inferred nullability of the property.
        public void Nullability_05(bool useNullableAnnotation, bool initializeNotNull, bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set ";
            string annotation = useNullableAnnotation ? "?" : " ";
            string initializerValue = initializeNotNull ? "NotNull()" : "MaybeNull()";
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    object{{annotation}} P1 { get; } = {{initializerValue}};
                    object{{annotation}} P2 { get => field; } = {{initializerValue}};
                    object{{annotation}} P3 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = {{initializerValue}};
                    object{{annotation}} P4 { get; {{setter}}; } = {{initializerValue}};
                    object{{annotation}} P5 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } } = {{initializerValue}};
                    object{{annotation}} P6 { {{setter}} { field = value; } } = {{initializerValue}};
                    static object NotNull() => new object();
                    static object? MaybeNull() => new object();
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
            if (initializeNotNull)
            else if (useNullableAnnotation)
                    // (14,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P1.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P1").WithLocation(14, 9),
                    // (15,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P2.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P2").WithLocation(15, 9),
                    // (16,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P3.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P3").WithLocation(16, 9),
                    // (17,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P4.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P4").WithLocation(17, 9),
                    // (18,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P5.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P5").WithLocation(18, 9));
                    // (4,27): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                    //     object  P1 { get; } = MaybeNull();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "MaybeNull()").WithLocation(4, 27),
                    // (5,36): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                    //     object  P2 { get => field; } = MaybeNull();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "MaybeNull()").WithLocation(5, 36),
                    // (6,42): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                    //     object  P3 { get => field; set ; } = MaybeNull();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "MaybeNull()").WithLocation(6, 42),
                    // (7,33): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                    //     object  P4 { get; set ; } = MaybeNull();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "MaybeNull()").WithLocation(7, 33),
                    // (8,51): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                    //     object  P5 { get; set  { field = value; } } = MaybeNull();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "MaybeNull()").WithLocation(8, 51),
                    // (14,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P1.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P1").WithLocation(14, 9),
                    // (15,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P2.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P2").WithLocation(15, 9),
                    // (16,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P3.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P3").WithLocation(16, 9),
                    // (17,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P4.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P4").WithLocation(17, 9),
                    // (18,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P5.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P5").WithLocation(18, 9));
        public void Nullability_06()
            // Initialize by assigning in constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; }
                    public C()
                        Prop = "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_06_GetterOnly()
            // Initialize by assigning to field in constructor (due to absence of setter)
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; }
                    public C()
                        Prop = "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_06_NotInitialized()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; }
                    public C() { }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C() { }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 12));
        public void Nullability_06_NotInitialized_GetterOnly()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; }
                    public C() { }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C() { }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 12));
        public void Nullability_06_Static()
            // Initialize by assigning in constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; }
                    static C()
                        Prop = "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_06_Static_GetterOnly()
            // Initialize by assigning to field in constructor (due to absence of setter)
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop { get => field; }
                    static C()
                        Prop = "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_06_Static_NotInitialized()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; }
                    static C() { }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     static C() { }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 12));
        public void Nullability_06_Static_NotInitialized_GetterOnly()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop { get => field; }
                    static C() { }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     static C() { }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 12));
        public void Nullability_07()
            // Initialize using a property initializer
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; } = "a";
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_07_GetterOnly()
            // Initialize using a property initializer
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; } = "a";
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_08()
            // Initialize using a property initializer and read it in the constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; } = "a";
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_08_GetterOnly()
            // Initialize using a property initializer and read it in the constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; } = "a";
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_09()
            // MaybeNull on the field
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field; // 1
                        set => field = value;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //         get => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16));
        public void Nullability_10()
            // MaybeNull on the field and assign null to it
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field; // 1
                        set => field = null; // 2
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //         get => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16),
                // (10,24): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //         set => field = null; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(10, 24));
        public void Nullability_11()
            // MaybeNull on the field. Use an auto-getter.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull]
                    public string Prop
                        set => field = value;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_12()
            // MaybeNull+AllowNull on the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field; // 1
                        set => field = value;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //         get => field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16));
        public void Nullability_13()
            // MaybeNull+AllowNull on the field, and assign null to the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field; // 1
                        set => field = null;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //         get => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16));
        public void Nullability_13_Prop()
            // MaybeNull+AllowNull on the property, and assign null to the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp()
            // AllowNull only on the property, and assign null to the field.
            // Constructor warning occurs because property `[AllowNull]` doesn't affect field initial state.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null; // 1
                    public C() // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (10,24): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //         set => field = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(10, 24),
                // (12,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C() // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(12, 12));
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp_AssignProp()
            // AllowNull only on the property, and assign null to the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null; // 1
                    public C()
                        Prop = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (10,24): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //         set => field = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(10, 24));
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp_AssignValue()
            // AllowNull only on the property, and assign 'value' to the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = value; // 1
                    public C() // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (10,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(10, 24),
                // (12,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C() // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(12, 12));
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp_AutoSetter()
            // AllowNull only on the property
            // Should auto accessor bodies be nullable analyzed?
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field; set;
                    public C() // 1
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (11,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C()
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(11, 12));
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp_NoSetter()
            // AllowNull only on the property
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                    public C() // 1
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (11,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C() // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(11, 12));
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp_Initializer(string setAccessor)
            // AllowNull only on the property and assign null
            // A warning is reported because field keyword is being used, the field itself does not allow null, and the `= null` represents a direct assignment of the backing field.
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                    } = null; // 1
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (11,9): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     } = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(11, 9));
        public void Nullability_13_AllowNullProp_Initializer_ManualSetter()
            // AllowNull only on the property and assign null
            // A warning is reported because field keyword is being used, the field itself does not allow null, and the `= null` represents a direct assignment of the backing field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = value; // 1
                    } = null; // 2
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (10,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(10, 24),
                // (11,9): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     } = null; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(11, 9));
        public void Nullability_13_ReadProp()
            // MaybeNull+AllowNull on the property, and dereference the field, and write the value to the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field.ToString();
                        set => field = value; // 1
                    public C() // 2
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (10,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(10, 24),
                // (12,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C() // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(12, 12));
        public void Nullability_14()
            // AllowNull on the field, and assign null to the field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_15()
            // MaybeNull+AllowNull on the field, and getter has an attribute list.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class Attr : System.Attribute { }
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field; // 1
                        set => field = value;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (12,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //         get => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(12, 16));
        public void Nullability_16()
            // NotNull property using field keyword
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string? Prop => field; // 1
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (7,28): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //     public string? Prop => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(7, 28));
        public void Nullability_17()
            // NotNull property auto-implemented
            // This does not warn in the shipped impl
            // should auto-accessor bodies be nullable analyzed?
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string? Prop { get; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_18()
            // NotNull+DisallowNull property using field keyword
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [NotNull, DisallowNull]
                    public string? Prop => field; // 1
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition, DisallowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (7,28): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //     public string? Prop => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(7, 28));
        public void Nullability_19()
            // NotNull on field with auto-getter
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_20()
            // NotNull on field with auto-getter and manual setter
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get; set => field = value; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (7,20): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string? Prop { get; set => field = value; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(7, 20));
        public void Nullability_20_ManualGetter_AutoSetter()
            // NotNull on field with manual getter and auto-setter
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get => field; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (7,20): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string? Prop { get; set => field = value; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(7, 20));
        public void Nullability_20_ManualGetter_AutoSetter_NullInitializer()
            // NotNull on field with manual getter and auto-setter and null initializer
            // No diagnostic is expected here as the field's nullability+attrs is equivalent to `[AllowNull] string`--so, assigning null to it actually puts it into a non-null state.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get => field; set; } = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_20_ManualGetter_AutoSetter_NotNullInitializer()
            // NotNull on field with manual getter and auto-setter and non-null initializer
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get => field; set; } = "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_20_ManualGetter_AutoSetter_NotNullInitializer_NullTest()
            // NotNull on field with manual getter and auto-setter and non-null initializer and null test+throw in constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get => field; set; } = "a";
                    public C()
                        if (Prop is null)
                            throw null!;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_20_ManualGetter_AutoSetter_NullTest()
            // NotNull on field with manual getter and auto-setter and null test+throw in constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: NotNull]
                    public string? Prop { get => field; set; }
                    public C()
                        if (Prop is null)
                            throw null!;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_21()
            // DisallowNull on field with auto-getter
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: DisallowNull]
                    public string? Prop { get; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, DisallowNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_22()
            // DisallowNull on field with auto-getter and manual setter
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: DisallowNull]
                    public string? Prop
                        set => field = value; // 1
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, DisallowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (10,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(10, 24));
        public void Nullability_23()
            // AllowNull on field with auto-getter and manual setter
            // AllowNull on fields/properties by itself suppresses constructor initialization warnings
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: AllowNull]
                    public string Prop
                        set => field = value;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_24()
            // AllowNull on field with fully auto property
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: AllowNull]
                    public string Prop { get; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (7,19): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier or declaring the property as nullable.
                //     public string Prop { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(7, 19));
        public void Nullability_25()
            // AllowNull on field, assign in object initializer
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: AllowNull]
                    public string Prop { get => field; set; }
                    public void M()
                        new C()
                            Prop = null
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (13,20): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //             Prop = null
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(13, 20));
        public void Nullability_26()
            // AllowNull on field, assign in object initializer within constructor
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: AllowNull]
                    public string Prop { get => field; set; }
                    public C() { }
                    public C(bool ignored)
                        new C()
                            Prop = null
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (14,20): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //             Prop = null
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(14, 20));
        public void Nullability_27()
            // DisallowNull on field, assign null in property initializer
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: DisallowNull]
                    public string? Prop { get => field; } = null; // 1
                    public C() { }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, DisallowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (7,45): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     public string? Prop { get => field; } = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(7, 45));
        public void Nullability_27_AutoProp()
            // DisallowNull on field, assign null in property initializer, field keyword is not used
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: DisallowNull]
                    public string? Prop { get; } = null;
                    public C() { }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, DisallowNullAttributeDefinition]);
        public void Nullability_28()
            // required property using field keyword
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public required string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; }
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, RequiredMemberAttribute, CompilerFeatureRequiredAttribute, SetsRequiredMembersAttribute]);
                // (9,12): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public C()
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(9, 12));
        public void Nullability_29()
            // required property using field keyword and nullable field
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public required string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = value;
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, RequiredMemberAttribute, CompilerFeatureRequiredAttribute, SetsRequiredMembersAttribute, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                    // (9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                    //         get => field;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16));
        public void Nullability_30_NonNullableField()
            // chained constructor accessing a required property, which is field backed.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public required string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = value;
                    public C(bool ignored) { }
                    public C() : this(false)
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, RequiredMemberAttribute, CompilerFeatureRequiredAttribute, SetsRequiredMembersAttribute, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (14,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //         Prop.ToString();
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "Prop").WithLocation(14, 9));
        public void Nullability_30_NullableAttributedField()
            // chained constructor accessing a required property, which is field backed, and field has MaybeNull, AllowNull.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    [field: MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public required string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = value;
                    public C(bool ignored) { }
                    public C() : this(false)
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, RequiredMemberAttribute, CompilerFeatureRequiredAttribute, SetsRequiredMembersAttribute, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                    // (9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                    //         get => field;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16),
                    // (16,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         Prop.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "Prop").WithLocation(16, 9));
            #nullable enable
            #nullable disable warnings
        [InlineData("#nullable enable annotations")]
        public void Nullability_Suppression(string nullableDirective)
            // new initialization warning is suppressed by nullable directives
            var source = $$"""
                class C
                    public string Prop1 { get => field; set => field = value; }
                    public string Prop2 { get; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullability_StaticMismatch_01()
            // instance constructors do not share a slot between static property and backing field
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop1 { get; set; } = null; // 1
                    public static string Prop2 { get => field; set => field = value; } = null; // 2
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,48): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     public static string Prop1 { get; set; } = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(5, 48),
                // (6,74): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     public static string Prop2 { get => field; set => field = value; } = null; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(6, 74));
        public void Nullability_StaticMismatch_02()
            // instance constructors do not share a slot between field-like event and event field
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static event System.Action E = null; // 1
                    public C()
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,43): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     public static event System.Action E = null;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(5, 43));
        public void Nullability_StaticMismatch_03()
            // instance constructors do not share a slot between field-like event and event field
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static event System.Action E; // 1
                    public C(bool b)
                        if (b)
                            E = null; // 2
                            E.Invoke(); // 3
                        if (b)
                            E = () => { };
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,39): warning CS8618: Non-nullable event 'E' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier or declaring the event as nullable.
                //     public static event System.Action E; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableField, "E").WithArguments("event", "E").WithLocation(5, 39),
                // (10,17): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //             E = null; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(10, 17),
                // (11,13): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //             E.Invoke(); // 3
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "E").WithLocation(11, 13));
        public void Nullability_LazyInitialized()
            // property is initialized upon access
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string Prop1 => field ??= "a"; // 1
                    [field: MaybeNull, AllowNull]
                    public string Prop2 => field ??= "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
        // Based on NullableReferenceTypesTests.NotNull_Property_WithAssignment
        public void NotNull_Property_WithAssignment()
            var source =
@"using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
public class C
    string? P
        get => field; // 1
        set => field = value;
    void M()
        P = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, NotNullAttributeDefinition });
                // 0.cs(9,16): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //         get => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(9, 16));
        // Based on NullableReferenceTypesTests.AllowNull_Property_WithNotNull_NoSuppression
        public void AllowNull_Property_WithNotNull_NoSuppression()
            // When 'field' keyword is used, nullability attributes on the property do not affect the field.
            var source =
@"using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
public class COpen<TOpen>
    [AllowNull, NotNull]
    public TOpen P1
        get => field; // 1
        set => field = value; // 2
    } = default; // 3
public class CNotNull<TNotNull> where TNotNull : notnull
    [AllowNull, NotNull]
    public TNotNull P1
        get => field;
        set => field = value; // 4
    } = default; // 5
public class CClass<TClass> where TClass : class
    [AllowNull, NotNull]
    public TClass P2
        get => field;
        set => field = value; // 6
    } = null; // 7
            var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition, NotNullAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition });
                // 0.cs(8,16): warning CS8607: A possible null value may not be used for a type marked with [NotNull] or [DisallowNull]
                //         get => field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DisallowNullAttributeForbidsMaybeNullAssignment, "field").WithLocation(8, 16),
                // 0.cs(9,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(9, 24),
                // 0.cs(10,9): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //     } = default; // 3
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "default").WithLocation(10, 9),
                // 0.cs(18,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 4
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(18, 24),
                // 0.cs(19,9): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //     } = default; // 5
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "default").WithLocation(19, 9),
                // 0.cs(27,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 6
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(27, 24),
                // 0.cs(28,9): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     } = null; // 7
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(28, 9));
        // Based on NullableReferenceTypesTests.AllowNull_Property_InDeconstructionAssignment
        public void AllowNull_Property_InDeconstructionAssignment()
            var source =
@"using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
#nullable enable
public class C
    [AllowNull] public C P
        get => field;
        set => field = value; // 1
    } = null; // 2
class Program
    void M(C c)
        (c.P, _) = (null, 1);
        ((c.P, _), _) = ((null, 1), 2);
        (c.P, _) = this;
        ((_, c.P), _) = (this, 1);
    void Deconstruct(out C? x, out C? y) => throw null!;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition });
                // 0.cs(8,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(8, 24),
                // 0.cs(9,9): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //     } = null; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(9, 9));
        // Based on NullableReferenceTypesTests.MaybeNullT_24
        public void MaybeNullT_24()
            var source =
@"#nullable enable
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
class C<T>
    T P1
        get => field;
    } = default;
    T P2
        get => field;
    } = default; // 1
    [MaybeNull, AllowNull]
    T P3
        get => field;
    } = default;
    T P4
        get => field;
        set => field = value;
    } = default;
    T P5
        get => field;
        set => field = value; // 2
    } = default; // 3
    [MaybeNull, AllowNull]
    T P6
        get => field;
        set => field = value;
    } = default;
    C([AllowNull]T t)
        P1 = t;
        P2 = t; // 4
        P3 = t;
        P4 = t; // 5
        P5 = t;
        P6 = t;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition });
                // 0.cs(15,9): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //     } = default; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "default").WithLocation(15, 9),
                // 0.cs(34,24): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         set => field = value; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "value").WithLocation(34, 24),
                // 0.cs(35,9): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //     } = default; // 3
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "default").WithLocation(35, 9),
                // 0.cs(47,14): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         P2 = t; // 4
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "t").WithLocation(47, 14),
                // 0.cs(49,14): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //         P4 = t; // 5
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "t").WithLocation(49, 14)
            var classC = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            verify(classC.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("<P1>k__BackingField"), NullableAnnotation.Annotated);
            verify(classC.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("<P2>k__BackingField"), NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated);
            verify(classC.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("<P3>k__BackingField"), NullableAnnotation.Annotated);
            verify(classC.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("<P4>k__BackingField"), NullableAnnotation.Annotated);
            verify(classC.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("<P5>k__BackingField"), NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated);
            verify(classC.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("<P6>k__BackingField"), NullableAnnotation.Annotated);
            void verify(SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol field, NullableAnnotation expectedInferredAnnotation)
                Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, field.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
                Assert.Equal(expectedInferredAnnotation, field.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
        // Based on RequiredMembersTests.RequiredMemberSuppressesNullabilityWarnings_ChainedConstructor_01.
        public void RequiredMemberNullability_01(bool includeRequired)
            string modifier = includeRequired ? "required" : "";
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public {{modifier}} object P1 { get; }
                    public {{modifier}} object P2 { get => field; }
                    public {{modifier}} object P3 { get => ""; }
                    C(bool unused) { }
                    C() : this(true)
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (includeRequired)
                    // (4,28): error CS9034: Required member 'C.P1' must be settable.
                    //     public required object P1 { get; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RequiredMemberMustBeSettable, "P1").WithArguments("C.P1").WithLocation(4, 28),
                    // (5,28): error CS9034: Required member 'C.P2' must be settable.
                    //     public required object P2 { get => field; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RequiredMemberMustBeSettable, "P2").WithArguments("C.P2").WithLocation(5, 28),
                    // (6,28): error CS9034: Required member 'C.P3' must be settable.
                    //     public required object P3 { get => ""; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RequiredMemberMustBeSettable, "P3").WithArguments("C.P3").WithLocation(6, 28),
                    // (12,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P1.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P1").WithLocation(12, 9),
                    // (13,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P2.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P2").WithLocation(13, 9),
                    // (14,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P3.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P3").WithLocation(14, 9));
                    // (8,5): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P2' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                    //     C(bool unused) { }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "P2").WithLocation(8, 5),
                    // (8,5): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'P1' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier or declaring the property as nullable.
                    //     C(bool unused) { }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableField, "C").WithArguments("property", "P1").WithLocation(8, 5));
        // Based on RequiredMembersTests.RequiredMemberSuppressesNullabilityWarnings_ChainedConstructor_01.
        public void RequiredMemberNullability_02(bool includeRequired)
            string modifier = includeRequired ? "required" : "";
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public {{modifier}} object P4 { get; set; }
                    public {{modifier}} object P5 { get => field; set; }
                    public {{modifier}} object P6 { get => field; set { field = value; } }
                    public {{modifier}} object P7 { get => ""; set { } }
                    C(bool unused) { }
                    C() : this(true)
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (includeRequired)
                    // (13,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P4.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P4").WithLocation(13, 9),
                    // (14,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P5.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P5").WithLocation(14, 9),
                    // (15,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P6.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P6").WithLocation(15, 9),
                    // (16,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                    //         P7.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "P7").WithLocation(16, 9));
                    // (9,5): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P5' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                    //     C(bool unused) { }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "P5").WithLocation(9, 5),
                    // (9,5): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'P6' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                    //     C(bool unused) { }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "C").WithArguments("property", "P6").WithLocation(9, 5),
                    // (9,5): warning CS8618: Non-nullable property 'P4' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier or declaring the property as nullable.
                    //     C(bool unused) { }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableField, "C").WithArguments("property", "P4").WithLocation(9, 5));
        [InlineData(false, false)]
        [InlineData(false, true)]
        [InlineData(true, false)]
        public void AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor(bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                class C
                    {{modifier}} object P02 { {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} object P03 { {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} object P04 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P11 { get; }
                    {{modifier}} object P12 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} object P13 { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} object P14 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P21 { get => field; }
                    {{modifier}} object P22 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} object P23 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} object P24 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P31 { get => null; }
                    {{modifier}} object P32 { get => null; {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} object P33 { get => null; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} object P34 { get => null; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P41 { get { return field; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P42 { get { return field; } {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} object P43 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} object P44 { get { return field; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P51 { get { return null; } }
                    {{modifier}} object P52 { get { return null; } {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} object P53 { get { return null; } {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} object P54 { get { return null; } {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,25): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //            object P02 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(3, 25),
                // (8,30): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P13' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P13 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "C.P13").WithLocation(8, 30),
                // (12,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P23' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P23 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "C.P23").WithLocation(12, 39),
                // (15,25): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P32' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P32 { get => null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P32").WithLocation(15, 25),
                // (17,25): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P34' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P34 { get => null; set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P34").WithLocation(17, 25),
                // (20,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.P43' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P43 { get { return field; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "C.P43").WithLocation(20, 47),
                // (23,25): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P52' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P52 { get { return null; } set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P52").WithLocation(23, 25),
                // (25,25): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P54' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            object P54 { get { return null; } set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P54").WithLocation(25, 25));
        public void Override_VirtualBase_01(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                class A
                    public virtual object P1 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public virtual object P2 { get; }
                    public virtual object P3 { {{setter}}; }
            string sourceB0 = $$"""
                class B0 : A
                    public override object P1 { get; }
                    public override object P2 { get; }
                    public override object P3 { get; }
            var targetFramework = GetTargetFramework(useInit);
            var comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB0], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (3,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                // (5,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P3 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P3").WithLocation(5, 28),
                // (5,32): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //     public virtual object P3 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(5, 32),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B0.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B0.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33));
            string sourceB1 = $$"""
                class B1 : A
                    public override object P1 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public override object P2 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public override object P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB1], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (4,38): error CS0546: 'B1.P2.set': cannot override because 'A.P2' does not have an overridable set accessor
                //     public override object P2 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSetToOverride, setter).WithArguments($"B1.P2.{setter}", "A.P2").WithLocation(4, 38),
                // (5,32): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //     public virtual object P3 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(5, 32),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B1.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B1.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33));
            string sourceB2 = $$"""
                class B2 : A
                    public override object P1 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public override object P2 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public override object P3 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB2], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (3,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public override object P1 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P1").WithLocation(3, 47),
                // (4,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public override object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P2").WithLocation(4, 47),
                // (4,47): error CS0546: 'B2.P2.set': cannot override because 'A.P2' does not have an overridable set accessor
                //     public override object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSetToOverride, setter).WithArguments($"B2.P2.{setter}", "A.P2").WithLocation(4, 47),
                // (5,32): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //     public virtual object P3 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(5, 32),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B2.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B2.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33),
                // (5,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P3").WithLocation(5, 47));
            string sourceB3 = $$"""
                class B3 : A
                    public override object P1 { get => field; }
                    public override object P2 { get => field; }
                    public override object P3 { get => field; }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB3], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (3,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P1 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                // (5,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P3").WithLocation(5, 28),
                // (5,32): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //     public virtual object P3 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(5, 32),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B3.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B3.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33));
            string sourceB4 = $$"""
                class B4 : A
                    public override object P1 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public override object P2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public override object P3 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB4], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (3,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P1 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                // (4,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P2 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P2").WithLocation(4, 28),
                // (4,33): error CS0546: 'B4.P2.set': cannot override because 'A.P2' does not have an overridable set accessor
                //     public override object P2 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSetToOverride, setter).WithArguments($"B4.P2.{setter}", "A.P2").WithLocation(4, 33),
                // (5,32): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //     public virtual object P3 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(5, 32));
        public void Override_AbstractBase_01(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                abstract class A
                    public abstract object P1 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public abstract object P2 { get; }
                    public abstract object P3 { {{setter}}; }
            string sourceB0 = $$"""
                class B0 : A
                    public override object P1 { get; }
                    public override object P2 { get; }
                    public override object P3 { get; }
            var targetFramework = GetTargetFramework(useInit);
            var comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB0], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (1,7): error CS0534: 'B0' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A.P3.set'
                // class B0 : A
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod, "B0").WithArguments("B0", $"A.P3.{setter}").WithLocation(1, 7),
                // (1,7): error CS0534: 'B0' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A.P1.set'
                // class B0 : A
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod, "B0").WithArguments("B0", $"A.P1.{setter}").WithLocation(1, 7),
                // (3,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                // (5,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P3 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P3").WithLocation(5, 28),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B0.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B0.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33));
            string sourceB1 = $$"""
                class B1 : A
                    public override object P1 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public override object P2 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public override object P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB1], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (4,38): error CS0546: 'B1.P2.set': cannot override because 'A.P2' does not have an overridable set accessor
                //     public override object P2 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSetToOverride, setter).WithArguments($"B1.P2.{setter}", "A.P2").WithLocation(4, 38),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B1.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B1.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33));
            string sourceB2 = $$"""
                class B2 : A
                    public override object P1 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public override object P2 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public override object P3 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB2], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (3,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public override object P1 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P1").WithLocation(3, 47),
                // (4,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public override object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P2").WithLocation(4, 47),
                // (4,47): error CS0546: 'B2.P2.set': cannot override because 'A.P2' does not have an overridable set accessor
                //     public override object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSetToOverride, setter).WithArguments($"B2.P2.{setter}", "A.P2").WithLocation(4, 47),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B2.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B2.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33),
                // (5,47): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P3").WithLocation(5, 47));
            string sourceB3 = $$"""
                class B3 : A
                    public override object P1 { get => field; }
                    public override object P2 { get => field; }
                    public override object P3 { get => field; }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB3], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (1,7): error CS0534: 'B3' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A.P3.set'
                // class B3 : A
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod, "B3").WithArguments("B3", $"A.P3.{setter}").WithLocation(1, 7),
                // (1,7): error CS0534: 'B3' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A.P1.set'
                // class B3 : A
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod, "B3").WithArguments("B3", $"A.P1.{setter}").WithLocation(1, 7),
                // (3,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P1 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                // (5,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P3").WithLocation(5, 28),
                // (5,33): error CS0545: 'B3.P3.get': cannot override because 'A.P3' does not have an overridable get accessor
                //     public override object P3 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoGetToOverride, "get").WithArguments("B3.P3.get", "A.P3").WithLocation(5, 33));
            string sourceB4 = $$"""
                class B4 : A
                    public override object P1 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public override object P2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public override object P3 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            comp = CreateCompilation([sourceA, sourceB4], targetFramework: targetFramework);
                // (1,7): error CS0534: 'B4' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A.P1.get'
                // class B4 : A
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod, "B4").WithArguments("B4", "A.P1.get").WithLocation(1, 7),
                // (1,7): error CS0534: 'B4' does not implement inherited abstract member 'A.P2.get'
                // class B4 : A
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_UnimplementedAbstractMethod, "B4").WithArguments("B4", "A.P2.get").WithLocation(1, 7),
                // (3,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P1 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P1").WithLocation(3, 28),
                // (4,28): error CS8080: Auto-implemented properties must override all accessors of the overridden property.
                //     public override object P2 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustOverrideSet, "P2").WithLocation(4, 28),
                // (4,33): error CS0546: 'B4.P2.set': cannot override because 'A.P2' does not have an overridable set accessor
                //     public override object P2 { set { field = value; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSetToOverride, setter).WithArguments($"B4.P2.{setter}", "A.P2").WithLocation(4, 33));
        public void New_01(bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                class A
                    public virtual object P1 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public virtual object P2 { get; }
                    public virtual object P3 { {{setter}}; }
                class B0 : A
                    public new object P1 { get; }
                    public new object P2 { get; }
                    public new object P3 { get; }
                class B1 : A
                    public new object P1 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public new object P2 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public new object P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                class B2 : A
                    public new object P1 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public new object P2 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                    public new object P3 { get => field; {{setter}} { } }
                class B3 : A
                    public new object P1 { get => field; }
                    public new object P2 { get => field; }
                    public new object P3 { get => field; }
                class B4 : A
                    public new object P1 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public new object P2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public new object P3 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (5,32): error CS8051: Auto-implemented properties must have get accessors.
                //     public virtual object P3 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AutoPropertyMustHaveGetAccessor, setter).WithLocation(5, 32),
                // (21,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public new object P1 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P1").WithLocation(21, 42),
                // (22,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public new object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P2").WithLocation(22, 42),
                // (23,42): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B2.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public new object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, setter).WithArguments(setter, "B2.P3").WithLocation(23, 42));
        [InlineData(false, false)]
        [InlineData(false, true)]
        [InlineData(true, false)]
        public void CompilerGeneratedAttribute(bool missingType, bool missingConstructor)
            string source = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class C
                    public int P1 { get; }
                    public int P2 { get => field; }
                    public int P3 { set { field = value; } }
                    public int P4 { init { field = value; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                    static void ReportField(FieldInfo field)
                        Console.Write("{0}.{1}:", field.DeclaringType.Name, field.Name);
                        foreach (var obj in field.GetCustomAttributes())
                            Console.Write(" {0},", obj.ToString());
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe);
            if (missingType)
            if (missingConstructor)
            string expectedAttributes = (missingType || missingConstructor) ? "" : " System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,";
            CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput($$"""
        public void Conditional(bool useDEBUG)
            string sourceA = """
                using System.Diagnostics;
                class C
                    public static object P1 { get { M(field); return null; } set { } }
                    public static object P2 { get { return null; } set { M(field); } }
                    public object P3 { get { M(field); return null; } }
                    public object P4 { set { M(field); } }
                    public object P5 { init { M(field); } }
                    static void M( object o) { }
            string sourceB = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                    static void ReportField(FieldInfo field)
                        Console.Write("{0}.{1}:", field.DeclaringType.Name, field.Name);
                        foreach (var obj in field.GetCustomAttributes())
                            Console.Write(" {0},", obj.ToString());
            var parseOptions = TestOptions.RegularNext;
            if (useDEBUG)
                parseOptions = parseOptions.WithPreprocessorSymbols("DEBUG");
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                [sourceA, sourceB],
                parseOptions: parseOptions,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80,
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("""
                    C.<P3>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                    C.<P4>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                    C.<P5>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                    C.<P1>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
                    C.<P2>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute,
            if (useDEBUG)
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P1.get", """
                      // Code size       12 (0xc)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldsfld     "object C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0005:  call       "void C.M(object)"
                      IL_000a:  ldnull
                      IL_000b:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P4.set", """
                      // Code size       12 (0xc)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldfld      "object C.<P4>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0006:  call       "void C.M(object)"
                      IL_000b:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P1.get", """
                      // Code size        2 (0x2)
                      .maxstack  1
                      IL_0000:  ldnull
                      IL_0001:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P4.set", """
                      // Code size        1 (0x1)
                      .maxstack  0
                      IL_0000:  ret
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P5>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void RestrictedTypes()
            string source = """
                using System;
                class C
                    static TypedReference P1 { get; }
                    ArgIterator P2 { get; set; }
                    static TypedReference Q1 => field;
                    ArgIterator Q2 { get { return field; } set { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (5,12): error CS0610: Field or property cannot be of type 'TypedReference'
                //     static TypedReference P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldCantBeRefAny, "TypedReference").WithArguments("System.TypedReference").WithLocation(5, 12),
                // (6,5): error CS0610: Field or property cannot be of type 'ArgIterator'
                //     ArgIterator P2 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldCantBeRefAny, "ArgIterator").WithArguments("System.ArgIterator").WithLocation(6, 5),
                // (7,12): error CS0610: Field or property cannot be of type 'TypedReference'
                //     static TypedReference Q1 => field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldCantBeRefAny, "TypedReference").WithArguments("System.TypedReference").WithLocation(7, 12),
                // (8,5): error CS0610: Field or property cannot be of type 'ArgIterator'
                //     ArgIterator Q2 { get { return field; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldCantBeRefAny, "ArgIterator").WithArguments("System.ArgIterator").WithLocation(8, 5),
                // (8,44): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'C.Q2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     ArgIterator Q2 { get { return field; } set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "C.Q2").WithLocation(8, 44));
        [InlineData("class", false)]
        [InlineData("struct", false)]
        [InlineData("ref struct", true)]
        [InlineData("record", false)]
        [InlineData("record struct", false)]
        public void ByRefLikeType_01(string typeKind, bool allow)
            string source = $$"""
                ref struct R
                {{typeKind}} C
                    R P1 { get; }
                    R P2 { get; set; }
                    R Q1 => field;
                    R Q2 { get => field; }
                    R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
                    public override string ToString() => "C";
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        System.Console.WriteLine("{0}", c.ToString());
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe);
            if (allow)
                CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: "C");
                    // (7,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                    //     R P1 { get; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(7, 5),
                    // (8,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                    //     R P2 { get; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(8, 5),
                    // (9,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                    //     R Q1 => field;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(9, 5),
                    // (10,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                    //     R Q2 { get => field; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(10, 5),
                    // (11,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                    //     R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(11, 5));
        [InlineData("ref struct")]
        [InlineData("record struct")]
        public void ByRefLikeType_02(string typeKind)
            string source = $$"""
                ref struct R
                {{typeKind}} C
                    static R P1 { get; }
                    static R P2 { get; set; }
                    static R Q1 => field;
                    static R Q2 { get => field; }
                    static R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (7,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(7, 12),
                // (8,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R P2 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(8, 12),
                // (9,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R Q1 => field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(9, 12),
                // (10,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R Q2 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(10, 12),
                // (11,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(11, 12));
        public void ByRefLikeType_03()
            string source = """
                ref struct R
                interface I
                    static R P1 { get; }
                    R P2 { get; set; }
                    static R Q1 => field;
                    R Q2 { get => field; }
                    R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
                // (7,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(7, 12),
                // (9,12): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     static R Q1 => field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(9, 12),
                // (10,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     R Q2 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(10, 5),
                // (10,7): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //     R Q2 { get => field; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q2").WithLocation(10, 7),
                // (11,5): error CS8345: Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'R' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
                //     R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FieldAutoPropCantBeByRefLike, "R").WithArguments("R").WithLocation(11, 5),
                // (11,7): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //     R Q3 { set { _ = field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "Q3").WithLocation(11, 7));
        public void RefAssembly(bool useStatic, bool includePrivateMembers)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                using System;
                public struct S0
                    public {{modifier}} object P0 { get; set; }
                public struct S1
                    public {{modifier}} object P1 { get => null; set { } }
                public struct S2
                    public {{modifier}} object P2 { get => field; set { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA);
            var refA = comp.EmitToImageReference(
            string sourceB = """
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        S0 s0;
                        _ = s0.ToString();
                        S1 s1;
                        _ = s1.ToString();
                        S2 s2;
                        _ = s2.ToString();
            comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: [refA]);
            if (useStatic)
                    // (6,13): warning CS8887: Use of unassigned local variable 's0'
                    //         _ = s0.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolation, "s0").WithArguments("s0").WithLocation(6, 13),
                    // (10,13): warning CS8887: Use of unassigned local variable 's2'
                    //         _ = s2.ToString();
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UseDefViolation, "s2").WithArguments("s2").WithLocation(10, 13));
        public void PartialProperty_01(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion,
            bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public partial object P3 { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    public partial object P4 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public partial object P4 { get => null; {{setter}}; }
            string sourceB = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C { P3 = 3, P4 = 4 };
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P3, c.P4));
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", field.Name);
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                [sourceA, sourceB],
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (4,27): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public partial object P3 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P3").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 27),
                    // (6,27): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public partial object P4 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P4").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(6, 27));
                    verify: Verification.Skipped,
                    expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, """
                    (, )
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_02(bool reverseOrder, bool useInit)
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public partial object P1 { get; }
                    public partial object P2 { {{setter}}; }
                    public partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public partial object P4 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public partial object P5 { get; {{setter}}; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public partial object P1 { get => field; }
                    public partial object P2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public partial object P3 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public partial object P4 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public partial object P5 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
            string sourceC = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C { P2 = 2, P3 = 3, P4 = 4, P5 = 5 };
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P3, c.P4, c.P5));
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", field.Name);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceC, sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB, sourceC],
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, """
                    (3, 4, 5)
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P5>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(5, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Interface_01(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp12, LanguageVersion.CSharp13)] LanguageVersion languageVersion,
            bool reverseOrder,
            bool includeRuntimeSupport)
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    partial object P1 { get; }
                    partial object P2 { set; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    partial object P1 { get => null; }
                    partial object P2 { set { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                targetFramework: includeRuntimeSupport ? TargetFramework.Net80 : TargetFramework.Standard);
            Assert.Equal(includeRuntimeSupport, comp.Assembly.RuntimeSupportsDefaultInterfaceImplementation);
            switch (languageVersion, includeRuntimeSupport)
                case (LanguageVersion.CSharp12, false):
                        // (3,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P1 { get; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P1").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(3, 20),
                        // (3,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P1 { get => null; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P1").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(3, 20),
                        // (3,25): error CS8701: Target runtime doesn't support default interface implementation.
                        //     partial object P1 { get => null; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportDefaultInterfaceImplementation, "get").WithLocation(3, 25),
                        // (4,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P2 { set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P2").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(4, 20),
                        // (4,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P2 { set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P2").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(4, 20),
                        // (4,25): error CS8701: Target runtime doesn't support default interface implementation.
                        //     partial object P2 { set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportDefaultInterfaceImplementation, "set").WithLocation(4, 25));
                case (LanguageVersion.CSharp12, true):
                        // (3,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P1 { get; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P1").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(3, 20),
                        // (3,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P1 { get => null; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P1").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(3, 20),
                        // (4,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P2 { set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P2").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(4, 20),
                        // (4,20): error CS8703: The modifier 'partial' is not valid for this item in C# 12.0. Please use language version '13.0' or greater.
                        //     partial object P2 { set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidModifierForLanguageVersion, "P2").WithArguments("partial", "12.0", "13.0").WithLocation(4, 20));
                case (LanguageVersion.CSharp13, false):
                        // (3,25): error CS8701: Target runtime doesn't support default interface implementation.
                        //     partial object P1 { get => null; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportDefaultInterfaceImplementation, "get").WithLocation(3, 25),
                        // (4,25): error CS8701: Target runtime doesn't support default interface implementation.
                        //     partial object P2 { set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportDefaultInterfaceImplementation, "set").WithLocation(4, 25));
                case (LanguageVersion.CSharp13, true):
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
        public void PartialProperty_Interface_02A(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion,
            bool reverseOrder)
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    partial object P1 { get; set; }
                    partial object P2 { get; init; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    partial object P1 { get; set { } }
                    partial object P2 { get => null; init; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,20): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     partial object P1 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 20),
                    // (3,20): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     partial object P1 { get; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P1").WithLocation(3, 20),
                    // (4,20): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     partial object P2 { get => null; init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 20),
                    // (4,20): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //     partial object P2 { get; init; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P2").WithLocation(4, 20));
                // (3,20): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //     partial object P1 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P1").WithLocation(3, 20),
                // (3,30): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     partial object P1 { get; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "I.P1").WithLocation(3, 30),
                // (4,20): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                //     partial object P2 { get; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P2").WithLocation(4, 20),
                // (4,25): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     partial object P2 { get => null; init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P2").WithLocation(4, 25));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P2>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Interface_02B(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion,
            bool reverseOrder)
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    static partial object P1 { get; set; }
                    static partial object P2 { get; set; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    static partial object P1 { get; set { } }
                    static partial object P2 { get => null; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (3,27): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     static partial object P1 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P1").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(3, 27),
                    // (4,27): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     static partial object P2 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(4, 27));
                    // (3,37): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'I.P1' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     static partial object P1 { get; set { } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "I.P1").WithLocation(3, 37),
                    // (4,32): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     static partial object P2 { get => null; set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P2").WithLocation(4, 32));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P2>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Interface_03(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { set; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => field; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { set { field = value; } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (useStatic)
                    // (3,27): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //            partial object P1 { get; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                    // (4,27): error CS0525: Interfaces cannot contain instance fields
                    //            partial object P2 { set; }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InterfacesCantContainFields, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P2>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Interface_04A(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { set; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get; set; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => null; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { set { } } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get => null; set { } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get => null; set { } } = 4;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (useStatic)
                    // (3,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                    //     static partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                    // (4,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                    //     static partial object P2 { set { } } = 2;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                    // (5,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                    //     static partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27),
                    // (6,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                    //     static partial object P4 { get => null; set { } } = 4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P4").WithLocation(6, 27));
                    // (3,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                    // (4,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P2 { set { } } = 2;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                    // (5,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27),
                    // (6,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P4 { get => null; set { } } = 4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P4").WithLocation(6, 27));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P4>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(4, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        // As above, but using field.
        public void PartialProperty_Interface_04B(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { set; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get; set; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial interface I
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => field; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { set { field = value; } } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get => field; set { } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get => null; set { field = value; } } = 4;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (useStatic)
                    // (6,32): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //     static partial object P4 { get => null; set { field = value; } } = 4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P4").WithLocation(6, 32));
                    // (3,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                    // (4,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P2 { set { field = value; } } = 2;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                    // (5,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27),
                    // (6,27): error CS8053: Instance properties in interfaces cannot have initializers.
                    //            partial object P4 { get => null; set { field = value; } } = 4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InstancePropertyInitializerInInterface, "P4").WithLocation(6, 27),
                    // (6,32): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'I.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                    //            partial object P4 { get => null; set { field = value; } } = 4;
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "I.P4").WithLocation(6, 32));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("I");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object I.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object I.<P4>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(4, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { HasInitializer: true } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        private static void VerifyMergedProperties(ImmutableArray<PropertySymbol> properties, ImmutableArray<FieldSymbol> fields)
            int fieldIndex = 0;
            for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < properties.Length; propertyIndex++)
                var property = (SourcePropertySymbol)properties[propertyIndex];
                var field = (property.BackingField is null) ? null : (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)fields[fieldIndex++];
                Assert.Equal(property.IsPartial, property.IsPartialDefinition);
                VerifyMergedProperty(property, field);
            Assert.Equal(fields.Length, fieldIndex);
        private static void VerifyMergedProperty(SourcePropertySymbol property, SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol fieldOpt)
            Assert.Same(property.BackingField, fieldOpt);
            if (property.OtherPartOfPartial is { } otherPart)
                Assert.Equal(property.IsPartialDefinition, !otherPart.IsPartialDefinition);
                Assert.Equal(property.IsPartialImplementation, !otherPart.IsPartialImplementation);
                Assert.Same(property.BackingField, otherPart.BackingField);
        public void PartialProperty_ConstructorAssignment(
            [CombinatorialValues("partial class", "partial struct", "ref partial struct", "partial record", "partial record struct")] string typeKind,
            bool reverseOrder,
            bool useStatic)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string constructorModifier = useStatic ? "static" : "public";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                {{typeKind}} C
                    internal {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; }
                    internal {{modifier}} partial object P2 { get => field; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                {{typeKind}} C
                    internal {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => field; }
                    internal {{modifier}} partial object P2 { get; }
                    {{constructorModifier}} C()
                        P1 = 1;
                        P2 = 2;
            string sourceC = useStatic ?
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        Console.WriteLine((C.P1, C.P2));
                """ :
                using System;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P1, c.P2));
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceC, sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB, sourceC],
                expectedOutput: "(1, 2)");
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().Where(p => p.Name != "EqualityContract").OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        [InlineData(false, false)]
        [InlineData(false, true)]
        [InlineData(true, false)]
        public void PartialProperty_Initializer_01(bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string source = $$"""
                partial class C
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}}; } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,27): error CS9248: Partial property 'C.P1' must have an implementation part.
                //            partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyMissingImplementation, "P1").WithArguments("C.P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                // (3,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                // (4,27): error CS9250: A partial property may not have multiple defining declarations, and cannot be an auto-property.
                //            partial object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateDefinition, "P1").WithLocation(4, 27),
                // (4,27): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P1'
                //            partial object P1 { get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P1").WithArguments("C", "P1").WithLocation(4, 27),
                // (5,27): error CS9248: Partial property 'C.P2' must have an implementation part.
                //            partial object P2 { set; } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyMissingImplementation, "P2").WithArguments("C.P2").WithLocation(5, 27),
                // (5,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P2 { set; } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P2").WithLocation(5, 27),
                // (6,27): error CS9250: A partial property may not have multiple defining declarations, and cannot be an auto-property.
                //            partial object P2 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateDefinition, "P2").WithLocation(6, 27),
                // (6,27): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P2'
                //            partial object P2 { set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P2").WithArguments("C", "P2").WithLocation(6, 27),
                // (7,27): error CS9248: Partial property 'C.P3' must have an implementation part.
                //            partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyMissingImplementation, "P3").WithArguments("C.P3").WithLocation(7, 27),
                // (7,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P3").WithLocation(7, 27),
                // (8,27): error CS9250: A partial property may not have multiple defining declarations, and cannot be an auto-property.
                //            partial object P3 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateDefinition, "P3").WithLocation(8, 27),
                // (8,27): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P3'
                //            partial object P3 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P3").WithArguments("C", "P3").WithLocation(8, 27));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(6, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Initializer_02(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            if (useStatic && useInit) return;
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial class C
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}}; } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    {{modifier}} partial object Q1 { get => null; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object Q2 { {{setter}} { } } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object Q3 { get => null; {{setter}} { } } = 3;
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial class C
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => null; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get => null; {{setter}} { } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object Q1 { get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object Q2 { {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object Q3 { get; {{setter}}; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                // (4,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P2 { set; } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                // (5,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27),
                // (6,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object Q1 { get => null; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "Q1").WithLocation(6, 27),
                // (7,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object Q2 { set { } } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "Q2").WithLocation(7, 27),
                // (8,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object Q3 { get => null; set { } } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "Q3").WithLocation(8, 27));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q3>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(6, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Initializer_03(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            if (useStatic && useInit) return;
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}}; } = 2;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get; {{setter}}; } = 4;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P5 { get; {{setter}}; } = 5;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P6 { get; {{setter}}; } = 6;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P7 { get; {{setter}}; } = 7;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q1 { get => field; } = 1;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 2;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q3 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 3;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q4 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = 4;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q5 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } } = 5;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q6 { get; {{setter}} { } } = 6;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q7 { get => null; {{setter}}; } = 7;
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => field; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get => field; {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P5 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P6 { get; {{setter}} { } }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P7 { get => null; {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q1 { get; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q2 { {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q3 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q4 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q5 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q6 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    public {{modifier}} partial object Q7 { get; {{setter}}; }
            string receiver = useStatic ? "C" : "c";
            string sourceC = $$"""
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        Console.WriteLine(({{receiver}}.P1, {{receiver}}.P3, {{receiver}}.P4, {{receiver}}.P5, {{receiver}}.P6, {{receiver}}.P7, {{receiver}}.Q1, {{receiver}}.Q3, {{receiver}}.Q4, {{receiver}}.Q5, {{receiver}}.Q6, {{receiver}}.Q7));
                        foreach (var field in typeof(C).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                            Console.WriteLine("{0}", field.Name);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceC, sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB, sourceC],
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit),
                verify: Verification.Skipped,
                expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput(useInit, """
                    (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, , 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, )
                // (9,39): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static partial object P7 { get => null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.P7").WithLocation(9, 39),
                // (16,39): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.Q7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public static partial object Q7 { get => null; set; } = 7;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.Q7").WithLocation(16, 39));
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P7>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<Q7>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().OrderBy(p => p.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(14, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P7", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[9] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[10] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[11] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q5", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[12] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q6", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[13] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q7", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Initializer_04(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            if (useStatic && useInit) return;
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial class C
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}}; } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; } = 3;
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial class C
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => null; } = 1;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}} { } } = 2;
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get => null; {{setter}} { } } = 3;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,27): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //            partial object P1 { get => null; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                // (3,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                // (3,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P1 { get => null; } = 1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P1").WithLocation(3, 27),
                // (4,27): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //            partial object P2 { set { } } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                // (4,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P2 { set; } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                // (4,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P2 { set { } } = 2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P2").WithLocation(4, 27),
                // (5,27): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //            partial object P3 { get => null; set { } } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27),
                // (5,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27),
                // (5,27): error CS8050: Only auto-implemented properties, or properties that use the 'field' keyword, can have initializers.
                //            partial object P3 { get => null; set { } } = 3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InitializerOnNonAutoProperty, "P3").WithLocation(5, 27));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(3, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Initializer_05(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            if (useStatic && useInit) return;
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; } = 1;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}}; } = 2;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}}; } = 3;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get; {{setter}}; } = 4;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P5 { get; {{setter}}; } = 5;
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial class C
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get => field; } = -1;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P2 { {{setter}} { field = value; } } = -2;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get; {{setter}} { field = value; } } = -3;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get => field; {{setter}}; } = -4;
                    public {{modifier}} partial object P5 { get => field; {{setter}} { field = value; } } = -5;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB],
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,34): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //     public        partial object P1 { get => field; } = -1;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P1").WithLocation(3, 34),
                // (4,34): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //     public        partial object P2 { set { field = value; } } = -2;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P2").WithLocation(4, 34),
                // (5,34): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //     public        partial object P3 { get; set { field = value; } } = -3;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P3").WithLocation(5, 34),
                // (6,34): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //     public        partial object P4 { get => field; set; } = -4;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P4").WithLocation(6, 34),
                // (7,34): error CS9263: A partial property cannot have an initializer on both the definition and implementation.
                //     public        partial object P5 { get => field; set { field = value; } } = -5;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateInitializer, "P5").WithLocation(7, 34));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P5>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(5, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
            var actualValues = getInitializerValues(comp, comp.SyntaxTrees[reverseOrder ? 1 : 0]);
            var expectedValues = new[]
                   ((object)1, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)2, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)3, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)4, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)5, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedValues, actualValues);
            actualValues = getInitializerValues(comp, comp.SyntaxTrees[reverseOrder ? 0 : 1]);
            expectedValues = new[]
                   ((object)-1, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)-2, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)-3, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)-4, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
                   ((object)-5, "System.Int32", "System.Object"),
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedValues, actualValues);
            static (object, string, string)[] getInitializerValues(CSharpCompilation comp, SyntaxTree tree)
                var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree);
                return tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<PropertyDeclarationSyntax>().
                    Select(p =>
                        var value = p.Initializer.Value;
                        var typeInfo = model.GetTypeInfo(value);
                        return (model.GetConstantValue(value).Value, typeInfo.Type.ToTestDisplayString(), typeInfo.ConvertedType.ToTestDisplayString());
        public void PartialProperty_Initializer_06()
            string source = $$"""
                partial class C
                    partial object P1 { get; set; } = 1; // A1
                    partial object P2 { get; set; }      // A2
                    partial object P3 { get; set; } = 3; // A3
                    partial object P4 { get; set; }      // A4
                    partial object P5 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 5; // A5
                    partial object P6 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // A6
                    partial object P1 { get; set; }      // B1
                    partial object P2 { get; set; }      // B2
                    partial object P3 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // B3
                    partial object P4 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // B4
                    partial object P5 { get; set; }      // B5
                    partial object P6 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // B6
                    partial object P1 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // C1
                    partial object P2 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 2; // C2
                    partial object P3 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // C3
                    partial object P4 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 4; // C4
                    partial object P5 { get; set; }      // C5
                    partial object P6 { get; set; } = 6; // C6
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (10,20): error CS9250: A partial property may not have multiple defining declarations, and cannot be an auto-property.
                //     partial object P1 { get; set; }      // B1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateDefinition, "P1").WithLocation(10, 20),
                // (10,20): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P1'
                //     partial object P1 { get; set; }      // B1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P1").WithArguments("C", "P1").WithLocation(10, 20),
                // (11,20): error CS9250: A partial property may not have multiple defining declarations, and cannot be an auto-property.
                //     partial object P2 { get; set; }      // B2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateDefinition, "P2").WithLocation(11, 20),
                // (11,20): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P2'
                //     partial object P2 { get; set; }      // B2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P2").WithArguments("C", "P2").WithLocation(11, 20),
                // (15,20): error CS9251: A partial property may not have multiple implementing declarations
                //     partial object P6 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // B6
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateImplementation, "P6").WithLocation(15, 20),
                // (19,20): error CS9251: A partial property may not have multiple implementing declarations
                //     partial object P3 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // C3
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateImplementation, "P3").WithLocation(19, 20),
                // (19,20): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P3'
                //     partial object P3 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } }      // C3
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P3").WithArguments("C", "P3").WithLocation(19, 20),
                // (20,20): error CS9251: A partial property may not have multiple implementing declarations
                //     partial object P4 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 4; // C4
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateImplementation, "P4").WithLocation(20, 20),
                // (20,20): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P4'
                //     partial object P4 { get { return field; } set { field = value; } } = 4; // C4
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P4").WithArguments("C", "P4").WithLocation(20, 20),
                // (21,20): error CS9250: A partial property may not have multiple defining declarations, and cannot be an auto-property.
                //     partial object P5 { get; set; }      // C5
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialPropertyDuplicateDefinition, "P5").WithLocation(21, 20),
                // (21,20): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P5'
                //     partial object P5 { get; set; }      // C5
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P5").WithArguments("C", "P5").WithLocation(21, 20),
                // (22,20): error CS0102: The type 'C' already contains a definition for 'P6'
                //     partial object P6 { get; set; } = 6; // C6
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DuplicateNameInClass, "P6").WithArguments("C", "P6").WithLocation(22, 20));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P5>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P6>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P4>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object C.<P6>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(12, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[6] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[7] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsPartialDefinition: false, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[8] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: false, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[9] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: false, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[10] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P5", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[11] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P6", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[0], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[0]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[1], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[5]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[2], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[1]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[3], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[3]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[4], null);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[5], null);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[6], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[2]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[7], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[4]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[8], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[6]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[9], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[7]);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[10], null);
            VerifyMergedProperty((SourcePropertySymbol)actualProperties[11], (SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol)actualFields[8]);
        public void PartialProperty_ReadOnly(bool reverseOrder, bool useReadOnlyDefinition, bool useReadOnlyImplementation)
            string modifierDefinition = useReadOnlyDefinition ? "readonly" : "        ";
            string modifierImplementation = useReadOnlyImplementation ? "readonly" : "        ";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                partial struct S
                    {{modifierDefinition}} partial object P1 { get; }
                    {{modifierDefinition}} partial object P2 { set; }
                    partial object P3 { {{modifierDefinition}} get; }
                    partial object P4 { {{modifierDefinition}} set; }
                    {{modifierDefinition}} partial object P5 { get; set; }
                    partial object P6 { {{modifierDefinition}} get; set; }
                    partial object P7 { get; {{modifierDefinition}} set; }
                    partial object P8 { {{modifierDefinition}} get; set; }
                    partial object P9 { get; {{modifierDefinition}} set; }
            string sourceB = $$"""
                partial struct S
                    {{modifierImplementation}} partial object P1 { get => field; }
                    {{modifierImplementation}} partial object P2 { set { _ = field; } }
                    partial object P3 { {{modifierImplementation}} get => field; }
                    partial object P4 { {{modifierImplementation}} set { _ = field; } }
                    {{modifierImplementation}} partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                    partial object P6 { {{modifierImplementation}} get; set { } }
                    partial object P7 { get; {{modifierImplementation}} set { } }
                    partial object P8 { {{modifierImplementation}} get => field; set { } }
                    partial object P9 { get => field; {{modifierImplementation}} set { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(reverseOrder ? [sourceB, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB]);
            switch (useReadOnlyDefinition, useReadOnlyImplementation)
                case (false, false):
                        // (7,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //              partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P5").WithLocation(7, 39),
                        // (8,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P6 {          get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 39),
                        // (9,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P7 { get;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P7").WithLocation(9, 39),
                        // (10,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P8 {          get => field; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 48),
                        // (11,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P9' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P9 { get => field;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P9").WithLocation(11, 48));
                case (false, true):
                        // (3,29): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     readonly partial object P1 { get => field; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "P1").WithLocation(3, 29),
                        // (4,29): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     readonly partial object P2 { set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "P2").WithLocation(4, 29),
                        // (5,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P3 { readonly get => field; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "get").WithLocation(5, 34),
                        // (6,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P4 { readonly set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "set").WithLocation(6, 34),
                        // (7,29): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     readonly partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "P5").WithLocation(7, 29),
                        // (7,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     readonly partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P5").WithLocation(7, 39),
                        // (8,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P6 { readonly get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "get").WithLocation(8, 34),
                        // (8,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P6 { readonly get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 39),
                        // (9,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P7 { get; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P7").WithLocation(9, 39),
                        // (9,39): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P7 { get; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "set").WithLocation(9, 39),
                        // (10,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P8 { readonly get => field; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "get").WithLocation(10, 34),
                        // (10,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P8 { readonly get => field; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 48),
                        // (11,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P9' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P9 { get => field; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P9").WithLocation(11, 48),
                        // (11,48): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P9 { get => field; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "set").WithLocation(11, 48));
                case (true, false):
                        // (3,29): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //              partial object P1 { get => field; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "P1").WithLocation(3, 29),
                        // (4,29): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //              partial object P2 { set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "P2").WithLocation(4, 29),
                        // (5,20): error CS8664: 'S.P3': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                        //     partial object P3 { readonly get; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P3").WithArguments("S.P3").WithLocation(5, 20),
                        // (5,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P3 {          get => field; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "get").WithLocation(5, 34),
                        // (6,20): error CS8664: 'S.P4': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                        //     partial object P4 { readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P4").WithArguments("S.P4").WithLocation(6, 20),
                        // (6,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P4 {          set { _ = field; } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "set").WithLocation(6, 34),
                        // (7,29): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //              partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "P5").WithLocation(7, 29),
                        // (7,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //              partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P5").WithLocation(7, 39),
                        // (8,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P6 {          get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "get").WithLocation(8, 34),
                        // (8,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P6 {          get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 39),
                        // (9,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P7 { get;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P7").WithLocation(9, 39),
                        // (9,39): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P7 { get;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "set").WithLocation(9, 39),
                        // (10,34): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P8 {          get => field; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "get").WithLocation(10, 34),
                        // (10,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P8 {          get => field; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 48),
                        // (11,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P9' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P9 { get => field;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P9").WithLocation(11, 48),
                        // (11,48): error CS8663: Both partial member declarations must be readonly or neither may be readonly
                        //     partial object P9 { get => field;          set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PartialMemberReadOnlyDifference, "set").WithLocation(11, 48));
                case (true, true):
                        // (5,20): error CS8664: 'S.P3': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                        //     partial object P3 { readonly get; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P3").WithArguments("S.P3").WithLocation(5, 20),
                        // (6,20): error CS8664: 'S.P4': 'readonly' can only be used on accessors if the property or indexer has both a get and a set accessor
                        //     partial object P4 { readonly set; }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ReadOnlyModMissingAccessor, "P4").WithArguments("S.P4").WithLocation(6, 20),
                        // (7,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P5' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     readonly partial object P5 { get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P5").WithLocation(7, 39),
                        // (8,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P6' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P6 { readonly get; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P6").WithLocation(8, 39),
                        // (9,39): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P7' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P7 { get; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P7").WithLocation(9, 39),
                        // (10,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P8' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P8 { readonly get => field; set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P8").WithLocation(10, 48),
                        // (11,48): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'S.P9' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                        //     partial object P9 { get => field; readonly set { } }
                        Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "S.P9").WithLocation(11, 48));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S");
            var actualMembers = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("S").
                Select(p =>
                    var property = (SourcePropertySymbol)p;
                    var field = property.BackingField;
                    return $"{field.ToTestDisplayString()}: IsAutoProperty: {property.IsAutoProperty}, UsesFieldKeyword: {property.UsesFieldKeyword}, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {field.IsReadOnly}";
            var expectedMembers = new[]
                $"System.Object S.<P1>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: False, UsesFieldKeyword: True, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {useReadOnlyImplementation}",
                $"System.Object S.<P2>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: False, UsesFieldKeyword: True, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {useReadOnlyImplementation}",
                $"System.Object S.<P3>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: False, UsesFieldKeyword: True, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {useReadOnlyImplementation}",
                $"System.Object S.<P4>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: False, UsesFieldKeyword: True, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {useReadOnlyImplementation}",
                $"System.Object S.<P5>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: True, UsesFieldKeyword: False, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {useReadOnlyImplementation}",
                $"System.Object S.<P6>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: True, UsesFieldKeyword: False, BackingField.IsReadOnly: False",
                $"System.Object S.<P7>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: True, UsesFieldKeyword: False, BackingField.IsReadOnly: {useReadOnlyImplementation}",
                $"System.Object S.<P8>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: False, UsesFieldKeyword: True, BackingField.IsReadOnly: False",
                $"System.Object S.<P9>k__BackingField: IsAutoProperty: False, UsesFieldKeyword: True, BackingField.IsReadOnly: False",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers);
        public void PartialProperty_Attribute_01(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic)
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                using System;
                class A : Attribute
                    public A(object o) { }
            string sourceB1 = $$"""
                partial class B
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { get; set; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { [A(field)] get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get; [A(field)] set; }
            string sourceB2 = $$"""
                partial class B
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { [A(field)] get { return null; } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] set { } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get { return null; } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get { return null; } set { } }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(reverseOrder ? [sourceB2, sourceB1, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB1, sourceB2]);
                // (3,35): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P1 { [A(field)] get { return null; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(3, 35),
                // (4,32): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'B.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            partial object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "B.P2").WithLocation(4, 32),
                // (4,56): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(4, 56),
                // (5,35): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P3 { [A(field)] get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(5, 35),
                // (6,40): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P4 { get; [A(field)] set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(6, 40));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("B");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object B.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P4>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(4, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        // Similar to previous test, but using backing field within accessors as well as in attributes.
        public void PartialProperty_Attribute_02(bool reverseOrder, bool useStatic, bool useInit)
            if (useStatic && useInit) return;
            string modifier = useStatic ? "static" : "      ";
            string setter = useInit ? "init" : "set";
            string sourceA = $$"""
                using System;
                class A : Attribute
                    public A(object o) { }
            string sourceB1 = $$"""
                partial class B
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { get; {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { [A(field)] get; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get; [A(field)] {{setter}}; }
            string sourceB2 = $$"""
                partial class B
                    {{modifier}} partial object P1 { [A(field)] get { return field; } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] {{setter}}; }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P3 { get { return field; } }
                    {{modifier}} partial object P4 { get { return null; } {{setter}}; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB2, sourceB1, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB1, sourceB2],
                targetFramework: GetTargetFramework(useInit));
                // (3,35): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P1 { [A(field)] get { return field; } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(3, 35),
                // (4,32): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'B.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            partial object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "B.P2").WithLocation(4, 32),
                // (4,56): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P2 { get { return null; } [A(field)] init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(4, 56),
                // (5,35): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P3 { [A(field)] get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(5, 35),
                // (6,32): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'B.P4' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //            partial object P4 { get { return null; } init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "B.P4").WithLocation(6, 32),
                // (6,40): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //            partial object P4 { get; [A(field)] init; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(6, 40));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("B");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object B.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P4>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(4, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P4", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void PartialProperty_Attribute_03(bool reverseOrder)
            string sourceA = """
                using System;
                class A : Attribute
            string sourceB1 = """
                partial class B
                    [field: A] partial object P1 { get; set; }
                    [field: A] partial object P2 { get; set; }
                    [field: A] partial object P3 { get; set; }
                               partial object Q1 { get; set; }
                               partial object Q2 { get; set; }
                               partial object Q3 { get; set; }
            string sourceB2 = """
                partial class B
                               partial object P1 { get => null; set { } }
                               partial object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                               partial object P3 { get => null; set; }
                    [field: A] partial object Q1 { get => null; set { } }
                    [field: A] partial object Q2 { get => field; set { } }
                    [field: A] partial object Q3 { get => null; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(reverseOrder ? [sourceB2, sourceB1, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB1, sourceB2]);
                // (3,6): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'property'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     [field: A] partial object P1 { get; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "property").WithLocation(3, 6),
                // (4,50): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B.P2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //                partial object P2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "B.P2").WithLocation(4, 50),
                // (5,36): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'B.P3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //                partial object P3 { get => null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "B.P3").WithLocation(5, 36),
                // (6,6): warning CS0657: 'field' is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribute locations for this declaration are 'property'. All attributes in this block will be ignored.
                //     [field: A] partial object Q1 { get => null; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AttributeLocationOnBadDeclaration, "field").WithArguments("field", "property").WithLocation(6, 6),
                // (7,50): warning CS9266: The 'set' accessor of property 'B.Q2' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [field: A] partial object Q2 { get => field; set { } }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "set").WithArguments("set", "B.Q2").WithLocation(7, 50),
                // (8,36): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'B.Q3' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     [field: A] partial object Q3 { get => null; set; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "B.Q3").WithLocation(8, 36));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("B");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object B.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P3>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<Q2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<Q3>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(6, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[3] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[4] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[5] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "Q3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: true, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        // Backing field required for implementation part only (no initializer),
        // or required for both parts (with initializer).
        public void PartialProperty_Attribute_04(bool reverseOrder, bool includeInitializer)
            string getInitializer(int value) => includeInitializer ? $"= {value};" : "";
            string sourceA = """
                using System;
                [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)]
                class A : Attribute
                    private readonly object _obj;
                    public A(object obj) { _obj = obj; }
                    public override string ToString() => $"A({_obj})";
            string sourceB1 = $$"""
                partial class B
                                  partial object P1 { get; } {{getInitializer(1)}}
                    [field: A(3)] partial object P2 { get; } {{getInitializer(2)}}
                    [field: A(5)] partial object P3 { get; } {{getInitializer(3)}}
            string sourceB2 = """
                partial class B
                    [field: A(2)] partial object P1 { get => field; }
                                  partial object P2 { get => field; }
                    [field: A(6)] partial object P3 { get => field; }
            string sourceC = """
                using System;
                using System.Reflection;
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        foreach (var field in typeof(B).GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static))
                    static void ReportField(FieldInfo field)
                        Console.Write("{0}:", field.Name);
                        foreach (var obj in field.GetCustomAttributes())
                            Console.Write(" {0},", obj.ToString());
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceC, sourceB2, sourceB1, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB1, sourceB2, sourceC],
                expectedOutput: """
                <P1>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(2),
                <P2>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(3),
                <P3>k__BackingField: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute, A(5), A(6),
            var comp = (CSharpCompilation)verifier.Compilation;
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("B");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object B.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P3>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            AssertEx.Equal(["A(2)"], actualFields[0].GetAttributes().ToStrings());
            AssertEx.Equal(["A(3)"], actualFields[1].GetAttributes().ToStrings());
            AssertEx.Equal(["A(5)", "A(6)"], actualFields[2].GetAttributes().ToStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(3, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        // Backing field required for definition part only.
        public void PartialProperty_Attribute_05(bool reverseOrder)
            string sourceA = """
                using System;
                [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple=true)]
                class A : Attribute
                    private readonly object _obj;
                    public A(object obj) { _obj = obj; }
                    public override string ToString() => $"A({_obj})";
            string sourceB1 = """
                partial class B
                                  partial object P1 { [A(field)] get; }
                    [field: A(3)] partial object P2 { [A(field)] get; }
                    [field: A(5)] partial object P3 { [A(field)] get; }
            string sourceB2 = """
                partial class B
                    [field: A(2)] partial object P1 { get => null; }
                                  partial object P2 { get => null; }
                    [field: A(6)] partial object P3 { get => null; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                reverseOrder ? [sourceB2, sourceB1, sourceA] : [sourceA, sourceB1, sourceB2]);
                // (3,42): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //                   partial object P1 { [A(field)] get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(3, 42),
                // (4,42): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //     [field: A(3)] partial object P2 { [A(field)] get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(4, 42),
                // (5,42): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type
                //     [field: A(5)] partial object P3 { [A(field)] get; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "field").WithLocation(5, 42));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("B");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            var expectedFields = new[]
                "System.Object B.<P1>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P2>k__BackingField",
                "System.Object B.<P3>k__BackingField",
            AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            AssertEx.Equal(["A(2)"], actualFields[0].GetAttributes().ToStrings());
            AssertEx.Equal(["A(3)"], actualFields[1].GetAttributes().ToStrings());
            AssertEx.Equal(["A(5)", "A(6)"], actualFields[2].GetAttributes().ToStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(3, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[2] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsPartialDefinition: true, IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void InterpolatedString(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                class C
                    public object P1 => $"P1: {field is null}";
                    public object P2 { get; set { field = value; field = $"{field}"; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        c.P2 = 2;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                    // (4,32): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object P1 => $"P1: {field is null}";
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(4, 32),
                    // (5,19): error CS8652: The feature 'field keyword' is currently in Preview and *unsupported*. To use Preview features, use the 'preview' language version.
                    //     public object P2 { get; set { field = value; field = $"{field}"; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureInPreview, "P2").WithArguments("field keyword").WithLocation(5, 19),
                    // (5,35): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object P2 { get; set { field = value; field = $"{field}"; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(5, 35),
                    // (5,50): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object P2 { get; set { field = value; field = $"{field}"; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(5, 50),
                    // (5,61): error CS0103: The name 'field' does not exist in the current context
                    //     public object P2 { get; set { field = value; field = $"{field}"; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "field").WithArguments("field").WithLocation(5, 61));
                var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("""
                    P1: True
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P1.get", """
                      // Code size       45 (0x2d)
                      .maxstack  3
                      .locals init (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler V_0)
                      IL_0000:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0002:  ldc.i4.4
                      IL_0003:  ldc.i4.1
                      IL_0004:  call       "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler..ctor(int, int)"
                      IL_0009:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_000b:  ldstr      "P1: "
                      IL_0010:  call       "void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendLiteral(string)"
                      IL_0015:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0017:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0018:  ldfld      "object C.<P1>k__BackingField"
                      IL_001d:  ldnull
                      IL_001e:  ceq
                      IL_0020:  call       "void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted<bool>(bool)"
                      IL_0025:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0027:  call       "string System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear()"
                      IL_002c:  ret
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P2.set", """
                      // Code size       43 (0x2b)
                      .maxstack  4
                      .locals init (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler V_0)
                      IL_0000:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0001:  ldarg.1
                      IL_0002:  stfld      "object C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0007:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0008:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_000a:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_000b:  ldc.i4.1
                      IL_000c:  call       "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler..ctor(int, int)"
                      IL_0011:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0013:  ldarg.0
                      IL_0014:  ldfld      "object C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_0019:  call       "void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted<object>(object)"
                      IL_001e:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0020:  call       "string System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear()"
                      IL_0025:  stfld      "object C.<P2>k__BackingField"
                      IL_002a:  ret
        public void InterpolatedString_Alignment(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                class C
                    int x = 42;
                    const int field = 5;
                    public int P1 { get { Console.WriteLine($"{x,field}"); return 1; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("""
                verifier.VerifyIL("C.P1.get", """
                      // Code size       37 (0x25)
                      .maxstack  3
                      .locals init (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler V_0)
                      IL_0000:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0
                      IL_0003:  ldc.i4.1
                      IL_0004:  call       "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler..ctor(int, int)"
                      IL_0009:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_000b:  ldarg.0
                      IL_000c:  ldfld      "int C.x"
                      IL_0011:  ldc.i4.5
                      IL_0012:  call       "void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted<int>(int, int)"
                      IL_0017:  ldloca.s   V_0
                      IL_0019:  call       "string System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear()"
                      IL_001e:  call       "void System.Console.WriteLine(string)"
                      IL_0023:  ldc.i4.1
                      IL_0024:  ret
                    // (6,50): warning CS9258: In language version preview, the 'field' keyword binds to a synthesized backing field for the property. To avoid generating a synthesized backing field, and to refer to the existing member, use 'this.field' or '@field' instead.
                    //     public int P1 { get { Console.WriteLine($"{x,field}"); return 1; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_FieldIsAmbiguous, "field").WithArguments("preview").WithLocation(6, 50),
                    // (6,50): error CS0150: A constant value is expected
                    //     public int P1 { get { Console.WriteLine($"{x,field}"); return 1; } }
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConstantExpected, "field").WithLocation(6, 50));
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Where(f => f.IsImplicitlyDeclared).ToImmutableArray();
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                var expectedFields = new[]
                    "System.Int32 C.<P1>k__BackingField",
                AssertEx.Equal(expectedFields, actualFields.ToTestDisplayStrings());
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(1, actualProperties.Length);
            if (languageVersion == LanguageVersion.CSharp13)
                Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
                Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P1", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: true, BackingField: { } });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void InterpolatedString_Format(
            [CombinatorialValues(LanguageVersion.CSharp13, LanguageVersionFacts.CSharpNext)] LanguageVersion languageVersion)
            string source = $$"""
                using System;
                class C
                    int x = 42;
                    const int y = 3;
                    const int field = 5;
                    public int P2 { get { Console.WriteLine($"{x:field}"); return 2; } }
                    public int P3 { get { Console.WriteLine($"{x,y:field}"); return 3; } }
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        var c = new C();
                        Console.WriteLine((c.P2, c.P3));
            var comp = CreateCompilation(
                parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(languageVersion),
                options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe,
                targetFramework: TargetFramework.Net80);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: IncludeExpectedOutput("""
                (2, 3)
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.P2.get", """
                    // Code size       41 (0x29)
                    .maxstack  3
                    .locals init (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler V_0)
                    IL_0000:  ldloca.s   V_0
                    IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0003:  ldc.i4.1
                    IL_0004:  call       "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler..ctor(int, int)"
                    IL_0009:  ldloca.s   V_0
                    IL_000b:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000c:  ldfld      "int C.x"
                    IL_0011:  ldstr      "field"
                    IL_0016:  call       "void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted<int>(int, string)"
                    IL_001b:  ldloca.s   V_0
                    IL_001d:  call       "string System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear()"
                    IL_0022:  call       "void System.Console.WriteLine(string)"
                    IL_0027:  ldc.i4.2
                    IL_0028:  ret
            verifier.VerifyIL("C.P3.get", """
                    // Code size       42 (0x2a)
                    .maxstack  4
                    .locals init (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler V_0)
                    IL_0000:  ldloca.s   V_0
                    IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0
                    IL_0003:  ldc.i4.1
                    IL_0004:  call       "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler..ctor(int, int)"
                    IL_0009:  ldloca.s   V_0
                    IL_000b:  ldarg.0
                    IL_000c:  ldfld      "int C.x"
                    IL_0011:  ldc.i4.3
                    IL_0012:  ldstr      "field"
                    IL_0017:  call       "void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.AppendFormatted<int>(int, int, string)"
                    IL_001c:  ldloca.s   V_0
                    IL_001e:  call       "string System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultInterpolatedStringHandler.ToStringAndClear()"
                    IL_0023:  call       "void System.Console.WriteLine(string)"
                    IL_0028:  ldc.i4.3
                    IL_0029:  ret
            var containingType = comp.GetMember<NamedTypeSymbol>("C");
            var actualFields = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<FieldSymbol>().Where(f => f.IsImplicitlyDeclared).ToImmutableArray();
            var actualProperties = containingType.GetMembers().OfType<PropertySymbol>().ToImmutableArray();
            Assert.Equal(2, actualProperties.Length);
            Assert.True(actualProperties[0] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P2", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            Assert.True(actualProperties[1] is SourcePropertySymbol { Name: "P3", IsAutoProperty: false, UsesFieldKeyword: false, BackingField: null });
            VerifyMergedProperties(actualProperties, actualFields);
        public void SpeculativeSemanticModel_01(bool includeLocal)
            string source = $$"""
                class C
                    object P
                            {{(includeLocal ? "object field = null;" : "")}}
                            return null;
            var parseOptions = TestOptions.RegularPreview;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: parseOptions);
            var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees.Single();
            var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree);
            var previousAccessor = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<AccessorDeclarationSyntax>().Single();
            var modifiedTree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(source.Replace("return null;", "return field;"), parseOptions);
            var modifiedAccessor = modifiedTree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<AccessorDeclarationSyntax>().Single();
            Assert.True(model.TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBody(previousAccessor.Body.SpanStart, modifiedAccessor, out var speculativeModel));
            var expr = modifiedAccessor.DescendantNodes().OfType<FieldExpressionSyntax>().Single();
            Assert.Equal("return field;", expr.Parent.ToString());
            var symbolInfo = speculativeModel.GetSymbolInfo(expr);
        public void SpeculativeSemanticModel_02(bool includeLocal)
            string source = $$"""
                class C
                    object P
                            {{(includeLocal ? "object field = null;" : "")}}
                            return null;
            var parseOptions = TestOptions.RegularPreview;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: parseOptions);
            var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees.Single();
            var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree);
            var previousAccessor = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<AccessorDeclarationSyntax>().First();
            var modifiedTree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(source.Replace("return null;", "return field;"), parseOptions);
            var modifiedAccessor = modifiedTree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType<AccessorDeclarationSyntax>().First();
            Assert.True(model.TryGetSpeculativeSemanticModelForMethodBody(previousAccessor.Body.SpanStart, modifiedAccessor, out var speculativeModel));
            var expr = modifiedAccessor.DescendantNodes().OfType<FieldExpressionSyntax>().Single();
            Assert.Equal("return field;", expr.Parent.ToString());
            var symbolInfo = speculativeModel.GetSymbolInfo(expr);
            Assert.Equal("System.Object C.<P>k__BackingField", symbolInfo.Symbol.ToTestDisplayString());
        [InlineData("{ get; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get; set; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; }")]
        [InlineData("{ set { field = value; } }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; set; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get; set { field = value; } }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; set { field = value; } }")]
        public void Nameof_01(string accessors)
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                using static System.Console;
                struct S1
                    static object? P1 {{accessors}}
                    static S1()
                    public static void M()
                struct S2
                    object? P2 {{accessors}}
                    public S2(S2 s)
                    public void M(S2 s)
                class Program
                    static void Main()
                        new S2(default).M(default);
            var verifier = CompileAndVerify(source, expectedOutput: """
        [InlineData("{ get; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get; set; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; }")]
        [InlineData("{ set { field = value; } }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; set; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get; set { field = value; } }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; set { field = value; } }")]
        public void Nameof_02(string accessors)
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                struct S
                    object? P {{accessors}}
                    public S(bool unused)
                        _ = nameof(new S().P);
                    public void M()
                        _ = nameof(new S().P);
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (7,20): error CS8082: Sub-expression cannot be used in an argument to nameof.
                //         _ = nameof(new S().P);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SubexpressionNotInNameof, "new S()").WithLocation(7, 20),
                // (11,20): error CS8082: Sub-expression cannot be used in an argument to nameof.
                //         _ = nameof(new S().P);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SubexpressionNotInNameof, "new S()").WithLocation(11, 20));
        [InlineData("{ get; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; }")]
        public void Nameof_03(string accessors)
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public object? F = null;
                struct S1
                    static C? P1 {{accessors}}
                    static S1()
                        _ = nameof((P1 = new()).F);
                    static void M()
                        _ = nameof((P1 = new()).F);
                struct S2
                    C? P2 {{accessors}}
                    S2(bool unused)
                        _ = nameof((P2 = new()).F);
                    void M()
                        _ = nameof((P2 = new()).F);
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (11,20): error CS8082: Sub-expression cannot be used in an argument to nameof.
                //         _ = nameof((P1 = new()).F);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SubexpressionNotInNameof, "(P1 = new())").WithLocation(11, 20),
                // (15,21): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'S1.P1' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         _ = nameof((P1 = new()).F);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "P1").WithArguments("S1.P1").WithLocation(15, 21),
                // (23,20): error CS8082: Sub-expression cannot be used in an argument to nameof.
                //         _ = nameof((P2 = new()).F);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SubexpressionNotInNameof, "(P2 = new())").WithLocation(23, 20),
                // (27,21): error CS0200: Property or indexer 'S2.P2' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
                //         _ = nameof((P2 = new()).F);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AssgReadonlyProp, "P2").WithArguments("S2.P2").WithLocation(27, 21));
        [InlineData("{ get; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; }")]
        public void RangeVariableValue_01(string accessors)
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                using System.Linq;
                struct S
                    object? P {{accessors}}
                    S(object value)
                        _ = from x in new [] { value }
                            let y = (P = x)
                            select (P = y);
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (9,22): error CS1673: Anonymous methods, lambda expressions, query expressions, and local functions inside structs cannot access instance members of 'this'. Consider copying 'this' to a local variable outside the anonymous method, lambda expression, query expression, or local function and using the local instead.
                //             let y = (P = x)
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ThisStructNotInAnonMeth, "P").WithLocation(9, 22),
                // (10,21): error CS1673: Anonymous methods, lambda expressions, query expressions, and local functions inside structs cannot access instance members of 'this'. Consider copying 'this' to a local variable outside the anonymous method, lambda expression, query expression, or local function and using the local instead.
                //             select (P = y);
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ThisStructNotInAnonMeth, "P").WithLocation(10, 21));
        [InlineData("{ get; set; }")]
        [InlineData("{ get => field; set; }")]
        public void RangeVariableValue_02(string accessors)
            string source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                using System.Linq;
                struct S
                    object? P {{accessors}}
                    S(S s, object value)
                        _ = from x in new [] { value }
                            let y = (s.P = x)
                            select (s.P = y);
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_NotInitialized_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; } // 1
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (4,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; } // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(4, 19));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_NotInitialized_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop => field.ToString() ?? "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (4,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop => field.ToString() ?? "a";
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(4, 19));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_NotInitialized_03()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                            string unrelated = null;
                            return field ??= "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,20): warning CS0219: The variable 'unrelated' is assigned but its value is never used
                //             string unrelated = null;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedVarAssg, "unrelated").WithArguments("unrelated").WithLocation(8, 20),
                // (8,32): warning CS8600: Converting null literal or possible null value to non-nullable type.
                //             string unrelated = null;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ConvertingNullableToNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(8, 32));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Getter_DifferentWarningsOccurWithEitherNullability()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Collections.Generic;
                class C
                    public string Prop
                            var list = M(field);
                            List<string> li1 = list;
                            List<string?> li2 = list;
                            return field;
                    static List<T> M<T>(T elem) => [elem];
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 19),
                // (12,33): warning CS8619: Nullability of reference types in value of type 'List<string>' doesn't match target type 'List<string?>'.
                //             List<string?> li2 = list;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullabilityMismatchInAssignment, "list").WithArguments("System.Collections.Generic.List<string>", "System.Collections.Generic.List<string?>").WithLocation(12, 33));
        public void NullResilience_GetterDoesNotUseField()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => "a"; set => field = value; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,26): warning CS9266: The 'get' accessor of property 'C.Prop' should use 'field' because the other accessor is using it.
                //     public string Prop { get => "a"; set => field = value; }
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_AccessorDoesNotUseBackingField, "get").WithArguments("get", "C.Prop").WithLocation(5, 26));
            var field = comp.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            // We could further scope this by saying: do not infer if the getter specifically doesn't use 'field',
            // regardless of whether the setter uses it, and perhaps skip some additional work.
            // However, this is considered a pathological case.
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, field.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, field.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_Initialized_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; } = "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_Initialized_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C() { Prop = "a"; }
                    public string Prop { get => field; set => field = value; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_NotInitialized_01(string op)
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop => field {{op}} "a";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_Initialized_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop { get => field ??= "a"; } = "b";
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_Initialized_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C() { Prop = "b"; }
                    public string Prop { get => field ?? "a"; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_Initialized_03()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C()
                        Prop = null;
                    public string Prop { get => field ??= "a"; } = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_Initialized_04()
            // This case is a bit funky. The inference does not affect signature of the setter.
            // In general, we don't want an inference to affect shape of a public API.
            // But, it's conceivable to want to assign a possible null value here, which gets further coalesced into a non-null in the getter.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C()
                        Prop = null; // 1
                    public string Prop { get => field ??= "a"; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,16): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //         Prop = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(6, 16));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_Initialized_05()
            // Suggested fix for the nullable warning in Nullable_Resilient_Initialized_04
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public C()
                        Prop = null;
                    public string Prop { get => field ??= "a"; set; }
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, AllowNullAttributeDefinition]);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_UseInSetter_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field ??= "a";
                        set => field = field.ToString();
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,24): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //         set => field = field.ToString();
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "field").WithLocation(8, 24));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_UseInSetter_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field ??= "a";
                        set => field = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_NotNullProperty_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public string? Prop
                        get => field ??= "a";
                        set => field = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_NotNullProperty_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C<T>
                    public T Prop
                        get => field ??= default!;
                        set => field = default;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_NotNullProperty_03()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C<T>(T fallback)
                    public T Prop
                        get => field ??= fallback;
                        set => field = default;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (9,16): warning CS8607: A possible null value may not be used for a type marked with [NotNull] or [DisallowNull]
                //         get => field ??= fallback;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DisallowNullAttributeForbidsMaybeNullAssignment, "field ??= fallback").WithLocation(9, 16));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_Generic_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C<T>(T fallback)
                    public T Prop
                        get => field ??= fallback;
                        set => field = default;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_Generic_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C<T>
                    public T Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = value;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,14): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public T Prop
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 14));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_UseInSetter_01()
            // Setter analysis is not yet implemented.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = field.ToString();
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_UseInSetter_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19),
                // (8,24): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //         set => field = null;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(8, 24));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        [InlineData("#nullable disable")]
        [InlineData("#nullable disable warnings")]
        [InlineData("#pragma warning disable 8603 // Possible null reference return.")]
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_AccessorWarningsAreDisabled_01(string directive)
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        [InlineData("#nullable disable")]
        [InlineData("#nullable disable warnings")]
        [InlineData("#pragma warning disable")]
        [InlineData("#pragma warning disable 8603 // Possible null reference return.")]
        public void Nullable_Resilient_ChainedConstructor_01(string directive)
            // Since the backing field is nullable, a chained constructor isn't expected to put it into non-null state.
            // The property has maybe-null state in "caller" constructor since it shares a slot with the field.
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C(bool ignored) { Prop = "a"; }
                    public C() : this(false)
                        Prop.ToString(); // 1
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //         Prop.ToString(); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "Prop").WithLocation(8, 9));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_ChainedConstructor_02()
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C(bool ignored) { Prop = "a"; }
                    public C() : this(false)
                        Prop.ToString(); // 1
                    public string Prop
                        get => field!;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (8,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //         Prop.ToString(); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "Prop").WithLocation(8, 9));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Explicit_ChainedConstructor_01()
            // Behavior is consistent with inferred nullable backing field compared with explicitly attributed backing field.
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public C(bool ignored) { Prop = "a"; }
                    public C() : this(false)
                        Prop.ToString(); // 1
                    [field: MaybeNull]
                    public string Prop
                        get => field!;
            var comp = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (9,9): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //         Prop.ToString(); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "Prop").WithLocation(9, 9));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_ChainedConstructor_01()
            // Backing field is non-nullable, so chaining a constructor puts it into non-null state.
            var source = $$"""
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C(bool ignored) { Prop = "a"; }
                    public C() : this(false)
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_NullForgivingOperator()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field!;
                        set => field = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_NotResilient_DiagnosticSuppressor(bool useSuppressor)
            // DiagnosticSuppressors don't affect the inferred nullability of the backing field.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field;
                        set => field = null;
            var comp = CreateCompilation(source);
            if (useSuppressor)
                // The 8603 is a "hypothetical" diagnostic which occurs only internally in the compiler.
                // We don't run DiagnosticSuppressors in that context.
                // So, it's not clear that this suppressor would ever do anything.
                // Still, it seems useful to express our intent with this test, that DiagnosticSuppressors don't have an effect.
                comp = comp.VerifySuppressedDiagnostics(
                    [new CommonDiagnosticAnalyzers.DiagnosticSuppressorForId("CS8603"), new CommonDiagnosticAnalyzers.DiagnosticSuppressorForId("CS8625")],
                    expected: [Diagnostic("CS8625", "null", isSuppressed: true).WithLocation(8, 24)]);
                // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19),
                // (8,24): warning CS8625: Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
                //         set => field = null;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullAsNonNullable, "null").WithLocation(8, 24));
            var prop = comp.GetMember<SourcePropertySymbol>("C.Prop");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, prop.BackingField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_Resilient_AnnotationInMetadata()
            // Inferred nullability is not used in metadata.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                        get => field ??= "a";
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            var comp1 = CreateCompilation("", references: [comp0.EmitToImageReference()], options: TestOptions.DebugDll.WithMetadataImportOptions(MetadataImportOptions.All));
            var metadataField = comp1.GetMember<FieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, metadataField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Nullable_DisallowNullField_NullableValueType()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public C()
                        Prop = null; // 1
                        Prop = 0;
                    [field: DisallowNull]
                    public int? Prop
                        get => field;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation([source, DisallowNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (8,16): warning CS8607: A possible null value may not be used for a type marked with [NotNull] or [DisallowNull]
                //         Prop = null; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_DisallowNullAttributeForbidsMaybeNullAssignment, "null").WithLocation(8, 16));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
            Assert.Equal("System.Int32?", sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.ToTestDisplayString());
        public void NullableWarningOnFieldInBothCases()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public C()
                        Prop = null;
                    public string Prop
                            field = null;
                            field.ToString(); // 1
                            return "a";
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (15,13): warning CS8602: Dereference of a possibly null reference.
                //             field.ToString(); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReceiver, "field").WithLocation(15, 13));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void StaticPropAndConstructor_Resilient_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop => field ?? "a";
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void StaticPropAndConstructor_NotResilient_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop => field;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,26): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public static string Prop => field;
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 26));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void StaticPropAndConstructor_NotResilient_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    static C()
                        Prop = "a";
                    public static string Prop => field;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void StaticPropAndConstructor_NotResilient_03()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static string Prop { get => field; } = "a";
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Ref_NotResilient_01()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static void M(ref string s) { }
                    public string Prop // 1
                            M(ref field);
                            return field;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 19));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Ref_Resilient_01()
            // "Resilient" in the sense that same warnings occur whether field is nullable or not.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public static void M(ref string? s) { }
                    public string Prop
                            M(ref field);
                            return field; // 1
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (11,20): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //             return field; // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(11, 20));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Ref_Resilient_02()
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public static void M([NotNull] ref string? s) { s = "a"; }
                    public string Prop
                            M(ref field);
                            return field;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation([source, NotNullAttributeDefinition]);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Ref_Resilient_03()
            // This is an interesting case.
            // Diagnostic (1) is reported the same way in both cases, but they actually refer to different things.
            // For the 'string? field' case, it refers to the assignment of 'field' to 'ref string s' on the way in.
            // For the 'string field' case, it refers to the '[MaybeNull]' assignment to 'field' on the way out.
            // This is something that might be simplified by saying null-resilience decides initial flow state rather than annotation.
            // Then, maybe-null going into the field would not produce a warning in both cases.
            // We would then conclude that the property is not-null-resilient, due to the 'M(ref field)' call resulting in a warning only when initial state is maybe-null.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
                class C
                    public static void M([MaybeNull] ref string s) { }
                    public string Prop
                            M(ref field); // 1
                            return field; // 2
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation([source, MaybeNullAttributeDefinition]);
                // (11,19): warning CS8601: Possible null reference assignment.
                //             M(ref field); // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceAssignment, "field").WithLocation(11, 19),
                // (12,20): warning CS8603: Possible null reference return.
                //             return field; // 2
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NullReferenceReturn, "field").WithLocation(12, 20));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void LocalFunction_NullResilience_01()
            // Is null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                            return local();
                            string local() => field ?? "a";
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void LocalFunction_NullResilient_02()
            // Not null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop // 1
                            return local();
                            string local() => field;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void LocalFunction_NullResilient_03()
            // Local function is not called, but, the warning in the local function only occurs when field is nullable.
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop // 1
                            return field ?? "a";
                            void local() => field.ToString(); // 2
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                      // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                      //     public string Prop // 1
                      Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19),
                      // (10,18): warning CS8321: The local function 'local' is declared but never used
                      //             void local() => field.ToString(); // 2
                      Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UnreferencedLocalFunction, "local").WithArguments("local").WithLocation(10, 18));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void LocalFunction_NullResilience_04()
            // Is null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                            field ??= "a";
                            return field;
                            void local() => field.ToString();
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void LocalFunction_NullResilience_05()
            // Not null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop // 1
                            field ??= "a";
                            return field;
                            void local() => field.ToString();
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Lambda_NullResilience_01()
            // Null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System;
                class C
                    public string Prop // 1
                            Func<string> a = () => field ?? "a";
                            return a();
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void Lambda_NullResilience_02()
            // Not null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                using System;
                class C
                    public string Prop // 1
                            Func<string> a = () => field;
                            return a();
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (6,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(6, 19));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void AsTargetTypedOperand_01()
            // Not null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop // 1
                            var arr = M([field]);
                            return arr[0];
                    public static T[] M<T>(T[] arr) => arr;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
                // (5,19): warning CS9264: Non-nullable property 'Prop' must contain a non-null value when exiting constructor. Consider adding the 'required' modifier, or declaring the property as nullable, or safely handling the case where 'field' is null in the 'get' accessor.
                //     public string Prop // 1
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_UninitializedNonNullableBackingField, "Prop").WithArguments("property", "Prop").WithLocation(5, 19));
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);
        public void AsTargetTypedOperand_02()
            // Null-resilient
            var source = """
                #nullable enable
                class C
                    public string Prop
                            var arr = M([field ?? "a"]);
                            return arr[0];
                    public static T[] M<T>(T[] arr) => arr;
            var comp0 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var sourceField = comp0.GetMember<SynthesizedBackingFieldSymbol>("C.<Prop>k__BackingField");
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.Annotated, sourceField.GetInferredNullableAnnotation());
            Assert.Equal(NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, sourceField.TypeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation);