File: Emit\ResourceTests.cs
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Project: src\src\Compilers\CSharp\Test\Emit\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Emit
    public class ResourceTests : CSharpTestBase
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern IntPtr LoadLibraryEx(string lpFileName, IntPtr hFile, uint dwFlags);
        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern bool FreeLibrary([In] IntPtr hFile);
        [ConditionalFact(typeof(WindowsOnly), Reason = ConditionalSkipReason.TestExecutionNeedsDesktopTypes)]
        public void DefaultVersionResource()
            string source = @"
public class Maine
    public static void Main()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation(source, assemblyName: "Win32VerNoAttrs", options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe);
            var exe = Temp.CreateFile();
            using (FileStream output = exe.Open())
                c1.Emit(output, win32Resources: c1.CreateDefaultWin32Resources(true, false, null, null));
            c1 = null;
            //Open as data
            IntPtr lib = IntPtr.Zero;
            string versionData;
            string mftData;
                lib = LoadLibraryEx(exe.Path, IntPtr.Zero, 0x00000002);
                if (lib == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
                //the manifest and version primitives are tested elsewhere. This is to test that the default
                //values are passed to the primitives that assemble the resources.
                uint size;
                IntPtr versionRsrc = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "#16", out size);
                versionData = Win32Res.VersionResourceToXml(versionRsrc);
                uint mftSize;
                IntPtr mftRsrc = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "#24", out mftSize);
                mftData = Win32Res.ManifestResourceToXml(mftRsrc, mftSize);
                if (lib != IntPtr.Zero)
            string expected =
@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?>
<VersionResource Size=""612"">
  <VS_FIXEDFILEINFO FileVersionMS=""00000000"" FileVersionLS=""00000000"" ProductVersionMS=""00000000"" ProductVersionLS=""00000000"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""FileDescription"" Value="" "" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""FileVersion"" Value="""" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""InternalName"" Value=""Win32VerNoAttrs.exe"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""LegalCopyright"" Value="" "" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""OriginalFilename"" Value=""Win32VerNoAttrs.exe"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""ProductVersion"" Value="""" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""Assembly Version"" Value="""" />
            Assert.Equal(expected, versionData);
            expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?>
<ManifestResource Size=""490"">
  <Contents><![CDATA[<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8"" standalone=""yes""?>
<assembly xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"" manifestVersion=""1.0"">
  <assemblyIdentity version="""" name=""""/>
  <trustInfo xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"">
      <requestedPrivileges xmlns=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"">
        <requestedExecutionLevel level=""asInvoker"" uiAccess=""false""/>
            Assert.Equal(expected, mftData);
            //look at the same data through the FileVersion API.
            //If the codepage and resource language information is not
            //written correctly into the internal resource directory of
            //the PE, then GetVersionInfo will fail to find the FileVersionInfo. 
            //Once upon a time in Roslyn, the codepage and lang info was not written correctly.
            var fileVer = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exe.Path);
            Assert.Equal(" ", fileVer.LegalCopyright);
        [ConditionalFact(typeof(WindowsOnly), Reason = ConditionalSkipReason.TestExecutionNeedsDesktopTypes)]
        public void ResourcesInCoff()
            //this is to test that resources coming from a COFF can be added to a binary.
            string source = @"
class C
            var c1 = CreateCompilation(source, assemblyName: "Win32WithCoff", options: TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
            var exe = Temp.CreateFile();
            using (FileStream output = exe.Open())
                var memStream = new MemoryStream(TestResources.General.nativeCOFFResources);
                c1.Emit(output, win32Resources: memStream);
            c1 = null;
            //Open as data
            IntPtr lib = IntPtr.Zero;
            string versionData;
                lib = LoadLibraryEx(exe.Path, IntPtr.Zero, 0x00000002);
                if (lib == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
                //the manifest and version primitives are tested elsewhere. This is to test that the resources
                //we expect are present. Also need to check that the actual contents of at least one of the resources
                //is good. That tests our processing of the relocations.
                uint size;
                IntPtr versionRsrc = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "#16", out size);
                versionData = Win32Res.VersionResourceToXml(versionRsrc);
                uint stringTableSize;
                IntPtr stringTable = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "#6", out stringTableSize);
                Assert.NotEqual(default, stringTable);
                uint elevenSize;
                IntPtr elevenRsrc = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "#11", out elevenSize);
                Assert.NotEqual(default, elevenRsrc);
                uint wevtSize;
                IntPtr wevtRsrc = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "WEVT_TEMPLATE", out wevtSize);
                Assert.NotEqual(default, wevtRsrc);
                if (lib != IntPtr.Zero)
            string expected =
@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?>
<VersionResource Size=""1104"">
  <VS_FIXEDFILEINFO FileVersionMS=""000b0000"" FileVersionLS=""eacc0000"" ProductVersionMS=""000b0000"" ProductVersionLS=""eacc0000"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""CompanyName"" Value=""Microsoft Corporation"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""FileDescription"" Value=""Team Foundation Server Object Model"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""FileVersion"" Value=""11.0.60108.0 built by: TOOLSET_ROSLYN(GNAMBOO-DEV-GNAMBOO)"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""InternalName"" Value=""Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.dll"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""LegalCopyright"" Value=""© Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""OriginalFilename"" Value=""Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.dll"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""ProductName"" Value=""Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""ProductVersion"" Value=""11.0.60108.0"" />
            Assert.Equal(expected, versionData);
            //look at the same data through the FileVersion API.
            //If the codepage and resource language information is not
            //written correctly into the internal resource directory of
            //the PE, then GetVersionInfo will fail to find the FileVersionInfo. 
            //Once upon a time in Roslyn, the codepage and lang info was not written correctly.
            var fileVer = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(exe.Path);
            Assert.Equal("Microsoft Corporation", fileVer.CompanyName);
        public void FaultyResourceDataProvider()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation("");
            var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("r2", "file", () => { throw new Exception("bad stuff"); }, false)
                // error CS1566: Error reading resource 'file' -- 'bad stuff'
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CantReadResource).WithArguments("file", "bad stuff")
            result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("r2", "file", () => null, false)
                // error CS1566: Error reading resource 'file' -- 'Resource data provider should return non-null stream'
                Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CantReadResource).WithArguments("file", CodeAnalysisResources.ResourceDataProviderShouldReturnNonNullStream)
        [WorkItem(543501, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543501")]
        public void CS1508_DuplicateManifestResourceIdentifier()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation("");
            Func<Stream> dataProvider = () => new MemoryStream(new byte[] { });
            var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true)
                // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'A' has already been used in this assembly
        [WorkItem(543501, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543501")]
        public void CS1508_DuplicateManifestResourceIdentifier_EmbeddedResource()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation("");
            Func<Stream> dataProvider = () => new MemoryStream(new byte[] { });
            var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("A", null, dataProvider, true, isEmbedded: true, checkArgs: true)
                // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'A' has already been used in this assembly
            // file name ignored for embedded manifest resources
            result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true, isEmbedded: true, checkArgs: true),
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true, isEmbedded: false, checkArgs: true)
                // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'A' has already been used in this assembly
        [WorkItem(543501, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543501")]
        public void CS7041_DuplicateManifestResourceFileName()
            var c1 = CSharpCompilation.Create("goo", references: new[] { MscorlibRef }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
            Func<Stream> dataProvider = () => new MemoryStream(new byte[] { });
            var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("B", "", dataProvider, true)
                // error CS7041: Each linked resource and module must have a unique filename. Filename '' is specified more than once in this assembly
        [WorkItem(543501, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543501")]
        public void NoDuplicateManifestResourceFileNameDiagnosticForEmbeddedResources()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation("");
            Func<Stream> dataProvider = () => new MemoryStream(new byte[] { });
            var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("B", null, dataProvider, true, isEmbedded: true, checkArgs: true)
            // file name ignored for embedded manifest resources
            result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true, isEmbedded: true, checkArgs: true),
                    new ResourceDescription("B", "", dataProvider, true, isEmbedded: false, checkArgs: true)
        [WorkItem(543501, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543501"), WorkItem(546297, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/546297")]
        public void CS1508_CS7041_DuplicateManifestResourceDiagnostics()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation("");
            Func<Stream> dataProvider = () => new MemoryStream(new byte[] { });
            var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true)
                // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'A' has already been used in this assembly
                // error CS7041: Each linked resource and module must have a unique filename. Filename '' is specified more than once in this assembly
            result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("B", "", dataProvider, true),
                    new ResourceDescription("B", "", dataProvider, true)
                // error CS7041: Each linked resource and module must have a unique filename. Filename '' is specified more than once in this assembly
                // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'B' has already been used in this assembly
            result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "goo.dll", dataProvider, true),
            //make sure there's no problem when the name of the primary module conflicts with a file name of an added resource.
            var netModule1 = TestReferences.SymbolsTests.netModule.netModule1;
            c1 = CreateCompilation("", references: new[] { netModule1 });
            result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription("A", "netmodule1.netmodule", dataProvider, true),
            // Native compiler gives CS0013 (FTL_MetadataEmitFailure) at Emit stage
                // error CS7041: Each linked resource and module must have a unique filename. Filename 'netmodule1.netmodule' is specified more than once in this assembly
#if NET472
        public void AddManagedResource()
            string source = @"public class C { static public void Main() {} }";
            // Do not name the compilation, a unique guid is used as a name by default. It prevents conflicts with other assemblies loaded via Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad.
            var c1 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var resourceFileName = "";
            var output = new MemoryStream();
            const string r1Name = "some.dotted.NAME";
            const string r2Name = "another.DoTtEd.NAME";
            var arrayOfEmbeddedData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            var resourceFileData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
            var result = c1.Emit(output, manifestResources:
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r1Name, () => new MemoryStream(arrayOfEmbeddedData), true),
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, resourceFileName, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false)
            var assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(output.ToArray());
            string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
            Assert.Equal(2, resourceNames.Length);
            var rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r1Name);
            Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded | ResourceLocation.ContainedInManifestFile, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
            var rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r1Name);
            var rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
            rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
            Assert.Equal(arrayOfEmbeddedData, rBytes);
            rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r2Name);
            Assert.Equal(resourceFileName, rInfo.FileName);
            c1 = null;
        public void AddResourceToModule()
            bool metadataOnly = false;
            Func<Compilation, Stream, ResourceDescription[], CodeAnalysis.Emit.EmitResult> emit;
            emit = (c, s, r) => c.Emit(s, manifestResources: r, options: new EmitOptions(metadataOnly: metadataOnly));
            var sourceTree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree("");
            // Do not name the compilation, a unique guid is used as a name by default. It prevents conflicts with other assemblies loaded via Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad.
            var c1 = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                new[] { sourceTree },
                new[] { MscorlibRef },
            var resourceFileName = "";
            var output = new MemoryStream();
            const string r1Name = "some.dotted.NAME";
            const string r2Name = "another.DoTtEd.NAME";
            var arrayOfEmbeddedData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
            var resourceFileData = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
            var result = emit(c1, output,
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r1Name, () => new MemoryStream(arrayOfEmbeddedData), true),
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, resourceFileName, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false)
            Assert.NotEmpty(result.Diagnostics.Where(x => x.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_CantRefResource));
            result = emit(c1, output,
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, resourceFileName, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false),
                    new ResourceDescription(r1Name, () => new MemoryStream(arrayOfEmbeddedData), true)
            Assert.NotEmpty(result.Diagnostics.Where(x => x.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_CantRefResource));
            result = emit(c1, output,
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, resourceFileName, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false)
            Assert.NotEmpty(result.Diagnostics.Where(x => x.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_CantRefResource));
            var c_mod1 = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                new[] { sourceTree },
                new[] { MscorlibRef },
            var output_mod1 = new MemoryStream();
            result = emit(c_mod1, output_mod1,
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r1Name, () => new MemoryStream(arrayOfEmbeddedData), true)
            var mod1 = ModuleMetadata.CreateFromImage(output_mod1.ToImmutable());
            var ref_mod1 = mod1.GetReference();
            Assert.Equal(ManifestResourceAttributes.Public, mod1.Module.GetEmbeddedResourcesOrThrow()[0].Attributes);
                var c2 = CreateCompilation(sourceTree, new[] { ref_mod1 }, TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
                var output2 = new MemoryStream();
                var result2 = c2.Emit(output2);
                var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(output2.ToArray());
                assembly.ModuleResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs e) =>
                    if (e.Name.Equals(c_mod1.SourceModule.Name))
                        return assembly.LoadModule(e.Name, output_mod1.ToArray());
                    return null;
                string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
                Assert.Equal(1, resourceNames.Length);
                var rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r1Name);
                Assert.Equal(System.Reflection.ResourceLocation.Embedded, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                Assert.Equal(c_mod1.SourceModule.Name, rInfo.FileName);
                var rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r1Name);
                var rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(arrayOfEmbeddedData, rBytes);
            var c_mod2 = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                new[] { sourceTree },
                new[] { MscorlibRef },
            var output_mod2 = new MemoryStream();
            result = emit(c_mod2, output_mod2,
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r1Name, () => new MemoryStream(arrayOfEmbeddedData), true),
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), true)
            var ref_mod2 = ModuleMetadata.CreateFromImage(output_mod2.ToImmutable()).GetReference();
                var c3 = CreateCompilation(sourceTree, new[] { ref_mod2 }, TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
                var output3 = new MemoryStream();
                var result3 = c3.Emit(output3);
                var assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(output3.ToArray());
                assembly.ModuleResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs e) =>
                    if (e.Name.Equals(c_mod2.SourceModule.Name))
                        return assembly.LoadModule(e.Name, output_mod2.ToArray());
                    return null;
                string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
                Assert.Equal(2, resourceNames.Length);
                var rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r1Name);
                Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                Assert.Equal(c_mod2.SourceModule.Name, rInfo.FileName);
                var rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r1Name);
                var rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(arrayOfEmbeddedData, rBytes);
                rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r2Name);
                Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                Assert.Equal(c_mod2.SourceModule.Name, rInfo.FileName);
                rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r2Name);
                rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(resourceFileData, rBytes);
            var c_mod3 = CSharpCompilation.Create(
                new[] { sourceTree },
                new[] { MscorlibRef },
            var output_mod3 = new MemoryStream();
            result = emit(c_mod3, output_mod3,
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false)
            var mod3 = ModuleMetadata.CreateFromImage(output_mod3.ToImmutable());
            var ref_mod3 = mod3.GetReference();
            Assert.Equal(ManifestResourceAttributes.Private, mod3.Module.GetEmbeddedResourcesOrThrow()[0].Attributes);
                var c4 = CreateCompilation(sourceTree, new[] { ref_mod3 }, TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
                var output4 = new MemoryStream();
                var result4 = c4.Emit(output4, manifestResources:
                    new ResourceDescription[]
                            new ResourceDescription(r1Name, () => new MemoryStream(arrayOfEmbeddedData), false)
                var assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(output4.ToArray());
                assembly.ModuleResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs e) =>
                    if (e.Name.Equals(c_mod3.SourceModule.Name))
                        return assembly.LoadModule(e.Name, output_mod3.ToArray());
                    return null;
                string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
                Assert.Equal(2, resourceNames.Length);
                var rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r1Name);
                Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded | ResourceLocation.ContainedInManifestFile, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                var rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r1Name);
                var rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(arrayOfEmbeddedData, rBytes);
                rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r2Name);
                Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                Assert.Equal(c_mod3.SourceModule.Name, rInfo.FileName);
                rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r2Name);
                rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(resourceFileData, rBytes);
                var c5 = CreateCompilation(sourceTree, new[] { ref_mod1, ref_mod3 }, TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
                var output5 = new MemoryStream();
                var result5 = emit(c5, output5, null);
                var assembly = Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad(output5.ToArray());
                assembly.ModuleResolve += (object sender, ResolveEventArgs e) =>
                    if (e.Name.Equals(c_mod1.SourceModule.Name))
                        return assembly.LoadModule(e.Name, output_mod1.ToArray());
                    else if (e.Name.Equals(c_mod3.SourceModule.Name))
                        return assembly.LoadModule(e.Name, output_mod3.ToArray());
                    return null;
                string[] resourceNames = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames();
                Assert.Equal(2, resourceNames.Length);
                var rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r1Name);
                Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                Assert.Equal(c_mod1.SourceModule.Name, rInfo.FileName);
                var rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r1Name);
                var rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(arrayOfEmbeddedData, rBytes);
                rInfo = assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(r2Name);
                Assert.Equal(ResourceLocation.Embedded, rInfo.ResourceLocation);
                Assert.Equal(c_mod3.SourceModule.Name, rInfo.FileName);
                rData = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(r2Name);
                rBytes = new byte[rData.Length];
                rData.Read(rBytes, 0, (int)rData.Length);
                Assert.Equal(resourceFileData, rBytes);
                var c6 = CreateCompilation(sourceTree, new[] { ref_mod1, ref_mod2 }, TestOptions.ReleaseDll);
                var output6 = new MemoryStream();
                var result6 = emit(c6, output6, null);
                if (metadataOnly)
                        // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'some.dotted.NAME' has already been used in this assembly
                result6 = emit(c6, output6,
                    new ResourceDescription[]
                        new ResourceDescription(r2Name, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false)
                if (metadataOnly)
                        // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'some.dotted.NAME' has already been used in this assembly
                        // error CS1508: Resource identifier 'another.DoTtEd.NAME' has already been used in this assembly
                c6 = CreateCompilation(sourceTree, new[] { ref_mod1, ref_mod2 }, TestOptions.ReleaseModule);
                result6 = emit(c6, output6,
                    new ResourceDescription[]
                        new ResourceDescription(r2Name, () => new MemoryStream(resourceFileData), false)
        public void AddManagedLinkedResourceFail()
            string source = @"
public class Maine
    static public void Main()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var output = new MemoryStream();
            const string r2Name = "another.DoTtEd.NAME";
            var result = c1.Emit(output, manifestResources:
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, "nonExistent", () => { throw new NotSupportedException("error in data provider"); }, false)
            Assert.Equal((int)ErrorCode.ERR_CantReadResource, result.Diagnostics.ToArray()[0].Code);
        public void AddManagedEmbeddedResourceFail()
            string source = @"
public class Maine
    static public void Main()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation(source);
            var output = new MemoryStream();
            const string r2Name = "another.DoTtEd.NAME";
            var result = c1.Emit(output, manifestResources:
                new ResourceDescription[]
                    new ResourceDescription(r2Name, () => null, true),
            Assert.Equal((int)ErrorCode.ERR_CantReadResource, result.Diagnostics.ToArray()[0].Code);
        [ConditionalFact(typeof(WindowsOnly), Reason = ConditionalSkipReason.TestExecutionNeedsDesktopTypes)]
        public void ResourceWithAttrSettings()
            string source = @"
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("""")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion("""")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitle(""One Hundred Years of Solitude"")] 
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyDescription(""A classic of magical realist literature"")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCompany(""MossBrain"")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct(""Sound Cannon"")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyright(""circle C"")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademark(""circle R"")]
[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersion(""1.2.3garbage"")]
public class Maine
    public static void Main()
            var c1 = CreateCompilation(source, assemblyName: "Win32VerAttrs", options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe);
            var exeFile = Temp.CreateFile();
            using (FileStream output = exeFile.Open())
                c1.Emit(output, win32Resources: c1.CreateDefaultWin32Resources(true, false, null, null));
            c1 = null;
            string versionData;
            //Open as data
            IntPtr lib = IntPtr.Zero;
                lib = LoadLibraryEx(exeFile.Path, IntPtr.Zero, 0x00000002);
                Assert.True(lib != IntPtr.Zero, String.Format("LoadLibrary failed with HResult: {0:X}", +Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
                //the manifest and version primitives are tested elsewhere. This is to test that the default
                //values are passed to the primitives that assemble the resources.
                uint size;
                IntPtr versionRsrc = Win32Res.GetResource(lib, "#1", "#16", out size);
                versionData = Win32Res.VersionResourceToXml(versionRsrc);
                if (lib != IntPtr.Zero)
            string expected =
@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?>
<VersionResource Size=""964"">
  <VS_FIXEDFILEINFO FileVersionMS=""00050006"" FileVersionLS=""00070008"" ProductVersionMS=""00010002"" ProductVersionLS=""00030000"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""Comments"" Value=""A classic of magical realist literature"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""CompanyName"" Value=""MossBrain"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""FileDescription"" Value=""One Hundred Years of Solitude"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""FileVersion"" Value="""" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""InternalName"" Value=""Win32VerAttrs.exe"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""LegalCopyright"" Value=""circle C"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""LegalTrademarks"" Value=""circle R"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""OriginalFilename"" Value=""Win32VerAttrs.exe"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""ProductName"" Value=""Sound Cannon"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""ProductVersion"" Value=""1.2.3garbage"" />
  <KeyValuePair Key=""Assembly Version"" Value="""" />
            Assert.Equal(expected, versionData);
        public void ResourceProviderStreamGivesBadLength()
            var backingStream = new MemoryStream(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
            var stream = new TestStream(
                canRead: true,
                canSeek: true,
                readFunc: backingStream.Read,
                length: 6, // Lie about the length (> backingStream.Length)
                getPosition: () => backingStream.Position);
            var c1 = CreateCompilation("");
            using (new EnsureEnglishUICulture())
                var result = c1.Emit(new MemoryStream(), manifestResources:
                        new ResourceDescription("res", () => stream, false)
                    // error CS1566: Error reading resource 'res' -- 'Resource stream ended at 4 bytes, expected 6 bytes.'
                    Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CantReadResource).WithArguments("res", "Resource stream ended at 4 bytes, expected 6 bytes.").WithLocation(1, 1));