// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Recommendations
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public class VoidKeywordRecommenderTests : KeywordRecommenderTests
public async Task TestAtRoot()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
public async Task TestAfterClass()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C { }
public async Task TestAfterGlobalStatement()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
public async Task TestAfterGlobalVariableDeclaration_Interactive()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
int i = 0;
public async Task TestNotInUsingAlias()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"using Goo = $$");
public async Task TestNotInGlobalUsingAlias()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"global using Goo = $$");
public async Task TestNotAfterStackAlloc()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C {
int* goo = stackalloc $$
public async Task TestInFixedStatement()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"fixed ($$");
public async Task TestInDelegateReturnType()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"public delegate $$");
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestNotInCastType(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"var str = (($$", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestNotInCastType2(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"var str = (($$)items) as string;", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestInTypeOf(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"typeof($$", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
public async Task TestAfterExtern()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
extern alias Goo;
public async Task TestAfterUsing()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterGlobalUsing()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
global using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
namespace N {}
public async Task TestAfterDelegateDeclaration()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
delegate void Goo();
public async Task TestAfterMethod()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
void Goo() {}
public async Task TestAfterField()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
int i;
public async Task TestAfterProperty()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
int i { get; }
public async Task TestNotBeforeUsing()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular,
using Goo;
[Fact(Skip = "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9880")]
public async Task TestNotBeforeUsing_Interactive()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
using Goo;
public async Task TestNotBeforeGlobalUsing()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular,
global using Goo;
[Fact(Skip = "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9880")]
public async Task TestNotBeforeGlobalUsing_Interactive()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
global using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterAssemblyAttribute()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
[assembly: goo]
public async Task TestAfterRootAttribute()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
public async Task TestAfterMultipleRootAttributes()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
public async Task TestAfterNestedAttribute()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
public async Task TestInsideStruct()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
struct S {
public async Task TestInsideInterface()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
interface I {
public async Task TestInsideClass()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
public async Task TestNotAfterPartial()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"partial $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedPartial()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
partial $$
public async Task TestNotAfterAbstract()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"abstract $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedAbstract()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
abstract $$
public async Task TestNotAfterInternal()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular, @"internal $$");
public async Task TestAfterInternal_Interactive()
=> await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script, @"internal $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedInternal()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
internal $$
public async Task TestNotAfterPublic()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular, @"public $$");
public async Task TestAfterPublic_Interactive()
=> await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script, @"public $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedPublic()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
public $$
public async Task TestNotAfterPrivate()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular,
@"private $$");
public async Task TestAfterPrivate_Script()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
@"private $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedPrivate()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
private $$
public async Task TestNotAfterProtected()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"protected $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedProtected()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
protected $$
public async Task TestNotAfterSealed()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"sealed $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedSealed()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
sealed $$
public async Task TestAfterStatic()
=> await VerifyKeywordAsync(@"static $$");
public async Task TestAfterStaticInClass()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
static $$
public async Task TestNotAfterStaticPublic()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular, @"static public $$");
public async Task TestAfterStaticPublic_Interactive()
=> await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script, @"static public $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedStaticPublic()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
static public $$
public async Task TestAfterDelegate()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"delegate $$");
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestNotAfterAnonymousDelegate(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"var q = delegate $$", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
public async Task TestNotAfterEvent()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C {
event $$
public async Task TestNotAfterVoid()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C {
void $$
public async Task TestNotAfterNew()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"new $$");
public async Task TestAfterNestedNew()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
new $$
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestInUnsafeBlock(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
unsafe {
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
public async Task TestInUnsafeMethod()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe void Goo() {
public async Task TestInUnsafeClass()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
unsafe class C {
void Goo() {
public async Task TestNotInParameter()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C {
void Goo($$
public async Task TestInUnsafeParameter1()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe void Goo($$
public async Task TestInUnsafeParameter2()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
unsafe class C {
void Goo($$
public async Task TestNotInCast()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C {
void Goo() {
hr = GetRealProcAddress("CompareAssemblyIdentity", ($$
public async Task TestNotInCast2()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C {
void Goo() {
hr = GetRealProcAddress("CompareAssemblyIdentity", ($$**)pfnCompareAssemblyIdentity);
public async Task TestInUnsafeCast()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
unsafe class C {
void Goo() {
hr = GetRealProcAddress("CompareAssemblyIdentity", ($$
public async Task TestInUnsafeCast2()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
unsafe class C {
void Goo() {
hr = GetRealProcAddress("CompareAssemblyIdentity", ($$**)pfnCompareAssemblyIdentity);
public async Task TestInUnsafeConversionOperator()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe implicit operator int(C c) {
public async Task TestInUnsafeOperator()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe int operator ++(C c) {
public async Task TestInUnsafeConstructor()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe C() {
public async Task TestInUnsafeDestructor()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe ~C() {
public async Task TestInUnsafeProperty()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe int Goo {
get {
public async Task TestInUnsafeIndexer()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C {
unsafe int this[int i] {
get {
[Theory, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538804")]
public async Task TestNotInDefault(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"default($$", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538804")]
public async Task TestInSizeOf(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"sizeof($$", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544347")]
public async Task TestInUnsafeDefaultExpression()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
unsafe class C
static void Method1(void* p1 = default($$
[Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544347")]
public async Task TestNotInDefaultExpression()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C
static void Method1(void* p1 = default($$
public async Task TestAfterAsync()
=> await VerifyKeywordAsync(@"class c { async $$ }");
public async Task TestAfterAsyncAsType()
=> await VerifyKeywordAsync(@"class c { async async $$ }");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
void M()
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction2()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
void M()
async $$
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction3()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
void M()
async async $$
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction4()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
class C
void M()
var async $$
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction5()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
using System;
class C
void M(Action<int> a)
M(async $$ () =>
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction6()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
void M()
unsafe async $$
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8617")]
public async Task TestLocalFunction7()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
using System;
class C
void M(Action<int> a)
M(async () =>
async $$
public async Task TestInFunctionPointer01()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
public async Task TestInFunctionPointer02()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C<T>
public async Task TestInFunctionPointer03()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
delegate*<int, $$
public async Task TestInFunctionPointer04()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
delegate*<int, v$$
public async Task TestInFunctionPointerTypeAfterComma()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
delegate*<int, $$
public async Task TestInFunctionPointerTypeAfterModifier()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
class C
delegate*<ref $$
public async Task TestNotAfterDelegateAsterisk()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
class C
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43295")]
public async Task TestAfterReadonlyInStruct()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
struct S
public readonly $$
public async Task TestAfterReadonlyInRecordStruct()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
record struct S
public readonly $$
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/43295")]
public async Task TestNotAfterReadonlyInClass()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
class C
public readonly $$
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/67986")]
public async Task TestInUsingUnsafeDirective()
await VerifyKeywordAsync("using unsafe T = $$");
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/67986")]
public async Task TestNotInRegularUsingDirective()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("using T = $$");