// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Recommendations
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
public class UsingKeywordRecommenderTests : KeywordRecommenderTests
public async Task TestNotInUsingAlias()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"using Goo = $$");
public async Task TestNotInGlobalUsingAlias()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"global using Goo = $$");
public async Task TestAfterClass()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C { }
public async Task TestAfterGlobalStatement()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
public async Task TestAfterGlobalVariableDeclaration_Interactive()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
int i = 0;
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestInEmptyStatement(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"$$", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
public async Task TestAfterAwait()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C
async void M()
await $$
public async Task TestAfterAwaitInAssignment()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
class C
async void M()
_ = await $$
public async Task TestAtRoot()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
public async Task TestNotAfterUsingKeyword()
=> await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"using $$");
public async Task TestAfterPreviousUsing()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterPreviousGlobalUsing()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterExtern()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
extern alias goo;
public async Task TestAfterGlobalAfterExtern()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
extern alias goo;
global $$
public async Task TestAfterGlobalAfterExternBeforeUsing_01()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
extern alias goo;
global $$
using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterGlobalAfterExternBeforeUsing_02()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
extern alias goo;
global $$
global using Goo;
public async Task TestBeforeUsing()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
using Goo;
public async Task TestBeforeUsingAfterGlobal()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global $$
using Goo;
public async Task TestAfterUsingAlias()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
using Goo = Bar;
public async Task TestAfterGlobalUsingAlias()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global using Goo = Bar;
public async Task TestNotAfterNestedTypeDeclaration()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
class A {
class C {}
public async Task TestInsideNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
namespace N {
public async Task TestAfterFileScopedNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
namespace N;
public async Task TestNotAfterUsingKeyword_InsideNamespace()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
namespace N {
using $$
public async Task TestAfterPreviousUsing_InsideNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
namespace N {
using Goo;
public async Task TestBeforeUsing_InsideNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
namespace N {
using Goo;
public async Task TestNotAfterMember_InsideNamespace()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
namespace N {
class C {}
public async Task TestNotAfterNestedMember_InsideNamespace()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
namespace N {
class A {
class C {}
public async Task TestNotBeforeExtern()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular,
extern alias Goo;
[Fact(Skip = "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9880")]
public async Task TestNotBeforeExtern_Interactive()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
extern alias Goo;
public async Task TestNotBeforeExternAfterGlobal()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Regular,
global $$
extern alias Goo;
[Fact(Skip = "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/9880")]
public async Task TestNotBeforeExternAfterGlobal_Interactive()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
global $$
extern alias Goo;
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestBeforeStatement(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
return true;
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterStatement(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
return true;
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterBlock(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
if (true) {
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterIf(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
if (true)
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterDo(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterWhile(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
while (true)
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterFor(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
[Theory, CombinatorialData]
public async Task TestAfterForeach(bool topLevelStatement)
await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
foreach (var v in bar)
""", topLevelStatement: topLevelStatement), options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
public async Task TestNotAfterUsing()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"using $$");
public async Task TestNotAfterGlobalUsing()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"global using $$");
public async Task TestNotInClass()
await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
class C
public async Task TestBetweenUsings_01()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
using Goo;
using Bar;
public async Task TestBetweenUsings_02()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global using Goo;
using Bar;
public async Task TestAfterGlobalBetweenUsings_01()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global using Goo;
global $$
using Bar;
public async Task TestAfterGlobalBetweenUsings_02()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global using Goo;
global $$
global using Bar;
public async Task TestAfterGlobal()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"global $$");
public async Task TestBeforeNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
namespace NS
public async Task TestBeforeFileScopedNamespace()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
namespace NS;
public async Task TestBeforeClass()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
class C1
public async Task TestBeforeAttribute_01()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
public async Task TestBeforeAttribute_02()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
[assembly: Call()]
public async Task TestBeforeNamespaceAfterGlobal()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global $$
namespace NS
public async Task TestBeforeClassAfterGlobal()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global $$
class C1
public async Task TestBeforeStatementAfterGlobal()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global $$
public async Task TestBeforeAttributeAfterGlobal_01()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global $$
public async Task TestBeforeAttributeAfterGlobal_02()
await VerifyKeywordAsync(
global $$
[assembly: Call()]