File: Recommendations\DynamicKeywordRecommenderTests.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest2\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Completion.KeywordRecommenders;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Recommendations
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
    public class DynamicKeywordRecommenderTests : RecommenderTests
        protected override string KeywordText => "dynamic";
        private readonly DynamicKeywordRecommender _recommender = new();
        public DynamicKeywordRecommenderTests()
            this.RecommendKeywordsAsync = (position, context) => Task.FromResult(_recommender.RecommendKeywords(position, context, CancellationToken.None));
        public async Task TestAtRoot_Interactive()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
        public async Task TestAfterClass_Interactive()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
                class C { }
        public async Task TestAfterGlobalStatement()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
        public async Task TestAfterGlobalVariableDeclaration_Interactive()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
                int i = 0;
        public async Task TestNotInUsing()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"using $$");
        public async Task TestInUsingAlias()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"using Goo = $$");
        public async Task TestInUsingAlias_Tuple()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"using Goo = ($$");
        public async Task TestNotAfterStackAlloc()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                class C {
                     int* goo = stackalloc $$
        public async Task TestNotInFixedStatement()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"fixed ($$"));
        public async Task TestInDelegateReturnType()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"public delegate $$");
        public async Task TestInCastType()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"var str = (($$"));
        public async Task TestInCastType2()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"var str = (($$)items) as string;"));
        public async Task TestAfterConstInMemberContext()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    const $$
        public async Task TestAfterRefInMemberContext()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    ref $$
        public async Task TestAfterRefReadonlyInMemberContext()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    ref readonly $$
        public async Task TestAfterConstInStatementContext()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"const $$"));
        public async Task TestAfterRefInStatementContext()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref $$"));
        public async Task TestAfterRefReadonlyInStatementContext()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref readonly $$"));
        public async Task TestAfterConstLocalDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"const $$ int local;"));
        public async Task TestAfterRefLocalDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref $$ int local;"));
        public async Task TestAfterRefReadonlyLocalDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref readonly $$ int local;"));
        public async Task TestAfterRefLocalFunction()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref $$ int Function();"));
        public async Task TestAfterRefReadonlyLocalFunction()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref readonly $$ int Function();"));
        public async Task TestNotAfterRefExpression()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref int x = ref $$"));
        public async Task TestInEmptyStatement()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        public async Task TestNotInEnumBaseTypes()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"enum E : $$");
        public async Task TestInGenericType1()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        public async Task TestInGenericType2()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        public async Task TestInGenericType3()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        public async Task TestInGenericType4()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        public async Task TestNotInBaseList()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"class C : $$");
        public async Task TestInGenericType_InBaseList()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"class C : IList<$$");
        public async Task TestAfterMethod()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                  void Goo() {}
        public async Task TestAfterField()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                  int i;
        public async Task TestAfterProperty()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                  int i { get; }
        public async Task TestAfterNestedAttribute()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
        public async Task TestInsideStruct()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                struct S {
        public async Task TestInsideInterface()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                interface I {
        public async Task TestInsideClass()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
        public async Task TestNotAfterPartial()
            => await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"partial $$");
        public async Task TestAfterNestedPartial()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    partial $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedAbstract()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    abstract $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedInternal()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    internal $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedStaticPublic()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    static public $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedPublicStatic()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    public static $$
        public async Task TestAfterVirtualPublic()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    virtual public $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedPublic()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    public $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedPrivate()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                   private $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedProtected()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    protected $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedSealed()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    sealed $$
        public async Task TestAfterNestedStatic()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    static $$
        public async Task TestInLocalVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        public async Task TestInForVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"for ($$"));
        public async Task TestInForeachVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"foreach ($$"));
        public async Task TestInUsingVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"using ($$"));
        public async Task TestInFromVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"var q = from $$"));
        public async Task TestInJoinVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
                var q = from a in b 
                          join $$
        public async Task TestAfterMethodOpenParen()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    void Goo($$
        public async Task TestAfterMethodComma()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    void Goo(int i, $$
        public async Task TestAfterMethodAttribute()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    void Goo(int i, [Goo]$$
        public async Task TestAfterConstructorOpenParen()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    public C($$
        public async Task TestAfterConstructorComma()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    public C(int i, $$
        public async Task TestAfterConstructorAttribute()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    public C(int i, [Goo]$$
        public async Task TestAfterDelegateOpenParen()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"delegate void D($$");
        public async Task TestAfterDelegateComma()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"delegate void D(int i, $$");
        public async Task TestAfterDelegateAttribute()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
@"delegate void D(int i, [Goo]$$");
        public async Task TestAfterThis()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                static class C {
                     public static void Goo(this $$
        public async Task TestAfterRef()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                     void Goo(ref $$
        public async Task TestAfterOut()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                     void Goo(out $$
        public async Task TestAfterLambdaRef()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                     void Goo() {
                          System.Func<int, int> f = (ref $$
        public async Task TestAfterLambdaOut()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                     void Goo() {
                          System.Func<int, int> f = (out $$
        public async Task TestAfterParams()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                     void Goo(params $$
        public async Task TestNotInImplicitOperator()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                class C {
                     public static implicit operator $$
        public async Task TestNotInExplicitOperator()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                class C {
                     public static explicit operator $$
        public async Task TestAfterIndexerBracket()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    int this[$$
        public async Task TestAfterIndexerBracketComma()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    int this[int i, $$
        public async Task TestAfterNewInExpression()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"new $$"));
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538804")]
        public async Task TestNotInTypeOf()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538804")]
        public async Task TestInDefault()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538804")]
        public async Task TestNotInSizeOf()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(AddInsideMethod(
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545303")]
        public async Task TestNotInPreProcessor()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                class Program
                    #region $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestNotAfterAsync()
            => await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"class c { async $$ }");
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestNotAfterAsyncAsType()
            => await VerifyAbsenceAsync(@"class c { async async $$ }");
        public async Task TestInFunctionPointerType()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
                class C
        public async Task TestInFunctionPointerTypeAfterComma()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
                class C
                    delegate*<int, $$
        public async Task TestInFunctionPointerTypeAfterModifier()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
                class C
                    delegate*<ref $$
        public async Task TestNotAfterDelegateAsterisk()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
                class C