File: Recommendations\BaseKeywordRecommenderTests.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest2\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures2.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Recommendations
    [Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.KeywordRecommending)]
    public class BaseKeywordRecommenderTests : KeywordRecommenderTests
        public async Task TestNotAtRoot_Interactive()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
        public async Task TestNotInTopLevelMethod()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
                void Goo()
        public async Task TestNotAfterClass_Interactive()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(SourceCodeKind.Script,
                class C { }
        public async Task TestNotAfterGlobalStatement()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                """, options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
        public async Task TestNotAfterGlobalVariableDeclaration()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                int i = 0;
                """, options: CSharp9ParseOptions);
        public async Task TestNotInUsingAlias()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"using Goo = $$");
        public async Task TestNotInGlobalUsingAlias()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
@"global using Goo = $$");
        public async Task TestInClassConstructorInitializer()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C {
                    public C() : $$
        public async Task TestInRecordConstructorInitializer()
            // The recommender doesn't work in record in script
            // Tracked by
            await VerifyWorkerAsync("""
                record C {
                    public C() : $$
                """, absent: false, options: TestOptions.RegularPreview);
        public async Task TestNotInStaticClassConstructorInitializer()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                class C {
                    static C() : $$
        public async Task TestNotInStructConstructorInitializer()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                struct C {
                    public C() : $$
        public async Task TestAfterCast()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                struct C {
                    new internal ErrorCode Code { get { return (ErrorCode)$$
        public async Task TestInEmptyMethod()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538264")]
        public async Task TestNotInEnumMemberInitializer1()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync(
                enum E {
                    a = $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544219")]
        public async Task TestNotInObjectInitializerMemberContext()
            await VerifyAbsenceAsync("""
                class C
                    public int x, y;
                    void M()
                        var c = new C { x = 2, y = 3, $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/16335")]
        public async Task InExpressionBodyAccessor()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync("""
                class B
                    public virtual int T { get => bas$$ }
        public async Task TestAfterRefExpression()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
@"ref int x = ref $$"));
        #region Collection expressions
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_BeforeFirstElementToVar()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
                var x = [$$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_BeforeFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [$$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_AfterFirstElementToVar()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(AddInsideMethod(
                var x = [new object(), $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_AfterFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_SpreadBeforeFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [.. $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_SpreadAfterFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, .. $$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenAtFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [($$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenAfterFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, ($$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenSpreadAtFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [.. ($$
        [Fact, WorkItem("")]
        public async Task TestInCollectionExpressions_ParenSpreadAfterFirstElementToReturn()
            await VerifyKeywordAsync(
                class C
                    IEnumerable<string> M() => [string.Empty, .. ($$