// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.StringCopyPaste;
/// <summary>
/// Data about a string that a user has copied a subsection of. This will itself be placed on the clipboard so that
/// it can be retrieved later on if the user pastes.
/// </summary>
[method: JsonConstructor]
internal class StringCopyPasteData(ImmutableArray<StringCopyPasteContent> contents)
public ImmutableArray<StringCopyPasteContent> Contents { get; } = contents;
public string? ToJson()
return JsonSerializer.Serialize(this, typeof(StringCopyPasteData));
catch (Exception ex) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatch(ex, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
return null;
public static StringCopyPasteData? FromJson(string? json)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
return null;
var value = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(JsonDocument.Parse(json), typeof(StringCopyPasteData));
if (value is null)
return null;
return (StringCopyPasteData)value;
catch (Exception ex) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatch(ex, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Given a <paramref name="stringExpression"/> for a string literal or interpolated string, and the <paramref
/// name="selectionSpan"/> the user has selected in it, tries to determine the interpreted content within that
/// expression that has been copied. "interpreted" in this context means the actual value of the content that
/// was selected, with things like escape characters embedded as the actual characters they represent.
/// </summary>
public static StringCopyPasteData? TryCreate(IVirtualCharLanguageService virtualCharService, ExpressionSyntax stringExpression, TextSpan selectionSpan)
=> stringExpression switch
LiteralExpressionSyntax literal => TryCreateForLiteral(virtualCharService, literal, selectionSpan),
InterpolatedStringExpressionSyntax interpolatedString => TryCreateForInterpolatedString(virtualCharService, interpolatedString, selectionSpan),
_ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(stringExpression.Kind()),
private static StringCopyPasteData? TryCreateForLiteral(IVirtualCharLanguageService virtualCharService, LiteralExpressionSyntax literal, TextSpan span)
=> TryGetContentForSpan(virtualCharService, literal.Token, span, out var content)
? new StringCopyPasteData([content])
: null;
/// <summary>
/// Given a string <paramref name="token"/>, and the <paramref name="selectionSpan"/> the user has selected that
/// overlaps with it, tries to determine the interpreted content within that token that has been copied.
/// "interpreted" in this context means the actual value of the content that was selected, with things like
/// escape characters embedded as the actual characters they represent.
/// </summary>
private static bool TryGetNormalizedStringForSpan(
IVirtualCharLanguageService virtualCharService,
SyntaxToken token,
TextSpan selectionSpan,
[NotNullWhen(true)] out string? normalizedText)
normalizedText = null;
// First, try to convert this token to a sequence of virtual chars.
var virtualChars = virtualCharService.TryConvertToVirtualChars(token);
if (virtualChars.IsDefaultOrEmpty)
return false;
// Then find the start/end of the token's characters that overlap with the selection span.
var firstOverlappingChar = virtualChars.FirstOrNull(vc => vc.Span.OverlapsWith(selectionSpan));
var lastOverlappingChar = virtualChars.LastOrNull(vc => vc.Span.OverlapsWith(selectionSpan));
if (firstOverlappingChar is null || lastOverlappingChar is null)
return false;
// Don't allow partial selection of an escaped character. e.g. if they select 'n' in '\n'
if (selectionSpan.Start > firstOverlappingChar.Value.Span.Start)
return false;
if (selectionSpan.End < lastOverlappingChar.Value.Span.End)
return false;
var firstCharIndexInclusive = virtualChars.IndexOf(firstOverlappingChar.Value);
var lastCharIndexInclusive = virtualChars.IndexOf(lastOverlappingChar.Value);
// Grab that subsequence of characters and get the final interpreted string for it.
var subsequence = virtualChars.GetSubSequence(TextSpan.FromBounds(firstCharIndexInclusive, lastCharIndexInclusive + 1));
normalizedText = subsequence.CreateString();
return true;
private static bool TryGetContentForSpan(
IVirtualCharLanguageService virtualCharService,
SyntaxToken token,
TextSpan selectionSpan,
out StringCopyPasteContent content)
if (!TryGetNormalizedStringForSpan(virtualCharService, token, selectionSpan, out var text))
content = default;
return false;
content = StringCopyPasteContent.ForText(text);
return true;
private static StringCopyPasteData? TryCreateForInterpolatedString(
IVirtualCharLanguageService virtualCharService,
InterpolatedStringExpressionSyntax interpolatedString,
TextSpan selectionSpan)
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<StringCopyPasteContent>.GetInstance(out var result);
foreach (var interpolatedContent in interpolatedString.Contents)
// Only consider portions of the interpolated string that overlap the selection.
if (interpolatedContent.Span.OverlapsWith(selectionSpan))
if (interpolatedContent is InterpolationSyntax interpolation)
// If the user copies a portion of an interpolation, just treat this as a non-smart copy paste
// for simplicity.
if (!selectionSpan.Contains(interpolation.Span))
return null;
// The format clause needs to be written differently depending on what sort of interpolated
// string we have (normal, verbatim, raw). So grab the token for it and determine it's actual
// interpreted value so we can paste it properly at the destination side.
var formatClause = (string?)null;
if (interpolation.FormatClause != null &&
!TryGetNormalizedStringForSpan(virtualCharService, interpolation.FormatClause.FormatStringToken, selectionSpan, out formatClause))
return null;
// Can grab the expression and alignment-clause as is. That's just normal C# code, and will
// remain the same no matter what we past into.
else if (interpolatedContent is InterpolatedStringTextSyntax stringText)
if (!TryGetContentForSpan(virtualCharService, stringText.TextToken, selectionSpan, out var content))
return null;
return new StringCopyPasteData(result.ToImmutable());