// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Structure;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Structure;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.Structure;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Outlining)]
public class ConstructorDeclarationStructureTests : AbstractCSharpSyntaxNodeStructureTests<ConstructorDeclarationSyntax>
internal override AbstractSyntaxStructureProvider CreateProvider() => new ConstructorDeclarationStructureProvider();
public async Task TestConstructor1()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor2()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
} |}|}
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor3()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
}|}|} // .ctor
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor4()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
}|}|} /* .ctor */
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor5()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C() // .ctor{|textspan:
}|}|} // .ctor
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor6()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C() /* .ctor */{|textspan:
}|}|} // .ctor
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/68778")]
public async Task TestConstructor7()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
// .ctor
}|}|} // .ctor
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
[Fact, WorkItem("https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/68778")]
public async Task TestConstructor8()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
/* .ctor */
}|}|} // .ctor
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor9()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
public C()
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructor10()
var code = """
class C
{|hint:$$public C(){|textspan:
public C(int x)
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("textspan", "hint", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructorWithComments()
var code = """
class C
{|span1:// Goo
// Bar|}
{|hint2:$$public C(){|textspan2:
}|}|} // .ctor
await VerifyBlockSpansAsync(code,
Region("span1", "// Goo ...", autoCollapse: true),
Region("textspan2", "hint2", CSharpStructureHelpers.Ellipsis, autoCollapse: true));
public async Task TestConstructorMissingCloseParenAndBody()
// Expected behavior is that the class should be outlined, but the constructor should not.
var code = """
class C
await VerifyNoBlockSpansAsync(code);