File: QuickInfo\SemanticQuickInfoSourceTests.cs
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Project: src\src\EditorFeatures\CSharpTest\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.EditorFeatures.UnitTests)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.QuickInfo;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageService;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.QuickInfo;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using Xunit;
using static Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Classification.FormattedClassifications;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.QuickInfo;
[Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
public sealed class SemanticQuickInfoSourceTests : AbstractSemanticQuickInfoSourceTests
    private static async Task TestWithOptionsAsync(
        CSharpParseOptions options,
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(markup, options);
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(workspace, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestWithOptionsAsync(
        CSharpCompilationOptions options,
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.CreateCSharp(markup, compilationOptions: options);
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(workspace, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestWithOptionsAsync(EditorTestWorkspace workspace, params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var testDocument = workspace.DocumentWithCursor;
        var position = testDocument.CursorPosition.GetValueOrDefault();
        var documentId = testDocument.Id;
        var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
        var service = QuickInfoService.GetService(document);
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(document, service, position, expectedResults);
        // speculative semantic model
        if (await CanUseSpeculativeSemanticModelAsync(document, position))
            var buffer = testDocument.GetTextBuffer();
            using (var edit = buffer.CreateEdit())
                var currentSnapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                edit.Replace(0, currentSnapshot.Length, currentSnapshot.GetText());
            await TestWithOptionsAsync(document, service, position, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestWithOptionsAsync(Document document, QuickInfoService service, int position, Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var info = await service.GetQuickInfoAsync(document, position, SymbolDescriptionOptions.Default, CancellationToken.None);
        if (expectedResults.Length == 0)
            foreach (var expected in expectedResults)
    private static async Task VerifyWithMscorlib45Async(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferencesNet45="true">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument">
            """, SecurityElement.Escape(markup));
        await VerifyWithMarkupAsync(xmlString, expectedResults);
    private static async Task VerifyWithNet8Async(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferencesNet8="true">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument">
            """, SecurityElement.Escape(markup));
        await VerifyWithMarkupAsync(xmlString, expectedResults);
    private static async Task VerifyWithMarkupAsync(string xmlString, Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.Create(xmlString);
        var sourceDocument = workspace.Documents.Single(d => d.Name == "SourceDocument");
        var position = sourceDocument.CursorPosition!.Value;
        var documentId = sourceDocument.Id;
        var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
        var service = QuickInfoService.GetService(document);
        var info = await service.GetQuickInfoAsync(document, position, SymbolDescriptionOptions.Default, CancellationToken.None);
        if (expectedResults.Length == 0)
            foreach (var expected in expectedResults)
    protected override async Task TestAsync(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular, markup, expectedResults);
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Script, markup, expectedResults);
    private async Task TestWithUsingsAsync(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var markupWithUsings =
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            """ + markup;
        await TestAsync(markupWithUsings, expectedResults);
    private Task TestInClassAsync(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var markupInClass = "class C { " + markup + " }";
        return TestWithUsingsAsync(markupInClass, expectedResults);
    private Task TestInMethodAsync(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var markupInMethod = "class C { void M() { " + markup + " } }";
        return TestWithUsingsAsync(markupInMethod, expectedResults);
    private Task TestInMethodAsync(
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string markup,
        [StringSyntax(PredefinedEmbeddedLanguageNames.CSharpTest)] string extraSource,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var markupInMethod = "class C { void M() { " + markup + " } }" + extraSource;
        return TestWithUsingsAsync(markupInMethod, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestWithReferenceAsync(
        string sourceCode,
        string referencedCode,
        string sourceLanguage,
        string referencedLanguage,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(sourceCode, referencedCode, sourceLanguage, referencedLanguage, expectedResults);
        await TestWithProjectReferenceHelperAsync(sourceCode, referencedCode, sourceLanguage, referencedLanguage, expectedResults);
        // Multi-language projects are not supported.
        if (sourceLanguage == referencedLanguage)
            await TestInSameProjectHelperAsync(sourceCode, referencedCode, sourceLanguage, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(
        string sourceCode,
        string referencedCode,
        string sourceLanguage,
        string referencedLanguage,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="{0}" CommonReferences="true">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument">
                    <MetadataReferenceFromSource Language="{2}" CommonReferences="true" IncludeXmlDocComments="true">
                        <Document FilePath="ReferencedDocument">
            """, sourceLanguage, SecurityElement.Escape(sourceCode),
           referencedLanguage, SecurityElement.Escape(referencedCode));
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(xmlString, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestWithProjectReferenceHelperAsync(
        string sourceCode,
        string referencedCode,
        string sourceLanguage,
        string referencedLanguage,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="{0}" CommonReferences="true">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument">
                <Project Language="{2}" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="ReferencedProject">
                    <Document FilePath="ReferencedDocument">
            """, sourceLanguage, SecurityElement.Escape(sourceCode),
           referencedLanguage, SecurityElement.Escape(referencedCode));
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(xmlString, expectedResults);
    private static async Task TestInSameProjectHelperAsync(
        string sourceCode,
        string referencedCode,
        string sourceLanguage,
        params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        var xmlString = string.Format("""
                <Project Language="{0}" CommonReferences="true">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument">
                    <Document FilePath="ReferencedDocument">
            """, sourceLanguage, SecurityElement.Escape(sourceCode), SecurityElement.Escape(referencedCode));
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(xmlString, expectedResults);
    private static async Task VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(string xmlString, params Action<QuickInfoItem>[] expectedResults)
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.Create(xmlString);
        var sourceDocument = workspace.Documents.First(d => d.Name == "SourceDocument");
        var position = sourceDocument.CursorPosition!.Value;
        var documentId = sourceDocument.Id;
        var document = workspace.CurrentSolution.GetRequiredDocument(documentId);
        var service = QuickInfoService.GetService(document);
        var info = await service.GetQuickInfoAsync(document, position, SymbolDescriptionOptions.Default, CancellationToken.None);
        if (expectedResults.Length == 0)
            foreach (var expected in expectedResults)
    private async Task TestInvalidTypeInClassAsync(string code)
        var codeInClass = "class C { " + code + " }";
        await TestAsync(codeInClass);
    public async Task TestNamespaceInUsingDirective()
        await TestAsync(
            @"using $$System;",
            MainDescription("namespace System"));
    public async Task TestNamespaceInUsingDirective2()
        await TestAsync(
            @"using System.Coll$$ections.Generic;",
            MainDescription("namespace System.Collections"));
    public async Task TestNamespaceInUsingDirective3()
        await TestAsync(
            @"using System.L$$inq;",
            MainDescription("namespace System.Linq"));
    public async Task TestNamespaceInUsingDirectiveWithAlias()
        await TestAsync(
            @"using Goo = Sys$$tem.Console;",
            MainDescription("namespace System"));
    public async Task TestTypeInUsingDirectiveWithAlias()
        await TestAsync(
            @"using Goo = System.Con$$sole;",
            MainDescription("class System.Console"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/991466")]
    public async Task TestDocumentationInUsingDirectiveWithAlias()
        var markup =
            using I$$ = IGoo;
            ///<summary>summary for interface IGoo</summary>
            interface IGoo {  }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
            Documentation("summary for interface IGoo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/991466")]
    public async Task TestDocumentationInUsingDirectiveWithAlias2()
        var markup =
            using I = IGoo;
            ///<summary>summary for interface IGoo</summary>
            interface IGoo {  }
            class C : I$$ { }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
            Documentation("summary for interface IGoo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/991466")]
    public async Task TestDocumentationInUsingDirectiveWithAlias3()
        var markup =
            using I = IGoo;
            ///<summary>summary for interface IGoo</summary>
            interface IGoo 
                void Goo();
            class C : I$$ { }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
            Documentation("summary for interface IGoo"));
    public async Task TestThis()
        var markup =
            ///<summary>summary for Class C</summary>
            class C { string M() {  return thi$$s.ToString(); } }
        await TestWithUsingsAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("class C"),
            Documentation("summary for Class C"));
    public async Task TestClassWithDocComment()
        var markup =
            class C { void M() { $$C obj; } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("class C"),
    public async Task TestSingleLineDocComments()
        // Tests chosen to maximize code coverage in DocumentationCommentCompiler.WriteFormattedSingleLineComment
        // SingleLine doc comment with leading whitespace
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // SingleLine doc comment with space before opening tag
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary>Hello!</summary>
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // SingleLine doc comment with space before opening tag and leading whitespace
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary>Hello!</summary>
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // SingleLine doc comment with leading whitespace and blank line
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // SingleLine doc comment with '\r' line separators
        await TestAsync("""
            class C { void M() { $$C obj; } }
            MainDescription("class C"),
    public async Task TestMultiLineDocComments()
        // Tests chosen to maximize code coverage in DocumentationCommentCompiler.WriteFormattedMultiLineComment
        // Multiline doc comment with leading whitespace
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // Multiline doc comment with space before opening tag
        await TestAsync(
            /** <summary>Hello!</summary>
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // Multiline doc comment with space before opening tag and leading whitespace
        await TestAsync(
             ** <summary>Hello!</summary>
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // Multiline doc comment with no per-line prefix
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // Multiline doc comment with inconsistent per-line prefix
        await TestAsync(
             ** <summary>
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // Multiline doc comment with closing comment on final line
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$C obj;
            MainDescription("class C"),
        // Multiline doc comment with '\r' line separators
        await TestAsync("""
            * <summary>
            * Hello!
            * </summary>
            class C { void M() { $$C obj; } }
            MainDescription("class C"),
    public async Task TestMethodWithDocComment()
        var markup =
            void M() { M$$() }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M()"),
    public async Task TestInt32()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$Int32 i;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestBuiltInInt()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$int i;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestString()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$String s;",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestBuiltInString()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$string s;",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestBuiltInStringAtEndOfToken()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"string$$ s;",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestBoolean()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$Boolean b;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Boolean"));
    public async Task TestBuiltInBool()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$bool b;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Boolean"));
    public async Task TestSingle()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$Single s;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Single"));
    public async Task TestBuiltInFloat()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$float f;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Single"));
    public async Task TestVoidIsInvalid()
        await TestInvalidTypeInClassAsync(
            $$void M()
    public async Task TestInvalidPointer1_931958()
        await TestInvalidTypeInClassAsync(
            @"$$T* i;");
    public async Task TestInvalidPointer2_931958()
        await TestInvalidTypeInClassAsync(
            @"T$$* i;");
    public async Task TestInvalidPointer3_931958()
        await TestInvalidTypeInClassAsync(
            @"T*$$ i;");
    public async Task TestListOfString()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$List<string> l;",
            MainDescription("class System.Collections.Generic.List<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} string
    public async Task TestListOfSomethingFromSource()
        var markup =
            ///<summary>Generic List</summary>
            public class GenericList<T> { Generic$$List<int> t; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("class GenericList<T>"),
            Documentation("Generic List"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
    public async Task TestListOfT()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            class C<T>
                $$List<T> l;
            MainDescription("class System.Collections.Generic.List<T>"));
    public async Task TestDictionaryOfIntAndString()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"$$Dictionary<int, string> d;",
            MainDescription("class System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>"),

                    TKey {FeaturesResources.is_} int
                      $"TValue {FeaturesResources.is_} string")));
    public async Task TestDictionaryOfTAndU()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            class C<T, U>
                $$Dictionary<T, U> d;
            MainDescription("class System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>"),

                    TKey {FeaturesResources.is_} T
                      $"TValue {FeaturesResources.is_} U")));
    public async Task TestIEnumerableOfInt()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            $$IEnumerable<int> M()
                yield break;
            MainDescription("interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<out T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
    public async Task TestEventHandler()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"event $$EventHandler e;",
            MainDescription("delegate void System.EventHandler(object sender, System.EventArgs e)"));
    public async Task TestTypeParameter()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T>
                $$T t;
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} C<T>"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538636")]
    public async Task TestTypeParameterWithDocComment()
        var markup =
            ///<typeparam name="T">T is Type Parameter</typeparam>
            class C<T> { $$T t; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} C<T>"),
            Documentation("T is Type Parameter"));
    public async Task TestTypeParameter1_Bug931949()
        await TestAsync(
            class T1<T11>
                $$T11 t;
            MainDescription($"T11 {FeaturesResources.in_} T1<T11>"));
    public async Task TestTypeParameter2_Bug931949()
        await TestAsync(
            class T1<T11>
                T$$11 t;
            MainDescription($"T11 {FeaturesResources.in_} T1<T11>"));
    public async Task TestTypeParameter3_Bug931949()
        await TestAsync(
            class T1<T11>
                T1$$1 t;
            MainDescription($"T11 {FeaturesResources.in_} T1<T11>"));
    public async Task TestTypeParameter4_Bug931949()
        await TestAsync(
            class T1<T11>
                T11$$ t;
            MainDescription($"T11 {FeaturesResources.in_} T1<T11>"));
    public async Task TestNullableOfInt()
        await TestInClassAsync(@"$$Nullable<int> i; }",
            MainDescription("struct System.Nullable<T> where T : struct"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
    public async Task TestGenericTypeDeclaredOnMethod1_Bug1946()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                static void Meth1<T1>($$T1 i) where T1 : struct
                    T1 i;
            MainDescription($"T1 {FeaturesResources.in_} C.Meth1<T1> where T1 : struct"));
    public async Task TestGenericTypeDeclaredOnMethod2_Bug1946()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                static void Meth1<T1>(T1 i) where $$T1 : struct
                    T1 i;
            MainDescription($"T1 {FeaturesResources.in_} C.Meth1<T1> where T1 : struct"));
    public async Task TestGenericTypeDeclaredOnMethod3_Bug1946()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                static void Meth1<T1>(T1 i) where T1 : struct
                    $$T1 i;
            MainDescription($"T1 {FeaturesResources.in_} C.Meth1<T1> where T1 : struct"));
    public async Task TestGenericTypeParameterConstraint_Class()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T> where $$T : class
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} C<T> where T : class"));
    public async Task TestGenericTypeParameterConstraint_Struct()
        await TestAsync(
            struct S<T> where $$T : class
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} S<T> where T : class"));
    public async Task TestGenericTypeParameterConstraint_Interface()
        await TestAsync(
            interface I<T> where $$T : class
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} I<T> where T : class"));
    public async Task TestGenericTypeParameterConstraint_Delegate()
        await TestAsync(
            @"delegate void D<T>() where $$T : class;",
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} D<T> where T : class"));
    public async Task TestMinimallyQualifiedConstraint()
        await TestAsync(@"class C<T> where $$T : IEnumerable<int>",
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} C<T> where T : IEnumerable<int>"));
    public async Task FullyQualifiedConstraint()
        await TestAsync(@"class C<T> where $$T : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>",
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} C<T> where T : System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>"));
    public async Task TestMethodReferenceInSameMethod()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
            MainDescription("void C.M()"));
    public async Task TestMethodReferenceInSameMethodWithDocComment()
        var markup =
            ///<summary>Hello World</summary>
            void M() { M$$(); }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M()"),
            Documentation("Hello World"));
    public async Task TestFieldInMethodBuiltIn()
        var markup =
            int field;
            void M()
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.field"));
    public async Task TestFieldInMethodBuiltIn2()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            int field;
            void M()
                int f = field$$;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.field"));
    public async Task TestFieldInMethodBuiltInWithFieldInitializer()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            int field = 1;
            void M()
                int f = field $$;
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = x$$+1;
            MainDescription("int int.operator +(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = x$$ + 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = x+$$x;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = x +$$ x;
            MainDescription("int int.operator +(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn4()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = x + $$x;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn5()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = unchecked (x$$+1);
            MainDescription("int int.operator +(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn6()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = checked (x$$+1);
            MainDescription("int int.operator checked +(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn7()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = unchecked (x +$$ x);
            MainDescription("int int.operator +(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn8()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = checked (x +$$ x);
            MainDescription("int int.operator checked +(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn9()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = $$-x;
            MainDescription("int int.operator -(int value)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn10()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = unchecked ($$-x);
            MainDescription("int int.operator -(int value)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn11()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = checked ($$-x);
            MainDescription("int int.operator checked -(int value)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn12()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x = x >>>$$ x;
            MainDescription("int int.operator >>>(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorBuiltIn13()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int x;
            x >>>=$$ x;
            MainDescription("int int.operator >>>(int left, int right)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeBuiltIn_01()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = c +$$ c; }
        await TestAsync(markup);
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeBuiltIn_02()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = c >>>$$ c; }
        await TestAsync(markup);
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_01()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = c +$$ c; }
                static C operator+(C a, C b) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator +(C a, C b)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_02()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = unchecked (c +$$ c); }
                static C operator+(C a, C b) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator +(C a, C b)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_03()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = unchecked (c +$$ c); }
                static C operator+(C a, C b) { return a; }
                static C operator checked +(C a, C b) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator +(C a, C b)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_04()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = checked (c +$$ c); }
                static C operator+(C a, C b) { return a; }
                static C operator checked +(C a, C b) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator checked +(C a, C b)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_05()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c =  $$-c; }
                static C operator-(C a) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator -(C a)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_06()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c =  unchecked ($$-c); }
                static C operator-(C a) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator -(C a)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_07()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c =  unchecked ($$-c); }
                static C operator-(C a) { return a; }
                static C operator checked -(C a) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator -(C a)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_08()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c =  checked ($$-c); }
                static C operator-(C a) { return a; }
                static C operator checked -(C a) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator checked -(C a)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_09()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c = c >>>$$ c; }
                static C operator>>>(C a, C b) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator >>>(C a, C b)"));
    public async Task TestOperatorCustomTypeOverload_10()
        var markup =
            class C
                static void M() { C c; c >>>=$$ c; }
                static C operator>>>(C a, C b) { return a; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("C C.operator >>>(C a, C b)"));
    public async Task TestFieldInMethodMinimal()
        var markup =
            DateTime field;
            void M()
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) DateTime C.field"));
    public async Task TestFieldInMethodQualified()
        var markup =
            System.IO.FileInfo file;
            void M()
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) System.IO.FileInfo C.file"));
    public async Task TestMemberOfStructFromSource()
        var markup =
            struct MyStruct {
            public static int SomeField; }
            static class Test { int a = MyStruct.Some$$Field; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static int MyStruct.SomeField"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestMemberOfStructFromSourceWithDocComment()
        var markup =
            struct MyStruct {
            ///<summary>My Field</summary>
            public static int SomeField; }
            static class Test { int a = MyStruct.Some$$Field; }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static int MyStruct.SomeField"),
            Documentation("My Field"));
    public async Task TestMemberOfStructInsideMethodFromSource()
        var markup =
            struct MyStruct {
            public static int SomeField; }
            static class Test { static void Method() { int a = MyStruct.Some$$Field; } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static int MyStruct.SomeField"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestMemberOfStructInsideMethodFromSourceWithDocComment()
        var markup =
            struct MyStruct {
            ///<summary>My Field</summary>
            public static int SomeField; }
            static class Test { static void Method() { int a = MyStruct.Some$$Field; } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static int MyStruct.SomeField"),
            Documentation("My Field"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestPartialMethodDocComment_01()
        var markup =
            partial class MyClass
                ///<summary>My Method Definition</summary>
                public partial void MyMethod();
                ///<summary>My Method Implementation</summary>
                public partial void MyMethod()
            static class Test { static void Method() { MyClass.My$$Method(); } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"void MyClass.MyMethod()"),
            Documentation("My Method Implementation"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestPartialMethodDocComment_02()
        var markup =
            partial class MyClass
                ///<summary>My Method Definition</summary>
                public partial void MyMethod();
                public partial void MyMethod()
            static class Test { static void Method() { MyClass.My$$Method(); } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"void MyClass.MyMethod()"),
            Documentation("My Method Definition"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestPartialMethodDocComment_03()
        var markup =
            partial class MyClass
                public partial void MyMethod();
                ///<summary>My Method Implementation</summary>
                public partial void MyMethod()
            static class Test { static void Method() { MyClass.My$$Method(); } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"void MyClass.MyMethod()"),
            Documentation("My Method Implementation"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestPartialMethodDocComment_04()
        var markup =
            partial class MyClass
                ///<summary>My Method Definition</summary>
                public partial void MyMethod();
            static class Test { static void Method() { MyClass.My$$Method(); } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"void MyClass.MyMethod()"),
            Documentation("My Method Definition"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestPartialMethodDocComment_05()
        var markup =
            partial class MyClass
                ///<summary>My Method Implementation</summary>
                public partial void MyMethod() { }
            static class Test { static void Method() { MyClass.My$$Method(); } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"void MyClass.MyMethod()"),
            Documentation("My Method Implementation"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538638")]
    public async Task TestPartialMethodDocComment_06()
        var markup =
            partial class MyClass
                ///<summary>My Method Definition</summary>
                partial void MyMethod();
                partial void MyMethod() { }
            static class Test { static void Method() { MyClass.My$$Method(); } }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"void MyClass.MyMethod()"),
            Documentation("My Method Definition"));
    public async Task TestMetadataFieldMinimal()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"DateTime dt = DateTime.MaxValue$$",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static readonly DateTime DateTime.MaxValue"));
    public async Task TestMetadataFieldQualified1()
        // NOTE: we qualify the field type, but not the type that contains the field in Dev10
        var markup =
            class C {
                void M()
                    DateTime dt = System.DateTime.MaxValue$$
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static readonly System.DateTime System.DateTime.MaxValue"));
    public async Task TestMetadataFieldQualified2()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    DateTime dt = System.DateTime.MaxValue$$
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static readonly System.DateTime System.DateTime.MaxValue"));
    public async Task TestMetadataFieldQualified3()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class C
                void M()
                    DateTime dt = System.DateTime.MaxValue$$
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) static readonly DateTime DateTime.MaxValue"));
    public async Task ConstructedGenericField()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T>
                public T Field;
            class D
                void M()
                    new C<int>().Fi$$eld.ToString();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) int C<int>.Field"));
    public async Task UnconstructedGenericField()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T>
                public T Field;
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) T C<T>.Field"));
    public async Task TestIntegerLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"int f = 37$$",
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestTrueKeyword()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"bool f = true$$",
            MainDescription("struct System.Boolean"));
    public async Task TestFalseKeyword()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"bool f = false$$",
            MainDescription("struct System.Boolean"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNullLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = null$$",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestNullLiteralWithVar()
        => await TestInMethodAsync(@"var f = null$$");
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDefaultLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = default$$",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226")]
    public async Task TestAwaitKeywordOnGenericTaskReturningAsync()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C
                public async Task<int> Calc()
                    aw$$ait Calc();
                    return 5;
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, "struct System.Int32")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226")]
    public async Task TestAwaitKeywordInDeclarationStatement()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C
                public async Task<int> Calc()
                    var x = $$await Calc();
                    return 5;
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, "struct System.Int32")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226")]
    public async Task TestAwaitKeywordOnTaskReturningAsync()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C
                public async void Calc()
                    aw$$ait Task.Delay(100);
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_no_value));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756337")]
    public async Task TestNestedAwaitKeywords1()
        var markup = """
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class AsyncExample2
                async Task<Task<int>> AsyncMethod()
                    return NewMethod();
                private static Task<int> NewMethod()
                    int hours = 24;
                    return hours;
                async Task UseAsync()
                    Func<Task<int>> lambda = async () =>
                        return await await AsyncMethod();
                    int result = await await AsyncMethod();
                    Task<Task<int>> resultTask = AsyncMethod();
                    result = await awa$$it resultTask;
                    result = await lambda();
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, $"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) class System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TResult>")),

                         TResult {FeaturesResources.is_} int
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226")]
    public async Task TestNestedAwaitKeywords2()
        var markup = """
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class AsyncExample2
                async Task<Task<int>> AsyncMethod()
                    return NewMethod();
                private static Task<int> NewMethod()
                    int hours = 24;
                    return hours;
                async Task UseAsync()
                    Func<Task<int>> lambda = async () =>
                        return await await AsyncMethod();
                    int result = await await AsyncMethod();
                    Task<Task<int>> resultTask = AsyncMethod();
                    result = awa$$it await resultTask;
                    result = await lambda();
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, "struct System.Int32")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756337")]
    public async Task TestAwaitablePrefixOnCustomAwaiter()
        var markup = """
            using System;
            using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            using Z = $$C;
            class C
                public MyAwaiter GetAwaiter() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
            class MyAwaiter : INotifyCompletion
                public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                public bool IsCompleted { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
                public void GetResult() { }
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) class C"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756337")]
    public async Task TestTaskType()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C
                public void Calc()
                    Task$$ v1;
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) class System.Threading.Tasks.Task"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756226"), WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/756337")]
    public async Task TestTaskOfTType()
        var markup = """
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C
                public void Calc()
                    Task$$<int> v1;
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) class System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TResult>"),

                         TResult {FeaturesResources.is_} int
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDynamicIsntAwaitable()
        var markup = """
            class C
                dynamic D() { return null; }
                void M()
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("dynamic C.D()"));
    public async Task TestStringLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = ""Goo""$$",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestStringLiteralUtf8_01()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"var f = ""Goo""u8$$",
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    public async Task TestStringLiteralUtf8_02()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"var f = ""Goo""U8$$",
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestVerbatimStringLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = @""cat""$$",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestVerbatimStringLiteralUtf8_01()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = @""cat""u8$$",
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    public async Task TestVerbatimStringLiteralUtf8_02()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = @""cat""U8$$",
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    public async Task TestRawStringLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = """"""Goo""""""$$",
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestRawStringLiteralUtf8_01()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = """"""Goo""""""u8$$",
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    public async Task TestRawStringLiteralUtf8_02()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = """"""Goo""""""U8$$",
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    public async Task TestRawStringLiteralMultiline()
        await TestInMethodAsync(""""
            string f = """
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestRawStringLiteralMultilineUtf8_01()
        await TestInMethodAsync(""""
            string f = """
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    public async Task TestRawStringLiteralMultilineUtf8_02()
        await TestInMethodAsync(""""
            string f = """
            MainDescription("readonly ref struct System.ReadOnlySpan<T>"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} byte
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInterpolatedStringLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = $""cat""$$", MainDescription("class System.String"));
        await TestInMethodAsync("""
            string f = $"c$$at"
            """, MainDescription("class System.String"));
        await TestInMethodAsync("""
            string f = $"$$cat"
            """, MainDescription("class System.String"));
        await TestInMethodAsync("""
            string f = $"cat {1$$ + 2} dog"
            """, MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestVerbatimInterpolatedStringLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = $@""cat""$$", MainDescription("class System.String"));
        await TestInMethodAsync("""
            string f = $@"c$$at"
            """, MainDescription("class System.String"));
        await TestInMethodAsync("""
            string f = $@"$$cat"
            """, MainDescription("class System.String"));
        await TestInMethodAsync("""
            string f = $@"cat {1$$ + 2} dog"
            """, MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestCharLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"string f = 'x'$$",
            MainDescription("struct System.Char"));
    public async Task DynamicKeyword()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"dyn$$amic dyn;",
    public async Task DynamicField()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            dynamic dyn;
            void M()
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) dynamic C.dyn"));
    public async Task LocalProperty_Minimal()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            DateTime Prop { get; set; }
            void M()
            MainDescription("DateTime C.Prop { get; set; }"));
    public async Task LocalProperty_Minimal_PrivateSet()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            public DateTime Prop { get; private set; }
            void M()
            MainDescription("DateTime C.Prop { get; private set; }"));
    public async Task LocalProperty_Minimal_PrivateSet1()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            protected internal int Prop { get; private set; }
            void M()
            MainDescription("int C.Prop { get; private set; }"));
    public async Task LocalProperty_Qualified()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            System.IO.FileInfo Prop { get; set; }
            void M()
            MainDescription("System.IO.FileInfo C.Prop { get; set; }"));
    public async Task NonLocalProperty_Minimal()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"DateTime.No$$w.ToString();",
            MainDescription("DateTime DateTime.Now { get; }"));
    public async Task NonLocalProperty_Qualified()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            System.IO.FileInfo f;
            MainDescription("System.IO.FileAttributes System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Attributes { get; set; }"));
    public async Task ConstructedGenericProperty()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T>
                public T Property { get; set }
            class D
                void M()
                    new C<int>().Pro$$perty.ToString();
            MainDescription("int C<int>.Property { get; set; }"));
    public async Task UnconstructedGenericProperty()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T>
                public T Property { get; set}
                void M()
            MainDescription("T C<T>.Property { get; set; }"));
    public async Task ValueInProperty()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            public DateTime Property
                    goo = val$$ue;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) DateTime value"));
    public async Task EnumTypeName()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"Consol$$eColor c",
            MainDescription("enum System.ConsoleColor"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_Definition()
        await TestInClassAsync(@"enum E$$ : byte { A, B }",
            MainDescription("enum C.E : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_AsField()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private E$$ _E;
            MainDescription("enum C.E : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_AsProperty()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private E$$ E{ get; set; };
            MainDescription("enum C.E : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_AsParameter()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private void M(E$$ e) { }
            MainDescription("enum C.E : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_AsReturnType()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private E$$ M() { }
            MainDescription("enum C.E : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_AsLocal()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private void M()
                E$$ e = default;
            MainDescription("enum C.E : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_OnMemberAccessOnType()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum EN : byte { A, B }
            private void M()
                var ea = E$$N.A;
            MainDescription("enum C.EN : byte"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_OnMemberAccessOnType_OnDot()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private void M()
                var ea = E$$.A;
            MainDescription("E.A = 0"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_NotOnMemberAccessOnMember()
        await TestInClassAsync("""
            enum E : byte { A, B }
            private void M()
                var ea = E.A$$;
            MainDescription("E.A = 0"));
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    [InlineData("byte", "byte")]
    [InlineData("byte", "System.Byte")]
    [InlineData("sbyte", "sbyte")]
    [InlineData("sbyte", "System.SByte")]
    [InlineData("short", "short")]
    [InlineData("short", "System.Int16")]
    [InlineData("ushort", "ushort")]
    [InlineData("ushort", "System.UInt16")]
    // int is the default type and is not shown
    [InlineData("uint", "uint")]
    [InlineData("uint", "System.UInt32")]
    [InlineData("long", "long")]
    [InlineData("long", "System.Int64")]
    [InlineData("ulong", "ulong")]
    [InlineData("ulong", "System.UInt64")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_ShowForNonDefaultTypes(string displayTypeName, string underlyingTypeName)
        await TestInClassAsync($$"""

            enum E$$ : {{underlyingTypeName}}
                A, B
            MainDescription($"enum C.E : {displayTypeName}"));
    [Theory, WorkItem("")]
    [InlineData(": int")]
    [InlineData(": System.Int32")]
    public async Task EnumNonDefaultUnderlyingType_DoNotShowForDefaultType(string defaultType)
        await TestInClassAsync($$"""

            enum E$$ {{defaultType}}
                A, B
            MainDescription("enum C.E"));
    public async Task EnumMemberNameFromMetadata()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"ConsoleColor c = ConsoleColor.Bla$$ck",
            MainDescription("ConsoleColor.Black = 0"));
    public async Task FlagsEnumMemberNameFromMetadata1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"AttributeTargets a = AttributeTargets.Cl$$ass",
            MainDescription("AttributeTargets.Class = 4"));
    public async Task FlagsEnumMemberNameFromMetadata2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"AttributeTargets a = AttributeTargets.A$$ll",
            MainDescription("AttributeTargets.All = AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Module | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.ReturnValue | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter"));
    public async Task EnumMemberNameFromSource1()
        await TestAsync(
            enum E
                A = 1 << 0,
                B = 1 << 1,
                C = 1 << 2
            class C
                void M()
                    var e = E.B$$;
MainDescription("E.B = 1 << 1"));
    public async Task EnumMemberNameFromSource2()
        await TestAsync(
            enum E
            class C
                void M()
                    var e = E.B$$;
MainDescription("E.B = 1"));
    public async Task Parameter_InMethod_Minimal()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M(DateTime dt)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) DateTime dt"));
    public async Task Parameter_InMethod_Qualified()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M(System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo"));
    public async Task Parameter_FromReferenceToNamedParameter()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"Console.WriteLine(va$$lue: ""Hi"");",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string value"));
    public async Task Parameter_DefaultValue()
        // NOTE: Dev10 doesn't show the default value, but it would be nice if we did.
        // NOTE: The "DefaultValue" property isn't implemented yet.
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M(int param = 42)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) int param = 42"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task Lambda_Parameter_DefaultValue_01()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            (int param = 42) => {
                return para$$m + 1;
MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) int param = 42"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task Lambda_Parameter_DefaultValue_02()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            (int param = $$int.MaxValue) => {
                return param + 1;
MainDescription($"{FeaturesResources.struct_} System.Int32"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task Lambda_Parameter_DefaultValue_03()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            (int param = int.$$MaxValue) => {
                return param + 1;
MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) const int int.MaxValue = 2147483647"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task Lambda_Parameter_ParamsArray()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            (params int[] xs) => {
                return x$$s.Length;
MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) params int[] xs"));
    public async Task Parameter_Params()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M(params DateTime[] arg)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) params DateTime[] arg"));
    public async Task Parameter_Ref()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M(ref DateTime arg)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) ref DateTime arg"));
    public async Task Parameter_Out()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M(out DateTime arg)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) out DateTime arg"));
    public async Task Local_Minimal()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            DateTime dt;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) DateTime dt"));
    public async Task Local_Qualified()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo"));
    public async Task Method_MetadataOverload()
        await TestInMethodAsync("Console.Write$$Line();",
            MainDescription($"void Console.WriteLine() (+ 18 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    public async Task Method_SimpleWithOverload()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Method()
            void Method(int i)
            MainDescription($"void C.Method() (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})"));
    public async Task Method_MoreOverloads()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Method()
            void Method(int i)
            void Method(DateTime dt)
            void Method(System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo)
            MainDescription($"void C.Method(System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo) (+ 3 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    public async Task Method_SimpleInSameClass()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            DateTime GetDate(System.IO.FileInfo ft)
            MainDescription("DateTime C.GetDate(System.IO.FileInfo ft)"));
    public async Task Method_OptionalParameter()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M()
            void Method(int i = 0)
            MainDescription("void C.Method([int i = 0])"));
    public async Task Method_OptionalDecimalParameter()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Goo(decimal x$$yz = 10)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) decimal xyz = 10"));
    public async Task Method_Generic()
        // Generic method don't get the instantiation info yet.  NOTE: We don't display
        // constraint info in Dev10. Should we?
        await TestInClassAsync(
            TOut Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : IEquatable<TIn>
                Go$$o<int, DateTime>(37);
        MainDescription("DateTime C.Goo<int, DateTime>(int arg)"));
    public async Task Method_UnconstructedGeneric()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            TOut Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg)
                Go$$o<TIn, TOut>(default(TIn);
            MainDescription("TOut C.Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg)"));
    public async Task Method_Inferred()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Goo<TIn>(TIn arg)
            MainDescription("void C.Goo<int>(int arg)"));
    public async Task Method_MultipleParams()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Goo(DateTime dt, System.IO.FileInfo fi, int number)
                Go$$o(DateTime.Now, null, 32);
            MainDescription("void C.Goo(DateTime dt, System.IO.FileInfo fi, int number)"));
    public async Task Method_OptionalParam()
        // NOTE - Default values aren't actually returned by symbols yet.
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Goo(int num = 42)
            MainDescription("void C.Goo([int num = 42])"));
    public async Task Method_ParameterModifiers()
        // NOTE - Default values aren't actually returned by symbols yet.
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Goo(ref DateTime dt, out System.IO.FileInfo fi, params int[] numbers)
                Go$$o(DateTime.Now, null, 32);
            MainDescription("void C.Goo(ref DateTime dt, out System.IO.FileInfo fi, params int[] numbers)"));
    public async Task Method_RefReadonly()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void Goo(ref readonly DateTime dt, ref readonly System.IO.FileInfo fi, params int[] numbers)
                Go$$o(in DateTime.Now, in fi, 32);
            MainDescription("void C.Goo(ref readonly DateTime dt, ref readonly System.IO.FileInfo fi, params int[] numbers)"));
    public async Task Constructor()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            public C()
            void M()
                new C$$().ToString();
    public async Task Constructor_Overloads()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            public C()
            public C(DateTime dt)
            public C(int i)
            void M()
                new C$$(DateTime.MaxValue).ToString();
            MainDescription($"C.C(DateTime dt) (+ 2 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    /// <summary>
    /// Regression for 3923
    /// </summary>
    public async Task Constructor_OverloadFromStringLiteral()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"new InvalidOperatio$$nException("""");",
            MainDescription($"InvalidOperationException.InvalidOperationException(string message) (+ 2 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    /// <summary>
    /// Regression for 3923
    /// </summary>
    public async Task Constructor_UnknownType()
        await TestInvalidTypeInClassAsync(
            void M()
                new G$$oo();
    /// <summary>
    /// Regression for 3923
    /// </summary>
    public async Task Constructor_OverloadFromProperty()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"new InvalidOperatio$$nException(this.GetType().Name);",
            MainDescription($"InvalidOperationException.InvalidOperationException(string message) (+ 2 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    public async Task Constructor_Metadata()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"new Argument$$NullException();",
            MainDescription($"ArgumentNullException.ArgumentNullException() (+ 3 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    public async Task Constructor_MetadataQualified()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"new System.IO.File$$Info(null);",
            MainDescription("System.IO.FileInfo.FileInfo(string fileName)"));
    public async Task InterfaceProperty()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            interface I
                string Name$$ { get; set; }
            MainDescription("string I.Name { get; set; }"));
    public async Task ExplicitInterfacePropertyImplementation()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            interface I
                string Name { get; set; }
            class C : I
                string IEmployee.Name$$
                        return "";
            MainDescription("string C.Name { get; set; }"));
    public async Task Operator()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            public static C operator +(C left, C right)
                return null;
            void M(C left, C right)
                return left +$$ right;
            MainDescription("C C.operator +(C left, C right)"));
#pragma warning disable CA2243 // Attribute string literals should parse correctly
    [WorkItem(792629, "generic type parameter constraints for methods in quick info")]
#pragma warning restore CA2243 // Attribute string literals should parse correctly
    public async Task GenericMethodWithConstraintsAtDeclaration()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            TOut G$$oo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : IEquatable<TIn>
        MainDescription("TOut C.Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : IEquatable<TIn>"));
#pragma warning disable CA2243 // Attribute string literals should parse correctly
    [WorkItem(792629, "generic type parameter constraints for methods in quick info")]
#pragma warning restore CA2243 // Attribute string literals should parse correctly
    public async Task GenericMethodWithMultipleConstraintsAtDeclaration()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            TOut Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : Employee, new()
                Go$$o<TIn, TOut>(default(TIn);
        MainDescription("TOut C.Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : Employee, new()"));
#pragma warning disable CA2243 // Attribute string literals should parse correctly
    [WorkItem(792629, "generic type parameter constraints for methods in quick info")]
#pragma warning restore CA2243 // Attribute string literals should parse correctly
    public async Task UnConstructedGenericMethodWithConstraintsAtInvocation()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            TOut Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : Employee
                Go$$o<TIn, TOut>(default(TIn);
        MainDescription("TOut C.Goo<TIn, TOut>(TIn arg) where TIn : Employee"));
    public async Task GenericTypeWithConstraintsAtDeclaration()
        await TestAsync(
            public class Employee : IComparable<Employee>
                public int CompareTo(Employee other)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
            class Emplo$$yeeList<T> : IEnumerable<T> where T : Employee, System.IComparable<T>, new()
        MainDescription("class EmployeeList<T> where T : Employee, System.IComparable<T>, new()"));
    public async Task GenericType()
        await TestAsync(
            class T1<T11>
                $$T11 i;
            MainDescription($"T11 {FeaturesResources.in_} T1<T11>"));
    public async Task GenericMethod()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            static void Meth1<T1>(T1 i) where T1 : struct
                $$T1 i;
            MainDescription($"T1 {FeaturesResources.in_} C.Meth1<T1> where T1 : struct"));
    public async Task Var()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = new Exception();
            var y = $$x;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) Exception x"));
    public async Task NullableReference()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            class A<T>
            class B
                static void M()
                    A<B?>? x = null!;
                    var y = x;
            // public API should show inferred nullability
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) A<B?> y"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NullableReference_InMethod()
        var code = """
            class G
                void M()
                    C c;
            public class C
                public string? Goo(IEnumerable<object?> arg)
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            code, MainDescription("string? C.Goo(IEnumerable<object?> arg)"));
    public async Task NestedInGeneric()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"List<int>.Enu$$merator e;",
            MainDescription("struct System.Collections.Generic.List<T>.Enumerator"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
    public async Task NestedGenericInGeneric()
        await TestAsync(
            class Outer<T>
                class Inner<U>
                static void M()
                    Outer<int>.I$$nner<string> e;
            MainDescription("class Outer<T>.Inner<U>"),

                    T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
                      $"U {FeaturesResources.is_} string")));
    public async Task ObjectInitializer1()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M()
                var x = new test() { $$z = 5 };
            class test
                public int z;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) int test.z"));
    public async Task ObjectInitializer2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var x = new test() { z = $$5 };
                class test
                    public int z;
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/537880")]
    public async Task TypeArgument()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T, Y>
                void M()
                    C<int, DateTime> variable;
                    $$variable = new C<int, DateTime>();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) C<int, DateTime> variable"));
    public async Task ForEachLoop_1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            int bb = 555;
            bb = bb + 1;
            foreach (int cc in new int[]{ 1,2,3}){
            c$$c = 1;
            bb = bb + 21;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int cc"));
    public async Task TryCatchFinally_1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                            int aa = 555;
            a$$a = aa + 1;
                        catch (Exception ex)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int aa"));
    public async Task TryCatchFinally_2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var y = e$$x;
            var z = y;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) Exception ex"));
    public async Task TryCatchFinally_3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            var aa = 555;
            aa = a$$a + 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int aa"));
    public async Task TryCatchFinally_4()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            int aa = 555;
            aa = a$$a + 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int aa"));
    public async Task GenericVariable()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T, Y>
                void M()
                    C<int, DateTime> variable;
                    var$$iable = new C<int, DateTime>();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) C<int, DateTime> variable"));
    public async Task TestInstantiation()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class Program<T>
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    var p = new Dictio$$nary<int, string>();
            MainDescription($"Dictionary<int, string>.Dictionary() (+ 5 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    public async Task TestUsingAlias_Bug4141()
        await TestAsync(
            using X = A.C;
            class A
                public class C
            class D : X$$
            MainDescription(@"class A.C"));
    public async Task TestFieldOnDeclaration()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"DateTime fie$$ld;",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) DateTime C.field"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538767")]
    public async Task TestGenericErrorFieldOnDeclaration()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"NonExistentType<int> fi$$eld;",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) NonExistentType<int> C.field"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538822")]
    public async Task TestDelegateType()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            @"Fun$$c<int, string> field;",
            MainDescription("delegate TResult System.Func<in T, out TResult>(T arg)"),

                    T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
                      $"TResult {FeaturesResources.is_} string")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/538824")]
    public async Task TestOnDelegateInvocation()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                delegate void D1();
                static void Main()
                    D1 d = Main;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) D1 d"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539240")]
    public async Task TestOnArrayCreation1()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                static void Main()
                    int[] a = n$$ew int[0];
            """, MainDescription("int[]"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539240")]
    public async Task TestOnArrayCreation2()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                static void Main()
                    int[] a = new i$$nt[0];
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task Constructor_ImplicitObjectCreation()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                static void Main()
                    C c = ne$$w();
    public async Task Constructor_ImplicitObjectCreation_WithParameters()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                C(int i) { }
                C(string s) { }
                static void Main()
                    C c = ne$$w(1);
            MainDescription($"C.C(int i) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/539841")]
    public async Task TestIsNamedTypeAccessibleForErrorTypes()
        await TestAsync(
            sealed class B<T1, T2> : A<B<T1, T2>>
                protected sealed override B<A<T>, A$$<T>> N()
            internal class A<T>
            MainDescription("class A<T>"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540075")]
    public async Task TestErrorType()
        await TestAsync(
            using Goo = Goo;
            class C
                void Main()
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestShortDiscardInAssignment()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                int M()
                    $$_ = M();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.discard}) int _"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestUnderscoreLocalInAssignment()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                int M()
                    var $$_ = M();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int _"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestShortDiscardInOutVar()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M(out int i)
                    M(out $$_);
                    i = 0;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.discard}) int _"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDiscardInOutVar()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M(out int i)
                    M(out var $$_);
                    i = 0;
            """); // No quick info (see issue #16667)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDiscardInIsPattern()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    if (3 is int $$_) { }
            """); // No quick info (see issue #16667)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDiscardInSwitchPattern()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    switch (3)
                        case int $$_:
            """); // No quick info (see issue #16667)
    public async Task TestLambdaDiscardParameter_FirstDiscard()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    System.Func<string, int, int> f = ($$_, _) => 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.discard}) string _"));
    public async Task TestLambdaDiscardParameter_SecondDiscard()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    System.Func<string, int, int> f = (_, $$_) => 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.discard}) int _"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540871")]
    public async Task TestLiterals()
        await TestAsync(
            class MyClass
                MyClass() : this($$10)
                    intI = 2;
                public MyClass(int i)
                static int intI = 1;
                public static int Main()
                    return 1;
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541444")]
    public async Task TestErrorInForeach()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void Main()
                    foreach (int cc in null)
                        $$cc = 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int cc"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541678")]
    public async Task TestQuickInfoOnEvent()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class SampleEventArgs
                public SampleEventArgs(string s)
                    Text = s;
                public String Text { get; private set; }
            public class Publisher
                public delegate void SampleEventHandler(object sender, SampleEventArgs e);
                public event SampleEventHandler SampleEvent;
                protected virtual void RaiseSampleEvent()
                    if (Sam$$pleEvent != null)
                        SampleEvent(this, new SampleEventArgs("Hello"));
            MainDescription("SampleEventHandler Publisher.SampleEvent"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542157")]
    public async Task TestEvent()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"System.Console.CancelKeyPres$$s += null;",
            MainDescription("ConsoleCancelEventHandler Console.CancelKeyPress"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542157")]
    public async Task TestEventPlusEqualsOperator()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"System.Console.CancelKeyPress +$$= null;",
            MainDescription("void Console.CancelKeyPress.add"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542157")]
    public async Task TestEventMinusEqualsOperator()
        await TestInMethodAsync(@"System.Console.CancelKeyPress -$$= null;",
            MainDescription("void Console.CancelKeyPress.remove"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/541885")]
    public async Task TestQuickInfoOnExtensionMethod()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular,
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    int[] values = {
                    bool isArray = 7.I$$n(values);
            public static class MyExtensions
                public static bool In<T>(this T o, IEnumerable<T> items)
                    return true;
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) bool int.In<int>(IEnumerable<int> items)"));
    public async Task TestQuickInfoOnExtensionMethodOverloads()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular,
            using System;
            using System.Linq;
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
            public static class Ex
                public static void TestExt<T>(this T ex)
                public static void TestExt<T>(this T ex, T arg)
                public static void TestExt(this string ex, int arg)
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) void string.TestExt<string>() (+ 2 {FeaturesResources.overloads_})"));
    public async Task TestQuickInfoOnExtensionMethodOverloads2()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular,
            using System;
            using System.Linq;
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
            public static class Ex
                public static void TestExt<T>(this T ex)
                public static void TestExt<T>(this T ex, T arg)
                public static void TestExt(this int ex, int arg)
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) void string.TestExt<string>() (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})"));
    public async Task Query1()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from n in new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
                            select $$n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int n"));
    public async Task Query2()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from n$$ in new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
                            select n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int n"));
    public async Task Query3()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from n in new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
                            select $$n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) ? n"));
    public async Task Query4()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from n$$ in new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
                            select n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) ? n"));
    public async Task Query5()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from n in new List<object>()
                            select $$n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) object n"));
    public async Task Query6()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from n$$ in new List<object>()
                            select n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) object n"));
    public async Task Query7()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from int n in new List<object>()
                            select $$n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int n"));
    public async Task Query8()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from int n$$ in new List<object>()
                            select n;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int n"));
    public async Task Query9()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from x$$ in new List<List<int>>()
                            from y in x
                            select y;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) List<int> x"));
    public async Task Query10()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from x in new List<List<int>>()
                            from y in $$x
                            select y;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) List<int> x"));
    public async Task Query11()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from x in new List<List<int>>()
                            from y$$ in x
                            select y;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int y"));
    public async Task Query12()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var q = from x in new List<List<int>>()
                            from y in x
                            select $$y;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int y"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoSelectMappedEnumerable()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Select<int, int>(Func<int, int> selector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoSelectMappedQueryable()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0].AsQueryable()
                            $$select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IQueryable<int> IQueryable<int>.Select<int, int>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<int, int>> selector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoSelectMappedCustom()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Linq;
            namespace N {
                public static class LazyExt
                    public static Lazy<U> Select<T, U>(this Lazy<T> source, Func<T, U> selector) => new Lazy<U>(() => selector(source.Value));
                public class C
                    public void M()
                        var lazy = new Lazy<object>();
                        var q = from i in lazy
                                $$select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) Lazy<object> Lazy<object>.Select<object, object>(Func<object, object> selector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoSelectNotMapped()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            where true
                            $$select i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoLet()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$let j = true
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<'a> IEnumerable<int>.Select<int, 'a>(Func<int, 'a> selector)"),

                'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { int i, bool j }
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoWhere()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$where true
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Where<int>(Func<int, bool> predicate)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByOneProperty()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$orderby i
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.OrderBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByOnePropertyWithOrdering1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i $$ascending
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.OrderBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByOnePropertyWithOrdering2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$orderby i ascending
                            select i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithComma1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i$$, i
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IOrderedEnumerable<int>.ThenBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithComma2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$orderby i, i
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.OrderBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrdering1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$orderby i, i ascending
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.OrderBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrdering2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i,$$ i ascending
                            select i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrdering3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i, i $$ascending
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IOrderedEnumerable<int>.ThenBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrderingOnEach1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            $$orderby i ascending, i ascending
                            select i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrderingOnEach2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i $$ascending, i ascending
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.OrderBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrderingOnEach3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i ascending ,$$ i ascending
                            select i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByTwoPropertiesWithOrderingOnEach4()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            orderby i ascending, i $$ascending
                            select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IOrderedEnumerable<int>.ThenBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoOrderByIncomplete()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i in new int[0]
                            where i > 0
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IOrderedEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.OrderBy<int, ?>(Func<int, ?> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoSelectMany1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                            $$from i2 in new int[0]
                            select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.SelectMany<int, int, int>(Func<int, IEnumerable<int>> collectionSelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoSelectMany2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                    var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                            from i2 $$in new int[0]
                            select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.SelectMany<int, int, int>(Func<int, IEnumerable<int>> collectionSelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoGroupBy1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i in new int[0]
                                $$group i by i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, int>> IEnumerable<int>.GroupBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoGroupBy2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i in new int[0]
                                group i $$by i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, int>> IEnumerable<int>.GroupBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoGroupByInto()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i in new int[0]
                                $$group i by i into g
                                select g;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<IGrouping<int, int>> IEnumerable<int>.GroupBy<int, int>(Func<int, int> keySelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoJoin1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                $$join i2 in new int[0] on i1 equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoJoin2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join i2 $$in new int[0] on i1 equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoJoin3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join i2 in new int[0] $$on i1 equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoJoin4()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join i2 in new int[0] on i1 $$equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoJoinInto1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                $$join i2 in new int[0] on i1 equals i2 into g
                                select g;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> IEnumerable<int>.GroupJoin<int, int, int, IEnumerable<int>>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable<int>> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoJoinInto2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join i2 in new int[0] on i1 equals i2 $$into g
                                select g;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoFromMissing()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = $$from i in new int[0]
                                select i;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableSimple1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = $$from double i in new int[0]
                                select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<double> System.Collections.IEnumerable.Cast<double>()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableSimple2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from double i $$in new int[0]
                                select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<double> System.Collections.IEnumerable.Cast<double>()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableSelectMany1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i in new int[0]
                                $$from double d in new int[0]
                                select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.SelectMany<int, double, int>(Func<int, IEnumerable<double>> collectionSelector, Func<int, double, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableSelectMany2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i in new int[0]
                                from double d $$in new int[0]
                                select i;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<double> System.Collections.IEnumerable.Cast<double>()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableJoin1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                $$join int i2 in new double[0] on i1 equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableJoin2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join int i2 $$in new double[0] on i1 equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> System.Collections.IEnumerable.Cast<int>()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableJoin3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join int i2 in new double[0] $$on i1 equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QueryMethodinfoRangeVariableJoin4()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
                        var q = from i1 in new int[0]
                                join int i2 in new double[0] on i1 $$equals i2
                                select i1;
        MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.extension}) IEnumerable<int> IEnumerable<int>.Join<int, int, int, int>(IEnumerable<int> inner, Func<int, int> outerKeySelector, Func<int, int> innerKeySelector, Func<int, int, int> resultSelector)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543205")]
    public async Task TestErrorGlobal()
        await TestAsync(
            extern alias global;
            class myClass
                static int Main()
                    $$global::otherClass oc = new global::otherClass();
                    return 0;
            MainDescription("<global namespace>"));
    public async Task DoNotRemoveAttributeSuffixAndProduceInvalidIdentifier1()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class classAttribute : Attribute
                private classAttribute x$$;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) classAttribute classAttribute.x"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544026")]
    public async Task DoNotRemoveAttributeSuffix2()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class class1Attribute : Attribute
                private class1Attribute x$$;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) class1Attribute class1Attribute.x"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task AttributeQuickInfoBindsToClassTest()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// class comment
            /// </summary>
            class SomeAttribute : Attribute
                /// <summary>
                /// ctor comment
                /// </summary>
                public SomeAttribute()
            Documentation("class comment"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task AttributeConstructorQuickInfo()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            /// <summary>
            /// class comment
            /// </summary>
            class SomeAttribute : Attribute
                /// <summary>
                /// ctor comment
                /// </summary>
                public SomeAttribute()
                    var s = new Some$$Attribute();
            Documentation("ctor comment"));
    public async Task TestLabel()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M()
                int Goo;
                goto Goo$$;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.label}) Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542613")]
    public async Task TestUnboundGeneric()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class C
                void M()
                    Type t = typeof(L$$ist<>);
            MainDescription("class System.Collections.Generic.List<T>"),
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543113")]
    public async Task TestAnonymousTypeNew1()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var v = $$new { };
            MainDescription(@"AnonymousType 'a"),

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new {  }
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543873")]
    public async Task TestNestedAnonymousType()
        // verify nested anonymous types are listed in the same order for different properties
        // verify first property
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = new[] { new { Name = "BillG", Address = new { Street = "1 Microsoft Way", Zip = "98052" } } };
            MainDescription(@"'b 'a.Address { get; }"),

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { string Name, 'b Address }
                    'b {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { string Street, string Zip }
        // verify second property
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = new[] { new { Name = "BillG", Address = new { Street = "1 Microsoft Way", Zip = "98052" } } };
            MainDescription(@"string 'a.Name { get; }"),

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { string Name, 'b Address }
                    'b {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { string Street, string Zip }
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543183")]
    public async Task TestAssignmentOperatorInAnonymousType()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var a = new { A $$= 0 };
    [Fact, WorkItem(10731, "DevDiv_Projects/Roslyn")]
    public async Task TestErrorAnonymousTypeDoesntShow()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"var a = new { new { N = 0 }.N, new { } }.$$N;",
            MainDescription(@"int 'a.N { get; }"),

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { int N }
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543553")]
    public async Task TestArrayAssignedToVar()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                static void M(string[] args)
                    v$$ar a = args;
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529139")]
    public async Task ColorColorRangeVariable()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            namespace N1
                class yield
                    public static IEnumerable<yield> Bar()
                        foreach (yield yield in from yield in new yield[0]
                                                select y$$ield)
                            yield return yield;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) N1.yield yield"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/543550")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOnOperator()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    var v = new Program() $$+ string.Empty;
                public static implicit operator Program(string s)
                    return null;
                public static IEnumerable<Program> operator +(Program p1, Program p2)
                    yield return p1;
                    yield return p2;
            MainDescription("IEnumerable<Program> Program.operator +(Program p1, Program p2)"));
    public async Task TestConstantField()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                const int $$F = 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) int C.F = 1"));
    public async Task TestMultipleConstantFields()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                public const double X = 1.0, Y = 2.0, $$Z = 3.5;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) double C.Z = 3.5"));
    public async Task TestConstantDependencies()
        await TestAsync(
            class A
                public const int $$X = B.Z + 1;
                public const int Y = 10;
            class B
                public const int Z = A.Y + 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) int A.X = B.Z + 1"));
    public async Task TestConstantCircularDependencies()
        await TestAsync(
            class A
                public const int X = B.Z + 1;
            class B
                public const int Z$$ = A.X + 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) int B.Z = A.X + 1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544620")]
    public async Task TestConstantOverflow()
        await TestAsync(
            class B
                public const int Z$$ = int.MaxValue + 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) int B.Z = int.MaxValue + 1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544620")]
    public async Task TestConstantOverflowInUncheckedContext()
        await TestAsync(
            class B
                public const int Z$$ = unchecked(int.MaxValue + 1);
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) int B.Z = unchecked(int.MaxValue + 1)"));
    public async Task TestEnumInConstantField()
        await TestAsync(
            public class EnumTest
                enum Days
                static void Main()
                    const int $$x = (int)Days.Sun;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_constant}) int x = (int)Days.Sun"));
    public async Task TestConstantInDefaultExpression()
        await TestAsync(
            public class EnumTest
                enum Days
                static void Main()
                    const Days $$x = default(Days);
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_constant}) Days x = default(Days)"));
    public async Task TestConstantParameter()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void Bar(int $$b = 1);
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) int b = 1"));
    public async Task TestConstantLocal()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void Bar()
                    const int $$loc = 1;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_constant}) int loc = 1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType1()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"var $$v1 = new Goo();",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) Goo v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType2()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"var $$v1 = v1;",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) var v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType3()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"var $$v1 = new Goo<Bar>();",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) Goo<Bar> v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType4()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            @"var $$v1 = &(x => x);",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) ?* v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType5()
        await TestInMethodAsync("var $$v1 = &v1",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) var* v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType6()
        await TestInMethodAsync("var $$v1 = new Goo[1]",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) Goo[] v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType7()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            class C
                void Method()
                void Goo()
                    var $$v1 = MethodGroup;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) ? v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/544416")]
    public async Task TestErrorType8()
        await TestInMethodAsync("var $$v1 = Unknown",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) ? v1"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545072")]
    public async Task TestDelegateSpecialTypes()
        await TestAsync(
            @"delegate void $$F(int x);",
            MainDescription("delegate void F(int x)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545108")]
    public async Task TestNullPointerParameter()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                unsafe void $$Goo(int* x = null)
            MainDescription("void C.Goo([int* x = null])"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545098")]
    public async Task TestLetIdentifier1()
        await TestInMethodAsync("var q = from e in \"\" let $$y = 1 let a = new { y } select a;",
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int y"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545295")]
    public async Task TestNullableDefaultValue()
        await TestAsync(
            class Test
                void $$Method(int? t1 = null)
            MainDescription("void Test.Method([int? t1 = null])"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/529586")]
    public async Task TestInvalidParameterInitializer()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                void M1(float $$j1 = "Hello"
                ({FeaturesResources.parameter}) float j1 = "Hello" + "World"
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545230")]
    public async Task TestComplexConstLocal()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                void Main()
                    const int MEGABYTE = 1024 *
                        1024 + true;
            MainDescription($@"({FeaturesResources.local_constant}) int MEGABYTE = 1024 * 1024 + true"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/545230")]
    public async Task TestComplexConstField()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                const int a = true
                void Main()
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.constant}) int Program.a = true - false"));
    public async Task TestTypeParameterCrefDoesNotHaveQuickInfo()
        await TestAsync(
            class C<T>
                ///  <see cref="C{X$$}"/>
                static void Main(string[] args)
    public async Task TestCref1()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                ///  <see cref="Mai$$n"/>
                static void Main(string[] args)
            MainDescription(@"void Program.Main(string[] args)"));
    public async Task TestCref2()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                ///  <see cref="$$Main"/>
                static void Main(string[] args)
            MainDescription(@"void Program.Main(string[] args)"));
    public async Task TestCref3()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                ///  <see cref="Main"$$/>
                static void Main(string[] args)
    public async Task TestCref4()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                ///  <see cref="Main$$"/>
                static void Main(string[] args)
    public async Task TestCref5()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                ///  <see cref="Main"$$/>
                static void Main(string[] args)
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/546849")]
    public async Task TestIndexedProperty()
        var markup = """
            class Program
                void M()
                        CCC c = new CCC();
                        c.Index$$Prop[0] = "s";
        // Note that <COMImport> is required by compiler.  Bug 17013 tracks enabling indexed property for non-COM types.
        var referencedCode = """
            Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
            Public Class CCC
            #Region "COM GUIDs"
                Public Const ClassId As String = "9d965fd2-1514-44f6-accd-257ce77c46b0"
                Public Const InterfaceId As String = "a9415060-fdf0-47e3-bc80-9c18f7f39cf6"
                Public Const EventsId As String = "c6a866a5-5f97-4b53-a5df-3739dc8ff1bb"
            # End Region
                ''' <summary>
                ''' An index property from VB
                ''' </summary>
                ''' <param name="p1">p1 is an integer index</param>
                ''' <returns>A string</returns>
                Public Property IndexProp(ByVal p1 As Integer, Optional ByVal p2 As Integer = 0) As String
                        Return Nothing
                    End Get
                    Set(ByVal value As String)
                    End Set
                End Property
            End Class
        await TestWithReferenceAsync(sourceCode: markup,
            referencedCode: referencedCode,
            sourceLanguage: LanguageNames.CSharp,
            referencedLanguage: LanguageNames.VisualBasic,
            expectedResults: MainDescription("string CCC.IndexProp[int p1, [int p2 = 0]] { get; set; }"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/546918")]
    public async Task TestUnconstructedGeneric()
        await TestAsync(
            class A<T>
                enum SortOrder
                void Goo()
                    var b = $$SortOrder.Ascending;
            MainDescription(@"enum A<T>.SortOrder"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/546970")]
    public async Task TestUnconstructedGenericInCRef()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <see cref="$$C{T}" />
            class C<T>
            MainDescription(@"class C<T>"));
    public async Task TestAwaitableMethod()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;	
            class C	
                async Task Goo()	
        var description = $"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) Task C.Goo()";
        await VerifyWithMscorlib45Async(markup, MainDescription(description));
    public async Task ObsoleteItem()
        var markup = """
            using System;
            class Program
                public void goo()
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription($"[{CSharpFeaturesResources.deprecated}] void"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/751070")]
    public async Task DynamicOperator()
        var markup = """
            public class Test
                public delegate void NoParam();
                static int Main()
                    dynamic x = new object();
                    if (((System.Func<dynamic>)(() => (x =$$= null)))())
                        return 0;
                    return 1;
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("dynamic dynamic.operator ==(dynamic left, dynamic right)"));
    public async Task TextOnlyDocComment()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            class C$$
            """, Documentation("goo"));
    public async Task TestTrimConcatMultiLine()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary>
            /// goo
            /// bar
            /// </summary>
            class C$$
            """, Documentation("goo bar"));
    public async Task TestCref()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary>
            /// <see cref="C"/>
            /// <seealso cref="C"/>
            /// </summary>
            class C$$
            """, Documentation("C C"));
    public async Task ExcludeTextOutsideSummaryBlock()
        await TestAsync(
            /// red
            /// <summary>
            /// green
            /// </summary>
            /// yellow
            class C$$
            """, Documentation("green"));
    public async Task NewlineAfterPara()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary>
            /// <para>goo</para>
            /// </summary>
            class C$$
            """, Documentation("goo"));
    public async Task TextOnlyDocComment_Metadata()
        var referenced = """
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            public class C
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C$$ c;
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#", Documentation("goo"));
    public async Task TestTrimConcatMultiLine_Metadata()
        var referenced = """
            /// <summary>
            /// goo
            /// bar
            /// </summary>
            public class C
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C$$ c;
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#", Documentation("goo bar"));
    public async Task TestCref_Metadata()
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C$$ c;
        var referenced = """
            /// <summary>
            /// <see cref="C"/>
            /// <seealso cref="C"/>
            /// </summary>
            public class C
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#", Documentation("C C"));
    public async Task ExcludeTextOutsideSummaryBlock_Metadata()
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C$$ c;
        var referenced = """
            /// red
            /// <summary>
            /// green
            /// </summary>
            /// yellow
            public class C
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#", Documentation("green"));
    public async Task Param()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <typeparam name="T">A type parameter of <see cref="goo{ T} (string[], T)"/></typeparam>
                /// <param name="args">First parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></param>
                /// <param name="otherParam">Another parameter of <see cref="Goo{T}(string[], T)"/></param>
                public void Goo<T>(string[] arg$$s, T otherParam)
            """, Documentation("First parameter of C.Goo<T>(string[], T)"));
    public async Task Param_Metadata()
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C c;
                    c.Goo<int>(arg$$s: new string[] { }, 1);
        var referenced = """
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <typeparam name="T">A type parameter of <see cref="goo{ T} (string[], T)"/></typeparam>
                /// <param name="args">First parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></param>
                /// <param name="otherParam">Another parameter of <see cref="Goo{T}(string[], T)"/></param>
                public void Goo<T>(string[] args, T otherParam)
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#", Documentation("First parameter of C.Goo<T>(string[], T)"));
    public async Task Param2()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <typeparam name="T">A type parameter of <see cref="goo{ T} (string[], T)"/></typeparam>
                /// <param name="args">First parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></param>
                /// <param name="otherParam">Another parameter of <see cref="Goo{T}(string[], T)"/></param>
                public void Goo<T>(string[] args, T oth$$erParam)
            """, Documentation("Another parameter of C.Goo<T>(string[], T)"));
    public async Task Param2_Metadata()
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C c;
                    c.Goo<int>(args: new string[] { }, other$$Param: 1);
        var referenced = """
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <typeparam name="T">A type parameter of <see cref="goo{ T} (string[], T)"/></typeparam>
                /// <param name="args">First parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></param>
                /// <param name="otherParam">Another parameter of <see cref="Goo{T}(string[], T)"/></param>
                public void Goo<T>(string[] args, T otherParam)
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#", Documentation("Another parameter of C.Goo<T>(string[], T)"));
    public async Task TypeParam()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <typeparam name="T">A type parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></typeparam>
                /// <param name="args">First parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></param>
                /// <param name="otherParam">Another parameter of <see cref="Goo{T}(string[], T)"/></param>
                public void Goo<T$$>(string[] args, T otherParam)
            """, Documentation("A type parameter of C.Goo<T>(string[], T)"));
    public async Task UnboundCref()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <typeparam name="T">A type parameter of <see cref="goo{T}(string[], T)"/></typeparam>
                /// <param name="args">First parameter of <see cref="Goo{T} (string[], T)"/></param>
                /// <param name="otherParam">Another parameter of <see cref="Goo{T}(string[], T)"/></param>
                public void Goo<T$$>(string[] args, T otherParam)
            """, Documentation("A type parameter of goo<T>(string[], T)"));
    public async Task CrefInConstructor()
        await TestAsync(
            public class TestClass
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="TestClass"/> constructor as a cref attribute.
                /// </summary> 
                public TestClass$$()
            """, Documentation("This sample shows how to specify the TestClass constructor as a cref attribute."));
    public async Task CrefInConstructorOverloaded()
        await TestAsync(
            public class TestClass
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="TestClass"/> constructor as a cref attribute.
                /// </summary> 
                public TestClass()
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="TestClass(int)"/> constructor as a cref attribute.
                /// </summary> 
                public TestC$$lass(int value)
            """, Documentation("This sample shows how to specify the TestClass(int) constructor as a cref attribute."));
    public async Task CrefInGenericMethod1()
        await TestAsync(
            public class TestClass
                /// <summary> 
                /// The GetGenericValue method. 
                /// <para>This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="GetGenericValue"/> method as a cref attribute.</para>
                /// </summary> 
                public static T GetGenericVa$$lue<T>(T para)
                    return para;
            """, Documentation("""
                The GetGenericValue method.
                This sample shows how to specify the TestClass.GetGenericValue<T>(T) method as a cref attribute.
    public async Task CrefInGenericMethod2()
        await TestAsync(
            public class TestClass
                /// <summary> 
                /// The GetGenericValue method. 
                /// <para>This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="GetGenericValue{T}(T)"/> method as a cref attribute.</para>
                /// </summary> 
                public static T GetGenericVa$$lue<T>(T para)
                    return para;
            """, Documentation("""
                The GetGenericValue method.
                This sample shows how to specify the TestClass.GetGenericValue<T>(T) method as a cref attribute.
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/813350")]
    public async Task CrefInMethodOverloading1()
        await TestAsync(
            public class TestClass
                public static int GetZero()
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to call the <see cref="GetGenericValue{T}(T)"/> method
                /// </summary> 
                public static T GetGenericValue<T>(T para)
                    return para;
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="GetGenericValue"/> method as a cref attribute.
                /// </summary> 
                public static void GetGenericValue()
            """, Documentation("This sample shows how to specify the TestClass.GetGenericValue() method as a cref attribute."));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/813350")]
    public async Task CrefInMethodOverloading2()
        await TestAsync(
            public class TestClass
                public static int GetZero()
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to call the <see cref="GetGenericValue{T}(T)"/> method
                /// </summary> 
                public static T GetGenericValue<T>(T para)
                    return para;
                /// <summary> 
                /// This sample shows how to specify the <see cref="GetGenericValue"/> method as a cref attribute.
                /// </summary> 
                public static void GetGenericValue()
            """, Documentation("This sample shows how to call the TestClass.GetGenericValue<T>(T) method"));
    public async Task CrefInGenericType()
        await TestAsync(
            /// <summary> 
            /// <remarks>This example shows how to specify the <see cref="GenericClass{T}"/> cref.</remarks>
            /// </summary> 
            class Generic$$Class<T>
Documentation("This example shows how to specify the GenericClass<T> cref.",
        Text("This example shows how to specify the"),
        WhiteSpace(" "),
        WhiteSpace(" "),
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/812720")]
    public async Task ClassificationOfCrefsFromMetadata()
        var code = """
            class G
                void goo()
                    C c;
        var referenced = """
            /// <summary></summary>
            public class C
                /// <summary> 
                /// See <see cref="Goo"/> method
                /// </summary> 
                public void Goo()
        await TestWithMetadataReferenceHelperAsync(code, referenced, "C#", "C#",
            Documentation("See C.Goo() method",
                    WhiteSpace(" "),
                    WhiteSpace(" "),
    public async Task FieldAvailableInBothLinkedFiles()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
                int x;
                void goo()
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) int C.x"), Usage("")]);
    public async Task FieldUnavailableInOneLinkedFile()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
            #if GOO
                int x;
                void goo()
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        var expectedDescription = Usage($"""

            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
            """, expectsWarningGlyph: true);
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [expectedDescription]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task BindSymbolInOtherFile()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
            #if GOO
                int x;
                void goo()
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        var expectedDescription = Usage($"""

            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Available)}
            """, expectsWarningGlyph: true);
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [expectedDescription]);
    public async Task FieldUnavailableInTwoLinkedFiles()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
            #if GOO
                int x;
                void goo()
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj3">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        var expectedDescription = Usage(

            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj3", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
            expectsWarningGlyph: true);
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [expectedDescription]);
    public async Task ExcludeFilesWithInactiveRegions()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="GOO,BAR">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
            #if GOO
                int x;
            #if BAR
                void goo()
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument" />
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj3" PreprocessorSymbols="BAR">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        var expectedDescription = Usage($"""

            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj3", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
            """, expectsWarningGlyph: true);
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [expectedDescription]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/962353")]
    public async Task NoValidSymbolsInLinkedDocuments()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
                void goo()
            #if B
                void Bar() { }
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup);
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
    public async Task LocalsValidInLinkedDocuments()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
                void M()
                    int x$$;
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"), Usage("")]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
    public async Task LocalWarningInLinkedDocuments()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="PROJ1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
                void M()
            #if PROJ1
                    int x;
                    int y = x$$;
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"), Usage($"""

            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj1", FeaturesResources.Available)}
            {string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_1, "Proj2", FeaturesResources.Not_Available)}
            """, expectsWarningGlyph: true)]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
    public async Task LabelsValidInLinkedDocuments()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
                void M()
                    $$LABEL: goto LABEL;
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.label}) LABEL"), Usage("")]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1020944")]
    public async Task RangeVariablesValidInLinkedDocuments()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            using System.Linq;
            class C
                void M()
                    var x = from y in new[] {1, 2, 3} select $$y;
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, [MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) int y"), Usage("")]);
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1019766")]
    public async Task PointerAccessibility()
        var markup = """
            class C
                unsafe static void Main()
                    void* p = null;
                    void* q = null;
                    dynamic d = true;
                    var x = p =$$= q == d;
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("bool void*.operator ==(void* left, void* right)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1114300")]
    public async Task AwaitingTaskOfArrayType()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class Program
                async Task<int[]> M()
                    awa$$it M();
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, "int[]")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1114300")]
    public async Task AwaitingTaskOfDynamic()
        var markup = """
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class Program
                async Task<dynamic> M()
                    awa$$it M();
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription(string.Format(FeaturesResources.Awaited_task_returns_0, "dynamic")));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)]
    public async Task MethodOverloadDifferencesIgnored()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
            #if ONE
                void Do(int x){}
            #if TWO
                void Do(string x){}
                void Shared()
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        var expectedDescription = $"void C.Do(int x)";
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, MainDescription(expectedDescription));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)]
    public async Task MethodOverloadDifferencesIgnored_ContainingType()
        var markup = """
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj1" PreprocessorSymbols="ONE">
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument"><![CDATA[
            class C
                void Shared()
                    var x = GetThing().Do$$();
            #if ONE
                private Methods1 GetThing()
                    return new Methods1();
            #if TWO
                private Methods2 GetThing()
                    return new Methods2();
            #if ONE
            public class Methods1
                public void Do(string x) { }
            #if TWO
            public class Methods2
                public void Do(string x) { }
                <Project Language="C#" CommonReferences="true" AssemblyName="Proj2" PreprocessorSymbols="TWO">
                    <Document IsLinkFile="true" LinkAssemblyName="Proj1" LinkFilePath="SourceDocument"/>
        var expectedDescription = $"void Methods1.Do(string x)";
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(markup, MainDescription(expectedDescription));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoExceptions()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            namespace MyNs
                class MyException1 : Exception
                class MyException2 : Exception
                class TestClass
                    /// <exception cref="MyException1"></exception>
                    /// <exception cref="T:MyNs.MyException2"></exception>
                    /// <exception cref="System.Int32"></exception>
                    /// <exception cref="double"></exception>
                    /// <exception cref="Not_A_Class_But_Still_Displayed"></exception>
                    void M()

    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    void local() { i++; this.M(); }

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction2()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    void local(int j) { j++; M(); }

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction3()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                public void M(int @this)
                    int i = 0;
                    void local()

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, @this, i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction4()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    void OuterLocalFunction$$()
                        int local = 0;
                        int InnerLocalFunction() 
                            return local;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction5()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    void OuterLocalFunction()
                        int local = 0;
                        int InnerLocalFunction$$() 
                            return local;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, local
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction6()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    int local1 = 0;
                    int local2 = 0;
                    void OuterLocalFunction$$()
                        _ = local1;
                        void InnerLocalFunction() 
                            _ = local2;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} local1, local2
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLocalFunction7()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    int local1 = 0;
                    int local2 = 0;
                    void OuterLocalFunction()
                        _ = local1;
                        void InnerLocalFunction$$() 
                            _ = local2;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} local2
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    System.Action a = () =$$> { i++; M(); };

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda2()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    System.Action<int> a = j =$$> { i++; j++; M(); };

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda2_DifferentOrder()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M(int j)
                    int i;
                    System.Action a = () =$$> { M(); i++; j++; };

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, j, i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda3()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    int @this;
                    N(() =$$> { M(); @this++; }, () => { i++; });
                void N(System.Action x, System.Action y) { }

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, @this
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda4()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    N(() => { M(); }, () =$$> { i++; });
                void N(System.Action x, System.Action y) { }

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda5()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    System.Action a = () =$$>
                        int local = 0;
                        System.Func<int> b = () =>
                            return local;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda6()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    System.Action a = () =>
                        int local = 0;
                        System.Func<int> b = () =$$>
                            return local;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} this, local
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda7()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    int local1 = 0;
                    int local2 = 0;
                    System.Action a = () =$$>
                        _ = local1;
                        System.Action b = () =>
                            _ = local2;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} local1, local2
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnLambda8()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                int field;
                void M()
                    int local1 = 0;
                    int local2 = 0;
                    System.Action a = () =>
                        _ = local1;
                        System.Action b = () =$$>
                            _ = local2;

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} local2
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoCapturesOnDelegate()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    int i;
                    System.Func<bool, int> f = dele$$gate(bool b) { i++; return 1; };

                {WorkspacesResources.Variables_captured_colon} i
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithNonStandardSeeAttributesAppear()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                /// <summary>
                /// <see cref="System.String" />
                /// <see href="" />
                /// <see langword="null" />
                /// <see unsupported-attribute="cat" />
                /// </summary>
                void M()
            Documentation(@"string null cat"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task OptionalParameterFromPreviousSubmission()
        const string workspaceDefinition = """
                <Submission Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
                    void M(int x = 1) { }
                <Submission Language="C#" CommonReferences="true">
                    M(x$$: 2)
        using var workspace = EditorTestWorkspace.Create(XElement.Parse(workspaceDefinition), workspaceKind: WorkspaceKind.Interactive);
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(workspace, MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) int x = 1"));
    public async Task TupleProperty()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            interface I
                (int, int) Name { get; set; }
            class C : I
                (int, int) I.Name$$
                        throw new System.Exception();
            MainDescription("(int, int) C.Name { get; set; }"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ValueTupleWithArity0VariableName()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class C
                void M()
                    var y$$ = ValueTuple.Create();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) ValueTuple y"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ValueTupleWithArity0ImplicitVar()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class C
                void M()
                    var$$ y = ValueTuple.Create();
            MainDescription("struct System.ValueTuple"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ValueTupleWithArity1VariableName()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class C
                void M()
                    var y$$ = ValueTuple.Create(1);
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) ValueTuple<int> y"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ValueTupleWithArity1ImplicitVar()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class C
                void M()
                    var$$ y = ValueTuple.Create(1);
            MainDescription("struct System.ValueTuple<System.Int32>"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ValueTupleWithArity2VariableName()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class C
                void M()
                    var y$$ = ValueTuple.Create(1, 1);
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) (int, int) y"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ValueTupleWithArity2ImplicitVar()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            public class C
                void M()
                    var$$ y = ValueTuple.Create(1, 1);
            MainDescription("(int, int)"));
    public async Task TestRefMethod()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            using System;
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    ref int i = ref $$goo();
                private static ref int goo()
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
            MainDescription("ref int"));
    public async Task TestRefLocal()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            using System;
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    ref int $$i = ref goo();
                private static ref int goo()
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) ref int i"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestGenericMethodInDocComment()
        await TestAsync(
            class Test
                T F<T>()
                /// <summary>
                /// <see cref="F$${T}()"/>
                /// </summary>
                void S()
                { }
        MainDescription("T Test.F<T>()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestExceptionWithCrefToConstructorDoesNotCrash()
        await TestAsync(
            class Test
                /// <summary>
                /// </summary>
                /// <exception cref="Test.Test"/>
                public Test$$() {}
    public async Task TestRefStruct()
        var markup = "ref struct X$$ {}";
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("ref struct X"));
    public async Task TestRefStruct_Nested()
        var markup = """
            namespace Nested
                ref struct X$$ {}
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("ref struct Nested.X"));
    public async Task TestReadOnlyStruct()
        var markup = "readonly struct X$$ {}";
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("readonly struct X"));
    public async Task TestReadOnlyStruct_Nested()
        var markup = """
            namespace Nested
                readonly struct X$$ {}
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("readonly struct Nested.X"));
    public async Task TestReadOnlyRefStruct()
        var markup = "readonly ref struct X$$ {}";
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("readonly ref struct X"));
    public async Task TestReadOnlyRefStruct_Nested()
        var markup = """
            namespace Nested
                readonly ref struct X$$ {}
        await TestAsync(markup, MainDescription("readonly ref struct Nested.X"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestRefLikeTypesNoDeprecated()
        var xmlString = """
                <Project Language="C#" LanguageVersion="7.2" CommonReferences="true">
                    <MetadataReferenceFromSource Language="C#" LanguageVersion="7.2" CommonReferences="true">
                        <Document FilePath="ReferencedDocument">
            public ref struct TestRef
                    <Document FilePath="SourceDocument">
            ref struct Test
                private $$TestRef _field;
        // There should be no [deprecated] attribute displayed.
        await VerifyWithReferenceWorkerAsync(xmlString, MainDescription($"ref struct TestRef"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task PropertyWithSameNameAsOtherType()
        await TestAsync(
            namespace ConsoleApplication1
                class Program
                    static A B { get; set; }
                    static B A { get; set; }
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                        B = ConsoleApplication1.B$$.F();
                class A { }
                class B
                    public static A F() => null;
        MainDescription($"ConsoleApplication1.A ConsoleApplication1.B.F()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task PropertyWithSameNameAsOtherType2()
        await TestAsync(
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            namespace ConsoleApplication1
                class Program
                    public static List<Bar> Bar { get; set; }
                    static void Main(string[] args)
                    static void Test<T>() { }
                class Bar
        MainDescription($"void Program.Test<Bar>()"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task InMalformedEmbeddedStatement_01()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                void method1()
                    if (method2())
                        .Any(b => b.Content$$Type, out var chars)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task InMalformedEmbeddedStatement_02()
        await TestAsync(
            class Program
                void method1()
                    if (method2())
                        .Any(b => b$$.ContentType, out var chars)
        MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) ? b"));
    public async Task EnumConstraint()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            class X<T> where T : System.Enum
                private $$T x;
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} X<T> where T : Enum"));
    public async Task DelegateConstraint()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            class X<T> where T : System.Delegate
                private $$T x;
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} X<T> where T : Delegate"));
    public async Task MulticastDelegateConstraint()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            class X<T> where T : System.MulticastDelegate
                private $$T x;
            MainDescription($"T {FeaturesResources.in_} X<T> where T : MulticastDelegate"));
    public async Task UnmanagedConstraint_Type()
        await TestAsync(
            class $$X<T> where T : unmanaged
            MainDescription("class X<T> where T : unmanaged"));
    public async Task UnmanagedConstraint_Method()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                void $$M<T>() where T : unmanaged { }
            MainDescription("void X.M<T>() where T : unmanaged"));
    public async Task UnmanagedConstraint_Delegate()
        await TestAsync(
            "delegate void $$D<T>() where T : unmanaged;",
            MainDescription("delegate void D<T>() where T : unmanaged"));
    public async Task UnmanagedConstraint_LocalFunction()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                void N()
                    void $$M<T>() where T : unmanaged { }
            MainDescription("void M<T>() where T : unmanaged"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestGetAccessorDocumentation()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                /// <summary>Summary for property Goo</summary>
                int Goo { g$$et; set; }
            Documentation("Summary for property Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestSetAccessorDocumentation()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                /// <summary>Summary for property Goo</summary>
                int Goo { get; s$$et; }
            Documentation("Summary for property Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestEventAddDocumentation1()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class X
                /// <summary>Summary for event Goo</summary>
                event EventHandler<EventArgs> Goo
                    a$$dd => throw null;
                    remove => throw null;
            Documentation("Summary for event Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestEventAddDocumentation2()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class X
                /// <summary>Summary for event Goo</summary>
                event EventHandler<EventArgs> Goo;
                void M() => Goo +$$= null;
            Documentation("Summary for event Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestEventRemoveDocumentation1()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class X
                /// <summary>Summary for event Goo</summary>
                event EventHandler<EventArgs> Goo
                    add => throw null;
                    r$$emove => throw null;
            Documentation("Summary for event Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestEventRemoveDocumentation2()
        await TestAsync(
            using System;
            class X
                /// <summary>Summary for event Goo</summary>
                event EventHandler<EventArgs> Goo;
                void M() => Goo -$$= null;
            Documentation("Summary for event Goo"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task BuiltInOperatorWithUserDefinedEquivalent()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                void N(string a, string b)
                    var v = a $$== b;
            MainDescription("bool string.operator ==(string a, string b)"),
    public async Task NotNullConstraint_Type()
        await TestAsync(
            class $$X<T> where T : notnull
            MainDescription("class X<T> where T : notnull"));
    public async Task NotNullConstraint_Method()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                void $$M<T>() where T : notnull { }
            MainDescription("void X.M<T>() where T : notnull"));
    public async Task MultipleConstraints_Type()
        await TestAsync(
            class $$X<T, U> where T : notnull where U : notnull
                class X<T, U>
                    where T : notnull
                    where U : notnull
    public async Task MultipleConstraints_Method()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                void $$M<T, U>() where T : notnull where U : notnull { }
                void X.M<T, U>()
                    where T : notnull
                    where U : notnull
    public async Task NotNullConstraint_Delegate()
        await TestAsync(
            "delegate void $$D<T>() where T : notnull;",
            MainDescription("delegate void D<T>() where T : notnull"));
    public async Task NotNullConstraint_LocalFunction()
        await TestAsync(
            class X
                void N()
                    void $$M<T>() where T : notnull { }
            MainDescription("void M<T>() where T : notnull"));
    public async Task NullableParameterThatIsMaybeNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                void N(string? s)
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string? s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_may_be_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableParameterThatIsNotNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                void N(string? s)
                    s = "";
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string? s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableFieldThatIsMaybeNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                string? s = null;
                void N()
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) string? X.s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_may_be_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableFieldThatIsNotNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                string? s = null;
                void N()
                    s = "";
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) string? X.s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "s")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NullableBackingFieldThatIsMaybeNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.RegularPreview,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                string? P
                    get => $$field;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) string? X.P.field"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_may_be_null_here, "P.field")));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task NullableBackingFieldThatIsNotNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.RegularPreview,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                string P
                    get => $$field;
                } = "a";
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.field}) string X.P.field"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "P.field")));
    public async Task NullablePropertyThatIsMaybeNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                string? S { get; set; }
                void N()
                    string s2 = $$S;
            MainDescription("string? X.S { get; set; }"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_may_be_null_here, "S")));
    public async Task NullablePropertyThatIsNotNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            class X
                string? S { get; set; }
                void N()
                    S = "";
                    string s2 = $$S;
            MainDescription("string? X.S { get; set; }"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "S")));
    public async Task NullableRangeVariableThatIsMaybeNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    IEnumerable<string?> enumerable;
                    foreach (var s in enumerable)
                        string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string? s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_may_be_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableRangeVariableThatIsNotNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    IEnumerable<string> enumerable;
                    foreach (var s in enumerable)
                        string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string? s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableLocalThatIsMaybeNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    string? s = null;
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string? s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_may_be_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableLocalThatIsNotNull()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    string? s = "";
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string? s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableNotShownPriorToLanguageVersion8()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular7_3,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    string s = "";
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string s"),
    public async Task NullableNotShownInNullableDisable()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable disable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    string s = "";
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string s"),
    public async Task NullableShownWhenEnabledGlobally()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, nullableContextOptions: NullableContextOptions.Enable),
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    string s = "";
                    string s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string s"),
            NullabilityAnalysis(string.Format(FeaturesResources._0_is_not_null_here, "s")));
    public async Task NullableNotShownForValueType()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    int a = 0;
                    int b = $$a;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int a"),
    public async Task NullableNotShownForConst()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            #nullable enable
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            class X
                void N()
                    const string? s = null;
                    string? s2 = $$s;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_constant}) string? s = null"),
    public async Task TestInheritdocInlineSummary()
        var markup =
            /// <summary>Summary documentation</summary>
            /// <remarks>Remarks documentation</remarks>
            void M(int x) { }
            /// <summary><inheritdoc cref="M(int)"/></summary>
            void $$M(int x, int y) { }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M(int x, int y)"),
            Documentation("Summary documentation"));
    public async Task TestInheritdocTwoLevels1()
        var markup =
            /// <summary>Summary documentation</summary>
            /// <remarks>Remarks documentation</remarks>
            void M() { }
            /// <inheritdoc cref="M()"/>
            void M(int x) { }
            /// <inheritdoc cref="M(int)"/>
            void $$M(int x, int y) { }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M(int x, int y)"),
            Documentation("Summary documentation"));
    public async Task TestInheritdocTwoLevels2()
        var markup =
            /// <summary>Summary documentation</summary>
            /// <remarks>Remarks documentation</remarks>
            void M() { }
            /// <summary><inheritdoc cref="M()"/></summary>
            void M(int x) { }
            /// <summary><inheritdoc cref="M(int)"/></summary>
            void $$M(int x, int y) { }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M(int x, int y)"),
            Documentation("Summary documentation"));
    public async Task TestInheritdocWithTypeParamRef()
        var markup =
            public class Program
                public static void Main() => _ = new Test<int>().$$Clone();
            public class Test<T> : ICloneable<Test<T>>
            	/// <inheritdoc/>
            	public Test<T> Clone() => new();
            /// <summary>A type that has clonable instances.</summary>
            /// <typeparam name="T">The type of instances that can be cloned.</typeparam>
            public interface ICloneable<T>
                /// <summary>Clones a <typeparamref name="T"/>.</summary>
                /// <returns>A clone of the <typeparamref name="T"/>.</returns>
                public T Clone();
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("Test<int> Test<int>.Clone()"),
            Documentation("Clones a Test<T>."));
    public async Task TestInheritdocWithTypeParamRef1()
        var markup =
            public interface ITest
                /// <summary>
                /// A generic method <typeparamref name="T"/>.
                /// </summary>
                /// <typeparam name="T">A generic type.</typeparam>
                void Foo<T>();
            public class Test : ITest
                /// <inheritdoc/>
                public void $$Foo<T>() { }
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(TestOptions.Regular8,
            MainDescription($"void Test.Foo<T>()"),
            Documentation("A generic method T."),
            item => Assert.Equal(
                item.Sections.First(section => section.Kind == QuickInfoSectionKinds.DocumentationComments).TaggedParts.Select(p => p.Tag).ToArray(),
                ["Text", "Space", "TypeParameter", "Text"]));
    public async Task TestInheritdocCycle1()
        var markup =
            /// <inheritdoc cref="M(int, int)"/>
            void M(int x) { }
            /// <inheritdoc cref="M(int)"/>
            void $$M(int x, int y) { }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M(int x, int y)"),
    public async Task TestInheritdocCycle2()
        var markup =
            /// <inheritdoc cref="M(int)"/>
            void $$M(int x) { }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M(int x)"),
    public async Task TestInheritdocCycle3()
        var markup =
            /// <inheritdoc cref="M"/>
            void $$M(int x) { }
        await TestInClassAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("void C.M(int x)"),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestLinqGroupVariableDeclaration()
        var code =
            void M(string[] a)
                var v = from x in a
                        group x by x.Length into $$g
                        select g;
        await TestInClassAsync(code,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.range_variable}) IGrouping<int, string> g"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOnIndexerCloseBracket()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                public int this[int x] { get { return 1; } }
                void M()
                    var x = new C()[5$$];
        MainDescription("int C.this[int x] { get; }"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOnIndexerOpenBracket()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                public int this[int x] { get { return 1; } }
                void M()
                    var x = new C()$$[5];
        MainDescription("int C.this[int x] { get; }"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOnIndexer_NotOnArrayAccess()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                void M()
                    int[] x = new int[4];
                    int y = x[3$$];
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithRemarksOnMethod()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                /// <summary>
                /// Summary text
                /// </summary>
                /// <remarks>
                /// Remarks text
                /// </remarks>
                int M()
                    return $$M();
            MainDescription("int Program.M()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"),
                Remarks text
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithRemarksOnPropertyAccessor()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                /// <summary>
                /// Summary text
                /// </summary>
                /// <remarks>
                /// Remarks text
                /// </remarks>
                int M { $$get; }
            MainDescription("int Program.M.get"),
            Documentation("Summary text"),
                Remarks text
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithReturnsOnMethod()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                /// <summary>
                /// Summary text
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns>
                /// Returns text
                /// </returns>
                int M()
                    return $$M();
            MainDescription("int Program.M()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"),

                  Returns text
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithReturnsOnPropertyAccessor()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                /// <summary>
                /// Summary text
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns>
                /// Returns text
                /// </returns>
                int M { $$get; }
            MainDescription("int Program.M.get"),
            Documentation("Summary text"),

                  Returns text
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithValueOnMethod()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                /// <summary>
                /// Summary text
                /// </summary>
                /// <value>
                /// Value text
                /// </value>
                int M()
                    return $$M();
            MainDescription("int Program.M()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"),

                  Value text
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoWithValueOnPropertyAccessor()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Program
                /// <summary>
                /// Summary text
                /// </summary>
                /// <value>
                /// Value text
                /// </value>
                int M { $$get; }
            MainDescription("int Program.M.get"),
            Documentation("Summary text"),

                  Value text
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoNotPattern1()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Person
                void Goo(object o)
                    if (o is not $$Person p)
            MainDescription("class Person"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoNotPattern2()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Person
                void Goo(object o)
                    if (o is $$not Person p)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOrPattern1()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Person
                void Goo(object o)
                    if (o is $$Person or int)
            """, MainDescription("class Person"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOrPattern2()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Person
                void Goo(object o)
                    if (o is Person or $$int)
            """, MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoOrPattern3()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Person
                void Goo(object o)
                    if (o is Person $$or int)
    public async Task QuickInfoRecord()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            record Person(string First, string Last)
                void M($$Person p)
            """, MainDescription("record Person"));
    public async Task QuickInfoDerivedRecord()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            record Person(string First, string Last)
            record Student(string Id)
                void M($$Student p)
            """, MainDescription("record Student"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfoRecord_BaseTypeList()
        await TestAsync("""
            record Person(string First, string Last);
            record Student(int Id) : $$Person(null, null);
            """, MainDescription("Person.Person(string First, string Last)"));
    public async Task QuickInfoClass_BaseTypeList()
        await TestAsync("""
            class Person(string First, string Last);
            class Student(int Id) : $$Person(null, null);
            """, MainDescription("Person.Person(string First, string Last)"));
    public async Task QuickInfo_BaseConstructorInitializer()
        await TestAsync("""
            public class Person { public Person(int id) { } }
            public class Student : Person { public Student() : $$base(0) { } }
            """, MainDescription("Person.Person(int id)"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfo_DotInInvocation()
        await TestAsync("""
            public class C
                public void M(int a) { }
                public void M(int a, params int[] b) { }
            class Program
                static void Main()
                    var c = new C();
                    c$$.M(1, 2);
            MainDescription($"void C.M(int a, params int[] b) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfo_BeforeMemberNameInInvocation()
        await TestAsync("""
            public class C
                public void M(int a) { }
                public void M(int a, params int[] b) { }
            class Program
                static void Main()
                    var c = new C();
                    c.$$M(1, 2);
            MainDescription($"void C.M(int a, params int[] b) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task QuickInfo_AfterMemberNameInInvocation()
        await TestAsync("""
            public class C
                public void M(int a) { }
                public void M(int a, params int[] b) { }
            class Program
                static void Main()
                    var c = new C();
                    c.M$$(1, 2);
            MainDescription($"void C.M(int a, params int[] b) (+ 1 {FeaturesResources.overload})"));
    public async Task QuickInfoRecordClass()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            record class Person(string First, string Last)
                void M($$Person p)
            """, MainDescription("record Person"));
    public async Task QuickInfoRecordStruct()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            record struct Person(string First, string Last)
                void M($$Person p)
            """, MainDescription("record struct Person"));
    public async Task QuickInfoReadOnlyRecordStruct()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            readonly record struct Person(string First, string Last)
                void M($$Person p)
            """, MainDescription("readonly record struct Person"));
    public async Task QuickInfoRecordProperty()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            /// <param name="First">The person's first name.</param>
            record Person(string First, string Last)
                void M(Person p)
                    _ = p.$$First;
MainDescription("string Person.First { get; init; }"),
Documentation("The person's first name."));
    public async Task QuickInfoFieldKeyword()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            class C
                int Prop
                    get => $$field;
                    set => field = value;
MainDescription("(field) int C.Prop.field"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestVarPatternOnVarKeyword()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                string M() { }
                void M2()
                  if (M() is va$$r x && x.Length > 0)
            MainDescription("class System.String"));
    public async Task TestVarPatternOnVariableItself()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                string M() { }
                void M2()
                  if (M() is var x$$ && x.Length > 0)
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) string? x"));
    public async Task TestVarPatternOnVarKeyword_InListPattern()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M(char[] array)
                  if (array is [ va$$r one ])
            MainDescription("struct System.Char"));
    public async Task TestVarPatternOnVariableItself_InListPattern()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M(char[] array)
                  if (array is [ var o$$ne ])
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) char one"));
    public async Task TestVarPatternOnVarKeyword_InSlicePattern()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M(char[] array)
                  if (array is [$$r one ])
            """ + TestSources.Index + TestSources.Range,
    public async Task TestVarPatternOnVariableItself_InSlicePattern()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M(char[] array)
                  if (array is [ ..var o$$ne ])
            """ + TestSources.Index + TestSources.Range,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) char[]? one"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestDocumentationCData()
        var markup =
            using I$$ = IGoo;
            /// <summary>
            /// summary for interface IGoo
            /// <code><![CDATA[
            /// List<string> y = null;
            /// ]]></code>
            /// </summary>
            interface IGoo {  }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
                summary for interface IGoo
                List<string> y = null;
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotNormalizeWhitespaceForCode()
        var markup =
            using I$$ = IGoo;
            /// <summary>
            /// Normalize    this, and <c>Also        this</c>
            /// <code>
            /// line 1
            /// line     2
            /// </code>
            /// </summary>
            interface IGoo {  }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
                Normalize this, and Also this
                line 1
                line     2
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task DoNotNormalizeLeadingWhitespaceForCode()
        var markup =
            using I$$ = IGoo;
            /// <summary>
            ///       Normalize    this, and <c>Also        this</c>
            /// <code>
            /// line 1
            ///     line     2
            /// </code>
            /// </summary>
            interface IGoo {  }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
                Normalize this, and Also this
                line 1
                    line     2
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task ParsesEmptySummary()
        var markup =
            using I$$ = IGoo;
            /// <summary></summary>
            interface IGoo {  }
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription("interface IGoo"),
    public async Task TestStaticAbstract_ImplicitImplementation()
        var code = """
            interface I1
                /// <summary>Summary text</summary>
                static abstract void M1();
            class C1_1 : I1
                public static void $$M1() { }
        await TestAsync(
            MainDescription("void C1_1.M1()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"));
    public async Task TestStaticAbstract_ImplicitImplementation_FromReference()
        var code = """
            interface I1
                /// <summary>Summary text</summary>
                static abstract void M1();
            class C1_1 : I1
                public static void M1() { }
            class R
                public static void M() { C1_1.$$M1(); }
        await TestAsync(
            MainDescription("void C1_1.M1()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"));
    public async Task TestStaticAbstract_FromTypeParameterReference()
        var code = """
            interface I1
                /// <summary>Summary text</summary>
                static abstract void M1();
            class R
                public static void M<T>() where T : I1 { T.$$M1(); }
        await TestAsync(
            MainDescription("void I1.M1()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"));
    public async Task TestStaticAbstract_ExplicitInheritdoc_ImplicitImplementation()
        var code = """
            interface I1
                /// <summary>Summary text</summary>
                static abstract void M1();
            class C1_1 : I1
                /// <inheritdoc/>
                public static void $$M1() { }
        await TestAsync(
            MainDescription("void C1_1.M1()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"));
    public async Task TestStaticAbstract_ExplicitImplementation()
        var code = """
            interface I1
                /// <summary>Summary text</summary>
                static abstract void M1();
            class C1_1 : I1
                static void I1.$$M1() { }
        await TestAsync(
            MainDescription("void C1_1.M1()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"));
    public async Task TestStaticAbstract_ExplicitInheritdoc_ExplicitImplementation()
        var code = """
            interface I1
                /// <summary>Summary text</summary>
                static abstract void M1();
            class C1_1 : I1
                /// <inheritdoc/>
                static void I1.$$M1() { }
        await TestAsync(
            MainDescription("void C1_1.M1()"),
            Documentation("Summary text"));
    public async Task QuickInfoLambdaReturnType_01()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            class Program
                System.Delegate D = bo$$ol () => true;
            MainDescription("struct System.Boolean"));
    public async Task QuickInfoLambdaReturnType_02()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            class A
                struct B { }
                System.Delegate D = A.B$$ () => null;
            MainDescription("struct A.B"));
    public async Task QuickInfoLambdaReturnType_03()
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            class A<T>
            struct B
                System.Delegate D = A<B$$> () => null;
            MainDescription("struct B"));
    public async Task TestNormalFuncSynthesizedLambdaType()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$var v = (int i) => i.ToString();
            MainDescription("delegate TResult System.Func<in T, out TResult>(T arg)"),

                T {FeaturesResources.is_} int
                TResult {FeaturesResources.is_} string
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestInferredNonAnonymousDelegateType1()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$var v = (int i) => i.ToString();
            MainDescription("delegate TResult System.Func<in T, out TResult>(T arg)"),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$var v = (ref int i) => i.ToString();
            MainDescription("delegate string <anonymous delegate>(ref int arg)"),
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType2()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var $$v = (ref int i) => i.ToString();
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) 'a v"),

                    'a {FeaturesResources.is_} delegate string (ref int arg)
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType3()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var v = (ref int i) => i.ToString();
                T Goo<T>(T t) => default;
            MainDescription("'a C.Goo<'a>('a t)"),

                    'a {FeaturesResources.is_} delegate string (ref int arg)
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType4()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var lam = (int param = 42) => param + 1;
MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) 'a lam"),

        'a {FeaturesResources.is_} delegate int (int arg = 42)
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType5()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    $$var lam = (int param = 42) => param;
            """, MainDescription("delegate int <anonymous delegate>(int arg = 42)"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType6()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var lam = (i$$nt param = 42) => param;
            """, MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType7()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var lam = (int pa$$ram = 42) => param;
            """, MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) int param = 42"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType8()
        await TestAsync(
            class C
                void M()
                    var lam = (int param = 4$$2) => param;
            """, MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType9()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    var lam = (params int[] xs) => xs.Length;
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) 'a lam"),

                'a {FeaturesResources.is_} delegate int (params int[] arg)
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType10()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    $$var lam = (params int[] xs) => xs.Length;
            MainDescription("delegate int <anonymous delegate>(params int[] arg)"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType11()
        await TestAsync("""
            class C
                void M()
                    var lam = (params i$$nt[] xs) => xs.Length;
            MainDescription("struct System.Int32"));
    [Fact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.QuickInfo)]
    public async Task TestAnonymousSynthesizedLambdaType12()
        await TestAsync("""
        class C
            void M()
                var lam = (params int[] x$$s) => xs.Length;
        MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) params int[] xs"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestSingleTupleType()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M((int x, string y) t) { }
              void N()
            MainDescription(@"void C.M((int x, string y) t)"),
    public async Task TestMultipleTupleTypesSameType()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M((int x, string y) s, (int x, string y) t) { }
              void N()
            MainDescription(@"void C.M('a s, 'a t)"),

                    'a {FeaturesResources.is_} (int x, string y)
    public async Task TestMultipleTupleTypesDifferentTypes1()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M((int x, string y) s, (int a, string b) u) { }
              void N()
            MainDescription(@"void C.M((int x, string y) s, (int a, string b) u)"),
    public async Task TestMultipleTupleTypesDifferentTypes2()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M((int x, string y) s, (int x, string y) t, (int a, string b) u, (int a, string b) v) { }
              void N()
            MainDescription(@"void C.M('a s, 'a t, 'b u, 'b v)"),

                    'a {FeaturesResources.is_} (int x, string y)
                    'b {FeaturesResources.is_} (int a, string b)
    public async Task TestMultipleTupleTypesDifferentTypes3()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            void M((int x, string y) s, (int x, string y) t, (int a, string b) u) { }
              void N()
            MainDescription(@"void C.M('a s, 'a t, 'b u)"),

                    'a {FeaturesResources.is_} (int x, string y)
                    'b {FeaturesResources.is_} (int a, string b)
    public async Task TestMultipleTupleTypesInference()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            T M<T>(T t) { }
              void N()
                (int a, string b) x = default;
            MainDescription(@"'a C.M<'a>('a t)"),

                    'a {FeaturesResources.is_} (int a, string b)
    public async Task TestAnonymousTypeWithTupleTypesInference1()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            T M<T>(T t) { }
              void N()
                var v = new { x = default((int a, string b)) };
            MainDescription(@"'a C.M<'a>('a t)"),

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { (int a, string b) x }
    public async Task TestAnonymousTypeWithTupleTypesInference2()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            T M<T>(T t) { }
              void N()
                var v = new { x = default((int a, string b)), y = default((int a, string b)) };
            MainDescription(@"'a C.M<'a>('a t)"),

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { 'b x, 'b y }
                    'b {{FeaturesResources.is_}} (int a, string b)
    public async Task TestInRawStringInterpolation_SingleLine()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = 1;
            var s = $"""Hello world {$$x}"""
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestInRawStringInterpolation_SingleLine_MultiBrace()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = 1;
            var s = ${|#0:|}$"""Hello world {{$$x}}"""
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestInRawStringLiteral_SingleLine_Const()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            const string $$s = """Hello world"""
                ({FeaturesResources.constant}) string C.s = """Hello world"""
    public async Task TestInRawStringInterpolation_MultiLine()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = 1;
            var s = $"""
            Hello world {$$x}
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestInRawStringInterpolation_MultiLine_MultiBrace()
        await TestInMethodAsync(
            var x = 1;
            var s = ${|#0:|}$"""
            Hello world {{$$x}}
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) int x"));
    public async Task TestInRawStringLiteral_MultiLine_Const()
        await TestInClassAsync(
            const string $$s = """
                    Hello world
                ({FeaturesResources.constant}) string C.s = """
                        Hello world
    public async Task TestArgsInTopLevel()
        var markup =
            forach (var arg in $$args)
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(
            Options.Regular, markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string[] args"));
    public async Task TestArgsInNormalProgram()
        var markup =
            class Program
                static void Main(string[] args)
                    foreach (var arg in $$args)
        await TestAsync(markup,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string[] args"));
    public async Task TestParameterInMethodAttributeNameof()
        var source = """
            class Program
                void M(string s) { }
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp11), source,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string s"));
    public async Task TestParameterInMethodParameterAttributeNameof()
        var source = """
            class Program
                void M([My(nameof($$s))] string s) { }
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp11), source,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string s"));
    public async Task TestParameterInLocalFunctionAttributeNameof()
        var source = """
            class Program
                void M()
                    void local(string s) { }
        await TestWithOptionsAsync(Options.Regular.WithLanguageVersion(LanguageVersion.CSharp11), source,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.parameter}) string s"));
    public async Task TestScopedParameter()
        var source =
            ref struct R { }
            class Program
                static void F(R r1, scoped R r2, ref R r3, scoped ref R r4, in R r5, scoped in R r6, out R r7, scoped out R r8)
                    r7 = default;
                    r8 = default;
                static void Main()
                    R r = default;
                    $$F(r, r, ref r, ref r, r, r, out r, out r);
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"void Program.F(R r1, scoped R r2, ref R r3, scoped ref R r4, in R r5, scoped in R r6, out R r7, out R r8)"));
    public async Task TestScopedLocal()
        var source =
            class Program
                static void Main()
                    int i = 0;
                    scoped ref int r = ref i;
                    i = $$r;
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"({FeaturesResources.local_variable}) scoped ref int r"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNullableRefTypeVar1()
        var source = """
            #nullable enable
            class C
                void M()
                    object? o = null;
                    $$var s = (string?)o;
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"class System.String?"));
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestNullableRefTypeVar2()
        var source = """
            #nullable disable
            class C
                void M()
                    $$var s = GetNullableString();
                #nullable enable
                string? GetNullableString() => null;
                #nullable restore
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"class System.String"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType1()
        var source =
            @"using X = $$int;";
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType1_A()
        var source =
            @"using $$X = int;";
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType2()
        var source =
            @"using X = ($$int a, int b);";
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType2_A()
        var source =
            @"using $$X = (int a, int b);";
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"(int a, int b)"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType3()
        var source =
            @"using X = $$(int a, int b);";
        await TestAsync(source);
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType4()
        var source =
            @"using unsafe X = $$delegate*<int,int>;";
        await TestAsync(source);
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType4_A()
        var source =
            @"using unsafe $$X = delegate*<int,int>;";
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"delegate*<int, int>"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType5()
        var source =
            @"using unsafe X = $$int*;";
        await TestAsync(source,
            MainDescription($"struct System.Int32"));
    public async Task TestUsingAliasToType5_A()
        var source =
            @"using unsafe $$X = int*;";
        await TestAsync(source,
    public async Task TestCollectionExpression_Start()
        var source =
            "int[] x = $$[1, 2]";
        await TestAsync(source,
    public async Task TestCollectionExpression_Middle()
        var source =
            "int[] x = [1 $$, 2]";
        await TestAsync(source);
    public async Task TestCollectionExpression_End()
        var source =
            "int[] x = [1, 2]$$";
        await TestAsync(source,
    public async Task TestCollectionExpression_Start_Typeless()
        var source =
            "var x = $$[1, 2]";
        await TestAsync(source);
    [Fact, WorkItem("")]
    public async Task TestAnonymousType()
        var markup = """
            _ = new
                @string = ""
        var description = $"string 'a.@string {{ get; }}";
        await VerifyWithMscorlib45Async(markup,

                    'a {{FeaturesResources.is_}} new { string @string }
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Class(bool simpleUsing, bool implementsIDisposable)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var c = new C();"
            : "$$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        // When class doesn't implement 'IDisposable' a compiler error is produced.
        // However, we still want to show a specific 'Dispose' method for error recovery
        // since that would be the picked method when user fixes the error
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            class C {{(implementsIDisposable ? ": IDisposable" : "")}}
                public void Dispose()
                void M()
            MainDescription("void C.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Class_DisposeMethodInBaseType(bool simpleUsing, bool implementsIDisposable)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var c = new C();"
            : "$$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        // When class doesn't implement 'IDisposable' a compiler error is produced.
        // However, we still want to show a specific 'Dispose' method for error recovery
        // since that would be the picked method when user fixes the error
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            class CBase {{(implementsIDisposable ? ": IDisposable" : "")}}
                public void Dispose()
            class C : CBase
                void M()
            MainDescription("void CBase.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Class_ExplicitImplementationAndPattern(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var c = new C();"
            : "$$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            class C : IDisposable
                void IDisposable.Dispose()
                public void Dispose()
                void M()
            MainDescription("void C.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Class_ImplementsIDisposableButDoesNotHaveDisposeMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var c = new C();"
            : "$$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            class C : IDisposable
                void M()
            MainDescription("void IDisposable.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Class_DoesNotImplementIDisposableAndDoesNotHaveDisposeMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var c = new C();"
            : "$$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            class C
                void M()
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Struct(bool simpleUsing, bool isRefStruct, bool implementsIDisposable)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var s = new S();"
            : "$$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        // When non-ref struct doesn't implement 'IDisposable' a compiler error is produced.
        // However, we still want to show a specific 'Dispose' method for error recovery
        // since that would be the picked method when user fixes the error
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            {{(isRefStruct ? "ref" : "")}} struct S {{(implementsIDisposable ? ": IDisposable" : "")}}
                public void Dispose()
                void M()
            MainDescription("void S.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Struct_ExplicitImplementationAndPattern(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var s = new S();"
            : "$$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            struct S : IDisposable
                void IDisposable.Dispose()
                public void Dispose()
                void M()
            MainDescription("void S.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Struct_ImplementsIDisposableButDoesNotHaveDisposeMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var s = new S();"
            : "$$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            struct S : IDisposable
                void M()
            MainDescription("void IDisposable.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task UsingStatement_Struct_DoesNotImplementIDisposableAndDoesNotHaveDisposeMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "$$using var s = new S();"
            : "$$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        await TestAsync($$"""
            using System;
            struct S
                void M()
    public async Task UsingStatement_Interface()
        await TestAsync("""
            using System;
            interface IMyInterface : IDisposable
            class C
                void M(IMyInterface i)
                    $$using (i)
            MainDescription("void IDisposable.Dispose()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Class(bool simpleUsing, bool implementsIAsyncDisposable)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var c = new C();"
            : "await $$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        // When class doesn't implement 'IAsyncDisposable' a compiler error is produced.
        // However, we still want to show a specific 'DisposeAsync' method for error recovery
        // since that would be the picked method when user fixes the error
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C {{(implementsIAsyncDisposable ? ": IAsyncDisposable" : "")}}
                public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask C.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Class_DisposeMethodInBaseType(bool simpleUsing, bool implementsIAsyncDisposable)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var c = new C();"
            : "await $$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        // When class doesn't implement 'IAsyncDisposable' a compiler error is produced.
        // However, we still want to show a specific 'DisposeAsync' method for error recovery
        // since that would be the picked method when user fixes the error
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class CBase {{(implementsIAsyncDisposable ? ": IAsyncDisposable" : "")}}
                public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
            class C : CBase
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask CBase.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Class_ExplicitImplementationAndPattern(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var c = new C();"
            : "await $$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C : IAsyncDisposable
                ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()
                public void DisposeAsync()
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask C.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Class_ImplementsIAsyncDisposableButDoesNotHaveDisposeAsyncMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var c = new C();"
            : "await $$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            class C : IAsyncDisposable
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Class_DoesNotImplementIAsyncDisposableAndDoesNotHaveDisposeAsyncMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var c = new C();"
            : "await $$using (var c = new C()) { }";
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            class C
                void M()
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Struct(bool simpleUsing, bool isRefStruct, bool implementsIAsyncDisposable)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var s = new S();"
            : "await $$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        // When non-ref struct doesn't implement 'IAsyncDisposable' a compiler error is produced.
        // However, we still want to show a specific 'DisposeAsync' method for error recovery
        // since that would be the picked method when user fixes the error
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            {{(isRefStruct ? "ref" : "")}} struct S {{(implementsIAsyncDisposable ? ": IAsyncDisposable" : "")}}
                public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask S.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Struct_ExplicitImplementationAndPattern(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var s = new S();"
            : "await $$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            struct S : IAsyncDisposable
                ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()
                public ValueTask DisposeAsync()
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask S.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Struct_ImplementsIAsyncDisposableButDoesNotHaveDisposeAsyncMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var s = new S();"
            : "await $$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            struct S : IAsyncDisposable
                void M()
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()"));
    [Theory, CombinatorialData]
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Struct_DoesNotImplementIAsyncDisposableAndDoesNotHaveDisposeAsyncMethod(bool simpleUsing)
        var usingStatement = simpleUsing
            ? "await $$using var s = new S();"
            : "await $$using (var s = new S()) { }";
        await VerifyWithNet8Async($$"""
            using System;
            struct S
                void M()
    public async Task AwaitUsingStatement_Interface()
        await VerifyWithNet8Async("""
            using System;
            using System.Threading.Tasks;
            interface IMyInterface : IAsyncDisposable
            class C
                void M(IMyInterface i)
                    await $$using (i)
            MainDescription($"({CSharpFeaturesResources.awaitable}) ValueTask IAsyncDisposable.DisposeAsync()"));